Spelling suggestions: "subject:"support off relatives"" "subject:"support oof relatives""
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Hälsofrämjande stöd till anhöriga inom området alkohol, narkotikaberoende eller missbruk : En kvalitativ studie om anhörigkonsulenters upplevelser av hälsofrämjande arbeteNevala, Saara January 2015 (has links)
Hälsofrämjande arbete är ett betydelsefullt arbetsområde inom folkhälsoarbetet för att förbättra befolkningens hälsa. Hälsofrämjande arbete innebär kunskap om friskfaktorer och välbefinnande. Arbetet utgår från sju grundläggande principer, där delaktighet är en av dem. Arbetet kan utföras på många olika arenor och av olika aktörer. En aktör är anhörigkonsulenter som arbetar med tillexempel riskgruppen anhöriga till personer med alkohol/narkotikaberoende- eller missbruksproblematik. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur anhörigkonsulenten upplever hälsofrämjande arbete. Fem enskilda intervjuer har genomförts med två anhörigterapeuter, en anhörigkonsulent, en samtalsbehandlare och en rådgivare. En manifest innehållsanalys har valts och tillämpats i denna studie, där resultatet har kategoriserat utifrån "Delaktighetstrappan". I resultatet framkommer det att anhörigkonsulenterna upplever sig arbeta hälsofrämjande utifrån "Delaktighetstrappans" steg: information, konsultation, dialog samt inflytande/delaktighet. Slutsatserna är att "Delaktighetstrappans" ovan nämnda begrepp betyder hälsofrämjande arbete och upplevs som eget hälsofrämjande arbetssätt bland anhörigkonsulenterna. Däremot berörs inte begreppet: medbeslutande, eftersom intervjumaterialet inte omfattar något som kan kategoriseras in i trappans sista steg och blir därav inte berört i studien. / Health Promotion is an important working area in Public Health to improve health in a population. It implies knowledge of Health Promoting factors and well-being. Health Promotion is based on seven basic principles, which participation is one of them. It can be performed in many different settings and by different actors. One of these actors is a relative consultant who works with a risk group, for example family members or relatives of a person with alcohol/narcotic abuse problem. The purpose of this study was to examine how the relative consultant experience Health Promotion. Five individual interviews have been carried out with two relative therapists, a relative consultant, a conversation processor and a counselor. A manifest content analysis has been selected and applied in this study, where the result has been categorized based on "Staircase of participation". The result shows that the relative consultants are experiencing that they are working to Promote Health to relatives, based on steps in "Staircase of participation": information, consultation, dialogue and influence/participation. The conclusions is that the above-mentioned concepts of "Staircase of participation" meaning Health Promotion work is perceived by the relative consultants as their own working methods to Promote Health. However not the concept of: co-decision, because the interview material does not include anything that can be categorized into the last step in the stairs and therefore it has not been addressed in the study.
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Inte bara anhörig : En kvalitativ studie om hur det är att vara anhörig till en partner med psykisk ohälsaIdris Lindgren, Amal, Johansson, Malin January 2018 (has links)
“Not just a relative” A qualitative study on how it is to be a relative of a partner with mental illness The purpose of the study is to investigate how relatives of a partner with mental illness communicate about their relationship, how employees at a municipal unit work with support of this kind of family while observing from an outside and unbiased perspective, and what kind of support society can offer to prevent problems for the person with mental illness. We have conducted a qualitative survey by interviews and results show that the relatives in the study experience stress, shame, guilt, and have a strong need to portray a better image of their lives towards others and society. The love of the sick partner as well as the will to help the sick partner makes them stay. There is an inner conflict within these relatives between the will to help and how much and what help can be offered or expected while listening to ones body and psyche. All informants have received support from the society. The employees at the municipal unit work to prevent issues and problems arising by communicating with the family early on in the prognosis and they attach great importance to the involvement of the family in the treatment and care, as well as seeing the relatives as a resource. Written by Amal Lindgren and Malin Johansson / Sammanfattning ”Inte bara anhörig” En kvalitativ studie om hur det är att vara anhörig till en partner med psykisk ohälsa Av: Amal Idris Lindgren och Malin Johansson Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur anhöriga till en partner med psykisk ohälsa talar om sin relation, hur anställda på en kommunal enhet som arbetar med anhörigstöd ser på det utifrån samt vilket stöd samhället erbjuder för att förebygga problem hos den anhörige. Vi genomförde en kvalitativ undersökning i form av intervjuer. Resultatet visade att de anhöriga i studien upplever stress, skam och skuld samt har ett starkt behov av att visa en bättre bild av sina liv utåt. Kärleken och viljan att hjälpa sin sjuka partner gör att flera väljer att stanna. Det sker en inre konflikt inom dessa anhöriga mellan viljan att hjälpa, förväntas hjälpa och samtidigt lyssna på sin kropp och psyke. Samtliga informanter har fått stöd av samhället. Personalen i den kommunala enheten arbetar förebyggande för att fånga anhöriga tidigt. Personalen lägger stor vikt i att anhöriga ska vara delaktiga inom vården och ses som en resurs.
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Experiences and Nursing Support of Relatives of Persons with Severe Mental Illness / Pårørende til personer med alvorlig psykisk lidelse : Deres erfaringer og støtte fra sykepleiereWeimand, Bente Margrethe January 2012 (has links)
Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to illuminate experiences of relatives of persons with severe mental illness, and their need for support from formal care. Furthermore, to illuminate nursing support of relatives of persons with severe mental illness. Methods: A mixed methods design was used. In study I, data was collected with a questionnaire responded by 226 relatives and analysed with statistics. In study II, data was gathered with interviews with a strategic sample of 18 relatives, analysed with phenomenography. Study III gathered data from 216 relatives using open-ended questions in the questionnaire (I), analysed with qualitative content analysis. In study IV, data was collected by means of focus-group interviews with 4 groups of nurses, working in mental healthcare and analysed with phenomenography. Main findings: The relatives experienced that their lives were intertwined with the life of their severely mentally ill next of kin. The relatives experienced burden and a poor health, and there were associations between burden and health (I). The relatives had to balance between multiple concerns and make choices on behalf of others and themselves, constantly struggling between opposing feelings and between reflections (II). Relatives’ encounters with mental health personnel were mainly negative, although some had positive experiences. They strived for involvement in mental healthcare for the sake of their severely mentally ill next of kin, and wanted inclusion and support for their own sake, but mostly felt left alone with straining but inescapable responsibilities (III). The nurses conceived that their responsibility was first and foremost the patient and to develop an alliance with him or her. The nurses often felt they had to exclude relatives, but were sometimes able to support them (IV). Conclusions: Relatives’ lives are intertwined with the life of their severely mentally ill next of kin. Relatives’ overall demanding life situation means that the mental health services must involve relatives for the sake of the severely mentally ill person but also include them for their own sake. They need practical and emotional support. Guidelines must be designed to address relatives’ needs, and support must be adapted to the individual relative. / Hensikt: Avhandlingens overordnete hensikt var å belyse erfaringer med å være pårørende til personer med alvorlig psykisk lidelse, og deres behov for støtte fra helsevesenet. Videre å belyse støtte fra sykepleiere til pårørende til personer med alvorlig psykisk lidelse. Metode: Mixed methods design ble benyttet. I studie I ble data samlet med spørreskjema besvart av 226 pårørende, og analysert med statistikk. I studie II ble data samlet ved hjelp av intervju med et strategisk utvalg av 18 pårørende, analysert med fenomenografi. I studie III ble data samlet gjennom åpne spørsmål i et spørreskjema (I), besvart av 216 pårørende og analysert med kvalitativ innholdsanalyse. I studie IV ble data samlet ved hjelp av fokusgruppeintervju med 4 grupper sykepleiere fra psykisk helsevern, analysert med fenomenografi. Hovedfunn: Pårørende opplevde at deres liv var sammenvevd med livet til den som hadde en alvorlig psykisk lidelse. De pårørende opplevde byrde og dårlig helse, og det var sammenheng mellom byrde og helse (I). De pårørende måtte balansere en rekke hensyn, gjøre valg på vegne av andre og seg selv, og samtidig kjempe med motstridende følelser og motstridende tanker (II). Pårørendes erfaringer med møter med helsepersonell i psykisk helsevern var hovedsakelig negative, men noen hadde positive opplevelser. De strevde for å bli involvert i behandlingen for familiemedlemmet med den alvorlige psykiske lidelsen sin del, de ønsket å bli inkludert og motta støtte for egen del, men følte seg overlatt med strevsomt ansvar som de ikke kunne unnslippe (III). Sykepleierne anså at deres ansvar først og fremst var overfor pasienten, og å skape en allianse med vedkommende. Sykepleierne opplevde ofte at de måtte ekskludere pårørende, men var noen ganger i stand til å støtte dem (IV). Konklusjoner: Pårørendes liv er sammenvevd med livet til den som har en alvorlig psykisk lidelse. Pårørendes krevende livssituasjon innebærer at psykisk helsevern må involvere dem for den som har den alvorlige psykiske lidelsen, samt inkludere pårørende for deres egen del. De har behov for praktisk og emosjonell støtte. Retningslinjer må på plass for å ivareta pårørendes behov, og støtten må tilpasses den enkelte pårørende
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Vägen till 2.0 : Att hantera en allvarlig hjärnskada / The journey to 2.0 : Coping with a serious brain injuryBlom, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Mitt masterprojekt är en bok som syftar till att stötta anhöriga till personer med förvärvad hjärnskada, där jag använder mig själv och min egen rehabilitering efter en smitningsolycka som fallstudie. / My master project is a book that aims to support relatives of people with aquired brain injuries, where I use myself and my own rehabilitetion after a hit-and-run accident as a case study.
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