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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimisation et contrôle de la transition dynamique de percolation au sein de matériaux nonostructurés : expérience et modélisation / Optimization and control of dynamic percolation transition in nanostructured materials : experiment and modeling

Badard, Mathieu 11 December 2014 (has links)
L'émergence des nanotubes de carbone a ouvert de nouveaux champs d'application dans le domaine des matériaux polymères. L'ajout de ces charges carbonées au sein de polymères permet la mise en œuvre de composites aux propriétés électriques optimisées. La conductivité de ces matériaux dépend en grande partie de l'organisation des charges dans la matrice, notamment de la présence de réseaux percolants. L'objectif du présent travail de thèse est de comprendre les mécanismes de structuration des nanotubes de carbone au sein de différents milieux. L'architecture de ces réseaux de charges a principalement été révélée par le biais de mesures électriques et diélectriques. L'originalité de nos travaux réside dans l'utilisation de matrices liquides, notamment des huiles de silicone, afin de s'affranchir des contraintes présentes dans les plastiques d'une part, et de simplifier les processus de mise en œuvre d'autre part. Le manuscrit de thèse est articulé autour de six chapitres. Une première partie bibliographique aborde les propriétés des nanotubes de carbone ainsi que les phénomènes que sont la percolation et la percolation dynamique. Le second chapitre, matériel & méthode, présente les matériaux employés ainsi que les différentes techniques de caractérisation utilisées au cours de la thèse. Le troisième chapitre de la thèse aborde, à travers des mesures de conductivité, la percolation dynamique des nanotubes de carbone sein d'huiles de silicone. Le chapitre 4 propose une modification la loi de puissance de Kirkpatrick, afin de décrire la conductivité en fonction du temps et du taux de charge. L'exposant critique de percolation, caractérisant la transition isolant conducteur, se révèle être un indicateur de l'état de dispersion des nanotubes à travers la matrice. Le chapitre 5 démontre la possibilité de contrôler l'organisation des charges par l'application d'un champ électrique. L'application d'un champ élevé permet une augmentation de plusieurs ordres de grandeur de la conductivité ainsi qu'une diminution des charges nécessaire à la formation d'un réseau percolant. Nous avons notamment déterminé des seuils de percolation de l'ordre de 0.005% massique en nanotube de carbone. Enfin, l'influence des propriétés intrinsèques de la matrice, telles la viscosité et la tension de surface, est étudié dans le chapitre 6. La dispersion des nanotubes de carbone s'avère être favorisée au sein de liquides ayant des tensions de surface proches de celle des tubes. Au contraire, une agrégation de charge est rapidement observée dans le cas ou la différence de tension de surface charge-matrice est importante. Nous avons également observé que la percolation des nanotubes est défavorisée au sein de milieux visqueux. / The rise of carbon nanotube has open possibility for composites polymers. Mixing this carbonaceous filler with polymer medias leads to an optimization of the electrical properties. Then, conductivity mainly depends of the filler architecture, especially the presence of percolating networks. The objective of this work is to understand the percolation mechanisms of the carbon nanotubes in different media. During this study, filler network has been revealed by the mean of electrical and dielectrical measurements. The originality of our work lies in the use of liquid matrices, such as silicone oils, in order to overcome the stresses in the plastic on the one hand, and to simplify the processing in other hand. This thesis is organized around six chapters. The first bibliographic part discusses the carbon nanotubes properties as well as percolation and dynamic percolation phenomena. The second chapter, matériel & méthode, presents the materials used and the different characterization techniques employed. The third chapter of the thesis talks about dynamic percolation of carbon nanotubes in silicone oil, probed by conductivity measurements. Chapter 4 provides a change of the power law Kirkpatrick to describe the conductivity as a function of time and filler content. The critical exponent of percolation is proving to be an indicator of the dispersion state of nanotubes throughout the matrix. In the Chapter 5, electric field is depicted as a tool to control the organization of fillers. The application of a high field increases the conductivity of several orders of magnitude and decreases the percolation threshold. Percolation thresholds close to 0.005 wt % have been determined. At last, the influence of the intrinsic properties of the matrix, such as viscosity and surface tension, is discussed in Chapter 6. Carbon nanotubes dispersion appears to be favored if the difference of surface tension between filler and liquid is low. In contrast, a filler aggregation is rapidly observed in the case where the difference in surface tension is important. We also observed that the percolation of the nanotubes is favored in viscous media.

Photochimie et oligomérisation des composés organiques biogéniques en phase aqueuse atmosphérique / Photochemistry and oligomerization of biogenic organic compounds in atmospheric aqueous phase

Renard, Pascal 25 November 2014 (has links)
La pollution atmosphérique liée aux aérosols organiques secondaire (SOA) représente un des enjeux majeurs du XXIème siècle. La photochimie multiphasique des SOA constitue le coeur et l'originalité de cette thèse.Le réacteur photochimique permet de simuler en laboratoire, l'oxydation en phase aqueuse atmosphérique des composés organiques volatils biogéniques (BVOC), et notamment, la méthyl vinyl cétone (MVK), afin d'étudier la formation ces SOA.Nous étudions la réactivité de la MVK en présence de ●OH et sa capacité à oligomériser en fonction des concentrations initiales de MVK, d'oxygène, et de ●OH. Une large stratégie analytique basée sur la chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse (MS) permet d'identifier des produits de réaction, et d'établir un mécanisme réactionnel, expliquant la formation des oligomères, leurs rendements et leur vieillissement.Les données colligées servent d'entrées à un modèle de boîte multiphasique, afin d'explorer la sensibilité de l'oligomérisation aux conditions atmosphériques.Ensuite, nous comparons la réactivité de la MVK en présence de ●OH à celle induite par la photolyse de l'acide pyruvique; puis nous mesurons la tension de surface engendrée par ces deux systèmes d'oligomères. Enfin, la mobilité ionique couplée à la MS permet d'observer la co-oligomérisation d'une gamme étendue de BVOC en présence de ●OH.L'oligomérisation atmosphérique implique (i) une concentration minimale de précurseurs pouvant être atteinte dans les aérosols humides via la co-oligomérisation; (ii) une réactivité en compétition avec l'oxygène dissous dans la phase aqueuse, et dont la pertinence atmosphérique reste à explorer. / Air pollution caused by secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is one of the major challenges of this century. We focus this thesis on SOA , through an innovative approach, i.e. multiphase photochemistry.The photochemical reactor allows to simulate in laboratory, the atmospheric aqueous phase oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) and in particular, methyl vinyl ketone (MVK), and thus, to study SOA.We study the reactivity of MVK in the presence of ●OH and its ability to oligomerize under various initial concentrations of oxygen, MVK and ●OH. A wide analytical strategy based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry is used to identify the reaction products, and establish a chemical mechanism. We focus on these oligomers systems, formation, yield and aging. Collected data are used as inputs to a multiphase box model to explore the sensitivity of oligomerization to the variations of physical and chemical atmospheric parameters. The photochemistry of pyruvic acid generates radical chemistry and initiates MVK oligomerization. We closely compare this reaction to MVK ●OH oxidation. Then, we measure the surface activity of both systems. The ability of oligomers to partition to the interface could affect the climate. Finally, we used ion mobility - mass spectrometry to observe ●OH co-oligomerization of a mixture of organic compounds most representative of the atmosphere.Atmospheric oligomerization implies (i) a minimal concentration of precursors that could be reached in wet aerosol via the co-oligomerization; (ii) a reactivity in competition with the addition of the dissolved oxygen, whose the atmospheric relevance remains to be explored.

Izolační a dielektrické vlastnosti vody / Insulation and dielectric properties of water

Grill, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals about insulation and dielectric properties of water. It describes the structure of water, covalent and hydrogen bonds. It outlines primary chemical and physical properties of water and then it describes parameters of water - dynamic viscosity, conductivity, surface tension, pH and also describes dielectric properties - dielectric loss, loss factor, permittivity, polarization. Part of the work is practical section, which includes measurements of deionized water, destilled water, tap water and shows primary dependence such as dependence loss factor on frequency or relative permittivity on frequency.

Physical properties of lead free solders in liquid and solid state

Mhiaoui, Souad 17 April 2007 (has links)
The European legislation prohibits the use of lead containing solders in Europe. However, lead free solders have a higher melting point (typical 20%) and their mechanical characteristics are worse. Additional problems are aging and adhesion of the solder on the electronic circuits. Thus, research activities must focus on the optimization of the properties of Sn-Ag-Cu based lead free solders chosen by the industry. Two main objectives are treated in this work. In the center of the first one is the study of curious hysteresis effects of metallic cadmium-antimony alloys after thermal cycles by measuring electronic transport phenomena (thermoelectric power and electrical resistivity). The second objective, within the framework of “cotutelle” between the universities of Metz and of Chemnitz and supported by COST531, is to study more specifically lead free solders. A welding must well conduct electricity and well conduct and dissipate heat. In Metz, we determined the electrical conductivity, the thermoelectric power and the thermal conductivity of various lead free solders (Sn-Ag-Cu, Sn-Cu, Sn-Ag, Sn-Sb) as well in the liquid as well in the solid state. The results have been compared to classical lead-tin (Pb-Sn) solders. In Chemnitz we measured the surface tension, the interfacial tension and the density of lead free solders. We also measured the viscosity of these solders without and with additives, in particular nickel. These properties were related to the industrial problems of wettability and spreadability. Lastly, we solidified alloys under various conditions. We observed undercooling. We developed a technique of mixture of nanocristalline powder with lead free solders "to sow" the liquid bath in order to obtain "different" solids which were examined using optical and electron microscopy. / Die europäische Gesetzgebung verbietet die Benutzung von Lötmitteln, die Blei enthalten. Bleilose Lote haben aber einen höheren Schmelzpunkt (typisch 20%) und ihre mechanischen Eigenschaften sind schlechter. Zusätzliche Probleme sind das Alterungsverhalten und das Haftvermögen des Lots an den Leiterbahnen. Daher müssen sich Forschungsaktivitäten auf die Optimierung der Eigenschaften von bleifreien Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) Loten konzentrieren, die von der Industrie gewählt wurden. Zwei Hauptgebiete werden in dieser Arbeit bearbeitet. Im Zentrum des Ersten stehen seltsame Hysterese-Effekte von metallischen Kadmium- Antimon Legierungen bei thermischen Zyklen, wobei Transporteigenschaften wie die thermoelektrische Kraft und der elektrische Widerstand untersucht werden. Die zweite Aktivität, die in einer Kooperation der Universitäten Metz und Chemnitz (cotutelle) bearbeitet und die durch COST531 unterstützt wird, besteht in der detaillierten Erforschung des Lötprozesses ohne Blei. Eine Lötverbindung muß den Strom gut führen und die Wärme gut ableiten. In Metz haben wir die elektrische Leitfähigkeit, die thermoelektrische Kraft und das Wärmeleitvermögen bestimmt für verschiedene bleilose Lote (Sn-Ag-Cu, Sn-Cu, Sn-Ag, Sn-Sb), sowohl im flüssigen als auch festen Zustand. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit dem klassischen bleihaltigen Lötzinn (Sn-Pb) verglichen. In Chemnitz haben wir die Oberflächen- und Grenzflächenspannung und die Dichte bleifreier Lote gemessen. Ebenfalls wurde die Viskosität dieser Lote ohne und mit Zusätzen (insbesondere Nickel) gemessen. Diese Eigenschaften wurden in Beziehung gesetzt zu den industriellen Problemen der Benetzbarkeit und des Fließverhaltens. Schließlich haben wir Legierungen unter verschiedenen Bedingungen verfestigt. Wir haben Unterkühlung beobachtet. Wir haben eine Technik entwickelt, basierend auf einer Mischung von Lot mit Pulver. Durch "Einsäen" von Nanokristallen in das flüssige Bad erhielten wir "verschiedene" Festkörper, die mit optischer und Elektronenmikroskopie untersucht wurden.

The Mechanics of Mitotic Cell Rounding

Stewart, Martin 29 June 2012 (has links)
During mitosis, adherent animal cells undergo a drastic shape change, from essentially flat to round, in a process known as mitotic cell rounding (MCR). The aim of this thesis was to critically examine the physical and biological basis of MCR. The experimental part of this thesis employed a combined optical microscope-atomic force microscope (AFM) setup in conjunction with flat tipless cantilevers to analyze cell mechanics, shape and volume. To this end, two AFM assays were developed: the constant force assay (CFA), which applies constant force to cells and measures the resultant height, and the constant height assay (CHA), which confines cell height and measures the resultant force. These assays were deployed to analyze the shape and mechanical properties of single cells trans-mitosis. The CFA results showed that cells progressing through mitosis could increase their height against forces as high as 50 nN, and that higher forces can delay mitosis in HeLa cells. The CHA results showed that mitotic cells confined to ~50% of their normal height can generate forces around 50-100 nN without disturbing mitotic progression. Such forces represent intracellular pressures of at least 200 Pascals and cell surface tensions of around 10 nN/µm. Using the CHA to compare mitotic cell rounding with induced cell rounding, it was observed that the intracellular pressure of mitotic cells is at least 3-fold higher than rounded interphase cells. To investigate the molecular basis of the mechanical changes inherent in mitotic cell rounding, inhibitors and toxins were used to pharmacologically dissect the role of candidate cellular processes. These results implicated the actomyosin cortex and osmolyte transporters, the most prominent of which is the Na+/H+ exchanger, in the maintenance of mechanical properties and intracellular hydrostatic pressure. Observations on blebbing cells under the cantilever supported the idea that the actomyosin cortex is required to sustain hydrostatic pressure and direct this pressure into cell shape changes. To gain further insight into the relationship between actomyosin activity and intracellular pressure, dynamic perturbation experiments were conducted. To this end, the CHA was used to evaluate the pressure and volume of mitotic cells before, during and after dynamic perturbations that included tonic shocks, influx of specific inhibitors, and exposure to pore-forming toxins. When osmotic pressure gradients were depleted, pressure and volume decreased. When the actomyosin cytoskeleton was abolished, cell volume increased while rounding pressure decreased. Conversely, stimulation of actomyosin cortex contraction triggered an increase in rounding pressure and a decrease in volume. Taken together, the dynamic perturbation results demonstrated that the actomyosin cortex contracts against an opposing intracellular pressure and that this relationship sets the surface tension, pressure and volume of the cell. The discussion section of this thesis provides a comprehensive overview of the physical basis of MCR by amalgamating the experimental results of this thesis with the literature. Additionally, the biochemal signaling pathways and proteins that drive MCR are collated and discussed. An exhaustive and unprecedented synthesis of the literature on cell rounding (approx. 750 papers as pubmed search hits on “cell rounding”, April 2012) reveals that the spread-to-round transition can be thought of in terms of a surface tension versus adhesion paradigm, and that cell rounding can be physically classified into four main modes, of which one is an MCR-like category characterized by increased actomyosin cortex tension and diminution of focal adhesions. The biochemical pathways and signaling patterns that correspond with these four rounding modes are catalogued and expounded upon in the context of the relevant physiology. This analysis reveals cell rounding as a pertinent topic that can be leveraged to yield insight into core principles of cell biophysics and tissue organization. It furthermore highlights MCR as a model problem to understand the adhesion versus cell surface tension paradigm in cells and its fundamentality to cell shape, mechanics and physiology.

Enhancement of the mechanical performance of semi-crystalline polyamides by tailoring the intermolecular interaction in the amorphous phase / Amélioration des performances mécaniques des polyamides semi-cristallins via la modification des interactions intermoléculaires de la phase amorphe

Hussein, Naji 09 December 2013 (has links)
L’utilisation du Polyamide 66 dans l’industrie automobile est en forte croissance car il offre à un bon compromis légèreté/propriétés mécaniques pour les applications de structure. A noter que pendant le service d’un véhicule, les pièces en polyamides sont souvent soumises à des sollicitations mécaniques très sévères aboutissant à une dégradation progressive du matériau. Récemment. E. Mourglia-Seignobos (thèse 2009), a montré que l’endommagement du polyamide 66 implique des mécanismes de cavitation et de microcraquelure dans la phase amorphe. Afin d'améliorer la durabilité de ce matériau, nous avons modifié la cohésion de sa phase amorphe via l'introduction de fonction phénolique à forte interactions intermoléculaires. Nous proposons une méthode de préparation de copolyamides bloc, à base du polyamide 66 et des noyaux phénoliques, par extrusion réactive. Nous montrons que, contrairement à la co-polycondensation classique, la structure cristalline de ces copolymères n’a pas été significativement modifiée, surtout à faible taux de PA6HIA. Les propriétés mécaniques et particulièrement la tenue en fatigue de ces copolymères dépassent largement celles du PA66. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence l’impact de la cohésion de la phase amorphe sur les propriétés ultimes de polymères semi-cristallins d’une part, et ouvrent la voie vers une meilleure augmentation de la durabilité de ces matériaux via le perfectionnement de leur phase cristalline d’autre part. / The use of polyamides in the automotive industry has grown significantly over the last years with the demand to reduce vehicle weight and also to increase fuel efficiency. Polyamide 66 having excellent chemical resistance, mechanical strength and toughness becomes the largest engineering thermoplastic used in automotive components. These latter are often submitted to repeated stress during service and their mechanical properties decline progressively until the failure. E. Mourglia-Seignobos (thesis 2009), pointed out that damage of polyamide 66 involves voids nucleation and growth in the amorphous phase. In order to improve the durability of this material, we tailored the cohesive energy of its amorphous phase by introducing phenolic moieties offering strong intermolecular H-bonds interactions. We proposed a preparation method of block copolyamides containing aliphatic polyamide 66 and phenolic groups (PA6HIA) by reactive extrusion. Microstructural characterizations pointed out that crystalline properties of resulting copolymers are not significantly altered at low PA6HIA content and that reactive extrusion is more appropriate than the in-situ copolymerization for the preparation of these materials. We showed that PA66/6HIA copolyamides having undisturbed crystalline features exhibit superior mechanical performance than the standard PA66, particularly longer lifetime under cyclic loading. The results of this work put in evidence the impact of the amorphous phase on the ultimate properties of semi-crystalline polymers in one hand, and open the way to a better increase of the durability of these materials by improving their crystalline features in another hand.


Boháček, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Práce komplexně popisuje vodní a vodovzdušné chlazení pomocí metod CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) konkrétně s využitím software ANSYS FLUENT. Skládá se ze dvou hlavních částí, z nichž první se zabývá numerickým popisem jediné vodní kapky a druhá popisem směsí kapek představující paprsek válcové a ploché trysky. Je založena převážně na vícefázových modelech proudění a vlastních uživatelsky definovaných funkcí (User Defined Functions, UDF) představujících stěžejní část práce. Uvedené výpočtové modely jsou ve většině případů verifikovány pomocí experimentálních dat nebo jiných numerických modelů. V první části práce jsou teoreticky postupně rozebrány všechny tři použité vícefázové modely proudění. První z nich, Volume Of Fluid model (VOF), byl použit pro modelování jediné kapky (mikromodel). Zatímco zbývající dva, Euler-Euler model a Euler-Lagrange model, byly aplikovány v modelu celého paprsku trysky (makromodel). Mikromodel popisuje dynamiku volného pádu vodní kapky. Pro malé průměry kapek (~100µm) standardní model povrchového napětí (Continuum Surface Force, CSF) způsoboval tzv. parazitní proudy. Z toho důvodu je v práci rozebrána problematika výpočtu normál, křivostí volných povrchů a povrchového napětí jako zdroje objemových sil v pohybových rovnicích. Makromodel se zabývá studiem dynamiky celého paprsku tj. oblastí od ústí trysky po dopad na horký povrch, bere v úvahu kompletní geometrii, tzn. např. podpůrné válečky, bramu, spodní část krystalizátoru apod. V práci je rozebrána 2D simulace dopadu paprsku válcové trysky pomocí VOF modelu Euler-Lagrange modelu na horký povrch. Pro případ s VOF modelem byl navržen model blánového varu. Euler-Euler model a Euler-Lagrange model byly využity pro simulaci paprsku ploché trysky horizontálně ostřikující horkou bramu přímo pod krystalizátorem nad první řadou válečků. Pro Euler-Euler model byl navržen model sekundárního rozpadu paprsku založený na teorii nejstabilnější vlnové délky (Blob jet model). Jelikož diskrétní Lagrangeovy částice tvořily v určitých místech spíše kontinuální fázi, byl navržen a otestován model pro konverzi těchto částic do VOF.

Liquid Acquisition Devices for Advanced In-Space Cryogenic Propulsion Systems

Hartwig, Jason W. 12 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Advanced Chemical-Mechanical Dewatering of Fine Particles

Asmatulu, Ramazan 05 April 2001 (has links)
In the present work, novel dewatering aids and a novel centrifuge configuration were developed and applied for the purpose of dewatering fine particles. Three different types dewatering reagents were tested in different filtration and centrifugation units. These chemicals included low-HLB surfactants, naturally occurring lipids, and modified lipids. Most of these reagents are insoluble in water; therefore, they were used in solutions of appropriate solvents, such as light hydrocarbon oils and short-chain alcohols. The role of these reagents was to increase the hydrophobicity of the coal and selected mineral particles (chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, talc, clay, phosphate, PCC and silica) for the dewatering. In the presence of these reagents, the water contact angles on the coal samples were increased up to 90o. According to the Laplace equation, an increase in contact angle with the surfactant addition should decrease the capillary pressure in a filter cake, which should in turn increase the rate of dewatering and help reduce the cake moisture. The use of the novel dewatering aids causes a decrease in the surface tension of water and an increase in the porosity of the cake, both of which also contribute to improved dewatering. A series of batch-scale dewatering tests were conducted on a variety of the coal and mineral samples using the novel dewatering aids. The results obtained with a Buchner funnel and air pressure filters showed that cake moistures could be reduced substantially, the extent of which depends on the particle size, cake thickness, drying time, reagent dosage, conditioning time, reagent type, sample aging, water chemistry, etc. It was determined that use of the novel dewatering aids could reduce the cake formation time by a significant degree due to the increased kinetics of dewatering. At the same time, the use of the dewatering aids reduced the cake moistures by allowing the water trapped in smaller capillaries of the filter cake. It was found that final cake moistures could be reduced by 50% of what can be normally achieved without using the reagents. However, the moisture reduction becomes difficult with increasing cake thickness. This problem can be minimized by applying a mechanical vibration to the cake, spraying a short-chain alcohol on the cake and by adding a small amount of an appropriate coagulant, such as alum and CaCl2 to the coal and mineral slurries. The novel dewatering aids were also tested using several different continuous filters, including a drum filter, disc filter and horizontal belt filter (HBF). The results obtained with these continuous filtration devices were consistent with those obtained from the batch filters. Depending on the coal and mineral samples and the type of the reagent, 40 to 60% reductions in moisture were readily achieved. When using vacuum disc filters, the cake thickness increased substantially in the presence of the novel dewatering aids, which could be attributed to the increased kinetics of dewatering. A dual vacuum system was developed in the present work in order to be able to control the cake thickness, which was necessary to achieve lower cake moistures. It was based on using a lower vacuum pressure during the cake formation time, while a full vacuum pressure was used during the drying cycle time. Thus, use of the dual vacuum system allowed the disc filter to be used in conjunction with the novel dewatering aids. Its performance was similar to that of HBF, which is designed to control cake thickness and cake formation time independently. The effectiveness of using the novel dewatering aids were also tested in a full-continuous pilot plant, in which coal samples were cleaned by a flotation column before the flotation product was subjected to the disc filter. The tests were conducted with and without using novel dewatering aids. These results were consistent with those obtained from the laboratory and batch-scale tests. The novel centrifuge developed in the present work was a unit, which combined a gravity force and air pressure. The new centrifuge was based on increasing the pressure drop across the filter cake formed on the surface of the medium (centrifuge wall). This provision made it possible to take advantage of Darcy s law and improve the removal of capillary water, which should help lower the cake moisture. A series of tests were conducted on several fine coal and mineral particles and obtained more than 50% moisture reduction even at very fine particle size (2 mm x 0). Based on the test results obtained in the present work, two proof-of-concept (POC) plants have been designed. The first was for the recovery of cyclone overflows that are currently being discarded in Virginia, and the other was for the recovery of fines from a pond in southern West Virginia. The former was designed based on the results of the plant tests conducted in the present work. Cost vs. benefit analyses were conducted on the two POC plants. The results showed very favorable internal rates of return when using the novel dewatering aids. Surface chemistry studies were conducted on the coal samples based on the results obtained in the present investigation. These consisted mainly of the surface characterization of the coal samples (surface mineral composition, surface area, zeta potential, x-ray photoelectron microscopy (XPS)), acid-base interactions of the solids and liquids, dewatering kinetic tests, contact angle measurements of the coal samples and surface force measurements using AFM. In addition, carbon coating on a silica plate using palsed laser deposition (PLD) and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film deposition tests were conducted on the sample to better understand the surfactant adsorption and dewatering processes. The test results showed that the moisture reductions on the fine particles agree well with the surface chemistry results. / Ph. D.

Critical Behavior and Crossover Effects in the Properties of Binary and Ternary Mixtures and Verification of the Dynamic Scaling Conception / Kritisches Verhalten und Crossover Effekte in den Eigenschaften Binärer und Ternärer Gemische sowie Verifizierung des Konzeptes der Dynamischen Skalierung

Iwanowski, Ireneusz 07 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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