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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Risk management in supply chains : a simulation and model driven engineering approach / Maîtrise des risques dans les chaînes logistiques : une approche par la simulation et l’ingénierie basée sur les modèles

Ben Jbara, Noah 30 January 2018 (has links)
La maîtrise des risques est un enjeu majeur pour les entreprises. Loin d’être l’apanage des seules catastrophes naturelles, les perturbations des chaînes logistiques actuelles peuvent parfois être causées par des événements mineurs amplifiés par les failles d’organisations industrielles de plus en plus complexes. Nombreux sont les exemples de ces perturbations avec des conséquences économiques graves.La gestion des risques dans les chaines logistiques est un thème récent et les méthodes et outils actuels ne répondent pas encore totalement aux préoccupations des gestionnaires de ces chaînes logistiques. Une grande aide peut être apportée par la simulation des événements affectant les chaînes. Cependant malgré son efficacité pour couvrir la complexité de la chaîne, la simulation reste encore difficile à mettre en œuvre, notamment dans les phases de création et d’exploitation des modèles.Le but de cette thèse est de faciliter l’utilisation de la simulation pour l’analyse des risques dans les chaines logistiques. Ainsi, nous avons développé un référentiel de modélisation pour la simulation qui permet d’assurer une construction facile des modèles de la structure, du comportement et des risques inhérents aux chaines logistiques. Ce référentiel est bati sur un ensemble de metamodèles et de bibliothèques adaptés à la définition de chaînes logistiques et définis sur la base du référentiel SCOR. Ajouté à cela, nous avons proposé un guide de traduction permettant le passage d’un modèle conceptuel de chaîne logistique vers un modèle de simulation permettant de tester les scénarios de risque. Une bibliothèque de modules de simulation a été proposée pour accompagner ce passage. Une étude de cas a été menée pour tester et valider partiellement l’approche proposée. / Controlling risks is an important issue for companies. Far from being only the prerogative of natural disasters, the disruptions of today's supply chains can sometimes be caused by minor events amplified by the flaws of increasingly complex industrial organizations, causing severe economic losses.Risk management in supply chains is a recent theme and the proposed solutions are not yet able to meet the needs of practitioners. One of the solutions to analyse risks is using simulation. But, despite its effectiveness to cover the complexity of the chain, it still presents a major weakness which is the difficulty of implementation.The aim of this thesis is to facilitate and to adapt the simulation for risk analysis of supply chains. Thus, we have developed a modeling framework for simulation which enables an easy construction of models of supply chain structure, behavior and if the associated risks. This is done through the proposition of a set of meta-models and libraries, defined on the basis of the SCOR reference model. In addition, we proposed a translation guide for the translation of the conceptual model of supply chains into a simulation model and enabling testing risk scenario. Additionaly, we developed a library of simulation modules.A case study was conducted and the results show the relevance of the proposed approach.

Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) Governance Mechanisms and Configurations applied in Swedish companies

Perez Sanchez, Alberto, Trebicka, Zofia January 2022 (has links)
Background: There are several strategies that focal companies can opt for to manage their supplychain. Different combinations of configurations and governance mechanisms are argued to havedifferent sustainability outcomes. First, main firms need to decide if they manage the relationshipwith suppliers themselves or if they hire a third party. Second, the buying companies could leadthe relationship with providers by incorporating collaboration or relying on industry certificates.Besides, Swedish companies, as well as Swedish citizens, are claimed to be highly sustainable.Purpose: The goal of this project is to discover the strategies top Swedish companies implementin their supply chains regarding sustainability, and their influence on the position of the companyin the Sustainable Brand Index. As a result, this project will help to determine which specificactions are most likely to lead to increased supply chain sustainability.Method: To fulfil the research purpose, a qualitative study has been conducted. Seven case studies,consisting of five semi-structured interviews with employees from Swedish companies, and twoperipherical secondary-data based ones, were coded and analysed using the grounded analysisfollowing an abductive approach.Conclusion: The results show that the configuration framework available in the literature is notas accurate as it could be, therefore, a new one is proposed. The combination that appeared to havethe best sustainability outcomes entailed a partially closed configuration i.e., extending monitoringto lower tiers, and a spectrum in the governance mechanisms gathering focal company owninitiatives and certifications.

Raw Material Management Strategies for Waste Reduction : A case study at a Swedish manufacturing SME / Raw Material Management Strategies for Waste Reduction : A case study at a Swedish manufacturing SME

Ingelsten, Emil, Johnsson, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Manufacturing companies have a tremendous environmental impact in terms of the way they manage raw materials. In addition, the amount of waste produced by industries continues to increase, which puts even more significant pressure on the environment. The purpose of this thesis was, therefore, to investigate raw material management and to identify strategies that are implemented in a supply chain in order to reduce waste. Then, an investigation of how these strategies are implemented in the product flow through the focal company, its suppliers, and customers was done.  The single case-study approach was selected to answer the research questions and fulfill the study's purpose. The data was collected through means of interviews and document studies. The theoretical framework presented multiple strategies that can be implemented in order to reduce waste. The butterfly diagram emphasizes waste reduction during different steps in the supply chain using the strategies included in the R approaches. These strategies can be implemented internally within an organization or externally with companies in a supply chain to reduce waste. From the findings and analysis, it was evident that all the companies in the supply chain work actively with sustainability across all parts of the triple bottom line. A product flow mapping was created to visualize the companies’ waste reduction strategies. Recycling was the primary strategy, followed by reducing through quality assurance and a make-to-order approach, then ordering materials close to the finished product dimensions. The companies work individually on sustainability to improve their sustainability practices and achieve sustainability goals. Though, they need to improve collaboration and transparency with the other companies in the supply chain. However, they share a similar view on sustainability, and they are working actively to improve their sustainability work. This has facilitated a sustainable supply chain despite the need for more active collaboration.

Developing a Focal Firm’s Sustainable Supply Chain Framework: Drivers, Orientation, Practices and Performance Outcomes

Yang, Ma Ga 30 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.


BRUNO DUARTE AZEVEDO 09 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] A gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos domésticos (GRSU) é um problema central nas cidades do mundo inteiro. A quantidade de resíduos produzidos diariamente nessas áreas desafia a sociedade a melhorar suas práticas de gerenciamento de resíduos. Embora países desenvolvidos como a Alemanha tenham alcançado resultados respeitáveis com diferentes iniciativas de GRSU, países em desenvolvimento ainda lutam para ser eficazes com suas políticas. Dado o constante crescimento das favelas, a falta de recursos econômicos, a desigualdade social e a falta de participação dos principais atores do processo, países como o Brasil ainda não encontraram o caminho certo para um sistema sustentável de gestão de resíduos, que é uma parte essencial da gestão sustentável da cadeia de suprimento (SSCM). Embora a literatura ofereça um grande e crescente número de publicações em SSCM e GRSU, há uma falta de estudos ligando os dois temas, especialmente considerando a realidade prática de um país em desenvolvimento. A presente tese visa preencher esta lacuna estudando formas de melhorar a GRSU nos países em desenvolvimento incorporando os conceitos da SSCM a partir da perspectiva da indústria, do setor público e da comunidade local, no sentido de apresentar alternativas para sua melhoria no Brasil. Para isso, foi adotada uma abordagem multimétodo com quatro etapas principais de pesquisa: primeiro, uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura em SSCM; em segundo, um estudo de caso longitudinal na favela da Rocinha localizada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil); em terceiro, uma análise interna e cruzada do GRSU entre duas cidades do Brasil (Macaé) e da Alemanha (Münster); e, finalmente, uma pesquisa com residentes da região metropolitana de Macaé para compreender sua aceitação quanto a adoção das práticas alemãs. A violência presente em favelas brasileiras, assim como a necessidade de moradia em outro país foram os maiores desafios ligados aos estudos de caso citados. Os principais resultados da pesquisa indicam que para enfrentar os problemas ambientais relacionados ao GRSU nos países em desenvolvimento, é necessário resolver questões sociais básicas relacionadas à educação, segurança e infraestrutura, com a integração e apoio do governo, da comunidade local e da indústria. A comparação com o sistema alemão indica que a indústria brasileira ainda está longe de cumprir os pilares social e ambiental do SSCM e deve ser considerada economicamente responsável pelo ciclo de vida de seus produtos, enfrentando o princípio da responsabilidade ampliada do produtor (EPR). Este investimento adicional pode permitir a melhoria das condições de trabalho, investimento em tecnologias e em campanhas públicas regulares para aumentar a educação em assuntos importantes na área de sustentabilidade, levando à formalização da cadeia de reciclagem. Os pilares do sistema alemão (i.e., leis claras, campanhas públicas regulares e a metodologia de taxas) aparecem como uma solução viável para a GRSU nos países em desenvolvimento, porém os resultados da pesquisa indicam que a população ainda não está disposta a pagar (WTP) por todos os custos envolvidos no processo, especialmente aqueles relacionados à coleta/tratamento de recicláveis. Este cenário reforça a necessidade de grandes campanhas educacionais, sobretudo em escolas, que fortaleçam uma visão holística e multi-perspectiva capaz de ampliar a compreensão do problema. Para facilitar esta agenda, também são apresentadas diretrizes para apoiar os formuladores de políticas públicas nos países em desenvolvimento a lidarem com os desafios associados ao GRSU, e para cumprir as Metas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (MDS) relacionadas. Finalmente, esta pesquisa contribui para que acadêmicos e profissionais forneçam evidências empíricas para enriquecer o debate contínuo sobre o tema, dado que esta não apenas apresenta situações de casos reais em diferentes realidades, mas também destaca questões que devem ser consideradas e gerenciadas na prática, no desenvolvimento e na implementação de técnicas apropriadas para lidar com o GRSU nos países em desenvolvimento. / [en] Urban household solid waste management (UHSWM) is a central problem in cities worldwide. The amount of waste produced daily in urban areas challenges society to improve its waste management (WM) practices. While developed countries like Germany have achieved respectable results with different UHSWM initiatives, developing countries still struggle to be effective with their policies. Given the constant growth of slums, the lack of economic resources, the social inequality, and the lack of participation of the main stakeholders of the process, countries like Brazil still have not found the right path towards a sustainable WM system, which is an essential part of the sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). Although the literature offers a large and growing number of publications in SSCM and UHSWM, there is a lack of studies linking the two themes, especially considering the practical reality of a developing country. The present thesis aims to fulfill this gap by analyzing UHSWM integrating the principles of the SSCM from the perspective of industry, public sector, and the local community, towards presenting alternatives for its improvement in Brazil. To achieve this goal, a multimethod approach with four main research steps was adopted: firstly, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) in SSCM; secondly a longitudinal case study at the Rocinha slum located in the city Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); thirdly a within and cross-case analysis on UHSWM between two cities from Brazil (Macaé) and Germany (Münster); and finally, a survey with residents of the metropolitan area of Macaé to understand their acceptance of German practices. The violence present in Brazilian slums, as well as the need to live in another country were the biggest challenges linked to the case studies cited. The main research findings indicate that to tackle environmental problems related to UHSWM in developing countries, it is necessary to solve basic social issues related to education, security, and infrastructure, with the integration and support of government, local community, and industry. The comparison with the German UHSWM system indicates that the Brazilian industry is still far from fulfilling the social and environmental pillars of SSCM and should be held economically responsible for the life cycle of its products, facing the principle of extended producer responsibility (EPR). This additional investment can enable improvement in work conditions, in technologies, and on regular public campaigns to increase education in important sustainable matters, leading to the formalization of the recycling chain. The pillars of the German system (i.e., clear laws, regular public campaigns, and fee methodology) appear as a viable solution to improve UHSWM in developing countries, however the research findings indicate that Brazilians are still not willing to pay (WTP) for all the costs involved in this process, especially those related to the collection and treatment of recyclables. This scenario reinforces the need for large educational campaigns, especially in schools, strengthening a holistic and multi-perspective view to increase the comprehension of the problem. To facilitate this agenda, a guideline with feasible alternatives to support policy makers in developing countries to deal with the challenges associated to UHSWM, and to meet the related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is also presented. This research contributes to academics and practitioners providing empirical evidence to enrich the ongoing debate on the topic, as it not only presents real-life case situations in different realities, but also highlights issues that should be considered and managed in a real context to develop and implement appropriate techniques to deal with UHSWM in developing countries.

Defining a Standardized Process for Measuring and Reporting Product’s Energy Usage Emissions : A Case Study at a Manufacturing Company

Brynholt, Markus, Ahmadpour, Aram January 2022 (has links)
As CO2 emissions increase, so does the average temperature, leading toenvironmental consequences such as rising sea levels, drought, and starvation.Therefore, it is essential to act towards the reduction of the CO2 emissionsto counteract these dire consequences. The Science Based Target initiative(SBTi) which is a non-governmental organization has created a framework fororganisations to set net-zero targets for 2050. The goals are accompanied byguidelines, demands and recommendations for how to measure and reportemissions across a supply chain. There are challenges and problems attached to measuring CO2 emissions formultinational companies (MNC). The emissions are divided into three scopes.Scope 3 which consists of indirect emissions coming from up- anddownstream of the focal companies has proven to be challenging to gatherdata for due to lack of proper company capabilities. This thesis aims toidentify challenges related to measuring and reporting the emissions caused bythe use of sold products, which is one of the 15 categories of Scope 3.Moreover, this study aims to create a standardized framework for MNCs byaddressing the necessary steps for collecting data for developing an emissionscalculation tool and to suggest how to properly calculate and illustrateemissions ty the focal company. Lastly, the implementability of the frameworkwill be assessed. The research methods include a case study with a set of unstructuredinterviews of nine participants. These includes engineers, innovationmanagers, sustainability managers and product managers. Moreover, aniterative process for developing a calculation tool was performed includingtesting of the tool as it was developed. The case study identified challenges of calculating emissions from soldproducts. These were of lack of IT infrastructure, insufficient data forcalculating emissions, high uncertainties of how the organization shouldconduct measuring of emissions and how to allocate resources in the SBTiimplementation. Moreover, the risks of interpreting calculated dataincorrectly were identified. Lastly, a framework was created consisting of aseven-step process including: communicating transition, assembling projectteams, covering emission, mapping data, creating the tool, task delegation andeducation and standardization.

Tung-fordonsindustrins hållbarhetskrav på leverantörer : - Med fokus på miljömässig hållbarhet

Shaba, Ninwe January 2024 (has links)
Antalet hållbarhetskrav ökar allt med tiden, vilket även gäller för fordonsindustrin. Tillverkarna förmedlar vidare de krav som ställs mot de till deras leverantörer i försörjningskedjan. Några av dessa krav är inte tillräckligt tydliga för leverantörerna, de vet inte vilka processer som ligger bakom dessa krav för att uppnå dem. Särskilt de aspekter som leverantörerna inte arbetat med tidigare och som är nya liksom miljömässig hållbarhet. Detta examensarbete syftar till att ta reda på vilka hållbarhetskrav - med fokus på miljömässig hållbarhet - som ställs mot leverantörer inom tung fordonsindustri. Frågeställningen som besvaras i detta arbete är följande: Vilka hållbarhetskrav har svenska tillverkare inom tung-fordonsindustrin på sina leverantörer i förhållande till miljömässig hållbarhet? Den metod som använts för att kunna besvara frågeställningen är en egen variant av abduktiv och deduktiv metod. Där har teorin utvecklats med tiden genom de dokument som mottagits från fallföretag och dess kunder, samt de semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomförts. Metoden har varit givande för analysen där alla former av data som samlats in - teori, dokument och intervju - sammankopplas genom de mest förekommande ämnena. Utifrån den givna informationen och analysen framkom resultat och slutsatser. De miljömässiga hållbarhetskraven som ställs mot leverantörer inom tung-fordonsindustri är följande: beräkning av CO2 utsläpp genom GHG-protocol, implementering av förnybar energi i verksamheten, samt välja CO2 snåla och återvinningsbara material. / The number of sustainability requirements are increasing over time, which also applies to the automotive industry. The manufacturers further convey the demands placed on them to their suppliers in the supply chain. Some of these requirements are not clear enough for the suppliers, they do not know what processes are behind these requirements to achieve them. Especially the aspects that the suppliers have not worked with before and which are new, such as environmental sustainability. This thesis aims to find out which sustainability requirements - with a focus on environmental sustainability - are placed on suppliers in the heavy vehicle industry. The question answered in this work is the following: Which sustainability requirements do Swedish manufacturers in the heavy vehicle industry have on their suppliers in relation to environmental sustainability? The method used to be able to answer the question is a variant of the abductive and deductive methods. There, the theory has been developed over time through the documents received from case companies and their customers, as well as the semi-structured interviews that have been conducted. The method has been fruitful for the analysis where all forms of data collected - theory, documents, and interviews - are connected through the most common topics. Based on the given information and analysis, results and conclusions emerged. The environmental sustainability requirements placed on suppliers in the heavy vehicle industry are as follows: calculation of CO2 emissions through the GHG protocol, implementation of renewable energy in the business, and choosing CO2-saving and recyclable materials.

The Role of Supply Chain Mapping in Complying to ESRS

Westergren, Simon, Rundh Andersson, Andreas January 2024 (has links)
Date: 2nd June 2024 Level: Master Thesis in Product and Process Development, advanced level 30 ECTS Institution: School of Innovation, Design and Engineering at Mälardalens University Authors: Simon Westergren & Andreas Rundh Andersson Title: The Role of Supply Chain Mapping in Complying to ESRS Keywords: Supply chains, Supply chain management, Risk management, Disruptions, Resilience, Visibility, Supply chain mapping, Sustainability, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, European Sustainability Reporting Standards, Sustainable supply chain mapping, Industrial electronics industry. Supervisors: Mikael Johnsson - Mälardalens University, Mikael Steinar & Paulina Wilhelmsson - Case Company Aim: The aim of the study is to explore if and how acompany within the industrial electronics industry could be supported by supply chain mapping in complying with EU's ESRS regulation. Research Question: How can supply chain mapping support an industrial electronics company in complying with EU's ESRS regulation? Methodology: The methodology of this study employs a qualitative research approach, specifically using a case study to explore the implementation of supply chain mapping within an industrial electronics company for EU's ESRS compliance. Adopting an abductive framework, the research intertwines theoretical exploration and empirical data collection. Literature was reviewed from academic journals and industry reports, while empirical data was gathered through comprehensive supply chain mapping, questionnaires, and a series of interviews, including semi-structured and individual discussions. Conclusion: The study concludes that supply chain mapping is a pivotal tool for aiding an industrial electronics company in complying with the EU's ESRS regulation. It was found that comprehensive mapping of the supply chain not only helps in identifying relevant ESRS topics across the value chain but also enhances risk management and visibility. The application of supply chain mapping demonstrated significant potential for improving operational efficiency and regulatory compliance.

Multicriteria Techniques for Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Barrera Jimenez, Ivan Felipe 30 January 2025 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Los métodos multicriterio proporcionan un enfoque analítico y estructurado para la toma de decisiones en la gestión de la cadena de suministro, que permiten evaluaciones basadas en múltiples criterios, esenciales para gestionar socios comerciales sostenibles. El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir a la gestión sostenible de la cadena de suministro desarrollando nuevos modelos y técnicas multicriterio para evaluar proveedores y clientes. Se han diseñado modelos que incorporan las preferencias empresariales para tomar decisiones colaborativas en la selección y clasificación transparente de alternativas basadas en criterios sostenibles. También se han desarrollado métodos para clasificar las alternativas en grupos ordenados y evaluar su calidad. Tanto los modelos como los métodos se han validado mediante casos empíricos y comparado con enfoques alternativos. La metodología se basa en una profunda revisión bibliográfica y en el conocimiento experto de profesionales en la cadena de suministro. Los modelos multicriterio propuestos emplean técnicas como el Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), la Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) y PROMETHEE. También se han desarrollado tres algoritmos para la clasificación de alternativas (nominal y ordenada). En primer lugar, se ha propuesto un modelo multicriterio híbrido y se ha validado con datos reales para homologar y seleccionar proveedores de tecnología, así como para su priorización y clasificación. Este modelo integra métodos compensatorios (AHP, MAUT) y no compensatorios (PROMETHEE, FlowSort) en una jerarquía con criterios de sostenibilidad. La validación del modelo en un contexto real y su comparación con un modelo alternativo ha demostrado su capacidad para proporcionar información relevante y transparente en la toma de decisiones para la evaluación sostenible de proveedores de tecnología en el sector bancario. En segundo lugar, se ha diseñado un nuevo algoritmo, denominado Global Local Net Flow sorting (GLNF sorting), que clasifica alternativas en grupos ordenados a partir de los flujos netos generados en búsquedas globales y locales con PROMETHEE. Adicionalmente, se ha diseñado el algoritmo SILhouette for Sorting (SILS) para calcular un índice de calidad en las clasificaciones. Ambos algoritmos se han validado empíricamente en la segmentación de proveedores y sus resultados se han comparado con otros métodos publicados. Por una parte, GLNF sorting destaca al mejorar la discriminación entre proveedores cercanos a los perfiles limitantes de los grupos, aprovechando el nivel de similitud preferencial entre alternativas. Por otra, SILS mejora la calidad de las asignaciones y permite un análisis detallado que facilita la toma de decisiones. En tercer lugar, se ha propuesto un sistema de segmentación de clientes B2B basado en transacciones y colaboración, aplicando AHP y GLNF sorting. Validado con 8,157 clientes de una multinacional, se ha evaluado con SILS y estadística descriptiva. Comparado con K-means, el modelo genera clasificaciones más homogéneas y robustas. Esta herramienta permite a las empresas automatizar decisiones y llevar a cabo análisis detallados para mejorar las relaciones con los clientes, alineándose con sus estrategias de colaboración y enfoques de mercado. En cuarto lugar, las búsquedas globales y locales se han utilizado para proponer un algoritmo de clasificación nominal basado dos dimensiones, que proporciona una matriz estratégica muy útil para los gestores de cadena de suministro. Por último, se ha desarrollado el paquete de software PrometheeTools en R, que automatiza la aplicación de PROMETHEE, GLNF sorting y SILS para resolver problemas multicriterio de priorización y clasificación de alternativas. Este paquete se ha validado con éxito y destaca por su eficiencia en PROMETHEE con miles de alternativas. Está disponible en acceso abierto en el repositorio CRAN para su utilización por investigadores y profesionales interesados en toma de decisiones multicriterio. / [CA] Els mètodes multicriteri proporcionen un enfocament analític i estructurat per a la presa de decisions en la gestió de la cadena de subministrament, que permeten avaluacions basades en múltiples criteris, essencials per a gestionar socis comercials sostenibles. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a la gestió sostenible de la cadena de subministrament desenvolupant nous models i tècniques multicriteri per a avaluar proveïdors i clients. S'han dissenyat models que incorporen les preferències empresarials per a prendre decisions col·laboratives en la selecció i classificació transparent d'alternatives basades en criteris sostenibles. També s'han desenvolupat mètodes per a classificar les alternatives en grups ordenats i avaluar-ne la qualitat. Tant els models com els mètodes s'han validat mitjançant casos empírics i comparat amb enfocaments alternatius. La metodologia es basa en una profunda revisió bibliogràfica i en el coneixement expert de professionals en la cadena de subministrament. Els models multicriteri proposats empren tècniques com ara el procés analític jeràrquic (AHP), la teoria d'utilitat multiatribut (MAUT) i PROMETHEE. També s'han desenvolupat tres algoritmes per a la classificació d'alternatives (nominal i ordenada). En primer lloc, s'ha proposat un model multicriteri híbrid i s'ha validat amb dades reals per a homologar i seleccionar proveïdors de tecnologia, així com per a la seua priorització i classificació. Aquest model integra mètodes compensatoris (AHP, MAUT) i no compensatoris (PROMETHEE, FlowSort) en una jerarquia amb criteris de sostenibilitat. La validació del model en un context real i la seua comparació amb un model alternatiu n'ha demostrat la capacitat per a proporcionar informació rellevant i transparent en la presa de decisions per a l'avaluació sostenible de proveïdors de tecnologia en el sector bancari. En segon lloc, s'ha dissenyat un nou algoritme, denominat Global Local Net Flow sorting (GLNF sorting), que classifica alternatives en grups ordenats a partir dels fluxos nets generats en cerques globals i locals amb PROMETHEE. Addicionalment, s'ha dissenyat l'algoritme SILhouette for Sorting (SILS) per a calcular un índex de qualitat en les classificacions. Ambdós algoritmes s'han validat empíricament en la segmentació de proveïdors i els seus resultats s'han comparat amb altres mètodes publicats. D'una banda, GLNF sorting destaca en millorar la discriminació entre proveïdors pròxims als perfils limitants dels grups, que aprofita el nivell de similitud preferencial entre alternatives. De l'altra, SILS millora la qualitat de les assignacions i permet una anàlisi detallada que facilita la presa de decisions. En tercer lloc, s'ha proposat un sistema de segmentació de clients B2B basat en transaccions i col·laboració, aplicant AHP i GLNF sorting. Validat amb 8,157 clients d'una multinacional, s'ha avaluat amb SILS i estadística descriptiva. Comparat amb K-means, el model genera classificacions més homogènies i robustes. Aquesta eina permet a les empreses automatitzar decisions i portar a cap anàlisis detallades per a millorar les relacions amb els clients, que s'alineen amb les seues estratègies de col·laboració i enfocaments de mercat. En quart lloc, les cerques globals i locals s'han utilitzat per a proposar un algoritme de classificació nominal basat en dues dimensions, que proporciona una matriu estratègica molt útil per als gestors de la cadena de subministrament. Finalment, s'ha desenvolupat el paquet de programari PrometheeTools en R, que automatitza l'aplicació de PROMETHEE, GLNF sorting i SILS per a resoldre problemes multicriteri de priorització i classificació d'alternatives. Aquest paquet s'ha validat amb èxit i destaca per la seua eficiència en PROMETHEE amb milers d'alternatives. Està disponible en accés obert en el repositori CRAN per a la utilització per investigadors i professionals interessats en la presa de decisions multicriteri. / [EN] Multicriteria methods provide an analytical and structured approach to decision making in supply chain management. These techniques allow multicriteria evaluations, which are essential for choosing and managing sustainable business partners. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to sustainable supply chain management by developing new multicriteria models and techniques to assess suppliers and customers. Models have been designed in order to incorporate business preferences to make collaborative decisions in the transparent selection and ranking of alternatives based on sustainable criteria. New methods have also been developed to classify alternatives into ordered groups and to assess their quality. Both models and methods have been validated using empirical cases and compared with alternative approaches. The methodology is based on an in-depth literature review, as well as the expertise of supply chain professionals. The proposed multicriteria models integrate techniques such as the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP), Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) and the PROMETHEE method. Three new algorithms have also been developed for classifying alternatives into nominal and ordered groups (sorting problem). Firstly, a hybrid multicriteria model has been proposed and validated with real data for technology supplier qualifying, selection and ranking. This model integrates compensatory (AHP, MAUT) and non-compensatory (PROMETHEE, FlowSort) methods in a hierarchy with sustainability criteria to evaluate products, suppliers and manufacturers. Validation of the model in a real context and its comparison with an alternative model has demonstrated its ability to provide relevant and transparent information for decision making in the sustainable evaluation of technology suppliers in the banking sector. Secondly, a new algorithm has been designed, called Global Local Net Flow sorting (GLNF sorting), which classifies alternatives into ordered groups based on the net flows generated in global and local searches with PROMETHEE. In addition, the SILhouette for Sorting (SILS) algorithm has been designed to calculate a quality index in the classifications. Both algorithms have been empirically validated in supplier segmentation and their results compared with other published methods. On the one hand, the GLNF sorting algorithm excels in improving the discrimination between suppliers close to the limiting profiles by exploiting the level of preference similarity between alternatives. On the other, SILS improves the quality of alternative assignments to groups, allows for a detailed analysis of suppliers and facilitates decision making. Thirdly, a customer segmentation model based on transactions and collaboration has been proposed in the Business to Business context, applying AHP and GLNF sorting. Validated with 8,157 customers of a multinational company, it has been assessed by SILS and descriptive statistics. This model generates more homogeneous and robust groups than the K-means cluster method. This tool enables companies to automate decisions and perform detailed analysis to improve customer relationships, aligning with their collaboration strategies and market approaches. Fourthly, global and local searches have been used to propose an algorithm for nominal classification based on two dimensions, which provides a very useful strategic matrix for supply chain managers. Finally, the PrometheeTools software package has been developed in R, which automates the implementation of PROMETHEE, GLNF sorting and SILS to solve multicriteria problems of alternatives ranking and classification. This package has been successfully validated and stands out for the efficiency in PROMETHEE and especially when solving problems with thousands of alternatives. It is available by open access in the CRAN repository for use by researchers and practitioners interested in multicriteria decision making. / Barrera Jimenez, IF. (2024). Multicriteria Techniques for Sustainable Supply Chain Management [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202879 / Compendio


VINICIUS CARVALHO C DE OLIVEIRA 04 February 2021 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho tem como base a análise sistemática de literatura para geração de conhecimento sobre o tema de cadeias de suprimentos sustentáveis. Para isso, foram utilizados os métodos de revisão sistemática de literatura e análise de redes, para responder as perguntas de pesquisa: quais são as principais taxonomias sobre o tema, quais são os principais direcionamentos de pesquisa futura e como os temas de cadeias de suprimentos sustentáveis se relacionam. Dessa forma, baseando-se em protocolo metodológico rigoroso e utilização do software Vosviwer, foram identificadas as principais taxonomias sobre o tema, os cinco principais assuntos que os autores mais direcionam como pesquisas futuras e as principais relações geradas a partir das análises de coautoria, co-citação, co-ocorrência. Com base nos resultados, foi possível identificar diversos pontos, como o avanço nos trabalhos envolvendo os pilares de forma integrada, as revisões sistemáticas possuindo metodologia mais robusta que revisões narrativas e o aspecto social como o principal tema indicado para pesquisas futuras. Dessa forma, consolidou-se o que se tem de mais novo na literatura sobre o tema de cadeias de suprimentos sustentáveis, orientando a comunidade científica e outras organizações sobre o assunto, mostrando ainda, os possíveis desdobramentos que podem ser trabalhos. / [en] This paper is based on a systematic literature review to create knowledge on the topic of sustainable supply chains. For this, we used the systematic literature review and network analysis methods to answer the research questions: what are the main taxonomies on the topic, what are the main directions for future research and how are the themes of sustainable supply chain themes related? Thus, based on a rigorous methodological protocol and the use of Vosviwer software, the main taxonomies on the topic were identified, the five main trend subjects were collected and the main relationships identified from the co-authoring, co-citation and co-occurrence analysis. Based on the results, it was possible to identify several points, such as the progress in the work involving the pillars in an integrated manner, systematic reviews having a more robust methodology than narrative reviews and the social aspect as the main theme indicated for future research. Thus, the latest in the literature on the topic of sustainable supply chains was consolidated, guiding the scientific community and other organizations on the subject, and also showing the possible developments that may be work.

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