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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reprogrammation du métabolisme cyanobactérien de Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 pour une meilleure photoproduction d'hydrogène

Dutheil, Jérémy 26 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Le développement d'organismes photosynthétiques (piégeant le C02 en préservant l'eau douce et les terres cultivables sans ajout d'engrais) capables d'utiliser l'énergie solaire pour produire du dihydrogène (H2) passe par une meilleure compréhension du rôle de l'hydrogénase dans le métabolisme cyanobactérien. Le Laboratoire de Biologie et Biotechnologie des Cyanobatéries où j'ai travaillé durant ma thèse utilise une approche de "Biologie Intégrative" pour analyser le métabolisme qui conduit à la photo-production d'H2 chez la cyanobactérie modèle Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Mon travail s'est focalisé sur l'analyse des réseaux de régulation amenant à la production d'H2 par l'hydrogénase bidirectionnelle à centre Ni-Fe (composée de 5 sous-unités) codée par l'opéron hox. Lorsque j'ai débuté ce travail, 2 activateurs de l'opéron hox avaient été identifiés: AbrB1 et LexA. Un article dont je suis co-premier auteur est paru (Dutheil et al. 2012 J Bact.), il décrit l'identification par l'utilisation de diverses approches d'un nouveau facteur de transcription de l'opéron hox: AbrB2 (homologue d'AbrB1). J'ai ainsi montré que l'expression de l'opéron hox était régulée négativement par AbrB2 en utilisant des fusions transcriptionnelles au gène rapporteur cat (introduites dans la souche sauvage ou dépourvues d'AbrB2) ainsi que des expériences de qRT-PCR. Par la technique de retard sur gel, nous avons confirmé une interaction directe entre AbrB2 et la région promotrice de l'opéron hox. En collaboration avec deux laboratoires du CEA, nous avons montré qu'un mutant dépourvu d'AbrB2 possède une activité hydrogénase augmentée, confirmant ainsi qu'AbrB2 est un régulateur négatif de la production d'H2.Dans un deuxième temps et en collaboration avec deux post-doc du laboratoire, nous avons mis en évidence le rôle de la cystéine unique d'AbrB2 dans le contrôle redox de son activité de régulation transcriptionnelle.Par la technique du retard sur gel,j'ai montré que cette cystéine n'est pas cruciale pour la fixation d'AbrB2 sur le promoteur hox, mais que par contre, la modification redox de celle-ci l'affecte de manière drastique. Dans le cadre de collaborations, nous avons identifié la modification post-traductionnelle qui peut avoir lieu sur la cysteine d'AbrB2 et il s'agit de la première fois, qu'un tel mécanisme de régulation est identifié pour cette famille de régulateur et chez les cyanobactéries. J'ai construit une souche portant l'allèle muté abrB2 Cys>Ser sur le chromosome et exprimé par le promoteur sauvage d'abrB2. J'ai montré grâce à cette construction et en utilisant diverses techniques (activité hydrogénase, qRT-PCR, Western blot et transcriptome) que la cystéine d'AbrB2 joue un rôle dans son activité de régulation qui est 60% moins bonne sur les 529 gènes cibles (directes ou indirectes) du régulateur muté. L'effet est également visible sur l'activité hydrogénase. Ce résultat a été complété par des tests de surexpression thermoinduite d'AbrB2 qui montrent que la mutation C34S affecte la stabilité de la protéine qui ne s'accumule pas autant que la sauvage dans les même conditions et dont la surexpression est létale. Un manuscrit dont je suis copremier auteur et décrivant ces résultats est en cours de finalisation et sera prochainement soumis à l'Intern. Journ. of Hydrogen Energy.L'ensemble de ces travaux permet de mieux comprendre les mécanismes biologiques liés à l'expression de l'hydrogénase bidirectionnelle et vont dans le sens d'un rôle important de celle-ci dans la détoxification des stress redox. La détermination des relations entre les différents régulateurs de l'hydrogénase et les possibles modifications post-traductionnelles de chacun de ces facteurs que j'ai mises en évidence traduisent une enzyme à la régulation complexe. Ces nouvelles connaissances permettent d'éclairer sous un angle nouveau la photoproduction d'H2 par les cyanobactéries et permettront peut-être d'élaborer des stratégies de production d'H2 efficace.

In vitro and in vivo characterisation of the OCP-related photoprotective mechanism in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803

Gwizdala, Michal 16 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Strong light can cause damage and be lethal for photosynthetic organisms. An increase of thermal dissipation of excess absorbed energy at the level of photosynthetic antenna is one of the processes protecting against deleterious effects of light. In cyanobacteria, a soluble photoactive carotenoid binding protein, Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) mediates this process. The photoactivated OCP by interacting with the core of phycobilisome (PB; the major photosynthetic antenna of cyanobacteria) triggers the photoprotective mechanism, which decreases the energy arriving at the reaction centres and PSII fluorescence. The excess energy is dissipated as harmless heat. To regain full PB capacity in low light intensities, theFluorescence Recovery Protein (FRP) is required. FRP accelerates the deactivation of OCP.In this work, I present my input in the understanding of the mechanism underlying the OCPrelated photoprotection. I further characterized the FRP of Synechocystis PCC6803, the model organism in our studies. I established that the Synechocystis FRP is shorter than what it was proposed in Cyanobase and it begins at Met26. Our results also revealed the great importance of a high OCP to FRP ratio for existence of photoprotection. The most remarkable achievement of this thesis is the in vitro reconstitution of the OCPrelated mechanism using isolated OCP, PB and FRP. I demonstrated that light is only needed for OCP photoactivation but OCP binding to PB is light independent. Only the photoactivated OCP is able to bind the PB and quench all its fluorescence. Based on our in vitro experiments we proposed a molecular model of OCP-related photoprotection. The in vitro reconstituted system was applied to examine the importance of a conserved salt bridge (Arg155-Glu244) between the two domains of OCP and showed that this salt bridge stabilises the inactive form of OCP. During photoactivation this salt bridge is broken and Arg155 is involved in the interaction between the OCP and the PB. The site of OCP binding in the core of a PB wasalso investigated with the in vitro reconstituted system. Our results demonstrated that the terminal energy emitters of the PB are not needed and that the first site of fluorescence quenching is an APC trimer emitting at 660 nm. Finally, we characterised the properties of excited states of the carotenoid in the photoactivated OCP showing that one of these states presents a very pronounced charge transfer character that likely has a principal role in energy dissipation. Our results strongly suggested that the OCP not only induces thermal energy dissipation but also acts as the energy dissipator.

Gene overexpression screens to identify limitations on the productivity of cyanobacteria growth

Willi, Tobias January 2020 (has links)
Cyanobacteria are a model organism for photosynthesis and the Calvin cycle, and a promising chassis for 4th generation biofuel production. There are many ongoing efforts to improve the performance of cyanobacteria, in terms of CO2 fixation and production rate of biofuels. One straightforward way to improve CO2 fixation could be to overexpress the genes of limiting enzymes. In this project, we used a high-throughput method to test the overexpression of thousands of genes in cyanobacteria and measure the effect on growth rate. We created barcoded overexpression libraries, consisting of gene fragments from different cyanobacteria strains and transformed them into a model cyanobacterium, Synechocystis PCC 6803. We then cultivated the transformed cyanobacteria libraries and screened for effects of increased gene copy number on both maximum growth rate and robustness of growth under stress conditions. The cell populations were cultivated in a turbidostat, resulting in competitive growth between transformants. The relative abundance of each mutant was estimated using deep sequencing. Fitness scores, for each gene show how expression of that gene affects growth rate. This method, competitive growth and tracking of mutant populations with deep sequencing, is a high throughput method for screening a large proportion of genes from several organism at once, allowing the identification of trans-species effects as well as the effect of single genes on the metabolism of the host cell. / Cyanobakterier är en modellorganism för fotosyntes och Calvin-cykeln och ett lovande chassi för fjärde generationens biobränsleproduktion. Det finns många pågående ansträngningar för att förbättra cyanobakteriens prestanda med avseende på CO2-fixering och produktionshastighet för biobränslen. Ett enkelt sätt att förbättra CO2-fixering kan vara att överuttrycka generna för begränsande enzymer. I detta projekt använde vi en metod med hög kapacitet för att testa överuttryck av tusentals gener i cyanobakterier och mäta effekten på tillväxthastigheten. Vi skapade streckkodade överuttrycksbibliotek, bestående av genfragment från olika arter av cyanobakterier och transformerade in dem i en modellorganism för cyanobakterium, Synechocystis PCC 6803. Vi odlade sedan de transformerade biblioteken och screenade efter effekten av ökade antal genkopior på både maximal tillväxthastighet och robusthet hos tillväxt under stressförhållanden. Cellpopulationerna odlades i en Turbidostat, vilket resulterade i konkurrerande tillväxt mellan transformanter. Den relativa mängden av varje mutant uppskattades med användning av djup sekvensering. "Fitnesspoäng" för varje gen visar hur uttrycket av den genen påverkar tillväxthastigheten. Denna metod, konkurrerande tillväxt och spårning av mutantpopulationer med djup sekvensering, är en metod med hög genomströmning för att screena en stor andel gener från flera organismer samtidigt, vilket möjliggör identifiering av trans-art effekter såväl som effekten av enstaka gener på värdcellens metabolism.

Adaptive Evolution und Screening bei Cyanobakterien

Tillich, Ulrich Martin 31 March 2015 (has links)
Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Erhöhung der Temperaturtoleranz des Cyanobakteriums Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 mittels ungerichteter Mutagenese und adaptiver Evolution. Trotz des erneuten Interesses an Cyanobakterien und Mikroalgen in den letzten Jahren, gibt es nur relativ wenige aktuelle Studien zum Einsatz dieser Methoden an Cyanobakterien. Zur Analyse eines mittels Mutagenese erzeugten Gemischs an Stämmen, ist es von großem Vorteil Hochdurchsatz-Methoden zur Kultivierung und zum Screening einsetzen zu können. Auf Basis eines Pipettierroboters wurde solch eine Plattform für phototrophe Mikroorganismen neu entwickelt und folgend stetig verbessert. Die Kultivierung erfolgt in 2,2ml Deepwell-Mikrotiterplatten innerhalb einer speziell angefertigten Kultivierungskammer. Schüttelbedingungen, Beleuchtung, Temperatur und CO2-Atmosphäre sind hierbei vollständig einstellbar.Die Plattform erlaubt semi-kontinuierliche Kultivierungen mit automatisierten Verdünnungen von hunderten Kulturen gleichzeitig. Automatisierte Messungen des Wachstums, des Absorptionsspektrums, der Chlorophyllkonzentration, MALDI-TOF-MS sowie eines neu entwickelten Vitalitätsassays wurden etabliert. Für die Mutagenese wurden die Letalität- und die nicht-letale Punktmutationsrate von ultravioletter Strahlung und Methylmethansulfonat für Synechocystis charakterisiert. Synechocystis wurde mit den so ermittelten optimalen Dosen mehrfach behandelt und anschließend einer in vivo Selektion unterzogen. Somit wurde dessen Temperaturtoleranz um bis zu 3°C erhöht. Über die Screeningplattform wurden die thermotolerantesten monoklonalen Stämme identifiziert. Nach einer Validierung wurde das vollständige Genom der Stämme sequenziert. Hierdurch wurden erstmals Mutationen in verschiedenen Genen mit der Langzeittemperaturtoleranz von Synechocystis in Verbindung gebracht. Bei einigen dieser Gene ist es sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass sie mittels anderer Verfahren hätten identifiziert werden können. / The goal of this work was the increase of the thermal tolerance of the cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 via random mutagenesis and adaptive evolution. Even with the renewed interest in cyanobacteria in the recent years, there is relatively limited current research available on the application of these methods on cyanobacteria. To analyse a mixture of various strains typically obtained through random mutagenesis, a method allowing high-throughput miniaturized cultivation and screening is of great advantage. Based on a pipetting robot a novel high-throughput screening system suitable for phototrophic microorganisms was developed and then constantly improved. The cultivation was performed in 2,2 ml deepwell microtiter plates within a cultivation chamber outfitted with programmable shaking conditions, variable illumination, variable temperature, and an adjustable CO2 atmosphere. The platform allows semi-continuous cultivation of hundreds of cultures in parallel. Automated measurements of growth, full absorption spectrum, chlorophyll concentration, MALDI-TOF-MS, as well as a novel vitality measurement protocol, have been established. Prior to the mutagenesis, the lethality and rate of non-lethal point mutations of ultraviolet radiation and methyl-methanesulphonate were characterized for Synechocystis. The thus determined optimal dosages were applied to Synechocystis followed by in vivo selection in four rounds of mutagenesis, thereby raising its temperature tolerance by 3°C. The screening platform was used to identify the most thermotolerant monoclonal strains. After validation, their whole genomes were sequenced. Thus mutations in various genes were identified which promote the strains'' thermal tolerance. For some of the genes it is very unlikely that their link to high thermal tolerance could have been identified by other approaches.

Untersuchungen über Konsequenzen einer deregulierten Chlorophyllsynthese und funktionelle Analyse des YCF54/LCAA-Proteins in Cyanobakterien und Pflanzen

Girke, Annabel 18 August 2015 (has links)
Die Biosynthese von Chlorophyll ist komplex und umfasst mehr als ein Dutzend enzymatische Schritte. Es ist nur allzu selbstverständlich, dass eine Deregulation der Chlorophyllsynthese globale Effekte auf die Zelle hat. Um diese Konsequenzen näher zu beleuchten, wurden Arabidopsis thaliana Pflanzen mit chemisch induzierter Deaktivierung von zwei Chlorophyllbiosynthesegenen (CHLH bzw. CHL27) erzeugt sowie photoautotophe Zellsuspensionskulturen von Arabidopsis thaliana hinsichtlich kurzzeitig induzierter Signalprozesse untersucht. Die Resultate verdeutlichen, dass durch Fehlregulationen innerhalb der Chlorophyllbiosynthese erzeugte reaktive Sauerstoffspezies die Transkriptionskontrolle kernkodierter Gene beeinflussen. Die Untersuchung eines enzymatischen Schrittes der Chlorophyllbiosynthese trat in dieser Arbeit in den Hauptfokus: Die Bildung des fünften, isozyklischen Ringes im Chlorophyllmolekül, katalysiert durch das bisher unzureichend erforschte Enzym Mg-Protoporphyrin-IX-monomethylester-Cyclase (Cyclase). Anhand von transgenen Cyanobakterien und Pflanzen sollte das noch unbekannte Gen ycf54 hinsichtlich seiner physiologischen Funktion in dem Cyclase-Enzymschritt analysiert werden. Das Fehlen von Ycf54 in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 bzw. des homologen LCAA-Proteins in Nicotiana tabacum und Arabidopsis thaliana führt zu starken Cyclase-Substrat-Akkumulationen, verringerten Chlorophyllgehalten und reduzierten Ycf59- bzw. CHL27-Proteingehalten. Ein Mangel von Ycf54/LCAA beeinträchtigt daher die Funktionalität des Cyclase-Komplexes und scheint sich zudem interessanterweise auch auf die Stabilität photosynthetischer Antennenkomplexe auszuwirken. Mittels Pulldown-Assays konnte für Arabidopsis thaliana die direkte physikalische Interaktion zwischen LCAA und CHL27 bestätigt werden. Darüber hinaus sind erste Hinweise für die Ferredoxin-NADP-Reduktase als potenziellen Interaktionspartner gezeigt. / Synthesis of chlorophyll is a complex metabolic process and encompasses more than a dozen enzymatic reactions. It is self-evident that a deregulation of chlorophyll biosynthesis evokes global cellular impacts. To elucidate these consequences Arabidopsis thaliana plants with chemically inducible deactivation of two chlorophyll biosynthesis genes (CHLH and CHL27, respectively) were generated and photoautotrophic cell suspension cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana were used for short induced signal processes. The results illustrate that reactive oxygen species provoked by a deregulated chlorophyll synthesis affect the control of transcription of nuclear genes. The investigation of one enzymatic step of chlorophyll biosynthesis was placed as main focus: The formation of the isocyclic ring of the chlorophyll molecule catalyzed by the Mg protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester cyclase (short: cyclase), an enzyme which is not fully investigated so far. The still unknown hypothetical chloroplast open reading frame (ycf) ycf54 should be analyzed concerning it’s physiological function in the enzymatic step of the cyclase using transgenic cyanobacteria and plants. Lack of Ycf54 in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 and the homologous LCAA protein in Nicotiana tabacum and Arabidopsis thaliana, respectively, leads to chlorophyll deficiency, a strong accumulation of the cyclase substrate and reduced protein contents of Ycf59 and CHL27, respectively. A deficit of Ycf54/LCAA impairs the functionality of the cyclase complex and also might compromise the stability of photosynthetic antenna complexes. Using pull-down assays a direct physical interaction between LCAA and CHL27 could be confirmed. Additionally, first evidences for ferredoxin NADP reductase as a potential interaction partner was given.

Photochemie und Signaltransduktion von Blaulichtrezeptorproteinen aus photosynthetisierenden Mikroorganismen

Mathes, Tilo 03 January 2008 (has links)
Die lichtaktivierte Kinase Phototropin aus Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, die photoaktivierte Adenylatcyclase (PAC) aus Euglena gracilis und das BLUF-Protein Slr1694 aus Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 wurden in Hinblick auf die molekularen Details der primären photochemischen Prozesse sowie der Signalweiterleitung untersucht. Phototropin wurde mit Hilfe von Arginin aus Escherichia coli in Milligramm Mengen isoliert. Ohne Arginin wurde E. coli cAMP Rezeptorprotein assoziiert aufgefunden, welches eine hohe Homologie zu einer cAMP aktivierten Kinase aus C. reinhardtii besitzt. Volllängen Phototropin bildet wie einzelne LOV-Domänenkonstrukte ohne Kinasedomäne den Flavin-Triplettzustand und das kovalente Cysteinyl-Addukt. Der Zerfall des Signalzustandes ist in Anwesenheit von ATP beschleunigt und deutet auf Photorezeptor-Kinase Interaktion hin. Strukturelle Änderungen in der Kinasedomäne wurden durch FTIR-Differenzspektroskopie gezeigt. Über ELDOR-Spektroskopie wurde der Abstand der Photorezeptordomänen auf etwa 25 Angstrom bestimmt. Mutationen in Slr1694 an S28, N31 und W91 zeigten keine konservierten Einfluss auf die Dynamik des Signalzustands. Die Entfernung der Seitenkette von S28 führte zu einer 15 nm Rotverschiebung des Absorptionsspektrums aufgrund veränderter Wasserstoffbrückenkoordination des Kofaktors. Die Einführung von positiv geladenen Seitenketten an Stelle von N31 erhöhte die Kofaktorbindung von phosphorylierten Flavinen. Künstliche Kofaktoren wie Roseoflavin konnten in Slr1694 durch Koexpression eines prokaryotischen Flavintransporters erreicht werden. Die Rolle von M152 in PAC für die Signalweiterleitung wurde anhand der lichtaktivierten cAMP Synthese-Aktivität gezeigt. Durch ultraschnelle IR-Spektroskopie wurde die Beteiligung der Seitenketten von Y8 sowie Q50 bestätigt und eine genauere Beschreibung der Wasserstoffbrücken im langlebigen Signalzustand ermöglicht. / The light activated kinase Phototropin from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the photoactivated adenylylcyclase (PAC) from Euglena gracilis and the BLUF protein Slr1694 from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 were investigated concerning the molecular details of the primary photochemistry as well as signal transduction. Phototropin was isolated from Escherichia coli in mg amounts after solubilization with arginine. Without arginine E. coli cAMP receptor protein, which shows high homology to a cAMP activated kinase from C. reinhardtii, was copurified. Full length Phototropin shows similar photochemistry to LOV-domain containing proteins without the kinase including triplet and covalent cysteinyl adduct formation. Signaling state decay is accelerated in the presence of ATP and suggests photoreceptor-kinase interaction. FTIR spectroscopy showed light induced structural changes in the kinase domain. The distance of the photoreceptor domains of 25 Angstrom was determined by ELDOR spectroscopy. Mutation of the side chains of S28, N31 and W91 in Slr1694 showed no conserved influence on the dynamic of the signaling state. Removal of the hydroxyl group of S28 lead to a 15 nm red shift of the absorption spectrum as a result of altered hydrogen bond coordination of the cofactor. Introduction of positively charged side chains at the position of N31 strengthened the binding of phosphorylated flavins. An artificial flavin like roseoflavin was introduced in Slr1694 by coexpression of a bacterial flavin transporter. The essential role of M152 in PAC for signal transduction was shown by determination of light activated cAMP synthesis activity. Ultrafast IR spectroscopy confirmed the contribution of Y8 and Q50 in the photocycle and gave a more detailed description of the hydrogen bonding situation in the signaling state.

Solar Energy Conversion in Plants and Bacteria Studied Using FTIR Difference Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemical Computational Methodologies

Parameswaran, Sreeja 15 July 2009 (has links)
This dissertation presents a study of the molecular mechanism underlying the highly efficient solar energy conversion processes that occur in the Photosystem I (PS I) reaction centers in plants and bacteria. The primary electron donor P700 is at the heart of solar energy conversion process in PS I and the aim is to obtain a better understanding of the electronic and structural organization of P700 in the ground and excited states. Static Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) difference spectroscopy (DS) in combination with site directed mutagenesis and Density Functional Theory (DFT) based vibrational frequency simulations were used to investigate how protein interactions such as histidine ligation and hydrogen bonding modulate this organization. (P700+-P700) FTIR DS at 77K were obtained from a series of mutants from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. 6803 (S. 6803) where the amino acid residues near the C=O groups of the two chlorophylls of P700 where specifically changed. (P700+-P700) FTIR DS was also obtained for a set of mutants from C. reinhardtii where the axial ligand to A0-, the primary electron acceptor in PS I was modified. The FTIR DS obtained from these mutants provides information on the axial ligands, the hydrogen bonding status as well as the polarity of the environment of specific functional groups that are part of the chlorophyll molecules that constitute P700. Assignment of the FTIR bands to vibrational modes in specific types of environment is very difficult. In order to assist the assignment of the difference bands in experimental spectra DFT based vibrational mode frequency calculations were undertaken for Chl-a and Chl-a+ model molecular systems under different set of conditions; in the gas phase, in solvents using the Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM), in the presence of explicit solvent molecules using QM/MM methods, and in the presence of axial ligands and hydrogen bonds. DFT methods were also used to calculate the charge, spin and redox properties of Chl-a/Chl-a’ dimer models that are representative of P700, the primary electron donor in PS I.

Modelling and analysis of biological systems to obtain biofuels

Montagud Aquino, Arnau 01 October 2012 (has links)
Esta tesis se centra en la construcción y usos de los modelos metabólicos a escala genómica para obtener biocombustibles de manera eficiente, como etanol e hidrógeno. Como organismo objetivo, se ha elegido a la cianobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Este organismo ha sido estudiado como una potencial plataforma de producción alimentada por fotones, dada su capacidad de crecer solamente a partir de dióxido de carbono y fotones. Esta tesis versa acerca de los métodos para modelar, analizar, estimar y predecir el comportamiento del metabolismo de las células. La principal meta es extraer conocimiento de los diferentes aspectos biológicos de un organismo con el fin de utilizarlo para un objetivo industrial pertinente. Esta tesis ha sido estructurada en capítulos organizados de acuerdo con las sucesivas tareas que terminan con la construcción de una célula in silico que se comporta, idealmente, como la que está basada en el carbono. Este proceso suele comenzar con los archivos de anotación del genoma y termina con un modelo metabólico a escala genómica capaz de integrar datos -ómicos. El primer objetivo de la presente tesis es la reconstrucción de un modelo del metabolismo de esta cianobacteria que tenga en cuenta todas las reacciones presentes en la misma. Esta reconstrucción tenía que ser lo suficientemente flexible como para permitir el crecimiento en las distintas condiciones ambientales bajo las cuales este organismo crece en la naturaleza, así como permitir la integración de diferentes niveles de información biológica. Una vez que se cumplió este requisito, se pudieron simular variaciones ambientales y estudiar sus efectos desde una perspectiva de sistema. Se han estudiado hasta cinco diferentes condiciones de crecimiento en este modelo metabólico y sus diferencias han sido evaluadas. La siguiente tarea fue definir estrategias de producción para sopesar la viabilidad de este organismo como una plataforma de producción. Se simularon perturbaciones genéticas para e / This thesis is focused on the construction and uses of genome-scale metabolic models to efficiently obtain biofuels, such as ethanol and hydrogen. As a target organism, cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 was chosen. This organism has been studied as a potential photon-fuelled production platform, for its ability to grow only from carbon dioxide, water and photons. This dissertation verses about methods to model, analyse, estimate and predict the metabolic behaviour of cells. Principal goal is to extract knowledge from the different biological aspects of an organism in order to use it for an industrial relevant objective. This dissertation has been structured in chapters accordingly organized as the successive tasks that end up building an in silico cell that behaves as the carbon-based one. This process usually starts with the genome annotation files and ends up with a genome-scale metabolic model able to integrate ¿omics data. First objective of present thesis is to reconstruct a model of this cyanobacteria¿s metabolism that accounts for all the reactions present in it. This reconstruction had to be flexible enough as to allow growth under the different environmental conditions under which this organism grows in nature as well as to allow the integration of different levels of biological information. Once this requisite was met, environmental variations could be simulated and their effect studied under a system-wide perspective. Up to five different growth conditions were simulated on this metabolic model and differences were evaluated. Following assignment was to define production strategies to weigh this organism¿s viability as a production platform. Genetic perturbations were simulated to design strains with an enhanced production of three industrially-relevant metabolites: succinate, ethanol and hydrogen. Resulting sets of genetic modifications for the overproduction of those metabolites are, thus, proposed. Moreover, functional reactions couplings were studied and weighted to their metabolite production importance. Finally, genome-scale metabolic models allow establishing integrative approaches to include different types of data that help to find regulatory hotspots that can be targets of genetic modification. Such regulatory hubs were identified upon light/dark shifts and general metabolism operational principles inferred. All along this process, blind spots in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 metabolism, and more importantly, blind spots in our understanding of it, are revealed. Overall, the work presented in this thesis unveils the industrial capabilities of cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 to evolve interesting metabolites as a clean production platform. / Esta tesis es centra en la construcció i els usos del models metabòlics a escala genòmica per a obtenir eficientment biocombustibles, com etanol i hidrogen. Com a organisme diana, s¿elegí el cianobacteri Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Aquest organisme ha segut estudiat com una plataforma de producció nodrida per fotons, per la seva habilitat per créixer a partir únicament de diòxid de carboni, aigua i fotons. Aquesta tesi versa sobre mètodes per a modelitzar, analitzar, estimar i predir el comportament metabòlic de cèl¿lules. La principal meta és extreure coneixement del diferents aspectes biològics d¿un organisme de manera que s¿usen per a un objectiu industrial rellevant. La tesi ha segut estructurada en capítols organitzats d¿acord a les successives tasques que acaben construint una cèl¿lula in silico que es comporta, idealment, com la que està basada en carboni. Aquest procés generalment comença amb els arxius de l¿anotació del genoma i acaba amb un model metabòlic a escala genòmica capaç d¿integrar dades ¿òmiques. El primer objectiu de la present tesi és la reconstrucció d¿un model del metabolisme d¿aquest cianobacteri que tinga en compte totes les reaccions que hi estan presents. Esta reconstrucció havia de ser prou flexible com per permetre la simulació del creixement en les diferents condicions ambientals en les quals aquest cianobacteri creix en la natura, així com permetre la integració de diferents nivells d¿informació biològica. Una vegada que aquest requisit fou assolit, es pogueren simular variacions ambientals i estudiar els seus efectes amb una perspectiva de sistema. S¿han simulat fins a cinc condicions de creixement en este model metabòlic i les seves diferències han segut avaluades. La següent tasca fou definir estratègies de producció per a valorar la viabilitat d¿aquest organisme com a plataforma de producció. Es simularen pertorbacions genètiques per al disseny de soques amb producció millorada de metabòlits de rellevància industrial: succinat, etanol i hidrogen. Així, es proposen conjunts de modificacions genètiques per a la sobreproducció d¿aquests metabòlits. També s'han estudiat reaccions acoblades funcionalment i s¿ha ponderat la seva importància en la producció de metabòlits. Finalment, els models metabòlics a escala genòmica permeten establir criteris per integrar diferents tipus de dades que ens ajuden a trobar punts importants de regulació. Eixos centres reguladors, que poden ser objecte de modificacions genètiques, han segut investigats baix canvis dràstics d¿il¿luminació i s¿han inferit principis operacionals del metabolisme. Al llarg d'aquest procés, s¿han revelat punts cecs al metabolisme de Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 i, el més important, punts cecs en la nostra comprensió d'aquest metabolisme. En general, el treball presentat en aquesta tesi dona a conèixer les capacitats industrials del cianobacteri Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 per a produir metabòlits d'interès, tot sent una plataforma de producció neta i sostenible. / Montagud Aquino, A. (2012). Modelling and analysis of biological systems to obtain biofuels [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17319 / Palancia

Contribution to the modelling of the light field distribution within Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cultures and its influence on cellular photosynthesis processes

Fuente Herraiz, David 28 June 2019 (has links)
La presente tesis doctoral, titulada "Contribution to the modelling of the light field distribution within Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cultures and its influence on cellular photosynthesis processes", engloba diversos trabajos cuyo objetivo es avanzar en la compresión de la distribución lumínica en cultivos de cianobacterias y en los efectos de la luz sobre los mecanismos fotosintéticos de dichos microorganismos. Se trata, en definitiva, de otro paso hacia la integración de modelos matemáticos sobre la fotosíntesis a nivel celular y a escala de cultivo. En primer lugar, para comprender cómo se comporta un cultivo de bacterias fotosintéticas, es fundamental predecir la distribución del campo de luz a lo largo del perfil del biorreactor, tanto a nivel de intensidad total, como respecto a su distribución de flujo de fotones. La distribución de longitudes de onda presente en el medio es importante puesto que muchos procesos de la fotosíntesis están regulados por ciertas longitudes de onda y, por tanto, están modulados por la distribución espectral - el color - de la luz. Aprovechando las propiedades inherentes ópticas del cultivo, se desarrolló un modelo matemático basado en el concepto de campo auto-consistente. Este algoritmo, bautizado en la correspondiente publicación como Auto-consistent Field Approximation Algorithm (AFA), proporciona una predicción del campo lumínico, incluyendo la evolución espectral del mismo a lo largo del camino óptico, para cultivos aclimatados a distintos valores de radiación. Dicha investigación se publicó en la revista Algal Research mediante el artículo titulado "Light distribution and spectral composition within cultures of micro-algae: Quantitative modelling of the light field in photobioreactors", en el que se valida el algoritmo con datos experimentales de dos cepas de estudio de la cianobacteria Synechocystis. Si bien los resultados fueron satisfactorios, el empleo de la ley de Lambert-Beer con un valor constante de atenuación no permite modelizar la parte del campo de luz con menor intensidad, donde el coeficiente de atenuación deja de ser constante y el comportamiento se desvía del exponencial. Por ello, se decidió modelizar el campo de luz con una función que generaliza el caso exponencial mediante el uso de cálculo fraccionario. Se empleó una función de Mittag-Leffler que cumplía con los requisitos formales y ofrecía un ajuste de los datos mejor al obtenido mediante la ley de Lambert-Beer. Como un hallazgo notable, se determinó que el valor de dicho parámetro, que caracteriza la función de Mittag-Leffler, era el mismo para los datos empíricos de las dos cepas estudiadas. Este trabajo se publicó en la contribución llamada "Estimation of the light field inside photosynthetic microorganism cultures through Mittag-Leffler functions at depleted light conditions" en la revista Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. Después se procedió a utilizar sendos trabajos de investigación para calcular el campo de luz en un cultivo de Synechocystis y relacionarlo con su productividad máxima. En concreto se ha estudiado, como indicador del rendimiento de la fotosíntesis, la producción de oxígeno y los mecanismos respiratorios asociados a distintas intensidades de luz. Esta investigación está en su fase final y se está ultimando la escritura del artículo para enviarlo a una revista científica próximamente. Dicho manuscrito se titula "Experimental characterisation of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cultures productivity up on light conditions". Finalmente, se está desarrollando una cuarta contribución titulada "Individual pigment contribution to overall in vivo absorption in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells". Esta investigación estudia la cantidad de luz absorbida por los cromóforos de Synechocystis en función del tipo de iluminación utilizada y calcula la concentración de pigmentos presentes en la célula. / The present doctoral thesis, entitled "Contribution to the modelling of the light field distribution within Synechocystis sp PCC 6803 cultures and its influence on cellular photosynthesis processes", includes several works whose objective is to advance in the understanding of the light distribution in cyanobacterial cultures and in the effects of light on the photosynthetic mechanisms of these microorganisms. It is, ultimately, another step towards the integration of mathematical models on photosynthesis at the cellular level and at the scale of culture. First, to understand how a culture of photosynthetic bacteria behaves, it is essential to predict the distribution of the light field along the bioreactor profile, both at the level of total intensity and with respect to its photon flux distribution. The distribution of wavelengths present in the medium is important since many processes of photosynthesis are regulated by certain wavelengths and are therefore modulated by the spectral distribution - the colour - of the light. Taking advantage of the inherent optical properties of the culture, a mathematical model based on the self-consistent field concept was developed. This algorithm, named in the corresponding publication as Auto-consistent Field Approximation Algorithm (AFA), provides an estimation of the light field, including the spectral evolution thereof along the optical path-length, for acclimated cultures to different radiation values. This research was published in the journal Algal Research through the article entitled "Light distribution and spectral composition within cultures of micro-algae: Quantitative modelling of the light field in photobioreactors", in which the algorithm is validated with experimental data of two strains of study of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis. Although the results were satisfactory, the use of the Lambert-Beer Law with a constant attenuation value, cannot correctly model the part of the light field with less intensity, where the attenuation coefficient ceases to be constant and the behaviour deviates from the exponential. Therefore, it was decided to model the light field with a function that generalizes the exponential case through the use of fractional calculus. A Mittag-Leffler function was used that fulfilled the formal requirements and offered a better data fit than that obtained with the Lambert-Beer law. As a remarkable finding, it was determined that the value of this parameter, which characterises the Mittag-Leffler function, was the same for the empirical data of both studied strains. This work was published in the contribution called "Estimation of the light field in photosynthetic microorganism cultures through Mittag-Leffler functions at depleted light conditions" in the journal Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. Thereafter we proceeded to use both research works to calculate the light field within Synechocystis cultures and relate it to its maximum productivity. Specifically, it has been studied, as an indicator of the performance of photosynthesis, the production of oxygen and the associated respiratory mechanisms under different light intensities. This research is in its final phase and the writing of the article is being finalised to submit it to a scientific journal soon. This manuscript is entitled "Experimental characterization of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cultures productivity up on light conditions". Finally, a fourth contribution entitled "Individual pigment contribution to overall in vivo absorption in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells" is under development. This research studies the amount of light absorbed by Synechocystis chromophores according to the type of employed illumination and calculates the concentration of pigments present in the cell. / La present tesi doctoral, titulada "Contribution to the modelling of the light field distribution within Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cultures and its influence on cellular photosynthesis processes", engloba diversos treballs l'objectiu dels quals és avançar en la compressió de la distribució lumínica en cultius de cianobacteris i en els efectes de la llum sobre els mecanismes fotosintètics d'aquests microorganismes. Llavors, es tracta en definitiva d'un altre pas cap a la integració de models matemàtics sobre la fotosíntesi a nivell cel·lular i a escala de cultiu. En primer lloc, per a comprendre com es comporta un cultiu de bacteris fotosintètics, és fonamental predir la distribució del camp de llum al llarg del perfil del bioreactor, tant a nivell d'intensitat total, com pel que fa a la seua distribució de flux de fotons. La distribució de longituds d'ona present en el medi és important ja que molts processos de la fotosíntesi estan regulats per certes longituds d'ona i, per tant, estan modulats per la distribució espectral - el color - de la llum. Aprofitant les propietats inherents òptiques del cultiu, es va desenvolupar un model matemàtic basat en el concepte de camp auto-consistent. Aquest algoritme, batejat en la corresponent publicació com Auto-consistent Field Approximation Algorithm (AFA), proporciona una predicció del camp lumínic, incloent l'evolució espectral del mateix al llarg del camí òptic, per a cultius aclimatats a diferents valors de radiació. Aquesta investigació es va publicar a la revista Algal Research mitjançant l'article titulat "Light distribution and espectral composition within cultures of micro-algae: Quantitative modelling of the light field in photobioreactors", en què es valida l'algoritme amb dades experimentals de dues soques d'estudi de la cianobacteri Synechocystis. Si bé els resultats van ser satisfactoris, l'ús de la llei de Lambert-Beer amb un valor constant d'atenuació no permet modelitzar la part del camp de llum amb menys intensitat, on el coeficient d'atenuació deixa de ser constant i el comportament es desvia del exponencial. Per això, es va decidir modelitzar el camp de llum amb una funció que generalitza el cas exponencial mitjançant l'ús de càlcul fraccionari. Es va emprar una funció de Mittag-Leffler que complia amb els requisits formals i oferia un ajust de les dades millor a l'obtingut mitjançant la llei de Lambert-Beer. Com una troballa notable, es va determinar que el valor d'aquest paràmetre, que caracteritza la funció de Mittag-Leffler, era el mateix per a les dades empíriques de les dues soques estudiades. Aquest treball es va publicar en la contribució anomenada "Estimation of the light field inside Photosynthetic microorganisme cultures through Mittag-Leffler functions at depleted light conditions" a la revista Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. Després, es va procedir a utilitzar sengles treballs d'investigació per calcular el camp de llum en un cultiu de Synechocystis i relacionar-lo amb la seua productivitat màxima. En concret s'ha estudiat, com a indicador del rendiment de la fotosíntesi, la producció d'oxigen i els mecanismes respiratoris associats a diferents intensitats de llum. Aquesta investigació està en la seua fase final i s'està ultimant l'escriptura de l'article per enviar-lo a una revista científica pròximament. Dit manuscrit es titula "Experimental characterisation of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cultures productivity up on light conditions". Finalment, s'està desenvolupant una quarta contribució titulada "Individual pigment contribution to overall in vivo absorption in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells". Aquesta recerca estudia la quantitat de llum absorbida pels cromòfors de Synechocystis en funció del tipus d'il·luminació utilitzada i calcula la concentració de pigments presents en la cèl·lula. / Fuente Herraiz, D. (2018). Contribution to the modelling of the light field distribution within Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cultures and its influence on cellular photosynthesis processes [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/106362 / TESIS

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