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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchungen zu Funktion und Struktur des Regulatorproteins Hfq in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

Dienst, Dennis 04 January 2011 (has links)
Das phylogenetisch weit verbreitete RNA-bindende Protein Hfq ist an einer Vielzahl von Prozessen innerhalb des bakteriellen RNA-Metabolismus, insbesondere im Rahmen der post-transkriptionellen Genregulation durch kleine RNAs (sRNAs) beteiligt. Hfq-Proteine zählen zu der Familie der Sm- und Lsm-Proteine und zeichnen sich strukturell durch die funktionelle Ausbildung ringförmiger Homohexamere aus. Cyanobakterielle Orthologe zeigen gegenüber den gut untersuchten Hfq-Proteinen aus E. coli und anderen Proteobakterien eine schwache Sequenzkonservierung und bieten auch daher einen interessanten Ansatzpunkt für die Untersuchung riboregulatorischer Prozesse in diesen Organismen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden einleitende Untersuchungen zu Funktion und Struktur des orthologen Hfq-Proteins aus dem einzelligen Modell-Cyanobakterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 vorgestellt. Die Inaktivierung des hfq-Gens (ssr3341) führte in diesem Organismus zum Verlust der phototaktischen Motilität. Mithilfe elektronenmikroskopischer Analysen konnte dieser Phänotyp auf das Fehlen von Typ IV Pili zurückgeführt werden. Microarray-Analysen wiesen in der deltahfq-Mutante für 31 Gene eine veränderte, in den meisten Fällen reduzierte Transkriptakkumulation nach. Am stärksten betroffenen waren Gene bzw. Operone, welche dem Regulon des cAMP-Rezeptorproteins Sycrp1 zugeordnet werden und zum Teil nachweislich an der Motilität von Synechocystis-Zellen beteiligt sind. Weitere vergleichende Expressionsanalysen identifizierten mithilfe eines speziellen Tiling-arrays ferner zwei „intergenisch“ kodierte potenzielle sRNAs, Hpr1 und Hpr3, deren Transkriptmengen signifikant von der hfq-Inaktivierung beeinflusst werden. Kristallstrukturdaten deuten zusammen mit den Ergebnissen aus in vitro-Bindungsstudien und genetischen Komplementierungsexperimenten - trotz starker Konservierung zentraler struktureller Charakteristika - neuartige biochemische und funktionelle Eigenschaften des Hfq-Proteins aus Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 an. Funktionelle Implikationen werden im strukturellen und phylogenetischen Kontext diskutiert. / The phylogenetically conserved RNA binding protein Hfq is a key player in bacterial RNA metabolism, particularly with regard to sRNA-mediated post-transcriptional gene regulation. Hfq proteins belong to the well-conserved family of Sm- and Lsm proteins and are characterized by the formation of homo-hexameric ring-shaped structures. In comparison with well-studied Hfq proteins from E.coli and other proteobacteria the cyanobacterial orthologues show rather poor sequence conservation. Therefore, they provide a quite interesting background for analyzing riboregulatory processes in these organisms. In this work, the orthologous Hfq protein from the unicellular model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 has been initially characterized on the functional and structural level. Insertional inactivation of the hfq gene (ssr3341) led to a non-phototactic phenotype that was due to the loss of type IV pili on the cell surface, as demonstrated by electron microscopy. Microarray analyses revealed a set of 31 genes with altered transcript levels in the knock-out mutant. Among the most strongly affected genes, there were members of two operons that had previously been shown to be involved in motility, controlled by the cAMP receptor protein Sycrp1. Further comparative transcriptional analyses using custom tiling arrays revealed two putative sRNAs (Hpr1 and Hpr3) from intergenic regions, whose transcript levels appeared to be significantly affected by hfq-inactivation. Structural analyses, genetic complementation as well as RNA-binding studies in vitro indicate that the Hfq orthologue from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 exhibits novel biochemical and functional properties, though retaining general structural features of its proteobacterial counterparts. Functional implications are discussed with regard to structural und phylogenetic considerations.

Transcriptional and physiological analysis of the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 under ethanologenic and external ethanol conditions

Jakorew, Lew 01 July 2013 (has links)
Bis zum heutigen Zeitpunkt ist wenig über die physiologischen Effekte von Ethanol auf Cyanobakterien bekannt. Dies ist nicht überraschend, da es unwahrscheinlich ist, dass Cyanobakterien in ihrer natürlichen Umwelt auf Wachstums inhibierende Konzentrationen stoßen, und deswegen war die Stressantwort auf Ethanol nur von geringerem Interesse für die Forschungsgemeinschaft. Nichts desto weniger sind durch neue Entwicklungen im Biofuel- Sektor, insbesondere im Kontext der Produktion von Ethanol mit Hilfe von genetisch manipulierten Cyanobakterien, Kenntnisse über die zelluläre Toleranz und Zellantwort gegenüber dem gewünschten Produkt von grundlegender Bedeutung. Microarray-Experimente, die einen Einblick in die zelluläre Antwort durch Änderung der Genexpression auf Ethanolproduktion bringen sollten, zeigten, dass Gene des Phycocyanin-Operons als die am signifikantesten und stärksten betroffenen funktionalen genetischen Elemente. Weitere Microarray-Experimente mit verschiedenen Konzentrationen von extern zugefügtem Ethanol zeigten eine zeitverzögerte (24h) Hochregulation von PS II-Genen und dem Transkript cpcG2. Diese Arbeit beschreibt weiterhin die Ergebnisse eines Experiments zur "Evolution im Labor", das die intrinsische Kapazität von Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 zur Erweiterung der Toleranz gegenüber Ethanol aufzeigen sollte. Die erhöhte Ethanoltoleranz führte zu einer Optimierung der endogenen Ethanolproduktion. Derartige Versuche zur Stammoptimierung durch "Evolution im Labor" sollten daher geeignete Mittel sein, um bestimmte Eigenschaften von Organismen für biotechnologische Ziele zu verbessern. In der Gesamtheit geben die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit Einblicke in die Antwort der Synechocystis-Zellen auf Ethanol auf den Ebenen des Stoffwechsels und der Genexpression und stellen eine wertvolle Datensammlung für zukünftige Versuche mit dem Ziel dar, die Ethanolproduktionsrate in Cyanobakterien durch genetic engineering zu erhöhen. / Until recently, little has been known about the effects of ethanol on the physiology of cyanobacteria. This is not surprising as it is unlikely that cyanobacteria encounter growth inhibiting concentrations of ethanol in their natural environment, and thus the ethanol stress response used to be of limited interest to the scientific community. Nevertheless, for recent biotechnological approaches in the field of biofuel production, and in particular for the attempts to produce ethanol with the help of genetically modified microalgae and cyanobacteria, knowledge of cellular tolerance and response to the desired product is pivotal. Microarray analysis demonstrating that a specific part of the phycocyanin operon is the most significantly and strongly affected functional genetic subsystem under ethanol producing conditions. Additional microarray experiments with different concentrations of external ethanol showed a time-delayed (24h) characterized by a prominent up-regulation of PS II genes with phycocyanin linker proteins playing a major role in the transcriptional response. Another aspect of this work was an artificial evolution experiment, which was performed to delineate the intrinsic capacity of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 to tolerate ethanol. In addition, the evolved strain proved to be a superior background for endogenous ethanol production showing that artificial evolution experiments are a suitable method to improve certain features of organisms for biotechnological purposes. Overall, the results of this work give new insight into physiological and gene regulatory responses of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 exposed to ethanol and will be a very valuable dataset for future attempts to improve cyanobacterial ethanol production by the means of genetic engineering.

Construction et analyse de mutants de la machinerie de photoproduction d'hydrogène chez la cyanobactérie modèle Synechocystis / Construction and analysis of mutants of the hydrogen photoproduction machine in the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis

Ortega-Ramos, Marcia 13 January 2014 (has links)
Les microorganismes photosynthétiques suscitent un intérêt biotechnologique grandissant pour la production de dihydrogène (H₂) à partir d'eau et d'énergie solaire en préservant l'eau douce et les terres cultivables sans ajout d'engrais. La cyanobactérie modèle Synechocystis PCC 6803 est capable de produire du H₂ de manière faible et transitoire grâce à une hydrogénase [NiFe] bidirectionnelle Hox. Cette enzyme possède 5 sous-unités protéiques (HoxEFUYH) qui catalysent la réaction réversible : 2H⁺ + 2e⁻ ↔ H₂. Le site actif [NiFe] de cette enzyme est assemblé par un complexe de six protéines HypABCDEF. L’hydrogénase est ensuite maturée par une protéase HoxW qui clive la sous-unité HoxH et active le site catalytique [NiFe]. L’ingénierie de cyanobactéries pour la photoproduction biologique d’H₂ passe par une meilleure compréhension du rôle de l'hydrogénase dans le métabolisme cyanobactérien. Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai construit et analysé 7 mutants sophistiqués de Synechocystis permettant la surexpression simultanée (constitutive ou régulée par la température de croissance) des gènes hoxEFUYHW et hypABCDEF. On a ainsi montré que la surproduction simultanée des protéines HoxEFUYHW et HypABCDEF combinée à une augmentation de la disponibilité de nickel dans le milieu conduit à une augmentation de l’activité hydrogénase d’un facteur 20. D’autre part, un mutant dépourvu de l'opéron hoxEFUYH a permis également de montrer que l'hydrogénase n'est pas indispensable à la croissance dans les conditions photoautotrophiques standard. La comparaison des phénotypes des divers mutants construits durant ce travail a permis également de montrer pour la première fois que l’hydrogénase joue un rôle dans la défense cellulaire contre le stress oxydant induit par le H₂O₂, par la présence de glucose ou de glycérol dans le milieu de culture. Par ailleurs, j'ai participé à la caractérisation d'un nouveau régulateur de l'expression de l’hydrogénase. Ce facteur de transcription (AbrB2) qui réprime l’opéron hoxEFUYH est impliqué dans la tolérance au stress induit par le diamide ou le nickel. Un contrôle redox de l'activité de ce régulateur par une modification post-traductionnelle de glutathionylation a été mise en évidence pour la première fois chez les cyanobactéries. L'ensemble de ces résultats démontre que l’on doit combiner plusieurs stratégies génétiques et physiologiques pour augmenter fortement la production d’hydrogène chez Synechocystis, et que nos mutants sont des outils très importants vers cet objectif. / Photosynthetic organisms are attractive organisms for hydrogen production using water and solar energy, while preserving fresh water and arable soils without adding fertilizers. The model cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 produces small and transitory amounts of H₂ thanks to its bidirectional [NiFe] hydrogenase Hox. The Hox complex with its 5 protein subunits (HoxEFUYH) catalyzes the reversible reaction 2H⁺ + 2e⁻ ↔ H₂. The [NiFe] catalytic site of the Hox enzyme is assembled using a six-subunits HypABCDEF complex and matured by the HoxW protease that cleaves HoxH and activates its [NiFe]-containing center. Engineering cyanobacteria for hydrogen production relies on a better understanding of the role of hydrogenase in the cyanobacterium metabolism. During my PhD, I have constructed and analyzed 7 sophisticated mutants of Synechocystis, allowing the simultaneous over-expression (constitutive or regulated by the growth temperature) of the hoxEFUYH and hypABCDEF genes. We demonstrated that the simultaneous over-production of the HoxEFUYH and HypABCDEF proteins, combined to an increase in nickel availability led to an approximately 20-fold increase of the active hydrogenase level. Moreover, using a deleted hox-operon mutant we showed that hydrogenase is dispensable in standard phototrophic growth conditions. Comparing the phenotypes of different mutants constructed in this study enables us to demonstrate for the first time that the hydrogenase operates in cell protection against oxidative stress (H₂O₂) and sugar stress (glucose or glycerol). Besides, I have also participated to the characterization of a new regulator (AbrB2) of the expression of the hydrogenase. This transcription factor represses the hoxEFUYH operon and is involved in the tolerance to stress induced by diamide or nickel. For the first time in cyanobacteria, a redox control of the activity of this regulator by a post-translational gluthathionylation was identified. Collectively, our findings showed that several genetic and physiological strategies should be combined in a single strain to strongly increase hydrogen production in Synechocystis. Meanwhile the presently constructed mutants proved to be very powerful tools to achieve this goal.

In vitro and in vivo characterisation of the OCP-related photoprotective mechanism in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 / Caractérisation in vitro et in vivo du mécanisme de photoprotection lié à l'OCP chez la cyanobactérie Synechocystis PCC6803

Gwizdala, Michal 16 November 2012 (has links)
De fortes illuminations peuvent être dommageables voire même létales pour les organismes photosynthétiques. Une des stratégies utilisées pour se protéger de tels effets délétères consiste à augmenter la dissipation thermique de l’énergie absorbée en excès au niveau des antennes. Chez les cyanobactéries une protéine photo-active, l’Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP), contrôle ce processus. Une fois photo-activée l’OCP interagit avec le coeur des phycobilisomes (PBs, les antennes collectrices majoritaires chez les cyanobactéries) et déclenche le mécanisme, entrainant à la fois une baisse de l’énergie parvenant aux photosystèmes et une diminution de la fluorescence des PBs. L’énergie absorbée en excès est dissipée sous forme de chaleur. Pour que les PBs regagnent leur pleine capacité de transfert, une autre protéine nommée Fluorescence Recovery Protein (FRP) est requise. La FRP accélère la désactivation de l’OCP. Dans ce manuscrit, je vais présenter ma contribution à la compréhension du mécanisme de photo-protection lié à l’OCP.J’ai continué la caractérisation de la FRP chez Synechocystis PCC 6803, organisme modèle utilisé dans nos études. J’ai montré que la FRP de Synechocystis est plus courte que ce qui est indiqué dans Cyanobase, commençant en fait à la méthionine 26. Mes résultats ont aussi révélé que la photo-protection n’a lieu que lorsque le ratio OCP/FRP est élevé.Le plus grand aboutissement de ma thèse a été la reconstitution in vitro du mécanisme de photo-protection lié à l’OCP en utilisant de l’OCP, de la FRP et des PBs isolés. J’ai montré que la lumière est requise uniquement pour la photo-activation de l’OCP et que l’attachement de l’OCP au PB ne demande aucune illumination. Ce n’est qu’une fois photo-activée que l’OCP peut interagir avec le PB et entrainer la diminution de fluorescence (quenching). En se basant sur les résultats obtenus in vitro nous avons proposé un modèle moléculaire pour le mécanisme de photo-protection lié à l’OCP. Le système de reconstitution in vitro a été utilisé pour évaluer l’importance d’un pont salin conservé (Arg155-Glu244) entre les deux domaines de l’OCP et a révélé que celui-ci stabilise la forme inactive de l’OCP. La photo-activation entraine rupture du pont salin, l’Arg155 étant ensuite impliquée dans l’interaction entre OCP et PB. Le site d’attachement de l’OCP au coeur du PB a aussi été étudié en utilisant le système in vitro. Nos résultats ont montré que les émetteurs terminaux du PB ne sont pas requis et que le site primaire de quenching est un trimère d’allophycocyanine émettant à 660nm. Enfin nous avons étudié les propriétés des états excités du caroténoïde dans l’OCP photo-activée, montrant qu’un de ces états a un caractère de transfert de charge très prononcé et peut avoir un rôle principal dans la dissipation de l’énergie. Nos résultats suggèrent fortement que non seulement l’OCP induit dissipation de l’énergie absorbée sous forme de chaleur mais aussi que l’OCP agit directement comme dissipateur d’énergie. / Strong light can cause damage and be lethal for photosynthetic organisms. An increase of thermal dissipation of excess absorbed energy at the level of photosynthetic antenna is one of the processes protecting against deleterious effects of light. In cyanobacteria, a soluble photoactive carotenoid binding protein, Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) mediates this process. The photoactivated OCP by interacting with the core of phycobilisome (PB; the major photosynthetic antenna of cyanobacteria) triggers the photoprotective mechanism, which decreases the energy arriving at the reaction centres and PSII fluorescence. The excess energy is dissipated as harmless heat. To regain full PB capacity in low light intensities, theFluorescence Recovery Protein (FRP) is required. FRP accelerates the deactivation of OCP.In this work, I present my input in the understanding of the mechanism underlying the OCPrelated photoprotection. I further characterized the FRP of Synechocystis PCC6803, the model organism in our studies. I established that the Synechocystis FRP is shorter than what it was proposed in Cyanobase and it begins at Met26. Our results also revealed the great importance of a high OCP to FRP ratio for existence of photoprotection. The most remarkable achievement of this thesis is the in vitro reconstitution of the OCPrelated mechanism using isolated OCP, PB and FRP. I demonstrated that light is only needed for OCP photoactivation but OCP binding to PB is light independent. Only the photoactivated OCP is able to bind the PB and quench all its fluorescence. Based on our in vitro experiments we proposed a molecular model of OCP-related photoprotection. The in vitro reconstituted system was applied to examine the importance of a conserved salt bridge (Arg155-Glu244) between the two domains of OCP and showed that this salt bridge stabilises the inactive form of OCP. During photoactivation this salt bridge is broken and Arg155 is involved in the interaction between the OCP and the PB. The site of OCP binding in the core of a PB wasalso investigated with the in vitro reconstituted system. Our results demonstrated that the terminal energy emitters of the PB are not needed and that the first site of fluorescence quenching is an APC trimer emitting at 660 nm. Finally, we characterised the properties of excited states of the carotenoid in the photoactivated OCP showing that one of these states presents a very pronounced charge transfer character that likely has a principal role in energy dissipation. Our results strongly suggested that the OCP not only induces thermal energy dissipation but also acts as the energy dissipator.

Vers la reprogrammation métabolique de la cyanobactérie modèle Synechocystis pour la production durable de biocarburants : structuration des flux du carbone par CP12 et implications sur l’équilibre bioénergétique, l’hydrogénase et l’intégrité génomique / Towards the metabolic reprogramming of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis for sustainable biofuels production : Structuration of carbon fluxes by CP12 and implications on the bioenergetic balance, hydrogenase and genomic integrity

Veaudor, Théo 11 September 2017 (has links)
Les biotechnologies sont un outil puissant permettant d’emprunter les circuits biologiques pour produire des composés aux applications multiples (médecine, alimentation, industries…). Les cyanobactéries possèdent des propriétés génétiques et trophiques précieuses pour réduire les coûts et l’empreinte environnementale de ces procédés (photosynthèse, fixation du CO₂, sources d’azote assimilables...). Elles produisent aussi naturellement certaines molécules énergétiques comme le H₂ dont pourraient émerger de nouvelles filières propres de biocarburants. Cependant, une compréhension globale et approfondie de leur physiologie est nécessaire pour concevoir un châssis biologique performant à partir de ces organismes. Elles sont aisément manipulables génétiquement mais présentent une versatilité favorisant la fixation de mutations bénéfiques mais aussi délétères pour leur exploitation à grande échelle. Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai construit et étudié des mutants d’un régulateur de l’assimilation du CO₂ dont l’activation est liée à la photosynthèse. J’ai montré que l’activité du cycle de Calvin synchronise les flux du carbone et le statut rédox de Synechocystis et que sa dérégulation se répercute de manière pléiotropique sur son métabolisme. Plus spécifiquement, je me suis intéressé au déséquilibre carbone/azote dans cette espèce et à son métabolisme de l’urée qui présente un intérêt biotechnologique considérable. J’ai démontré que ce dernier était en compétition avec l’hydrogénase pour l’insertion du nickel dans leurs centres catalytiques respectifs. L’insuffisance de ce métal a permis de sélectionner des mutants de l’uréase tolérant une exposition prolongée à l’urée et conservant une forte capacité de production de H₂ en présence de ce substrat azoté. L’ensemble de ces résultats montre que le métabolisme de Synechocystis peut être détourné au profit de certains processus cellulaires. Les approches « omiques » permettent d’identifier globalement les réponses physiologiques induites ainsi que les leviers biologiques de compensation. Ces travaux sont discutés au regard des implications biotechnologiques de l’instabilité génétique et de la nécessité de renforcer notre compréhension de la plasticité métabolique et génomique des cyanobactéries. / Biotechnology is a powerful tool allowing exploitation of biological circuits to produce compounds with multiple uses (medicine, nutrition, industrial…). Cyanobacteria have valuable genetic and trophic properties which could reduce the costs and the environmental footprint of these processes (photosynthesis, CO₂ fixation, assimilation of diverse nitrogen sources…). They also naturally produce energetic molecules such as H₂ from which new and sustainable biofuels sectors may rise. However, a global and fine understanding of their physiology is required in order to design an efficient biological chassis with these organisms. They are genetically manipulable but also exhibit a strong versatility favoring fixation of mutations that can be either beneficial or harmful to their large-scale cultivation. Over the course of my PhD, I constructed and studied mutants of a CO₂ fixation regulator whose activation is linked to photosynthesis. I showed that the Calvin cycle activity synchronizes carbon fluxes and redox status in Synechocystis and that its deregulation affects the metabolism in a pleiotropic manner. I was specifically interested into the carbon/nitrogen balance in this species and its urea metabolism which is of prime interest in biotechnology. I demonstrated that the latter was in competition with the hydrogenase for the insertion of nickel into their respective catalytic centers. Scarcity of this metal leads to selection of mutants thriving upon prolonged exposure to urea that retained a high capacity of H₂ production in presence of this nitrogenic substrate. This work shows that the metabolism of Synechocystis can be altered in favor of other cellular processes. Omics approaches allow global identification of the physiological responses induced as well as the biological compensation mechanisms. These observations are discussed with regards to biotechnological implications of genetic instability and the need to strengthen our understanding of metabolic and genetic plasticity in cyanobacteria.

Optimizing electrogenic activity from photosynthetic bacteria in bioelectrochemical systems

Call, Toby Primo January 2018 (has links)
The aims of this project were to investigate a range of limitations affecting the electrical performance of bioelectrochemical systems (BES) and their use as analytical tools. The model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 was used to characterize light-driven BESs, or biophotovoltaic (BPV) devices. The phycobilisome (PBS) antenna size was altered to modify light absorption. At low to medium light intensities the optimum PBS antenna size was found to consist of one phycocyanin (PC) disc. Incorporating pulsed amplitude fluorescence (PAM) measurements into the BPV characterization allowed simultaneous comparison of photosynthetic efficiency to EET in Synechocystis. Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) was investigated as a limiting factor in biophotovoltaic efficiency and was found to be reduced in the PBS antenna-truncated mutants. Fluorescence and electrochemical data were combined to develop a framework for quantifying the efficiency of light to bioelectricity conversion. This approach is a first step towards a more comprehensive and detailed set of analytical tools to monitor EET in direct relation to the underlying photosynthetic biology. A set of metabolic electron sinks were deleted to remove a selection of pathways that might compete with extracellular electron transfer (EET). The combined deletion of a bi-directional hydrogenase - HoxH, nitric oxide reductase - NorB, cytochrome-c oxidase - COX, bd-quinol oxidase - cyd, and the respiratory terminal oxidase - ARTO, roughly doubled light driven electron flux to EET. Deletion of nitrate reductase - NarB, and nitrite reductase - NirA, increased EET to a similar degree, but combination with the other knockouts compromised cell viability and did not increase output further. In addition to Synechocystis, the purple non-sulphur α-proteobacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009 was used to test the effect of storage molecule synthesis knockout in a more industrially relevant organic carbon source driven BES, or microbial fuel cell (MFC). However, the removal of glycogen and poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) did not have a significant effect on electrical output. Finally, the importance of electrode material and design for cell to anode connections in an MFC was investigated. EET from R. palustris was greatly enhanced using custom designed graphene and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) aerogels. Pristine graphene is also shown for the first time to be a viable, low cost alternative to platinum as a cathodic catalyst. Together, these results present a holistic view of major limitations on electrical output from BESs that may contribute to enhancing EET for power generation from MFCs in the long term, and optimization of BPV devices as reliable analytical tools in the short term.

Biogenesis of Photosystem II in the Model Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 - The Role of Selected Auxiliary Protein Factors and Subcellular Localisation

KNOPPOVÁ, Jana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores localisations and roles of three auxiliary protein factors involved in the biogenesis of Photosystem II (PSII) in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and contributes to subcellular localisation of the initial steps of PSII biogenesis and repair-related D1 synthesis. The main results consist in i) identification of a functional interaction of the protein factor Psb27 with a lumenal domain of the Photosystem II subunit CP43, ii) discovery of a novel pigment binding complex formed by the Ycf39 protein and high-light-inducible proteins implicated in photoprotection and delivery of recycled chlorophyll to newly synthesized D1 protein during the PSII reaction centre formation, iii) providing evidence that the early steps of PSII assembly and the repair-related D1 synthesis occur in the thylakoid membrane of Synechocystis, and iv) revealing that the cyanobacterial PsbP orthologue, CyanoP, assists in the early phase of PSII biogenesis as an assembly factor facilitating the association of D2 and D1 assembly modules.

Efektivní velikost světlosběrných antén a její význam pro regulaci fotosyntézy

CHARVÁT, Filip January 2018 (has links)
Nonphotochemical quenching and state transitions are an important photoprotective mechanism against excessive irradiation. In this work I studied changes in the size of the effective crosssection of photosystem II antennae in regard to the level of nonphotochemical quenching (state transitions) under different levels of light induced stress.

Regulation of the chlorophyll biosynthesis in the cyanobacterium \kur{Synechocystis} sp. PCC 6803 / Regulation of the chlorophyll biosynthesis in the cyanobacterium \kur{Synechocystis} sp. PCC 6803

KOPEČNÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis focuses on regulation of the chlorophyll biosynthetic pathway and its coordination with synthesis of chlorophyll-binding proteins in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. One of the aims was to analyze correlation between syntheses of photosystems and chlorophyll in Synechocystis cells using radioactive labeling of proteins and chlorophyll by 35S and 14C, respectively. I also investigated the role of enzymes catalyzing protochlorophyllide reduction step in the chlorophyll biosynthesis by analyzing the synthesis and accumulation of photosynthetic proteins in Synechocystis mutants lacking one of the enzymes. Further, roles of Ycf54 and Psb27 proteins in stability and assembly of oxidative cyclase and CP43, respectively, are also described.

FTIR Difference Spectroscopy for the Study of P700, the Primary Electron Donor in Photosystem I

Wang, Ruili 12 January 2006 (has links)
This thesis describes an investigation of the molecular mechanism underlying solar conversion processes that occur in Type I photosynthetic reaction centers, in which P700 plays a central role. Static Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy (DS) was used to probe the electronic and structural organization of P700 and P700+. In combination with isotope labeling and site directed mutagenesis we have investigated how protein interactions such as histidine ligation and hydrogen bonding modulate this organization. Comparison of (P700+-P700) FTIR difference spectra (DS) obtained using wild type and mutant PS I led us to suggest that the 131 keto carbonyl group of PA is essentially free from hydrogen bonding in the ground state. Upon cation formation, this hydrogen bonding becomes stronger, probably because of a cation induced reorientation of the hydroxyl group of a nearby threonine residue. We also tentatively suggested that a difference band at 1639(-)/1660(+) cm-1 in (P700+-P700) FTIR DS might be due to a C=C mode of the imidazole side chain of the ligating histidine residues. Most of this thesis is geared towards investigating the validity of this interpretation. (P700+-P700) FTIR DS obtained using mutant PS I particles in which hydrogen bonding to P700 is altered can be reconciled within the context of our new interpretation. (P700+-P700) FTIR DS obtained using uniformly 2H, 15N, and 13C labeled PS I particles also support our new interpretation, and indicate that the difference band at 1639(-)/ 1660(+) cm-1 cannot be associated with a strongly hydrogen bonded keto carbonyl group of PA. To investigate if the imidazole side-chain of ligating histidine residues could contribute to bands in (P700+-P700) FTIR DS vibrational mode frequencies and intensities for several protonation forms of 4-methylimidazole were calculated. The calculations suggest that the 1639(-)/1660(+) cm-1 band in (P700+-P700) FTIR DS may not be due to a C=C mode of the imidazole side chain of the ligating histidine residues. Thus we have produced data that suggests neither of the proposed interpretations alone can adequately explain the origin of the 1639(-)/1660(+) cm-1 difference band in (P700+-P700) FTIR DS. The origin of the 1639(-)/1660(+) cm-1 difference band in (P700+-P700) FTIR DS is therefore still an open question.

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