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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reologi på gelberedningar / Rheology on gel compositions

Eriksson, Anna, Andersson, Viktoria, Berezniak, Katrin, Hall, Markus, Håkanson, Victor, Biörs, Ida January 2016 (has links)
Konsistensen på en gel bestående av tvärbunden hyaluronsyra beror av tre faktorer: total koncentration hyaluronsyra, gelningsgrad och tvärbindningsdensitet. För att utföra detta projekt erhölls tre olika geler med olika tvärbindningsdensitet. Dessa geler späddes dels med lösning av fri, icke tvärbunden, HA från 100 % gelningsgrad till 90 % och 80 %. De olika gelningsgraderna späddes också med natriumkloridlösning från den totala koncentrationen HA, 35 mg HA/g gel, till 25 mg/g och 15 mg/g. Projekts huvudfråga är att kartlägga gelens reologiska egenkaper då både total koncentration HA och gelningsgrad varieras. För att kunna kartlägga detta har en reometer brukats där följande tre tester körts: tidssvep, frekvenssvep och amplitudsvep. Från erhållen data har sedan två parametrar som representerar gelkompositionernas viskösa egenskaper (G'') och elastiska egenskaper (G') observerats. Även mätning av extruderingskraft har genomförts för att dra vidare paralleller och slutsatser mellan extruderingskraften och de reoligiska egenskaperna. Ur resultaten ses att förlusttangenten tenderar att sjunka när gelningsgraden ökar, d.v.s. gelerna blir då mer viskösa och mindre elastiska. Förlusttangenten sjunker även vid ökande total koncentration HA vilket betyder att G’ ökar mer än G’’ i vardera punkt som gör att förlusttangenten minskar.Det gick även att avläsa att de viskösa egenskaperna i gelen ökar då total koncentration hyaluronsyra minskar samt att de viskösa egenskaperna i gelerna minskar vid en sjunkande gelningsgrad. Mellan gelningsgrad 90-100 % och total koncentration HA 25-35 mg HA/g har analyserna som gjorts i detta projekt gett följande slutsatser. Konsistensen på gel A och C är mer påverkade av gelningsgraden än total koncentration HA. För gel B kan ingen dominerande parameter utläsas. / The softness of a gel made of crosslinked HA (HA = hyaluronic acid) depends onthree factors. One is the amount of free hyaluronic acid in the gel. Another is thedensity of the crosslinked network, which is the molecular entanglements in the gel.The third is the total concentration of HA. In this project a rheometer is used to measure the rheological properties by runningthe following tests: time sweep, frequency sweep and amplitude sweep. From theobtained data, parameters related to viscous properties (G’’) and elastic properties(G’) of the gels were observed. 27 different compositions of gels with three differentconcentrations (35 mg HA/g, 25 mg HA/g, 15 mg HA/g), three different gel contents(100%, 90%, 80%) and three different densities of crosslinked network (A, B, C) wereanalyzed. To draw further conclusions an analysis of extrusion force was performedas well. The results from the frequency sweeps show that the loss tangent for a gel increasedas the total concentration of HA was reduced and that the loss tangent for a gelincreased as the gel content was decreased. This indicates that the gels become moreviscous when either the concentration of HA or the gel content was decreased. Anincrease in concentration of HA results in an increase of G' and an increase of gelcontent also results in an increase of G'. The results from the amplitude sweeps showthat xG' (xG' = storage modulus at the crossover point between G' and G'') increasesas either the concentration of HA or the gel content is increased. For xStrain (xStrain= deformation of the gel at the crossover point) and xStress (xStress = the stressapplied to the gel at the crossover point) no clear trend can be seen regarding the gelcontent. But an increase in concentration of HA results in an increase of both xStrainand xStress. The results from the analysis of extrusion force show that an increase intotal concentration HA increases the force.

Uma  formulação  alternativa do método dos elementos de contorno aplicada à análise da propagação de fissuras em materiais quase frágeis / An alternative formulation of the boundary element method applied to crack propagation analysis in quasi-brittle materials

Oliveira, Hugo Luiz 25 March 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da análise da propagação de fissuras, independente do tempo, em domínios bidimensionais utilizando uma formulação alternativa do método dos elementos de contorno (MEC). O MEC vem sendo utilizado com sucesso na análise de diversos problemas de engenharia. Considerando problemas de mecânica da fratura, o MEC é especialmente eficiente devido à redução da dimensionalidade de sua malha, o que permite a simulação do crescimento das fissuras sem as dificuldades do processo de remalhamento. Nesta pesquisa, desenvolvem-se formulações não lineares do MEC para a análise da propagação de fissuras em materiais quase frágeis. Nesses materiais, a zona de processo à frente da ponta da fissura introduz efeitos fisicamente não lineares no comportamento estrutural. Assim, para a simulação da presença da zona de processo, modelos não lineares são necessários. Classicamente a formulação dual do MEC é utilizada para modelar propagação de fissuras na quais equações singulares e hipersingulares são escritas para elementos definidos ao longo das faces das fissuras. O presente trabalho propõe uma segunda formulação utilizando um campo de tensões iniciais para a representação da zona coesiva. Nesta formulação, o termo de domínio da equação integral clássica do MEC é degenerado, de forma a atuar somente ao longo do caminho de crescimento das fissuras, sendo que esse procedimento dá origem a uma nova variável denominada dipolo, responsável por garantir o atendimento das condições de contorno. Em conjunto com essa nova formulação, se propõe o uso do operador tangente (OT), que é deduzido no trabalho, a fim de acelerar o processo de convergência da solução. Os resultados obtidos, por meio da formulação alternativa, são comparados tanto com dados experimentais quanto com o MEC dual, ambos disponíveis na literatura. As respostas encontradas foram satisfatórias no sentido de conseguir reproduzir o comportamento real da estrutura explorando as vantagens computacionais proporcionadas pelo OT. / This work presents a time-independent crack propagation analysis, in two-dimensional domains, using an alternative boundary element method (BEM) formulation. BEM has been used successfully to analyze several engineering problems. Considering fracture mechanics problems, BEM is especially efficient due to its mesh reduction aspects, which allows the simulation of crack growth without remeshing difficulties. In this research, nonlinear BEM formulations are develop in order to analyze crack propagation in quasi-brittle materials. Considering these materials, the process zone ahead of the crack tip leads to nonlinear effects related to structural behavior. Thus, nonlinear models are required for simulating the presence of the process zone. Classically, the dual BEM is used for modeling the crack propagation, in which singular and hyper-singular equations are written for elements defined along the crack faces. This work proposes an alternative formulation using the initial stress field to represent the cohesive zone. In this formulation, the classic domain integral term is degenerated in order to be non-null only at the crack growth path. This procedure leads the creation of new variable called dipole, which is responsible for ensuring the compliance of the boundary conditions. In addition to this new formulation, it is proposed the use of the tangent operator (TO), which is derived in this work, in order to accelerate the convergence. The results obtained using the new formulation, are compared with experimental data and dual BEM results available in the literature. The responses were found satisfactory in reproducing the behavior of real structures exploiting the computational advantages provided by the TO.

Formulações do método dos elementos de contorno aplicadas à análise elástica e à fratura coesiva de estruturas compostas planas / Boundary element method formulations applied to elastic analysis and cohesive fracture of plane composed structures

Cordeiro, Sérgio Gustavo Ferreira 09 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do desenvolvimento de formulações numéricas para avaliar o comportamento mecânico de estruturas compostas planas, no contexto de elasticidade linear e mecânica da fratura não linear. As formulações propostas são baseadas no Método dos Elementos de Contorno (MEC), por meio das representações integrais singular e hiper singular dos problemas elastostáticos. A técnica de multi-regiões é considerada para acoplar a interface de sólidos multifásicos. O MEC é uma técnica numérica robusta e precisa para analisar o fenômeno da fratura em sólidos. Esse método numérico apresenta uma natural redução na dimensionalidade do problema, tornando mais simples a modelagem das superfícies de fratura. Além disso, essa redução de dimensionalidade faz também com que o tratamento de interfaces materiais em estruturas compostas seja uma tarefa menos árdua. Com o uso da solução fundamental de Kelvin nas representações integrais, materiais isotrópicos podem ser considerados para constituir as estruturas compostas. Por outro lado, utilizando a solução fundamental de Cruse & Swedlow, também é possível lidar, de maneira geral, com materiais anisotrópicos em estruturas compostas. Nessas estruturas, as fraturas são assumidas como ocorrendo ao longo das interfaces e o comportamento não linear é introduzido pelo modelo coesivo de fratura, o qual é aplicável a materiais quase frágeis. Nessas análises, o sistema não linear de equações pode ser solucionado utilizando dois distintos algoritmos de resolução iterativa. O primeiro sempre leva em consideração a rigidez elástica da estrutura e é, portanto denominado Operador Constante (OC). Já o segundo é denominado Operador Tangente (OT), pois considera uma rigidez tangente à resposta estrutural não linear, o que resulta em melhores taxas de convergência em comparação ao OC. Como aplicações das formulações, estruturas compostas teóricas foram analisadas em regime elástico. Além disso, testes experimentais de fratura em espécimes de concreto e madeira também foram simulados. A comparação dos resultados com as referências demonstrou que, as formulações foram efetivas e precisas para avaliar respostas mecânicas de estruturas, seja em regime elástico linear ou nos testes de fratura quase frágil. / The present work deals the development of numerical formulations to evaluate the mechanical behaviour of plane composed structures, in the context of linear elasticity and nonlinear fracture mechanics. The proposed formulations are based on the Boundary Element Method (BEM), through its classical singular and hyper singular integral equations. The multi-region technique is adopted to couple the interfaces of non-homogeneous multiphase bodies. The BEM is a robust and accurate numerical technique to analyse fracture phenomena in solids. This numerical method presents a mesh dimensionality reduction, which makes easier the modelling of cracks surfaces. Besides, this dimensionality reduction also makes the treatment of interfaces in composed structures a less complex task. Considering the use of Kelvin fundamental solutions at the integrals equations, isotropic materials can be represent as parts of the composed structures. On the other hand, using Cruse & Swedlow fundamental solution it is also possible to deal with general anisotropic materials. At the composed structures, cracks can propagate along the materials interfaces and the cohesive crack model is responsible for the nonlinear structural behaviour of the quasi-brittle failures. The nonlinear system of equations at the fracture analyses is solved using two different algorithms for iterative resolution. The first always takes into account the structure elastic strength and, hence it is called Constant Operator (CO). On the other hand, the second is denominated Tangent Operator (TO) due to the fact that it considers strengths at the tangent directions of the nonlinear structural response. Therefore, convergence rates are faster when compared with the CO. As applications, composed structures were analysed with the developed formulations in linear elastic range. In addition, experimental fracture testes performed in concrete and wood specimens were also analysed. The confront of obtained results with the reference ones show that, the formulation was effective and accurate to evaluate the mechanical responses of composed structures in linear elastic range, and also to perform nonlinear quasi-brittle fracture tests.

Čtyřstěny a jejich vlastnosti / Tetrahedra and their properties

ČERVENKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis Tetrahedra and their properties summarizes the basic properties of tetrahedron. The main goal is to introduce the topic to a reader of this thesis. Author would like to provide basic information about the particular types of tetrahedra and their properties. I try to examine there a spatial analogy of selected terms of a triangle. Conditions for the existence of the orthocenter of a tetrahedron are derived. Then for a non-orthocetric tetrahedron the Monge point as its generalization is introduced. By most properties their proofs are given. In the final part worksheets for pupils of primary and secondary schools are designed. Pictures in the thesis are created in a geometrical program called GeoGebra 3D. These pictures can help the reader to understand this problem.

投射有限群表現之形變理論 / Deformation Theory of Representations of Profinite Groups

周惠雯, Chou, Hui Wen Unknown Date (has links)
在本碩士論文中, 我們闡述了投射有限群表現, 以及其形變理論。 我們亦特別研究這些表示在 GL_1 和 GL_2 之形變, 並且給了可表示化 的判定準則。 最後, 我們解釋相對應的泛形變環之扎里斯基切空間與 群餘調之關連, 並計算了 GL_1 的泛形變表現。 / In this master thesis, we give an exposition of the deformation theory of representations for GL_1 and GL_2, respectively, of certain profinite groups. We give rigidity conditions of the fixed representation and verify several conditions for the representability. Finally, we interpret the Zariski tangent spaces of respective universal deformation rings as certain group cohomology and calculate the universal deformation for GL_1.

Invariants analytiques des diffeomorphismes et multizetas.

Bouillot, Olivier 19 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail comprends deux parties indépendantes, mais intimement liées. La première partie concerne le calcul et l'évaluation numérique des invariants holomorphes des difféomorphismes tangents à l'identité, dans le cas-type. On y expose notamment trois méthodes de calculs numériques, dont l'une est basée sur une formule explicite des invariants. Celle-ci résulte de l'évaluation de l'application de cornes 7[+, dont les ingrédients de base sont des rationnels, des coefficients de Taylor du difféomorphisme étudié et des multitangentes. La seconde partie concerne l'étude des multitangentes et des relations les liant entre elles. Il s'agit de fonctions I-périodiques, généralisant les séries d'Eisenstein, et définissant un moule symétr~l. D'autres relations existent, tels la réduction en monotangentes qui indique un lien profond entre les multitangentes et les multizêtas. Des propriétés et conjectures de nature purement algébrique, arithmétique ou analytique sont ensuite exposées.

Artificial Magnetic Materials: Limitations, Synthesis and Possibilities

Kabiri, Ali January 2010 (has links)
Artificial magnetic materials (AMMs) are a type of metamaterials which are engineered to exhibit desirable magnetic properties not found in nature. AMMs are realized by embedding electrically small metallic resonators aligned in parallel planes in a host dielectric medium. In the presence of a magnetic field, an electric current is induced on the inclusions leading to the emergence of an enhanced magnetic response inside the medium at the resonance frequency of the inclusions. AMMs with negative permeability are used to develop single negative, or double negative metamaterials. AMMs with enhanced positive permeability are used to provide magneto-dielectric materials at microwave or optical frequencies where the natural magnetic materials fail to work efficiently. Artificial magnetic materials have proliferating applications in microwave and optical frequency region. Such applications include inversely refracting the light beam, invisibility cloaking, ultra miniaturizing and frequency bandwidth enhancing low profile antennas, planar superlensing, super-sensitive sensing, decoupling proximal high profile antennas, and enhancing solar cells efficiency, among others. AMMs have unique enabling features that allow for these important applications. Fundamental limitations on the performance of artificial magnetic materials have been derived. The first limitation which depends on the generic model of permeability functions expresses that the frequency dispersion in an AMM is limited by the desired operational bandwidth. The other constraints are derived based on the geometrical limitations of inclusions. These limitations are calculated based on a circuit model. Therefore, a formulation for permeability and magnetic susceptibility of the media based on a circuit model is developed. The formulation is in terms of a geometrical parameter that represents the geometrical characteristics of the inclusions such as area, perimeter and curvature, and a physical parameter that represents the physical, structural and fabrication characteristics of the medium. The effect of the newly introduced parameters on the effective permeability of the medium and the magnetic loss tangent are studied. In addition, the constraints and relations are used to methodically design artificial magnetic material meeting specific operational requirements. A novel design methodology based on an introduced analytical formulation for artificial magnetic material with desired properties is implemented. The synthesis methodology is performed in an iterative four-step algorithm. In the first step, the feasibility of the design is tested to meet the fundamental constraints. In consecutive steps, the geometrical and physical factors which are attributed to the area and perimeter of the inclusion are synthesized and calculated. An updated range of the inclusion's area and perimeter is obtained through consecutive iterations. Finally, the outcome of the iterative procedure is checked for geometrical realizability. The strategy behind the design methodology is generic and can be applied to any adopted circuit based model for AMMs. Several generic geometries are introduced to realize any combination of geometrically realizable area and perimeter (s,l) pairs. A realizable geometry is referred to a contour that satisfies Dido's inequality. The generic geometries introduced here can be used to fabricate feasible AMMs. The novel generic geometries not only can be used to enhance magnetic properties, but also they can be configured to provide specific permeability with desired dispersion function over a certain frequency bandwidth with a maximum magnetic loss tangent. The proposed generic geometries are parametric contours with uncorrelated perimeter and area function. Geometries are configured by tuning parameters in order to possess specified perimeter and surface area. The produced contour is considered as the inclusion's shape. The inclusions are accordingly termed Rose curve resonators (RCRs), Corrugated rectangular resonators (CRRs) and Sine oval resonators (SORs). Moreover, the detailed characteristics of the RCR are studied. The RCRs are used as complementary resonators in design of the ground plane in a microstrip stop-band filter, and as the substrate in design of a miniaturized patch antenna. The performance of new designs is compared with the counterpart devices, and the advantages are discussed.

Artificial Magnetic Materials: Limitations, Synthesis and Possibilities

Kabiri, Ali January 2010 (has links)
Artificial magnetic materials (AMMs) are a type of metamaterials which are engineered to exhibit desirable magnetic properties not found in nature. AMMs are realized by embedding electrically small metallic resonators aligned in parallel planes in a host dielectric medium. In the presence of a magnetic field, an electric current is induced on the inclusions leading to the emergence of an enhanced magnetic response inside the medium at the resonance frequency of the inclusions. AMMs with negative permeability are used to develop single negative, or double negative metamaterials. AMMs with enhanced positive permeability are used to provide magneto-dielectric materials at microwave or optical frequencies where the natural magnetic materials fail to work efficiently. Artificial magnetic materials have proliferating applications in microwave and optical frequency region. Such applications include inversely refracting the light beam, invisibility cloaking, ultra miniaturizing and frequency bandwidth enhancing low profile antennas, planar superlensing, super-sensitive sensing, decoupling proximal high profile antennas, and enhancing solar cells efficiency, among others. AMMs have unique enabling features that allow for these important applications. Fundamental limitations on the performance of artificial magnetic materials have been derived. The first limitation which depends on the generic model of permeability functions expresses that the frequency dispersion in an AMM is limited by the desired operational bandwidth. The other constraints are derived based on the geometrical limitations of inclusions. These limitations are calculated based on a circuit model. Therefore, a formulation for permeability and magnetic susceptibility of the media based on a circuit model is developed. The formulation is in terms of a geometrical parameter that represents the geometrical characteristics of the inclusions such as area, perimeter and curvature, and a physical parameter that represents the physical, structural and fabrication characteristics of the medium. The effect of the newly introduced parameters on the effective permeability of the medium and the magnetic loss tangent are studied. In addition, the constraints and relations are used to methodically design artificial magnetic material meeting specific operational requirements. A novel design methodology based on an introduced analytical formulation for artificial magnetic material with desired properties is implemented. The synthesis methodology is performed in an iterative four-step algorithm. In the first step, the feasibility of the design is tested to meet the fundamental constraints. In consecutive steps, the geometrical and physical factors which are attributed to the area and perimeter of the inclusion are synthesized and calculated. An updated range of the inclusion's area and perimeter is obtained through consecutive iterations. Finally, the outcome of the iterative procedure is checked for geometrical realizability. The strategy behind the design methodology is generic and can be applied to any adopted circuit based model for AMMs. Several generic geometries are introduced to realize any combination of geometrically realizable area and perimeter (s,l) pairs. A realizable geometry is referred to a contour that satisfies Dido's inequality. The generic geometries introduced here can be used to fabricate feasible AMMs. The novel generic geometries not only can be used to enhance magnetic properties, but also they can be configured to provide specific permeability with desired dispersion function over a certain frequency bandwidth with a maximum magnetic loss tangent. The proposed generic geometries are parametric contours with uncorrelated perimeter and area function. Geometries are configured by tuning parameters in order to possess specified perimeter and surface area. The produced contour is considered as the inclusion's shape. The inclusions are accordingly termed Rose curve resonators (RCRs), Corrugated rectangular resonators (CRRs) and Sine oval resonators (SORs). Moreover, the detailed characteristics of the RCR are studied. The RCRs are used as complementary resonators in design of the ground plane in a microstrip stop-band filter, and as the substrate in design of a miniaturized patch antenna. The performance of new designs is compared with the counterpart devices, and the advantages are discussed.

Simetrinės trečiosios eilės liestinės sluoksniuotės / Symmetric tangent bundle of order three

Pavolaitė, Miglė 09 July 2010 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjamos simetrinės trečiosios eilės liestinės sluoksniuotės, kurios apibrėžiamos kaip 3 - džetų aibės. Surasta simetrinės erdvės izotropijų grupė, o taip pat jos izomorfijų grupė. Gautos izomorfijų grupės struktūrinės lygtys, surasti erdvės Maurerio – Kartano lygčių analogai, įrodytos formulės, išreiškiančios indukuotosios afiniosios sieties kreivumo tenzorių komponentes izomorfijų grupės struktūrinėmis konstantomis. Taip pat gauta visa eilė tapatybių, siejančių kreivumo objektus ir izomorfijų grupės struktūrines konstantas (apibendrintos Ričio ir Bianchi tapatybės). / The paper examined the symmetric third order tangent bundle, defined as 3- jet space. Found symmetric space isotropy group, as well as its isomorphy group. The resulting structural equation of isomorphy group, find this area Maurer - Cartan analogues of equations, an established formula, expressing inducted affines connection component of curvature tensors of the isomorphy group structural constants. Also received identities connecting the curvature objects structural constants of isomorphy group (generalized in Riči and Bianchi identity).

Puasono dvimatės lygties vidinių reikšmių uždavinio sprendimas „tilto“ funkcijų metodais / Solution of Poisson two-dimentional equation internal values' task by "brige" function approaches

Tutkienė, Simona 03 August 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbe matematiniu modeliavimu nagrinėjamas Puasono lygties sprendimo efektyvumas naujais metodais. Šiame darbe siūloma spręsti šias lygtis naudojant vadinamąsias „tilto“ funkcijas. Bandomos dviejų rūšių „tilto“ funkcijos: hiperbolinio tangento ir trigonometrinės. Puasono lygties sprendinys ieškomas per „tilto“ funkcijų ir polinomų sandaugų sumą. / In this study Poisson function is solved using “bridge” functions method, meaning that all range is divided to separate zones (“bridges”) and to separate approximation polynomial multiplied of “bridge” functions. Common solution is equal to the sum of separate polynomial multiplied of “bridge” functions. To solve Poisson equation, the so-called "bridge" function was used. Differential equation, the solution we were looking via the "bridge" functions and products of powers of polynomials amount.

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