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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do processo de fabricação de alvos de folhas finas de urânio metálico para produção de Mo-99 / Study of the process of fine metallic uranium sheet targeting for Mo-99 production

José Antonio Batista de Souza 05 October 2018 (has links)
O Tecnécio-99m (99mTc), gerado a partir do decaimento do Molibdênio-99 (99Mo), é o radionuclídeo mais conveniente para a execução de procedimentos de diagnósticos médicos, devido à sua emissão gama bem característica e de fácil detecção. O método utilizado para produzir 99Mo é através da fissão do 235U incorporado nos chamados alvos de irradiação. Duas rotas estão sendo desenvolvidas para a produção do 99Mo por fissão para o Reator Multipropósito Brasileiro (RMB), ambas utilizando urânio de baixo enriquecimento (LEU): 1) A primeira a dissolução básica, que é baseada na tecnologia de alvos de dispersão UAlx-Al. 2) A segunda emprega a dissolução ácida de alvos de folhas finas de urânio metálico. A principal vantagem dos alvos de folha fina de urânio metálico sobre os alvos de dispersão UAlx-Al é a alta densidade do urânio metálico. Com o intuito de compreender e otimizar o processo de fabricação de alvos de folhas finas foi realizado um estudo da fusão do urânio metálico, laminação de folhas finas, caracterização microestrutural e montagem dos alvos, definindo assim, os procedimentos específicos para a produção desse tipo de alvo com as características dos alvos fabricados internacionalmente. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o processo de fabricação dos lingotes e de lâminas de urânio metálico por meio de laminação a quente possibilitaram a obtenção de lâminas com espessura entre 250 e 300 μm. O processo de laminação a frio possibilitou a obtenção de folhas finas com espessura de ±125 μm que atende à especificação internacional. O uso de óxido de alumínio como material para prevenir caldeamento do tablete de urânio mostrou-se eficiente, substituindo com vantagens o uso de óxido de ítrio. A microestrutura após o tratamento térmico apresentou grãos equiaxiais pequenos, e a realização de um resfriamento rápido de 5 minutos após o tratamento térmico foi suficiente para se eliminar a textura da folha fina de urânio metálico. O processo de montagem das folhas finas no alvo tubular foi realizado por pré-conformação da folha fina, facilitando a montagem. O processo de consolidação do alvo foi realizado por expansão por tração e a folga após a consolidação (\"gap de ar\") mostrou-satisfatória. As dimensões finais dos alvos tubulares atenderam à especificação internacional. / Technetium-99m (99mTc) is generated from the decay of Molybdenum-99 (99Mo). This element is the most convenient radionuclide for application in medical diagnostic procedures, once that its gamma emission is well known and of easily detected. The method used to produce 99Mo is through fission of the 235U embedded in so-called irradiation targets. Two routes are being developed for the production of 99Mo per fission to the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB), both using low enriched uranium (LEU): 1) The first basic dissolution, which is based on the technology of dispersion targets UAlx-Al. 2) The second employs the acidic dissolution of thin sheet targets of metallic uranium. The main advantage of uranium metal foil targets on the UAlx-Al dispersion targets is the high density of metallic uranium. In order to understand and optimize the process of manufacturing thin sheet targets, about the fusion of metallic uranium, thin sheet lamination, microstructural characterization and assembly of the target was carried out. Therefore the specific procedures for the production of this type of target with the characteristics of the targets manufactured internationally could be defined. The results showed that the process of manufacturing ingots and sheets of metallic uranium by hot rolling allows obtaining sheets with thickness between 250 and 300 μm. The cold rolling process allows obtaining thin sheets with a thickness of ± 125 μm which are in accordance with the international specification. The use of aluminum oxide as a material to prevent uranium tablet firing proved to be efficient, replacing with advantage the use of yttrium oxide. The microstructure after the heat treatment showed small equiaxial grains. A fast cooling of 5 minutes after the heat treatment was enough to eliminate the texture of the thin sheet of metallic uranium. The process of assembling the thin sheets in the tubular target was performed by preforming the thin sheet, facilitating the assembly. The process of consolidating the target was performed by tensile expansion and the clearance after consolidation (\"air gap\") was satisfactory. The final dimensions of the tubular targets have met the international specification.

Análise da influência das configurações dos pontos de apoio e do voo na acurácia de ortofotomosaicos elaborados a partir de dados de VANT

Souza, Gabriel de January 2018 (has links)
Recentemente, o uso dos Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANTs) surgiu como uma ferramenta para a aquisição de dados geoespaciais. Os Modelos Digitais de Elevação (MDEs), as ortoimagens e os modelos tridimensionais gerados a partir de imagens de VANT são produtos cartográficos de grande utilidade para as mais diversas aplicações. Em vista das limitações dos VANTs e da recentidade desta ferramenta, este estudo visa determinar a correlação da configuração dos pontos de apoio e dos parâmetros do voo com a acurácia de ortofotomosaicos elaborados a partir de dados de VANT. Esta pesquisa utilizou dados de três levantamentos aerofotogramétricos distintos realizados com três aeronaves diferentes e considerou parâmetros relacionados à configuração dos pontos de apoio e à execução do voo. Foram gerados 200 ortofotomosaicos e 200 MDEs. Ao todo foram feitas 4616 observações de pontos de controle. Os resultados mostraram baixa correlação linear entre acurácia planimétrica e altimétrica. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos de forma inversa às alturas de voo. No geral, sob as condições de processamento utilizadas neste trabalho, recomenda-se o uso de 4 a 5 pontos de apoio por km², além do uso de voo cruzado. / Recently, the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) emerged as a tool for geospatial data acquisition. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), orthoimages and three- dimensional models generated from UAV images are cartographic products of great utility for many different applications. Considering the recency and limitations of UAV, this study aims at determining the correlation of ground control points and flight configuration with the accuracy of orthophotomosaics based on UAV data. This research used data from three different aerial surveys, performed with three different aircrafts, and considered parameters related to ground-control points distribution and to flight missions. 200 orthophotomosaics and 200 DEMs were generated and a total of 4616 ground-control points measurements were performed. Results did not show a linear correlation between planimetric and altimetric accuracy. The best correlation results were obtained inversely related to flight height. In general, under the processing conditions used in this work, we recommend the use of 4 control points per km² and a cross flight pattern.

Production d’hydrogène solide sous forme de films de taille micronique. / Production of micron-sized films of solid hydrogen.

Garcia, Stéphane 06 November 2015 (has links)
Le développement des lasers de fortes puissances réalisé au cours des dix dernières années a ouvert de nouveaux champs de recherche dans de nombreux domaines tels que la production de faisceaux de particules chargées. Lors de l'interaction d'un faisceau laser avec une cible, il est en effet possible de générer un faisceau d'ions ou d'électrons d'une large gamme énergétique dépendant de la puissance du laser et de la nature de la cible.Les physiciens qui étudient les interactions laser-matière montrent un grand intérêt à pouvoir réaliser des expériences avec une cible d'hydrogène pure de l'ordre d'une dizaine de micromètres d'épaisseur. Lors d'une telle interaction, un faisceau constitué uniquement de protons accélérés est produit. La protonthérapie est l'une des applications phares qui utilise les propriétés particulières des protons accélérés pour détruire des tumeurs cancéreuses. Cette technique, plus légère et moins coûteuse, pourrait remplacer dans les années à venir les gros accélérateurs de particules, situés en sous-sol des hôpitaux. Les travaux menés durant cette thèse ont permis de développer un moyen d'obtenir et de caractériser de telles cibles, et ce en utilisant un nouveau procédé d'extrusion.L'extrusion d'hydrogène solide requiert des fortes pressions (100 à 400 bar) et des basses températures (inférieures à 13 K). Les fortes pressions sont obtenues à l'aide des propriétés thermodynamiques du fluide. Dans un premier temps, de l'hydrogène est introduit puis solidifié dans la cellule expérimentale jusqu'à remplir celle-ci. La cellule est alors fermée et chauffée en partie haute afin de liquéfier l'hydrogène qui s'y trouve. La dilatation qui résulte du changement de phase, génère une pression sur l'hydrogène solide qui est situé sous le liquide. Cette pression permet d'obtenir la force nécessaire à l'extrusion qui est réalisée au travers d'une buse se situant à l'extrémité basse de la cellule. La principale différence avec un procédé classique d'extrusion est l'absence de parties mobiles.Des premiers rubans d'hydrogène d'une largeur de 1 mm et d'une épaisseur de 100 µm ont été obtenus et ont donné lieu à publication en mars 2014. Une évolution de la cellule et du cryostat a ensuite été réalisée dans le but d'atteindre des épaisseurs de rubans plus faibles (25 et 50 µm).Une buse cylindrique d'un diamètre de 140 µm a également permis d'obtenir de longs cylindres d'hydrogène solide et de comprendre le comportement de l'écoulement dans des géométries simples. En parallèle, de nombreuses simulations numériques ont été réalisées dans le but de caractériser ce comportement. Un modèle dédié a ainsi été établi, pour lequel les résultats expérimentaux et les simulations sont en bon accord.Un algorithme de mesure de vitesses d'écoulement, basé sur le suivi de défauts présents dans le film d'hydrogène a également été développé. Celui-ci est basé sur une technique d'inter-corrélation d'images. L'épaisseur du ruban est également obtenue par analyse d'images acquises. Ces résultats sont en adéquation avec la mesure du débit d'hydrogène pompé, réalisée en aval du cryostat.De nombreux laseristes ont alors manifesté leur intérêt autour de ce nouveau procédé et une collaboration a été mise en place avec l'équipe du laser PALS, à Prague, dans le but d'installer une nouvelle version du cryostat, capable de se fixer sur la chambre à vide de leur laser. Cette équipe, qui sera la première à tirer sur des cibles d'hydrogène solide courant novembre 2015, souhaite valider certaines théories et accélérer des protons en utilisant le principe de la TNSA (Target Normal Shealth Acceleration). Les laseristes du LULI (situés à Palaiseau, en France) sont également intéressés pour utiliser de telles cibles et une installation sur leur chambre laser a été planifiée au mois de janvier 2016. En parallèle, des physiciens de l'Institut Lumière Matière du CNRS de Lyon souhaitent également utiliser ces cibles pour générer des rayons X-UV. / The development of very high power lasers in the latest decade opened up new horizons in a various field, such as the production of accelerated ion beams. When a laser beam interacts with a target, the generated beam can contain energetic ions or electrons with a large energy spectrum (1–200 MeV). This energy distribution depends on the laser power and the nature of the target.Physicists studying the interaction between laser and materials are really interested in having very thin (10 µm) ribbons of solid hydrogen that could be used as a target. Indeed, during the interaction between a laser and such a target, a pure proton beam can be created. Protontherapy is one of the main potential applications which uses the special properties of accelerated protons to destroy cancerous tumor. This technique, lighter and cheaper, could replace in the next years huge particle accelerators situated underground the equipped hospitals. This PhD thesis was about developing a way to get and characterize such ribbons, using a new extrusion process.Extrusion of solid hydrogen requires a high pressure (10 MPa to 40 MPa) and a low temperature (below 13K). This is achieved by using the thermodynamic properties of the fluid. First, the cell is filled in with solid H2, then closed. Afterward, the upper part is heated to liquefy the solid. The expansion, resulting from the phase change creates a pressure on the solid hydrogen, located below the liquid. The extrusion is realized through a micron-sized hole at the bottom of the cell. The main difference with a classic extrusion process is the absence of moving parts.First solid hydrogen ribbons (1mm large and 100 microns of thickness) have been obtained in March 2014, leading to an article in a peer review (laser and particle beams (2014) 32,569-575, Continuous production of a thin ribbon of solid hydrogen). The use of a 50 micron nozzle was satisfying but it showed the limitation in the design of the cell, leading to an upgraded one, which will enable to extrude thinner ribbons.A cylindrical nozzle (140 microns diameter) has also been used to obtain long cylinders of solid hydrogen and to be able to understand the solid hydrogen flow in simple geometries. In parallel, several numerical simulations have been carried out to establish the flow behavior of solid hydrogen during the extrusion process. An “home made” model has been developed for which experimental results and numerical calculations fit quite well for different nozzles' geometries.Using small ribbon defaults as velocity tracers, cross-correlation algorithm has also been developed to measure the velocity during the extrusion process. The ribbon thickness is also extracted from image analysis. These results are also correlated by flowmeter measurements and appeared to be accurate.Several laser teams have shown a great interest for these results and a collaboration contract has been signed with the laser PALS team (Prague) to install an updated version of this cryostat, able to be plugged in their vacuum chamber. The team wants to shoot the solid hydrogen target to understand the laser/matter interaction and accelerate proton through the TNSA (Target Normal Sheath Acceleration) principle. It will be the first time such target will be shot. The installation of the cryostat is scheduled by the end of august and the first experiments are planned during november 2015. LULI's laser team at Palaiseau in France is also interested in using these targets and is planning to shoot them in January 2016. In parallel, CNRS physicists of the ILM (Institut Lumière Matière de Lyon) would like to use these targets to generate X-UV radiation.

Making ‘The Ask’ to Internal Stakeholders: The Influence of Organizational Identification on University Faculty and Staff Giving

Ashley, Lora Haley 01 July 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore faculty/staff identification with their employing university and how that, in turn, may influence their decision to financially support the institution, or not. This study employed a case study approach and a mixed methods research design utilizing both qualitative and quantitative data. An online survey using Cheney’s (1982) Organizational Identification Questionnaire measured faculty/staff members’ identification with the organization and with their specific departments. The survey also collected data on faculty/staff past charitable giving. Following the survey, qualitative focus groups and interviews were conducted with faculty/staff members to explore what factors contributed to their decisions to support the university, or not. The survey data revealed that faculty and staff members identify more highly with their departments and staff members identify more highly overall than faculty members. Yet, the survey also revealed that faculty members gave more financially to the university than did staff members. A thematic analysis of the qualitative data revealed three overarching factors that influenced faculty/staff decisions to give, or not: affinity, capacity to give, and awareness. These findings offer insight to higher education universities and institutions about how identification between the faculty/staff members and the organization can affect their decisions to support the university. This case study makes a contribution to the literature on charitable giving, employee giving, and specifically, faculty/staff giving. It also extends extant literature on organizational identification, particularly targets of identification in a higher education context. Finally, this study offers practical implications for other universities, suggests directions for future research, and acknowledges the limitations.

Capacity Allocation for Emergency Surgical Scheduling with Multiple Priority Levels

Aubin, Anisa 25 September 2012 (has links)
Emergency surgeries are serviced by three main forms of capacity: dedicated operating room time reserved for emergency surgeries, alternative (on call) capacity, and lastly, canceling of elective surgeries. The objective of this research is to model capacity implications of meeting wait time targets for multiple priority levels in the context of emergency surgeries. Initial attempts to solve the capacity evaluation problem were made using a non-linear optimisation model, however, this model was intractable. A simulation model was then used to examine the trade-off between additional dedicated operating room capacity (and consequent idle capacity) versus increased re-scheduling of elective surgeries while keeping reserved time for emergency surgeries low. Considered performance measures include utilization of operating room time, elective re-scheduling, and wait times by priority class. Finally, the instantaneous utilization of different types of downstream beds is determined to aid in capacity planning. The greatest number of patients seen within their respective wait time targets is achieved by a combination of additional on call capacity and a variation of the rule allowing low priority patients to utilize on call capacity. This also maintains lower cancelations of elective surgeries than the current situation. Although simulation does not provide an optimum solution it enables a comparison of different scenarios. This simulation model can determine appropriate capacity levels for servicing emergency patients of different priorities with different wait time targets.

Optiska egenskapers påverkanav möjligheten att trycka eftermålvärden i ISO 12647-2.

Strandman, Karolina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis investigates how the optical properties of paperboard influences printing with targets in ISO 12647-2. The targets for optical properties in ISO 12647-2 are defined for paperboard without optical brightening agents and fluorescent brightening agents wich makes it difficult to reach the targets when printing paperboard containing these agents.Seven different types of paperboard, some with and some without the agents, have been printed and instrumentally andvisually measured to see if there is any deviation from the standard targets and if it shows visually.The result shows that paperboard containing optical brightening agents and fluorescent brightening agents can print with targets in ISO 12647-2 but in many measurments the difference between the types of paperboard were to small to assess. The differences between the types of paperboard in the instrumental measurements did not fully correspond with the waythe panel appraised them visually.

A Distributed Approach to Dynamic Autonomous Agent Placement for Tracking Moving Targets with Application to Monitoring Urban Environments

Hegazy, Tamir A. 22 November 2004 (has links)
The problem of dynamic autonomous agent placement for tracking moving targets arises in many real-life applications, such as rescue operations, security, surveillance, and reconnaissance. The objective of this thesis is to develop a distributed hierarchical approach to address this problem. After the approach is developed, it is tested on a number of urban surveillance scenarios. The proposed approach views the placement problem as a multi-tiered architecture entailing modules for low-level sensor data preprocessing and fusion, decentralized decision support, knowledge building, and centralized decision support. This thesis focuses upon the modules of decentralized decision support and knowledge building. The decentralized decision support module requires a great deal of coordination among agents to achieve the mission objectives. The module entails two classes of distributed algorithms: non-model-based algorithms and model-based algorithms. The first class is used as a place holder while a model is built to describe agents knowledge about target behaviors. After the model is built and evaluated, agents switch to the model-based algorithms. To apply the approach to urban environments, urban terrain zones are classified, and the problem is mathematically formulated for two different types of urban terrain, namely low-rise, widely spaced and high-rise, closely spaced zones. An instance of each class of algorithms is developed for each of the two types of urban terrain. The algorithms are designed to run in a distributed fashion to address scalability and fault tolerance issues. The class of model-based algorithms includes a distributed model-based algorithm for dealing with evasive targets. The algorithm is designed to improve its performance over time as it learns from past experience how to deal with evasive targets. Apart from the algorithms, a model estimation module is developed to build motion models online from sensor observations. The approach is evaluated through a set of simulation experiments inspired from real-life scenarios. Experimental results reveal the superiority of the developed algorithms over existing ones and the applicability of the online model-building method. Therefore, it is concluded that the overall distributed approach is capable of handling agent placement or surveillance applications in urban environments among other applications.

Product Market Competition and Real Earnings Management to Meet or Beat Earnings Targets

Young, Alex January 2015 (has links)
<p>Earnings management could be motivated by either managerial opportunism or efficient contracting. To discriminate between these motivations, I use a measure of product market competition that analytical research predicts will discipline managers and better align their interests with those of shareholders. Thus, if earnings management reflects managerial opportunism, then an increase in competition will decrease earnings management; and if it reflects efficient contracting, then an increase in competition will increase earnings management. Consistent with earnings management indicating managerial opportunism, I show that an increase in competition decreases real earnings management in the form of overproduction to avoid reporting negative earnings or a negative change in earnings.</p> / Dissertation

Perturbation and analysis of biological microenvironments

Allen, Richard William, 1976- 18 January 2011 (has links)
Understanding microscale biological processes as cells develop into tissues is one of the most important, yet most difficult, problems in modern biology. Cells encounter a dynamic chemical and physical environment and delineating the myriad of variables proves daunting with even the most sophisticated experiments. This dissertation focuses on the development and application of unique enabling technologies designed to sample and control biological microenvironments. By developing two approaches – one aimed at intracellular biochemistry and another for extracellular targets – based on photochemistry and optical force generation, research presented here will allow new areas of subcellular dynamics to be addressed. On the intracellular side, enzyme-immobilized polymeric microspheres or enzyme microstructures are placed into the cell cytosol via optical tweezers for sustained and localized chemical modification of the intracellular environment. This approach is complemented by the use of extracellular guidance barriers formed from photo-induced crosslinking of proteins. Through the use of minimally toxic photosensitizers and femtosecond (fs) near infrared (NIR) light, it is possible to fabricate three-dimensional protein structures in a living cell’s environment. Moreover, this work explores the ability to form protein structures with enzymatic activity as well as with high aspect-ratio features at micron resolution. Finally, the photochemical transformation of serotonin into a highly fluorescent visible photoproduct is investigated as a means to overcome problems associated with sample size in neurotransmitter detection during synaptic chemical signaling. Optimization of this multiphoton process entails understanding the mechanism by which the photoproduct is created and experiments towards this goal are presented here. Ultimately, the precision and flexibility of these technologies will allow access to new areas of the biosciences. / text

Χαρακτηριστικά και πρόβλεψη επιχειρήσεων στόχων εξαγοράς - συγκριτική ανάλυση και ανάπτυξη νέων οικονομετρικών υποδειγμάτων / Characteristics and prediction of takeover targets - comparative analysis and development of new econometric models

Τσαγκανός, Αθανάσιος 04 February 2008 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η ανάδειξη των χαρακτηριστικών των επιχειρήσεων – στόχων του βιομηχανικού τομέα και η δυνατότητα πρόβλεψης αυτών αποκαλύπτοντας έτσι τα κίνητρα των αγοραστών. Ο σκοπός αυτός επιτυγχάνεται μέσα από ένα διαφοροποιημένο τρόπο ανάπτυξης του θεωρητικού πλαισίου (σε σχέση με τους υφιστάμενους) και κατ’ επέκταση των θεωρητικών υποθέσεων. Σε αντιστοιχία με τις θεωρητικές υποθέσεις αναπτύσσεται η δειγματοληψία και ορίζονται οι μεταβλητές. Συνέπεια τούτου, οι μεταβλητές διακρίνονται σε χρηματοοικονομικές και μη χρηματοοικονομικές. Το κύριο βάρος της εργασίας εστιάζεται στην εφαρμογή εναλλακτικών οικονομετρικών υποδειγμάτων αναφορικά με τους στόχους – εξαγοράς. Η κύρια συνεισφορά της διατριβής εντοπίζεται στη θεωρητική ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή ενός νέου ουσιαστικά οικονομετρικού υποδείγματος του Bootstrap Mixed Logit (BMXL) που δίνει μια νέα διάσταση τόσο στον εντοπισμό των χαρακτηριστικών των επιχειρήσεων – στόχων όσο και στη δυνατότητα βελτίωσης της πρόβλεψης αυτών. Τέλος η εργασία ολοκληρώνεται εξάγοντας τα κύρια συμπεράσματα και κάνοντας προτάσεις για μελλοντική έρευνα και συνεισφορά. / The purpose of this dissertation is the identification of the characteristics of takeover targets of industrial sector and its predictive ability revealing the motives of buyers. This purpose is achieved using a different theoretical context and manner of sampling. We distinct the variables into financial and non financial. We focus on the application of alternative econometric model relatively to the takeover targets. The contribution of this dissertation is located to the theoretical development and application of a new econometric model the Bootstrap Mixed Logit (BMXL)that provide a new dimension not only on the identification of takeover targets but also on the ability of their prediction. Finally, the dissertation concludes making suggestion for future research.

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