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Förändringen inom den ryska Östersjömarinen sedan Kalla krigets slutStärnevall, Olof January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen syftar till att ge en bild av hur den ryska Östersjömarinen har förändrats sen Kalla krigets slut. För att skapa en överskådlig och konkret bild för läsaren har tre parametrar belysts dessa är uppgifter, resurser och materiel. En avgränsning i tid har gjorts då jag avser rikta in min analys på tre årtal, 1992, 2000 och 2007 dock har en mindre historisk invisning gjorts. Uppsatsens frågeställningar är: Hur har Östersjömarinens uppgifter, resurser och uppgifter förändrats sen Kalla krigets slut?</p><p> Östersjömarinen var som störst i slutet på Kalla kriget. Under 1990-talet då Ryssland befann sig i en ekonomisk kris drabbades hela den ryska krigsmakten och inte minst Östersjömarinen av neddragningar och minskat manöverutrymme. Antalet fartyg minskade och tillfälle till övningar försvann. Efter millennieskiftet stabiliserades Rysslands ekonomi och Östersjömarinens styrka växte, samarbetet med väst utökades och Ryssland deltar t.ex. i övningar med Nato. Under 2000-talet har Ryssland stärkts ytterligare och Östersjömarinen spelar allt en större roll i Rysslands vilja att försvara sina ekonomiska intressen. De militära utgifterna har ökat och nyproduktion av fartyg både till ryska flottan och för export har börjat byggas under 2000-talet.</p> / <p>Russia has since the fall of the Soviet Union faced some severe economic issues. During the 1990s the economy was rebuilt from a planned economy towards a more liberalized economy, and therefore a crisis was at hand. This unbalanced economy turned after the millennium, since a new president with a strong will strengthened Russia’s economy. This development after the Cold War also affected the Russian armed forces. The purpose of this essay is to describe the change in the Russian Baltic Fleet since the end of the Cold War. The study intends to answer the following questions: How have the economic recourses, the material situation and finally how the tasks changed in the Russian Baltic Fleet since the Cold War ended? To answer these questions I have analyzed a wealth of published materials covering this subject. The essay is built on three parameters: tasks, resources and material. With these three dimensions in mind I have built a total picture of the alterations that have been made in the Russian Baltic Fleet over the passed years. The study has been carried out with the help of a comparative descriptive method.</p><p> The result of this essay shows that the purpose and tasks for the Baltic Fleet have changed since the end of the Cold War. During the 1980s the goals in the Baltic were more aggressive and apparent. The strategic goals changed after the Cold War and the Baltic Fleet became more defensive. The tasks today concentrate upon Russia’s maritime interests, international cooperation and intervention.</p><p> The Russian Fleet suffered from severe economic reductions during the 1990s. Since the new millennium the Russian economy has been strengthened and so have the Baltic Fleet. The result of how the material situation has changed since the Cold war ended is substantial. During the 1990s the number of ships became fewer and fewer. Since 1998 the reduction of ships has stabilized and has since then been the same. The ships that serve in the Baltic Fleet are very old and few new ships have been added to the fleet.</p>
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Was testen Tests? Objektiv-hermeneutische Analysen am Beispiel von TIMSS und PISA / What do tests test? Objective-hermeneutic analyses illustrated by TIMSS and PISAMeyerhöfer, Wolfram January 2003 (has links)
Als ich anfing, ein Thema für meine Promotion zu erarbeiten, fand ich Massentests ziemlich beeindruckend. TIMSS: über 500000 Schüler getestet. PISA: 180000 Schüler getestet. Ich wollte diese Datenbasis nutzen, um Erkenntnisse für die Gestaltung von Unterricht zu gewinnen.
Leider kam ich damit nicht weit. Je tiefer ich mich mit den Tests und den dahinterstehenden Theorien befasste, desto deutlicher schälte sich heraus, dass mit diesen Tests keine neue Erkenntnis generiert werden kann. Fast alle Schlussfolgerungen, die aus den Tests gezogen werden, konnten gar nicht aus den Tests selbst gewonnen werden.
Ich konzentrierte mich zunehmend auf die Testaufgaben, weil die Geltung der Aussage eines Tests an der Aufgabe erzeugt wird: In der Aufgabe gerinnt das, was die Tester als „mathematische Leistungsfähigkeit“ konstruieren. Der Schüler wiederum hat nur die Aufgabe vor sich. Es gibt nur „gelöst“ (ein Punkt) und „ungelöst“ (kein Punkt). Damit der Schüler den Punkt bekommt, muss er an der richtigen Stelle ankreuzen, oder er muss etwas hinschrei-ben, wofür der Auswerter einen Punkt gibt. In der Dissertation wird untersucht, was die Aufgaben testen, was also alles in das Konstrukt von „mathematischer Leistungsfähigkeit“ einfließt, und ob es das ist, was der Test testen soll. Es stellte sich durchaus erstaunliches heraus:
- Oftmals gibt es so viele Möglichkeiten, zur gewünschten Lösung (die nicht in jedem Fall die richtige Lösung ist) zu gelangen, dass man nicht benennen kann, welche Fähigkeit die Aufgabe eigentlich misst. Das Konstrukt „mathematische Leistungsfähigkeit“ wird damit zu einem zufälligen.
- Es werden Komponenten von Testfähigkeit mitgemessen: Viele Aufgaben enthalten Irritationen, welche von testerfahrenen Schülern leichter überwunden werden können als von testunerfahrenen. Es gibt Aufgaben, die gelöst werden können, ohne dass man über die Fähigkeit verfügt, die getestet werden soll. Umgekehrt gibt es Aufgaben, die man eventuell nicht lösen kann, obwohl man über diese Fähigkeit verfügt. Als Kernkompetenz von Testfähigkeit stellt sich heraus, weder das gestellte mathematische Problem noch die angeblichen realen Proble-me ernst zu nehmen, sondern sich statt dessen auf das zu konzentrieren, was die Tester angekreuzt oder hinge-schrieben sehen wollen. Prinzipiell erweist es sich als günstig, mittelmäßig zu arbeiten, auf intellektuelle Tiefe in der Auseinandersetzung mit den Aufgaben also zu verzichten.
- Man kann bei Multiple-Choice-Tests raten. Die PISA-Gruppe behauptet zwar, dieses Problem technisch über-winden zu können, dies erweist sich aber als Fehleinschätzung.
- Sowohl bei TIMSS als auch bei PISA stellt sich heraus, dass die vorgeblich verwendeten didaktischen und psychologischen Theorien lediglich theoretische Mäntel für eine theoriearme Testerstellung sind. Am Beispiel der Theorie der mentalen Situationsmodelle (zur Bearbeitung von realitätsnahen Aufgaben) wird dies ausführlich exemplarisch ausgearbeitet. Das Problem reproduziert sich in anderen Theoriefeldern. Die Tests werden nicht durch Operationalisierungen von Messkonstrukten erstellt, sondern durch systematisches Zusammenstückeln von Aufgaben.
- Bei PISA sollte „Mathematical Literacy“ getestet werden. Verkürzt sollte das die Fähigkeit sein, „die Rolle, die Mathematik in der Welt spielt, zu erkennen und zu verstehen, begründete mathematische Urteile abzugeben und sich auf eine Weise mit der Mathematik zu befassen, die den Anforderungen des gegenwärtigen und künftigen Lebens einer Person als eines konstruktiven, engagierten und reflektierten Bürgers entspricht“ (PISA-Eigendarstellung). Von all dem kann angesichts der Aufgaben keine Rede sein.
- Bei der Untersuchung des PISA-Tests drängte sich ein mathematikdidaktischer Habitus auf, der eine separate Untersuchung erzwang. Ich habe ihn unter dem Stichwort der „Abkehr von der Sache“ zusammengefasst. Er ist geprägt von Zerstörungen des Mathematischen bei gleichzeitiger Überbetonung des Fachsprachlichen und durch Verwerfungen des Mathematischen und des Realen bei realitätsnahen Aufgaben. Letzteres gründet in der Nicht-beachtung der Authentizität sowohl des Realen als auch des Mathematischen.
Die Arbeit versammelt neben den Untersuchungen zu TIMSS und PISA ein ausführliches Kapitel über das Prob-lem des Testens und eine Darstellung der Methodologie und Praxis der Objektiven Hermeneutik.
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Revisorers arbetsuppgifter : En kvantitativ studie om revisorers arbetsuppgifters förväntade utveckling efter avskaffandet av revisionsplikten med paralleller dragna till TysklandBohman, Kaisa, Gunstad, Anna-Karin January 2010 (has links)
Titel: Revisorers arbetsuppgifter – En kvantitativ studie om revisorers arbetsuppgifters förväntade utveckling efter avskaffandet av revisionsplikten med paralleller dragna till Tyskland Författare: Bohman, Kaisa (Mälardalens högskola) Gunstad, Anna-Karin (Mälardalens högskola) Handledare: Riitta Lehtisalo Seminariedatum: 2010-06-04 Institution: Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling Kurs: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp Examinator: Cecilia Lindh Nyckelord: Revisionsplikt, revisor, revision, arbetsuppgifter, Tyskland Bakgrund: Den 1 november 2010 träder en ny lag i kraft som avser avskaffandet av revisionsplikten i Sverige för små aktiebolag. När ramverket runt revisorerna förändras måste de anpassa sig för att bli så effektiva och verksamma som möjligt. Tyskland har i dagsläget ett system där mindre aktiebolag inte behöver revidera sina räkenskaper. Sverige och Tyskland har sina rötter i kontinental redovisningstradition vilket bidrar till att Tyskland kan anses vara ett föregångsland till Sverige. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur revisorer tror att deras arbetsuppgifter förändras efter avskaffandet av revisionsplikten. Syftet är även att dra paralleller till den tyska utvecklingen av arbetsuppgifter för revisorer för att undersöka om det kan ge en bild av den kommande svenska utvecklingen. Vi kommer även i studien identifiera intressenter som kommer att påverka denna förväntade framtida utveckling. Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär där intervjuer med revisorer har genomförts för att få en ökad förståelse för problemet. Studien genomfördes genom intervjuer i både Sverige och Tyskland. Slutsatser: Slutsatser vi kan dra är att de svenska revisorerna tror att deras arbetsuppgifter kommer att utvecklas i riktning mot rådgivning, konsultation och punktinsatser. De svenska revisorerna tror att intressenter såsom kreditgivare, leverantörer, företag och Skatteverket, kommer att påverka hur deras framtida arbetsuppgifter kommer att se ut. / Titel: Auditors tasks - A qualitative study on auditor’s tasks expected development after the abolition of the audit requirement with parallels drawn to Germany Authors: Kaisa Bohman Anna-Karin Gunstad Advisor: Riitta Lehtisalo Seminar date: 2010-06-04 Institution: School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology Course: Bachelor Thesis, 15 hp Examiner: Cecilia Lindh Keywords: Audit requirement, review, auditor, tasks, Germany The main issues: 1 November 2010 a new law in force relating to the abolition of the audit requirement in Sweden. The Swedish companies, can after this date, freely choose whether they want to audit or not. When the framework around the auditors change, they must change to adapt to the new ground rules to ensure that they stay as efficient and as effective as possible. Germany has in the current situation a system where smaller companies do not have to revise their accounts; it takes place entirely on a voluntary basis. Sweden and Germany has its roots in continental accounting tradition, whereas Germany can be regarded as a leading country of Sweden. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine how auditors believe that their tasks will change after the abolition of the audit requirement. The aim is also to draw parallels with the German development of the tasks of auditors to examine whether it can provide a picture of the future Swedish development. We will identify stakeholders who are likely to influence the development of auditors' work. Method: The study is qualitative in nature in which interviews with auditors has been conducted to obtain a better understanding of the problem. This study was conducted through interviews in both Sweden and Germany. Conclusions: One conclusion we can draw is that the Swedish auditors believe that their work will evolve in the direction of advisory and consultancy services. Another conclusion we can draw is that the Swedish auditors believe that stakeholders such as creditors, suppliers, other businesses and the Treasury, will influence their future task.
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Psykiatrisjuksköterskans arbetsuppgifter och kompetensområde inom den slutna vården. : - Intervjustudie inom den slutna psykiatriska akutsjukvården.Skuladottir, Gudrun, Backström, Monica January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka psykiatrisjuksköterskans självrapporterade utförda arbetsuppgifter och självupplevda kompetens. Studien bygger på individuellt genomförda intervjuer med 19 psykiatrisjuksköterskor verksamma inom den psykiatriska slutenvården. Författarna har använd ett proportionellt stratifierat urval. Resultatet presenteras i fem kategorier; psykiatrisjuksköterskans kompetensområde, specifika arbetsuppgifter i kompetensområdet, arbetsuppgifter utanför kompetensområdet, arbetsuppgifter som psykiatrisjuksköterskan saknar samt rollkonflikter med tillhörande subkategorier. I psykiatrisjuksköterskans kompetensområde ingår arbetsuppgifter som arbetsledare och omvårdnadsansvarig att planera fördela arbetet på avdelningen, vårdplanera, dokumentera samt läkemedelsadministration. Det specifika i kompetensområdet visade sig vara bland annat vara stöd samtal, motiverande samtal och undervisning. Sjuksköterskorna skulle också ha en övergripande helhetssyn samt göra observationer. Arbetsuppgifter utanför kompetensområdet visade att de hjälper doktorerna med olika administrativa uppgifter samt en del kuratorsarbete. Arbetsuppgifter som sjuksköterskorna saknar främst; är mer aktiviteter för patienterna, mer patientkontakt, bättre samarbete med vårdgrannar och anhöriga samt en ökad etisk medvetenhet i omvårdnads och dokumentationsarbetet. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde även rollkonflikter i sitt arbete som mest berodde på olika otydligheter inom arbetsgruppen. Författarna anser att en tydligare arbetsbeskrivning, bättre ansvarsfördelning mellan de olika yrkesgrupperna samt en mer strukturerad vård av patienterna skulle minska otydligheten och osäkerheten för psykiatrisjuksköterskorna. / The purpose of the study was to examine self-reported psychiatric nurse performed tasks and self-perceived competence. The study is based on individually conducted interviews with 19 psychiatric nurses working in psychiatric inpatient ward. The authors have used a proportional stratified sample. The results are presented in five categories; psychiatric nurse competence, specific tasks in the areas of competence, work outside the areas of competence, tasks psychiatric nurse lack and role conflicts and related subcategories. In psychiatry nurse competence includes duties as supervisor and nursing manager to plan the work in the department, care planning, documenting, and pharmaceutical administration. The specific competence in the field proved to be, inter alia, support calls, motivational talks and teaching. The nurses would also have a comprehensive approach and make observations. Tasks outside the competence demonstrated that they are helping the doctors with various administrative tasks, and some counselors work. Tasks that nurse do mainly lack; are more activities for patients, more patients, better cooperation with neighbors and family care, and increased ethical awareness in the nursing care and documentation work. The nurses also experienced role conflict in their work as most were due to various ambiguities in the working group. The authors conclude that a better working instruction, better division of responsibilities between the different professions and a more structured care of patients would reduce the lack of clarity and uncertainty of psychiatry nurses.
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Förändringen inom den ryska Östersjömarinen sedan Kalla krigets slutStärnevall, Olof January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att ge en bild av hur den ryska Östersjömarinen har förändrats sen Kalla krigets slut. För att skapa en överskådlig och konkret bild för läsaren har tre parametrar belysts dessa är uppgifter, resurser och materiel. En avgränsning i tid har gjorts då jag avser rikta in min analys på tre årtal, 1992, 2000 och 2007 dock har en mindre historisk invisning gjorts. Uppsatsens frågeställningar är: Hur har Östersjömarinens uppgifter, resurser och uppgifter förändrats sen Kalla krigets slut? Östersjömarinen var som störst i slutet på Kalla kriget. Under 1990-talet då Ryssland befann sig i en ekonomisk kris drabbades hela den ryska krigsmakten och inte minst Östersjömarinen av neddragningar och minskat manöverutrymme. Antalet fartyg minskade och tillfälle till övningar försvann. Efter millennieskiftet stabiliserades Rysslands ekonomi och Östersjömarinens styrka växte, samarbetet med väst utökades och Ryssland deltar t.ex. i övningar med Nato. Under 2000-talet har Ryssland stärkts ytterligare och Östersjömarinen spelar allt en större roll i Rysslands vilja att försvara sina ekonomiska intressen. De militära utgifterna har ökat och nyproduktion av fartyg både till ryska flottan och för export har börjat byggas under 2000-talet. / Russia has since the fall of the Soviet Union faced some severe economic issues. During the 1990s the economy was rebuilt from a planned economy towards a more liberalized economy, and therefore a crisis was at hand. This unbalanced economy turned after the millennium, since a new president with a strong will strengthened Russia’s economy. This development after the Cold War also affected the Russian armed forces. The purpose of this essay is to describe the change in the Russian Baltic Fleet since the end of the Cold War. The study intends to answer the following questions: How have the economic recourses, the material situation and finally how the tasks changed in the Russian Baltic Fleet since the Cold War ended? To answer these questions I have analyzed a wealth of published materials covering this subject. The essay is built on three parameters: tasks, resources and material. With these three dimensions in mind I have built a total picture of the alterations that have been made in the Russian Baltic Fleet over the passed years. The study has been carried out with the help of a comparative descriptive method. The result of this essay shows that the purpose and tasks for the Baltic Fleet have changed since the end of the Cold War. During the 1980s the goals in the Baltic were more aggressive and apparent. The strategic goals changed after the Cold War and the Baltic Fleet became more defensive. The tasks today concentrate upon Russia’s maritime interests, international cooperation and intervention. The Russian Fleet suffered from severe economic reductions during the 1990s. Since the new millennium the Russian economy has been strengthened and so have the Baltic Fleet. The result of how the material situation has changed since the Cold war ended is substantial. During the 1990s the number of ships became fewer and fewer. Since 1998 the reduction of ships has stabilized and has since then been the same. The ships that serve in the Baltic Fleet are very old and few new ships have been added to the fleet.
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Task and motion planning for mobile manipulatorsJanuary 2012 (has links)
This thesis introduces new concepts and algorithms that can be used to solve the simultaneous task and motion planning (STAMP) problem. Given a set of actions a robot could perform, the STAMP problem asks for a sequence of actions that takes the robot to its goal and for motion plans that correspond to the actions in that sequence. This thesis shows how to solve the STAMP problem more efficiently and obtain more robust solutions, when compared to previous work. A solution to the STAMP problem is a prerequisite for most operations complex robots such as mobile manipulators are asked to perform. Solving the STAMP problem efficiently thus expands the range of capabilities for mobile manipulators, and the increased robustness of computed solutions can improve safety. A basic sub-problem of the STAMP problem is motion planning. This thesis generalizes KPIECE, a sampling-based motion planning algorithm designed specifically for planning in high-dimensional spaces. KPIECE offers computational advantages by employing projections from the searched space to lower-dimensional Euclidean spaces for estimating exploration coverage. This thesis further develops the original KPIECE algorithm by introducing a means to automatically generate projections to lower-dimensional Euclidean spaces. KPIECE and other state-of-the-art algorithms are implemented as part the Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL), and the practical applicability of KPIECE and OMPL is demonstrated on the PR2 hardware platform. To solve the STAMP problem, this thesis introduces the concept of a task motion multigraph (TMM), a data structure that can express the ability of mobile manipulators to perform specific tasks using different hardware components. The choice of hardware components determines the state space for motion planning. An algorithm that prioritizes the state spaces for motion planning using TMMs is presented and evaluated. Experimental results show that planning times are reduced by a factor of up to six and solution paths are shortened by a factor of up to four, when considering the available planning options. Finally, an algorithm that considers uncertainty at the task planning level based on generating Markov Decision Process (MDP) problems from TMMs is introduced.
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Scientific High Performance Computing (HPC) Applications On The Azure Cloud PlatformAgarwal, Dinesh 10 May 2013 (has links)
Cloud computing is emerging as a promising platform for compute and data intensive scientific applications. Thanks to the on-demand elastic provisioning capabilities, cloud computing has instigated curiosity among researchers from a wide range of disciplines. However, even though many vendors have rolled out their commercial cloud infrastructures, the service offerings are usually only best-effort based without any performance guarantees. Utilization of these resources will be questionable if it can not meet the performance expectations of deployed applications. Additionally, the lack of the familiar development tools hamper the productivity of eScience developers to write robust scientific high performance computing (HPC) applications. There are no standard frameworks that are currently supported by any large set of vendors offering cloud computing services. Consequently, the application portability among different cloud platforms for scientific applications is hard. Among all clouds, the emerging Azure cloud from Microsoft in particular remains a challenge for HPC program development both due to lack of its support for traditional parallel programming support such as Message Passing Interface (MPI) and map-reduce and due to its evolving application programming interfaces (APIs). We have designed newer frameworks and runtime environments to help HPC application developers by providing them with easy to use tools similar to those known from traditional parallel and distributed computing environment set- ting, such as MPI, for scientific application development on the Azure cloud platform. It is challenging to create an efficient framework for any cloud platform, including the Windows Azure platform, as they are mostly offered to users as a black-box with a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) to access various service components. The primary contributions of this Ph.D. thesis are (i) creating a generic framework for bag-of-tasks HPC applications to serve as the basic building block for application development on the Azure cloud platform, (ii) creating a set of APIs for HPC application development over the Azure cloud platform, which is similar to message passing interface (MPI) from traditional parallel and distributed setting, and (iii) implementing Crayons using the proposed APIs as the first end-to-end parallel scientific application to parallelize the fundamental GIS operations.
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Räder och svensk doktrin samt reglemente för markoperationer?Svensson, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
NATO, USA, Storbritannien och Ryssland m.fl. använder sig av stridsuppgiften räd för markstridskrafter och erfarenheter från bl.a. Irakkriget 2003 visar att de kan få stor betydelse. Räder anses överensstämma med manöverteorin, men räder återfinns inte som stridsuppgift för svenska markstridskrafter. Denna uppsats analyserar stridsuppgiften räd för markstridskrafter, operationaliserar två indikatorer för räder och med hjälp av dessa undersöks hur räder är förenligt med FM nuvarande doktrin och Reglemente för Markoperationer (RMO). Undersökningen visar att räder inte är förenliga med nuvarande doktrin och RMO. Bl.a. så uppfattas det sakna överensstämmelse att avsiktligt inte bibehålla öppna landförbindelser. Däremot är delar av indikatorerna direkt eller indirekt att anse som förenliga. / NATO, USA, Great Britain and Russia are among others using the task raid for ground forces and experiences from e.g. the war in Iraq 2003 have shown that they could have great importance. Raids are considered to correspond to manoeuvre theory, but raids are not to be found as a task for Swedish ground forces. This paper is analyzing the task raid for ground forces, developing two indicators for raids and with the help of these examining how raids are compatible with the armed forces present doctrine and field manual for ground operations. The investigation shows that raids are not compatible with the present doctrine and field manual for ground operations. E.g. is it considered to disagree not to keep land lines of communications open. Parts of the indicators are however directly or indirectly considered compatible.
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Validating Integrated Human Performance Models Involving Time-critical Complex SystemsGore, Brian 29 April 2010 (has links)
The current research sets out to demonstrate a comprehensive approach to validate complex human performance models as applied to time-sensitive tasks. This document is divided into 4 sections. Section 1 (Chapters 1 – 3) outlines previous efforts in the literature that have attempted to validate complex human performance models in the field with an emphasis on manual control models, task network models, cognitive models and integrated architectures. Section 2 (Chapters 4 – 7) elaborates on a validation approach and applies it to a baseline model of a complex task in the air traffic control domain. Section 3 (Chapters 7-12) outlines the importance of adopting an iterative model development-model validation process and reports on the three model iterations in an attempt to improve the validity of the baseline model. Each model augmentation was validated using the same validation approach and measures that were defined in Section 2. Section 4 (Chapters 13-14) provides a discussion and interpretation of the model results and highlights contributions to the field of both model validation and the field of human performance modelling of complex systems.
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On the threshold of adulthood : Recurrent phenomena and developmental tasks during the period of young adulthoodJacobsson, Gunnel January 2005 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to investigate the own narratives told by young adults in the age group 18 to 25 years old about strains in life, ideas about the background to these, and attitudes now and in an imagined future. The emerging recurrent phenomena form the basis for a deeper understanding of the developmental tasks of young adults. Gender variances and changes over time are focused upon. The investigation is based on three distinct theoretical perspectives: developmental psychology, social constructionism and personal epistemology. The methods used vary according to the focus in four separate studies: (1) The Interview study is based on the narratives of 23 informants. A qualitative analysis was carried out and central themes are presented at group level. (2) In the Questionnaire study, a bird’s eye view is taken. A quantitative analysis was performed on 611 respondents’ answers about their own attitudes and experienced background to strains. (3) In the Follow-up study, 21 informants from the Interview study were interviewed again after eighteen months. (4) The Case study scrutinizes in detail four informants’ narratives about strains and attitudes on three occasions, over a total of three years. The combination of three different theoretical and three different methodological perspectives was used to make recurrent phenomena more visible, enabling the formulation of developmental tasks during this period of life. The most prominent phenomenon concerning strains is to become someone in the world. This is interpreted as an individuation process, which is a specific developmental task. Depression-like conditions occur and are understood to be transitional expressions of developmental-related sorrow. A spectrum based on prominent attitudes is formulated: vegetative being – creative being – productive doing – warding-off doing. The spectrum includes both problem-solving and problem-distancing attitudes. Common for men and for women is a movement between the problem-distancing and the problem-solving attitudes. The attitudes differ between men and women. Over time, a greater range of problem-solving attitudes is used, and they become less gender-specific. The problem-distancing attitudes decrease, both within the group of women and the group of men, but are still as gender-specific. As time passes, the narratives about the background to strains and future attitudes gain an increased number of themes. These changes are interpreted as a maturity process within the age group. Most of the young adults convey a hopeful view of the future.
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