Spelling suggestions: "subject:"teachingaid"" "subject:"teaching.a""
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Motivační výuková hra na platformě Android / Educational Game of Motivation on the Android PlatformKučera, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to create a prototype of an educational game which should help students with the choice of future their studies. To this end, the game introduces the topic of logic systems in a non-threating interactive way with clear illustrative examples. The theoretical part of the work deals with the background knowledge necessary in order to design the game. It explains logic systems, gates, flip-flop circuits, and explores various aspects of game genres with primary focus on puzzle games and their history. In addition, the dissertation presents some of the issues related to cross-platform development of games for both mobile and computer platforms, and provides brief descriptions of several popular cross-platform libraries. Lastly, the work introduces and compares several chosen applications created as a supplementary material for teaching logic system.
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Moderní pomůcky ve výuce chemie / Modern teaching aids in chemistry educationMíka, Luděk January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Läromedelsanalys : En studie om läromedel i NO för åk 1-3 / Analysis of teaching materials : A study of science teaching materials for grade 1-3Lind, Ida, Härling, Frida January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to contribute with more knowledge about how different teaching materials in NOS can differ in terms of the connection to the core content and how it is represented in the form of images. The two teaching materials that we have chosen to review are "Puls NO-boken" and "Boken om NO". To examine these, we have produced two analysis tools based on the core content. We have made both a qualitative and a quantitative analysis. The qualitative analysis is done on selected images from the two teaching aids that we have analyzed in more detail. The results show that “Boken om NO” uses simpler and clearer images than “Puls NO-boken” in the production of life cycles. In the quantitative analysis, we compare the two textbooks in general to get an overall picture of how the books differ in relation to the core content. The results show that “Boken om NO” includes all core content, while the “Puls NO-boken” excludes three parts of the core content. A conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that “Boken om NO” is a more favorable book for both students and teachers as it includes all parts of the core content and that the presentation of images is clearer. / Syftet med studien är att bidra med mer kunskap kring hur olika läroböcker i NO kan skilja sig åt vad gäller kopplingen till det centrala innehållet samt hur det representeras i form av bilder. De två läroböcker som vi valt att granska är “Puls NO-boken” samt “Boken om NO”. För att granska dessa har vi framställt två analysverktyg som utgår ifrån det centrala innehållet. Det har gjorts en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ analys. Den kvalitativa analysen är gjord på utvalda bilder från de två läroböckerna som analyserat närmare. Resultatet visar att ”Boken om NO” använder enklare och tydligare bilder än ”Puls NO-boken” i framställningen av livscykler. I den kvantitativa analysen jämförs de två läroböckerna generellt för att få en övergripande bild över hur böckerna skiljer sig åt i förhållande till det centrala innehållet. Resultatet visar att “Boken om NO” behandlar alla centrala innehåll medan “Puls NO-boken” utesluter tre delar av det centrala innehållet. En slutsats som kan dras utifrån studien är att ”Boken om NO” är en mer gynnsam bok både för elever och lärare då den inkluderar alla delar ur det centrala innehållet samt att framställningen av bilder är tydligare.
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Historielärobokens användning och brister : En kvantitativ undersökning med kvalitativa inslag om lärares attityder rörande historieläroböcker i undervisningen / The use and shortcomings of the history textbook : A quantitative survey with qualitative elements about teachers' attitudes regarding history textbooks in teachingJulin, Joakim, Jönsson, Peter January 2021 (has links)
In this master thesis we aim to answer the question: “which are the most prominent attitudes thathistory teachers have towards history educational textbooks” and “what kind of teaching materials are history teachers using when they choose to relinquish the educational textbook”. There are quite a fewstudies regarding the content in educational textbooks however, studies aimed at exploringteachers’ views and attitudes towards these textbooks are few. In northern Europe we havethe luxury as teachers to have a say in what kind of teaching material and what sources weuse in our history teaching; in contrast, many other countries’ where the teaching materialare strictly monitored and the curriculum states exactly what should be taught. This may bewhy we almost exclusively have found studies regarding our subject within the Swedish historical community. However, none of these researchers have done any major survey with aquantified research method within this field of knowledge. That is where we aim to focusour research for this master thesis. Furthermore, what we have found through our researchis that teachers’ attitudes towards and usage of educational textbooks are far more diversethan prior research have shown. Within this thesis we also aim to widen the field ofknowledge regarding how teachers seek and collect teaching materials outside the educational textbooks. Based on a survey with answers from a total of 85 teachers we quantify which parts of thehistory textbooks these teachers find problematic in their everyday use regardless ofwhether it is about historical content or historical doing. We also investigate whether thereare differences in the answers based on professional years.
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Региональная культура в преподавании РКИ. Проект учебно-методического пособия для иностранных студентов : магистерская диссертация / Regional culture in teaching Russian as a foreign language. Draft teaching aid for foreign studentsНечаева, Е. Б., Nechaeva, E. B. January 2023 (has links)
Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью изучения региональной культуры, позволяющей повысить эффективность преподавания русского языка как иностранного, увеличить мотивацию обучающихся; используемый креативный подход с учетом принципов речевой деятельности помогает при решении коммуникативных задач, с которыми студент встречается в повседневной жизни. Предлагаемый проект учебно-методического пособия отвечает требованиям эффективности образовательных программ в преподавании РКИ. Цель научного исследования заключается в создании учебно-методической разработки по РКИ для иностранных студентов, имеющих уровень русского языка А2-В1(базовый и первый сертификационные уровни). Объектом исследования является методический аспект изучения региональной культуры. Предметом исследования является система методических заданий и упражнений, способствующих развитию видов речевой деятельности. Для достижения поставленной цели были сформулированы следующие задачи исследования: изучить теоретико-методологические основы обучения разных видов речевой деятельности; выявить наиболее информативные культурно-просветительские места Екатеринбурга для создания учебно-методической разработки на их основе; разработать систему поэтапной работы по изучению региональной культуры в иностранной аудитории на основе изученного теоретического материала при внеаудиторных занятиях; создать учебно-методическую разработку, направленную на формирование лингворегионоведческих компетенций у студентов, изучающих русский язык как иностранный уровня А2-B1 (базовый и первый сертификационные уровни) на основе площадок Свердловского областного краеведческого музея им. О.Е. Клера, ЕМИИ, дома-музея П.П. Бажова. В процессе решения поставленных задач были сделаны следующие основные выводы: максимального эффекта в обучении иностранному языку можно добиться лишь при совокупном использовании видов речевой деятельности на уроке с учетом языкового уровня студентов; установлены основные функциональные особенности лингвострановедения и лингворегионоведения: повышение мотивации у обучающихся, развитие и совершенствование коммуникативной, лингвокультурологической и социокультурной компетенции; выявлено значение этих дисциплин в процессе преподавания и обучения РКИ — через изучение лингвострановедения и лингворегионоведения происходит снятие культурных и языковых трудностей, с которыми может встретиться студент в процессе обучения; создание учебно-методических разработок, основанных на материале музейных институций Екатеринбурга, расширяет культурный кругозор студента; формат проведения внеаудиторных занятий в виде уроков-экскурсий повышает мотивацию обучения студента, помогает в полной мере представить языковую картину мира, облегчает процесс адаптации обучающегося в новой языковой среде. / The relevance of the study is due to the need to study the regional culture, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of teaching Russian as a foreign language, to increase the motivation of students; the creative approach used, taking into account the principles of speech activity, helps in solving communicative problems that the student encounters in everyday life. The proposed draft teaching aid meets the requirements for the effectiveness of educational programs in teaching Russian as a foreign language. The purpose of the scientific research is to create an educational and methodological development on Russian as a foreign language for foreign students with the level of the Russian language A2-B1 (basic and first certification levels). The object of the study is the methodological aspect of the study of regional culture. The subject of the study is a system of methodological tasks and exercises that contribute to the development of types of speech activity. To achieve this goal, the following research objectives were formulated: to study the theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching different types of speech activity; identify the most informative cultural and educational places in Yekaterinburg to create an educational and methodological development based on them; develop a system of phased work on the study of regional culture in a foreign audience based on the studied theoretical material in extracurricular activities; to create an educational and methodological development aimed at the formation of linguistic and regional competences of students studying Russian as a foreign language at the A2-B1 level (basic and first certification levels) on the basis of the sites of the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. O.E. Clair, EMII, house-museum of P.P. Bazhov. In the process of solving the tasks set, the following main conclusions were drawn: the maximum effect in teaching a foreign language can be achieved only with the combined use of types of speech activity in the lesson, taking into account the language level of students; the main functional features of linguo-cultural and linguo-regional studies have been established: increasing the motivation of students, developing and improving communicative, linguo-culturological and socio-cultural competence; the significance of these disciplines in the process of teaching and learning Russian as a foreign language is revealed - through the study of linguistic and regional studies and linguistic and regional studies, the removal of cultural and linguistic difficulties that a student may encounter in the learning process takes place; the creation of educational and methodological developments based on the material of the museum institutions of Yekaterinburg, expands the cultural horizons of the student; the format of extracurricular activities in the form of excursion lessons increases the student's learning motivation, helps to fully present the linguistic picture of the world, and facilitates the student's adaptation process in a new language environment.
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Культура родной страны (России) как тема в обучении английскому как иностранному языку : магистерская диссертация / Native country (Russian) culture as a topic in teaching English as a foreign languageШушарина, Д. Ю., Shusharina, D. Y. January 2023 (has links)
Данное диссертационное исследование посвящено изучению вопроса представления темы культуры родной страны (России) в обучении иностранному языку (ИЯ) и разработке учебного пособия в качестве примера того, как это может быть реализовано на занятиях по английскому языку у русскоязычных студентов бакалавриата и магистратуры. Актуальность данного вопроса заключается в ряде причин. Во-первых, культура страны является частью идентичности ее граждан и обладает объединяющей силой, что особенно важно в свете последних событий в России и мире. Во-вторых, такой подход к обучению ИЯ соответствует целям, задачам и интересам РФ по развитию, укреплению и сохранению культуры страны. В-третьих, в ряде работ по преподаванию ИЯ подчеркивается важность обращения при обучении ИЯ к культуре в целом и культуре родной страны в частности, а также создания наработок в данной области. В главе 1 рассматриваются понятия сфер обучения, теории и методики преподавания ИЯ, культуры, издательского дела и информационных коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ). Глава 1 также содержит обзор документов и проектов РФ, научной литературы. В главе 2 представлен и проанализирован проект авторского учебного пособия “Learning English through the Russian culture”, состоящий из одной главы на тему “Space exploration”, которая включает четыре урока для уровней B1, B2 и C1. Данное учебное пособие было разработано с использованием ИКТ и существует в электронном и печатном вариантах, а также сопровождается созданными на сайте Quizlet учебными карточками для отработки материала уроков. Представленный проект может быть использован при обучении английскому языку русскоязычных студентов бакалавриата и магистратуры или при самостоятельном изучении языка. Общим итогом работы является доказательство выдвигаемой гипотезы о том, что тему культуры родной страны целесообразно и возможно вводить при обучении ИЯ. / This dissertation research explores the issue of presenting the topic of native country (Russia) culture in foreign language (FL) teaching and developing a teaching aid as an example of how it can be implemented in English classes for undergraduate and graduate students, whose native language is Russian. The relevance of the issue lies in a number of reasons. Firstly, a country's culture is part of the identity of its citizens and has a unifying force, which is especially important in the light of recent events in Russia and the world. Secondly, this approach to teaching a foreign language is in line with the goals, objectives and interests of the Russian Federation to develop, strengthen and preserve the country's culture. Thirdly, a number of works on teaching the foreign language emphasize the importance of addressing culture in general and the native culture in particular while teaching a foreign language, as well as of creating learning materials on the topic. Chapter 1 discusses the concepts of the fields of learning, theory and methodology of language teaching, culture, publishing, and information communication technology (ICT). Chapter 1 also contains a review of Russian documents, projects, as well as of scientific literature. Chapter 2 presents and analyses the author's draft of instructional material collection entitled “Learning English through the Russian culture” which consists of one chapter on “Space exploration” with four lessons for levels B1, B2 and C1. This teaching aid was developed with the use of ICT and is available in electronic and print versions, and is accompanied by Quizlet cards for practicing the material of the lessons. The presented project can be used in teaching English to Russian-speaking undergraduate and graduate students or as a tool for independent language learning. The overall result of the work is proof of the hypothesis that it is appropriate and possible to introduce the topic of native culture in a foreign language classroom.
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PrefaceStaudinger, Ursula M. 03 September 2024 (has links)
How can we hope to understand a world that has become increasingly digital and global and its material organization has become more and more complex? What challenges arise from rapid technological developments? How can we explain our present, while also reflecting on the future? And what is the role of arts, sciences and engineering in global processes of transformation? As a university, TUD Dresden University of Technology aims to provide answers by discussing, defining, investigating, and researching such issues.
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The collections of TUD Dresden University of Technology – tradition and new perspectivesVincenz, Kirsten 03 September 2024 (has links)
As home to 40 collections of technical and scientific objects and to the artworks it owns, TUD Dresden University of Technology boasts a large and significant stock of historical and contemporary artefacts from teaching, research and art.
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The historical development of the collections at the TUD Dresden University of TechnologyMauersberger, Klaus 03 September 2024 (has links)
The guiding principles of polytechnic education, as developed at the École Polytechnique in Paris from 1794, aimed at practical application and democratization. Accordingly, great value was attached to the practical experience of technology. At that time, it was possible to acquire these primarily through drawing exercises, demonstrations and experiments, as well as through geometric methods. In order to synthesize new technical means, it was supremely important to be able to determine from a drawing those connections that were both constructive and related to manufacturing technology. Therefore, the educational goals at the emerging polytechnic schools involved training spatial powers of imagination, conveying design thinking and encouraging precision skills. Such precision and reproducibility were required by the developing mechanized production in factories.
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The Collection of Astronomic-Geodetic InstrumentsGraefe, Lutz 03 September 2024 (has links)
The well-known observatory tower of the Beyer Building, the landmark of the TUD Dresden University of Technology, houses a selection of the most notable objects belonging to the collection of historical instruments from the fields of astronomy and geodesy. Several display cabinets present to the interested visitor such instruments as theodolites, levels, a telescopic alidade, sextants, chronometers and meridian circles.
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