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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza soutěžních sestav kategorií AERO Dance a Fitness týmů aerobik. / Analisis Competing Line-ups AERO Dance and Fitness aerobic

Husáková, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
Title: Analysis of competing line-ups of categories AERO Dance and Fitness aerobic teams Objective: The main objektive of this master thesis is an analysis of the competition categories line-ups AERO Dance and Fitness aerobic teams from the World Cup of both international organizations in 2014. Methods: In this master thesis has been using content analysis and observation. These methods were used to collect and evaluate necessary data. Results: The results show various choreographic solutions and fundamental movement forms which affect sport performance of competitive line-ups of the most successful teams of FISAF and FIG organizations. They indicate what motion content of the current competitive line-ups in aerobics is necessary to make the choreography successful. Based on the results it is possible to predict the direction where choreografy creation will continue. Keywords: FIG, FISAF, Fitness team aerobic, AERO Dance

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hjärtstoppsteamets transport inom sjukhuset vid larm om hjärtstopp

Nilsson, Alexandra, Tornlund, Nina January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: På svenska sjukhus dör cirka sjuttio procent av de som drabbas av hjärtstopp. Eftersom hjärtstopp kan inträffa överallt på ett sjukhus och det inte alltid finns tillgång till defibrillator eller sjukvårdspersonal kan ett hjärtstoppsteams ankomst till platsen för hjärtstopp vara avgörande. Detta då tiden till första defibrillering har ett starkt samband med överlevnad. Syfte: Belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hjärtstoppsteamets transport inom sjukhuset vid larm om hjärtstopp. Metod: En kvalitativ studie där tolv stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes på Intensivvårdsavdelningen på ett sjukhus i norra Sverige. Innehållsanalys användes för skapandet av subkategorier och kategorier. Resultat: Ur analysen uppstod tre kategorier och tolv subkategorier. De tre kategorierna var ”Interna och externa resurser”, ”Variabler för olika transportsträckor” och ”Samförstånd mellan olika aktörer”. Slutsats: Många barriärer som kunde påverka hjärtstoppsteamets transport till platsen för hjärtstopp identifierades och utgjordes av bland annat långa avstånd, svårpasserade dörrar, folk och saker i vägen samt ombyggnationer. De hjälpmedel som hjärtstoppsteamet hade till förfogande kunde likaså utgöra hinder, då exempelvis transportmedlet i form av en hjärtstoppscykel identifierades stor och tung. Att identifiera och åtgärda barriärer som fördröjer hjärtstoppsteams ankomst till platsen för hjärtstopp är av vikt då detta påverkar patientsäkerhet och överlevnad för den drabbade. / Background: Among those who suffer from cardiac arrest in Swedish hospitals, there is a 70% mortality rate. Since cardiac arrests can occur in any area of the hospital that might lack defibrillators or hospital personell the arrival of the cardiac arrest team is crucial. Time to initial defibrillation is strongly correlated to survival after cardiac arrest. Aim: To illustrate intensive care nurses’ experiences of the cardiac arrest team’s transportation within the hospital to the location of a cardiac arrest when being dispatched. Method: A qualitative study where twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted at the Intensive care unit in a hospital in the northern part of Sweden. Content analysis was used to create sub-categories and categories. Results: From the analysis three categories and twelve sub-catagories emerged. The three categories were ”Internal and external resources”, ”Variables for different transport distances” and ”Shared understanding between different actors”. Conclusion: Many barriers that could affect the cardiac arrest team’s transportation to the location of a cardiac arrest were identified, includig long distances, doors that were difficult to pass, restricted passage by people and objects, and reconstructions. The assisting devices used by the cardiac arrest team could also compose obstacles. The cardiac arrest bike used during transportation was for example identified as big and heavy. It is of importance to identify and eliminate barriers that delay the arrival of the cardiac arrest team at the location of a cardiac arrest, since patient safety and survival can be affected.

Factors influencing the decentralisation of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis care: A management perspective

Mekler, Kathryn Ann January 2018 (has links)
Master of Public Health - MPH / Decentralisation of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) services has resulted in improved access to care, with community-based treatment of MDR-TB shown to be more effective than centralised hospital-based care. Furthermore, increasing bed shortages resulted in the National Department of Health establishing MDR-TB policy guidelines in 2011. However, the extent to which this policy has been implemented by the decentralised MDR- TB sites and the factors influencing implementation of the policy from a management perspective were not well described. The aim of this study was therefore to explore and compare the actual and ascribed roles and responsibilities of key management-level role players at the decentralised MDR-TB sites, and to explore the factors influencing implementation of the MDR-TB decentralisation policy (2011).

In search of protective factors against burnout: the role of psychological empowerment and perceived team empowerment

Quiñones Herrera, Marcela January 2015 (has links)
Psicóloga / The central aim of our study was to broad knowledge on the variables that may help to reduce burnout. To this end, we investigated whether the association between three job demands (i.e. role conflict, emotional demands and cognitive demands) and burnout was moderated by psychological empowerment and perceived team empowerment. Participants were 1268 employees from two organisations (government employees = 287, hospital staff = 981). Latent moderated structural equations revealed different patterns of moderation in the samples. Psychological empowerment offset the influence of the three job demands on burnout in the hospital sample, whereas in the government organisation only emotional demands were buffered. Perceived team empowerment ameliorated the effect of emotional and cognitive demands on burnout in the government sample whereas in the hospital only emotional demands were moderated. Interestingly, both kinds of empowerment were significant moderators of emotional demands in the two samples. Overall, our results support the notion that psychological and perceived team empowerment can be relevant health-promoting factors that help to deal with high job demands and reduce burnout

Headteachers' and teachers' perceptions of the role collegial teams in enhancing continuous instructional improvement: a case study of two high schools in Swaziland

Mamba, Noah M 21 May 2014 (has links)
This study set out to establish and record headteachers’ and teachers’ perceptions of the role of collegial teams in enhancing continuous instructional improvement. The concept collegial teams is based on the collegial model. The model advocates that for instructional improvement, teachers ought to work together as colleagues. The study began by investigating whether the participants had the basic understanding of collegial teams in the first place. It then established whether the teams exist in the selected schools. It proceeded to find out how these teams operate and whether they play any role in enhancing continuous instructional improvement. Furthermore, the study solicited respondents’ perceptions of the obstacles that hinder the operation of the teams. Lastly, the study made effort to obtain respondents’ recommendations on how best to improve the operation of the teams. This study has found that headteachers and teachers perceive collegial teams as playing a very significant role in enhancing continuous instructional improvement. The degree of the role was found to hinge on the headteacher’s attitude and support of the teams. These two elements in turn determined the degree of the teachers’ empowerment by the headteacher. Empowerment in this study is synonymous with treating teachers as professionals. Where empowerment prevailed, professional interaction arid collaboration tended to prevail also. The latter seem to result in the deepening of subject content and increasing diversification of teaching strategies as teachers work together zmd share ideas. The ultimate result of teachers’ working as colleagues was noticeable improvement in students’ performance. However, contextual factors tended to affect some teams negatively more than others apparently depending on each team’s ‘mastery’ of group dynamics. Finally, among others, two key recommendations were made; in school A, working on the master time- table in order to accommodate peer evaluation was recommended. In school B, it was recommended that teamwork be built on the good elements of the teacher assessment form over which teachers have no control.

Ledarens förmåga att lyfta medarbetarna : - En kvalitativ studie om ledarskapets inverkan på teamskapande / The leaders ability to lift employees : - A qualitative study about leadership influence in creating teams

Bärleving-Öhman, Joakim, Kidane, Frezhgi January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka ledarskapets inverkan på teamskapande samt studera huruvida det finns några likheter eller skillnader i teamskapande mellan offentlig och privat sektor. Denna studie undersöker och tar del av sex personers erfarenheter gällande ledarskap och teamskapande. Den teoretiska referensramen som legat till grund i detta arbete och ger läsaren djupare kunskap kring ämnet är ledarskap, team, roller och person group-fit. Materialet som presenteras i studien har samlats in via en kvalitativ ansats i form av intervjuer och dessa intervjuer genomfördes med individer som arbetar och är sysselsatta inom den offentliga och privata sektorn. Undersökningen strävar efter att beskriva och tydliggöra de faktorer som är avgörande i ett team som fungerar väl samt vilken inverkan ledarskapet har på sammansättningen av de anställda. Presentationen av intervjupersonernas erfarenheter består av deras synpunkter kring vad ett fungerande team är, vilken roll en ledare har i teamskapandet, om det finns skillnader och likheter kring teamskapandet inom offentlig och privat sektor samt slutligen hur eventuella åtgärder ser ut på de varierande arbetsplatserna då inte team inte fungerar. Resultatet av studien visar på att det är inga större skillnader mellan sektorerna som studerades. Största skillnaden var en åtskild syn på roller och hur man värderade personligheterna i dessa. Det som kännetecknade ett gott teamskapande var delaktighet, tillit och ett klimat som möjliggjorde fel och frågor. Ledarskapets roll skulle präglas av delaktighet som tidigare nämnt samtidigt som ett tydligt ledarskap där en formell ledarroll sågs som viktig för ett team. Studien avslutas med en diskussion om studiens slutsatser och genomförandet av den.

Sjuksköterskors syn på faktorer som bidrar till god teamkommunikation i palliativ vård : En intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor inom kommunens hemsjukvård / Nurses` views on factors that contribute to good team communication in palliative care : An interview study with nurses within municipality`s home health care

Fredriksson, Charlotta January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att arbeta som sjuksköterska i kommunens hemsjukvård   innebär möten med patienter som har en livshotande sjukdom. I detta arbete ingår att samarbeta i teamet för att kunna vara tillgänglig utifrån patientens behov och önskemål. För uppnå detta krävs en gemensam syn på vården i livets slutskede inom teamet, något som kräver god kommunikation.  Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka vad sjuksköterskor i palliativ vård anser bidrar till god kommunikation inom teamet. Metod: För att undersöka vad sjuksköterskor anser bidrar till god kommunikation inom teamet valdes en kvalitativ design. Tio sjuksköterskor intervjuades som arbetar i allmän palliativ vård i en kommun i Sydsverige. Materialet analyserades med induktiv innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i två huvudkategorier: Samverkan i teamet och Planering med   samtliga i teamet. Kategorin Samverkan har två underkategorier vilka beskriver vikten av olika möten i det dagliga arbetet för att erhålla råd och stöd vid vård av patienter med en livshotande sjukdom. Kategorin Planering har två underkategorier vilka beskriver vikten av samsyn och trygghet i teamet. Detta innebär till exempel att det var viktigt att samtliga i teamet  kommunicerade med varandra för att uppnå samsyn kring vårdens mål i livets   slutskede, något som ledde till upplevd trygghet i arbetet. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras i förhållande till aktuell forskning inom ämnesområdet med Habermas kommunikativa dialogetik som utgångspunkt. / Background: Working as a nurse in the municipality's home care system involves meetings with patients who have a life-threatening illness. This work includes collaborating in the team in order to be accessible based on the patient's needs and wishes. To achieve this, a mutual view of care is required within in the team  which depends on good communication. Aim: The purpose was to investigate what nurses in palliative care consider contributing to good communication within the team. Method: In order to investigate what nurses consider contributing to good communication within the team, a qualitative design was chosen. Ten nurses working in general palliative care in a municipality in southern Sweden were interviewed. The material was analyzed with inductive content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in two main categories: Collaboration in the team and Planning with all of the team. The collaboration category has two subcategories which describe the importance of different meetings in the daily work team to obtain advice and support in the care of patients with a life-threatening illness. Category Planning has two subcategories which describe the importance of consensus and security in the team. This means, for example, that it was important for everyone in the team to communicate with each other in order to achieve consensus on the goals in the end of life care. Discussion: The result is discussed in relation to current research in the subject area with Habermas   communicative dialogue ethics as the starting point.

Digital konstruktion samt verifiering av hjulupphängning till JU Solar Team´s solbil 2019 / Digital construction and verification of wheel suspension for JU Solar Team´s solar car 2019

Svensson, Marcus, Gränsmark, Arvid January 2019 (has links)
There is a need to improve the JU Solar Team's new solar cell powered electric car's driving capabilities for the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge 2019. Partly to improve the car's safety and the ability to meet the competition requirements, but also to minimize effects that contribute to increased rolling resistance. The work is carried out at Jönköping Institute of Technology with support from ÅF Automotive in Trollhättan. The work aims to parameterize driving characteristics with engineering requirements, evaluate how the rolling resistance can be minimized, how negative driving characteristics can be minimized and a weight comparison with wheel suspension from 2017. This is the basis for the construction of the 2019 wheel suspension adapted for new body designed and manufactured in parallel with this work. The study includes performed measurements of the side force impact on steering angle change and camber change, calculation of load case, concept generation and evaluation, computer-aided strength evaluations. The results of the survey show great weaknesses in the 2017 solar car. In the case of an applied side force in the front wheel, a large wheel angle change occurs. This is largely due to under-dimensioned steering arms and the geometric design of the points. The influence of the side force on the steering angle has theoretically been reduced by at least 44% verified in CAD environment. In addition to this improvement, the entire wheel suspension system's attachments and sub-components are stiffer, which should contribute to an even greater improvement. The study also shows that the steering angle was insufficient to meet the competition requirements, which could be improved by 21.2% greater steering angle on the wheels. The spring and damper's operating ratio in comparison with the wheel has also been evaluated and has been able to be increased from 31% to 51.5%. This leads to reduced forces on the link arms and body by 20.5% during the same external load case. The study is limited to evaluating the hard points of the wheel suspension as well as the strength and design of the link arms, steering arm, suspension and damping attachment.

Vikten av kommunikation inom teamet i akutsjukvård : En intervjustudie från nyutexaminerade allmänsjuksköterskors perspektiv / The importance of communication within the team in emergency care : An interview study from the perspective of newly graduated general nurses

Gustafsson Vrågård, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Effektiv kommunikation inom teamet är avgörande för effektiv och säker vård. Sjuksköterskan ska skapa dialog inom teamet genom respekt, vara lyhörd och empatisk. Akutenheter är en kontext med hög stress vilket inverkar på kommunikationen. Kommunikation är en av de svåraste utmaningarna för nyutexaminerade allmänsjuksköterskor vilket inverkar på patientsäkerheten. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva nyutexaminerade allmänsjuksköterskors erfarenhet av kommunikation inom teamet i akutsjukvård. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med åtta semi-strukturerade intervjuer som analyserades med en kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i kategorierna; Kommunikationens utveckling, Betydelsen av ett öppet arbetsklimat, Kommunikationens viktiga komponenter och När kommunikationen brister. Genom att växa in i rollen som sjuksköterska beskrev de nyutexaminerade allmänsjuksköterskorna att kommunikationen inom teamet i akutsjukvård utvecklades. Ett öppet arbetsklimat bidrog ytterligare till denna utveckling. Kommunikationen inom teamet i akutsjukvård bestod av flera viktiga komponenter enligt de nyutexaminerade allmänsjuksköterskornas erfarenheter. Bristande kommunikation inom teamet i akutsjukvård var något de nyutexaminerade allmänsjuksköterskorna erfarit. Stress var bland annat en faktor som ledde till bristfällig kommunikation. Slutsatser: De nyutexaminerade allmänsjuksköterskornas erfarenheter av kommunikation inom teamet i akutsjukvård är många. Erfarenheterna kan vara anledningen till varför det är en svår utmaning. För att möjliggöra för och förbättra patientsäkerheten och arbetsklimatet är alla dessa erfarenheter viktiga att beakta.

Perda e luto na equipe de enfermagem do centro cirúrgico de urgência e emergência / Loss and mourning in the nursing team at the emergency surgery center.

Bosco, Adriana Gonçalves 20 August 2008 (has links)
A morte é um tema que sempre despertou a curiosidade do homem. O advento da tecnologia, acompanhado da modernização das técnicas médicas, possibilitam a cura de inúmeras doenças. A vida moderna assumiu uma característica importante: o medo que o homem passou a ter da morte. A morte saiu das casas e do convívio familiar e instalou-se nos hospitais, passando a ser vivenciada por pessoas que ali desenvolvem seu trabalho. São os profissionais de saúde que, atualmente, sofrem o impacto da perda e têm de lidar com todos os sentimentos oriundos da morte. O objetivo desta pesquisa é conhecer o significado da morte dos pacientes, para os profissionais de enfermagem do Centro Cirúrgico de Urgência e Emergência do HCFMRP. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio do método clínico-qualitativo. Os participantes da pesquisa foram os auxiliares, técnicos de enfermagem e enfermeiros do centro cirúrgico em questão. Os dados foram coletados mediante a realização de entrevista semidirigida e organizados em quatro temas: morte infantil, racionalização da morte, envolvimento emocional e apoio aos profissionais de saúde. A equipe de enfermagem demonstrou uma capacidade emocional prejudicada para elaborar as perdas vivenciadas em seu cotidiano de trabalho, principalmente quando a morte envolve crianças e jovens. Tem-se enraizado o conceito de que somente na cura existe a gratificação de seu trabalho, enxergando na morte, frustração e fracasso profissional, o que lhes acarreta uma carga emocional negativa e sofrimento psíquico, colocando-os sob o risco de desenvolverem a síndrome de Bournout e inviabilizando o estabelecimento de vínculos afetivos na relação profissional e também pessoal. Evidenciamse a necessidade da inclusão de disciplinas voltadas para o tema da morte, nos currículos de formação desses profissionais, e o apoio das instituições para promoverem situações que auxiliem o profissional na elaboração do processo de luto, como os chamados Grupos Balint e Grupos de Reflexão. / Death is a theme that has always aroused man\'s curiosity. The arrival of technology, accompanied by the modernization of medical techniques, permits a cure for countless diseases. Modern life has acquired an important characteristic: the fear man has caught of death. Death has left the homes and family sphere and entered the hospitals, being experienced by the people who work there. These are health professionals, who now suffer the impact of loss and have to deal with all feelings originating in death. This study aims to get to know the meaning of patients\' death for nursing professionals at the Emergency Surgery Center of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto Medical School Hospital das Clínicas, Brazil. The research was developed through the clinical-qualitative method. Research participants were nursing auxiliaries and technicians and nurses from the surgery center under study. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview and organized in four themes: children\'s death, rationalization of death, emotional involvement and support to health professionals. The nursing team demonstrated impaired emotional ability to elaborate the losses experienced in their daily work, mainly when death involves children and young people. There is an established concept that the gratification for their work only exists in cure, seeing death as frustration and professional failure. This charges them with a negative emotional burden and mental suffering, exposes them to the risk of developing the burnout syndrome and makes it impossible for them establish affective bonds in their professional and also personal relationship. The need is evidenced to include subjects on death into the training curricula of these professionals. Institutional support is needed to promote situations that help professionals to elaborate the mourning process, such as the so-called Balint and Reflection Groups.

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