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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Video tutorials and Quick Response codes to assist Mathematical Literacy students in a non-classroom environment: An Activity Theory approach

Engers, Emma January 2017 (has links)
This study investigated the effectiveness of video tutorials, accessed via Quick Response codes, on Grade 10 Mathematical Literacy students' ability to complete their homework. Students often struggle to complete their Mathematical Literacy homework. To assist them outside of the classroom, an intervention involving video tutorials that explained specific sections of work and how to go about solving problems, was devised. Students could access the relevant tutorials on a mobile device via the scanning of barcodes provided on the worksheets. The effectiveness of the intervention was assessed both quantitatively and qualitatively, through analysis of the participating students' homework submissions and interviews with the students after the intervention had ended. Use was made of the YouTube analytics view count feature to observe how many times the videos had been watched. Feedback forms, focus group interviews and questionnaires were also used to obtain additional data. Unfortunately, the students did not make as much use of the intervention as had been anticipated, and this, together with the very small sample, meant that no meaningful conclusions could be drawn. The students who had made use of the intervention claimed that the tutorials had helped them in their understanding of the relevant concepts, as well as with the completion of their homework. This would indicate that the intervention was potentially beneficial. I have recommended that future research be undertaken in this regard. When trying to understand why so little use was made of the intervention, it became apparent that many of the weaker students were unaware of their limitations in Mathematical Literacy, and therefore did not feel the need to access the available resources offered by the intervention. This is a serious obstacle to implementing such an intervention, and possible solutions are considered.

Armering i kantförstyvad platta vid olika betongkvaliteter. : En ekonomisk jämförelse.

Assi, Mohamad hadi, Al khateb, Mohammad January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is about how different concrete quality in foundation slabs affects the reinforcement content and the drying time. Changing the concrete quality also changes the reinforcement content and drying time. Its common that a change of concrete quality is requested by the contractor to avoid delays and thus making financial savings. But changing concrete quality can lead to problems if the changes in the reinforcement content are not taken into account. Foundation slabs are sensitive structural parts that are exposed to creep and shrink deformations. These deformations can cause cracks in reinforced foundation slabs.The purpose of this thesis is to study the effects that result from the increase of the concrete strength, to show the difference that occurs in the amount of the reinforcement and the time required for the concrete to dry out.To solve this, a calculation template have been developed based on MathCAD in which slabs on soil with different thicknesses and different concrete qualities were analyzed with respect to the reinforcement amounts and drying time. Two different concrete grades were used in the work, one was concrete C30-37, and the other was C45-55.Results show that an increase in the concrete quality of the slab on the ground leads to an increase in the reinforcement content that the slab needs and leads to a reduction in the drying time needed. This leads to an increase in the cost of the slab that has been cast. An example is a slab on the ground with a thickness of 150 mm, the amount of the reinforcement has increased by 19%, concrete cost has increased by 11.64% but drying time has decreased by 70%.

Practical study to prevent collapse against earthquakes / Praktisk studie som förebygger kollaps mot jordbävningar

Eriksson, Sara, Reslan, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Indonesien ligger i Indiska Oceanen och består av ett flertal öar. Landet ligger nära stora tektoniska plattor som tenderar att röra på sig. Det är därför en väldigt stor risk att jordbävningar inträffar i Indonesien. I dagsläget vet man inte varför plattorna rör på sig eller när det kommer att ske.Jordbävningar av hög kaliber är sällsynta och det är praktiskt omöjligt att dimensionera byggnader mot sådana skalv. När konstruktioner tas fram för att bygga jordbävningsresistent är grundidén att byggnader ska tåla måttliga skalv. För att undersöka hur byggnationen ser ut i Indonesien utfördes fältundersökningar samt ett volontärarbete på plats genom organisationen Green Lion. Studien syftar till att hitta enkla lösningar för att få en mer jordbävningsresistent byggnad. För att en byggnad ska ha en stor chans att klara sig måste material med bra töjningsegenskaper användas, armering av stål har sådana egenskaper. En annan viktig åtgärd är att bygga konstruktionen sammanhängande så att de olika elementen stöttar upp varandra när byggnaden utsätts för krafter.

Solceller som integreratfasadmaterial : En byggteknisk, miljömässig och ekonomisk jämförelse med träfasad iKarlstad

Johansson, Therese, Engholm, Nathalie January 2021 (has links)
I detta arbete undersöks solceller som integrerat fasadmaterial och hur det påverkaren rad olika faktorer. Som utgångspunkt i arbetet jämförs en solcellsfasad med entraditionell träpanel. Syftet med arbetet är att utreda lönsamheten av integreradesolceller i fasaden, både ur ekonomisk, miljömässig och byggteknisk synvinkel.Anledningen till valet av ämne grundas på den låga utbredningen av solenergi iSverige i förhållande till den potential som finns. Fasadintegrering sker främst påstörre byggnader i Sverige vilket medför en nyfikenhet hur integrering på en mindreyta påverkar lönsamheten. Med hänsyn till ovannämnda tankar har det valts attundersöka en enplansvilla placerad i Karlstad.Genomförandet av arbetet sker i form av ett antal moment. Till att börja med ritas tvåkonstruktionsritningar med hjälp av Revit. Därefter kontrolleras det om solceller somfasadmaterial klarar de BBR-krav som finns samt att en jämförelse mellan de olikasolcellstyperna görs. Vidare ritas byggnaden och dess omgivning upp som en3D-modell i Revit och en solstudie görs som sedan används till hjälp vid upprättandeav en LCC-kalkyl. Solstudien används även för att bestämma solcellernas orientering.LCC-kalkylen visar slutligen vilken av solcellerna som är mest ekonomiskt lönsam vidtre olika ekonomiska förhållanden. Till sist sammanställdes information omkoldioxidutsläppen för båda fasadmaterialen.Efter sammanställning av ovan nämnda genomförda moment kunde det konstaterasatt solceller som integrerat fasadmaterial inte påverkas mer av Boverkets krav änandra fasadmaterial. Solcellernas orientering var i detta fall på fasaderna i väster,söder och öster. LCC-kalkylens resultat visar att solcellen Trina Solar 400 W har lägsttotalkostnad vid normala ekonomiska förhållanden. Solcellen är av monokristallintyp. Koldioxidutsläppen för monokristallina solcellers livscykel uppskattas till cirka58,1 g CO2/producerad kWh. För produktion av den valda träpanelen uppskattaskoldioxidutsläppen till cirka 3,4 kg CO2/m2. De totala koldioxidutsläppen för solcellerav monokristallin struktur beräknas till 63 kg CO2/m2 för den totala driftsperioden på25 år.Solceller som integrerat fasadmaterial är olika ekonomiskt lönsamt beroende på hurinflationen, räntan samt prisstegringen varierar. Med dagens värden ärmonokristallina solceller både miljömässigt och ekonomiskt lönsamt samt att deklarar de krav som ställs från Boverket. Det konstateras att solcellerna genererar denenergi som krävs vid tillverkning, drift och transport av dem inom cirka två till tre år,vilket inte träpanelen har möjlighet att göra. / In this work, photovoltaics are investigated as an integrated facade material and howit affects a number of different factors. As a starting point in the work, a photovoltaicfacade is compared with a traditional wooden panel. The purpose of the work is toinvestigate the profitability of integrated photovoltaics in the facade, from aneconomic, environmental and construction point of view. The reason for choosingthis subject is based on the low distribution of solar energy in Sweden in relation tothe potential. Facade integration in Sweden is most often applied to larger buildings,which leads to a curiosity about how integration on a smaller area affects theprofitability. With regard to the above-mentioned thoughts, it has been chosen toinvestigate a single-storey villa located in Karlstad.The implementation of the work takes place in the form of a number of steps. Tobegin with, two construction drawings are drawn in Revit. Then it is checked whetherphotovoltaics as a facade material meet the requirements set by Boverket and acomparison is made between the different photovoltaic types. Furthermore, thebuilding and its surroundings are drawn as a 3D model in Revit and a sunlight studyis done which is then used to help create a LCC calculation. The solar study is alsoused to determine the orientation of the photovoltaics. Finally, the LCC calculationshows which of the photovoltaics is the most economically profitable under threedifferent economic conditions. Finally, information was compiled on carbon dioxideemissions for both facade materials and the total profitability of the selectedphotovoltaic.After compiling the above-mentioned completed steps, it could be stated thatphotovoltaics as integrated facade material are not affected more by the requirementsset by Boverket than any other facade material. The orientation of the photovoltaicsin this case was on the facades to the west, south and east. The results of the LCCcalculation show that the photovoltaic Trina Solar 400 W has the lowest total price.The photovoltaic is of monocrystalline structure. The carbon dioxide emissions forthe life cycle of monocrystalline photovoltaics are estimated at approximately 58.1 gCO2/kWh produced energy. For the production of the selected wood panel, carbondioxide emissions are estimated at approximately 3.4 kg CO2/m2. The total carbondioxide emissions for monocrystalline photovoltaics are estimated at 63 kg CO2/m2for the total operating period of 25 years.The economic profitability of the photovoltaics is depending on how the inflation,interest rate and price increase varies. With today's values, monocrystallinephotovoltaics are both environmentally and economically profitable and they alsomeet the requirements set by Boverket. It can be stated that the photovoltaicsgenerate the energy required to manufacture, operate and transport them withinabout two to three years, which the wood panel is not able to do.

Zavedení technologie IPv6 do datového centra firmy Zoner, s.r.o. / Implementation of the IPv6 technology in the data center of company Zoner

Skřivánek, Roman January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is intended to project of implementation new technology. The situation is analyzed and the best solution is proposed. The thesis contains also an economical evaluation.

A meta-perspective on the dialogues on emerging information and communication technology (ICT) and the impact thereof on people, space and planning

Mirembe, Jennifer January 2017 (has links)
ICT and related e-technologies have had an enormous impact, not only on people and people’s spaces in all parts of the world, but also on urban space dynamics, the form and function of urban spaces and urban space networks and economies, and urban planning in general. Due to the rapid development of ICT in recent years, it is expected that these impacts will become more severe, unpredictable and complex in the future. The main aim of this study is to explore the nature and properties of ICT, as well as the ways in which ICT and related e-technologies are influencing people, space and planning. The study, which is exploratory in nature, draws on a meta-research approach, supported by a conceptual research approach, in an attempt to arrive at some meta-synthesis and perspectives of the various related discourses, studies and theories on the subject matter. The study presents fresh perspectives on the challenges and dynamics of ICT, as well as the nature, extent and speed of the influence and impact (positive and negative) of ICT and related e-technologies on people’s spaces, human conduct, emotions, urban space dynamics and morphology, and urban space networks. In relation to this, evidence is provided of the power of ICT, the ways in which the dominant e-powers are controlling society, and how ICT has (em)powered people, spaces and planning. The study further highlights the complexity and challenges of the emerging hybrid e-spaces and networks, which have resulted from the merging of physical and virtual spaces and networks. The study in the end also presents some realities and future possibilities (and threats), for both urban and rural regions in South Africa, with specific reference to the impoverished communities in remote rural areas that have been isolated and excluded from ICT opportunities. This study has identified many gaps in the knowledge field and could create a new awareness, understanding and interest, not only amongst researchers, but also amongst the various role players involved with the planning, development and management of urban and rural regions. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Town and Regional Planning / PhD / Unrestricted

Transmission of Vibrations in Precast Concrete Slabs

Oskarsson, Adam January 2020 (has links)
Dynamic loads have historically not been a troubled area for concrete floors, foremostbecause of the high self-weight compared to the dynamic load. With new technical andcalculation achievements during the last decades concrete floors have become longerand more slender. This have led to more open plan structures with longer spans thatmake concrete floors more sensitive to vibrations.This thesis studies the dynamic effects of hollow concrete core elements induced by co-ordinated jumping and the vibration levels that spread to the floor above. The thesisinvestigates different standards and guides on how to perform a dynamic analysis andevaluate it. In the thesis an experiment was conducted on WSP Sweden headquar-ters in Stockholm. The fifth and sixth floor of the building was investigated in thisthesis. The floors are made of hollow concrete core elements of the type HD/F 120/27.First a so-called heel drop test was done on the fifth floor to evaluate the naturalfrequency of the floor. The floors were monitored while 12 people performed coordi-nated jumping. Three accelerometers were placed on the fifth floor where the load wasapplied and one on the floor above.The results from the experiment and simulation were evaluated with three methodsISO 10137, National Building Code of Canada and Design Guide - Floor VibrationsDue to Human Activity. The data from the experiment shows that the upper floor isunsuitable for office use for 2 standards. The lower floor is viewed as acceptable formore carefree setting such as shopping malls.A finite element analysis of the building was done in the program Brigade. The modelconsists of one wing of the building and the fifth and sixth floor. The remaining floorsare modelled as equivalent mass. The columns were modeled down to the fourth floorand the beams for the fifth and six floors were included. A stairwell between the fifthand sixth floor was also modelledEvaluation of the finite element results was done in the same fashion as the experi-ment. Here the upper floor was performing satisfactory for office use and the lowerfloor was similarly as the experiment above accepted for settings where more acceler-ation is considered acceptable such as for restaurants and shopping malls.The maximum transient vibration value (MTVV) results from the experiment andsimulation was compared and the lower floor was conforming pretty well with a dif-ference smaller than 1 % to around 30 % depending on the accelerometer. However,the results for the upper floor differs significantly, as the difference is about 770 %between the experiment and simulation. The finite element model is not able to ac-curately represent the real building for the acceleration of the upper floor. This couldbe explained by the the absence of partition walls for meeting rooms, copying room,toilets and the facade. Since this could limit the acceleration that is transmitted fromthe lower floor to the upper floor.

The use of digital mobile devices in enhancing teaching and learning at the University of Venda

Chikurunhe, Ratchel January 2017 (has links)
MCom / Department of Business Management / Mobile technology is progressively being used to support students’ learning, extending learning and educator-student contact beyond class hours. Mobile technology has been identified as a potential solution to the problem of scarcity of computers to access online learning materials in higher education institutions. The University of Venda distributed tablet personal computers to students so that they could use them for facilitating and enhancing their studies. However, the provision of tablet PCs to students may not be a panacea for quality learning, especially to a population that is not familiar with latest information technologies. The aim of the study was to investigate the use of digital mobile devices (tablet personal computers and smartphones) for enhancing teaching and learning at the University of Venda. The research questions focused on determining the current level of use of mobile devices, how they could be used effectively for teaching and learning; and the perceptions of students and lecturers on mobile devices as tools for teaching and learning. Case study research design was considered most suitable for this study as it involves collecting and reporting descriptive information about a specific environment. Mixed methods approach was applied with data being solicited from a convenient sample of 370 students, 8 lecturers and 1 IT technician at the University. Semi-structured questionnaires were distributed to students. The results of the study indicated that many students are active and spending much time on the different internet activities. The study also found that students prefer mobile learning and spend much time on the internet surfing information. Lecturers found it easy to communicate with the students via emails and social media platforms where they send study materials. Students use their smartphones and tablet PCs to download learning materials. However, many lecturers and students are not making use of the Learning Management System, the Blackboard due to lack of training. The results of the study are to be used to explicate, forecast, and advance the integration of the digital mobile devices for promoting learning and teaching accomplishments and standard competencies at the University of Venda. Recommendations were made on how students and lecturers can effectively use digital mobile devices for teaching and learning.

The effect of user onboarding : How can a tailored user onboarding be designed for an audiobook application to increase its usage?

Rosdahl, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
User onboarding is a concept to convince and introduce users to use an application and a way for users to understand the application and what it can be used for. This research aimed to explore whether user onboarding could increase the usage of an audiobook application, and help users to find a suitable book. To examine the research question a human-center-design method was applied. It consisted of an extensive literature study, interviews, journey mapping and iterative prototyping, which resulted in an implemented user onboarding prototype for an audiobook application. The prototype was evaluated with an A/B-test, where the user onboarding prototype was compared to another prototype without user onboarding.  Interesting results have emerged through A/B-testing. Findings in this research did not provide any significant correlation between user onboarding and increased usage of an audiobook application. However, the user onboarding motivated users to listen to books, compared to one not being exposed to a user onboarding.  Furthermore, results also revealed that the prototype with user onboarding was helping the users to find a book they were interested in. The results also showed that women who were introduced to the prototype with user onboarding were more positive to use the application again. There was a significant correlation between user onboarding and the perceived simplicity of finding an interesting book in the group of participants aged between 26 and 30. Regarding the perceived usability, findings showed that the users who were introduced to the user onboarding experienced that it was easier to find a book, felt more motivated to listen to a book, felt that the application helped them to find a book that suited them and felt that the application introduced them to the audiobook format to a greater extent than those who were not exposed to user onboarding. However, it could not be proven that there was a statistically significant difference between the group that was introduced to the user onboarding and the group that was not exposed to the user onboarding.  In this research a total of 66 people participated in the A/B-test. For future research a larger number of participants could provide interesting results, since an A/B-test benefits from a high number of participants. Some of the results were bordering to prove that there were a significant correlation between being exposed to user onboarding and greater usage of an application.

An evaluation of new technologies in journalism-a study of the impact of new technology on the Information Bill in South Africa

Metso, Marathane Reggy January 2015 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Arts in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Communication Science at the University of Zululand, South Africa, 2015. / South Africans were deprived of numerous forms of freedom of expression during the prolonged apartheid era. Very few South Africans were able to participate in international events and interact with the outside world and institutions that promoted freedom were banned. Attempts to initiate freedom were suppressed by the ruling government. Nevertheless, in the era of transformation and democracy, during the post-apartheid regime, feelings of hope of transparency, especially in the media, were ushered in. The expectation and hope of a totally free democracy was further heightened by the implementation of the Bill of Rights. Freedom of expression in South Africa was soon threatened and came under strain when the government began making plans to introduce a secrecy bill to contain its covert operations. Numerous community organisations are desperately lobbying to suppress government’s initiative to formalise the secrecy bill. Government, on the other hand, seems to be forging ahead to anoint their Currently, the media goes through a government censorship where the government is vigorously trying to pass the Protection of Information Bill in order to guard government information and its ‘corrupt activities’. If passed, incriminating information will be protected under this Bill. The new and democratically elected South African government which is characterized by ‘freedom of speech and free access of information’ threatens media freedom and juxtaposes what the former President Nelson Mandela stood for: “A critical, independent and investigative press is the lifeblood of any democracy”. The study discusses the relationship between the use of new technologies and the State Protection of the Information Bill. It also examines how these new technologies, through social interaction and citizen journalism, may eradicate ‘corrupt activities’ performed by the government that are camouflaged as ‘classified’ information to ascertain democracy, freedom of speech and access to information.

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