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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A 3D Visualization of White Blood Cell Populations : A Program to Visualize Analyzed Data from a Blood Sample / En 3D visualisering av vita blodkroppspopulationer : Ett program för att visualisera analyserad data från blodprov

Lundkvist, Andrea, Norman, Gabriella January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this project was to write a program to plot populations of white blood cell types in three dimensions and reduce the information from four dimensions to three in order to make it possible to plot. The dimension reduction should be done with as little loss of information as possible. PCA, principal component analysis, was used to perform the dimension reduction. A program for this was written in MATLAB. The program that builds the plot of the populations was written in c# using Visual Studios. The visualization was made in Unity. It was possible to rotate and zoom into the plot to get a better view. The project was given by Boule Medical AB as a part of the development of a new product. Boule Medical AB only had 2D plots and requested a 3D plot in their new product. The program was handed over to Boule Medical AB for future development.

Hur lärare kan välja programmeringsverktyg för kursen Tillämpad Programmering : Rekommendationer framtagna för tillämpningsområdena spel, matematik, musik och konst / How teachers can choose programming tools for the course Applied Programming : Recommendations put forth for the areas of application games, math, music and art

Wejdenstolpe, Mollie January 2018 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet ämnar hjälpa lärare, som ska undervisa i kursen Tillämpad programmering, med deras val av programmeringsverktyg som ska användas i kursen. Kursen är en gymnasiekurs som infördes den 1:a augusti 2017 för att möjliggöra för elever att läsa programmering som är användbar för det gymnasieprogram de läser. Därmed väljs ett tillämpningsområde relevant för gymnasieprogrammet, som eleverna lär sig programmering relaterat till. I det här arbetet har tillämpningsområdena spel, matematik, musik och konst valts ut. För varje tillämpningsområde har rekommendationer för val av programmeringsspråk och programmeringsmiljö tagits fram, och även en rekommendation om huruvida man ska använda parprogrammering i undervisningen eller inte. Ett förslag på hur man som lärare kan tolka ämnesplanens syfte har också tagits fram. Dessa rekommendationer har tagits fram genom en fallstudie på en skola som erbjuder kursen med tillämpningen spel för elever på teknikprogrammet. Fallstudien bestod av en observation och två intervjuer med lärare. Utöver det har det gjorts en litteraturstudie runt valda tillämpningsområden, programmeringsspråk och parprogrammering. De programmeringsspråk som främst fokuserats på är Python, Alice och Javascript. De slutgiltiga rekommendationerna varierar mellan tillämpningsområdena runt val av programmeringsspråk, men parprogrammering är oberoende av tillämpningsområde rekommenderat att användas för att skapa ett samtal runt programmering. / This thesis aims to help teachers, who are to teach the course Applied Programming, with the choice of programming tools for the course. The course is a high school course introduced 1:st of August 2017 to make it possible for students to take programming which is useful for the high school program they are studying. Therefore an area of application, which is relevant for the high school program, is chosen for the students to learn programming in. In this work, the areas of application are games, mathematics, music and art. For each area of application recommendations regarding choice of programming language and programming environment have been constructed, as well as a recommendation regarding whether you should use pair programming or not. A suggestion of how to interpret the curriculum has also been constructed. These recommendations have been constructed from a case study done in a school offering the course with games as the area of application for students taking the technical program. The case study consisted of an observation and two interviews with teachers. Apart from this a literature study focused on the different areas of application, programming languages, programming environments and pair programming has been done. The programming languages which have mainly been focused on are Python, Alice and Javascript. The final recommendations vary between the areas of application considering the choice of programming language, but pair programming is, regardless of the area of application, recommended to use to create a conversation about programming.

Supplementary buildings to fixed price - in support of undergoing project in SABO Case Study : Svenska Bostäder Laundry room in HusbyKompletteringsbyggnader till fast pris - Till stöd för projekt inom SABOFallstudie : Svenska Bostäder Tvåttstuga i Husby

SAMADILASHKARIANI, ERFAN January 2018 (has links)
Översikt Denna studie stöder ett projekt som genomförs av SABO. Det handlar om att kunna handla uppkompletterande byggnader till ett fast pris. Exempel på tilläggsbyggnader (eller kompletterandebyggnader) är tvättstugor, rum för selektiv avfallshantering, lagring, cykelförvaring,samlingsrum mm. Syftet är att göra en ny upphandling för dessa typer av byggnader så att dekan beställas till fast pris från en katalog . SABO har gjort liknande projekt för färdigaflerbostadshus som är välkända i Sverige som KOMBOHUS. Min uppgift var att fokusera påtvättstugor. Utgångpunkten var en tvättstuga som blivit byggd i i HUSBY centrum av Svenskabostäder (SB). I arbetet tillämpades metoder för att testa hur energiprestanda påverkades avolika förändringar. Min studie började med att ta fram detaljerade arkitektoniska data omtvättstugan genom eget besök. Efter att ha träffat projektkoordinatorn i Svenska Bostäderfrågade jag honom om första visioner som bestämde den aktuella utformningen.. Metoden idetta arbete är att utvärdera och manipulera variablerna som kännetecknar byggnaden medhjälp av på programvarusimulering och beräkning. Dessa variabler har viktiga roller itvättstugans energiprestanda. De har också stor inverkan på byggkostnaderna. Med hjälp avVirtual Reality-teknik har jag kopplat mina utvärderingar till en av de viktigaste visionerna för SBsom är trygghet. Resultatet av denna studie visade att det finns begränsningar i hurenergieffektiv som byggnaden kan göras. Studien visar det faktum klart för projektgruppen attinte alla energibesparande åtgärder är bra investering. Så ger arbetet tydligare idéer för denkommande upphandlingsprocessen för kompletterande byggnader. / Abstract There is a demand for supplementary buildings to apartment blocks for different needs suchas laundry rooms, rooms for selective waste collection, storage, bicycle storage, gatheringrooms and for PV-cells with their charging infrastructure and battery storage. However, beforemaking the contract with an entrepreneur, the process to architectural design, engineeringcalculations, documentations and procurement of a supplementary building is long anddifferent in each construction company. SABO [3] (Swedish Association of Public Housing Companies) isinterested to facilitate the situation for the owners by turning all these steps into a catalogue,so clients can go to the contractors directly with an efficient and sustainable design concept. InSABO, there has been similar backgrounds which has constituted a new procurement processfor constructing new multi dwelling and ready-to-occupy apartments called “KOMBOHUS”. Aproject team consists of SABO [3], HBV [12], Sustainable Innovation [13], aims at the design ofsupplementary buildings that can be presented in a catalogue in the same way as the“KOMBOHUS”. These supplementary buildings should have a very well elaborated designbecause they will be produced in high numbers. My task is to focus on an exciting publiclaundry room in HUSBY center and identify methods in which improvement for energyperformance could become tested. The results can help the project team to considerlimitations, advantages and weaknesses of an “efficient design”. So, they would have moreclear vision about the upcoming procurements process for supplementary buildings.

Stomförstärkningsmetoder vid påbyggnad / Strengthening methods due to story extension

Balkåsen, Fredrik, Strömholm, Ruben January 2018 (has links)
I takt med att Stockholm växer har det uppkommit ett behov av förnyelse och förtätning i stadens mest centrala delar. En förtätning av Stockholm city har resulterat i ett ökat intresse av att kunna bygga på befintliga hus. Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka de laster som tillkommer vid påbyggnad av en befintlig stomme, samt hur dessa laster sedan hanteras med hjälp av stomförstärkningsmetoder. Vidare undersökts konstruktörens arbetsprocess fram till den slutgiltiga lösningen. För att genomföra detta har en kvalitativ studie utförts genom intervjuer med sakkunniga konstruktörer. Fyra stycken fallstudieobjekt har valts ut för att analysera de förstärkningsmetoder som praktiserats. För att avgränsa studien undersöks endast projekt som omfattas av påbyggnad med förstärkta befintliga stommar från 60- och 70-talet lokaliserade i Stockholms innerstad. Studiens slutsats visar att de mest problematiska lastfallen som kan uppstå är dels husets stabilitet, vilket medför åtgärder som påverkar byggnadens planlösning, samt grundförstärkning vilket resulterar i komplicerade och tidskrävande förstärkningsåtgärder. Gällande konstruktörens arbetsprocess krävs information och beslut i rätt skeden för att hitta en hållbar och effektiv förstärkningsmetod. Den största risken i processen är konstruktiva ändringar i sena skeden, vilket kan resultera i en sämre teknisk lösning.

Technology and functionality required to enable bidirectional charging / Teknik och funktionalitet som krävs för att möjliggöra dubbelriktad laddning

Bustamante, Andres January 2023 (has links)
This thesis consists of a comprehensive review of bidirectional charging technology, with focus on understanding the technical requirements and the challenges that has to be overcome to standardize this innovation. The thesis is based on three main objectives or goals that is needed to be able to answer the main review question which is: What does it take to standardize, develop and make bidirectional charging a reliable technology? The first objective is to review and explain how the technical bidirectional charging ecosystem works. It starts by explaining in detail how bidirectional charging works and looking closely at how the charging station, electric vehicle (EV), and the power grid connect and work together. The second objective consist of exploring the challenges and the benefits of bidirectional charging. The main challenges explored are social challenges, regulatory challenges, technical challenges and battery degradation. The main benefits explored in this thesis are: offloading the power grid, environmentally friendlier benefits, economic benefits and better management of renewable home systems. The third and final objective in this thesis covers a surveying of existing bidirectional charging products and solutions like Fords F-150 lightning V2G technology and CHAdeMO 2.0. Explaining what they are and their potential success in the European market. The thesis concludes by addressing and discussing the central researched question, which indicates that bidirectional charging is still a young technology that needs to overcome many challenges and improve in some areas before it can be widely used by consumers in a safe and effective way. The results show that the speed and success of the development of this technology depend on how well the actors and stakeholders cooperate with each other and how fast the regulations and standards evolve. EU and Swedish regulations need to keep developing standards for better interoperability. This will help create a legislation for independent market players and key stakeholders, making it easier for them to interact and make compatible products. Therefore, the research done in this thesis suggests that in order to standardize bidirectional charging, different actors, stakeholders and regulatory organizations need to work together better in the future to make V2X safe, standardized and interoperable. There are very few V2G solutions available for customers today, but with the cooperation of key actors, new ISO standards and EV manufacturers making more compatible cars, this technology has the potential to become more accessible in the upcoming years.

Byggbranschens väg till att bli klimatneutral 2045 : Exempel på åtgärder för minskad klimatpåverkan vid nybyggnation av flerbostadshus

Magnusson, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Bygg- och fastighetssektorn står för en stor del av Sveriges årliga utsläpp av koldioxid. Sveriges riksdag har antagit ett klimatmål, senast 2045 ska Sverige inte ha några nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser till atmosfären. Detta innebär att branschen står inför ett stort och viktigt arbete, att ställa om till att bli fossilfria och samtidigt vara konkurrenskraftiga för fortsatt lönsamma affärer. Den 1 januari 2022 trädde en ny lag i kraft, nya byggnader som uppförs där bygglov söks efter 1 januari 2022 ska klimatdeklareras. Syftet med deklarationen är att öka medvetenheten och kunskapen om en byggnads klimatpåverkan, ökad kunskap ska leda till att material med lägre klimatpåverkan väljs. Syftet med detta arbete är att i enlighet med Sveriges riksdags mål att 2045 vara klimatneutrala undersöka vilka åtgärder som är möjliga att genomföra för minskad klimatpåverkan i ett enskilt projekt. Målet är att genom att göra en klimatdeklaration för ett flerbostadshus kan de material som innebär högt klimatbelastning identifieras och utifrån resultatet utreda möjliga alternativa material med lägre klimatpåverkan samt kostnader för dessa. Detta resulterar i en åtgärdslista med prioriteringar av åtgärder som kan göras och till vilken kostnad. Resultatet av studien visar på att det finns stora möjligheter att minska klimatpåverkan för det undersökta referensprojektet. Studien utgår från en färdig projekterad byggnad vilket innebär att byte av stommaterial inte är möjligt att genomföra. Med andra val för minskad klimatpåverkan kan projektets utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter i skedet A1-A5 minska med 23%. Att genomföra dessa klimatbesparande åtgärder innebär en kostnadsökning med 3,2%, att spara 1 kg koldioxidekvivalenter med dessa åtgärder kostar 1.1 kr.

Evaluating physiological phasic reaction and negative emotions in darkness within a video game setting : Using an EDA analysis and a game experience questionnaire

Bonnevier, Paulina January 2022 (has links)
Background. Electrodermal activity (EDA) is a method to measure variations in the electrical conductivity of the skin, and it is often used to help assess emotions like anxiety, or stress. However, it is not yet commonly used in video games, although emotions are an essential aspect to consider when developing a game. Objectives. By using EDA data and a questionnaire, the thesis aims to study the effect of darkness on the participant's skin conductance responses (SCR) and their potential correlation with negative emotions. Methods. Using the Shimmer3 GSR+ sensor and the Tobii Pro Lab software to measure and record the EDA data and handle the game, a within-participants experiment with 17 participants was conducted. Each participant played one daytime scene and one nighttime scene from the same game. During the experiment, the participant's EDA data was recorded by the Tobii Pro Lab software when the participant played the game. When the games were finished, the participant answered a questionnaire. The questionnaire presented multiple questions regarding their game experience based on negative emotions. Results. The EDA data point towards a rise in skin conductance responses (SCR) when playing the nighttime game compared to the daytime game. While the questionnaire data points towards a higher prominence of negative emotions during the nighttime game as well. Based on these results, playing the nighttime game made a majority of the participants experience a higher grade of reported negative emotions. Conclusions. The results suggest that darkness affects both SCR and negative emotions. Meaning that humans have a tendency to react in an emotionally negative way, and have a higher degree of measurable responses in the skin, to a dark environment.

Electrical Bioimpedance Cerebral Monitoring : Effects of Hypoxia

Seoane, Fernando January 2005 (has links)
Electrical bioimpedance spectroscopy is one way to study the electrical properties of biological matter. Different applications of electrical bioimpedance measurements have already been used in both research and clinical scenarios i.e. impedance plethysmography, total body water contents, etc. The electrical properties of tissue reflect the electrical characteristics of the constituent elements of the tissue and depend on its structure. Thus study of the electrical properties not only makes it possible to differentiate among tissues but also to determine the tissue condition. During hypoxia/ischemia the cell activates a certain chain of mechanisms of cellular adaptation in response to the insult. A consequence of these response mechanisms is that the biochemical composition of the cellular environment is altered and the cells swell (cellular edema). These alterations affect the electrical properties of tissue and the changes can be observed through measurement of the electrical bioimpedance of the affected tissue. Based on these ideas, this research work studies the effects of hypoxia/ischemia on the brain electrical impedance. The aim is to obtain the fundamental knowledge that may lead to the development of useful clinical tools for cerebral monitoring based on electrical bioimpedance spectroscopy. / QC 20120217 / Brain damage, Detection and localization of cell swelling

Precision Technologies and Data Analytics for Monitoring Ruminants

Roqueto dos Reis, Barbara 01 September 2023 (has links)
Ruminants play an essential role in supplying nutrients to the global population. Despite notable advancements in the livestock industry, there is a rising demand for animal protein products and a pressing need for sustainable practices. Consequently, it is imperative to focus on improving efficiency and sustainability across the environmental, economic, and social dimensions of the livestock system. Precision livestock farming (PLF) technologies have emerged as a potential solution to enhance sustainability by integrating individual animal monitoring and automated control over animal productivity, environmental impacts, health, and welfare parameters. Although PLF holds promise for improving livestock management practices, its widespread adoption is hindered by challenges including the high costs associated with implementation, data ownership, and implementation across different environments. he overarching aim of this research was to investigate and propose solutions to the challenges that limit the extensive implementation of wearable technologies in livestock systems. The primary objective of the first study was to develop and assess the utility of an open-source, low-cost research wearable technology equipped with Bluetooth for monitoring ruminants in a confined setting. The study successfully demonstrated the functionality and cost-effectiveness of this technology and its potential for monitoring ruminants' behavior in research and practical applications. Building upon the success of the technology in intensive systems, the subsequent study focused on updating the wearable sensor for deployment in extensive systems. This was achieved by incorporating LoRa data transmission and enabling real-time monitoring of livestock location. The study effectively demonstrated the feasibility of the updated technology for real-time monitoring of livestock in extensive grazing systems. In continuation of testing the feasibility of sensors, the subsequent experiment aimed to assess the accuracy and precision of a low-cost wearable sensor photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor in monitoring heart-rate (HR) of sheep housed under high-temperature conditions. The results revealed poor accuracy and precision in detecting HR changes using the PPG sensor. Future studies should explore alternative sensor deployment methods and data analytics techniques to improve the accuracy of a PPG sensor in detecting HR in livestock animals. The follow-up study focuses on evaluating the suitability of a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) designed for humans in measuring interstitial glucose concentrations in sheep, as a potential replacement for traditional blood glucose measurements. The findings demonstrated great potential of CGM in detecting changes in glucose concentrations in sheep. However, the study`s limitations such as the small sample size, warranting further investigation with a larger sample size and potential standardization with laboratory analysis bore implementing CGMs as a replacement for traditional glucose measurement methods in research. The limited expansion of technology application in extensive livestock systems, in contrast to confined operations, can be attributed to challenges such as limited battery life and data transmission. To overcome these limitations, edge processing techniques which involve performing data processing, analytics, and decision-making closer to the data source, have been proposed as cost-effective strategy for enhancing the usability of inertial measurement unit systems (IMU) in monitoring grazing animal behavior. Therefore, the objective of the fifth study was to explore different classification techniques suitable for edge processing using an open-source IMU. Analysis of variances, logistic regression, support vector machine, and random forest were evaluated for classifying grazing, walking, standing, and lying behaviors. The random forest model achieved the highest accuracy (93%) in classifying grazing using 1-minute interval. Moreover, the algorithms were compared considering a periodic snapshot of data with intervals of 3 or 5 seconds, and interesting revealed no significant impact on algorithm accuracy on differentiating behavior of grazing cows using IMU systems. Heat stress has negative impacts on animal behavior, welfare, and productivity. While IMU systems have been used to detect behavioral changes in thermoneutral conditions, their effectiveness on heat-stressed animals remains unclear. The objective of the last study was to investigate changes in sheep behavior using a low-cost IMU and the influence of ambient temperature in the algorithms ability to classify behaviors. Eating, lying, standing and ruminating while standing and lying were classified during exposure to different ambient temperature patterns. The algorithm demonstrated acceptable accuracies in differentiating behaviors under thermoneutral conditions, but its performance was impaired when tested outside the thermal range. Future research should focus on developing algorithms that account for different environmental conditions to improve the accuracy of IMU in classifying animal behavior. Collectively, these investigations contribute to enhancing the applicability of technologies in livestock systems. / Doctor of Philosophy / The global population relies on ruminant animals, such as cattle and sheep, for essential nutrient. However, with the increasing demand for animal protein products, there is a growing need for sustainable practices in the livestock industry. Precision livestock farming (PLF) technologies have emerged as a potential solution to enhance sustainability by enabling individual animal monitoring. However, challenges such as data ownership and accessibility and high costs, impair its adoption. To overcome these challenges and enhance the applicability of wearable sensors in livestock systems, this research aimed to explore potential solutions. The objective of the first study was to develop and evaluate an open-source, low-cost wearable technology equipped with Bluetooth for monitoring ruminants in confined settings. The study successfully demonstrated the functionality and cost-effectiveness of this technology for monitoring ruminant behavior. Building up the success of the technology in intensive systems, the subsequent study focused on updating the wearable sensor for deployment in extensive systems. This was achieved by incorporating LoRa data transmission, enabling real-time monitoring of livestock. The study effectively demonstrated the feasibility of and potential of the updated technology for real-time monitoring in extensive livestock systems. Continuing with the feasibility testing of technologies, the next experiment aimed to assess the accuracy and precision of a low-cost photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor in monitoring heart rate (HR) in sheep housed under high-temperature conditions. Unfortunately, the results indicated poor accuracy and precision in detecting HR changes using the PPG sensor. Future studies should explore alternative sensor deployment methods and data analysis techniques to improve the accuracy of PPG sensors for HR monitoring in livestock animals. The followed study focused on evaluating the suitability of a continuous glucose monitors (CGM) designed for humans to measure interstitial glucose concentrations in sheep and potentially replacing traditional blood glucose measurements. The findings demonstrated the potential of CGMs to detect changes in glucose but limitations such as the small sample size suggest the need for further investigations with a larger sample size and potential standardization with laboratory analysis before implementing CGM as a replacement for traditional glucose measurement methods in research. In extensive systems, where technology adoption has been slower compared to confined operations, edge processing techniques are proposed as a cost-effective strategy to monitor grazing animal behavior using inertial measurement unit systems (IMU). In the fifth study, different classification techniques were explored using an open-source IMU, including analysis of variances, logistic regression, support vector machine, and random forest. The random forest model achieved high accuracy (93%) in classifying grazing behavior with a 1-minute interval. Surprisingly, algorithm accuracy was not affected when snapshot in time was performed. The final study focused on using a low-cost IMU to investigate sheep behavior under varying ambient temperature conditions. While algorithm performed well under thermoneutral conditions, its accuracy decreased outside the thermal range. Future research should focus on algorithms that account for different environmental conditions to improve IMU accuracy in classifying behavior. These investigations contribute to enhancing technology's applicability to in livestock systems by addressing challenges and developing practical solutions to improve livestock management and animal well-being.

Analys av hållfasthet mot spjälkning vinkelrätt fiberriktningen för en förankrad syll av KL-trä, utsatt för en excentrisk lyftkraft

Wangsten, Erik January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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