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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Yi Ji (12448896) 25 April 2022 (has links)
<p>The predicted growth in demand for electric vehicles (EVs) has given rise to increasing use of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), which are the source of energy used in all EVs. Recycling of spent LIBs not only can supply more materials to manufacturing new LIBs, but also can mitigate haz-ardous waste disposal in the environment. Direct recycling focuses on separating cathode materials to be re-purposed or remanufactured. Delamination of cathode materials is the necessary first step; however, it is fraught with difficulties due to the strong adhesive forces provided by the polyvi-nylidene fluoride (PVDF) binder that is widely used in LIBs. The widely accepted delamination methods are N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) solvent dissolution and direct calcination, which are not desirable due to either environmental and health concerns or high energy consumption.</p> <p>The lithium chemical systems (LiCl, LiNO<sub>3</sub>, and LiOH) and their binary eutectic systems, were systematically studied to recover heterogeneous cathode active materials (NMC 111 and LMO) from spent LIBs of EVs. The LiOH-LiNO<sub>3</sub> eutectic system showed 98.3% peel-off effi-ciency under preferable conditions. The recycled products were characterized using ICP-OES, XPS, SEM, and XRD. There were minimal changes in chemical composition, morphology, or crystal structure of the recycled cathode materials after LiOH-LiNO3 eutectic treatment, compared with those recycled with an AlCl<sub>3</sub>-NaCl eutectic molten salt treatment that introduces more Al contamination and morphological defects.  </p> <p>In order to avoid corrosive chemicals and minimize particle agglomeration, additional lith-ium salts were investigated, including LiOAc (lithium acetate), Li<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub>, and Li<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>. A peel-off efficiency of up to 98.5% was achieved at a LiOAc to LiNO<sub>3</sub> molar ratio of 3:2, salt to cathode mass ratio of 10:1, temperature of 300° C, and a holding time of 30 minutes. To validate the effect of the cations, the recycled products from the molten sodium salt system (NaOAc-NaNO3) were tested. The lithium salt system achieved separation at a lower temperature. Use of LiOAc-LiNO<sub>3</sub> minimized morphological changes compared with direct calcination.</p> <p>The effective separation in LiOH-LiNO3 or LiOAc-LiNO3 molten salt systems was based on promotion of PVDF decomposition, and these two systems may be feasible for recycling other typical cathodes (LCO and LFP) where PVDF is used as the binder. Use of molten lithium salts as alternatives to direct calcination or use of other solvents, may help facilitate recycling of spent LIBs, and even achieve a way for closed loop direct recycling of materials.</p> <p> Additionally, a chemical-free pressure washing system was studied to overcome the adhe-sion provided by PVDF. Although the pressure washing system was not able to remove PVDF from the cathode materials, nearly instant separation from the aluminum backing was achieved when the shear stress and normal stress provided by the impacting of high-pressure waterjet was stronger than the binding forces. Factors investigated included water pressure, distance between the nozzle and cathode, the incident angle of the water jet, and the nozzle type (sprayer angle). A 34-1 fractional factorial design was used to evaluate the parameters and find the optimal operating conditions. A small amount of Al and consistent morphology (of nearly pristine cathode active materials) were detected. Three kinds of recycled cathode materials (NMC&LMO, LCO, and LFP) were used as inputs to investigate a sulfuric acid leaching process, indicating high leaching effi-ciencies (lithium > 90% and cobalt > 85%).</p> <p>The degradation of cathode active materials or PVDF affects the adhesion force between cathode materials layer and Al current collector. Because delamination replies on inactivation of bonding forces provided by PVDF, it is believed that the storage environment (air, O<sub>2</sub> or H<sub><strong>2</strong></sub>O) will affect the performances of delamination to some extent. Three representative methods (direct cal-cination, solvent extraction, and pressure washing system) of delamination were selected to eluci-date the effect from air exposure time. Direct calcination was barely influenced and stably sepa-rated CAMs in terms of peel-off efficiency. The pressure washing system or solvent extraction exhibited high peel-off efficiency using control samples, but the performance regarding either Al contamination or separation efficiency  significantly worsened after long air exposure time. This hypothesis could explain lack of reproducibility of some results in different studies and highlight the importance of strict storage condition of spent LIBs to direct recycling technology. </p> <p>Overall, this thesis examines innovative delamination methods for the development of cost-efficient and environmentally friendly direct recycling of spent LIBs. Application of the eutectic molten lithium salt system (LiOH-LiNO<sub>3</sub> and LiOAc-LiNO<sub>3</sub>) or pressure washing system indicates promising benefits to reduce toxic gas emission and energy consumption, and accelerate the cir-cular economy.</p>

Re-thinking Information Literacy in a postgraduate Information Systems class at the University of Cape Town

Noll, Susanne January 2017 (has links)
Information Literacy is an integral part of university libraries. At the University of Cape Town (UCT) it has had varying levels of success, depending on the size of the class, the access to devices, the time provided, and the frequency of sessions. Unlikely other universities around the world, information literacy is not embedded in the curriculum. The standard practice in our context has been once-off sessions offered to students at the beginning of an academic year. This is targeted to different courses and disciplines. This study sought to understand the information (IL) and digital literacy (DL) skills of postgraduate students in an Information Systems (IS) course. Specifically it looked at how they undertake their academic writing tasks without formal exposure to IL or DL training. It examines the general IL and DL skills, the ineffectiveness of IL interventions provided and explores opportunites for curriculum integration of Il in postgraduate courses. This case study uses a case study approach to explore the perceptions of students and their lecturers of the IL presentations which the library offers. Using a mixture of interviews with lecturers and a student questionnaire and focus group discussions with students the study sought to provide a wholistic picture of the various perspectives and experiences. Findings showed that students and lecturers had a very narrow perception of IL, although IL is a skills set that helps students to acquire competencies for a lifelong learning journey in terms of information usage generally and digitally in particular. A framework for librarians is proposed based on SCONUL's Seven Pillars of Information Literacy. This would enable a more wholistic approach to IL as it develops student as self-directed learners rather than learners who just aim to comply with course regulations. Integration of IL into the curriculum is proposed as a necessary strategy and if librarians increased their teaching professionalisation working in partnership with their academic colleagues, they could raise the profile of IL in institutional priorities.

Är Rockpanel framtidens fasadskiva? / Is Rockpanel the future building panel?

Dahlqvist, Erik, Farman, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Olika fasadskivor har under många år klätt svenska byggnader. Eternit och fibercement är exempel på produkter som länge varit populära. 2018 lanserades en ny fasadskiva i Sverige, rockpanel. Rockpanel används av PEAB i Vikingstad på 27 nyproducerade radhus där man under projekteringen till en början tänkt använda fibercement. Studien har undersökt hur PEAB påverkas av materialbytet från fibercement till rockpanel i tid och resurser. Utöver detta har rockpanelen även jämförts med liknande fasadmaterial utifrån hållbarhet, arbetsmiljö och tekniska egenskaper. Detta har gjort för att utvärdera rockpanelen som fortfarande är relativt okänd för aktörerna i byggbranschen och för att komplettera tidigare studier där rockpanelen inte undersökts djupgående. Studien visar att rockpanelen är tidseffektiv, hållbar, lätthanterad och kan användas för många olika fasadlösningar.

Stålplåtar för förbättrad tvärkraftskapacitet i prefabricerad takfot / Steel plates for enhanced shear force resistance in prefabricated eave

Eriksson, Eva January 2020 (has links)
Samverkanskonstruktioner ger goda förutsättningar för att använda material på ett optimalt sätt både gällande momentbärförmåga och materialanvändning. Vid dimensionering av takfoten på Lättelement AB:s takelement utnyttjas samverkan mellan taktass och plywood. Vid samverkan ges bra förutsättningar att nå god momentbärförmåga men tvärkraftsbärförmågan gällande skjuvning i plywood invid limfogen blir ofta dimensionerande i företagets takfotslösning. Ett behov av att kunna bredda limfogen mot plywood utan att behöva öka dimension eller antal taktassar är vad detta examensarbete har utgått ifrån. Att tunn stålplåt som redan används i Lättelements produkter monteras mellan taktass och plywood sågs som en potentiell lösning på problemet. Syftet med denna studie är att genom provningar göra en första utvärdering av lösningen för att ge företaget underlag för fortsatta undersökningar.   Då den faktiska konstruktionen och verkligt lastfall var problematisk att återskapa i en provningssituation med tillgänglig provningsutrustning utformades förenklade provkroppar för att företräda ursprungskonstruktionen. Provkroppar till två försöksserier utformades för att genom tryckprovning testa skjuvbärförmågan i limfog mellan träregel och plywoodstycken. Provkroppen till kontrollserien bestod endast av Lättelements specialanpassade konstruktionsplywood och regel av konstruktionsvirke i klass C24 vilka limmades samman med tvåkomponents polyuretanlim. Den hade enligt teoretiskt värden en karakteristisk bärförmåga på 8,4 kN. Plåtseriens provkropp hade samma utformning som kontrollserien med skillnaden att två 0,7 mm tjock stålplåt, som var fyra gånger så bred som träregeln, limmas fast mellan respektive plywood och träregel för att bredda limfogen mot plywood. Stålplåten var en SSAB produkt som var polyesterlackad på dess synlig sida och hade epoxybaserad baksidesfärg på dess baksida. Synliga sidan vändes mot träregel vid limning. Plåtseriens karakteristiska skjuvbärförmåga enligt teoretiska värden var 33,6 kN Provserierna bestod av fem provkroppar vardera.   I kontrollserien gick samtliga provkroppar till brott genom rullskjuvning i plywood, som planerat. Uppmätta brottlaster varierade från 20,2 kN till 34,0 kN och beräkning enligt standard SS-EN 14358:2016 gav en karakteristisk brottslast på 15, 7 kN. Av plåtserien gick tre av fem provkroppar till brott på samma sätt genom att vidhäftning av limmet mot polyesterlackade sidan av plåten släppte. Brottlasterna varierade mellan 26,9 kN och 47,5 kN och gav en karakteristisk brottlast på 14,0 kN. En av de övriga två provningarna i serien avbröts vid en last på 49,1 kN på grund av begränsning i provningsutrustningens avläsningskapacitet.   Resultatet bekräftade teorin att plywoodens rullskjuvningsbärförmåga var dimensionerande för kontrollserien. Dock var den uppmätta karakteristiska lasten över 87 % högre än den teoretiska. Dock bör ej det resultatet läggas för stor vikt vid då urvalet var litet.   Plåtseriens resultat gav ett annat brottmod än planerat då vidhäftning mellan lim och plåtens polyesterlackade sida var otillräcklig. På grund av stor spridning och minimalt urval blev den karakteristiska uppmätta bärförmågan för plåtserien lägre än för kontrollgruppen. Dock kan en tendens ses att plåtserien klarade mer last med en median på 47,1 kN jämfört med kontrollseriens median på 25,0 kN. Det kombinerat med det faktum att limningen mot plywood i plåtserien inte gick till brott på någon provkropp indikerar på att lösningen har potential om vidhäftningen kan göras likvärdig på båda sidor av plåten. / Composite constructions provide good conditions for using materials in an optimal way both in terms of bending resistance and material use. When performing structural design of the eaves on Lättelement AB's prefabricated roof element, the interaction between structural wood stud and plywood is applied. In this composite construction, good conditions for god bending resistance are achieved, but the shear resistance in plywood next to the glue joint is often the limiting design resistance. A need to be able to widen the glue joint to plywood without having to increase the dimension or number of wood studs is what this thesis has been based on. Mounting a thin steel plate, usually used in Lättelement's products, between the structural wood stud and plywood was seen as a potential solution to the problem. The purpose of this study is to conduct tests to make an initial evaluation of the solution to provide the company with a basis for further investigations.   Since the actual design and actual load case were problematic to recreate in a test situation with available testing equipment, a simplified test specimen was designed to represent the original design. Test specimens for two different test series were designed. By compression testing, the shear resistance of the glue joint between wood studs and plywood pieces was tested. The test specimen for the control series consisted only of Lättelement's specially adapted structural plywood and a stud of structural wood in class C24 which was glued together with two-component polyurethane adhesive. According to theoretical values, it had a characteristic load capacity of 8.4 kN. The test specimen of the plate series had the same design as the one for the control series with the only difference that two 0.7 mm thick steel sheets, which were four times as wide as the wood stud, were glued between the respective plywood and wood stud to widen the glue joint on to the plywood. The steel sheet was a SSAB product that was polyester lacquered on its visible side and had epoxy-based backing paint on the other side. The visible side was turned against the wood stud when glued together. The characteristic shear resistance of the plate series was according to theoretical values 33.6 kN. The test series consisted of five test specimens each.   All the test specimens in the control series had the failure mode of roll shear in plywood as predicted. Measured ultimate loading ranged from 20.2 kN to 34.0 kN and calculation according to standard SS-EN 14358:2016 gave a characteristic value of ultimate loading of 15, 7 kN. Of the plate series, three out of five test specimens went to failure in the same way, by failed adhering of the adhesive to the polyester lacquered side of the steel sheet. Measured ultimate loading ranged from 26.9 kN and 47.5 kN, giving a characteristic value of ultimate loading of 14,0 kN. One of the other two tests in the series was interrupted at a load of 49.1 kN due to limitation in the test equipment's reading capacity.   The result confirmed the theory that the plywood's shear bearing capacity was the limiting design resistance for the control series. However, the measured characteristic ultimate loading was over 87% higher than the theoretical one. Nevertheless, this result should not be overestimated as the number of test values was scarce. The test of the plate series shows in a different failure mode than anticipated due to that the adhesion between the adhesive and the polyester lacquered side of the plate was insufficient. Because of the large spread and minimal number of test values the measured characteristic ultimate loading for the plate series was lower than for the control group. However, a tendency can be seen that the plate series could withstand more applied load with a median of 47.1 kN compared to the control series median of 25.0 kN. That combined with the fact that the bonding to plywood in the plate series did not fail in any specimen, indicates that the solution has potential if the adhesion can be sufficient to both sides of the sheet.

Mobile application use in the tourism and restaurant industries : comparative study between France and Russia / Utilisation des applications mobiles dans les secteurs du tourisme et de la restauration : étude comparative entre la France et la Russie

Kondrateva, Galina 13 October 2017 (has links)
Les smartphones avec leurs différentes applications ont créé une nouvelle base de clients. Les données de l'utilisateur des smartphones, obtenues en grande quantité, permettent aux entreprises de développer leurs stratégies marketing et d'augmenter également le nombre de biens et de services achetés. Les marchés du tourisme et de la restauration offrent de nouvelles possibilités grâce à l'utilisation d'applications mobiles dans le but d'améliorer la qualité des services offerts. L'objectif de cette recherche est d'étudier l'utilisation des applications mobiles dans les industries du tourisme et de la restauration et d'effectuer une comparaison interculturelle entre la Russie et la France. Pour atteindre cet objectif tant théorique qu’empirique, nous avons appliqué une approche hypothético-déductive. Dans notre recherche, deux applications mobiles sont analysées: Lafourchette en France et Resto en Russie. L'utilisation de l'application mobile est examinée à partir de trois points de vue théorique: l'utilisation de la technologie, le marketing relationnel et la théorie culturelle. Le modèle TUAUT2 est le modèle central de notre recherche; modèle qui a fait l'objet de nombreuses études. Nous avons considéré ce modèle en relation avec le marketing relationnel et les dimensions culturelles. Les résultats de notre étude sur l'utilisation des applications mobiles ont confirmé nos hypothèses. La comparaison interculturelle a démontré des différences liées aux problèmes économiques, culturels et technologiques. Nos résultats sont discutés à partir des perspectives théoriques et managériales. / The smartphones with application stores have created a new customer base. The smartphone user's data, obtained in huge amount every second, enables companies to build their marketing strategies, and to increase the number of goods and services purchased. The tourism and restaurant markets offer new possibilities with the use of mobile applications in order to improve the quality of the provided services. The objective of this research is to study mobile application use in the tourism and restaurant industries and to accomplish cross-cultural comparison between Russia and France. Applying a hypothetico-deductive approach both theoretical and empirical investigations are serving this objective. In the research two mobile applications are analyzed: Lafourchette in France and Resto in Russia. The mobile application use is regarded from three theoretical points of view: technology’s use, relationship marketing and cultural theory. UTAUT2 model is the central model of the research; this model has been a subject of numerous studies. We regarded this model in relation to relationship marketing and cultural dimensions. The results of the survey about mobile application use confirmed the hypotheses. Cross-cultural comparison demonstrated differences related to the economical, cultural and technology’s issues. Our findings are discussed from theoretical and managerial perspectives.

Mobile Technologies for Language Learning: A Case Study of Beginning Learners of French

Dikosso-Bebe, Lydie Marina 05 1900 (has links)
Over the past 25 years, research on the effectiveness of new technologies in teaching has been constantly evolving as teachers try to keep up with educational trends. With the current evolution of technology, it is important to find out how students feel about the use of technologies in both the classroom setting and the non-traditional learning environment. The objective of this project is to determine which applications the students of French 1010 (first semester of college-level French) at the University of North Texas use for language learning to supplement and reinforce the concepts learned in class. Two questions guided this project: (1) what are the new technologies that students in French 1010 use? and (2) if UNT were to implement hybrid classes, would students be interested in taking them? In order to answer these questions, a survey was distributed to 184 students of French 1010 at UNT during the fall 2019 semester. From these surveys, 100 were selected for analysis in the present study, and three students were interviewed as a way to collect additional data. The results of the survey showed that Duolingo was the most used application for language learning purposes, while the interviews showed that the students would be open to the possibility of taking hybrid classes. From these results arise questions related to ways in which mobile applications can be effectively incorporated in language classrooms.

Data Pipeline Design for Audit Analytics : Data Ingestion Tools Evaluation &amp; Proof of Concept

Bylund, Adam January 2023 (has links)
The amount of data and its importance is increasing for many industries. To fully take advantage of the data it must be easily accessible and understandable for the user. From a software perspective, the applications used for analyzing the data should be developed with this aspect in mind. Link Visualizer is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution developed by the company Senseworks, intending to develop an application to provide this service for the audit industry. As the number of active users increases it has been discovered that this also correlates with the desire for data gathering from different third-party sources. A development that the current solution of different microservices has difficulty handling. The implementation of this functionality can be achieved by various alternatives of software architecture. The overall architecture of the new data integration solution is determined to be a data pipeline. This thesis aims to investigate which data extract tool within an data pipeline is the most suitable for Link based on requirements regarding scalability, maintainability, and supportability. The initial part of the study includes an evaluation of different tools that can be considered as contenders for the new solution. The final decision is based on an Architecture Decision Record which helps in the process and increases the chances of making a correct architecture decision. A Proof of Concept (PoC) is then developed to provide practical insight into the chosen tool and to prove if it is suited for implementation in a production version to replace the current solution. The result of the evaluation process showed Airbyte to be the most suitable option. Therefore, a PoC with two third-party data integrations was implemented using the Airbyte Open Source framework. The finished PoC showed possibilities for improvements in all areas of the requirements. However, it should be pointed out that a PoC doesn’t prove the correct or perfect solution, only that it can be done.

Programmering i matematikundervisningen : En studie om några gymnasielärares syn på potentiella fördelar och nackdelar för elevers lärande imatematik / Programming in teaching mathematics : A study of the views of some high-school teachers on potential advantages and disadvantages for students’ learning in mathematics

Sandell, Markus January 2017 (has links)
Skolverket har beslutat att programmering från och med hösten 2018 kommer att ingå i kursplanerna för flera matematikkurser på gymnasiet. Detta motiveras genom att man anser att svenska skolan bör hänga med i den snabba digitaliseringen som sker i samhället idag. Denna studie syftar till att bidra med kunskap kring lärares perspektiv på hur ett införande av programmering i kursmålen i matematik kan påverka elevers lärande i matematik. Det empiriska underlaget till undersökningen har bestått i att 11 gymnasielärare i matematik med teknisk utbildning har svarat på en enkät med både öppna frågor samt svarsalternativfrågor. Resultatet visar att lärarna överlag är positiva till att ha programmering i matematikämnet men de ser ett problem i att det kan ta tid från annan matematikundervisning. De anser också i likhet med Digitaliseringskommisionens analys att det finns ett stort behov av att vidareutbilda matematiklärare i programmering. Potentiella fördelar som lärarna ser är att programmering kan användas som ett verktyg för att hjälpa eleverna förstå matematiskt innehåll, men också att det kan hjälpa eleverna att utveckla de matematiska förmågorna som finns i ämnesplanen. Det finns också ett visst stöd i tidigare forskning att programmering kan bidra till utvecklandet av problemlösningsförmågan i första hand. En annan potentiell fördel är att vissa elever kan bli mer intresserade av matematik om programmering införs i undervisningen. Vilka åsikter lärare har om programmering i matematiken är något som i förlängningen påverkar matematikundervisningen. Då detta inte är något som undersökts i hög grad tidigare syftar därför denna studie till att bidra med kunskap i denna fråga. / The National Agency for Education has decided that programming from autumn 2018 will be included in the syllabuses for several mathematics courses in upper secondary school. The motivation for this is the view that Swedish school should be involved in the rapid digitization that is taking place in society today. This study aims at contributing knowledge about teachers’ perspectives on how the introduction of programming in the course objectives in mathematics could affect students’ learning in mathematics. The empirical basis of the study consists of a questionnaire with both open questions and check questions which has been answered by 11 high school teachers in mathematics with technical education. The result shows that teachers overall are positive about programming in the mathematical subject but they see a problem in that it may take time from other mathematics teaching. They also consider, like the Digitalization Commission’s analysis, that there is a great need to further educate mathematics teachers in programming. Potential benefits the teachers see is that programming can be used as a tool to help students understand mathematical content, but also that it can help students to develop the mathematical abilities contained in the subject plan. There is also some support in previous research that programming can contribute to the development of problem solving skills. Another potential advantage is that some students may become more interested in math if programming is introduced in the teaching. What opinions teachers have about programming in mathematics is something that in the long run affects mathematics education. As this is not something that has been investigated to a large extent earlier, this study therefore aims at contributing knowledge on this issue.

Undersökning av användarbehov av automatisk relationsextraktion i texter i militära ledningssystem / Investigation of User Needs for Automatic Relation Extraction in Texts within Military Command and Control Systems

Olesen, Mathilda January 2022 (has links)
Att strukturera upp och analysera stora mängder data är tidskrävande och därmed existerar ett behov av automatiserade metoder för att extrahera information ur stora mängder ostrukturerad text. Språkteknologi (eng. natural language processing, NLP) handlar om att ge datorer förmågan att bearbeta, tolka och hämta information ur mänskligt språk. Ett steg i processen av att implementera tekniker som t.ex. kan sammanfatta texter, är uppgiften med relationsextraktion. Målet med relationsextraktion är att automatiskt extrahera relationer mellan entiteter i en text. Artificiell intelligens (AI) tillämpas inom flertalet områden för att effektivisera processer och reducera resurser. Genom att extrahera relationer ur en stor mängd text kan arbete kring analys av dokument effektiviseras. Under de senaste åren har effektivare modeller inom automatisk relationsextraktion tagits fram då maskininlärning har tillämpats i området. Detta examensarbete syftar till att genom användarinvolvering identifiera hur automatisk relationsextraktion kan underlätta arbete i militära staber. Metoder för datainsamling är workshop med deltagare som har relevanta erfarenheter inom militära staber, observation samt enkät. Den data som dessa metoder producerade analyserades genom en induktiv tematisk analys som resulterade i underlättande av arbete genom följande teman: resurseffektivitet, stötta samarbete, förbättra planering samt avlasta kognitiv belastning. Under workshoppen identifierades tekniker för samtliga teman där t.ex teknik som sköter orderhantering underlättar arbete genom både resurseffektivitet och genom att stötta samarbete. Deltagarna ansågs ha ett tillräckligt lärande under workshoppen för att deras diskussioner ska bedömmas relevanta för studien. Arbetets slutsatser är att automatisk relationsextraktion kan underlätta arbete i militära staber genom implementering av tekniker inom tidigare nämnda teman. Det finns dock behov inom organisationen som måste uppfyllas för att detta ska uppnås. Bland dessa behov finns det fysiska behovet av att tekniken måste vara tillförlitlig. Rekommendationer för vidare forskning är att implementera och utvärdera teknik för orderhantering eller tekniker som kopplar till planeringsprocessen i en militär stab. Orderhantering rekommenderas för att det ska underlätta både med resurseffektivitet samt att stötta samarbete. Implementera tekniker inom planeringsprocessen rekommenderas för att majoriteten av deltagarna under workshoppen prioriterade detta område högst. / To structure and analyze large amounts of data is time-consuming and there exists a need for automatic methods for extracting information from large amounts of unstructured text. Natural language processing (NLP) gives computers the ability to process, interpret and retrieve information from the human language. One step in the process of implementing technologies that for example can summarize texts, is the problem of relation extraction. The purpose of relation extraction is to extract relations between entities in texts. Artificial intelligence (AI) is used in a variety of areas to make processes more effective and reduce resourses. By extracting relations from a large amount of text, analysis of documents get more effective. In recent years more effective methods for relationship extraction has emerged with the usage of machine learning. This thesis aims to investigate through use involvement how relation extraction can faciliate work within military staffs. Methods for data collection are workshop with participants with relevant work experience within military staffs, observation and survey. Collected data was analyzed using a inductive thematic analysis that resulted in faciliation of work through the following themes: resource efficiency, faciliate cooperation, improve planning and reduce cognitive load. Participants of the workshop are deemed to have gathered knowledge of relation extraction during the workshop for their discussions to be relevant for the study. The conclusions of this thesis are that relationship extraction can faciliate work within a military staff within the earlier mentioned themes. There are, however, some criteria that the technologies must meet in order for those themes to be achieved. One of these criteria is that the result of the relationship extraction must be reliable. Recommendations for future work is to implement and evaluate technology that manages orders or is related to the planning process within a military staff. Technology that manages orders faciliates in both resource efficiency and to facilitate cooperation. The reason for implementation within the planning process is that this is the area that the participants of the workshop prioritized the highest.

Renovering av miljonprogrammetsflerbostadshus : En fallstudie för att minska total energianvändning peruppvärmd area-enhet med 50 %

Strandberg, Per, Borg Alayan, Leon January 2023 (has links)
I Sverige finns det nu ungefär 5,1 miljoner bostäder, lite mer än hälften avdetta bostadsbestånd står flerbostadshusen för. Under miljonprogrammet1965 - 1974, byggdes cirka 600 000 flerbostadshus vilket är runt enfjärdedel av alla flerbostadshus i Sverige. Dessa är i stort behov avrenovering för att öka sin energieffektivitet. Speciellt när miljömålen ilandet är i så stort fokus, regeringens mål är att sänka energianvändningenmed 50 % i bostadssektorn till 2050. Flerbostadshusen byggda i dennaperiod har ungefär 30 % högre genomsnittlig energianvändning änflerbostadshus byggda 2011 - 2019.I detta arbete har en fallstudie utförts på ett flerbostadshus i Vallås,Halmstad. Olika renoveringsåtgärder har presenterats som kan vara lämpligaför referensobjektet. Energiberäkningar har sedan utförts för att se hurmycket varje åtgärd minskar energianvändningen för byggnaden. Målet medarbetet är att utreda potentiella renoveringsåtgärder för att minska det totalaprimärenergitalet med 50 % per uppvärmd area-enhet. Syftet med arbetet äratt uppnå en så energieffektiv renoveringslösning som möjligt med hjälp avolika renoveringsåtgärder samt solceller som ett komplement. Resultatetvisade att bergvärmepumpen sänkte den specifika energianvändningen mestmedan FTX-systemet minskade primärenergitalet till högst grad. Med allaåtgärder utförda på byggnaden uppnåddes målet att halvera det totalaprimärenergitalet per uppvärmd area-enhet.

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