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Assessing the Disruptiveness of New Energy Technologies - An Ex-Ante PerspectiveStoiciu, Alexandra, Szabo, Enikö, Totev, Martin, Wittmann, Katharina, Hampl, Nina 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
For those organizations that experience disruption, they usually understand the situation when it is already too late. The real challenge to any theory, especially if it is of high relevance for managers, is how it performs predictively. Can the theory of disruptive technologies be used not only to analyze cases ex post but to predict the potential disruptive technologies ex ante? Established companies are skeptical of the idea of disruptiveness, because of the difficulty of making predictions given the ex post nature of the theory. In this regard the goal of this report is to provide a general measure of disruptiveness and develop a framework that can assess technologies whether they have the potential to be proven disruptive. The developed assessment framework captures the essential characteristic and holistic success factors for disruptive technologies based on the theory of Christensen and a number of clarifications as seen in the literature. The framework is applied and validated by assessing the disruptive potential of five renewable energy technologies (wind energy, solar energy, biomass, hydro power, geothermal) in the power generation, heating and transportation sectors of four European countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Germany and Romania). The results show the applicability of the framework and give insights into technology and country specific determinants of energy market sector disruptions. (authors' abstract) / Series: Working Papers / Institute for Strategic Management / Energy & Strategy Think Tank
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Posouzení a implementace informačního systému / Assessment and Implementation of Information SystemStáňa, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the design of information system implementation into the specific trade. Implementation of the new information system will improve efficiency of the company and further customer services.
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AI as a Radical or Incremental Technology Tool InnovationJosimovic, Aleksandra January 2018 (has links)
As researchers found that throughout the history a common challenge for companies across different industries, when it comes to leveraging and capturing value from a technology innovation is strongly influenced by the company’s dominant business model, an established framework through which assessment takes place. The overall purpose of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of the role that company's dominant business model has on the assessment of the impact that new technology innovation, in this case, AI, will have on the company and the market on which company operates. This thesis is partially exploratory and partially descriptive with a qualitative and deductive nature. In order to answer the purpose, a research strategy of case studies was used where empirical data was collected from interviews held with 47 company’s top executives from different hierarchical levels and business units, from Sweden, Switzerland, the USA, Germany, and Finland. The theoretical framework that describes the how AI as a new technology tool is perceived from the Company X perspective, either as a radical, game changer, or an incremental innovation technology tool and examines the role that dominant business model has on this perception was created. The developed implementation framework had its foundation in previous research concerning innovation business model theories. The data that was collected from the company’s executives were then analyzed and compared to the model. The most significant findings suggest that AI as a new technology tool is perceived as a game changer, radical innovation tool for some areas within the Company X and that the company dominant business model profoundly influences this perception. / Som forskare fann att genom hela historien är en gemensam utmaning för företag inom olika branscher när det gäller att utnyttja och fånga värde från en teknologisk innovation starkt påverkad av företagets dominerande affärsmodell, en etablerad ram genom vilken bedömning sker. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att ge en djupare förståelse för den roll som företagets dominerande affärsmodell har vid bedömningen av den inverkan som ny teknik innovation, i detta fall AI, kommer att ha på företaget och marknaden där företaget driver . Denna avhandling är delvis undersökande och delvis beskrivande med kvalitativ och deduktiv natur. För att svara på målet användes en forskningsstrategi av fallstudier där empiriska data samlades in från intervjuer med 47 bolagets ledande befattningshavare från olika hierarkiska nivåer och affärsenheter, från Sverige, Schweiz, USA, Tyskland och Finland. Den teoretiska ram som beskriver hur AI som ett nytt teknikverktyg uppfattas ur företagets Xperspektiv, antingen som en radikal, spelväxlare eller ett inkrementellt innovationsteknologiprogram och undersöker den roll som dominerande affärsmodell har på denna uppfattning skapades. Den utvecklade implementeringsramen har grundat sig i tidigare forskning rörande innovationsmodellteorier. Data som samlades in från företagets chefer analyserades sedan och jämfördes med modellen. De viktigaste resultaten tyder på att AI som ett nytt teknikverktyg uppfattas som en spelväxlare, radikalt innovationsverktyg för vissa områden inom företaget X och att företagets dominerande affärsmodell påverkar denna uppfattning väsentligt.
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A mixed method descriptive case study of CIO roles and organizational positioning in information technology strategic planning at community colleges in a southern stateBrooks, Adell 13 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT The role of a Chief Information Officer (CIO) or a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) within higher education is essential, though not well defined or understood. At all levels of the institution a CIO/CTO impacts the information technology (IT) systems required for the security and the ability of the college or university to operate and to support student success. Institutions of higher education are dependent on the IT department for college-issued computers, for software services, for library functioning, and for driving innovation to keep the college competitive for enrollment and student success. Although the CIO role is essential to a higher education institution’s functioning, scholars report CIOs may not have access to the level of decision making that may be in the best interests of the college. Prior studies indicate a disconnect between the strategic (proactive) role and the tactical (reactive) role of IT personnel within higher education organizations and note that the disconnect hinders the ability of the organization to perform at a high level and serve its purpose. The purpose of this mixed method descriptive case study was to explore the positioning and roles of community college CIOs/CTOs within individual colleges’ strategic planning process and across the college system in a southern state. The study used a modified version of the Strategic Thinking Questionnaire (STQ) and interviews with all CIOs in the southern state’s community college system. The STQ results indicate the CIOs are positioned to achieve organizational effectiveness and what is best for their individual college through IT services and support. The interviews confirmed that CIOs were positioned well for strategic planning at the institutions to achieve what is best for the college through IT services and support.
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Barreiras e facilitadores na transferência de tecnologia para o setor espacial: estudo de caso de programas de parceria das Agências Espaciais do Brasil (AEB) e dos EUA (NASA). / Barriers and facilitators in technology transfer to the space sector: case study of partnership programs of Brazil (AEB) and USA (NASA) space agencies.Vasconcellos, Roberto Roma de 06 October 2008 (has links)
O grau de exigência da sociedade no atendimento das suas necessidades vem aumentando progressivamente, bem como a complexidade tecnológica dos bens e serviços oferecidos. Para se atender a essa acelerada evolução, o processo de inovação tecnológica precisa atingir um nível de eficiência e eficácia que articule todos os atores do processo de inovação em redes de cooperação, pois já não há mais lugar para o trabalho organizacional solitário. No novo cenário, há necessidade de parcerias para que novos produtos e processos atinjam a sua verdadeira utilidade, que é a melhoria da qualidade de vida da humanidade. Nesse contexto, o setor espacial tem um papel de destaque, seja por meio da monitoração climática ou até de equipamentos de medicina preventiva, desenvolvidos a partir de tecnologias espaciais. Assim, o Brasil tem utilizado o programa de parceria Uniespaço, sob coordenação da Agência Espacial Brasileira (AEB), para transferir tecnologias para o seu setor espacial. Com base na experiência internacional dos programas espaciais e do levantamento da literatura, este estudo parte do pressuposto de que a eficácia da transferência de tecnologia (TT) nos programas de parceria pode ser alcançada mediante a superação de barreiras existentes no processo, por intermédio de elementos facilitadores. Desta forma, a pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar os fatores críticos entre atores no processo de TT, a partir de estudos de 05 projetos de parceria do programa Uniespaço. As organizações geradoras da tecnologia foram três instituições de ensino superior e quatro institutos de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento (P&D), tendo como usuários o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) e o Instituto de Aeronática e Espaço (IAE). Além desse programa, foi estudado o programa de parceria inovativa (PPI) da NASA, identificando o arranjo organizacional e os fatores que fomentam a TT entre os atores do sistema setorial de inovação e produção espacial dos EUA. O presente trabalho teve como resultado principal a elaboração de dois modelos conceituais; o primeiro focando a TT entre gerador e usuário em termos dos fatores críticos obtidos na pesquisa, dentre eles o nível de maturidade tecnológica, adaptação da nova tecnologia versus a cultura tecnológica do usuário, e capacitações de absorção tecnológica e inovativa, e o segundo modelo como resultado da formação de parcerias e do impacto dos demais atores sociais envolvidos nos processos de TT. / The level of requirement of the society in order to satisfy its needs has been increasing progressively, as well as, the technology complexity of goods and services offered. In order to follow this evolution, the technology innovation process needs to achieve a certain level of efficiency and effectiveness, which is able to articulate all players of the innovation process in the network cooperation, in other words, there is no place for solitary organizational work. Partnerships are required to produce new products and processes to achieve its goals and promote a better quality of life. The space sector has an important role, such as the earth climate monitoring and preventive medicine equipments that were developed from technologies used for space applications. Therefore, similarly to other countries, Brazil has transferred technologies to its space sector, through partnership programs, though, sometimes with no success. The assumption of this study was the effectiveness of technology transfer in the partnership programs can be achieved by overcoming the barriers in the process through specific facilitators, and it was based on the international experience of space programs and literature review. The aim of this dissertation was to identify critical factors between players in the technology transference process on the brazilian space sector. The methodology used was based on case studies of five partnership projects and involved both three universities and four R&D institutes in the brazilian partnership program called Uniespaço, which is coordinated by the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB). The NASAs innovative partnership program was also studied, in order to know the organizational arrangement and the technology transfer facilitators between players in the US space sector system of innovation and production. The main results of this dissertation were two new conceptual models; the first was based on critical factors of TT between technology generators and users, such as, technology maturity level, adaptation of new technology versus users technological culture, and the ability of absorbing technology and innovation; the second model was the result of the dynamic of partnership formation and the impact of social players involved in the TT process.
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A capacidade de inovação como formadora de valor: análise dos vetores de valor em empresas brasileiras de biotecnologia / The innovation capacity as value constructor: analysis of value drivers in Brazilian biotechnology companiesMolina-Palma, Manuel Antonio 07 October 2004 (has links)
Trabalhos acadêmicos têm procurado explicar o impacto do uso estratégico da tecnologia no desempenho das empresas e identificar as práticas adotadas pelas empresas para o gerenciamento de sua estratégia tecnológica, bem como a relação desta com a sua competitividade. Porém, o entendimento da inter-relação entre os fatores que geram o processo de inovação e seu impacto econômico sobre as empresas ainda é deficiente. Neste sentido, na busca de elementos que possam contribuir para minimizar esta lacuna, este estudo procurou um melhor entendimento sobre a relação entre a capacidade de inovação e a formação de valor, através da identificação dos vetores de valor da capacidade de inovação capazes de gerar fluxos de caixa que contribuam para a formação de valor da empresa. A capacidade de inovação foi definida como o potencial interno para gerar novas idéias, identificar novas oportunidades no mercado e desenvolver uma inovação comercializável através dos recursos e competências existentes na empresa. Operacionalmente, a capacidade de inovação é um construto formado pela inter-relação sinérgica de sua cultura organizacional, de seus processos internos e de suas relações interorganizacionais. Estudos de casos múltiplos foram realizados em cinco empresas que trabalham com produtos e processos biotecnológicos. Foram observados valores e comportamentos peculiares da cultura organizacional, alguns processos internos característicos das empresas inovadoras e as relações interorganizacionais. Dentre os processos internos, foram analisados a gestão da carteira de projetos, a formulação e implementação da estratégia da empresa e a forma de assegurar uma melhor contribuição dos profissionais de P&D para a empresa. Através do uso de Mapas Cognitivos, foram identificados os traços dos vetores de valor da capacidade de inovação e a forma como estes vetores se inter-relacionam. A análise comparativa dos mapas traçados em cada caso estudado revelou serem o fator humano e a gestão participativa potentes vetores de valor, os quais não foram contemplados nas premissas deste estudo e devem ser estudados com maior profundidade em estudos posteriores. / Academic works have tried to explain the strategic use of technology and its impact in the companies performance, and to identify practices adopted by companies for the management of their technological strategy, as well as the relation of these with its competitiveness. However, the understanding of the relationship between factors that generate the innovation process and its economic impact on companies is still deficient. In order to minimize this gap, this study searched for a better agreement on the relationship between innovation capacity and the formation of value by identifying the existing value drivers in the innovation capacity capable to generate cash flows that contribute to the company value capture. Innovation capacity was defined as the internal potential to generate new ideas, identify new opportunities in the market and develop a marketable innovation by leveraging existing resources and competences. Operationally, innovation capacity is a construct formed by the synergistic interrelationships of its organizational culture, its internal processes and networking. Five biotechnology companies were analyzed through multiple case studies. In each case, particular attention was given to values and behaviors of the organizational culture, some characteristic internal processes of the innovative companies and their networking. Among internal processes, project portfolio management, strategy formulation and implementation and the way to assure a better contribution of the R&D personnel were analyzed. Using Cognitive Maps, it was possible to identify the innovation capacity value drivers and the way they interact. The comparison of the cases showed that human factors and participative management are powerful value drivers. Since these two factors have not been contemplated in the premises of this study, they need to be extensively analyzed in future studies.
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Avaliação de impactos ambientais da integração lavoura-pecuária: estudo de caso da inovação tecnológica da Embrapa / The assessment of the environmental impact of agriculture-cattle raising integration - Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Agency) technology innovation case studyGalharte, Caroline Alves 30 March 2007 (has links)
O agronegócio, a cada dia recebe incremento de novas tecnologias, o que lhe confere lugar de destaque no Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) do Brasil. Tal como qualquer outra atividade humana, os setores agrícola e pecuário são geradores de resíduos e, potencialmente, produtores de impactos ambientais. Prever, avaliar e remediar os impactos ambientais são necessidades imperiosas para sustentabilidade de uma atividade e proteção dos ecossistemas. A Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) produziu um instrumento de avaliação de impacto ambiental da inovação tecnológica agropecuária, denominado Ambitec-Agro. Entre um vasto campo de inovações tecnológicas, este trabalho foca a Integração Lavoura-Pecuária, que visa recuperar áreas de lavouras degradadas, usar eficientemente a terra, recuperar e renovar pastagens degradadas, ou seja, promover sustentabilidade agropecuária. O presente trabalho aplicou o Ambitec-Agro na unidade experimental: Fazenda Capivara, que abriga a Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, no estado de Goiás. A metodologia propõe realizar entrevista para obtenção de dados; para este trabalho foram entrevistados pesquisadores da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, Cerrados e Sede. Este trabalho acadêmico propôs, por meio de estudo de caso, avaliar os impactos promovidos pela inovação tecnológica do binômio integrado lavoura-pecuária em área de sequeiro e irrigada, com o uso do Ambitec-Agro. Os coeficientes de impacto ambiental da Integração lavoura-pecuária tanto em área de sequeiro quanto em área irrigada indicam que a inovação tecnológica contribui positivamente para a sustentabilidade da atividade produtiva no âmbito do estabelecimento estudado. / The agribusiness has been taking advantage of new technologies becoming prominent in the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Like any other human activity, the practice of agriculture and cattle raising produces waste, and as a result it can create environmental impact. Therefore, it is necessary to assess, predict, and lessen the environmental impact for the sustainability of this activity and for the ecosystems protection. The Brazilian Agricultural Research Agency (Embrapa) has proposed a system, the environmental impact assessment of agricultural technology innovations(Ambitec-Agro), focusing on the agriculture-cattle raising integration which aims at improving the production of farming products in areas already deteriorated; intensifying the use of land; and recuperating and renovating agricultural areas and pastures already deteriorated to guarantee agricultural sustainability. Thus, this study adopts the Ambitec-Agro system in the experimental unit Capivara Farm, which comprises the National Rice and Beans Research Center (Embrapa Arroz e Feijão) in the state of Goiás. This methodology proposes carrying out interviews in order to obtain data. Researchers at National Rice and Beans Research Center (Embrapa Arroz e Feijão), Embrapa Cerrados (Cerrados), and Embrapa Headquarters (Sede), were interviewed. Based on a case study, this work aimed at the assessment of the environmental impact created by technology innovation of the agriculture-cattle raising integration in unirrigated and irrigated areas by applying the Ambitec-Agro system. The environmental impact of agriculture-cattle raising integration coefficients, in both unirrigated and irrigated areas, demonstrate that technology innovation contributes effectively to the sustainability of this productive activity in the area studied.
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Orientação de negócios nos institutos de pesquisas tecnológicas industriais brasileiros: um estudo exploratório / Business orientation in brazilian industrial technology research institutes: an exploratory studyKahan, Milton 12 December 2003 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, utilizando o método do estudo de caso, que investiga quais as orientações de negócios predominantes nos Institutos de Pesquisas Tecnológicas Industriais (IPTIs) brasileiros. No contexto atual de ciclos de vida dos produtos cada vez mais curtos e de concorrência acirrada entre empresas, cadeias produtivas, setores econômicos e países decorrente da globalização, os IPTIs são chamados a dar suporte tecnológico fundamental aos agentes econômicos nacionais, os quais não têm condições ou recursos para gerar internamente. Para que isto ocorra efetivamente dentro deste quadro, somado à escassez de recursos governamentais, crises econômicas cíclicas e concorrência de fontes alternativas de suporte tecnológico, os IPTIs têm que estar orientados para os seus mercados. O trabalho faz uma revisão da literatura sobre orientação de negócios, com ênfase na orientação para o mercado (OM), e estuda dois IPTIs nacionais: o Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo (IPT) e o Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN). Após análise dos dados, o estudo propõe o aprofundamento da investigação em futuros estudos com base em um modelo de OM que introduz variáveis apropriadas para os IPTIs nacionais, como ?natureza jurídica do instituto? e ?consciência e orgulho do papel dos empregados?. Propõe ainda que em futuros estudos sejam também investigados os clientes dos IPTIs para que os efeitos de suas orientações de negócios sejam avaliados por aqueles para quem estas orientações são dirigidas. / This dissertation is a exploratory study, using case study method, that investigates what business orientations prevail in Brazilian Industrial Technology Research Institutes (ITRIs). On the current context of shorter product life cycles and strong competition amongst value chains, industries and countries due globalization, ITRIs are being pushed to provide essential technological support to domestic economic agents, which don?t have resources and conditions to generate them internally. In order to play this role effectively amidst this picture, adding up lack of governmental funds, cyclical economic crisis and alternative technology sources competition, ITRIs must be market oriented. This work performs a literature survey, emphasizing market orientation (MO), and studies two Brazilian major ITRIs: Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo (IPT) e o Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN). After accomplishment of data analysis, the study suggests deeper investigation on future researches based on a MO model that introduces variables suitable for Brazilian ITRIs, such as ?juridical status? and ?employees pride and consciousness of their role?. It also proposes the investigation of ITRIs clients, on their perceptions about ITRIs MO outcomes effects in their businesses.
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從環境面探討通訊產業的技術創新與績效之關係吳怡靜, Wu, I-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
綜上所述,我們可看出通訊產業內廠商除應瞭解本身所屬專業領域特質、所處子產業細部環境的變動情況,更應慎選合適的技術創新策略組合,以為企業謀取最大、最佳的績效表現。 / Communication Industry has become the leading industry in 21st century in Taiwan ever since the deregulation of telecommunication in Taiwan.
In order to investigate the relationship between the technology innovation strategy conducted by the Communication Industry and firm's performance, as well as the impact of environment as a moderator to the relationship between technology innovation strategy and performance, we have conducted the research by case study. As the widespread coverage of Communication Industry, we roughly classify the industry into six categories including communication chip, microwave communication, mobile communication, broadband communication, fiber communication and telecommunication service based on the way of transmission and vertical relationship in industry. However, mobile communication was not interviewed due to reasons. In addition to the findings from case study, we also collect the specific industry information for cross reference. Research findings are described as follows:
1. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry conduct numerous portfolio of technology innovation strategy. There are three types of portfolio formed, which are adventurous, aggressive and conservative type. The findings show that the financial performance will be better than the industry average when companies adopt adventurous or aggressive portfolio.
2. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry face various types of competitive environment; we find four types of environment formed. The environment are measured by three dimensions including dynamism, hostility, and heterogeneity which impact are distinguished into three levels, high, moderate, and low separately. The first type is high in three dimensions. The second is the same as the first one except its heterogeneity is moderate. The third is high in dynamism, moderate in hostility and in heterogeneity. The fourth is all-moderate.
3. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry have various types of competitive environment;therefore they have to conduct different portfolio of technology innovation strategy for best performance. The findings show that companies adopt the adventurous portfolio under the first and the third type of environment, and companies adopt the aggressive portfolio under the second and fourth type will have better financial performance.
To sum up, we suggest the Communication Industry know clearly about the competitive environment and its characteristics before conducting an appropriate portfolio of technology innovation strategy to acquire the best financial performance.
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資訊服務業技術創新策略與績效關連性之研究 / A Performance Study on Information Service Industry Technology Innovation Strategy黃敏慧, Huang, Min-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
研究成果發現技術創新策略會對績效產生影響,且採用積極預應型之技術創新策略之績效優於採用消極反應型之技術創新策略。就技術創新策略與環境配合而言,採用積極預應型技術創新策略配合高不確定產業環境之企業,其績效最佳。 / The high-tech industries with technology as the main production factor bring the great economic growth around the world. Information service industry is one of the high-tech industries and there is potential profit in every market segment with the fast developing Internet application. Technology innovation strategy is the key strategy to gain the competitive advantage.
In this research, we explore the relationship between the technology innovation strategy and performance and the moderating role of external environment. The technology innovation strategy construct contains R&D spending level, product upgrade, intellectual property right, radical innovations, and external technology sources. The environment construct contains heterogeneity, dynamism, hostility. The performance construct contains return on investment, market share, and sales revenue.
The result shows that technology innovation strategy affect the performance. Companies with the pioneer technology innovation posture have better performance than the follower. The pioneer technology innovation posture fit with uncertain environment will have the best performance.
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