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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skolans intentioner och arbetslivets förväntningar : Interaktion mellan två kunskapskulturer / The Intentions of Schooling and the Expectations of Working Life : Interaction between two Cultures of Knowledge

Asplid, Cecilia, Nilsson, Helén January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om gymnasieutbildningen inom Hotell- och restaurangprogrammet lever upp till restaurangbranschens förväntningar. Avsikten med arbetet är även att ta reda på hur samarbetet mellan skola och arbetsliv fungerar samt vilka kunskaper som eleven förväntas ha efter avslutad utbildning. Dessutom vill vi veta vilka egenskaper som har relevans för anställningsbarheten.</p><p> </p><p>Läroplanen (Lpf 94) säger att skolan ska eftersträva ett bra samarbete med arbetslivet och att eleven bör få kännedom om arbetslivets villkor. I programmålen för de yrkesförberedande programmen står att den arbetsplatsförlagda utbildningen har en central betydelse där grunderna ges i skolan och där det förväntas att specifika yrkeskunskaper vidareutvecklas i arbetslivet. Genom en inblick i arbetslivet får eleven kunskap om yrkespraxis och yrkeskultur där färdigheter tränas och förståelsen för yrket utvecklas.</p><p> </p><p>Studien är av empirisk karaktär där vi har intervjuat branschrepresentanter och karaktärsämneslärare. Resultatet visar att branschens förväntningar inte införlivas, då eleven efter avslutad utbildning sällan är anställningsbar. Vidare visar studien att både skola och bransch anser att grundkunskaper är viktiga men egenskaper som visat intresse, samarbetsförmåga och social kompetens påverkar anställningsbarheten. Dessutom framkommer att samarbetet mellan de båda kunskapskulturerna måste förbättras.</p>


Olofsson, Emma January 2008 (has links)
<p>Föreliggande uppsats har kritiskt granskat, analyserat och diskuterat Läroplanens teoretiska kunskapssyn. Om analysen håller så anser jag mig ha visat vilka resonemang, utifrån den kognitiva relativismen, som Lpf 94 bygger på. </p><p> Hur den kognitiva relativismen kommer fram till att kunskap är relativ kan se lite olika ut. Minst tre underliggande teser kan urskiljas vilka alla kan ligga till grund för Lpf 94s kunskapssyn. Dessa är kunskapssociologisk relativism, epistemisk relativism och ontologisk relativism. Alla förnekar de, var för sig, minst ett av tre de nödvändiga villkoren i den traditionella analysen av kunskap, vilken innebär att kunskap är sann berättigad tro.</p><p> Jag har även presenterat, analyserat samt diskuterat de elementära och logiska motsägelser som följer en relativistisk kunskapssyn. Dessa är av den omfattningen att det kan finnas tillräckliga skäl att förkasta en relativistisk kunskapssyn oavsett vilket relativistiskt resonemang som ligger till grund för Lpf 94s relativa kunskapssyn. </p><p> Min slutsats är att synen på att teoretisk kunskap är relativ inte håller och bör förkastas, vilket innebär att läroplanen i framtiden bör bygga på en objektiv kunskapssyn.</p>

Ska man behöva kasta en molotowcoctail? : en undersökning om hur IV-elever upplevt sina senare år i grundskolan

Wedin, Karin, Elgh, Carola January 2007 (has links)
<p>I skolans styrdokument finns uttryckt att undervisningen ska utgå från den enskilda eleven. Många elever upplever idag att så inte är fallet. De senaste åren har elever som är obehöriga att söka till ett nationellt program på gymnasiet ökat i antal. 1998, då de nya behörighetskraven infördes, var siffran 8.6 % i hela landet, 2006 var den 10.5 %.</p><p>Studiens syfte är att undersöka möjliga faktorer som påverkat ungdomars högstadietid så negativt att de inte har klarat skolans krav. Fokus har lagts på personligt och allmändidaktiskt bemötande. Genom att anta elevperspektivet tar undersökningen till vara elevernas egna upplevelser av högstadietiden.</p><p>Tidigare forskning inom området påvisar att elevperspektivet blir allt vanligare. I två avhandlingar, som redogörs för i examensarbetet, framförs elevperspektivet och där talas speciellt om två faktorer som är viktiga för eleverna. Det är lärarens elevsyn och huruvida eleverna känner meningsfullhet i skolarbetet. Avhandlingarna visar även att undervisningen bör utgå från elevens vardag och kultur om den ska bli meningsfull och motivera eleverna till fortsatt lärande.</p><p>Undersökningen tar avstamp i tidigare forskning men försöker belysa ett kunskapsglapp genom att sammanföra två viktiga faktorer i samma studie, personligt och allmändidaktiskt bemötande. Vidare ges ett antal förslag till fortsatt forskning av faktorer och samband som hade fyllt en funktion för det här examensarbetets fortskridande.</p><p>Undersökningen utfördes på det individuella programmet i en kommun i Mellansverige. Två metoder användes, dels en enkätundersökning i vilken 48 elever deltog och dels intervjuer med 8 elever. Enkätfrågorna är utformade med fokus på personligt och allmändidaktiskt bemötande men även på faktorer som eleverna själva upplever kan ha påverkat deras högstadietid. Intervjuerna har utförts för att fördjupa enkätfrågorna och för att upptäcka eventuella perspektiv som har förbisetts.</p><p>Enkäternas svarsfrekvens är 98 %. Resultatet visar att en majoritet av eleverna saknar att bli sedda som egna individer och att både det personliga och det allmändidaktiska bemötandet är av stor betydelse för eleverna. Resultatet visar även på vikten av att eleverna behöver känna sig lyssnade på och respekterade. En slutsats i undersökningen är att eleverna upplever sig ha mycket kunskap om sina egna behov. Det är en tydlig motivationsfaktor för eleverna att aktivt få delta i sin utbildning och skolgång.</p>

Phase structure and critical properties of an abelian gauge theory / Fasestruktur og kritiske eigenskapar til ein abelsk gauge-teori

Mo, Sjur January 2002 (has links)
<p>Chapter 1 to 4 give a short introduction to superconductivity, microscopic theory, phase transitions, and Monte-Carlo simulations. Chapter 2 is about Cooper pairing in different settings, but I also give a short introduction to the Hofstadter problem of lattice fermions on a square lattice in a perpendicular magnetic field. The purpose is to clarify some points in Paper-I. Chapter 3 is about phase transitions, and introduces the important concepts of spontaneous symmetry breaking, scaling, and renormalization. In the last section I stress some of the main differences between first order and second order phase transitions. Chapter 4 starts with a short elementary introduction to Monte-Carlo simulations and proceeds with the important, but somewhat more advanced topic of reweighting.</p><p>Chapter 5 to 7 are more closely related to the specific projects I have worked on, and are meant to illuminate and clarify some aspects in Paper-II and Paper-III. Chapter 5 introduce the Ginzburg-Landau model in various parametrizations, present some perturbative (mean-field) results, and introduce the concept of topological defects (vortices) and duality.</p><p>Chapter 6 is closely related to Paper-II and introduce the concept of fractal dimension and the relation between the vortex excitations of the original theory and the dual field theory. Chapter 7 is closely related to Paper-III where we studied the order of the metal to superconductor phase transition. To do this we had to do infinite volume and continuum limit extrapolations. We also had to consider ultraviolet renormalization since the Ginzburg-Landau theory is a continuum field theory with no inherent short scale cut-off. To reduce auto-correlation times we added several improvements to the standard Metropolis algorithm in the Monte-Carlo simulations, the most important being an overrelaxation algorithm for the scalar field and a global update of the scalar amplitude.</p>

Theory of Crystal Fields and Magnetism of <i>f</i>-electron Systems

Colarieti Tosti, Massimiliano January 2004 (has links)
<p>A parameter free approach for the calculation of the crystal field splitting of the lowest Russel-Saunders <i>J</i>-multiplet in <i>f</i>-electron systems has been developed and applied to selected compounds. The developed theory is applicable to general symmetries and is based on symmetry constrained density functional theory calculations in the local density or in the generalised gradient approximation.</p><p>The magnetocrystalline anisotropy of Gd has been analysed. It has been shown that the peculiar orientation of the easy axis of magnetisation is consistent with an <i>S</i>-ground state. Further, the temperature dependence of the easy axis of magnetisation has been investigated and it has been shown that the temperature driven reduction of the effective magnetisation is the principal mechanism responsible for it.</p><p>A new method has been developed that allows for theoretical studies of the electronic structure and total energy of elements and compounds in an intermediate valence regime. The method combines model and first-principles band structure calculations, therefore being accurate and computationally efficient. It has been applied to Yb metal under pressure obtaining a remarkable agreement with experimental observations for the equation of state and the x-ray absorption spectroscopy.</p>

Linking Chains Together : String Bits and the Bethe Ansatz

Lübcke, Martin January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part we focus mainly on certain aspects of the AdS/CFT correspondence. The AdS/CFT correspondence is a proposed duality between Type IIB superstring theory on AdS<sub>5</sub> x<sub> </sub>S<sup>5</sup> and N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. In the BMN limit string states located in the center of AdS<sub>5</sub> rotate quickly around the equator of the S<sup>5</sup> and correspond, in the dual theory, to operators constructed as long chains of sub-operators. This structure of the operators can be formulated as a spin chain and by using the Bethe ansatz their properties can be obtained by solving a set of Bethe equations. Having infinitely many sub-operators, there are methods for solving the Bethe equations in certain sectors. In paper III finite size corrections to the anomalous dimensions in the SU(2) sector are calculated to leading order.</p><p>Inspired by the chain structure of the corresponding operators, the theory of string bits treats the strings as a discrete sets of points. This theory suffers from the problem of fermion doubling, a general pathology of fermions on a lattice. In paper II we show how to adjust the theory in order to avoid this problem and, in fact, use the fermion doubling to our advantage. The second part of the thesis studies the low energy behaviour of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in 4 space-time dimensions. In paper I we perform numerical calculations on an effective action for this theory. We propose the existence of a knotted trajectory within the dynamics of this effective action.</p>

Numerical studies of spin chains and cold atoms in optical lattices

Bergkvist Sylvan, Sara January 2007 (has links)
An important, but also difficult, research field in condensed matter physics is that of strongly correlated systems. This thesis considers two topics in this field. The first topic is disorder and frustration in spin models. The introduction of disorder into quantum spin chains creates a complex problem. The ground state of the random-bond spin-1 Heisenberg chain is studied by means of stochastic series expansion quantum Monte Carlo simulation, applying the concept of directed loops. It is found that this system undergoes a phase transition to the random-singlet phase if the bond disorder is strong enough. Further a frustrated spin system is investigated. The frustration is introduced by having spins positioned on a triangular lattice. Performing a quantum Monte Carlo simulation for such a frustrated lattice leads to the occurrence of the infamous sign problem. This problem is investigated and it is shown that it is possible to use a meron cluster approach to reduce its effect for some specific models. The second topic concerns atomic condensates in optical lattices. A system of trapped bosonic atoms in such a lattice is described by a Bose-Hubbard model with an external confining potential. Using quantum Monte Carlo simulations it is demonstrated that the local density approximation that relates the observables of the unconfined and the confined models yields quantitatively correct results in most of the interesting parameter range of the model. Further, the same model with the addition that the atoms carry spin-1 is analyzed using density matrix renormalization group calculations. The anticipated phase diagram, with Mott insulating regions of dimerized spin-1 chains for odd particle density, and on-site singlets for even density is confirmed. Also an ultracold gas of bosonic atoms in an anisotropic two dimensional optical lattice is studied. It is found that if the system is finite in one direction it exhibits a quantum phase transition. The Monte Carlo simulations performed show that the transition is of Kosterlitz-Thouless type. / QC 20100628

The logic of life : Heidegger's retrieval of Aristotle's concept of Logos

Weigelt, Charlotta January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Groundless knowledge : a Humean solution to the problem of skepticism

Bohlin, Henrik January 1997 (has links)
The aim of the present study is to develop a solution to the problem of skepticism about the external world ("skepticism", for short), inspired primarily by Hume's "skeptical solution" to the problem of skepticism about induction, but also by epistemological externalism and Wittgenstein's discussion of skeptical doubts in On Certainty. The author accepts certain elements in P. F. Strawson's interpretation of Hume and Wittgenstein, but rejects the "psychological" argument against skepticism which Strawson ascribes to the two philosophers. The problem of skepticism is understood as that of showing that we can know what we in common sense claim to know about external objects, despite skeptical arguments to the contrary. A "moderate" skepticism is accepted, according to which it is possible that we are globally mistaken in our beliefs about external objects, and it is argued that there is in fact no conflict between this moderate skepticism and common sense. A distinc-tion is drawn between two types of "strong" skepticism, which does conflict with common sense: prescriptive skepti-cism, the recommendation to abandon our common sense ways of forming beliefs, by suspend-ing judgement or in other ways; and theoretical skepti-cism, the thesis that we can have no rational grounds for our beliefs about external objects. An argument against prescriptive skepticism is devel-oped, according to which each of three possible forms of prescriptive skepticism is unacceptable. An externalist argument against theoreti-cal skepticism is developed, according to which it is suffi-cient for knowledge that one is in fact not globally mis-taken, whether or not one has grounds for believing this to be the case. It is argued that this variant of externalism constitutes a form of natu-ralistic epistemology, and that it as such fills a gap in Quine's argument for the natu-ralization of epistemology. An interpretation of On Certainty is defended, according to which Wittgen-stein accepts a form of moderate skepticism and presents an argu-ment against strong skep-ticism similar to Hume's.

Phase structure and critical properties of an abelian gauge theory / Fasestruktur og kritiske eigenskapar til ein abelsk gauge-teori

Mo, Sjur January 2002 (has links)
Chapter 1 to 4 give a short introduction to superconductivity, microscopic theory, phase transitions, and Monte-Carlo simulations. Chapter 2 is about Cooper pairing in different settings, but I also give a short introduction to the Hofstadter problem of lattice fermions on a square lattice in a perpendicular magnetic field. The purpose is to clarify some points in Paper-I. Chapter 3 is about phase transitions, and introduces the important concepts of spontaneous symmetry breaking, scaling, and renormalization. In the last section I stress some of the main differences between first order and second order phase transitions. Chapter 4 starts with a short elementary introduction to Monte-Carlo simulations and proceeds with the important, but somewhat more advanced topic of reweighting. Chapter 5 to 7 are more closely related to the specific projects I have worked on, and are meant to illuminate and clarify some aspects in Paper-II and Paper-III. Chapter 5 introduce the Ginzburg-Landau model in various parametrizations, present some perturbative (mean-field) results, and introduce the concept of topological defects (vortices) and duality. Chapter 6 is closely related to Paper-II and introduce the concept of fractal dimension and the relation between the vortex excitations of the original theory and the dual field theory. Chapter 7 is closely related to Paper-III where we studied the order of the metal to superconductor phase transition. To do this we had to do infinite volume and continuum limit extrapolations. We also had to consider ultraviolet renormalization since the Ginzburg-Landau theory is a continuum field theory with no inherent short scale cut-off. To reduce auto-correlation times we added several improvements to the standard Metropolis algorithm in the Monte-Carlo simulations, the most important being an overrelaxation algorithm for the scalar field and a global update of the scalar amplitude.

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