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La norme collective à l'épreuve du transfert d'entreprise. : Essai en droit du travail. / The collective standard facing the transfer of undertaking. : Essay in Labour law.Aluome, Louis 01 December 2018 (has links)
L’entreprise est le lieu de déploiement d'un statut professionnel privé nourri de conventions et accords collectifs de travail mais aussi d’engagements unilatéraux, d’usages et d’accords atypiques. L'application de ces normes, quelque fois leur survie, suscitent de nombreuses interrogations au fil des modifications apportées à la situation juridique de l’employeur, singulièrement de celles résultant du transfert de l’entreprise. Comment articuler les normes en concours ? Comment forger un corpus normatif unifié ? Les règles successivement posées par le législateur sont soumises à la double épreuve de la pratique professionnelle et, dès lors qu'éclate un contentieux, de l'interprétation du juge. Contraintes et incohérences sont dans certains cas de nature à neutraliser les effets attendus du transfert, voire d’y mettre obstacle. Des évolutions du corpus normatif seraient pertinentes afin que cessent les doutes (souvent) et les contradictions (parfois). / A private professional status, fed on collective agreements, unilateral commitments and business uses, spreads out over the firm. The fate of those collective standards arouses numerous issues over the modifications of the employer’s legal situation, especially in the case of a transfer of undertaking. How to articulate transferor’s collective standards with transferee’s ? How to build an harmonized professional status ? The legal rules are confronted with the firm’s practicals and the judge’s interpretations. Constraints and inconsistencies could neutralize the transfer’s expected impact. Legal improvements would be relevant to silence doubts and difficulties.
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La stabilisation des contrats de l'administration par le juge de la validité / The stabilization of contracts by the administrative judge of the validityDouteaud, Stéphanie 12 October 2017 (has links)
En une décennie, le Conseil d’État a profondément modifié les termes de la contestation juridictionnelle des contrats des personnes publiques. À une politique de stabilisation formelle de la chose contractée, agissant sur l’accès au juge du contrat, a succédé une politique de stabilisation matérielle. Le recul du principe d’irrecevabilité des conclusions d’annulation dirigées contre le contrat s’est accompagné d’une rigidification du prononcé de l’annulation. La mise en évidence d’une irrégularité propre à justifier la disparition rétroactive du contrat de l’acte a été volontairement compliquée.Chaque étape de l’instance est affectée par le phénomène de stabilisation. À tous les moments de l’examen du contrat, des techniques juridictionnelles sont susceptibles d’écarter le risque d’annulation rétroactive de l’acte. En cela, la stabilisation est transversale.La doctrine a maintes fois souligné ses manifestations au stade de la sanction du contrat. Dorénavant, en présence d’une irrégularité, le juge du contrat dispose de pouvoirs de sanction différenciés et adaptés à la gravité du vice. En conséquence, le contrat vicié n’est plus nécessairement exposé à l’annulation. Les pouvoirs de sanction qui autorisent un maintien partiel ou total du contrat irrégulier sont caractéristiques de la stabilisation palliative. Mais le conditionnement du régime de l’action contentieuse affecte également l’examen juridictionnel stricto sensu. Le droit de critique du contrat s’exerce à présent dans un périmètre plus réduit qu’auparavant. C’est ainsi que d’autres procédés juridictionnels agissent sur la caractérisation de l’irrégularité. Ils ont pour effet de repousser la déclaration d’irrégularité. Dans cette perspective, la stabilisation est préventive.L’ouvrage propose une étude d’ensemble du phénomène stabilisateur. Suivant la chronologie du procès fait au contrat, la stabilisation préventive est appréhendée avant la stabilisation palliative du contrat. / Within a decade, the Conseil d’Etat deeply changed the terms of the judicial complaints towards public persons’ contracts. A policy of substantive stabilization replaced a former policy of formal stabilization of the res contracted – which was influencing the access to the judge of the contract. The decline of the rule of inadmissibility of the claims for anulment towards the contract came together with a tensioning on the anulment sentencing. The claim for an irregularity justifying the contract retroactive disappearence has been intentionally complicated.Each step of the proceedings is impacted by the phenomenon of stabilization. At each moment of the contract examination, judicial techniques are likely to eliminate the risk of retroactive anulment of the contract. This shows that the stabilization is transversal. Legal doctrine showed many times those occurrences at the step of the penalty on the contract. From now on, facing an irregularity, the judge of the contract may use some powers of penalty, quite different and adapted to the seriousness ouf the irregularity. Thus, the irregular contract is not necessarily supposed to be anulled. Powers of penalty that allow a partial or global maintenance of an irregular contract are typical examples of a palliative stabilization. But the conditioning of the legal action system also impacts the strictly speaking judicial examination of the contract. The right to contest the contract may now be exercised in a more reduced scope. In this way, other legal processes act on the charcaterisation of the irregularity. The serve to reject the statement of irregularity. From this perspective, this is a preventive stabilization.This work provides an overview study of the stabilization phenomenon. Regarding the timeline of the contract trial, the preventive stabilization will is first presented, before the palliative one.
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Unfolding based verification of concurrent infinite-state systemsTrần, Thế Quang 19 June 2009 (has links)
Nous proposons une technique de dépliage pour vérifier les systèmes concurrents infinis bien structurés. Certaines propriétés d'intérêt comme la bornitude, la couverture et la terminaison sont décidables grâce à la bonne structure de ces systèmes. D'autre part, le dépliage réduit efficacement l'explosion combinatoire en exploitant l'ordre partiel entre les événements des systèmes concurrents. Nous proposons une modélisation par structure d'événements pour des systèmes bien structurés élémentaires, tels les compteurs et les files de communication. Le dépliage d'un réseau de structures d'événements étant une structure d'événements, nous proposons ensuite une approche hiérarchique à la modélisation et à la vérification des systèmes, qui préserve la bonne structure. Enfin, nous proposons une technique d'élimination des événements redondants. La mise en œuvre de notre approche dans l'outil ESU nous permet de conclure à son efficacité. / We propose an unfolding technique for verifying concurrent infinite-state systems that are well-structured. Some properties of interest such as boundedness, coverability and termination are decidable thanks to the well-structure of these systems. Moreover, the unfolding effectively reduces the combinatorial explosion by exploiting the partial order between events of concurrent systems. We propose a modelization using event structures for basic well-structured systems, such as counters and communication channels. As the unfolding of a synchronized product of event structures is an event structure, we obtain a hierarchical approach to modeling as well as to verifying systems, which preserves the well-structure. Finally, we propose a technique for eliminating redundant events. The implementation of our approach in the ESU tool allows us to conclude on its efficiency.
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Vypořádání společného jmění manželů / Community property of spouses and its settlementMuzikář, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is primarily based on analysis of practice of the courts and papers, which afford the deeper insight into the relatively short legislation. Certainly could be adopted more particular legislation of the settlement of community property of spouses, decisions on such matters but may not look like as a "juristic machine", which is limited by the particular provisions of law. A key role is played by the legal conclusion of an experienced lawyer who, after analysis of the situation, adjudge in the spirit of the flexible provisions of the law. During the work on this thesis, I therefore had to deal with the different views on the problem and with the obsolete ideas. The work responds to a relatively large number of interpretative differences with the declaration of my own opinion on the problem supported by the relevant arguments. Today we face a very anxious fact that the number of marriages since 1989 is sharply decreasing. This issue is further analyzed in the first chapter where I pointed to some stimuli, which could weaken this trend. It could be very beneficial to realize a sociological research on the factors that cause this adverse trend. In the future it will be interesting to see how these numbers will be affected by the new legislation (i. e. law No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code). I...
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Computational Analysis of Molecular Recognition Involving the Ribosome and a Voltage Gated K+ ChannelAndér, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Over the last few decades, computer simulation techniques have been established as an essential tool for understanding biochemical processes. This thesis deals mainly with the application of free energy calculations to ribosomal complexes and a cardiac ion channel. The linear interaction energy (LIE) method is used to explore the energetic properties of the essential process of codon–anticodon recognition on the ribosome. The calculations show the structural and energetic consequences and effects of first, second, and third position mismatches in the ribosomal decoding center. Recognition of stop codons by ribosomal termination complexes is fundamentally different from sense codon recognition. Free energy perturbation simulations are used to study the detailed energetics of stop codon recognition by the bacterial ribosomal release factors RF1 and RF2. The calculations explain the vastly different responses to third codon position A to G substitutions by RF1 and RF2. Also, previously unknown highly specific water interactions are identified. The GGQ loop of ribosomal RFs is essential for its hydrolytic activity and contains a universally methylated glutamine residue. The structural effect of this methylation is investigated. The results strongly suggest that the methylation has no effect on the intrinsic conformation of the GGQ loop, and, thus, that its sole purpose is to enhance interactions in the ribosomal termination complex. A first microscopic, atomic level, analysis of blocker binding to the pharmaceutically interesting potassium ion channel Kv1.5 is presented. A previously unknown uniform binding mode is identified, and experimental binding data is accurately reproduced. Furthermore, problems associated with pharmacophore models based on minimized gas phase ligand conformations are highlighted. Generalized Born and Poisson–Boltzmann continuum models are incorporated into the LIE method to enable implicit treatment of solvent, in an effort to improve speed and convergence. The methods are evaluated and validated using a set of plasmepsin II inhibitors.
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Fetal Anomalies : Surveillance and Diagnostic Accuracy of Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance ImagingAmini, Hashem January 2010 (has links)
The aims were to investigate the accuracy of ultrasound in diagnosis of structural fetal anomalies with special focus on false positive findings (I), to evaluate the additional value of second trimester fetal MRI on pregnancy management (II-III) and to estimate the ascertainment in the Swedish Birth Defects Registry and incidence of spina bifida and cleft lip/palate (IV). Retrospectively, 328 fetal autopsies were identified where pregnancies were terminated due to ultrasonographically diagnosed fetal anomalies. In 175 (53.4 %) cases ultrasound and fetal autopsy were identical, in 124 (37.8 %) ultrasound was almost correct, in 23 (7.0 %) ultrasound diagnoses could not be verified, but fetal autopsy showed other anomalies with at least the same prognostic value and in six (1.8 %) ultrasound diagnosis could not be verified and autopsy showed no or less severe anomalies (I). Prospectively, 29 pregnancies with CNS- (II) and 63 with non-CNS-anomalies (III) were included. In the CNS study MRI provided no additional information in 18 fetuses (62 %), additional information without changing the management in 8 (28 %) and additional information altering the pregnancy management in 3 (10%). In the non-CNS study the corresponding figures were 43 (68 %), 17 (27 %) and three (5 %), respectively. MRI in the second trimester might be a clinically valuable adjunct to ultrasound for the evaluation of CNS anomalies, especially when the ultrasound is inconclusive due to maternal obesity (II) and in non-CNS anomalies in cases of diaphragmatic hernia or oligohydramnios (III). In newborns, the ascertainments of birth defects are relatively high and assessable, but in pregnancy terminations they are lower or unknown. The incidence of newborns with spina bifida has decreased because of an increased rate of pregnancy terminations (>60%). There is room for improvement concerning the reporting of anomalies from terminated pregnancies (IV).
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Studies of flow duct acoustics with applications to turbocharged enginesRämmal, Hans January 2009 (has links)
A number of experimental and theoretical studies, performed in the field of technical flow duct acoustics are presented in this thesis. The acoustical methods treated are implemented on turbocharged IC-engines and engine gas exchange system components. A new method based on the well-known two-load technique has been developed. The method was applied to characterise the source data of various piston-engines with non-linear behaviour including a 6 cylinder turbo-charged truck diesel engine. The source characterisation results were compared to the results obtained using the linear two-load technique. It was demonstrated that the new non-linear multi-load technique gives improved results when the source is slightly non-linear. The use of active one-port models has been tested to characterize an air terminal device (ATD) as a source of flow generated noise. In order to predict the noise generation at different operating points of the device a scaling law was derived and verified. In the experimentally derived scaling law a flow speed dependence of 3 was found for the narrow band spectra, corresponding to a dipole-like behavior of the source in the plane wave range. The proposed technique was validated successfully and the results indicated a good prediction of in-duct sound generation by the air terminal device. Sound reflection from hot flow duct openings has been investigated experimentally. The reflection coefficient was measured for flow temperatures up to 500 ºC and jet velocities up to 108m/s. The results have been compared with famous Munt’s theory. It was concluded that at low Mach number and Helmholz number cases the results agree well with the Munt’s model. This was the first experimental validation of the theory for hot flow conditions. Experimental procedures to determine the sound transmission through automotive turbo-charger compressors were developed and described in detail. An overview of a unique turbocharger testing facility established at KTH CICERO in Stockholm is given. The facility can be used to measure acoustic two-port data for turbo-compressors. Results from measurements on a passenger car turbo-compressor are presented and the influence of operating conditions on the sound transmission is discussed. Current wave action models developed in CMT for computation of the gas exchange processes in I.C. engines have been implemented to determine the acoustic wave transmission through the turbo- compressor. The models are validated with the experimental data and the results are presented for different operating conditions of a Volvo passenger car turbo-compressor. / QC 20100809
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Intervention med responsiva talakter inom AKK hos två deltagare med cerebral pares i Tanzania : en single subject design-studie / Intervention of Responsive Speech Acts Using AAC for Two Participants with Cerebral Palsy in Tanzania : A Single Subject Design-StudyTorstensson, Maja, Vinblad, Elin January 2012 (has links)
I många utvecklingsländer finns en begränsad tillgång på utvecklade AKK-system (Alant, 1999) och ofta även en okunskap kring möjligheterna att arbeta med kommunikationsproblem (Marshall, 1997). I föreliggande studie genomförs intervention i alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation (AKK) för två deltagare med cerebral pares på ett dagcenter i Kilimanjaroregionen, Tanzania. Syftet i föreliggande interventionsstudie är att genom intervention studera och utveckla de i mätsituationerna responsiva talakterna att påkalla uppmärksamhet för att inleda interaktion, acceptera och avfärda samt upprätthålla och avsluta interaktion. Detta sker med hjälp av begreppen ja och nej för att acceptera och avfärda, liksom mer och mindre för att upprätthålla och avsluta interaktion. Studien följer en single subjekt design och insatsen utgörs av två interventionsperioder, bestående av direkt intervention med deltagarna samt utbildning och fortlöpande handledning av personal. Resultaten visar att deltagarna i varierande grad lärde sig att påkalla uppmärksamhet för att inleda interaktion, acceptera och avfärda samt upprätthålla och avsluta interaktion. Det observerades även att deltagarna i högre grad utförde performativa talakter utanför den styrda testsituationen. Områden som vidare diskuteras är bland annat deltagarnas kommunikativa handlingar utifrån The Communication Matrix där en utveckling från prelingvistiska uttrycksätt till användandet av abstrakta symboler synliggjordes hos deltagarna. / In several developing countries there are a limited supply of developed AAC systems (Alant, 1999) whereas a lack of knowledge about the possibilities of working with communication problems (Marshall, 1997). The present study is an intervention study about the introduction of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for two participants with cerebral palsy at a day-care centre in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania. The purpose of the intervention study was to develop responsive speech acts to attract attention to initiate interaction, accept and reject interaction, as well as maintain and terminate interaction. This was done using the terms yes and no to accept and reject, and more and less to continue and terminate interaction. The study followed a single subject design consisting of two intervention periods, where direct intervention with the participants and continuing training and guidance for the staff occurred. The results show that the participants in varying degrees, has learned to attract attention to initiate interaction, accept and reject interaction as well as to maintain and terminate interaction. It was also observed that the participants learned to use the performative speech acts outside the controlled test situation. An area further discussed is the participants’ communicative acts as shown in The Communication Matrix, which displayed a development from pre linguistic models of expression to use the abstract symbols.
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Investigating athletes' retirement from sport : from decision-making to optimal support programmesPark, Sunghee January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aimed to extend knowledge of athletes’ career transitions through examining athletes’ retirement decision-making process and influence of cultural diversity and organisational culture on the process of career transition. The purpose of Study 1 was to identify the current status of knowledge in the study area through providing a systematic review of the athlete career transition studies. The findings provided up to date knowledge in the study area and suggested potential future research directions. Study 2 aimed to understand Korean tennis players’ career transition out of sport experiences via longitudinal qualitative research. The results indicated that athletes perceived making the retirement decision was difficult process for them and revealed that participants’ experiences were influenced by cultural aspects and sport contexts of Korea. Study 3 focused on exploring the athletes’ retirement decision-making process among Korean tennis players. Results showed that athletes’ leaving from sport decision-making is a complex and multidimensional process, and the transtheoretical model was helpful in explaining athletes’ retirement from sport decision-making. The objective of Study 4 was to explore the processes involved in the development of an athletes’ career transition programme. Results revealed that the organisation might have influence on athletes’ retirement decision and the quality of career transition. Overall, the findings from the current thesis provide advanced useful knowledge on the athlete career transition process, and such knowledge may assist attempts to enhance athletes’ well-being and welfare for during and post-sport life.
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Kinetics and Mechanism of Cu-Catalyzed Atom Transfer Radical PolymerizationSörensen, Nicolai 26 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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