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Terminierungskinetik radikalischer Homo- und Copolymerisationen bis zu hohen Monomerumsätzen / Termination kinetics of free-radical homo- and copolymerisations up to high degrees of monomer conversionFeldermann, Achim 03 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigations into the Propagation and Termination Kinetics of the Radical Polymerization of Polar Monomers in Aqueous SolutionSchrooten, Jens 24 October 2012 (has links)
Propagations- und Terminierungsgeschwindigkeitskoeffizienten radikalischer Polymerisationen in wässriger Lösung wurden durch Pulslaser-induzierte Polymerisationen und durch chemisch initiierte Polymerisationen bestimmt. Pulslaser-induzierte Polymerisationen wurden von <i>N</i>,2‑Dimethylprop‑2‑enamid, <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>‑Dimethylprop‑2‑enamid, 2‑Methylprop‑2‑enamid und Prop‑2‑enamid durchgeführt. Anschließende Analyse der Produkte mittels Größenausschlusschromatographie ermöglichte die Bestimmung der Propagationsgeschwindigkeitskoeffizienten. Die beobachtete Änderung des Propagationsgeschwindigkeitskoeffizienten mit der Monomerkonzentration kann durch die Stärke, mit der innere Rotationen und Vibrationen im Übergangszustand des Propagationsschritts gehindert sind, erklärt werden. Die Abhängigkeit der Stärke der Hinderung von der Monomerkonzentration lässt sich zurückführen auf sich mit steigendem Monomeranteil verstärkende intermolekulare Wechselwirkungen der Übergangszustandsstruktur mit solvatisierenden Molekülen. Zur Bestimmung der Aktivierungsvolumina und der Arrhenius-Aktivierungsenergien der Propagation wurden Druck und Temperatur von Umgebungsdruck bis 2 000 bar beziehungsweise von 10 °C bis 80 °C variiert. Sowohl die Aktivierungsenergie als auch der Betrag des Aktivierungsvolumens sind im Fall von 2‑Methylprop‑2‑enamid größer verglichen mit <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>‑Dimethylprop‑2‑enamid. Diese Beobachtung kann dem Umstand, dass <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>‑Dimethylprop‑2‑enamid keine α‑Methylgruppe aufweist, zugeschrieben werden. Beide Aktivierungsparameter sind im Fall von <i>N</i>,2‑Dimethylprop‑2‑enamid denen des <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>‑Dimethylprop‑2‑enamid ähnlich. Dies ist unerwartet, da <i>N</i>,2‑Dimethylprop‑2‑enamid eine α‑Methylgruppe aufweist. Unterschiede zwischen beiden Monomeren hinsichtlich der Konformation der Kohlenstoff–Kohlenstoff-Doppelbindung relativ zur Kohlenstoff–Sauerstoff-Doppelbindung könnten diese Beobachtung erklären.<br>
Zur Bestimmung von Terminierungsgeschwindigkeitskoeffizienten wurde die Polymerisation durch einen einzelnen Laserpuls initiiert und der Monomer-zu-Polymer-Umsatz anschließend mittels zeitaufgelöster Nahinfrarotspektroskopie verfolgt. Die Zeitauflösung ist auf 0.33 μs verbessert worden. Wiederholte Einstrahlung von Laserpulsen in Kombination mit nahinfrarotspektroskopischer Analyse liefert Terminierungsgeschwindigkeitskoeffizienten als Funktion des Grades des Monomerumsatzes. Untersuchungen der Terminierungskinetik von Prop‑2‑enamid, 2‑Methylprop‑2‑enamid, <i>N</i>,2‑Dimethylprop‑2‑enamid, <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>‑Dimethylprop‑2‑enamid und 1‑Vinylpyrrolidin‑2‑on wurden, aufgrund des besseren Signal-Rausch-Verhältnisses bei hohen Drücken, bei 2 000 bar durchgeführt. Weitere Messungen wurden im Fall der meisten Prop‑2‑enamide bei Drücken von 500 bar, 1 000 bar und 1 500 bar durchgeführt. Die dadurch erhaltenen Aktivierungsvolumina können zur Abschätzung des Terminierungsgeschwindigkeitskoeffizienten bei Umgebungsdruck verwendet werden. Die Aktivierungsvolumina der Terminierungsgeschwindigkeitskoeffizienten von <i>N</i>,2‑Dimethylprop‑2‑enamid und von Prop‑2‑enamid belaufen sich auf 12.4 cm<sup>3</sup>·mol<sup>−1</sup> beziehungsweise 14.3 cm<sup>3</sup>·mol<sup>−1</sup>. Das Aktivierungsvolumen im Fall von <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>‑Dimethylprop‑2‑enamid (4.9 cm<sup>3</sup>·mol<sup>−1</sup>) ist kleiner als erwartet. Terminierungsgeschwindigkeitskoeffizienten von 1‑Vinylpyrrolidin‑2‑on konnten für einen großen Bereich der Anfangsmonomerkonzentration und des Grades des Monomerumsatzes erhalten werden. Diese Daten ermöglichen eine detaillierte Analyse der Parameter, die zur Beschreibung der Monomerumsatzabhängigkeit des Terminierungsgeschwindigkeitskoeffizienten verwendet werden. Es wird angenommen, dass der Terminierungsgeschwindigkeitskoeffizient innerhalb des untersuchten Monomerumsatzbereichs durch Segment-, Translations- und Reaktionsdiffusion kontrolliert ist.<br>
Im Fall von <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>‑Dimethylprop‑2‑enamid und 1‑Vinylpyrrolidin‑2‑on wurden dynamische Viskositäten von Monomer–Wasser-Gemischen bei Umgebungsdruck bestimmt, um das Verständnis der Terminierungskinetik zu erleichtern. Für diese beiden Monomere wurde durch Pulslaser-induzierte Polymerisation eine große Anzahl von Terminierungsgeschwindigkeitskoeffizienten in Abhängigkeit von der Anfangsmonomerkonzentration erhalten.<br>
Zur Bestimmung des Terminierungsgeschwindigkeitskoeffizienten von Prop‑2‑enamid in Abhängigkeit vom Monomerumsatz wurden chemisch initiierte Polymerisationen bei Umgebungsdruck durchgeführt. Die erhaltenen Werte stimmen gut mit Daten überein, die mit Hilfe von Pulslaser-induzierten Polymerisationen ermittelt wurden.<br>
Untersuchungen der binären Copolymerisation von 1‑Vinylpyrrolidin‑2‑on und Natriumacrylat zeigten einen ausgeprägten Einbau von Natriumacrylat in das gebildete Copolymer. Dies wurde mittels Kernspinresonanzspektroskopie gemessen. Die Monomerreaktivitätsverhältnisse wurden mit Hilfe der Lewis–Mayo-Gleichung bestimmt.
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Les licenciements collectifs au Québec : portée et efficacité de la règle de droitBergeron, Philippe 11 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, le Québec fut durement touché par des vagues massives de licenciements collectifs. Après l’industrie du textile et du vêtement, c’est maintenant au tour de l’industrie forestière de subir, de plein fouet, les contrecoups d’une économie en pleine mutation. Les résultats des entrevues réalisées au printemps 2008, auprès des travailleurs de la Louisiana-Pacific de Saint-Michel-des-Saints, attestent de l’incapacité des dispositions sur le licenciement collectif à prendre adéquatement en charge les travailleurs victimes de ces fermetures d’usines. Pour évaluer le degré d’efficacité des dispositions sur le licenciement collectif, nous partons d’une étude empirique visant le processus de restructuration d’une grande entreprise papetière, qui conduit à la fermeture de son usine de traitement du bois à St-Michel-des-Saints. Des entretiens conduits auprès des travailleurs, des acteurs locaux comme des dirigeants du syndicat et de la communauté locale, et d’autres acteurs syndicaux et gouvernementaux permettent de reconstruire les étapes conduisant aux licenciements collectifs et à leur suite. Seule la mobilisation syndicale (blocus de l’usine) a permis de bonifier les faibles mesures palliatives prévues initialement par la loi. Cette mobilisation n’a toutefois pas empêché de constater des effets négatifs marqués (appauvrissement, sentiment d’exclusion, tensions familiales, etc.) chez les travailleurs victimes de ce licenciement massif. / In recent years, Québec has severely been hit by massive waves of group terminations. After the textile and clothing industry, the forest industry is now facing the after-effects of a changing economy. The interviews obtained in spring 2008 with the Louisiana–Pacific workers in Saint-Michel-des–Saints, show that the provisions on group termination do not take appropriate measures for workers who are victims of such closing down industries. To evaluate the efficiency of group termination provisions, we have undertaken an empirical study on the operational improvement and downsizing process of a large paper company that have lead to the permanent closure of the treated lumber plant in Saint-Michel-des-Saints. Discussions with workers and local actors such as the union leaders and members of the community, other union and government leaders have helped us rebuild the steps leading to these group terminations and to the follow–up. It is only through mobilization called by the union (with a plant blockade) that gains were made in the small dismissal measures initially provided by the regulation. This mobilization, however, did not prevent other important negative effects such as impoverishment, feelings of exclusion and family tensions on workers who have had to live through this group termination of employment.
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2G無線電頻譜回收之研究:以澳門「全城3G」為例 / A Study on 2G Spectrum Reallocation in Macau黃首豪, Wong, Sao Hou Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用文獻分析法,透過蒐集澳門「全城3G」計劃的相關資料,分析澳門「全城3G」計劃的得失,與此同時借鏡與澳門政治體制相似的香港政府的頻譜政策,檢視兩地政府在回收2G頻譜的成效。本研究綜合分析下發現澳門與香港回收2G頻譜最大的差異在於香港回收的是兩個閒置的CDMA及TDMA系統,對業者有一定的影響,但是影響民眾的範圍卻很小,而且給予3年緩衝的時間讓業者轉移用戶,而澳門則是停用一個在世界上仍算主流的GSM服務,而且要在半年內轉移十多萬用戶到3G,加上在過渡期間出現5宗電信故障,讓民眾質疑計劃的可行性,最終把技術問題變成社會問題。因此本研究建議政府未來要避免直接介入市場,以間接的方式例如徵收階梯式的頻譜使用費來推動行動通訊業發展,回收頻譜時要以平穩適度的方式進行,以及提高電信故障的罰款。 / In January 2012, the Telecommunications Regulation Bureau of Macau (DSRT) announced its decision to scrap the city’s 2G network and rely solely on 3G capabilities. Effective on July 8, 2012, the policy change left about 160,000 local users without 2G service, primarily affecting local tourists still on the 2G roaming network. DSRT stated that the objectives of its decision were to create more investment opportunities and to facilitate the adequate diversification of economic development. However, during this time, two mobile operators failed to provide stable and adequate network services and the Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) of Macau stated that DSRT’s decision deprived consumers of their right to choose their own cellular network and their right to fair treatment. This prompted the 2G service cancellation to be further postponed until June 4, 2023.
This study used literature analysis to review the termination of the 2G mobile network in Macau, and to examine the 2G spectrum reallocation in Hong Kong. This study found that Hong Kong terminated two unused mobile network services (CDMA and TDMA), while Macau is planning to scrap a GSM service which will affect about 150,000 users in Macau. Therefore, opposition to network terminations are greater in Macau than in Hong Kong. At the same time, the failure to provide adequate mobile services by two network operators in Macau led to public mistrust of the government. This study suggests that 1) the DSRT should not have used administrative means to force consumers into using a specific mobile system, and 2) the DSRT should have amended the penalties for mobile operators to closer reflect the current social situation.
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Numerical modelling of stellar winds for supernova progenitors / Stefanus Petrus van den Heever.Van den Heever, Stefanus Petrus January 2011 (has links)
A two-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical model is extended and applied to simulate the interaction between stellar winds and the interstellar medium (ISM). In particular, the stellar wind evolution of O- and B-type stars is calculated. First, the evolution of a stellar wind into the ambient interstellar medium and also a more dense molecular cloud are considered for the case of no relative motion between the star and the interstellar medium. This interaction results in a cavity being blown into the ISM. Of importance in this work is the boundary radius (astropause) of the stellar wind and also the location where the outflow speed decreases from supersonic to subsonic speeds, called the termination shock. Different parameters like ISM density, outflow speed and mass-loss rate were varied to study the effect these have on the computed astropause (AP) and termination shock (TS) radii. The evolution of these structures is presented up to a simulation time of 1 My. However, stars are not stationary relative to the ISM, and the evolution of stellar winds into the interstellar medium including relative motion is also considered. It is shown that the positions of the TS and AP are dependent on the mass-loss rate and stellar wind outflow speed of the star and the interstellar medium density and relative speed. When these massive stars reach the end of their life, they end their life in a supernova explosion. The explosion results in a blast wave moving outward, called the forward shock (FS) and a reverse shock (RS) also forms which moves inward. Previous work done by Ferreira and de Jager (2008) to simulate supernova remnant (SNR) evolution, was only done for the case of evolution into the undisturbed ISM (no cavity). In this work, the evolution of SNR is simulated taking also into account the pre-existing cavity blown out by the stellar winds of these massive stars. The results of this study showed that the evolution of the SNR is definitely influenced by the presence of a stellar wind cavity even if the cavity is only a few pc in extent. / Thesis (MSc (Space Physics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Numerical modelling of stellar winds for supernova progenitors / Stefanus Petrus van den Heever.Van den Heever, Stefanus Petrus January 2011 (has links)
A two-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical model is extended and applied to simulate the interaction between stellar winds and the interstellar medium (ISM). In particular, the stellar wind evolution of O- and B-type stars is calculated. First, the evolution of a stellar wind into the ambient interstellar medium and also a more dense molecular cloud are considered for the case of no relative motion between the star and the interstellar medium. This interaction results in a cavity being blown into the ISM. Of importance in this work is the boundary radius (astropause) of the stellar wind and also the location where the outflow speed decreases from supersonic to subsonic speeds, called the termination shock. Different parameters like ISM density, outflow speed and mass-loss rate were varied to study the effect these have on the computed astropause (AP) and termination shock (TS) radii. The evolution of these structures is presented up to a simulation time of 1 My. However, stars are not stationary relative to the ISM, and the evolution of stellar winds into the interstellar medium including relative motion is also considered. It is shown that the positions of the TS and AP are dependent on the mass-loss rate and stellar wind outflow speed of the star and the interstellar medium density and relative speed. When these massive stars reach the end of their life, they end their life in a supernova explosion. The explosion results in a blast wave moving outward, called the forward shock (FS) and a reverse shock (RS) also forms which moves inward. Previous work done by Ferreira and de Jager (2008) to simulate supernova remnant (SNR) evolution, was only done for the case of evolution into the undisturbed ISM (no cavity). In this work, the evolution of SNR is simulated taking also into account the pre-existing cavity blown out by the stellar winds of these massive stars. The results of this study showed that the evolution of the SNR is definitely influenced by the presence of a stellar wind cavity even if the cavity is only a few pc in extent. / Thesis (MSc (Space Physics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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La grossesse suivant une interruption médicale de grossesse : quelles traces du deuil prénatal dans le lien à l'enfant suivant ? : de la préoccupation maternelle mélancolique à la préoccupation maternelle primaire / The pregnancy following a termination of pregnancy : what are the tracks of the prenatal mourning in the link to the following child ? : from the melancolic maternal concern to the primary maternal concernWarnier de Wailly, Diane 19 October 2015 (has links)
L'objet de ce travail est d'analyser l'évolution du processus de deuil lors d'une grossesse suivant une interruption médicale de grossesse (IMG). 8461 enfants sont nés sans vie en France en 2012 et 59 à 86% des femmes démarre,t une nouvelle grossesse dans les 6 mois suivant la perte; le deuil périnatal constitue un problème de santé publique puisque 25% évoluent vers un deuil pathologique. Le statut de l'objet perdu et la représentation que s'en font les mères participent du destin de ce foetus perdu; l'évolution des pratiques favorisant l'humanisation du foetus et l'objectalisation de ce dernier est critiquée par certains auteurs. Nous relevons un maque de consensus dans la littérature sur l'impact de cette nouvelle grossesse sur le processus de deuil; selon certains, elle pourrait interrompre le travail de deuil, pour d'autres au contraire favoriser une reprise élaborative. Ces grossesses suivantes, teintées du deuil, semblent représenter un facteur de risque dans l'attachement prénatal avec des conséquences sur le lien à l'enfant puîné. Nous interrogeons donc la relation entre le processus de deuil périnatal et le processus d'investissement de l'enfant à venir lors d'une grossesse suivante. Méthodologie utilisée: suivi longitudinal de 7 femmes enceintes lors d'une grossesse suivant une IMG après 15 SA, aux 3 trimestres de la grossesse et aux 3 mois de l'enfant suivant, selon une analyse qualitative au moyen d'entretiens de recherche clinique et une analyse quantitative de la dépression (EPDS), anxiété (STAI), deuil périnatal (PGS) et attachement prénatal (PAI) au moyen d'autoquestionnaires. Les résultats qualitatifs, traités de façon singulière selon une analyse psychodynamique, sont regroupés ensuite en fonction de nos hypothèses. Les résultats quantitatifs sont intégrés dans un corpus plus large pour permettre une analyse statistique des données. Résultats: entre le normal et le pathologique, les affects, les émotions, les représentations oscillent sur ce continuum, au fil de la grossesse, des termes et dates anniversaires, des manifestations sensorielles éprouvées. La grossesse suivante permet de revisiter la grossesse précédente; elle donne l'opportunité aux mères endeuillées de mettre en mots les affects brutes consécutifs à la perte, de mettre du sens pour inscrire cet événement traumatique dans l'histoire individuelle, conjugale et familiale. Certaines patientes, pour qui le travail de deuil pouvait sembler figé, ont pu mettre la transparence psychique de cette nouvelle grossesse à profit pour ré-élaborer la perte précédente et donner une juste place à chacun des deux bébés. L'actualisation du processus de deuil lors de la grossesse suivante sera fonction de la structure psychique des patientes; la dépression et l'angoisse sont également des marqueurs de l'élaboration de la perte et de la place faite à l'enfant puîné. L'analyse quantitative des données statistiques montre la présence d'anxiété particulièrement au début de la grossesse suivante. / The objet of this work is to analyze the evolution of the process of mourning during a pregnancy following a termination of pregnancy (TOP). 8461 children were born dead in France in 2012 and 59 to 86% of women start a new pregnancy in the six months following the loss; the perinatal mourning constitutes a problem of public health because 25% lead to a pathological mourning. The status of the lost object and maternal representations participate in the fate this lost foetus. The evolution of the practices favoring the humanization of the foetus and the objectalisation of the latter is criticized by some authors. We find a lack of consensus in the literature on the impact of this new pregnancy on the process of mourning. According to certain authors, she could interrupt the work of mourning, for others on the contrary, favor a elaborative resumption. These following pregnancies, tinged with the mourning, seem to represent a risk factor in the prenatal attachment with consequences on the link to the puisne child. We thus question the relation between the process of perinatal mourning and the process of investment of the child coming during a following pregnancy. Used methodology: longitudinal follow-up of seven pregnant women during pregnancy following a TOP after 15 weeks, three times during the pregnancy and at three months after the birth of the subsequent child according to a qualitative analysis (interview of clinical research) and a quantitative analysis of depression (EPDS), anxiety (STAI), perinatal mourning (PGS) and prenatal attachment (PAI) by means of auto-questionnaires. The qualitative results, treated in a singular way according to a psychodynamic analysis, are then included according to our hypotheses. The quantitative results are integrated into a wier corpus to allow statistical analysis of the data. Results: between the normal and the pathological, affects, feelings and representations oscillate on this continuum, in the course of the pregnancy, the terms and anniversaries, the proven sensory demonstrations. The following pregnancy allows to revisit the previous pregnancy; she gives the opportunity to the mothers saddened to put into words the gross affects consecutive to the loss, to put of the sens to register this traumatic event in the individual, conjugal, and family history. Somme women,for whom the work of mourning could seem motionless, were able to put the psychic transparency of this new pregnancy in profit to redevelop the previous loss and to give a just place to each of both babies. The updating of the process of mourning during the following pregnancy will be function of the psychic structure of the woman. The depression and the anxiety are also markers of the elaboration of the loss and the place made for the puisne child. The quantitaive analysis of the statistical data shows the presence of anxiety, particularly at the begining of the following pregnancy.
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Os contratos que viabilizam o processo de distribuição e os efeitos de sua denúncia unilateral / The contracts types that enable the economic process distribution and the effects of the unilateral terminationAndré Brandão Nery Costa 02 September 2014 (has links)
Trata-se de dissertação elaborada com o escopo de identificar os efeitos da denúncia unilateral exercida no âmbito dos tipos contratuais instrumentalizados ao processo de distribuição de bens e serviços, a partir do exame das diferenças tipológicas entre cada um deles. Aludidos tipos contratuais correspondem ao de agência, de representação comercial autônoma, de concessão comercial e de franquia, cujos contornos ainda são frutos de intenso debate doutrinário. No ordenamento pátrio, enquanto alguns tipos contratuais não sofreram regulamentação legal, outros tais como o de agência, de representação comercial autônoma, de concessão comercial de veículos autores e de franquia são regulados legislativamente, em fenômeno a que não se assiste em nenhum outro ordenamento da família romano-germânica. A construção da disciplina de tais consequências jurídicas transpassa pela delimitação do âmbito de incidência de cada um desses regimes legais, os quais podem atribuir consequências jurídicas próprias. Os tipos de agência e de representação comercial são equivalentes, o que permite tratá-lo de maneira conjunta, enquanto aqueles de concessão comercial e de franquia, a despeito de apresentarem diferenças relevantes, também podem ser examinados em conjunto pela similar estruturação dos interesses, a despeito de apresentarem peculiares leis regulando-os. Após realizado o exame legislativo e tipológico, examinou-se o impacto do princípio da boa-fé objetiva na determinação dos efeitos desencadeados pela resilição unilateral exercida pelo produtor nos contratos por tempo indeterminado, assim como a influência da previsão do parágrafo único do art. 473 do Código Civil na delimitação desses corolários jurídicos no que tange aos tipos contratuais analisados. Realizado essa investigação, constatou-se que, conquanto existam inúmeros fatores que distanciem, de um lado, os tipos de agência e de representação comercial autônoma e, de outro, de concessão comercial e de franquia, os efeitos desencadeados pela denúncia unilateral são semelhantes, próximos àqueles das relações de duração e nas quais existe estreita confiança. / This dissertation aims to identify the effects of unilateral termination of contractual types exploited under the economic process of distribution of goods and services, from the examination of typological differences between each of these contracts. Alluded contractual types correspond to the agência, representação comercial autônoma, concessão comercial and franquia, which contours are still fruit of intense doctrinal debate. In the Brazilian legal system, while some contractual types suffered no legal regulation, others such as agência, representação comercial autônoma, concessão comercial de veículos automotores and franquia are regulated legislatively, in a phenomenon that it is not witnessed in any other roman-germanic legal system. The construction of the discipline of such legal consequences pierces the scoping incidence of each of these statutory schemes, which may assign legal consequences of their own. It was found that the types of agência and concessão comercial are equivalent, allowing to treat them jointly, while those of concessão comercial and franquia, despite presenting relevant differences, can also be examined jointly as they present a similar structure of interests, despite presenting peculiar laws regulating them. After the legislation and typological examination, it was examined the impact of the principle of good faith in determining the effects triggered by the notice to quit of the producer in contracts for an indefinite period, as well as the determining influence of the sole paragraph of article 473 of the Brazilian Civil Code in the legal definition of these corollaries with respect to the contractual types analyzed. It was found that while there are numerous factors that distance themselves the effects triggered by unilateral withdrawal are similar and close to those of the contracts relational contracts.
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Knowledge, perceptions and attitudes regarding contraception among secondary school learners in the Limpopo ProvinceNetshikweta, Mutshinyalo Lizzybeth 11 1900 (has links)
This study explored knowledge, perceptions and attitudes regarding contraception and contraceptive practices among secondary school learners in the Limpopo Province. Self-administered questionnaires were completed by 612 Grade 8 and 332 Grade 12 learners from 24 randomly selected secondary schools. The study found that permissive attitudes prevailed towards sex, characterised by casual sexual activities commencing at 12 years of age.
The availability of contraceptive and termination of pregnancy (TOP) services did not enable learners to utilise them, because of social, cultural, financial and service barriers. Most learners were sexually active without being knowledgeable about contraceptives, emergency contraceptives and TOP services.
Two workshops conducted with learners produced similar results to those obtained from the completed questionnaires. Semi-structured interviews conducted with nurses, providing contraceptive and TOP services in the Limpopo Province, also substantiated the findings from the questionnaires.
Secondary school learners in the Limpopo Province require more knowledge about and ready access to contraceptives to enable them to delay child bearing until they are emotionally, financially and physically ready for these responsibilities. Nurses and teachers in this province can enhance the learners' contraceptive knowledge and utilisation to help learners make better informed decisions about their own and their future children's lives. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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Payment of Insurance Premium and Subsistence of the Insurance Contract / Pago de la Prima y Subsistencia del Contrato de SeguroOrtega Piana, Marco Antonio 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article addresses the issue referred to the remedies of the insurance contract for the non-payment of the premium. t hrough an analysis of the previous and current legislation, the author examines the consequences of the non-payment of the insurance premium in the contractual relationship. By recognizing the protective nature of the legislation in favor of the insured as the weak party, three specific contractual remedies are identified: The suspension of coverage, the termination of the contract and the the extinction of the contractual relationship by inaction of the parties. / El presente artículo aborda la temática referida a los remedios del contrato de seguro ante el incumplimiento del pago de la prima. r ealizando un análisis de los remedios que planteaba la anterior legislación así como la vigente, el autor examina las consecuencias que tiene el incumplimiento del pago de la prima en la relación contractual. Reconociendo el carácter tuitivo de la legislación en favor del asegurado como parte débil, se identifica tres remedios contractuales específicos: la suspensión de la cobertura, la resolución del contrato y la extinción del contrato por inacción de las partes.
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