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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le droit de la procédure civile de l'Union européenne forme-t-il un ordre procédural ?

Lasserre, Marie-Cécile 21 October 2013 (has links)
S’il est concédé que le droit de l’Union européenne oblige à un renouvèlement des pensées juridiques traditionnelles et étatiques, du désordre et des ordres peut naître un ordre. Le droit de la procédure civile de l’Union européenne serait affirmé, l’ordre juridique de l’Union européenne s’orienterait vers un "État fédéral" et un justiciable européen serait consacré. Cependant, l’intégration du droit de la procédure civile de l’Union européenne doit s’effectuer avec les procédures civiles nationales et en tant que symbole régalien en rapport avec la souveraineté. Dans un désordre, où le droit de la procédure civile de l’Union européenne veut s’émanciper tout en restant sous la domination des États membres et de leur procédure civile qui, en souhaitant son épanouissement, désirent le maintenir sous sa coupe, les certitudes ont du être remises en cause non pas pour affirmer, mais démontrer la possible existence d’un ordre procédural de l’Union européenne. Si le droit de la procédure civile de l'Union européenne forme un ordre procédural inachevé, ce droit ne tend pas à devenir un ordre procédural dans le sens classique de la notion. En revanche, le droit de la procédure civile de l'Union européenne a vocation à participer à l'objectif de construction de l'espace judiciaire européen, où la place des procédures civiles nationales est remaniée. Ainsi, sans nier ses caractères d'ordre procédural, le droit de la procédure civile de l'Union européenne n’apparaît se finaliser que par l'espace judiciaire européen, qui offre à l’Union européenne un ordre procédural renouvelé. / Even if it is conceded that the European Union law necessarily involves the renewal of traditional and national legal concepts, order can emerge from disorder. As a result, the existence of the civil procedural law of the European Union could be asserted, the legal order of the European Union could move towards a federal model and the concept of being justiciable in the European Union for any issues, individuals or entities could be fully recognized. However, the civil procedural law of the European Union must be integrated taking into consideration the national civil procedures and as a national symbol in connection with sovereignty. In a disorder – where the civil procedural law of the European Union is described as breaking free though remaining under the domination of the member states (and their respective procedures) which look forward to the development of a procedural system while wishing to remain in control – , ce¬rtainties have not been challenged to confirm but also to prove the possible implementation of a procedural order for the European Union. Although the procedural system of the civil procedural law of the European Union is unachieved, such system is not meant to be developed on the basis of the classic model. On the other hand, the civil procedural law of the European Union is meant to take part in the construction of the European judicial area where national civil procedures are being reshuffled. Thus, without denying its procedural aspects, the European Union’s civil procedural law only seems to take shape field which provides a renewed procedural order to the European Union.

Le cadre juridique du financement de projet dans l'espace OHADA

Obeng-Kofi, Anthony 27 May 2013 (has links)
A la fois instrument de financement et de développement, la technique du financement de projet est de plus en plus utilisée dans les États membres de l'Organisation pour l'Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires (OHADA). Cependant, en raison de la complexité de son cadre juridique, conséquence de l'hétérogénéité des sources et des règles qui lui sont applicables, sa mise en œuvre se révèle difficile. Pour y remédier, une intégration de ce cadre, à travers notamment l'uniformisation des sources et des règles, et l'amélioration des modalités de sa mise en œuvre s'impose. A cet effet, le Traité OHADA pourrait être utilement mobilisé. Les financements de projet entrent clairement dans le spectre de ses compétences et compléteraient les huit Actes uniformes déjà en vigueur dans cette région d'Afrique. / Considered both as a financing and development instrument, the technique of project finance is more and more used in the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHBLA) members states. However, because of the complexity of its legal framework, consequence of the heterogeneity of sources and rules that are apply to it, its implementation remains difficult. To solve this problem, an integration of the above mentioned framework, in particular, through the unification of sources and rules, as well as the improvement of the mechanisms of its implementation looks necessary. In that regard, the OHBLA Treaty could be usefully mobilized. Indeed, Project finance falls clearly in its sphere of competences and could therefore complete the eight Uniform Acts that are already enforce in that area of Africa.

Trestní odpovědnost právnických osob / Criminal Liability of Legal Persons

Marešová, Adéla January 2018 (has links)
Criminal liability of legal persons Abstract The author of the thesis deals with the issue of criminal liability of legal persons, from the position of her advocate. The purpose of the study is to stress the need to introduce this institute into the legal systems of democratic states, but at the same time to deal with the problems brought by its Czech substantive law. In the first part of the thesis the author discusses the legal aspect of criminal liability of legal persons, summarizes opinions for and against the introduction of criminal liability of legal persons, and examines the criminological aspects of corporate crime. The second part of the thesis focuses on the differences, advantages and disadvantages of three basic models of criminal liability of legal persons - true, false and administrative. The author commends that the Czech Republic has proceeded to introduce true criminal liability of legal persons. The third part explains the term legal person itself. In the pivotal fourth part of the thesis, the author deals critically with the individual substantive provisions of the Czech law implementing the criminal liability of legal persons and proposes a solution de lege ferenda. The last part evaluates the whole issue using statistical data on the number of convicted legal persons in the Czech...

Limites de critérios econômicos na aplicação do direito: hermenêutica e análise econômica do direito / Limits of economic criteria in the application of law: hermeneutics and the economic analysis of law

Pietropaolo, Joao Carlos 14 June 2010 (has links)
Esta tese volta-se para conflitos de sentido normativo que a análise econômica do direito (AED) traz para o ambiente jurídico ao aplicar métodos econômicos na interpretação jurídica, métodos estes que colocam como deve ser o direito. A AED associa-se ao método econômico como portador de verdade racional de índole científica, criando uma espécie de metalinguagem jurídica com pretensões explícitas de fixar juridicidade precisa. O direito nunca teve ambições tão extensas e totalizadoras. Ele se ajusta às necessidades históricas do conhecimento e vida do homem, e é, por isso, fracamente científico. A hipótese de trabalho é a de que a análise econômica pode ter usos viáveis no direto, se respeitar as condições fundamentais de entendimento jurídico. Sendo capaz de assumir que o direito, necessariamente, predica a correção do agir, tendo por referência o justo, as normatividades econômica e jurídica têm uma direção unívoca. Daí ser possível a interferência da economia no direito como padrão argumentativo empírico consequencialista, direcionado a resultados jurídicos que concretizem a distribuição do produto social, elemento de base da justiça socioeconômica nos estados liberais contemporâneos. O trabalho pretende, primeiramente, investigar as causas de incorreções, apontar para os equívocos e indicar as circunstâncias em que eles ocorrem, de modo a estabelecer, ao final, usos possíveis do método econômico no direito. A tese conclui que a AED adequada para o direito é a que consegue demonstrar, pela empiria, que uma decisão deve ser tomada porque tem efeitos distributivos concretos, patrocinando a justiça. Desenvolvimento do homem e não só crescimento econômico tem que ser a fórmula de integração interdisciplinar. Por se tratar de um problema de significado, optou-se pela perspectiva da hermenêutica jurídica como ponto de partida para o trabalho. A preocupação central da hermenêutica é o entendimento jurídico, não como método para tratar objetos jurídicos observados, mas como forma de revelar o sentido jurídico correto. Pela hermenêutica é que se mostram as dificuldades mais profundas da AED e as perspectivas mais promissoras de uso da economia no direito. / This thesis is aimed at dealing with normative conflicts that the economic analysis of law (EAL or, law and economics) brings to the legal knowledge applying economic methods to legal reasoning. Such methods determine how the law should be. The EAL is associated to the economic method as a bearer of rational truth of scientific nature, creating a kind of legal metalanguage with a clear intent of precision when bringing law into existence. The Law has never had such extensive and totalitarian ambitions. It adjusts itself to the historical needs of mans knowledge and life and this is why it is weakly scientific. The hypothesis of this work is that the economic analysis can have viable uses in law, if it complies with the fundamental conditions of legal knowledge. Being capable of establishing that the law mandatorily preaches the correction of action, having justice as a main reference, both economic and legal standards must have a common direction. That is why the interference of economy in law is possible as a consequential empirical standard argument, aimed at legal results that materialize the distribution of the social product, a base element for socioeconomic justice in contemporary liberal States. The work initially intends to investigate the causes of errors, pointing out the mistakes and indicating the circumstances in which they occur, in order to establish, in the end, the possible uses of the economic method in the law. The thesis concludes that the adequate EAL for the law is one that is able to demonstrate, through empirical arguments, that a decision should be taken because it has concrete distributing effects, sponsoring justice. The development of men and not only economic growth should be the form of interdisciplinary integration. Since the thesis reflects a question of meaning we have decided to establish the legal hermeneutics perspective as a starting point for the work. The main concern of hermeneutics is legal understanding, not as a method to treat observed legal objects, but as a way to reveal the correct legal sense. Through hermeneutics we can find the most profound difficulties of EAL and, at the same time, the most promising perspectives of use of economics in law.

Les débats parlementaires pour légaliser le cannabis au Canada: entre moralisme et libéralisme juridique

Garant, Etienne 22 May 2019 (has links)
RÉSUMÉ Reprenant les trois argumentaires des rapports divergents de la commission le Dain de 1972, soit le moralisme juridique pour le maintien de la prohibition du cannabis, le paternalisme juridique pour la décriminalisation de sa possession simple et le libéralisme juridique pour sa légalisation, cette thèse mobilise ce triptyque inspiré par trois philosophes juridiques à l’aide de l’analyse de contenu afin de voir comment ces arguments se sont manifestés à nouveau dans le processus parlementaire d’adoption du projet de loi C-45 ayant mené à la légalisation du cannabis au Canada. De plus, elle mobilise aussi le concept de la rationalité pénale moderne dans le but de comprendre l’approbation chez les différents acteurs d’avoir recours au pénal dans ce projet de loi en acceptant l’inclusion de deux nouvelles infractions criminelles passibles de 14 ans d’emprisonnement. Ces infractions visent un adulte qui ferait participer un mineur au marché illégal de cannabis, ou encore vendrait ou donnerait du cannabis à un mineur. La clarification de ce paradoxe était importante considérant que ce projet de loi fut essentiellement justifié par ceux qui y étaient favorables sur la volonté de diminuer un recours au droit criminel identifié comme inefficace à la réduction de la consommation du cannabis, tout en créant de nouvelles infractions pénales pour éviter son accès aux mineurs. Les résultats de cette thèse ont démontré que si des philosophies de type moraliste et paternaliste demeurent bien présentes lors des débats parlementaires sur C-45, le libéralisme juridique l’est aussi, mais tend fortement à disparaitre dès qu’arrive la question de la santé et de la sécurité des mineurs. De plus, si la durée des nouvelles peines demeure contestée par certains, il semble qu’en aucun temps le recours au pénal en guise d’outil de gestion de ces infractions ne soit remis en question, ce qui s’est traduit entre autres par l’absence totale de débats en ce qui a trait à l’utilisation d’un mineur dans le marché illégal de cannabis. Ce dernier point pourrait s’expliquer par une volonté de réforme par contraste qui vise une meilleure efficacité du système en place plutôt qu’une réforme générative qui cherche l’innovation et le renouveau, ce qui aurait demandé la remise en question du paradigme dominant sur certaines drogues actuellement illégales, soit la prohibition. ABSTRACT By taking up the three arguments of the divergent reports of the Le Dain Commission of 1972, the legal moralism in favor of the maintenance of the prohibition of cannabis, the legal paternalism for the decriminalization of tis simple possession and the legal liberalism in favor of legalization, this thesis mobilize this triptych inspired by three legal philosophers by using content analysis in parliamentary debates to see how these arguments manifested themselves again in the process of passing Bill C-45 which led to the legalization of cannabis in Canada. Furthermore, it also mobilizes the concept of modern criminal rationality in order to understand the approval for the various actors to use the criminal law in this bill by accepting the inclusion of two new criminal offenses punishable by 14 years of imprisonment. These offenses target an adult who would involve a minor in the illegal cannabis market, or sell or give cannabis to a minor. The clarification of this paradox was important considering that this bill was essentially justified by those who were in favor of reducing the use of criminal law identified as ineffective in reducing the use of cannabis, while creating new offenses to prevent its access from minors. The results of this thesis have shown that while moralistic and paternalistic philosophies remain very much present during parliamentary debates on Bill C-45, legal liberalism is also present, but tends to disappear as soon as the question of health and safety of minors come up. Moreover, while the duration of the new sentences is still disputed by some, it appears that at no time is the use of the criminal law as a tool for managing these offenses is questioned, which has resulted in the total lack of debate regarding the use of a minor in the illegal cannabis market. This last point could be explained by a desire for the adoption of a reform by contrast which aims to improve the effectiveness of the system in place rather than a generative reform that seeks innovation and renewal, which would have asked a questioning of the dominant paradigm on some currently illegal drugs, the prohibition in itself.

L'obligation de prendre des mesures de police initiale dans le contentieux administratif de l'environnement : essai d'étude comparée : France, Chili et Espagne / The authority 's obligation to take initial measures in environmental adminitrative litigation : a comparative essay : France, Chill, Spain

Harris Moya, Pedro 19 December 2018 (has links)
L'obligation de prendre des mesures de police administrative initiales se révèle particulièrement importante dans certains ordres publics. Cette recherche a pour finalité d'analyser le rôle du juge administratif dans son contrôle en matière environnementale. À cet effet, les ordres juridiques français, chilien et espagnol sont envisagés. L'étude montre que les causes de l'asymétrie de ce contrôle dans les contentieux objectif et subjectif sont partagées par ces différents systèmes juridictionnels. Cette asymétrie -déjà constatée devant certains troubles à l'ordre public s'explique par les caractéristiques spécifiques des missions de police en matière environnementale. Le contrôle du juge administratif impose la prise en compte de ces aspects, afin de donner cohérence à ces différentes procédures contentieuses. / The duty to take an initial administrative action is particularly important in some domains of public order. This research analyzes the judge's role in the control of this administrative action in environmental matters. For this purpose, the French, Chilean and Spanish legal systems are envisaged. The study shows that the causes of asymmetric control in subjective and in objective lawsuits are shared among the said jurisdictional systems. Such asymmetry -already observed in some disorders to public order-responds to the administrative authorities' specific features in environmental matters. Judicial review of administrative action requires taking these features into account, in order to give coherence to these various contentious procedures.

Le renouveau des sources du droit du travail / The labor law sources renewal

Malfettes, Loic 22 November 2018 (has links)
La présente recherche trouve son origine dans un constat de "crise" fait en doctrine ces dernières années à propos de la façon dont les sources se conçoivent aujourd'hui, ainsi que dans celui de profondes évolutions dans le champ plus spécifique du droit du travail.L’objet de l’étude est d’identifier les traits saillants du bouleversement annoncé. Il est question de vérifier si la représentation travailliste que l’on se fait des sources conduit effectivement dans une impasse épistémologique. Les impensés ou les anomalies identifiées conduiront alors à explorer le droit du travail contemporain et ses processus de création. Il pourra alors, à partir de cet ancrage, être envisagé de proposer un renouvellement théorique dont l’ambition est de proposer une meilleure appréhension de la réalité telle qu’elle se donne à voir dans cette matière / The present research finds its origin in a finding of "crisis" in recent years about the way that legal sources are conceived today, as well in a finding of profound evolutions in the more specific field of labor law.The purpose of the study is to identify the salient features of the announced upheaval. It is a question of verifying if the dominant representation of labor law sources leads effectively to an epistemological stalemate. The unthought or anomalies identified will then lead to the exploration of contemporary labor law and its creation processes. It may then, from this anchorage, be considered to propose a theoretical renewal whose ambition is to propose a better apprehension of the reality as it is given to see in this matter

Fiscalização do negócio jurídico: com efeitos tributários

Gatti, Kátia Alvarenga Franza 08 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jailda Nascimento (jmnascimento@pucsp.br) on 2016-10-21T15:12:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Kátia Alvarenga Franza Gatti.pdf: 663272 bytes, checksum: 7cd17fbe97b4fae02d6d2794de52e59f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-21T15:12:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Kátia Alvarenga Franza Gatti.pdf: 663272 bytes, checksum: 7cd17fbe97b4fae02d6d2794de52e59f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aims to investigate the legal business under private law with the implications and effects that come to the tax law, embodied in the obligation to tax collection. At the same time, it seeks to demonstrate the legitimacy of the institution of elision tax law, leaving the issue of tax evasion the issues related to any wrongfulness. Therefore, with the study of the legal business was demonstrated possibility of imperfections that regularly cause the unwinding of illicit legal business by the tax authorities, with consequent tax impact being sought to prevent illicitly. In other cases, that is, the situation of tax avoidance as treated here, there is no need to admit the unwinding by the tax authorities of the perfect legal transactions, so only because the taxpayer sought to lower tax incidence, with justifications nothing deeply grounded. We tried to explain the theoretical context of philosophy of language, explaining the theory of tax incidence, was made notes about the theory of the system, as well as on the theory of evidence and its importance to support the possibility of taxation / O presente trabalho objetiva investigar o negócio jurídico no âmbito do direito privado com as implicações e efeitos que surgem para o ramo do direito tributário, consubstanciados na obrigação ao recolhimento de tributos. Ao mesmo tempo, busca-se demonstrar com isso a legitimidade do instituto da elisão fiscal, deixando para o tema da evasão fiscal as questões correlatas a qualquer ilicitude. Para tanto, com o estudo do negócio jurídico demonstrou-se possibilidade de imperfeições que ocasionam regularmente o desfazimento do negócio jurídico ilícito pelo fisco, com consequente incidência tributária que se buscou evitar ilicitamente. Nos demais casos, ou seja, na situação de elisão fiscal como aqui tratada, não há que se admitir o desfazimento pelo fisco dos negócios jurídicos perfeitos, tão somente porque o contribuinte buscou menor incidência tributária, com justificativas nada profundamente fundamentadas. Tratou-se de explicar o contexto teórico da filosofia da linguagem, explicando a teoria da incidência tributária, fez-se apontamentos acerca da teoria do ordenamento, bem como, sobre a teoria das provas e sua importância para fundamentar as possibilidade de tributação

Limites de critérios econômicos na aplicação do direito: hermenêutica e análise econômica do direito / Limits of economic criteria in the application of law: hermeneutics and the economic analysis of law

Joao Carlos Pietropaolo 14 June 2010 (has links)
Esta tese volta-se para conflitos de sentido normativo que a análise econômica do direito (AED) traz para o ambiente jurídico ao aplicar métodos econômicos na interpretação jurídica, métodos estes que colocam como deve ser o direito. A AED associa-se ao método econômico como portador de verdade racional de índole científica, criando uma espécie de metalinguagem jurídica com pretensões explícitas de fixar juridicidade precisa. O direito nunca teve ambições tão extensas e totalizadoras. Ele se ajusta às necessidades históricas do conhecimento e vida do homem, e é, por isso, fracamente científico. A hipótese de trabalho é a de que a análise econômica pode ter usos viáveis no direto, se respeitar as condições fundamentais de entendimento jurídico. Sendo capaz de assumir que o direito, necessariamente, predica a correção do agir, tendo por referência o justo, as normatividades econômica e jurídica têm uma direção unívoca. Daí ser possível a interferência da economia no direito como padrão argumentativo empírico consequencialista, direcionado a resultados jurídicos que concretizem a distribuição do produto social, elemento de base da justiça socioeconômica nos estados liberais contemporâneos. O trabalho pretende, primeiramente, investigar as causas de incorreções, apontar para os equívocos e indicar as circunstâncias em que eles ocorrem, de modo a estabelecer, ao final, usos possíveis do método econômico no direito. A tese conclui que a AED adequada para o direito é a que consegue demonstrar, pela empiria, que uma decisão deve ser tomada porque tem efeitos distributivos concretos, patrocinando a justiça. Desenvolvimento do homem e não só crescimento econômico tem que ser a fórmula de integração interdisciplinar. Por se tratar de um problema de significado, optou-se pela perspectiva da hermenêutica jurídica como ponto de partida para o trabalho. A preocupação central da hermenêutica é o entendimento jurídico, não como método para tratar objetos jurídicos observados, mas como forma de revelar o sentido jurídico correto. Pela hermenêutica é que se mostram as dificuldades mais profundas da AED e as perspectivas mais promissoras de uso da economia no direito. / This thesis is aimed at dealing with normative conflicts that the economic analysis of law (EAL or, law and economics) brings to the legal knowledge applying economic methods to legal reasoning. Such methods determine how the law should be. The EAL is associated to the economic method as a bearer of rational truth of scientific nature, creating a kind of legal metalanguage with a clear intent of precision when bringing law into existence. The Law has never had such extensive and totalitarian ambitions. It adjusts itself to the historical needs of mans knowledge and life and this is why it is weakly scientific. The hypothesis of this work is that the economic analysis can have viable uses in law, if it complies with the fundamental conditions of legal knowledge. Being capable of establishing that the law mandatorily preaches the correction of action, having justice as a main reference, both economic and legal standards must have a common direction. That is why the interference of economy in law is possible as a consequential empirical standard argument, aimed at legal results that materialize the distribution of the social product, a base element for socioeconomic justice in contemporary liberal States. The work initially intends to investigate the causes of errors, pointing out the mistakes and indicating the circumstances in which they occur, in order to establish, in the end, the possible uses of the economic method in the law. The thesis concludes that the adequate EAL for the law is one that is able to demonstrate, through empirical arguments, that a decision should be taken because it has concrete distributing effects, sponsoring justice. The development of men and not only economic growth should be the form of interdisciplinary integration. Since the thesis reflects a question of meaning we have decided to establish the legal hermeneutics perspective as a starting point for the work. The main concern of hermeneutics is legal understanding, not as a method to treat observed legal objects, but as a way to reveal the correct legal sense. Through hermeneutics we can find the most profound difficulties of EAL and, at the same time, the most promising perspectives of use of economics in law.

An Analysis of California Drug Courts: Why Drug Treatment Programs Should Have Teeth

Tuttle, Kimberly 01 January 2019 (has links)
Since the passing of Proposition 47 in California in 2014, drug court programs across the state have invariably undergone changes. In my thesis, I evaluate the drug court programs of three counties in Southern California: Orange County, Los Angeles County, and Riverside County. Through a qualitative analysis of the drug court programs in these counties, via interviews, data collection, and courtroom observation, I provide insight into the functionality of each county's program, as well as an analysis of the effects of Proposition 47. This paper aims to address the key factors involved in maintaining a functional and successful drug court system.

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