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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effective Cyber Security Strategies for Small Businesses

Cook, Kimberly Diane 01 January 2017 (has links)
Disruptive technologies developed in the digital age expose individuals, businesses, and government entities to potential cyber security vulnerabilities. Through the conceptual framework of general systems theory, this multiple case study was used to explore the strategies among owners of 4 retail small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in Melbourne, Florida, who successfully protected their businesses against cyber attacks. The data were collected from a review of archival company documents and semistructured interviews. Yin's 5-phased cycles for analyzing case studies provided the guidelines for the data analysis process. Three themes emerged from thematic analysis across the data sets: cyber security strategy, reliance on third-party vendors for infrastructure services, and cyber security awareness. The study findings indicated that the SME owners' successful cyber security strategies might serve as a foundational guide for others to assess and mitigate cyber threat vulnerabilities. The implications for positive social change include the potential to empower other SME owners, new entrepreneurs, and academic institutions with successful cyber security strategies and resources to affect changes within the community. SME owners who survive cyber attacks may spur economic growth by employing local residents, thus stimulating the socioeconomic lifecycle. Moreover, implementation of these successful strategies may catalyze consumer confidence, resulting in greater economic prosperity.

Financing School-Based Health Centers: Sustaining Business Operational Services

Hayes-Burrell, Ingrid Monique 01 January 2015 (has links)
School-based health centers (SBHCs) have faced challenges in securing adequate funding for operations and developing sound business systems for billing and reimbursement. Specifically, administrators often lack strategies to develop and sustain funding levels to support appropriate resources for business operations. The focus of this descriptive study was to explore best practice strategies to develop and sustain funding through the experiences of SBHC administrators. The conceptual framework included Elkington's sustainability theory, which posits that corporate social responsibility, stakeholder involvement, and citizenship improve manager's effect on the business system. Twenty full-time SBHC administrators working in separate locations throughout the state of Maryland participated in semistructured telephone interviews. The van Kaam process was used to cluster descriptive experiences in data analysis that resulted in the development of thematic strategies for implementing best practices relevant to developing and sustaining funding for SBHC business operations. Major themes provided by the participants were interagency communications, creating marketing plans, and disparities in the allocation of funding for programs and professional staff. Findings indicated SBHC administrators continue to face challenges in developing and sustaining adequate funding for operations in the state of Maryland. Suggestions for future research include how administrators can develop marketing plans and explore long-range funding for SBHC services. The findings in this study may contribute to positive social change by demonstrating to officials in the Maryland State Department of Education the significance of SBHCs, and the need to increase mental health services.

GDPRs påverkan vid utveckling av plattformar för tredjepartsapplikationer : En kvalitativ metod bestående av fallstudie, dokumentanalys och intervjuer. / GDPR and Third-party Applications : A qualitative method of case studie, documentation analysis and interviews.

Magnusson, Jonas, Olofsson, Mathias January 2019 (has links)
Problemet man stöter på när man utvecklar plattformar för tredjepartsapplikationer är att det finns en ny lag som ställer hårda krav för hur man ska göra. GDPR är fortfarande så pass nytt att många företag inte har kunskap om hur man ska förhålla sig till lagen eller hur den påverkar projektet. Vi har intervjuat tre olika informanter och analyserat en dom som föll mot ett tidigare projekt för att upplysa de olika problem som kan uppstå samt för att skapa en förståelse för hur man bör förändra utförandet av utvecklingsprojekt i företag. Informanterna som användes har samtliga haft olika professioner för att skapa en så bred problembild som möjligt. Detta bidrog också till att informanterna fick bemöta andras informanters problem. I studien nämns Sigma Technology som fallföretag eftersom ett av deras projekt, Front-VL, användes som referenspunkt. I slutet av studien ges förslag på vad Sigma behöver göra för att kunna uppnå de lagar och krav som ställs i och med GDPR. Studien visar att man i ett tidigt stadie behöver analysera och kartlägga för hur GDPR ska hanteras i projektet och se lagen som ett ramverk att förhålla sig mot samt att öka kunskapen om lagen hos utvecklare.

Le tiers en famille : du parent social au beau-parent statutaire / The notion of third party within a family : from the social parent to a statutory stepparent

Tacite, Barbara 18 March 2019 (has links)
Parmi les tiers qui gravitent autour d’un enfant, il en est un que le droit français de la famille peine à reconnaître la singularité : l’homme ou la femme qui est en couple avec le parent d’un enfant et qui, à l’égard de ce mineur, assure une prise en charge plus ou moins factuelle.Qu’il se greffe sur une famille ou qu’il la compose, ce tiers communément dénommé « beau-parent » semble désormais connu, par une partie du droit positif (jurisprudence et doctrine), sous le vocable de parent social.Il est à reprocher au droit actuel de ne pas parvenir à appréhender, par des règles autonomes, les relations personnelles unissant ce tiers à l’enfant du parent dont il est le concubin, partenaire pacsé ou conjoint, de sexe différent ou de même sexe. Certes, l’incursion de ce tiers dans le mécanisme de l’autorité parentale ne saurait s’affranchir des principes directeurs du droit la famille : la coparentalité, l’indisponibilité de ladite autorité et l’impérieux respect de l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant. Par la présente étude, il s’agit de mettre en exergue l’inopportunité, de lege lata, de l’identification du parent social par assimilation juridique et de l’en extirper en concevant un statut sui generis . Surgirait, de lege ferenda, le beau-parent statutaire. / Among third parties gravitating around a child, French Family Law has difficulty recognizing the singularity of one of them: the one (he or she) who, being in relationship with a child’s parent, provides care for the latter to a certain extent.Whether he or she is bound to a family, or is part of it, this third party commonly named “stepparent” now seems to be known by some part of the positive Law (jurisprudence and doctrine) referred to as “social parent”.One can blame French Law for not succeeding in apprehending, with autonomous rules, these relationships between the third party and the child whose parent is his concubine, having registered a civil union or spouse as a same-sex couple or opposite sex. Indeed the incursion of this third party into the mechanism of parental authority should in no way free itself from the guiding principles of Family Law: joint parenthood /co-parenting; the unavailability of the so-called authority and the upmost respect of the best interest of the child. This study is aimed at highlighting the impropriety, of lege lata, of the identification of the social parent by legal assimilation removing it, thus conceiving a sui generis status. Therefore it might occur from lege ferenda, the statutory stepparent.

中藏談判之第三方國家行為者研究 / A study on third-party state actors of Sino-Tibetan negotiations

李依依 Unknown Date (has links)
「第三方介入」協助談判僵局之解決,是學界普遍認為可行且具實質效益的方法。中國與西藏流亡政府間,不乏第三方介入的身影,甚至以實際行動促成了九次正式的談判,惟持續的接觸與對話,非但未能建立中藏間彼此的信任和尊重,反使雙邊關係更為惡化。 本研究將1950年代達賴流亡印度後至今,劃分為四個時期,彙整各階段之國際政經情勢、中藏對外政策,及第三方涉藏行動,觀察三者間相互的關連性,深入了解國際介入西藏問題的背景,進而以此作為分析回顧「2002-2010年中藏九次談判」的基礎。探討中國政府和西藏流亡政府之談判訴求、各國相關回應,檢視第三方立場與策略行為,對中藏關係所產生的影響和轉變,從而了解國家行為者居中所扮演之角色,與中藏談判深陷僵局的原因。 / “Third-party Intervention” is generally considered a feasible and beneficial strategy for resolving negotiation deadlock. It has been used in the dilemma of China and Tibetan government-in-exile. There have been nine formal negotiations between both parties urged by the third party. However, instead of help establishing trust and respect between China and Tibet, the negotiations have led to a deterioration of bilateral relations. This study divides the period of Dalai Lama’s exile in India (1950~2010) into four stages. It summarizes international political and economic situations, foreign policy of China and Tibet government and the involvement of the third parties at different stages. It also observes the interrelations of the above three factors and investigates the background of international involvement of China-Tibet issues. These observations are used as background information to analyze and review the nine times of negotiations between China and Tibet, to probe into the demands of China and Tibetan governments and the international response, to review the third parties’ position and strategies to urge the negotiations and to understand the influence and change of China-Tibet relations. The purpose of the study is to understand the role of state actors as mediator and the reasons of the negotiation deadlock between China and Tibet.

Kontrolltorn : En informationslösning för tredjepartslogistik / Logistics Control Tower : An information system for third party logistics

Larsson, Thomas, Lund, Markus January 2005 (has links)
<p>The demand for shorter lead-times and increased delivery reliability puts pressure on companies to provide more efficient logistic services. One strategy to deal with this demand is by outsourcing logistics to a third part. The development of logistics information systems enables increased control over business supply chains. This is why Green Cargo aims to create a Logistics Control Tower (LCT) solution to provide it’s customers with better information with higher availability. One such system is the Green Cargo control tower solution, which aims to improve information quality and availability alike. This is also the origin of this thesis at Green Cargo Division Logistics. The aim of this project was to identify the information needs in the logistic processes connected to Green Cargo Division Logistics, and to present a requirement specification for a LCT. The LCT will be designed to work as an information and decision support system. The main source of information was collected through interviews with customers of Green Cargo, as well as personnel at Green Cargo. </p><p>The research findings suggest that there is potential for improvement within the information flow between Green Cargo and the other parties involved in the logistic process. A need for improved information flows and communication became apparent through the investigation. We therefore suggest that Green Cargo develops a LCT containing functions such as cost follow-up, statistics, stock level information, order information, proof of delivery, track&trace, notification, environment information, and invoice control. Whilst some of these functions are yet to be introduced, others are basic functions already provided for by Green Cargo, but could nonetheless be improved. Most of the suggested functions are generated through the customers needs while invoice control and automated notification is a demand from Green Cargo personnel. A web interface with the possibility to adapt the content to different customers could serve as a solution to these needs. Input to the LCT is collected from different information systems such as vendor management systems and databases at logistic service providers.</p>

Evaluation of Third-Party Logistics in a Japanese Setting : an evaluation of the 3PL-partnership between the Japanese trading house Gadelius and the European logistics

Carlsson, Henrik, Dreimanis, Rickard January 2005 (has links)
<p>In this thesis the Third-Party Logistics (3PL) partnership between the Japanese trading company Gadelius and the European logistics provider Mahé is investigated. This was done as a case study, mainly taking place on location at Gadelius’ headquarter in Tokyo.</p><p>The purpose has been to identify and evaluate the fulfilment of initial objectives, both with respect to agreed on terms and expectations of each party, analyze the reasons behind result and provide recommendations for the future.</p><p>In terms of what is strictly defined and agreed on in the contract the partnership is principally fulfilled, but this setup is not good in terms of how full 3PL-effects could be achieved.</p><p>The not so strictly defined parts of the contract stating that Mahé should work proactively are however not fulfilled to the same degree. This is connected to the lack of a dedicated Mahé representative being integrated into the OtD-team at Gadelius.</p><p>Because of this Gadelius’, to begin with very high, expectations on effects have become unrealistic, which has contributed to bad sentiments against Mahé and their capabilities. This has further been enhanced by Key Performance Indicators that don’t fully match the essential objectives with the partnership.</p><p>To change the situation two possible ways for the future are presented. If Gadelius’ focus is on indirect cost reductions an expanded partnership should be chosen, while a focus on direct cost reductions and a need for an easier change implementation call for a more limited partnership. For both alternatives new ways for measuring performance are suggested.</p>

Att etablera ett tredjepartslogistikföretag i Kina

Ertushi, Kamiran, Norell, Björn January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ur ett Supply Chain Management perspektiv undersöka förutsättningar för att implementera ett tredjepartslogistikföretag från EU i ett växande industriområde i Kina. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på distriktet Xiaohe i staden Guiyang i provinsen Guizhou.</p><p>Logistikbranschen är en av de snabbast växande industrierna i Kina. Den kinesiska regeringen föreslår en främjande policy för en logistikexpandering som innefattar skattereduceringar och nedsatta priser på lokalhyra och markpriser för logistikföretag.<strong> </strong>Den största skillnaden mellan marknaden i EU och marknaden i Kina är de kulturella skillnaderna i sättet att göra affärer och att umgås. Korruption kan förekomma i Kina och det är värt att undersöka de kinesiska företagen innan ett samarbete inleds. Om ett samarbete inleds kan det vara fördel att ta reda på om det finns särskilda bestämmelser i Kina. Detta för att minska risken att problem uppstår med de varor som ska exporteras och/eller importeras. En vara som ska importeras eller exporteras mellan EU och Kina ska förtullas genom inlämning av tulldeklaration till Tullverket.</p><p>När det gäller växande industriområden som i Guiyang finns det geografiska fördelar med avseende på handel genom att staden angränsar ett flertal andra provinser och att den anses som en knutpunkt i sydvästra Kina. Huvudindustrier förknippade med staden innefattar kol, järn, stål, aluminium, gödningsmedel och tillverkning. De lokala kinesiska logistikföretagen saknar den erfarenhet och kompetens som krävs för att kunna erbjuda logistiska helhetslösningar åt företagen i industriparken i Xiaohe i Guiyang. Vidare finns inga tredjepartslogistikföretag i staden. Delvis på grund av dessa anledningar är det en stor fördel för ett tredjepartslogistikföretag från den Europeiska Unionen att etablera verksamhet i Guiyang. Svagheten med en etablering är bland annat indikation på brister i infrastrukturen och långt avstånd till närmaste hamn. Vidare finns det en planering för utveckling i regionen som innefattar bland annat utveckling av transportinfrastrukturen.</p> / <p>The purpose of this examination thesis is from a <em>Supply Chain Management perspective</em> to examine the conditions for establishing a third party logistics company from the European Union in a growing industrial area in China. The thesis focuses on Xiaohe district in Guiyang.</p><p>Logistics industry is one of the fastest growing industries in China. The Chinese Government is proposing a promotion policy for a logistics expansion that includes tax reductions and reduced prices on rent and land prices for logistics companies. The main difference between the European Union market and the market in China is the cultural differences in the way of doing business and to socialize. Corruption may occur in China and it is worth to examine Chinese firms before cooperation can be settled. If collaboration is carried out, it may be advantageous to find out if there are specific rules in China to reduce the risk that problems occurs with the goods to be exported and/or to be imported. A product to be imported or exported between the European Union and China must clear customs.</p><p>When it comes to growing industrial areas as in Guiyang there are geographical advantages with thought of trading, that the city is adjacent to several other provinces and that it is regarded as a tie point in southwestern China. The main industry involved in the city includes coal, iron, steel, aluminum, fertilizers and manufacturing. Local Chinese logistics companies have lack of the experience and skills that is needed for providing logistics solutions to companies in the industrial park in Xiaohe District in Guiyang. Furthermore, there are no third-party logistics providers in the city. Partly for this reason, it is a great advantage for a third party logistics provider from the European Union who wants to establish business in Guiyang. The weaknesses for establishing include lack of infrastructure and long distance to the closest seaport. Furthermore, there is a plan for development in the region which includes the development of transport infrastructure.</p>

Elusive Peacemakers : A Bargaining Perspective on Mediation in Internal Armed Conflicts

Svensson, Isak January 2006 (has links)
<p>This composite dissertation explores mediation in internal armed conflicts from a bargaining perspective. Four separate essays investigate why mediation occurs, why it is successful, and why peace guarantors’ commitments are credible. Essay 1 examines the conditions under which mediation takes place. The study argues that whereas it is costly for governments to accept international mediation, it is a less costly intervention tool for potential third parties. This argument implies that mediation will be more likely when and where negotiated settlements are least likely to be reached, a contention that is supported by empirical tests. Essay 2 reviews the contemporary debate on what types of mediators that can disseminate information in a credible manner, and formulates a set of testable hypotheses on mediation partiality. The analysis shows that negotiated settlements are more likely if biased or interested mediators intervene, while neutral mediators are not associated with mediation success. Essay 3 elaborates on the role of biased mediators. It proposes that rebels face a commitment problem when negotiated settlements are to be reached, which government-biased mediators can mitigate. The study finds that such types of mediators outperform rebel-biased mediators in terms of helping combatants to settle the armed conflict. Essay 4 deals with the commitment problem that comes to pass between, on the one hand the primary parties, and on the other, the potential peace guarantors. The study probes the requests and promises for third-party security guarantees and suggests that the reputation of the United Nations (UN) enhances its credibility as peace guarantor compared to non-UN actors. It finds that although the UN is more restrictive with its promises, it is more likely that peacekeeping forces will be provided if the UN is one of the guarantors. In sum, utilizing unique data from two time-periods (post World War II and post Cold War), this dissertation arrives at new insights on the role of mediators in bringing about negotiated settlements of internal armed conflicts.</p>

Kontrolltorn : En informationslösning för tredjepartslogistik / Logistics Control Tower : An information system for third party logistics

Larsson, Thomas, Lund, Markus January 2005 (has links)
The demand for shorter lead-times and increased delivery reliability puts pressure on companies to provide more efficient logistic services. One strategy to deal with this demand is by outsourcing logistics to a third part. The development of logistics information systems enables increased control over business supply chains. This is why Green Cargo aims to create a Logistics Control Tower (LCT) solution to provide it’s customers with better information with higher availability. One such system is the Green Cargo control tower solution, which aims to improve information quality and availability alike. This is also the origin of this thesis at Green Cargo Division Logistics. The aim of this project was to identify the information needs in the logistic processes connected to Green Cargo Division Logistics, and to present a requirement specification for a LCT. The LCT will be designed to work as an information and decision support system. The main source of information was collected through interviews with customers of Green Cargo, as well as personnel at Green Cargo. The research findings suggest that there is potential for improvement within the information flow between Green Cargo and the other parties involved in the logistic process. A need for improved information flows and communication became apparent through the investigation. We therefore suggest that Green Cargo develops a LCT containing functions such as cost follow-up, statistics, stock level information, order information, proof of delivery, track&amp;trace, notification, environment information, and invoice control. Whilst some of these functions are yet to be introduced, others are basic functions already provided for by Green Cargo, but could nonetheless be improved. Most of the suggested functions are generated through the customers needs while invoice control and automated notification is a demand from Green Cargo personnel. A web interface with the possibility to adapt the content to different customers could serve as a solution to these needs. Input to the LCT is collected from different information systems such as vendor management systems and databases at logistic service providers.

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