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無線射頻在第三方物流應用之研究 / An Investigation on RFID in Third-Party Logistics趙凱康, Chao,KieKang Unknown Date (has links)
回顧過去十年,整個企業環境和物流市場已經歷了很大的改變。 根據一項問卷調查資料顯示,在美國的第三方物流市場,已經由1996年的310億成長到2004年的850億。 因應廣泛產業中各個公司不斷地增加需求,物流市場也同樣地擴大它的服務範圍,尤其是針對需要跨國物流服務的顧客。
第三方物流產業一直不斷地成長, 目前提供第三方物流業者當務之急就是擴充服務區域,增加服務項目以滿足顧客現在和未來的需求;整合資訊技術,並開發與顧客和其他企業公司之間的關係以應未來的成長和擴充。我們期待在以後的幾年,能看到供應和使用委外物流的服務,有大幅的改變和加強。
RFID 的技術一直發展地非常快速, 全世界最大的零售商 Wal-Mart自2004年開始將RFID導入其物流供應鏈後,經過了2年時間,Wal-Mart的RFID成果已然浮現,自導入RFID後,其門市缺貨比例降低了16%,補貨速度提高3倍 、門市補貨效率加快63%、門市平均庫存量則降低了10%,顯著的導入績效讓Wal-Mart決定擴大計畫。 Wal-Mart以第二方物流角色成功地導入RFID ,並能帶領其他製造廠商和零售業者相繼的投入RFID的技術。
在台灣我們沒有像Wal-Mart和EPC這樣大的零售商和單位, 所以政府機關應該支持相關單位導入RFID。 同時政府也應該主動加強與EPCglobal這樣的國際組織合作,參與制定RFID的標準與規範。 建議政府發起類似像Future Store, 由歐洲第三大貿易及零售公司- METRO Group 建造在德國的未來商店,這樣的專案計畫,結合製造商、零售商、配送商,推展 RFID 在物流的應用。 製造商、零售商和配送商能了解RFID 的價值,及RFID對企業的好處,經由第三方物流公司的整合與加值服務,以滿足顧客的需求。
關鍵詞:第三方物流、RFID / Looking back over the past decade, the overall business environment and the logistics sector has experienced significant change. The US 3PL logistics market grew from an estimated US$31 billion in 1996 to US$85 billion in 2004. In response to the expanding needs of companies across a broad range of industries, the logistics sector is being asked to expand its services for customers with global logistics needs. This has created a growing market for comprehensive, global 3PL services.
The 3PL industry is still growing. Among the priority currently facing 3PL providers are regional expansion, broadening services to meet the needs of current and future customers, integrating information technologies, and developing relationships with customers and other business firms that will facilitate the growth and expansion that lies ahead. We expect to see in the years ahead significant changes and enhancements to the provision and use of outsourced logistics services.
RFID technology is developing fast. Wal-Mart, the biggest retailer in the world today, uses RFID technology to resolve the bottleneck at the receiving end that makes receiving hugely easier. RFID allows Wal-Mart to track any pallet or box at each stage in its supply chain and know exactly what product from which manufacturer is inside, with what expiration date. RFID also helps Wal-Mart to keep the products on the shelf more often and allow quicker remixing of the supply chain in response to events. Wal-Mart is the most successful 2PL company that deployed full RFID system. We can share this story with other manufacturing companies and retailers so RFID can be deployed among them.
The objective of the sample pilot case in this paper is to facilitate the RFID in a live transportation environment to identify the IT architecture and infrastructure necessary to support RFID. To identify limitations in RFID technology and equipment and to make recommendations for further development and roll-out.
It can also be applied in a warehouse. Simply by creating RFID fields at every inbound and outbound point it will eventually be possible to monitor the exact movements of every pallet, carton or item during its time in store and in
transit through an integrated cross docking system.
In Taiwan, we don’t have a big retailer company such as Wal-Mart, or a large organization such as EPCglobal, therefore, local government and its related departments must support the deployment of RFID and collaborate with EPCglobal international organization. Local government shall also initiate and sponsor the concept of “Future Store”, built by METRO Group in Germany, to educate our manufacturers, retailers and distributors the value of RFID and the business benefits of RFID. As to 3PL, it is suggested that 3PL providers need to focus on what they do best. That is, 3PL providers must deliver value for their core services. After that, 3PL providers need to understand the businesses of the industries and to build strong capability in logistics and integrate its global capabilities. Therefore, 3PL providers can provide their RFID solutions to meet their customers’ needs.
Keywords: 3PL, RFID
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中國市場第三方理財機構發展研究- 以N公司為例林淑玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要研究中國第三方理財市場,並以第一家第三方理財公司諾亞財富(N 公司)為研究對象。因應中國經濟的崛起和發展,商業模式日新月異,金融市場也快速成長,其中財富管理市場更受到本土和國際金融業者的矚目,除了傳統銀行著力於發展財富管理業務,更出現各種創新模式的企業搶食市場大餅,第三方理財公司即是中國財富管理的創新案例,本論文由市場面、法規面和現行業者分析等不同構面探討第三方理財的發展歷史、未來前景和挑戰。
因應新常態下經濟模式轉換的挑戰,2015 年兩會上,國務院總理李克強在《政府工作報告》中指出要把“大眾創業、萬眾創新"打造成推動中國經濟繼續前行的“雙引擎"之一,傳統製造業全面升級轉型,提高附加價值,增快紅色供應鏈的崛起,金融也出現創業成功的案例,本論文研究對象諾亞財富是中國第三方理財的先驅,也是金融成功創業的案例,作者透過該公司的發展軌跡和轉型過程等層面,研究金融創業的成功關鍵因子,並運用 SWOT 等分析方法,探討諾亞財富面對目前中國快速改變的金融市場的優劣勢分析。
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台灣第三方支付產業 / The Third Party Payment Industry in Taiwan林季穎 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國國際物流未來發展之研究方念德, Fang,Nien Te Unknown Date (has links)
目前國外國際物流的發展現況與趨勢,對我國國際物流的發展影響,以及我國製造產業大量外移中國大陸、高科技產業對供應鏈整合服務的需求,業者如何提出完整的物流服務架構,我國國際物流業者能否發展成為第四方物流,以此第四方物流共同服務兩岸三地市場。故本研究之目的要探討在國際貿易全球化的趨勢下,國際物流的發展方向為何,對我國物流產業的影響分析及探討我國第四方物流讀未來規劃。 / Taiwan enterprises have shifted their business strategy and goal from the domestic to the global market in order to adapt themselves to the globalization trend. Today, multinational corporations such as HP and DELL either set up their purchase center at South East Asia or/and China to locate their suppliers, or they move their manufacturing plant to those areas where labor cost and land cost are relatively cheaper. These MNCs later ship the products they purchase or produce in low cost areas to their headquarters or global marketplace. As for Taiwanese enterprises who play the role as the suppliers in this global value chain, since their headquarters and R&D centers are normally located in Taiwan while they need to ship the raw materials and finished goods to overseas, the logistics management becomes a critical issue.
In aim to become the ‘global logistics center’, airfreight or courier express is used by the enterprises for global delivery in greater scale in the recent years. At the same time, Taiwan Customs has simplified the customs clearance procedures which they named it ‘Simplified Clearance for Express Consignment’ to shorten the cargo clearance time and facilitate the paperless customs clearance for courier express service providers like UPS, DHL and FEDEX. This beneficial act to the big courier express players creates stronger competition and threat to the local global logistics service providers who are the majority in the marketplace but with smaller company size. Even though under the severe competition, Taiwan local logistics service providers didn’t expand their service, nor enhance their management information system, nor cultivate professional staff to improve the service quality.
Facing the unceasing requirements from the enterprises, global logistics service providers are merely struggling to fulfill the present needs of the customs, few of them can provide additional logistics services. Since the service and business scope of logistics industry is very wide; and given the constitution of Taiwanese global logistics service providers, the only solution to improve the competitiveness of Taiwan global logistics industry is to integrate the logistics industry both vertically and horizontally with the support of the information technology. This paper will discuss the integration solution and the best candidate to integrate the logistics industry. Based on the study of the development trend of the logistics industry in foreign countries and the local logistics industry analysis, this paper will discuss the future development of Taiwan global logistics service providers and explore the possibility of developing forth-party logistics in Taiwan.
Observing the current status and the development trend of the foreign global logistics industry, as well as the strong needs to integrate the supply chain for local high-tech industry, this paper will present the architecture of the logistics service in aim to develop into forth-party logistics to serve the cross-strait market.
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中藏談判之第三方國家行為者研究 / A study on third-party state actors of Sino-Tibetan negotiations李依依 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將1950年代達賴流亡印度後至今,劃分為四個時期,彙整各階段之國際政經情勢、中藏對外政策,及第三方涉藏行動,觀察三者間相互的關連性,深入了解國際介入西藏問題的背景,進而以此作為分析回顧「2002-2010年中藏九次談判」的基礎。探討中國政府和西藏流亡政府之談判訴求、各國相關回應,檢視第三方立場與策略行為,對中藏關係所產生的影響和轉變,從而了解國家行為者居中所扮演之角色,與中藏談判深陷僵局的原因。 / “Third-party Intervention” is generally considered a feasible and beneficial strategy for resolving negotiation deadlock. It has been used in the dilemma of China and Tibetan government-in-exile. There have been nine formal negotiations between both parties urged by the third party. However, instead of help establishing trust and respect between China and Tibet, the negotiations have led to a deterioration of bilateral relations.
This study divides the period of Dalai Lama’s exile in India (1950~2010) into four stages. It summarizes international political and economic situations, foreign policy of China and Tibet government and the involvement of the third parties at different stages. It also observes the interrelations of the above three factors and investigates the background of international involvement of China-Tibet issues.
These observations are used as background information to analyze and review the nine times of negotiations between China and Tibet, to probe into the demands of China and Tibetan governments and the international response, to review the third parties’ position and strategies to urge the negotiations and to understand the influence and change of China-Tibet relations. The purpose of the study is to understand the role of state actors as mediator and the reasons of the negotiation deadlock between China and Tibet.
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影響第三方支付平台導入、發展與使用之關鍵要素研究 / Critical Factors Affecting Adoption and Usage of Third Party Payment Platform張亦美, Chang, Cecilia Unknown Date (has links)
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我國第三方支付專法分析與國際立法例之比較 / A Legal Analysis On Third-Party Payment In Taiwan And A Comparative Study On The International Legal System Of Third-Party Payment唐君豪, Tang, Chun Hao Unknown Date (has links)
然而,綜觀第三方支付服務在台灣的發展,可以發現相關的法律規範卻直到今年(2015年)才完成建置,在此之前,許多業務的經營多遇到法規適用的問題,導致第三方支付業者多在法規模糊地帶遊走,十分地不明確。時至今年,針對第三方支付服務所設立的專法-電子支付機構管理條例與相關的子法正式施行,相關的業者得以明確地受到法規管束,而對於使用者而言,亦可以受到明文的法律保障。本文除了探究第三方支付服務之法規發展,同時欲以國際上重要的第三方支付立法例進行國際法的比較,參酌中國美國歐盟之相關立法,分析我國相關法規與國際立法潮流之異同,並對於現今專法提出評析。 / The advanced development of E-Commerce have gradually changed the habit of people and it leads to the innovative payment system as well. Instead of traditional payment service, the third-party payment service becomes more and more popular.
The operators of third-party payment guaranteed users a safe payment system with its own financial fund and run the money storage business though contracting with banks. The development of third-party payment and E-commerce is mutually progressing.
However, there are still many issues about applying laws for the operators and users before establishment of third-party payment law and it also makes the third party payment operator in the grey area. Up to this year(2015), the exclusive law for third-party payment finally finished and it provides the operators and users a full set of regulations to follow.
In addition to analysis the development of third-party payment, the thesis will go a step further to discuss about the comparative study on the legal system of third party payment service in China, USA, and EU.
On the whole, the author makes a comprehensive discussion on third-party payment legal development in Taiwan with relevant law trends in focus countries, and puts forward the suggestions for the legal system in Taiwan in the end.
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多處理廠環境下逆物流最適訂單接受量與處理量之研究李惠卿, Lee, Huei Ching Unknown Date (has links)
逆物流(reverse logistics)代表了將使用過的產品從消費者手上收回、並將此資源重新在市場上再利用的一連串物流活動。其配送成本往往比正向物流高,對於回送之產品,在運送、儲存、處理、管理方面亦無規律通路,較正向供應鏈增加許多的複雜性和不確定性,企業往往選擇將逆向物流之活動外包給專業物流服務商。 / 對逆向物流服務商來說,既以營利為目標,便有營運範疇內法規、利潤、運輸成本、營運成之考量。過去逆向物流方面之研究主題,多以逆向供應鏈上的廠址設置為主,本研究針對同時具有多個處理廠的逆物流服務供應商進行探討,建立適合的營運模式,考慮多時期、多個逆物流處理廠、多種型態的退回商品,建立一數量決策模式,以逆物流服務商的最大營運利潤為目標,探討逆物流之下的最適合再生物料接受訂單數量、以及個別逆物流處理中心之最適合當期處理量,考慮可能因退回商品回收量之不確定性、處理產出比率的不確定性影響處理廠之中再生物料的實際產量。對於模式當中的不確定因子,本研究建構以情境為基礎的穩健最佳化之模式求得穩健解。 / Reverse logistics reflects a serial of activities including collecting return products from consumers, recycling, reusing, and reducing the amount of materials used. Implementing reverse logistics is complicated and costs more than forward logistics to a firm. Furthermore, there is not a regular way to handle those transportation, storage, processing and management process. In order to reduce cost and focus on core business, industries choose to outsource those processes to third-party reverse logistics provider. / Previous literatures used to focus on the topic of facility location allocation or designing the infrastructure of reverse logistics distribution channels. From a reverse logistics provider perspective, this research concerned about the operational profit of the reverse logistics service provider who has multiple collection sites and refurbishing processing facilities. This research attempts to maximum the net-profit and presents a multi-period, multiple processing facilities, and multi-type return products to optimize the solution of the quantity of processing return products in each refurbishing processing facilities and the quantity of used material ordered by industries. The formulation uses a scenario-based robust optimization approach to solve those uncertainty factors such as the volume of product collection, the usage rate of return product in this model.
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圖書出版業者對第三方物流供應商評選模式研究 / Selection of third party logistics provider in book publishing firms詹阿勇, Chan, A Yung Unknown Date (has links)
1. 篩選第三方物流供應商評選指標;以及
2. 利用分析網路程序法(ANP)確立評選指標之相對權重。
最後,本研究所提供之方法亦可提供決策者充分的資訊與系統化的思考,有利企業做為最終決策的參考。 / As book publishing firms are looking to increase competitiveness, strengthen core competencies and lower overall costs, outsourcing logistics to third party logistics (3PL) service providers have become common practice. To ensure the success and to maximize the benefits of such practice, the selection of the 3PL becomes particularly crucial.
This study provides a comprehensive methodology to the selection of a 3PL provider, consisting of two parts:
1. Screening criteria to employ during the selection of a provider;and
2. Determining the relative importance of each screening criterion by the analytic network process (ANP) approach.
A total of seventeen criteria have been identified by experts in the book publishing industry with respect to service quality, capabilities, price, information technology management and operational performance of the 3PL providers. As interdependencies exist between each criterion and cannot be captured by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to solve such types of problems, this study utilizes ANP to determine the relative weighting in the selection of a 3PL provider.
Thereafter, the application of ANP for the selection of a 3PL provider is demonstrated through an illustrative example. The result of the example provided indicates that the criteria of shipment error rates and on-time shipment and deliveries are the most important, and this reflects the influence of the experiences from past cooperation between the case company and 3PL providers. This approach also enables the decision-makers to better understand the complex relationship between the relevant attributes during the decision-making process, which may subsequently improve the outcome of the decision.
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電視新聞採用非自採影片之研究 / A study on the use of TPV (Third Party Video) materials by TV news林佳慧, Lin, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
數位時代社群媒體的應用,大大改寫媒體生態,21世紀初接連發生在北非、中東的抗議活動,Facebook、Twitter等社群媒體更發揮重要傳播作用,甚至成為政治運動的催化劑,國內外各大新聞組織也開始將這些被社交媒體平台大量分享、轉發的用戶生成內容 (UGC, User-generated content)重製後進行傳播,尤其是發生抗爭等社會運動、人為或意外現場等事件,因為時效性的關係,記者不能第一時間趕到,目擊者手機拍攝的影片或現場監視錄影器的畫面,往往成為重要新聞素材。
本研究試圖剖析電視新聞使用來自目擊者或網友的第三方影音素材(TPV, third party video)的頻率與原因,研究分成兩步驟,首先選舉一家地面電視台一個月的prime time新聞,作為研究樣本,進行內容分析,以量化研究分析電視新聞如何應用TPV素材,研究樣本數共1825則;同時以質化研究中的深度訪談,訪問該電視台的文字、攝影記者,以及新聞室負責調度的大編輯台主管與編輯共九人,透過量化與質化的研究方法,來探究電視台採用TPV素材的動機、意願、標準與目的。 / The media ecology has been rewritten to a great extent by the application of social media in the digital age. In the 21st century, social media has even become a catalyst of social movements as Facebook and Twitter play an important role in disseminating the news on protests which commonly take place in North Africa and the Middle East. In fact, large news organizations at home and abroad have begun to reproduce and broadcast User-generated contents (UGC) that are greatly shared and forwarded on the social media. This applies especially to incidents such as social movements, including protests, and accidents. The video taken by an eye-witness’ mobile phone or the recording of an on-site surveillance camera has often become important news material due to timeliness of the news and the fact that reporters cannot arrive at the scene on time.
According to foreign and domestic news agencies, especially TV stations, video is both appealing and persuasive as news materials. The growing popularity of UGC and the approach to make use of such resources have led the emergence of positive and negative viewpoints. It would be delightful to see the voicing-out of social problems through UGC since it could increase citizen participation. UGC could even lead to a breakthrough from pressroom authority, thus creating a more democratic media. However, UGC could also lower the news standard especially when there’s a deadline to meet. Furthermore, it could pile pressure on news reporters as they try to determine the authenticity of the video. The excessive use of UGC could lead to the media’s over-reliance on social media resources. The fragmentary nature of UGC could also be harmful to the development of news media at the public domain.
The study attempted to analyze the purpose behind a TV station’s adoption of eyewitness/netizen-provided third-party video (TPV), as well as its frequency of use. The study was divided into two steps. First, research samples for content analysis were collected through a selection of one month’s worth of news reports that were broadcasted by a terrestrial station at prime time. A total of 1825 samples were studied through quantitative research and analysis with regard to the application of TPV by TV news. At the same time, in order to explore a TV station’s motivation, willingness, standard and the purpose in applying TPV, qualitative research was conducted through an in-depth interview with nine representatives from the TV station. This group included journalists, cameramen, editors and seniors who were responsible for ordering daily news in the Newsrooms.
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