Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then world wide eeb"" "subject:"then world wide beb""
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Uma arquitetura para acesso a serviços de telecomunicções baseada em TINA / A TINA-based architecture for accessing telecomunications servicesOliveira, Eduardo Jacob 09 March 1999 (has links)
Orientador: Eleri Cardozo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-26T08:33:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Oliveira_EduardoJacob_M.pdf: 7451976 bytes, checksum: be31a9be0d9d9c5f7aaa369f9c4010aa (MD5)
Previous issue date: 1999 / Resumo: Nos últimos anos o mercado de telecomunicações tem passado por mudanças profundas devido a fatores como desregulamentação, aumento da competição entre as operadoras e aumento da demanda para o oferecimento de novos serviços, mais avançados e complexos. Entretanto, a introdução desses novos serviços, no âmbito de telecomunicações, encontra uma forte barreira em uma infra-estrutura que tem sido voltada para a conexão de usuários, e não para o oferecimento de serviços. O consórcio TINA (Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture) define uma arquitetura de sojtware para serviços de telecomunicações, norteada por conceitos de "re-uso" de componentes de sojtware, transparência de distribuição e utilização de padrões abertos, visando o desenvolvimento e gerência de serviços de qualquer complexidade. Por sua vez, o crescimento da World Wide Web (WWW) na Internet, a partir de meados desta década, popularizou o uso dos browsers Web no acesso aos serviços de informação e comunicação, tornando-os padrão de facto para a interface e interação com o usuário, assim como peça-chave no desenvolvimento de aplicações. Este trabalho apresenta uma arquitetura para acesso a serviços de telecomunicações baseada nos conceitos da Arquitetura de Serviço TINA e implementada utilizando as tecnologias Web e de objetos distribuídos, por meio de uma plataforma CORBA (Common Object Request Broker A rchitecture ). ...Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital / Abstract: The telecommunications market has experienced dramatic changes pushed by factors such as deregulation, competition between operators, and the increasing demand for more advanced and complex services. However, the introduction of these new services is limited by the current telecommunications infrastructure, that was designed to connect end users, not to offer services to them. The Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture (TINA) consortium defines acommon software architecture for providing telecommunications services, using concepts of "reuse" of software components, distribution transparency, and open standards, and aiming at the implementation and management of services of any complexity. On the other hand, the explosion of the World Wide Web (WWW) in the Internet since the middle of the 90's has popularized the Web browsers as an access mechanism to information and communication services. Web browsers have become the de facto standard for interfacing and interacting with the user and a key tool for. the development of applications. ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations / Mestrado / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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Incorporação de qualidade de serviço no modelo de serviços Web / Inclusion of quality of service into the Web service modelGarcia, Diego Zuquim Guimarães, 1982- 03 May 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Beatriz Felgar de Toledo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T13:37:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Garcia_DiegoZuquimGuimaraes_M.pdf: 1006389 bytes, checksum: 8016f0659ec60b1ef54c6aaf41fba177 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: A tecnologia de serviços Web possui algumas propriedades importantes para o desenvolvimento e a execução de aplicações distribuídas. Entretanto, ela ainda não oferece apoio para tratar as características não-funcionais dos serviços. Os consumidores de serviços Web podem requerer serviços com parâmetros de qualidade específicos e esperar garantias de níveis de qualidade. O objetivo desta dissertação é estender o modelo de serviços Web para apoiar a gerência de características não-funcionais para serviços Web. O modelo proposto inclui mediadores para auxiliar na descoberta de serviços de acordo com os requisitos funcionais e não-funcionais dos consumidores e monitores para verificar os atributos de qualidade. As principais contribuições desta dissertação são: a utilização do padrão Web Services Policy Framework (WS-Policy) para complementar as descrições de serviços Web Services Description Language (WSDL) com políticas para atributos de qualidade; uma extensão para o padrão Universal Description Discovery & Integration (UDDI) para a publicação e a descoberta de serviços Web incluindo características nãofuncionais; e o monitoramento e a atualização de características não-funcionais para refletir os atributos reais dos serviços / Abstract: Although the Web service technology allows the development and execution of distributed applications, it still lacks facilities to deal with Quality of Service (QoS). Consumers may require services with particular non-functional characteristics and expect quality level guarantees. The goal of this thesis is to propose an extended Web service architecture supporting QoS management for Web services. It includes brokers to facilitate service selection according to functional and non-functional requirements and monitors to verify QoS attributes. The main contributions of this approach are: the use of the Web Services Policy Framework (WS-Policy) standard to complement Web Services Description Language (WSDL) specifications with QoS policies; an extension to the Universal Description Discovery & Integration (UDDI) standard for QoS-enriched Web service publication and discovery; and QoS updating to reflect actual service attributes / Mestrado / Mestre em Ciência da Computação
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O texto digital como processo e a política como regime de enunciação : um estudo de mashups multimodais nas Jornadas de Junho / Digital text as process and politics as a regime of enunciation : a study of multimodal mashups in the June JourneysSachs, Rafael Salmazi, 1990- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo El Khouri Buzato / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T03:43:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Sachs_RafaelSalmazi_M.pdf: 10793959 bytes, checksum: 2d0fd06b73083ec060e8de59058173ea (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Esta dissertação teve como objetivo mais amplo gerar inteligibilidades acerca da relação entre a cultura digital e a ação política na contemporaneidade, a partir da articulação, no campo da Linguística Aplicada, entre a noção de linguagem digital como processo e o conceito de política como regime de enunciação, que objetiva traduzir em um os interesses de muitos. Como contexto para o estudo, escolheram-se os eventos das Jornadas de Junho de 2013, caracterizadas tanto pela emergência repentina de massivos protestos de rua no Brasil, quanto pela publicação, em sites de redes sociais, de uma grande quantidade de remixes e mashups contendo enunciados políticos a respeito. Compõem o corpus empírico da pesquisa 88 textos verbovisuais desse tipo, publicados no Facebook entre junho e julho de 2013. Entendidos como frutos de percursos de desmontagem e remontagem, e, portanto, de desressemiotização, esses textos foram analisados com base na articulação (proposta como objetivo teórico do trabalho) entre as categorias da Semiótica Social para a multimodalidade e as da Teoria Ator-Rede para translações. Como objetivo empírico, buscou-se descrever os significados representacionais e os percursos de constituição das montagens do corpus, em relação ao regime de enunciação da política. As perguntas de pesquisa foram duas, a saber: (1) quais foram os principais actantes mobilizados nos remixes estudados, e em que tipo de processos semióticos tais actantes apareceram com maior frequência?; e (2) quais foram algumas das operações de ressemiotização empregadas nas desreestabilizações sucessivas das diferentes versões de Brasil e realidade brasileira constituídas nesses textos? Os resultados elencaram as figurativizações mais comuns e os processos representacionais mais frequentes no corpus, em que os manifestantes, a nação brasileira, os políticos e a grande mídia foram os principais actantes representados, em geral, através de processos atributivos simbólicos. Destacou-se, nesse levantamento, a figura do gigante de pedra se levantando no Rio de Janeiro, empregada por muitos como representação unificada do Brasil e dos interesses múltiplos em atuação nas Jornadas. A partir dessa figura, descreveram-se ainda os processos de negociação de affordances para constituição de alguns dos textos analisados, e sua relação com as disputas pelo significado dos acontecimentos das Jornadas de Junho, e pela definição que era "ser brasileiro" no momento dos protestos. Como conclusão, os dados refletem a necessidade de buscar caminhos para compreensões menos deterministas da relação entre política, tecnologias digitais e sociedade, e modos de formação cidadã, no âmbito das mídias digitais, que viabilizem a compreensão de enunciados políticos como fruto de enredamentos semióticos sempre articulados em disputas de interesse, mesmo quando se pretendem neutros / Abstract: The main goal of the present study is to suggest ways of understanding the relation between digital culture and contemporary political action, based on the connection, drawn in the field of Applied Linguistics, between the notion of digital language as process and the concept of politics as a regime of enunciation which aims to translate the interests of many into one. The events of the June Journeys in 2013 were taken as context for the study, since they included not only the sudden emergence of massive protests on Brazilian streets, but also the publishing, on social network sites, of large amounts of remixes and mashups containing political statements on that regard. Seen as the outcomes of disassembling and assembling trajectories, and therefore, of deresemiotization trajectories, those texts were analyzed in the light of an articulation (also presented as a theoretical objective of this work) between Social Semiotics studies on multimodality and Actor-Network Theory principles for the understanding of translations. As empirical objectives, this work aimed to describe the representational meanings and the assembling trajectories of the texts in the corpus, in relation to the political regime of enunciation. The research questions were two: (1) what were the main actants mobilized in the remixes in the corpus, and in which kind of semiotic processes those actants appeared more often?; and (2) what were some of the resemiotization operations used for the continuous derestabilizations of different versions of Brazil and Brazilian reality represented in those texts? Results enroll the most frequent figurativizations and the most usual representational processes in the corpus, in which the demonstrators, Brazilian nation, politicians and mass media were the main actants, and were depicted, in general, through symbolic attributive processes. In that enrollment, the image of a stone giant rising in Rio de Janeiro was prominent, for it was used by many as a unified depiction of Brazil as a whole and of the multiple interests acting during the Journeys. From that picture, the results described the processes of negotiation of affordances for the composition of some of the analyzed texts, and their relation to the disputes for the meaning of the June Journeys events, and for what meant "to be Brazilian" then. As a conclusion, data reflects the need of pursuing less determinist ways of understanding the relation among politics, digital technologies and society, as well as the need for ways of citizenship education, regarding digital media, that address the understanding of political statements as outcomes of semiotic entanglements which are always connected to interests in dispute, even when allegedly neutral / Mestrado / Linguagem e Sociedade / Mestre em Linguística Aplicada
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Projekt finc: Ein Open Source Discovery System für sächsische HochschulbibliothekenLazarus, Jens, Muschall, Björn, Seige, Leander, Weiser, Evelyn 28 June 2012 (has links)
Kein roter Knopf wurde gedrückt, keine große Rede gehalten: einige Klicks, etwas Tastengeklapper und der neue Katalog der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig war online. Was am 21. März des Jahres gegen 12 Uhr so unspektakulär und doch nicht ohne Lampenfieber über die Bühne ging, hat inzwischen einige Beachtung gefunden. Es folgten kollegiale Glückwünsche und ein starkes Interesse aus vielen Bibliotheken, von denen die entfernteste sicher die Technical University Sydney ist. Für die Beteiligten aber am wichtigsten war ein weitgehend positives, manchmal geradezu begeistertes Feedback im Chat und im Blog durch die Nutzerinnen und Nutzer der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig. Die kritischen Hinweise kommen meist aus dem eigenen Haus: Der Katalog ist uns wichtig, wir wollen ihn noch besser machen!
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Neue virtuelle Angebote überzeugen Nutzer: Erfolgsgeschichte Städtische Bibliotheken DresdenNitzschner, Holger, Domes, Stefan, Hubert, Mireille, Ziegler, Elke 28 June 2012 (has links)
Seit Jahren überzeugen die Städtischen Bibliotheken Dresden mit hervorragenden Leistungen und neuen innovativen Angeboten und Projekten im Bildungsbereich und in der Leseförderung. Sie sind eine feste Größe in der Kulturlandschaft für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger der Stadt.
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The impact of modes of mediation on the web retrieval processPannu, M. January 2011 (has links)
This research is an integral part of the effort aimed at overcoming the limitations of the classic search engines. This thesis is concerned with the investigation of the impact of different modes of mediation on the web search process. Conceptually, it is divided into three main parts. The first part details the investigation of methods and mechanisms in user profile generation and in filtering search results. The second part deals with the presentation of an approach and its application in the development of a mediation framework between the user and the classic Web Search engines. This involved the integration of the explicit, implicit and hybrid modes of mediation within a content-based method, and was facilitated by the adoption of the Vector Space Model. The third part presents an extensive comparative evaluation of the impact of the different types of mediation systems on web search, in terms of precision, recall and F-measure. The thesis concludes by identifying the contribution of the research programme and the satisfaction of the stated objectives.
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Group Telemetry Analysis Using the World Wide WebKalibjian, Jeffrey R. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 28-31, 1996 / Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / Today it is not uncommon to have large contractor teams involved in the design and
deployment of even small satellite systems. The larger (and more geographically remote)
the team members, the more difficult it becomes to efficiently manage the disbursement of
telemetry data for evaluation and analysis. Further complications are introduced if some of
the telemetry data is sensitive. An application is described which can facilitate telemetry
data sharing utilizing the National Information Infrastructure (Internet).
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Critical analysis of conversion methods between different XML dialectsRoellinghoff, Manuel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Extensible Markup Language (XML) has become the language of choice for any
kind of data transfer between different business entities. Technologies based on XML
like the Extensible Stylesheet Language, the Extensible Linking Language and SOAP
add vital functionality and make the use of XML in many different business
application scenarios possible.
Companies that start employing XML as their format of choice for data exchange are
often faced with the problem of different XML dialects within their company or with
their business partners. This research project looks at the different solutions that are
available for this problem and evaluates their appropriateness for certain scenarios.
The first viable solution is employing the Extensible Stylesheet Language which
allows for basic transformation on the basis of stylesheets. Companies that use this
technology for simple conversion problems can either develop applications
themselves or rely on tools from third-party vendors. For more advanced conversion
needs a more flexible solution is appropriate. Custom made conversion frameworks
developed by using a fourth generation programming language like Java offer the
advantages of scalability by connecting more than one communication partner,
platform-independency and a high degree of flexibility. Another option that will payoff in the future is the adherence to one of the developing
industry XML standards. Such standards are mostly still in the development phase
and have not been adopted widely yet. But once it becomes clear which standards
are going to survive for each industry the adoption of such a standard will eliminate
the need for any customised conversion and facilitate data exchange between
business partners that adhere to the same standard.
In general it is recommended to research existing XML standards before developing
a proprietary one. When a proprietary format already exists the choice of the
conversion tools and methods depends on the complexity of the transformation.
Simple transformation needs can be solved by employing the XSLT technology while
more advanced needs require the development of a customised conversion
framework. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Extensible Markup Language (XML) het die taal van keuse geword vir enige
soort van data oordraging tussen verskillende bedryfsentiteite. Tegnologie gebaseer
op XML soos die Extensible Stylesheet Language, die Extensible Linking Language
en Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) dra by tot betekenisvolle
waardetoevoeging en maak die gebruik van XML in 'n groot verskeidenheid van
besigheidstoepassings scenarios moontlik.
Ondernemings wat XML as hul formaat van keuse vir data oordraging meer en meer
begin gebruik, word dikwels met die probleem van verskillende XML dialekte intern
tot hul onderneming sowel as ekstern tot hul sakevennote, gekonfronteer. Hierdie
studie ontleed die verskillende oplossings wat beskikbaar is vir die probleem en
evalueer dan die toepaslikheid vir sekere scenarios.
Die eerste uitvoerbare oplossing is die gebruik van die Extensible Stylesheet
Language wat toelaat vir basiese transformasie op die grondslag van stylblaaie.
Ondernemings wat hierdie tegnologie vir eenvoudige omsettingsprobleme wil gebruik
kan óf self toepassings ontwikkel of staatmaak op gereedskap vanaf derde party
Vir meer gevorderde omsettingsbehoeftes is 'n meer buigsame oplossing geskik.
Doelgemaakte omskakelingsraamwerke wat ontwikkel word deur gebruik te maak van 'n vierde generasie programmeringstaal soos JAVA bied die voordele van
skalering deur meer as een kommunikasievennoot te konnekteer,
platform onafhanklikheid en 'n hoë graad van buigsaamheid.
Nog 'n opsie wat rendement in die toekoms kan lewer is om te bly by een van die
ontwikkelende industrie XML standaarde. Sulke standaarde is meesal nog in die
ontwikkelingsfase en word nog nie tot nou algemeen aanvaar nie. As dit egter begin
duidelik word watter standaarde gaan oorleef vir elke industrie sal die aanvaarding
van sulke standaarde die nodigheid vir doelgemaakte omskakeling elimineer en sal
dit data uitruiling tussen sakevennote wat hou by dieselfde standaarde bevorder.
In die algemeen word dit aanbeveel dat bestaande XML standaarde goed nagevors
word alvorens 'n alleenreg een ontwikkel word. Wanneer 'n alleenregformaat alreeds
bestaan sal die keuse van transformasiegereedskap en metodes afhang van die
kompleksiteit van die transformasie. Eenvoudige transformeerde behoeftes kan
bevredig word deur die XSLT tegnologie te gebruik, terwyl meer gevorderde
behoeftes die ontwikkeling van 'n doelgemaakte omskakelingraamwerk sal benodig.
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Πολιτισμικοί αλγόριθμοι : Εφαρμογή στην ανάλυση της ελληνικότητας του παγκόσμιου ιστούΚατσικούλη, Παναγιώτα 12 October 2013 (has links)
Οι πολιτισμικοί αλγόριθμοι είναι εξελικτικοί αλγόριθμοι εμπνευσμένοι από την κοινωνική εξέλιξη. Περιλαμβάνουν ένα χώρο πεποιθήσεων, ένα πληθυσμό και ένα πρωτόκολλο επικοινωνίας που περιέχει συναρτήσεις που επιτρέπουν την ανταλλαγή γνώσης μεταξύ του πληθυσμού και του χώρου πεποιθήσεων. Στην παρούσα εργασία οι πολιτισμικοί αλγόριθμοι χρησιμοποιούνται για την ανάλυση της ελληνικότητας του παγκόσμιου ιστού. Είναι γνωστό πως η ελληνική γλώσσα αποτελεί πηγή άντλησης πληθώρας λέξεων για τα λεξιλόγια πολλών γλωσσών. Ο παγκόσμιος ιστός αποτελεί πλέον κλαθολικό μέσο επικοινωνίας, χώρο διακίνησης τεράστιου όγκου πληροφορίας και δεδομένων και σύγχρονο μέσο οικονομικής, πολιτικής και κοινωνικής δραστηριοποίησης. Με άλλα λόγια, ο παγκόσμιος ιστός αποτελεί σήμερα το χώρο εκείνο όπου η επίδραση του πολιτισμού, μέσω της γλώσσας, είναι εμφανής στα διάφορα κείμενα που φιλοξενούνται σε αυτόν. Η παρούσα διπλωματικής επιχειρεί να "μετρήσει" το ποσοστό των λέξεων με ελληνική προέλευση που χρησιμοποιούνται στα κάθε είδους κείμενα που εμφανίζονται στις ιστοσελίδες του παγκόσμιου ιστου. Στόχος της εργασίας είναι η διερεύνηση του κατά πόσον είναι εφικτός ο σχεδιασμός κατάλληλου μοντέλου και αντίστοιχων αλγορίθμων που θα επιτρέψουν να εκτιμηθεί η "ελληνικότητα" του παγκόσμιου ιστού. Η μεθοδολογία προσέγγισης του θέματος περιλαμβάνει το σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση ενός πολιτισμικού αλγορίθμου και χρήση του περιβάλλοντος προγραμματισμού Python για σχεδιασμό και υλοποίηση κατάλληλης εφαρμογής και για πειραματικό έλεγχο. / Cultural Algorithms are Evolutionary Αlgorithms inspired from societal evolution. They involve a belief space, a population space and a communication protocol which provides functions that enable exchange of knowledge between population and belief space. In this thesis cultural algorithms are used in order to analyze how greek the web is. It is commonly known that the greek language is the source of a plethora of words for other languages' dictionaries. The World Wide Web is, nowadays, a universal means of communication, a place where huge amounts of information and data are transmitted and a modern means of economical, political and social activity. In other words, the world wide web has emerged as a new kind of society. As such, it
has become the place where any culture's in
uence, throuh their language, is obvious in hosted texts. This thesis attempts to "count" the percentage of words with greek origin used in web hosted texts of any kind. The main objective is to investigate whether it is possible to design a proper model and corresponding algorithms that allow to evaluate how greek the web is. The methodology followed in this approach consists of the design and implementation of a Cultural Algorithm and of the use of the programming language Python for designing and implementing a proper application and for experimental evaluation.
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A strategic architecture and its role in enhancing the performance of commercial web-enabled enterprisesMansfield, Glen Martin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / In the economic paradigm of the previous century a well-crafted strategy delivered successful
competitive advantage. This research questions whether, with the advent of the internet and
its networked economy, this premise remains valid. In the past, technological shocks such as
the telephone, railroads and electricity changed the way markets worked. Noting this, some
astute practitioners developed effective patterns of competitive behaviour and achieved results
of lasting value. The internet has precipitated a similar disturbance and may be consigned to a
matching destiny. Today’s internet pioneers are the electronic businesses competing at the
frontiers of strategy by learning, innovating and doing. This study, conducted at the early,
emergent phase of the internet, endeavours to determine the strategy characteristics of winning
firms. Once the competitive advantages accruing to online businesses through the deployment
of internet technologies disappear, all business will inevitably find itself in the networked
economy - the findings of this work may prove of timeous benefit to such as these.
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