Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then lives experience"" "subject:"them lives experience""
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The meaning of living with pain of fibromyalgia type as narrated by affected men, their partners, nurses and physiciansPaulson, Margareta January 2002 (has links)
<p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2002</p> / digitalisering@umu
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Negotiating individual and collective narratives in a contested urban space : an investigation of storytelling dynamics in contemporary BradfordRohse, Melanie C. C. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the dynamics of narrative production and contestation within individuals’ stories and the collective stories of the communities in which they live. The research is focused on trying to understand the relationship between public stories constructed about place and community, and the stories told by the inhabitants of those places. A case study in the city of Bradford provides a focus for inquiry. A qualitative research design is utilised, combining theory with primary data collection and analysis. A narrative analysis of national, academic and local stories about Bradford is used to disaggregate collective narratives of the city and explore the relationship between popular, political and academic discourses. It provides a context for the analysis of in-depth interviews with a range of inhabitants from a selected geographic area within Bradford, centred on how their individual stories relate to the identified collective stories of Bradford. Analysis of the fieldwork data shows that individuals are often engaged in complex negotiations of public discourse in ways that may reinforce and contest existing stories, but also complement them with parallel stories that neither reinforce nor contest but construct a different narrative. It reveals and reflects on apparent contradictions within everyday storytelling, for example, how nostalgia can be displayed about harsh times of socio-economic decline, or how attitudes to change over time can be variably positive and negative depending both on the speakers’ positioning of themselves and of the interviewer, and the speakers’ purpose in the interaction.
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Från kurativt till palliativt vårdande : Patientens upplevelse av transitionen / From curative to palliative care : Patients` experiences of the transitionHanna, Horn, Camilla, Johansson January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Då en patient får en diagnos eller sjukdom kan vården vara inriktad på kuration eller palliation. Vård med kurativ inriktning syftar till att bota sjukdom medan palliativ vård syftar till att lindra genom stödjande åtgärder. Att genomgå en transition är något som påverkar människans alla dimensioner. En av sjuksköterskans uppgifter är att stödja patienten genom transitioner, för att kunna göra det krävs en förtroendefull relation mellan patient och sjuksköterska. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa patienters upplevelser av transitionen från kurativ till palliativ vård. Metod: Metoden som använts är en litteraturöversikt som syftar till att skapa en överblick över det valda kunskapsområdet. Resultatet har författarna skapat av tio kvalitativa originalartiklar som identifierades i databaserna: Cinahl Complete, Pubmed och Medline. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra huvudteman och tre subteman. Med det första temat “Vårdrelationen” och subtemana “Behovet av att få information” och “Stödet från sjuksköterskan” beskrivs patienters upplevelser av att få information och att bli introducerad till palliativ vård och upplevelsen av stödet från vårdpersonalen. Det andra temat “Från att vara självständig till att bli beroende” skildrar patienters upplevelse av förändrade och en rädsla för att bli en börda för någon annan: Det senare framgår av subtemat ”Rädslan för att bli en börda för andra”. Det tredje temat “Tankar om framtiden” handlar om patienters upplevelser och tankar om framtiden vid transitionen från kurativ till palliativ vård. Det fjärde temat “Upplevelser av att anpassa sig till sin nya situation” beskriver patienters upplevelse av att försöka anpassa sig till sin nya situation. Diskussion: Utifrån Meleis transitionsteori diskuterades resultatet som var relaterat till patienternas upplevelse av transitionen från kurativ till palliativ vård. Att få information har varit viktigt för patienterna i denna transition, något som även transitionsteorin bekräftar. I diskussionen lyfte författarna även problematiken kring rollförändringar och upplevelsen av hopp. / Background: When a patient receives a diagnosis or contracts a disease, treatment can be focused on curation or palliation. Care with a curative orientation aims to cure the disease, whilst palliative care aims to relieve through supportive measures. Undergoing a transition affects all human dimensions. One of the nurse's tasks is to support the patient through transitions, doing so requires a trusting relationship between patient and nurse. Aim: The aim was to highlight patients´ experiences through the transition from curative to palliative care. Method: The method used was a literature review that aims to create an overview of the chosen field of knowledge. The authors created the result using ten original articles from the databases: Cinahl Complete, PubMed and Medline. Results: The result of the literature overview shows four main themes and four subthemes. The first theme "The nursing relationship" has two subthemes "The need to get information" and "The patients´ experience of the support from the nurse" describes patients´ experience of getting information and introduction to palliative care and the experience of the support from the nurse. The second theme "From independent to dependent" portrays patients' experience of changing roles and a fear of becoming a burden to someone else with one subtheme "The fear of being a burden to someone else". The third theme "Thoughts on the Future" is about patients' experiences and thoughts about the future during the transition from curative to palliative care. The fourth theme "Experiences of adapting to their new situation," describes patients' experiences of trying to adapt to their new situation. Discussion: Based on Meleis transition theory the results were discussed and related to the patient's experience of the transition from curative to palliative care. Getting the information has been important for the patients in this transition, which also confirms by the transition theory. The authors highlighted the problem of role changes and the experience of hope in the discussion.
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Sorg, mening og rom for handling : - en kvalitativ studie av studenters sorgerfaringerVegge, Einar January 2007 (has links)
<p>Studien undersøker studenters sorgerfaringer som fenomen. Den fokuserer levd erfaring i handlingsperspektiv og meningsperspektiv. Innledningsvis redegjøres det for foreliggende forskning om sorgerfaring. Deretter introduseres teoretiske perspektiv som anvendes i studien. Ut fra respondentenes erfaring analyseres de rom for handling og meningsdannelse som finnes på studiestedene.</p><p>Studiens formål er å utvikle dypere forståelse for hva det innebærer i studenters daglige liv å erfare sorg. Studien anvender en hermeneutisk-fenomenologisk metode, inspirert av van Manen. Datainnsamlingen ble gjennomført ved semistrukturerte forskningsintervjuer med seks respondenter, to intervjusamtaler med hver med +/- fire måneders mellomrom. I intervjuingen er det lagt vekt på meningsfortetning og tolkning i samtalene. Respondentene er tre kvinner og tre menn mellom 22 og 30 år, alle studenter som har mistet foreldre eller søsken ved dødsfall. De avdøde var fra 25-60 år, relasjon til respondenter: Tre fedre, en mor og to brødre.</p><p>Databearbeidingen har foregått ved lytting og gjenlytting, skriving og analysering av lydfiler og transkriberte tekster fra forskningsintervjuene. I prosessen er det analysert fram betydningsbærende elementer fra studentenes fortellinger som så er forsøkt rekontekstualisert i møte med teoretiske perspektiv. Framstillingen sikter mot å formidle en kunnskap som er kongruent med sorgerfaringen som fenomen.</p><p>Resultatet presenteres først som seks fortellinger som formidler noe vesentlig ved sorgerfaringen og skaper resonans. Deretter presenteres åtte tema som har utkrystallisert seg gjennom analysen: Å være merket (1), Sårbarhet (2), Fravær (3), "Det som har skjedd, er en del av meg" (4), Å føre noe videre (5), Dødsfall kan komplisere nære relasjoner (6), Lengsel etter den reine sorgen (7), Å holde kontakt (8). For det tredje redegjøres det for studentenes opplevde rom for handling. Til sist utvikles meningstolkning i dialog mellom studenters sorgerfaring, slik den er analysert fram i studien, nyere sorgforskning og teoretiske perspektiv. Fortellingens rolle som grunnlag for mening og konstruktiv handling viser seg avgjørende.</p>
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Teacher self-location, experience and perceptions of influence on the retention of Aboriginal social work students enrolled in social work educationDustan Selinger, Linda 12 September 2016 (has links)
The voices of eleven Aboriginal and ten non-Aboriginal adult social work educators who volunteered to participate in this qualitative research study represent a diverse range of practice and teaching experiences. Participants with experience teaching social work courses that included the enrollment of Aboriginal students were interviewed to gain knowledge about their self-location, lived experiences, their insight, and their perceptions of the ways in which they have and continue to support and influence the retention of Aboriginal post-secondary students. This study utilized phenomenology as a philosophical approach. The interview process was guided by a phenomenological investigation to identify and explore themes that emerged from the data. The major findings of the study revealed the the many facets to the social work educator-student relationship. The major findings of the study revealed the ways social work educators with experience teaching Aboriginal social work students from northern and remote communities, are involved in providing personal and academic support. Examples of the support provided includes the daily maintenance of an open door policy, reaching out and providing offers of help to students, and assuming roles as advocates, resource brokers, mentors, advisors and counsellors. / October 2016
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La signification de l'expérience de la sexualité de femmes québécoises au mitan de la vie, atteintes d'un cancer du col utérin traité par radiothérapie et chimiothérapieBilodeau, Karine January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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"Racism, we gotta deal with it": experiences of African American graduate students at a predominately white universityIngram, Jurdene Arlette January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Marriage and Family Therapy / Joyce Baptist / Universities around the country are consistently focusing on increasing diversity among the student population, yet little is known about how minority graduate student populations fair academically and personally in predominately White institutions, specifically African American graduate students. This qualitative study examines the lived experiences of six African American graduate students. Participants were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide on their experiences in a predominately White graduate program. The findings support previous research that indicates that social conditions have not changed and minority students are still not well integrated into their programs. Findings also suggest that although Berry’s (1987) model of acculturation can be used to conceptualize the experience of African American undergraduate students, the experience of graduate students is more complex, and only partially supported by this model. Suggestions for how universities can better improve the environment for African American graduate students are included.
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The health and wellbeing of female street sex workersElliott, Nalishebo Kay Gaskell January 2017 (has links)
Previous research on female street sex workers (FSSWs) has primarily concentrated on the stigmatisation of women's involvement in the sex industry particularly with reference to the spread of HIV/AIDS. The response of the criminal justice system to the regulation of the illegal aspects of women's engagement in street sex work has also been criticised. However, the impact of street sex work on the health and wellbeing of these women requires further research. The aim of this study was to explore the perceptions and needs of female street sex workers in relation to their own health and wellbeing. The study used a qualitative mixed methods approach that included analysis of three sets of data: visual data, secondary data and primary data. There were 10 FSSWs recruited for the primary data sample. The epistemological position underpinning this study is social constructivism and a feminist paradigm has informed the conduct of the research process and data analysis. The theoretical application of Bourdieu's framework of habitus, capital and field has provided the lens through which to explore the socially constructed experiences of FSSWs health and wellbeing. Findings from this study revealed that FSSWs experienced poor physical, mental and social health and wellbeing. They faced limited life choices and often felt discriminated against by the agencies and institutions that should have offered support. The women spoke of their personal histories especially traumatic life events in childhood consisting of sexual abuse, neglect, loss, rejection as well as intimate partner violence in adult life. The loss of their children to social services, housing difficulties and addiction to alcohol and crack cocaine were also significant in contributing to social exclusion and their multiple positions of vulnerability. This study contributes to the body of work on women's health and wellbeing. In particular, it adds to our understanding of the lived experiences of women involved in street sex work. A key public health priority should be the development of policies and systems to provide quality services to support the health, safety and wellbeing of FSSWs.
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Att leva med radikal prostatektomi : Mäns upplevelserSchnell, Josefin, Thenberg, Karin January 2008 (has links)
Cancer i prostatan upptäcks hos allt fler svenska män. En behandlingsform är operation, så kallad radikal prostatektomi, vilket betyder att man tar bort hela prostatakörteln. Operationen har dock en stor nackdel, nämligen att den ofta gör männen både impotenta och urininkontinenta. Syftet är därför att beskriva män som drabbats av prostatacancer och genomgått radikal prostatektomi, samt drabbats av biverkningarna impotens och/eller urininkontinens, upplever och hanterar sin förändrade livssituation Studien använder sig av metoden analys av kvalitativa artiklar vilket innebär att djupare analysera artiklar som belyser männens upplevelser. Artiklarna söktes fram i databaser och granskas med tanke på innehåll och kvalité. När alla artiklar lästs grundligt flera gånger i sin helhet undersöktes sedan delarna. Därefter plockades meningsinnebörderna ut och placerades under rubriker som stämde in på budskapet. Till slut formades en text som byggde på artiklarnas resultat och som understöddes med citat. Resultatet samlades under fem huvudteman som växte fram under arbetets gång: Upplevelser av hur impotens förändrar livet, Att leva med urininkontinens, En förändrad syn på sig själv och sin manlighet, Upplevelser av otrygghet och Upplevelser av brist på information. Det handlade mycket om just hur de kände att de hade blivit ofrivilligt förändrade och fått en ny syn på sig själva och sin manlighet. / <p>Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: C</p>
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Exploring dialogic teaching with middle and secondary English language arts teachers : a reflexive phenomenologySulzer, Mark Andrew 01 July 2015 (has links)
The ways in which teachers and students speak to each other in middle and secondary English language arts classrooms is integral to the type of learning that occurs there. Ways of engaging in “classroom talk” can be characterized as teacher-centered or student-centered. Teacher-centered classroom talk typically unfolds as a sequence of three steps – a teacher asks a question with a predetermined answer, a student responds, and the teacher evaluates the response. In contrast, student-centered classroom talk is engaging, collaborative, and reciprocal – in these scenarios, teachers and students both ask questions that have multiple answers, students talk to other students, and the discussions grow organically. Working with students in the student-centered way is called dialogic teaching, and while we know dialogic teaching is beneficial to student learning, we also know engaging in this type of teaching is fraught with difficulties. This study sought to explore these difficulties by examining the lived experience of dialogic teaching through the perspectives of six middle and secondary English language arts teachers. The study offers portraits of each teacher’s respective experiences as well as themes that cut across all the teachers’ experiences. Insights are offered about dialogic teaching in terms of lesson planning and attitudes toward students; these insights are termed dialogic by design and dialogic by disposition, respectively.
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