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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Role of Aspirations in Collective Action and Labor Markets

Martini, Christina Andrea 11 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Do Public-Good Oriented Courses In Independent Schools Nurture The Development Of 21st Century Skills In High School Students?

Nissan, Luana G. 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Education is among the industries shifting today to answer evolving global needs and opportunities. Influential organizations and thought leaders are calling for reimagining of teaching and learning. To prepare students for college and professions, an increasing number of K-12 independent schools are beginning to focus on deep learning experiences and building key “21st century skills” and competencies. These schools are also interested in their public purpose both as institutional citizens of their local communities and to connect their students to local and global communities. These connections provide students with an authentic context for application of learning and for community contribution. There is also now an opportunity to coordinate curricular goals with developmental goals related to students’ social-emotional growth and social responsibility. This study used online surveys taken by students and their teachers to explore whether high school courses with public good themes and experiences in independent schools nurture the development of 21st century skills in students. The eight skills studied were: Critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity and innovation, self-direction, global connections, local connections, and the use of technology. The skills were measured through frequency ratings of forty-eight classroom practices. Findings show that both students and teachers believe these courses do nurture each skill – some with greater emphasis. Students reported critical thinking, communication, self-direction and making local connections as the skills most learned in their courses, while teachers reported that students most learned these same skills with the addition of collaboration. Teachers use a number of practices in the classroom to develop 21st century skills and most students found the practices relevant to their course.

Faculty and the engaged institution: Toward understanding motivators and deterrents for fostering engagement

Wade, Amy M. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

How Does Ego Depletion Affect Moral Judgments and Pro-social Decisions? / Hur påverkar mental utmattning moraliska bedömningar och prosociala beslut?

Lemoine, Ida, Fredin, Peter January 2013 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Today’s societal changes, including high rate of change and increasing information flows, are increasing the demand on the individual mental capacity. It becomes increasingly difficult to analytically process all the different dilemmas and everyday decisions as individuals have a limited mental capacity available to make these decisions. Thus, it has been suggested that ego-depleted relies more heavily on intuition, which is less burdensome, when making decision. However little is known about to what extent intuitive decisions differ from analytic. Are ego-depleted individuals more or less likely to maximize outcome in moral dilemmas involving conflicting values? Do ego depleted individuals become more or less willing to cooperate? Do ego depleted individuals become more or less altruistic? Is our intuition more or less in accordance with Homo Economicus?AIM: Starting from a Dual Process perspective on decision-making the aim of this study is to examine how ego depletion affects moral judgment and pro-social decisions.METHOD: A laboratory experiment involving 115 subjects, using real monetary incentives, was conducted among students at Linköping University. Subjects were randomized into one of two treatments. Everything was identical across treatments except for the initial ego-depletion manipulation. Using a standard paradigm for ego-depletion subjects in treatment 1 were put under high cognitive load while subjects in treatment two were put under low cognitive load. Subjects faced 16 questions divided into four different decision tasks: Moral dilemmas, Public Goods game, two types of Dictator Game where the type of sacrifice subjects could make in order to contribute money to charity was varied.RESULTS: Subjects in the high cognitive load treatment made fewer consequentialists moral judgments compared to other subjects (p = 0.075). The effect is especially strong when looking only at high-conflict dilemmas such as Crying Baby. No difference between treatments was found for the public goods games. In the dictator game involving monetary sacrifice subjects donated less money to charity when put under high cognitive load. However the finding was not significant (p = 0.292). No difference was found in the dictator game involving effort as personal sacrifice since almost everyone chooses to donate to charity.CONCLUSION: According to The Dual Process perspective this essay shows that intuitive thinking does not evidently lead to that they makes decision that more or less is in accordance with Homo Economicus. The connection between ego depletion and pro-social decisions is more complex. Further research needs to investigate which different mental shortcuts that individuals uses in various types of pro-social decisions and why intuitive and analytical decision-making differ between different decisions. Further research within the area can identify potential mechanisms and policies that can support individuals’ capacity to make decisions in accordance with their own and society’s preferences.

Teams contribute more and punish less

Auerswald, Heike, Schmidt, Carsten, Thum, Marcel, Torsvik, Gaute 29 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Challenges in global politics like climate change, maritime piracy and fighting highly contagious diseases concern global public goods. The related policy decisions are mostly made by teams. In contrast, economic models of global public goods typically assume a single rational decision-maker. We use a laboratory experiment to compare team decisions to decisions of individuals in a finitely repeated public good game with and without a costly punishment option. Teams of three participants coordinate on decisions either by majority or unanimity rule. We find that in absence of a punishment option teams contribute more to the public good than individuals. With a punishment option subsequently to the contribution decision team treatments exhibit a less frequent use of anti-social punishment and lower levels of social as well as anti-social punishment. Extreme preferences for punishment are eliminated by the majority decision rule. Overall, team decisions are closer to the social optimum and teams yield higher net payoffs when compared to individuals.

Empreendedorismo Político e Relações Internacionais / Political Entrepreneurship and International Relations

Sarmento Junior, Carlos Adolfo Schmidt 18 October 2012 (has links)
O artigo desenvolve o conceito de \'Empreendedor Político\' de Russell Hardin (1982), a partir da abordagem da Escolha Racional e da Teoria do Bem Público. Originalmente aplicado à Ciência Política, o objetivo é transformá-lo em um instrumento de análise para a avaliação do desempenho da ação de Estados nas Relações Internacionais. Para isso, o artigo lança mão da taxonomia de Soares de Lima (1990) para designar o comportamento \'empreendedor\' de países emergentes, e assim qualificar o desempenho do Brasil como empreendedor político em dois estudos de caso que serão objeto de consideração no artigo empírico. / The article develops the concept of \'Political Entrepreneur\' of Russell Hardin (1982), from the approach of the Rational Choice and of the Theory of the Public Good. Originally applied to the Political Science, the objective is transforming the concept in an instrument of analysis for the evaluation about the performance of States in the International Relations. For that, the article utilizes of the taxonomy of Soares de Lima (1990) for assessing the behavior of developing countries, and qualifies the performance of Brazil as \'entrepreneur\' in two case studies that will be object of consideration in the coming empirical article.

Mécanismes de Marché et Évaluation des Biens Publics Environnementaux

Dragicevic, Arnaud 04 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Nous abordons dans un premier chapitre la question de l'équivalence entre le CAP et le CAR. La disparité entre les deux indices a de profondes conséquences sur les prises de décision environnementales. Si la disparité était au départ associée aux carences de la méthode de mise en œuvre des enquêtes, les racines du problème s'avèrent être sensiblement plus profondes. Eu égard à l'évaluation des biens publics, nous pensons que la disparité est due à la substituabilité imparfaite entre les biens privés et publiques, ainsi qu'en raison de perceptions différenciées des agents économiques entre gains et pertes. C'est à cette problématique que le premier chapitre se consacre. Ainsi, le Chapitre 1 traite de la disparité entre les indices CAP et CAR dans l'évaluation hors-marché. Dans la littérature, l'effet de substitution et l'effet de dotation sont tenus responsables de l'existence des disparités. Nous montrons que la substituabilité imparfaite dans la fonction d'utilité indirecte peut provoquer la disparité soit entre le CAP et le CAR - en raison du coût d'opportunité -, soit entre les gains et les pertes, où il s'agit d'évaluer une perte sèche. La mesure en termes relatifs accentue la substituabilité imparfaite, mais l'effet de substitution est borné dans le modèle d'aversion aux pertes. Ce premier chapitre prépare le terrain pour le Chapitre 2, où nous évaluons un vrai bien public dans un contexte d'enchères expérimentales. Les offres d'achat et de vente reflètent le CAP et le CAR, d'où leur importance. L'effet de dotation et le choix du meilleur mécanisme d'enchères y sont examinés. Les études en enchères expérimentales jusqu'ici menées ont porté sur des biens privés non marchands ; elles sont supposées divulguer ce qui se passerait en présence de biens publics, car il est a priori difficile d'envisager une expérience où le bien public est échangé. Nous y parvenons. Nous n'employons pas de valeurs induites mais laissons libre cours aux valeurs autoproduites par les sujets d'étude recrutés pour l'occasion. L'étude nous permet de vérifier si, sur des marchés simulés, bien privé non marchand et bien public sont évalués de manière identique. Ainsi, nous évaluons l'impact de trois mécanismes d'enchère - le mécanisme Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM), l'enchère au deuxième prix, et l'enchère aléatoire au nième prix - dans l'évaluation des CAP et CAR privés d'un bien public pur. Nos résultats montrent que l'effet de dotation peut être éliminé en répétant le mécanisme BDM. Néanmoins, à l'échelle logarithmique, l'enchère aléatoire au nième prix donne la vitesse de convergence vers l'égalité des indices de bien-être la plus élevée. Plus généralement, nous observons que les sujets d'étude évaluent les biens publics en se référant à l'avantage privé et subjectif qui résulte du financement du bien public. Par la suite, le Chapitre 3 discute de la sincérité des préférences en enchères expérimentales répétées et traite des propriétés incitatives des mécanismes BDM et l'enchère aléatoire au nième prix. Une propriété des mécanismes d'enchères est la compatibilité avec les incitations, dans laquelle un offreur a une stratégie faiblement dominante de soumettre une offre égale à sa valeur. Il a été prouvé que les deux mécanismes sont compatibles avec les incitations. En évaluation, on répète des sessions d'enchères pour donner aux offreurs l'opportunité d'apprendre le mécanisme de marché : leur donner du temps pour révéler leurs préférences. Or, ce procédé les contre-incite à adapter leurs préférences en fonction des prix publiquement signalés, si bien qu'il crée un risque de licitation stratégique (par opposition aux offres sincères). Si les offreurs s'engagent dans des stratégies déviantes pour faire face à l'incertitude sur la valeur du bien public, les mécanismes d'enchères perdent leur propriété de compatibilité avec les incitations et révèlent de fausses préférences. Lorsque les prix dépendent des offres soumises, c'est-à-dire en présence de mécanismes de marché répétés avec prix de compensation endogènes, l'hypothèse de l'indépendance des valeurs privées - sous-jacente à la compatibilité avec les incitations - est remise en question ; même si ce type de mécanismes fournit une participation active et un apprentissage du marché. Dans sa vision orthodoxe, le comportement marchand d'adaptation met en péril la compatibilité avec les incitations. Nous introduisons un modèle qui montre que les enchérisseurs licitent suivant l'heuristique d'ancrage et d'ajustement, dépendante d'une fonction de pondération séquentielle, laquelle prend en compte les contraintes de compatibilité avec les incitations sans rejeter les prix signalés issus des autres offres. En déviant de leur ancrage dans le sens du signal public, les enchérisseurs opèrent dans un équilibre corrélé. Comme le prouve l'expérience du Chapitre 2, les contributions privées aux biens publics sont issues d'une démarche d'évaluation. Elles sont conduites aussi bien par des incitations asociales que sociales. Si l'offre privée du bien public est stimulée à la fois par une rationalité qui dicte de ne pas contribuer au bien public et de profiter de l'effort fourni par la collectivité, et par l'appétit pour la reconnaissance sociale qui incite à se faire publiquement connaître en tant que généreux donateur, laquelle des deux motivations domine ? Le Chapitre 4 fait ainsi la comparaison entre déculpabilisation et compétition pour le statut social dans la provision privée des biens publics. Lorsque les agents sont intrinsèquement impulsés, c'est-à-dire qu'ils contribuent essentiellement aux biens publics dans le but de soulager leur culpabilité d'avoir indirectement participé à leur dégradation, ils tendent à se comporter en passagers clandestins. En revanche, lorsque les agents sont extrinsèquement impulsés et se mettent en compétition pour atteindre du statut social qu'ils visent par le financement des biens publics à titre privé, leurs contributions deviennent des compléments stratégiques. Dans ce cas, le niveau agrégé des biens publics croît avec la réduction des écarts de revenus entre les agents. Injecter de la compétition pour le statut social dans des fonctions d'utilité augmente les contributions aux biens publics, et donc leur niveau global, faisant de la concurrence une incitation féconde pour résoudre le problème du passager clandestin.

Designing incentive mechanisms for sustainable land management: evidence from Indonesia

Vorlaufer, Miriam 12 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America, A Case Study on a Higher Education Partnership for Social Justice Education

Haydel, Nia Woods 12 February 2008 (has links)
The social purpose of American higher education is a question that has frequently surfaced. The Atlanta showing of the Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography In America Exhibit provided a unique opportunity for an institution of higher education, a government agency, and private citizens to collaborate on a reconciliatory project related to the social justice issue of lynching. The role of higher education has varied over the course of history, but the foundation for this study was laid when higher education institutions first developed an interconnectedness with the communities in which they resided, with higher education serving in a key capacity in the development and training of community leaders. This case study was designed to examine how Emory University, a private, prestigious, Southern research university, collaborated with external entities to provide educational opportunities for members of the Atlanta community to engage in discourse related to the lynchings that occurred in the United States from the 1870s to the 1960s. The case study method allowed for the exploration of complex social conditions from multidimensional perspectives. Interviews of individuals involved with the Exhibit and Emory University as well as document analysis were used to investigate the problem. The partnership was examined through a social justice framework, allowing for a full examination of the process and the outcome of the partnership in relation to the treatment of the subject matter. As a result of this study, a greater understanding of the role institutions of higher education can have in reconciliatory acts related to racial oppression and social injustice is provided.

Empreendedorismo Político e Relações Internacionais / Political Entrepreneurship and International Relations

Carlos Adolfo Schmidt Sarmento Junior 18 October 2012 (has links)
O artigo desenvolve o conceito de \'Empreendedor Político\' de Russell Hardin (1982), a partir da abordagem da Escolha Racional e da Teoria do Bem Público. Originalmente aplicado à Ciência Política, o objetivo é transformá-lo em um instrumento de análise para a avaliação do desempenho da ação de Estados nas Relações Internacionais. Para isso, o artigo lança mão da taxonomia de Soares de Lima (1990) para designar o comportamento \'empreendedor\' de países emergentes, e assim qualificar o desempenho do Brasil como empreendedor político em dois estudos de caso que serão objeto de consideração no artigo empírico. / The article develops the concept of \'Political Entrepreneur\' of Russell Hardin (1982), from the approach of the Rational Choice and of the Theory of the Public Good. Originally applied to the Political Science, the objective is transforming the concept in an instrument of analysis for the evaluation about the performance of States in the International Relations. For that, the article utilizes of the taxonomy of Soares de Lima (1990) for assessing the behavior of developing countries, and qualifies the performance of Brazil as \'entrepreneur\' in two case studies that will be object of consideration in the coming empirical article.

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