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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“En klapp på rumpan istället för en klapp på axeln” : En enkätstudie om arbetstagares upplevelser av sexuella trakasserier inom hotell- och restaurangbranschen

Johansson, Amanda, Bäckström, Jessica January 2021 (has links)
I Sverige är hotell- och restaurangbranschen den bransch där flest anställda utsätts för sexuella trakasserier på arbetsplatsen, där en sexistisk och hård jargong är en betydande faktor. Studiens övergripande syfte är att undersöka hur arbetstagare inom branschen upplever sexuella trakasserier, arbetsgivarens arbete mot detta samt vad som påverkar beslutet att anmäla. För att undersöka detta skickades en webbenkät till arbetsgivare som delade enkäten med sina arbetstagare samt delades på en Facebookgrupp för anställda inom hotell- och restaurangbranschen. Den besvarades av totalt 79 personer, med tämligen jämn könsfördelning. Resultatet visade att 64% av deltagarna har utsatts för sexuella trakasserier på sin arbetsplats samt att kvinnor är signifikant mer utsatta än männen. Deltagare vittnade om att de blivit utsatta för sexuella trakasserier fysiskt, verbalt och icke-verbalt från kunder, kollegor och chefer. Resultatet visade även att upplevelsen av att känna stöd från arbetsgivaren kan predicera en upplevd meningsfullhet att anmäla sexuella trakasserier. Studien ger en bild av en bransch vars arbete mot sexuella trakasserier bör förbättras och stärkas. / The hotel and restaurant industry in Sweden has the highest relative number of sexual harassments occur at the workplace. The harsh, and often sexual, jargon has been identified as a significant contributing factor. The overall purpose of the study is to investigate how employees within the industry are experiencing sexual harassment, how organizations work to counteract sexual harassment and the employee’s decision to report. To investigate this aweb-based questionnaire was sent to employers who distributed it to their employees, andthrough a Facebook group for employees working in the hotel and restaurant industry. The questionnaire was answered by 79 employees, with a gender distribution that was approximately even. The results show that 64.4% of the participants state that they have been subjects of sexual harassment in their workplace. Furthermore, there is a significant difference between women and men, where women are victimized to a larger extent than men. Participants testify that they have been subject to physical, verbal, and non-verbal harassment by customers, colleagues, and managers. The results show that the feeling of support from the employer can predict whether the employee finds it meaningful to report sexual harassment. Moreover, the report indicates that the industry should improve and strengthen its ongoing efforts against sexual harassment.

Модели управљања квалитетом ресторатерских услуга / Modeli upravljanja kvalitetom restoraterskih usluga / Models for quality management in the restaurant industry.

Ivkov Milan 23 July 2015 (has links)
<p>Свакако да је квалитет један од пресудних<br />диференцирајућих фактора, те се зато све већа пажња<br />придаје његовом управљању. Квалитет представља<br />кључни елемент вредности услуге на основу које се<br />предузећа позиционирају на тржишту, обезбеђују веће<br />тржишно учешће, веће приходе и доприносе задовољству<br />особља и потрошача. Суштина оријентације ка квалитету<br />ресторатерског производа или услуге, има смисла једино<br />ако се уваже сви аспекти квалитета, односно уколико се<br />активности базирају на систему управљања тоталним<br />квалитетом.&nbsp; Највећа одговорност за управљање<br />квалитетом свакако је на руководству угоститељског<br />објекта. У раду су приказани најчешће коришћени модели<br />за истраживање задовољства потрошача и квалитета<br />услуге, а на појединим се базира и спроведено<br />истраживање, те су они шире објашњени. Такође,<br />приказана&nbsp; су&nbsp; истраживања која су за основ имала моделе<br />SERVQUAL или DINESERV.</p><p>Предмет&nbsp; изучавања&nbsp; докторске дисертације&nbsp; јесте<br />квалитет услуга у ресторатерству, управљање квалитетом<br />ресторатерског производа и задовољство потрошача,&nbsp;<br />односно корисника ресторатерских услуга. Реч је о вези<br />квалитета услуге и задовољства потрошача која настаје на<br />основу активности руководства ресторана. Зато је<br />предметом овог истраживања&nbsp; обухваћено испитивање<br />свих учесника (менаџери, особље и гости ресторана) који<br />утичу на квалитет, односно перцепцију квалитета услуге.</p><p>Циљ овог рада је да се утврди постојање и<br />интензитет јазова који се јављају у пословању<br />угоститељских објеката. Идентификација пет јазова и<br />увид у елементе на основу којих се јазови појављују,<br />основ је квалитетне анализе пословања и усмеравања<br />активности ка унапређењу квалитета услуге у<br />ресторатерству.</p> / <p>Svakako da je kvalitet jedan od presudnih<br />diferencirajućih faktora, te se zato sve veća pažnja<br />pridaje njegovom upravljanju. Kvalitet predstavlja<br />ključni element vrednosti usluge na osnovu koje se<br />preduzeća pozicioniraju na tržištu, obezbeđuju veće<br />tržišno učešće, veće prihode i doprinose zadovoljstvu<br />osoblja i potrošača. Suština orijentacije ka kvalitetu<br />restoraterskog proizvoda ili usluge, ima smisla jedino<br />ako se uvaže svi aspekti kvaliteta, odnosno ukoliko se<br />aktivnosti baziraju na sistemu upravljanja totalnim<br />kvalitetom.&nbsp; Najveća odgovornost za upravljanje<br />kvalitetom svakako je na rukovodstvu ugostiteljskog<br />objekta. U radu su prikazani najčešće korišćeni modeli<br />za istraživanje zadovoljstva potrošača i kvaliteta<br />usluge, a na pojedinim se bazira i sprovedeno<br />istraživanje, te su oni šire objašnjeni. Takođe,<br />prikazana&nbsp; su&nbsp; istraživanja koja su za osnov imala modele<br />SERVQUAL ili DINESERV.</p><p>Predmet&nbsp; izučavanja&nbsp; doktorske disertacije&nbsp; jeste<br />kvalitet usluga u restoraterstvu, upravljanje kvalitetom<br />restoraterskog proizvoda i zadovoljstvo potrošača,&nbsp;<br />odnosno korisnika restoraterskih usluga. Reč je o vezi<br />kvaliteta usluge i zadovoljstva potrošača koja nastaje na<br />osnovu aktivnosti rukovodstva restorana. Zato je<br />predmetom ovog istraživanja&nbsp; obuhvaćeno ispitivanje<br />svih učesnika (menadžeri, osoblje i gosti restorana) koji<br />utiču na kvalitet, odnosno percepciju kvaliteta usluge.</p><p>Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi postojanje i<br />intenzitet jazova koji se javljaju u poslovanju<br />ugostiteljskih objekata. Identifikacija pet jazova i<br />uvid u elemente na osnovu kojih se jazovi pojavljuju,<br />osnov je kvalitetne analize poslovanja i usmeravanja<br />aktivnosti ka unapređenju kvaliteta usluge u<br />restoraterstvu.</p> / <p>Quality is one of the&nbsp; key differentiating<br />factors, and therefore, more attention is given to<br />its management.&nbsp; It&nbsp; is a key element of the&nbsp; service<br />value&nbsp; that&nbsp; company&nbsp; uses to&nbsp; position&nbsp; itself&nbsp; in the<br />market, providing greater market share, higher<br />revenues and contribute to the satisfaction of staff<br />and customers.&nbsp; The orientation towards quality&nbsp; of<br />restaurant product or service makes sense only if<br />are&nbsp; taken&nbsp; into consideration all aspects of quality,<br />and if the activities are based on a system of total<br />quality management. The greatest responsibility<br />for quality control is&nbsp; certainly on&nbsp; the&nbsp; management<br />team&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; restaurant. This paper presents the most<br />commonly used models for the study of consumer<br />satisfaction and service quality. Some models are<br />the&nbsp; base of&nbsp; conducted research, and they are<br />explained&nbsp; in more detail. Also,&nbsp; the thesis presents<br />studies&nbsp; based on&nbsp; SERVQUAL&nbsp; or DINESERV<br />model.</p><p>Subject of&nbsp; this dissertation is&nbsp; service<br />quality in&nbsp; restaurant industry, quality management<br />and customer satisfaction.&nbsp; It is about the<br />relationship of service quality and customer<br />satisfaction that arises from management<br />activities.&nbsp; For that reason,&nbsp; this study included the<br />examination of all participants (managers, staff&nbsp;<br />and restaurant guests) that affect the quality and<br />perception of service quality.</p><p>The aim&nbsp; of this study was to determine the<br />existence and intensity of the gaps that occur in<br />the&nbsp; restaurant&nbsp; business. Identification of five gaps<br />and insight into the elements&nbsp; that initiate the gap<br />appearance, is the basis of a thorough analysis of<br />business&nbsp; activities towards improvement of&nbsp; the<br />quality of services in restaurant industry.</p>

The Impact of Covid-19 on Restaurants and Consumer Behaviour with in Jönköping Region

Kunde, Belinda Lemini, Morgan, Inga.Britt, Genov, Martin January 2022 (has links)
Abstract   Background:  With the COVID-19 pandemic, consumer behaviour has adjusted accordingly, especially in relation to the restaurant industry. This issue is also present in the restaurant managers responses displayed at this critical event. This disruption on both consumer and manager perspective can be researched for methods of regulating the impacts.   Purpose:   The purpose of this thesis is to explore the impact COVID-19 has had on restaurants, their managers and consumer behaviour. This study investigates how managers of the local restaurants respond to the restrictions placed on them as well as how consumer behaviour has been affected by the pandemic.   Method:  This exploratory study is conducted both quantitatively and qualitatively using surveys with consumers by convenience sampling and semi-structured interviews with local restaurant managers.   Conclusion:  The results and analysis suggest that with the aid of the ADKAR and EKB model, there are varying degrees of influence an individual or manager has perceived with the arrival of the pandemic. This is generally due to their own circumstances and perspectives; however, consumers have seen a change in their decision-making journey while restaurant managers have seen changes in their daily operations. This study goes on to indicate that thorough use of the models can assist both consumers and managers in better preparation if such an event should happen again as well as comprehension of their unconscious decisions with such predicaments. / This thesis seeks to investigates "The Effects of COVID-19 on Restaurants and Consumer Behaviour in the Jönköping Region”. Adapted to the paper’s subject matter, this is offered at the beginning of each section and provides the reader with background information on that section’s contents. At this point, the main theme of the paper is introduced with supporting evidence which will be used for the duration of this project.

The Impact of Covid-19 on the Service Sector: Evidence From Privately Owned Restaurants

Kryvoruchenko, Sofiya M. 21 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Ledarskap under coronakrisen inom restaurangbranschen / Leadership during the Corona Crisis in the restaurant industry

Hofbauer, Nicoline, Varlet, Clara, Jönsson, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Covid-19 pandemin har haft stor påverkan på vårt samhälle. I Sverige är restaurangbranschenen av de branscherna som har drabbats värst. Vid en kris som denna krävs det att ledare agerar för att se till att deras organisation kan överleva. En ledare kan påverka organisationen inom alla aspekter, allt från ekonomi till personalhantering. Därav bär ledaren ett stort ansvar på sina axlar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur en kris som Covid-19 påverkar ledarskap inom restaurangbranschen och vilka förändringar som ledare gör för att hantera pandemin. Studien kommer förhoppningsvis att bidra till ökad förståelsen kring hur ledarskap har förändratsunder pandemin Covid-19 och vad det har haft för effekter. Den insamlade datan i denna studie ska förhoppningsvis förklaras med hjälp av tre olika ledarskapsstilar. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer medutvalda ledare inom restaurangbranschen. Resultatet för studien visar skillnader och förändringar som har skett i ledarskapet hos de ledare som har intervjuats. Samtliga intervjuer har tolkats och jämförts med studiens teoretiska ramverk. En kris som pandemin Covid-19 har haft stor effekt på organisationers sammanhållning samt motivation hos medarbetare och har resulterat i ett större mänskligt fokus från ledarnas sida. / The Covid-19 pandemic has had a big impact on our society. In Sweden the restaurant industry is one of the most affected industries. In a crisis like this it is required that leaders act to ensure that the organization survives. The leader is the one who can affect the organization in all aspects, from financial decisions to personnel management. Therefore, the leaders carry a big responsibility on their shoulders. The purpose with this study is to investigate how a crisis like Covid-19 affects leadership within the restaurant industry and what changes leaders have made to be able to deal with the pandemic. This study will hopefully contribute to increased understanding on how leadership has changed during the Covid-19 pandemic and what effects it has had. The collected data in this study will hopefully be explained by three different leadership styles. The study has been implemented with a qualitative method through semi structured interviews with leaders within the restaurant industry. The result of this study shows differences and changes that have taken place in the leadership of the leaders who have been interviewed. All interviews have been interpreted and compared with the study’s theoretical framework. A crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic has had a major effect on organizational cohesion and employee motivation. This has resulted in a focus directed towards the human factor of the leadership. This study is written in Swedish.

Sustainability in the restaurant industry : The contribution of cloud kitchens / Hållbarhet inom restaurangbranschen : Bidraget av Molnkök

Sorn, Sofia, Al Nesrawi, Eyad January 2022 (has links)
Sustainability is a ubiquitous concept to define as its character is pluridimensional. There is an exigency to address sustainability in the three dimensions of environment, economy, and society within a resource-demanding sector such as the restaurant industry. With the entrance of the emergent, cloud kitchen, there is a demonstration of how technological innovation may present opportunities and challenges to a more traditional, established restaurant industry. A gap in studies probing the sustainability practices of cloud kitchens gives rise to this investigative inquiry. The overarching aim of this study is to investigate whether the practices and business models of the cloud kitchen concept contribute to more sustainable restaurant industry. This study intends to answer if cloud kitchens are contributing to sustainability in the restaurant sector, further investigating which aspects of the business models of the cloud kitchen concept indicate sustainability. Additionally, there is an exploration of the different business models of the cloud kitchen concept that compares sustainability factors across each of its business models. The theories of the triple bottom line, circular economy, and the SDGs are used to illuminate these phenomena. The research uses combined methods that involve content analysis and an interview study. Four sustainability factors were identified and analyzed where it was found that cloud kitchens can contribute positively toward a more sustainable restaurant industry. However, the different business models that cloud kitchens run have distinct effects on each of the four factors which means that some business models can be more sustainable than others. Environmentally, cloud kitchens are taking initiatives toward climate action. Socially, human capital and well-being have the potential to be advanced through the cloud kitchen concept. Economically, it is plausible that cloud kitchens promote prosperity through increasing yields and profit margins. / Hållbarhet är ett alltför omfattande begrepp att definiera eftersom dess karaktär är mångdimensionell. Inom en resurskrävande sektor som restaurangbranschen finns det ett behov av att ta itu med hållbarhet i de tre dimensionerna miljö, ekonomi och samhälle. Ingången till det framväxande konceptet molnkök visar hur teknisk innovation kan erbjuda möjligheter och utmaningar i en mer traditionell och etablerad restaurangbransch. Det finns ett gap i studier som undersöker hållbarhetsmetoderna i molnkök vilket ger upphov till denna studie. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om metoderna och affärsmodellerna för molnkökskonceptet bidrar till en mer hållbar restaurangbransch. Denna studie avser att svara på om molnkök bidrar till hållbarhet inom restaurangsektorn, och även undersöka vilka aspekter av affärsmodellerna för molnkökskonceptet som tyder på hållbarhet. Dessutom finns det en utforskning av de olika affärsmodellerna för molnkökskonceptet som jämför hållbarhetsfaktorer mellan var och en av dess affärsmodeller. Teorierna om den tredubbla bottenlinjen, cirkulär ekonomi och SDG (FN:s hållbarhetsmål) används för att belysa dessa fenomen. Forskningen använder sig av kombinerade metoder som innehåller en intervjustudie och en innehållsanalys. Fyra hållbarhetsfaktorer identifierades och analyserades där man fann att molnkök kan bidra positivt till en mer hållbar restaurangbransch. De olika affärsmodellerna som molnkök använder har dock olika effekter på var och en av de fyra faktorerna vilket gör att vissa affärsmodeller kan vara mer hållbara än andra. Miljömässigt tar molnkök initiativ mot klimatåtgärder. Socialt sett har humankapital och välbefinnande potential att föras fram genom molnkökskonceptet. Ekonomiskt är det troligt att molnkök främjar välstånd genom att öka avkastningen och vinstmarginalerna.

CHALLENGES OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION : A case study of the restaurant industry

Weerasinghe, Laksilu, Nirere, Blandine January 2022 (has links)
Recently digital transformation has become imperative that organizations must embrace to cope with today’s digital world’s new demands. Previous research has been investigating the opportunities provided by digital transformation but still, there is a gap when it comes to digital transformation challenges. This thesis addresses the main challenges faced by restaurants during their digital transformation journey. A qualitative research method with semi-structured interviews has been used to investigate digital transformation challenges in the restaurant industry in the following countries: Sweden, Sri Lanka, Australia, and Korea. Our findings show that restaurants mostly face a lack of resources, culture change, and lack of knowledge. This study has a double contribution. On the one hand, this thesis provides practitioners with the main challenges restaurants face during their digital transformation journey, on the other hand, this study provides literature to fill the gap that exists in digital transformation challenges.

Restaurant Daily Revenue Prediction : Utilizing Synthetic Time Series Data for Improved Model Performance

Jarlöv, Stella, Svensson Dahl, Anton January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to enhance the accuracy of a demand forecasting model, XGBoost, by incorporating synthetic multivariate restaurant time series data during the training process. The research addresses the limited availability of training data by generating synthetic data using TimeGAN, a generative adversarial deep neural network tailored for time series data. A one-year daily time series dataset, comprising numerical and categorical features based on a real restaurant's sales history, supplemented by relevant external data, serves as the original data. TimeGAN learns from this dataset to create synthetic data that closely resembles the original data in terms of temporal and distributional dynamics. Statistical and visual analyses demonstrate a strong similarity between the synthetic and original data. To evaluate the usefulness of the synthetic data, an experiment is conducted where varying lengths of synthetic data are iteratively combined with the one-year real dataset. Each iteration involves retraining the XGBoost model and assessing its accuracy for a one-week forecast using the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The results indicate that incorporating 6 years of synthetic data improves the model's performance by 65%. The hyperparameter configurations suggest that deeper tree structures benefit the XGBoost model when synthetic data is added. Furthermore, the model exhibits improved feature selection with an increased amount of training data. This study demonstrates that incorporating synthetic data closely resembling the original data can effectively enhance the accuracy of predictive models, particularly when training data is limited.

Momsigt gott! : En undersökning av de nuvarande effekterna av den sänkta restaurangmomsen

Madriaga Bravo, Daniela, Hedman Blomqvist, Matilda January 2012 (has links)
När den svenska regeringen beslöt sig för att sänka restaurangmomsen den 1 januari 2012, gjordes det för att stimulera restaurangbranschen att sänka priserna på måltiderna, nyanställa och eliminera svartjobb. Vid en sänkning av momsen frigörs kapital, ett extra ekonomiskt utrymme, som för företagen blir en tillgång som de själva får avgöra hur det kommer disponeras. Denna studie ämnar ta reda på vilka effekter momssänkningen kommer medföra för branschen och hur restaurangägarna disponerat det ekonomiska utrymmet. Material har införskaffats genom en enkätundersökning med restaurangägare, intervjuer med hotell- och restaurangfacket samt branschorganisationen Visita. Med utgångspunkter bland annat inom nationalekonomiska teorier visar undersökningen att restaurangägare valt att använda det ekonomiska utrymmet till att nyanställa, sänka sina priser, genomföra renoveringar eller till överlevnadsmarginaler. Detta tyder på att det finns en spridning över hur restaurangägarna handlat. Faktorer som kan vara av betydelse över hur restauranger agerar är företagets storlek och form samt hur konkurrenterna i dess omgivning agerar. / When the Swedish government decided to cut the restaurant VAT January 1st, 2012, was made for the purpose of encouraging the restaurant industry. In turn, the restaurants would choose to lower the prices of meals, hire new employees and eliminate illegal work. When VAT is lowered it releases capital, an additional financial fund. For the restaurants it’s an asset, which they can determine how it should be allocated. This study aims to determine the effects of VAT reduction on the industry and how restaurant owners have chosen to make with the additional funds. The material has been obtained by conducting a survey with restaurant owners, interviewing the restaurant union and the industry association Visita. With starting points in economic theories and previous studies on other VAT reductions, the study shows that restaurant owners have chosen to use the economic funds to create new jobs, lowering meal prices, renovations or to improve profit margins. This indicates that there is dispersion among the opportunities restaurant owners have chosen. Elements that could have importance in the actions of restaurant, is the size and form of the business, and the performance of the competition nearby.

Précarité d’emploi et défaillances du cadre juridique : exemple de l’industrie de la restauration

Gingras, Sébastien 01 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous nous intéressons à la portée effective de la protection offerte par le droit du travail au Québec dans le contexte actuel du marché de l’emploi. Pour approfondir cette question, nous avons choisi d’explorer l’application du droit dans une industrie où les conditions de travail se révèlent bien souvent difficiles et contraignantes, voire carrément précaires. Ce mémoire traite de l’industrie de la restauration. Plus précisément, notre analyse porte sur les difficultés que pose, dans ce secteur d’activité, l’application des normes juridiques destinées à encadrer la relation employeur-salarié. Le présent ouvrage s’articule autour des facettes de l’industrie de la restauration à l’égard desquelles l’application de ces normes est susceptible de connaître des ratés, à savoir l’identification de l’employeur dans les franchises de restauration, le contrôle du salarié sur son horaire de travail, la sécurité d’emploi et l’accès à la syndicalisation. Notre étude tend à démontrer que, dans leur forme actuelle, les lois du travail accentuent l’instabilité qui caractérise les conditions auxquelles sont soumis les salariés de l’industrie de la restauration. Ce mémoire met en lumière les raisons pour lesquelles la protection dont jouissent ces salariés se révèle dans bien des cas insuffisante. Bien qu’elle se cantonne à un seul secteur d’activité économique, la présente étude s’inscrit dans un phénomène global en ce que les problèmes qui y sont abordés affectent le marché du travail dans son ensemble. / This thesis focuses on the ability of Quebec labour laws to fully exert their protective role in the current context of the labour market. To explore this question in depth, we have chosen to analyze the application of the law in an industry where working conditions are often difficult and restrictive, even downright precarious, namely the restaurant industry. Specifically, this analysis focuses on the difficulties posed by the application of legal standards intended to regulate the employer-employee relationship. We look at the facets of the restaurant industry where the application of these standards is likely to fail, namely the identification of the real employer in restaurant franchises, the employee control over working hours, job security and access to unionization. This study is meant to show that, in their current form, labour laws worsen the instability that characterizes the working conditions to which employees in the restaurant industry are subjected. This thesis sheds light on the reasons why the protection enjoyed by these employees is in many cases insufficient. Although it is confined to a single sector of economic activity, this study is part of a global phenomenon in the sense that the dynamics causing the difficult working conditions in the restaurant industry affect the whole labour market.

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