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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SUM-elevers motivation för matematik : En aktionsstudie om effekter av laborativ matematik / Students with special needs and their motivation in mathematics : An action study about the effects of experimental mathematics

Berglund, Jessica January 2016 (has links)
En speciallärare bör ha goda insikter i motivationens betydelse för att kunna hjälpa elever i matematiksvårigheter. Laborativ matematik föreslås som ett sätt att motivera elever. I min aktion undersöks om SUM-elevernas (elever med speciella undervisningsbehov i matematik) motivation i matematik påverkas av ett laborativt undervisningssätt. Enkäter och intervjuer används i min studie för att bedöma vilka effekter laborativ matematik har för eleverna. De mäts i termerna av elevernas effekter av attribueringar och grad av inre motivation med utgångspunkt i Medbestämmandeteorin, Attributionsteorin och Målorienteringsteorin. En effekt av aktionsstudien är, att de börjar inse att de har talang. Det handlar om hur mycket de anstränger sig i matematik och inte bristen på förmåga. En annan effekt är att eleverna anser att matematiken är roligare, eftersom de får arbeta praktiskt och i mindre grupp. Man kan uppenbarligen påverka elever med en aktionsstudie, men det är inte säkert att den blir bestående. Det är viktigt att elever lyckas och inte misslyckas om och om igen, för då tappar de sin motivation.

Betydelsen av inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer för organisationen under målstyrning.

Telander, Carl January 2016 (has links)
Organisationer använder ersättning för prestation i kombination med målstyrning för att öka motivationen hos de anställda och förbättra resultatet trots att teorierna inte är entydigt positiva. Syftet med studien är att undersöka den relativa betydelsen av självbestämd motivation och målstyrning för arbetstrivsel, organisationsengagemang och den självskattade prestationen hos anställda som arbetar under prestationsbaserad lön. Studien utfördes som en enkätundersökning på en organisation där 100 anställda deltog. Regressionsanalyser visade att inre motivation och delaktighet i mål förklarade stor del av variansen i såväl trivsel, engagemang som prestation. Även introjection, amotivation och målklarhet förklarade stor del av variationen i arbetstrivsel och engagemang. Målstyrning och EFP tycks inte ha någon underminerande effekt på motivationskvaliteten utan fungerar tillsammans när grundläggande psykologiska behov tillgodoses.

Vilka är mest motiverade till ämnet idrott och hälsa? : En kvalitativ undersökning om elevers motivation till ämnet idrott och hälsa och dess koppling till föreningsmedlemskap.

J Sembe, Amanda, Jonasson, Frida January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning var att ta reda på elevers motivation till ämnet idrott och hälsa, och om denna motivation var relaterad till deras fritidsaktiviteter. Syftet var även att beskriva vad det är som påverkar elevers motivation i det centrala innehållet: lek, spel och idrotter. Undersökningen genomfördes med fokusgruppsintervjuer där urvalet bestod av elever i årskurs 9. Hälften av eleverna var inte aktiva inom föreningsidrotten på sin fritid, medan den andra hälften var aktiva. Resultatet för denna undersökning visar att elevernas motivation påverkas av olika faktorer, men kompetens, tävlingsmoment och lagspel är gemensamma faktorer för samtliga elever som både kan öka och minska motivationen. Samtliga elever som är föreningsaktiva samt några få av de elever som inte är föreningsaktiva menar att deras fritidsaktiviteter påverkar motivationen positivt till ämnet idrott och hälsa. De resterande eleverna ansåg att deras fritidsaktiviteter inte påverkade deras motivation till ämnet. Samtliga elever var överens om att ämnet idrott och hälsa inte har inspirerat dem till att vara aktiva inom en föreningsidrott. Det resultat som framkom gällande det centrala innehållet visar att eleverna föredrar spel i undervisningen. Elevers motivation till utomhusundervisning påverkas starkt av väderförhållanden och val av aktivitet. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att majoriteten av elevernas motivation påverkas av olika typer av yttre reglering, detta syns tydligt i skalan för SDT. Undersökningens resultat visar även att elevgrupperna motiverades av liknande faktorer och att de grundläggande psykologiska behoven inom SDT är viktiga för motivationen oavsett bakgrund.


Trapp, Stephen 01 January 2015 (has links)
Estimated rates of obesity are notably high in the United States and pose a significant public health concern. A number of deleterious physical and psychosocial conditions are associated with pediatric obesity and the cost of its treatment is considerable. Accordingly, the number of weight management treatments has increased to meet this growing public health challenge. Unfortunately, insufficient participation in weight management treatment, namely low adherence and high attrition, often impede the effectiveness of these programs. Although the barriers associated with inadequate adherence and elevated rates of attrition are documented, there is a dearth of research on the predictors of the low participation in pediatric weight management. To address this gap in the literature, the current study examined whether psychosocial (e.g., motivation, mindfulness, depression), biological (e.g., anthropometric, biochemical), and demographic variables predicted adherence and attrition. A series of backward elimination regressions were modeled to identify the biopsychosocial factors that best predicted adherence and attrition in a pediatric weight management program. The study utilized a sample of parent-adolescent dyads (N = 143) from the T.E.E.N.S. program, a multidisciplinary weight management treatment involving behavioral, nutrition, and exercise components for adolescents with obesity. Several demographic characteristics were associated with lower adherence. Parent basic psychological need fulfillment was also significantly associated with six-month attrition. This finding underscores the importance of the parents’ role in the successful completion of a pediatric weight management program. This study contributes to an increased understanding of the factors related to participation in weight management programs, and can inform the refinements of interventions, such as T.E.E.N.S. and related programs.

När blir pianospel motiverande? : en studie om inre och yttre motivation i pianoundervisning

Ivsinovic, Karmela January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som motiverar till pianospel under lektionstid samt vilken typ av motivation som framträder. Den undersöker även olika strategier för att som lärare kunna motivera sin elev i undervisningen. Undersökningen har genomförts med aktionsforskning och dokumenterats genom fältanteckningar och videoinspelningar. Insamlat material har observerats, analyserats och bearbetats och uppkomna förändringar har lett processen mot önskvärd riktning. Arbetet har drivits av teorin Self-Determination Theory och satt upptäckterna i relation till dess förespråkande inre och yttre motivation. Av resultatet framkom olika typer av motivation då faktorerna lek, egna val av material och erhållen beröm samt parametrarna att lyckas, känna igen material och spela utifrån rätt svårighetsgrad frambringade störst motivation och starkast vilja till deltagande och musicerande. Tillstånden av oförståelse, trötthet och påtvingande moment genererade i utesluten motivation. Reflektioner och lärdomar från upplevelserna samt nya förhållningssätt i praktiken har lyfts fram och tillskrivits uppsatsen. Upptäckten ger nytta och verktyg i att kunna tillgodose metoder och strategier för framtida bruk med avsikt att främja musikskapandet i undervisningen.

O perfil motivacional de alunos de graduação em física / Motivational profile of undergraduate physics students

Hirota, Larissa da Cunha Badan 05 September 2018 (has links)
A motivação está fortemente ligada à qualidade do envolvimento do aluno com os estudos. Por esse motivo, ela vem sendo estudada nos vários níveis educacionais, desde o ensino infantil até o ensino superior. Uma das teorias que fundamenta os estudos em motivação é a Teoria da Autodeterminação, que define que o indivíduo pode transitar pela chamada linha do continuum, que é dividida em motivação intrínseca, motivação extrínseca e desmotivação. O presente trabalho buscou retratar o perfil motivacional de alunos dos cursos de graduação de Física e realizar uma análise segmentada por curso, ano de ingresso e sexo, assim como investigar a existência de alguma relação destes perfis com as variáveis desempenho acadêmico e perfil socioeconômico. A pesquisa foi realizada com 373 alunos regularmente matriculados nos cursos do Instituto de Física de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo. Os dados foram obtidos utilizando a Escala de Motivação Acadêmica (EMA). Além disso, os participantes também responderam a um questionário socioeconômico, e o desempenho acadêmico foi determinado pela média ponderada dos participantes no semestre de participação no estudo. A análise dos dados incluiu uma avaliação das propriedades psicométricas da EMA, a determinação dos perfis motivacionais e socioeconômico dos participantes e análises de correlação entre as variáveis de interesse. O perfil motivacional dos alunos avaliados se revelou predominantemente autônomo, sendo baixo o nível de desmotivação. Ao segmentarmos a análise, o perfil dos diferentes cursos similar, com predominância da motivação intrínseca por conhecimento, com pequena ressalva para o curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Exatas, que apresentou um perfil menos autônomo, com predominância da motivação extrínseca por identificação. Além disso, o sexo masculino apresentou um perfil ligeiramente mais autônomo quando comparado ao sexo feminino, similar ao apresentado pelos alunos ingressantes, quando comparados aos veteranos. Não foi encontrada correlação significativa entre o perfil motivacional e as variáveis de desempenho acadêmico e perfil socioeconômico. Em ambos os casos, nossa amostra apresenta nuances que demandam uma interpretação cuidadosa com relação a esses resultados. Dessa maneira, nossos dados contribuem não apenas para uma melhor caracterização do perfil motivacional no ensino superior em geral, mas particularmente na área de exatas, onde os dados ainda são escassos e onde se enfrenta uma série de problemas que podem estar associados à motivação dos alunos, como a alta evasão, por exemplo. / Motivation is strongly linked to the quality of the student´s involvement with the studies. For this reason, it has been studied at various levels of education, from kindergarten to higher education. One of the theories underlying motivational studies is the Self-Determination Theory, which defines that the individual can transit through the continuum line, which is divided into intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation. The present work aimed to determine the motivational profile of undergraduate physics students and to perform a segmented analysis by course, year of admission and sex, as well as to investigate the existence of correlation between these profiles and academic performance or socioeconomic profile. The research was carried out with 373 students regularly enrolled in the courses offered by São Carlos Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo. Data were obtained using the Academic Motivation Scale (EMA). In addition, participants also responded to a socioeconomic questionnaire, and academic performance was determined by the weighted average of the participants in the semester participating in the study. Data analysis included an evaluation of the psychometric properties of the EMA, the determination of the participants´ motivational and socioeconomic profiles, and correlation analyzes between the variables of interest. The motivational profile of the students was predominantly autonomous, and the level of motivation was low. When segmenting the analysis, the profile of the different courses was similar, with predominance of the intrinsic motivation for knowledge, except for the course of Licenciatura in Ciências Exatas, that presented a less autonomous profile, with predominance of the extrinsic motivation by identification. In addition, males presented a slightly more autonomous profile when compared to females, like that presented by university juniors when compared to seniors. There was no significant correlation between the motivational profile academic performance or socioeconomic profile. In both cases, our sample presents nuances that demand a careful interpretation of these results. Thus, our data contribute not only to a better characterization of the motivational profile in higher education in general, but particularly in science courses, where data is still scarce and a series of problems that may be associated to students´ motivation, such as high evasion, for instance, is present.

Self-compassion and the pursuit of personal goals

Parry, Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
Setting and monitoring progress on personal goals has potential advantages for helping people achieve their goals. However, it may also have disadvantages for both goal progress and personal well-being if people start to focus on progress and external outcomes (e.g. academic grades) more than internal processes (e.g. interest in the subject). Self-compassion has been suggested as a trait that may help people cope with set-backs, maintain intrinsic motivation and achieve their goals. It may therefore be particularly helpful in overcoming some of the disadvantages of setting and monitoring personal goals. Self-compassion has previously been theoretically differentiated from self-esteem, with self-esteem seen as more contingent on positive self-judgements and success, suggesting that self-compassion may have additional benefits for maintaining individuals’ intrinsic motivation. The aim of this study was therefore to test whether self-compassion exercises are more helpful than self-esteem exercises in the context of setting and monitoring goals. This was tested using a between group experimental design with two conditions: self-compassion and self-esteem. Ninety-four university students were randomly assigned to one of the conditions and followed a four-week goal setting and monitoring programme in relation to both an academic and social goal. The data showed that both inductions resulted in an increase in state self-compassion and self-esteem. There was no difference between the conditions in achievement of either goal over the four weeks. There was also no difference between conditions in the weekly association between poor progress and negative affect or change in goal commitment and autonomous motivation over the four weeks. However, the self-compassion condition was rated as more pleasant than the self-esteem condition. The results suggest that the self-compassion exercises used may be more acceptable than the self-esteem exercises used but they are not better than the self-esteem exercises for enhancing goal pursuit. The study suggests that further research is needed to distinguish the motivational effects of self-compassion and self-esteem.

Bedtime resistance and parenting in early childhood: a self-determination perspective

Andrew, Kristina 29 April 2019 (has links)
Difficulty getting ready for bed and settling at bedtime, commonly referred to as bedtime resistance, are prevalent problems in early childhood (Goodlin-Jones, Tang, Liu, & Anders, 2009; Johnson, 1991). Despite an abundance of previous research, few studies have considered the role of emergent developmental process in the context of bedtime resistance. The current study addresses this gap by examining the relationship between parenting practices and bedtime resistance in early childhood from a developmental perspective. Specifically, need-supportive bedtime parenting practices (i.e., autonomy-support, structure and involvement) were examined from a self-determination theory perspective (Deci & Ryan, 2000) and children’s bedtime behaviours were conceptualized within a differentiated model of compliance and noncompliance. Two instruments were developed to capture these constructs and their psychometric properties were examined. One hundred thirty-one caregivers completed a series of online questionnaires about their parenting practices and children’s behaviours. Findings provided preliminary evidence for the validity and reliability of the two newly constructed measures. Analyses revealed that child age was associated with how children respond to caregivers at bedtime. Although parenting practices were associated with less sophisticated forms of bedtime noncompliance, child age did not significantly moderate these relationships. Findings highlight the importance of examining bedtime resistance from a developmental perspective and the need for future research in this area. / Graduate

O perfil motivacional de alunos de graduação em física / Motivational profile of undergraduate physics students

Larissa da Cunha Badan Hirota 05 September 2018 (has links)
A motivação está fortemente ligada à qualidade do envolvimento do aluno com os estudos. Por esse motivo, ela vem sendo estudada nos vários níveis educacionais, desde o ensino infantil até o ensino superior. Uma das teorias que fundamenta os estudos em motivação é a Teoria da Autodeterminação, que define que o indivíduo pode transitar pela chamada linha do continuum, que é dividida em motivação intrínseca, motivação extrínseca e desmotivação. O presente trabalho buscou retratar o perfil motivacional de alunos dos cursos de graduação de Física e realizar uma análise segmentada por curso, ano de ingresso e sexo, assim como investigar a existência de alguma relação destes perfis com as variáveis desempenho acadêmico e perfil socioeconômico. A pesquisa foi realizada com 373 alunos regularmente matriculados nos cursos do Instituto de Física de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo. Os dados foram obtidos utilizando a Escala de Motivação Acadêmica (EMA). Além disso, os participantes também responderam a um questionário socioeconômico, e o desempenho acadêmico foi determinado pela média ponderada dos participantes no semestre de participação no estudo. A análise dos dados incluiu uma avaliação das propriedades psicométricas da EMA, a determinação dos perfis motivacionais e socioeconômico dos participantes e análises de correlação entre as variáveis de interesse. O perfil motivacional dos alunos avaliados se revelou predominantemente autônomo, sendo baixo o nível de desmotivação. Ao segmentarmos a análise, o perfil dos diferentes cursos similar, com predominância da motivação intrínseca por conhecimento, com pequena ressalva para o curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Exatas, que apresentou um perfil menos autônomo, com predominância da motivação extrínseca por identificação. Além disso, o sexo masculino apresentou um perfil ligeiramente mais autônomo quando comparado ao sexo feminino, similar ao apresentado pelos alunos ingressantes, quando comparados aos veteranos. Não foi encontrada correlação significativa entre o perfil motivacional e as variáveis de desempenho acadêmico e perfil socioeconômico. Em ambos os casos, nossa amostra apresenta nuances que demandam uma interpretação cuidadosa com relação a esses resultados. Dessa maneira, nossos dados contribuem não apenas para uma melhor caracterização do perfil motivacional no ensino superior em geral, mas particularmente na área de exatas, onde os dados ainda são escassos e onde se enfrenta uma série de problemas que podem estar associados à motivação dos alunos, como a alta evasão, por exemplo. / Motivation is strongly linked to the quality of the student´s involvement with the studies. For this reason, it has been studied at various levels of education, from kindergarten to higher education. One of the theories underlying motivational studies is the Self-Determination Theory, which defines that the individual can transit through the continuum line, which is divided into intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation. The present work aimed to determine the motivational profile of undergraduate physics students and to perform a segmented analysis by course, year of admission and sex, as well as to investigate the existence of correlation between these profiles and academic performance or socioeconomic profile. The research was carried out with 373 students regularly enrolled in the courses offered by São Carlos Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo. Data were obtained using the Academic Motivation Scale (EMA). In addition, participants also responded to a socioeconomic questionnaire, and academic performance was determined by the weighted average of the participants in the semester participating in the study. Data analysis included an evaluation of the psychometric properties of the EMA, the determination of the participants´ motivational and socioeconomic profiles, and correlation analyzes between the variables of interest. The motivational profile of the students was predominantly autonomous, and the level of motivation was low. When segmenting the analysis, the profile of the different courses was similar, with predominance of the intrinsic motivation for knowledge, except for the course of Licenciatura in Ciências Exatas, that presented a less autonomous profile, with predominance of the extrinsic motivation by identification. In addition, males presented a slightly more autonomous profile when compared to females, like that presented by university juniors when compared to seniors. There was no significant correlation between the motivational profile academic performance or socioeconomic profile. In both cases, our sample presents nuances that demand a careful interpretation of these results. Thus, our data contribute not only to a better characterization of the motivational profile in higher education in general, but particularly in science courses, where data is still scarce and a series of problems that may be associated to students´ motivation, such as high evasion, for instance, is present.

Influence of Psychological Needs and Gaming Motivation on Well-Being of Adult Gamers

Sterling, Rene 01 January 2017 (has links)
Adult online gaming is a fast-growing global entertainment industry, and many gamers spend more time playing games and less time engaging in work or other activities, which negatively affects their lives and relationships. This quantitative study addressed how psychological needs and gaming motivation predicted gaming behavior, life satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction using a mediational model. The theoretical foundation was self-determination theory, which addresses how personal choices are influenced by internal factors, especially psychological needs and motivation. An online survey was used to collect self-reported data from a convenience sample of 935 adult gaming participants using the Basic Needs Satisfaction in General Scale, the Gaming Motivation Scale, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, the Relationship Assessment Scale, and a short demographic questionnaire. Results of multiple regression analyses indicated gaming motivation was a significant mediator of life satisfaction and relationship satisfaction. However, gaming motivation was not a significant mediator of gaming behavior. Findings of this study indicate that for online gamers, quality of life (life satisfaction and relationship satisfaction) is enhanced when gaming motivation is high, suggesting that joy of gaming can positively influence other aspects of life, when psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) are positive as well.

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