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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


TAYLOR, LASHONDA M. 18 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.

The Portrayal of Older People in Marketing Materials for Senior Centers

Gillespie, Jason Robert 19 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This content analysis examined 128 senior center brochures and newsletters to determine how older people (those 65 years and older) were portrayed. Findings indicated that portrayals of older people in this medium that targets older people and their caretakers exclusively were overwhelmingly positive. Older people were portrayed favorably in terms of health status, personality descriptors related to level of happiness, interaction with others, mental state, as well as body image and overall evaluation. In several other categories such as energy level and activity level they were portrayed neutrally, and not a single category was dominated by negative portrayals. In fact, any negative portrayals accounted for less than 0.1% of all portrayals for any given category. Older females in particular, were portrayed in a more positive way than females in other analyses of media and advertising, which found them to be under represented or portrayed as unmotivated, ugly, or helpless. Females made up 64% of the overall representation compared to 36% for males, which closely resembles figures for participation at senior centers throughout the U.S. Females were also portrayed as more physically active and in better health than males. Those using a physical aid, either male or female were extremely under represented when compared to disability statistics, showing an overly positive portrayal of overall health status. The data supports other studies that demonstrate a more positive portrayal in media specifically targeting older people, and an overall trend of improving portrayals of older people across all mediums. Positive portrayals like those exhibited in senior center brochures and newsletters can greatly improve the self-image and overall quality of life of older people as well as help to change negative stereotypes of older people held by the general population.

Strategic management training and development: An exploration into the extent and nature of senior and middle managers' development in the Palestinian telecommunication sector.

Sabella, Anton R. January 2013 (has links)
This research explores the nature and extent of management development and training of senior and middle managers working in Palestinian telecommunication organizations using a basic trichotomous (three-stage) model: needs assessment, training development, and evaluation. A critical review of the literature is presented to identify the different approaches and key principles that make up the field of training and development. Using the survey approach, primary data were collected to answer the research question. A total of 142 questionnaires were distributed among senior and middle managers with 110 questionnaires being completed and returned (77 per cent response rate). Field work was also supported with 10 selected interviews with high ranking officials in the surveyed organizations to help corroborate the results. Thereafter, data was analysed using SPSS and spread sheets, and then compared with data available from literature. Despite the presence of a rather systematic approach to training, the findings show that the current status of training in the surveyed organizations is inadequate with heavy emphasis on traditional methods throughout the three stages; the current system does not offer a holistic perspective to training and development. This study presents an exploratory investigation into the training status in telecommunication organizations. It provides a fundamental foundation for future research aimed at expanding the available knowledge within the context of the study. In addition, specific strengths and weaknesses in the current system are identified using the trichotomous model in a more practical manner. Overall, this thesis offers both professionals and academics a fresh perspective on training in Palestinian telecommunication organizations; it not only highlights the importance of training but also stresses that future initiatives and programs are more carefully designed and implemented.

Pády seniorů / Falling of elderly population

Islami, Timur January 2021 (has links)
Title: Falls in the eldery Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze and classify knowlage about falls in the eldery during usual daily activities with focus on prevencion and detection of falls by useing wearable and non wearable systems for detecting falls in the eldery. Methods: This diploma thesis is wrote with the metod of literary research through professional literature, books and articles in both Czech and English was used in the work. To meet the objectives that have been provided were selected examples that helped analyze and clarify the issue of falls in eldery. Results: The sources of professional literature have shown that the falls in the eldery are very serious issue of society. At the same time, it is important to be aware of their possible health and economic impacts, as well as how to prevent them. The correct use of fixation shoes has been shown to reduce the risk of fall. Many fall detection devices are able to call for timely help. Last but not least, knowlage of this issue could help to improve and innovate the fall detecion and prevention systems. Keywords: falls in eldery, senior immobilization, biomechanics of falls, detection and prevention of senior falls, osteoporosis, senior bone aging, senior cartilage aging, biomechanics of senior walking, walking...

Dodržování práv seniorů v domovech pro seniory / The Respect for the Rights of Seniors in Nursing Homes

TROUSILOVÁ, Iva January 2014 (has links)
Old age and aging become an increasingly topical issue. All periods of human life are very important, but old age is the last stage of life, it is the crowning of human life. Aging and the period of old age brings many changes. An important change in seniors' lives may be moving in a residential care, for example a residential home for elderly people. This change can be very difficult and problematic. Human rights should be still respected as well as a person's needs should be met. Nevertheless peoples' needs change with age, some grow more important and others become minor. Every person in the world without exception has freedom and rights that should be respected no matter the race, nationality, religion, education, sexual orientation, gender or age. The topic of this thesis is The Respect for the Rights of Seniors in Nursing Homes. The aim is to map different points of view on respect for the rights of older people in particular nursing homes. Two sub-goals have been set. The first sub-goal is to find out how employees of a concrete nursing home perceive the respect for rights of elderly people. The second sub-goal is to find out how the seniors perceive the respect for their rights by employees in a concrete nursing house. The strategy of qualitative research, the questioning method and the semi-structured interview technique were used during the research. The main research question was set What are the risk areas while respecting the human rights in a concrete nursing home? To answer the main research question other six more specific component research questions were stated. The research showed that employees of a particular home for the elderly perceive that the rights are respected for the domains of physiological needs, the needs of safety and security, the needs of solidarity and love, respect and recognition needs and the need of self-realization. The most difficult areas of human rights to respect are the right to personal protection, equality and the dignity. According to seniors' answers we can understand that the biggest limitation in hygiene and movement domain is experienced by immobile seniors. Those who stay mobile do not feel isolated and they feel their freedom. On the other hand the seniors in the category below sixty years of age feel limited by their age and this has an impact on their feeling of isolation and unsociability. I have given the results of this work to the Nursing Home XY as a feedback from seniors on services provided in this nursing home. Results have also been used in the Nursing Home XY during the Quality Standard no.2 revision called "Protection of Rights".

Senior cohousing / Senior cohousing

Výtisková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Senior cohousing is situated in the Moravian-Silesian Region in city Orlová and it is designed as complex. It is a new form of living for seniors in the Czech Republic. The loose translation could be „close neighbourly living for senior people. “ Access road to the complex is from Tešínská Street and then down the main road from the southeast on the car park. Near the car park there are three main buildings. Building A is the main common building for seniors’ meetings. Building B has a private doctor and a small gym. Building C is designed as technical premises. There are four types of family houses for seniors. Family house type 1 - in the complex 3x is suitable for two seniors. Family house type 2 - in the complex 2x is suitable for two seniors with moving difficulties. Family house type 3 - in the complex 3x is designed as semi-detached house for two senior couples. Family houses accommodate 30 seniors in 15 housing units. All the objects are brick, single-storey without cellar built up from HELUZ system with footings from plain concrete with foundation slab, flat roofs, contact insulation of perimeter walls, partly wood tiling. What is more, in senior cohousing there are senior playground, orchard park, lake, road inside the complex, pavements and paths.

Risk för undernäring bland äldre personer på särskilt boende : relation med fallrisk, trycksår och nedsatt munhälsa samt kartläggning av erbjudna preventiva åtgärder mot undernäring / Risk of undernutrition among older people in special accommodation : Relationship with the risk of falling, pressure ulcers and impaired oral health and mapping of the offered preventive measures against undernutrition

Mattsson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Undernäring förekommer hos uppemot 30 % av äldre personer på särskilda boenden (SÄBO). Det är ett av distriktssköterskans ansvarsområden att upprätthålla en god nutritionsvård. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka förekomst av undernäring bland äldre personer (65 år och äldre) på särskilt boende samt relationer mellan undernäring och fallrisk, risk för trycksår respektive nedsatt munhälsa. Vidare var syftet att undersöka vilka preventiva åtgärder distriktssköterskan erbjöd för att förbygga alternativt behandla undernäring hos äldre personer. Metod: Studien hade en kvantitativ ansats. Antalet studiedeltagare var 436 personer som bodde på SÄBO. Gruppjämförelser gjordes mellan tre oberoende grupper (ej risk för undernäring, risk för undernäring och undernärd) avseende fallrisk, risk för trycksår samt nedsatt munhälsa. Vidare gjordes logistisk regressionsanalys för att undersöka relationen mellan risk för undernäring/undernärd och fallrisk, risk för trycksår samt nedsatt munhälsa. Deskriptiv statistik användes för att beskriva preventiva och behandlande åtgärder. Resultat: Undernäring relaterar starkt till risk för trycksår. Relation kunde inte påvisas mellan undernäring och fallrisk samt munhälsa. Preventiva åtgärder användes i låg utsträckning. Slutsats: Nutritionsomvårdnad är ett komplext område vilket kräver att distriktssköterskan arbetar i ett multidisciplinärt team med riskbedömningar, utredningar, åtgärder och uppföljningar. Nutritionsåtgärder bör erbjudas i högre utsträckning till personer med risk för undernäring eller som är undernärda. / Background: Undernutrition occurs in up to 30 % of older people in special accommodation (SA). It is one of the district nurse's responsibility areas to maintain good nutritional care. Purpose: The purpose was to investigate the prevalence of undernutrition among older people (65 years and older) in special accommodation and relationships between undernutrition and fall risk, risk of pressure ulcers and impaired oral health. A further aim was to investigate the preventive measures district nurse’s offered to prevent alternatively treat undernutrition in older people. Method: The study had a quantitative approach. The number of study participants was 436 people who lived in SA. Group comparisons were made between three independent groups (not at risk of undernutrition, risk of undernutrition and undernourished) regarding fall risk, risk of pressure ulcers and impaired oral health. Furthermore, logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between risk of undernutrition/undernourished and fall risk, risk of pressure ulcers and impaired oral health. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the preventive and treatment measures. Results: Undernutrition relate strongly to the risk of pressure ulcers. No relationship was detected between undernutrition and risk of falling and impaired oral health. Preventive measures was used to a low extent. Conclusion: Nutritional care is a complex area that requires that the district nurse work in a multidisciplinary team with risk assessments, investigations, actions and follow up. Nutritional measures should be offered to a greater extent to persons at risk of undernutrition or with manifest undernutrition.

Factors Affecting the Evaluation Criteria of Independent Living Units by Seniors / 影響高齡者評估銀髮安養住宅要素之分析

黃惠敏, Huang,Chloe Unknown Date (has links)
台灣隨著高齡人口逐年增加,銀髮市場漸受矚目,高級安養住宅的興起即是一例。儘管銀髮安養住宅陸續於一九九0年代中期推出,但是個案數量不多,成功經營者更是屈指可數。本研究藉由調查台北銀髮族的看法,以分析影響高齡者評估銀髮安養住宅之要素。 藉由調查潛在顧客的意見,本研究首先分析人口變數對安養住宅評估標準的影響,接著分析高齡者遷移決策之影響要素與評估標準之間的關係。最後,本研究探索消費者的評估標準與其價值偏好之關係。 本研究提出影響消費者行為的要素,並提供行銷建議供安養住宅業者參考。研究發現65至74歲的銀髮族對所有評估要素的要求,較其他高齡者低,因此對於提供活躍的生活形態和醫療服務的安養住宅而言,這群人最具潛力成為最佳顧客來源。大部分高齡者選擇在熟悉的土地上頤養天年,大台北地區成為最受歡迎的退休居所選擇。在入住保證金方面,由於擔心財務風險與業者的職業道德,多數年長者寧可每月支付較高的管理費,以替代高額的保證金要求。服務品質為競爭優勢的來源。業者設計產品時,應著重於提供優質服務,而非一味追求硬體設施。研究發現認知差異是影響老年人移居安養住宅的主要因素之一,業者應該加強宣傳安養住宅的產品概念,扭轉市場上普遍認為只有老病纏身者才需入住安養住宅的想法。此外,業者行銷時,應該同時增加目標顧客及其子女對產品的瞭解,使其將安養住宅列為退休居所的選擇之一。 / As the proportion of the senior population has increased significantly in Taiwan, the market for seniors is drawing much attention. The recent emergence of the upscale senior housing market is a case in point. Although the independent living communities for healthy seniors have been around since the mid-90s, there have been only a few notable selections and among them even fewer success stories. This research intends to examine the purchasing decisions surrounding high-end independent living communities by surveying the older residents of Taipei. From the perspective of potential customers, this research first examines how demographic variables affect the evaluation criteria of consumers for independent living communities, and then examines the relationship between the influencing factors motivating the decision of seniors to move to independent living communities and the evaluation criteria. Finally, the relationship between the evaluation criteria of consumers and their specific value preferences is determined. The research findings identify factors influencing consumer behavior and derive marketing recommendations for senior housing providers. The seniors between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-four are less concerned than other age groups about all evaluation factors, and can be the best customers for independent living communities that provide both opportunities for an active life style and healthcare services. Most seniors prefer to remain in a familiar place, and therefore the greater Taipei area is the most popular location. Since entrance deposits involve financial risks and moral concerns, seniors would rather pay higher monthly fees. The type of services offered provides the competitive advantage. Developers should emphasize services rather than environmental conditions in designing its product. Given that perceptual differences are one of the major obstacles preventing seniors from moving to independent living communities, the concept of independent living communities should be promoted further to alter the perceptions of seniors that independent living communities are solely for the sick and frail. Marketers should attempt to increase the product awareness of both its target customers and their children to help them view senior housing communities as a viable living arrangement.


陳銓, Chen, Chiuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討公立高中創校之經驗。主要研究目的如下:一、了解創校校長於學校建築之規劃設計及施工、發包與驗收等營繕工程之歷程;二、探討創校校長行政領導及形塑組織文化之經驗;三、分析創校校長與社區之互動之情形;四、了解創校校長學校行銷管理策略;五、提出結論與建議供未來學校創辦之參考。 本研究採質性研究方法,邀請三位資深且能夠提供豐富內涵的創校校長為本研究的受訪者,協助研究進行。希望透過訪談與資料分析,了解公立高中在創校過程中,創校校長所持之理念、可用之資源、遭遇之困境及因應策略之經驗。 本研究獲致的結論歸納如下:一、創校校長教育理念、專家學者智慧經驗與建築師設計專業,綜合體現在學校建築規劃設計上;二、創校校長在學校建築施工及驗收時,經常面臨專業與實務經驗欠缺及人力不足的困境;三、創校校長的行政團隊領導主要奠基於成員的慎選與人性化的管理;四、創校校長是新學校組織文化形塑的重要推手,教師對文化發展的影響則不容忽視;五、創校校長認知學校是社區活動場所的延伸,良好的互動策略有助於與社區建立夥伴關係;六、創校校長是主要的學校行銷管理者,策略上大多偏重於向下對國中的行銷。 最後,本研究根據研究結果及結論,分別提出對教育行政當局、創校校長和後續研究之建議。 / The purpose of this research is to explore the experience of founding a public senior high school. The main goals are as follows: 1.to learn the components of the construction process including designing, contracting, implementation, and evaluation 2. to explore experiences of the formation of administrative leadership and culture 3. to analyze the interactions between the founding principal and the neighboring communities 4. to learn the principals’ strategies for marketing 5. to propose conclusions and suggestions for founding a school in the future. This research is conducted through a qualitative case-study approach by interviewing three senior high school principals who provide profound insights as the database. Through the analysis of the data of the interviews, this research is to explore the beliefs the principals adhere to, the resources they have access to, the obstacles they confront, and the strategies they apply in the process of establishing a public high school. The conclusions the research has reached are as follows: First, the designing and planning of school buildings and facilities are a display of collective efforts, combined with the beliefs the principals firmly hold, the insights and experiences scholars and experts share, and the expertise architects possess. Second, a founding principal is likely to face setbacks caused by lack of expertise and experience as well as understaffing problems. Third, the successful leadership of the principal’s administrative team is determined by the discreet selection of the members and the humane management. Fourth, the founding principal is the foremost power engine of the formation of the organization culture, and yet the teachers play a significant part in the process of formation. Fifth, the principal’s realization that school campus is extensions for community activities, and well-functioning strategies of interaction do help build a partner-to-partner relationship between school and community. Sixth, as the main marketer and manager for the promotion of their school, the principals tend to put more efforts in advertising to junior high schools rather than introducing their graduates to colleges. Ultimately, this research, based on the findings and conclusions of the study, proposes suggestions for the administrative authorities, prospective founding principals and future researches in the field.

Specifika ve vzdělávání seniorů / Specifics of third age education

Zachová, Adéla January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma work is to describe the possibilities of senior education and specific needs of senior education. The population of Czech republic is ageing. In order to this it is necessary to define very important terms like age, ageing, age management. Demographic situation will need new solutions in learning, because people will have to work longer than it was in history. To be successful at labour market, older people will have to pass various courses and trainings. It is also necessary to prepare for age, because people are living longer, this period can last 30 or 40 years. Learning is a very good way to keep healthy and vital. Senior education has many variations - for ambitious people it can be University of third age, for less demanding students it can be for example Leisure time university. It was proofed, that senior education has positive influence on their health, they are not so often sick, have better mood. Seniors can thank to learning understand the current world and that is useful for them and for the society too. Key words: age, ageing, age management, senior, lifelong learning, specifics of senior education, ageing society, preparing for ageing

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