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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thermo-hydrodynamics of an extended meniscus as unit-cell approach of pulsating heat pipe / Thermo-hydrodynamique d'un ménisque étendu que l'approche de l’unit-cell du caloduc oscillant

Rao, Manoj 18 September 2015 (has links)
Ce travail fait une tentative pour expliquer les oscillations induites thermiquement auto-entretenue d'un système à deux phases constitué d'un liquide-vapeur confinée ménisque isolé (un bouchon de liquide unique attenant à une bulle de vapeur) à l'intérieur d'un tube capillaire circulaire, la longueur du tube être exposé à un gradient de température net, créant ainsi un cycle continu de l'évaporation et la condensation. Ce système représente la simple « unité-cellule" version d'un caloduc oscillant (PHP). La compréhension fondamentale de son comportement de transport menant à oscillations auto-soutenue est essentielle pour la construction des modèles mathématiques jusque-là inexistants du système PHP complet. Tout d'abord, la visualisation des oscillations de l'unité de cellules a été effectuée dans des conditions aux limites thermiques contrôlées. Ici, une compréhension nouvelle et unique de la dynamique du système a été atteint par une synchronisation en temps réel de la mesure de pression interne avec la vidéographie haute vitesse qui a été utilisé pour visualiser et enregistrer les oscillations du ménisque et le mince film de liquide qui est mis sur le mur lorsque le ménisque quitte l'évaporateur. Un modèle numérique a été développé pour le système constitué par un bouchon de vapeur et un bouchon de liquide oscillant dans un tube fermé à une extrémité et relié à un réservoir à une pression constante à l'autre extrémité. Le principe de modélisation avait été posé lors de travaux antérieurs. Quelques modifications ont été jamais moins introduites dans ce travail pour prendre en compte les particularités de la nouvelle expérimental et pour améliorer le liquide modèle film de l'évaporation à la lumière des résultats expérimentaux. Une étude paramétrique a également été réalisée pour comprendre les implications des différents facteurs sur le fonctionnement d'un tel système. / This work makes an attempt to explain the self-sustained thermally-induced oscillations of a two-phase system consisting of an isolated confined liquid–vapour meniscus (a single liquid plug adjoining a vapour bubble) inside a circular capillary tube, the tube length being exposed to a net temperature gradient, thereby creating a continuous cycle of evaporation and condensation. This system represents the simplest ‘unit-cell’ version of a Pulsating Heat Pipe (PHP). The fundamental understanding of its transport behavior leading to self-sustained oscillations is vital for building the hitherto non-existent mathematical models of the complete PHP system. First, visualization of the oscillations of the unit-cell has been done under controlled thermal boundary conditions. Here, a unique and novel understanding of the system dynamics has been achieved by real-time synchronization of the internal pressure measurement with high-speed videography that was used to visualize and record the meniscus oscillations and the thin liquid film that is laid on the wall when the meniscus leaves the evaporator. A numerical model was developed for the system consisting of a vapour plug and a liquid slug oscillating in a tube closed at one end and connected to a reservoir at a constant pressure at the other end. The modeling principle had been posed in previous work. Some modifications were never the less introduced in this work to take into account the peculiarities of the new experimental set-up and to improve the liquid film evaporation model in the light of the experimental results. Also a parametric study was carried out to understand the implications of the various factors on the working of such system.

Etude du procédé d'estampage de plaques composites thermo-plastiques et recherche d'une méthodologie efficiente pour l'analyse de la faisabilité d'une pièce complexe / Study of thermoplastic composites plate formed by the stamping process and research of an efficient methodology for the analysis of the feasibility of a complex shape

Le Meur, Kevin 02 December 2015 (has links)
Le procédé de thermo-estampage est une voie intéressante pour la production en grande série de pièces composites. Cependant ce procédé est complexe à maitriser et simuler, en raison des phénomènes multi-physiques mis en jeu (déformation textiles, choc thermique, frottements...) ce qui engendre des campagnes par essai-erreurs qui peuvent être très coûteuses. Cette étude s'intéresse à la mesure et à la caractérisation du procédé d'estampage et des matériaux utilisés afin de simuler le refroidissement de la matrice et la mise en forme du textile. Des défauts récurrents sont évoqués ainsi que des solutions industrielles afin de les résoudre. La simulation thermique permet de déterminer le temps de consolidation nécessaire afin d'optimiser les temps de production en fonction des matériaux et de leur épaisseur. La simulation de la mise en forme textile permet de prédire la faisabilité d'une pièce et l'orientation des fibres afin de définir au mieux les pièces suivant les cas de charges statiques et dynamiques. Les apports de ce travail sont les suivants : la réalisation de mesures thermiques du flan durant un estampage et du choc thermique en surface du stratifié, la réalisation d'une méthodologie efficiente pour analyser la faisabilité d'une pièce complexe dans un contexte industriel grâce à des simulations de mise en forme couplées à des essais expérimentaux. Enfin une méthode d'analyse du comportement en cisaillement plan, pour des renforts dont les fils de chaîne et de trames ne sont pas orthogonaux est proposée. / The thermo-stamping process is a promising way for the mass production of the composite parts. However this process is complex to master and simulate due to the multi-physics background (textile deformation, thermal shock, rubbing...) and trial and error tests campaigns can be expensive. This study focuses on the measurement and assessment of the process and materials behaviour, to simulate the cooling down of the matrix and the forming of the woven. Typical defects are mentioned as well as associated industrial solutions to solve them. The simulation makes it possible to determine the consolidation time necessary in order to optimize the manufacturing time as a function of the material used and of its thickness. Furthermore the forming simulation shows the feasibility of the part and the fibre orientation to design the product for the static and crash cases. The contributions of this work are the following: thermal measurements of the pre-consolidated plate during the stamping phase and the thermal chock at the surface of the composites, an efficient method to analyse the feasibility of a complex shape in an industrial context is proposed through forming simulations compared to the experiment. Finally, a methodology for the analysis of the in-plane shearing behaviour of a woven fabric with non-orthogonal warp and weft yarn is proposed.

L'influence des topoclimats sur la pollution de l'air aux particules dans le sud-ouest des Alpes-Maritimes / The influence of topoclimates on the PM air pollution in the southwest of the Alpes-Maritimes

Michelot, Nicolas 21 February 2014 (has links)
Dans le Sud-Est de la France, le département des Alpes-Maritimes, singulier du fait de son relief contrasté, est soumis au jeu des brises et inversions thermiques nocturnes. L’agglomération littorale contribue aux émissions de particules qui sont un des polluants les plus nocifs pour la santé humaine. La pollution de l’air n’est évidemment pas répartie de manière homogène dans le temps et dans l’espace. Les topoclimats sont un protagoniste de la pollution de l’air au sein de cet espace littoral montagneux. La problématique centrale de cette thèse consiste donc à comprendre pourquoi et comment les topoclimats influencent la variabilité spatio-temporelle des concentrations de particules dans le sud-ouest du département, tout en considérant qu’ils ne sont pas seuls à expliquer les concentrations. Afin de répondre à cette question, plusieurs objectifs privilégiant les mesures de terrain, et la modélisation ont été fixés :- exploiter des données de concentrations de particules et de variables météorologiques acquises à l’aide de plusieurs appareils de mesures, de manière fixe et itinérante, en plusieurs endroits et à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles ;- caractériser les écoulements d’air à faible altitude à l’aide de ballons équilibrés (dits CLB) et les mettre en relation avec les niveaux de PM10 mesurés ; - caractériser chimiquement les PM10 pour évaluer la contribution des principales sources d’émissions ;- tester la capacité d’un logiciel de dispersion atmosphérique à simuler en relief contrasté les effets des topoclimats sur la variabilité spatio-temporelle des PM10.L’influence des topoclimats sur la pollution de l’air particulaire a été établie. / In the Southeastern of France, the department of the Alpes-Maritimes is singular by contrasting terrain and is submitted to breezes and temperature inversions. The coastal urbanization contributes to the particulate matters emissions that are part of the most harmful substances to human health. Air pollution is not spread heavenly in time and space, of course. Topoclimates are one of the protagonists of air contamination within this mountainous coastal area. The focus of this thesis work is to understand why and how topoclimates have impact on the spatio-temporal variability of particle concentrations in the Southwest of the department, while considering that they are not alone to explain the concentrations. The researcher identified several objectives to answer this question and he gave priority to ground measures and modeling: - To explore data about the particulate matters and meteorological characteristics that were collected through the use of several measuring tools, in a fixed and travelling way, in different places and on various spatio-temporal scales;- To identify and characterize air flows at low altitude with CLB (Constant Level Balloon) and cross compare them with the measured levels PM10; - To chemically analyse PM10 to assess the contribution of the main sources of emission;- To test the capacity of an atmospheric dispersion software to simulate the impact of topoclimates on the spatio-temporal variety of PM10 on mountainous and uneven landscapes.The influence of topoclimates on the air pollution has been scientifically established.

Adsorption des métaux lourds des eaux usées par les argiles alluviales de l'Extrême-Nord Cameroun / Adsorption of heavy metals from waste water on natural alluvial clay from far-North region of Cameroon

Zangué Adjia, Henriette 16 July 2012 (has links)
Le développement industriel et urbain accroit la pollution des eaux au Cameroun. Il faut donc rechercher des méthodes de dépollution peu onéreuses et de mise en oeuvre facile. L'objectif de ce travail était d'éliminer les métaux lourds (Cu2+, Pb2+, Hg2+, Cr3+) des eaux usées, par adsorption sur de l'argile brute ou traité thermiquement. L'argile alluviale prélevée dans la région de l'Extrême Nord du Cameroun est essentiellement composée de smectite (46%), kaolinite (38%), interstratifiés (10%) et quartz (5%). Les formules structurales sont (Si3,42Al0,58)(Al0,87Fe0,96Mg0,17)O10(OH)2(C+)0,75 , pour la smectite et Si2Al1,95Fe0,05O5(OH)4. pour la kaolinite. Les cations de métaux lourds s'adsorbent très rapidement sur l'argile brute ; la température et le pH de la solution influencent peu leur adsorption. L'affinité de l'argile pour Cu2+, et Pb2+ est très forte mais faible pour Hg2+ et Cr3+. Le mécanisme proposé est l'échange cationique et la complexation de surface pour l'adsorption de Cu2+, Pb2+ et Cr3+ et un mécanisme de spéciation pour l'adsorption de Hg2+. Les boulettes obtenues par traitement thermique de l'argile au dessus de 500°C sont stables en solution et montrent une bonne capacité d'adsorption des métaux lourds. Les boulettes sont moins efficaces que l'argile brute, mais leur utilisation, évitant la séparation solide-liquide, après adsorption est plus facile / The industrial and urban development increases the water pollution in Cameroon. It becomes imperative to develop inexpensive and easy to manage remediation methods. This work aimed at eliminating heavy metals (Cu2+, Pb2+, Hg2+, Cr3+) from water by adsorption on raw or heat treated clay. The alluvial clay sampled in the far North of Cameroon mainly contains smectite (46%), kaolinite (38%), interlayers (10%) and quartz (5%). The structural formulas are : (Si3,42Al0,58)(Al0,87Fe0,96Mg0,17)O10(OH)2(C+)0,75 for the smectite and Si2Al1,95Fe0,05O5(OH)4 for the kaolinite. The heavy metals cations fastly adsorb on raw clay, the temperature and the pH have not much influence on their adsorption. The clay affinity in relation to Cu2+, and Pb2+ is very strong whereas it is low for Hg2+, Cr3+. For the adsorption of Cu2+, Pb2+ and Cr3+ the proposed mechanisms are the cation exchange and the complexation while for the Hg2+, a mechanism of speciation is involved. The pellets obtained by thremic treatment of the clay above 500°C are stable in solution and they have a good capacity for heavy metals adsorption. Performances of the pellets are lower than those of raw clay, however, their use is easier since they do not need solid-liquid separation after adsorption

Avaliação da resistência à flexão e do módulo de elasticidade de diferentes materiais restauradores poliméricos tratados ou não termicamente após a fotoativação / Evaluation of flexural strength and elastic modulus of different restorative polymeric materials with or without heat treatment after photoactivation

Watanabe, Mauricio Umeno [UNESP] 19 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by MAURICIO UMENO WATANABE null (mauriciowatanabe@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-31T20:21:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE Mauricio Umeno Watanabe Doutorado.pdf: 1431193 bytes, checksum: 6559d1f5a8ffe6a615335a16b8dd301c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-02-03T18:53:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 watanake_mu_dr_araca.pdf: 1431193 bytes, checksum: 6559d1f5a8ffe6a615335a16b8dd301c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-03T18:53:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 watanake_mu_dr_araca.pdf: 1431193 bytes, checksum: 6559d1f5a8ffe6a615335a16b8dd301c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-19 / Objetivo: Resinas compostas para uso direto têm sido frequentemente usadas pelos profissionais para confecção de restaurações indiretas extensas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a resistência à flexão (RF) e o módulo de elasticidade (ME) de diferentes materiais restauradores poliméricos diretos, nos tempos de 30min e 24h sem tratamento térmico (TT); e quando submetidos ou não ao TT, sendo armazenados ou não por 180 dias. Materiais e método: Foram confeccionados 200 corpos de prova divididos nos seguintes grupos de acordo com o material: o ormocer microhíbrido Admira Fusion (ADM), a resina tipo “bulk” nanoparticulada Filtek Bulk Fill (BU), a resina composta convencional nanoparticulada Filtek Z350XT (Z350) e resina composta convencional microhíbrida IPS Empress Direct (EMP). Os grupos foram subdivididos (n=10) nos tempos de 30min sem TT, 24h com e sem TT ou 180 dias com e sem TT. Os corpos de prova (10 mm x 2 mm x 2 mm) foram confeccionados usando-se um molde tripartido de aço inox, no qual o material foi inserido em incremento único e fotoativado por 20s de cada lado. No final do período de 24h da fotoativação, o TT foi realizado por 10min em estufa à temperatura controlada de 170⁰C. O armazenamento das amostras de 180 dias foi em água destilada em ambiente escuro a 37⁰C. O teste de resistência à flexão de 3 pontos foi realizado em uma máquina de ensaio Instron à velocidade de 1,0 mm/min. Resultados: Os resultados foram obtidos em MPa (RF) e GPa (ME), sendo depois submetidos à análise estatística ao nível de significância de 5%. Todos materiais tiveram aumentos significativos do tempo de 30min para o tempo de 24h, tanto para a RF quanto para o ME (p<0,05). A realização do TT promoveu aumento nos valores de RF para as resinas compostas BU e EMP no tempo de 24h e Z350 no tempo de 180 dias (p<0,05). Para a BU sem TT, o armazenamento não influenciou nos resultados de RF. A realização do TT promoveu aumento nos valores de ME para o ADM nos dois tempos de análise, e para as resinas compostas EMP, BU e Z350 no tempo de 24h (p<0,05). Houve diminuição significativa no ME de ADM e EMP após 180 dias em comparação ao tempo de 24h, independente do TT e para BU com TT (p<0,05). Não houve diferença quanto ao ME na comparação entre 180 dias e 24h para a BU sem TT e para a Z350 com TT (p>0,05). Conclusões: Pode-se concluir que a influência do tempo de 30min para o tempo de 24h na RF e no ME independe do material. A influência do armazenamento e do TT na RF e no ME são materiais dependentes. / Purpose: Direct composite resins are often used by professionals for making extensive indirect restorations. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate flexural strength and elastic modulus of different restorative polymeric materials at 30 minutes and 24 hours without heat treatment (HT); and with and without HT at 24 hours and 180 days post cure. Materials and method: 200 samples were prepared and divided according to the material as follows: microhybrid ormocer Admira Fusion (ADM), nanofilled bulk-fill composite resin Fitek Bulk Fill (BU), nanofilled universal composite resin Filtek Supreme Ultra (Z350) and microhybrid universal composite resin IPS Empress Direct (EMP). Groups were subdivided (n=10) at 30 minutes into: without HT (30 min), 24 h with and without HT and 180 days with and without HT. The samples (10 mm x 2 mm x 2 mm) were made in a tri-part stainless steel mold where the material was inserted and light-cured for 20 seconds on each side. At the end of the 24 h period HT at 170⁰C was performed for 10 minutes in a dry heat oven. The 180 day storage samples were placed in destilled water at 37⁰C in the dark. A standard three point bending test was conducted on all samples with a universal testing machine (Instron) at a crosshead speed of 1.0 mm/min. Results: The results were recorded in MPa (flexural strength) and GPa (elastic modulus) and data were analyzed statistically at a significance level of 5%. All the materials had a significant increase in flexural strength and elastic modulus from 30 minutes to 24 hours (p<0.05). HT promoted an increase in flexural strength for BU and EMP at 24 hours and Z350 at 180 days (p<0,05). Storage didn’t influence flexural strength for BU without HT. HT promoted elastic modulus increase for ormocer ADM at both testing times and for EMP, BU and Z350 at 24 hours (p<0.05). With regard to ADM and EMP the elastic modulus decreased significantly after 180 days in comparison to 24 h independent of HT. BU with HT also decreased in modulus after 180 days (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in elastic modulus between 24 hours and 180 days for BU without HT and for Z350 with HT (p>0.05). Conclusions: It can be concluded that the influence of time from 30 minutes to 24 hours in flexural strength and elastic modulus is independent of the material. Storage and HT influence on flexural strength and elastic modulus are material dependent.

Conception et étude d’infrastructures de transports à énergie positive : de la modélisation thermomécanique à l’optimisation de tels systèmes énergétiques / Design and study of positive energy transport infrastructure : from thermomechanical modelling to the optimisation of such energy systems

Le Touz, Nicolas 20 November 2018 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la transition énergétique, le recours aux énergies renouvelables devant être privilégié, nous proposons d'étudier les performances énergétiques des routes solaires hybrides.Une étude exhaustive des conditions climatiques permet d'établir les gains et pertes en énergie de ces systèmes puis un modèle numérique est élaboré pour coupler diffusion thermique,convection hydraulique et transferts radiatifs par la méthode des éléments finis avec la possibilité de changements d'états. Ce modèle est implémenté dans un noyau Matlab et appliqué à des données météorologiques annuelles pour différentes villes afin d'établir le potentiel énergétique et de le cartographier. Une analyse des résultats au regard du climat permet de mettre en évidence un lien entre ce potentiel et la notion de degré jour unifié,adaptée de la thermique du bâtiment, permettant ainsi à l'ingénieur d'estimer rapidement le potentiel énergétique à partir de données climatiques.En fonctionnement hivernal, l'objectif est de prévenir la formation de verglas sur les routes. Une stratégie de contrôle en température basée sur l’état adjoint est mise en place. Une analyse climatique est de nouveau menée et permet de tenir compte de l'humidité pour établir le besoin en chauffage. D'autres solutions de mise hors gel, basées sur un chauffage électrique, ont aussi été modélisées et soumises à ces stratégies de contrôle afin de mettre en évidence la possibilité d'un gain énergétique significatif. Ces lois de commande ont été étendues aux problèmes de reconstruction de propriétés dans le milieu et une application combinant cette approche thermique avec une approche basée sur l'électromagnétisme est proposée. / In the context of the energy transition, with the use of new energies as a priority, we propose to study the energy performance of solar hybrid roads. An exhaustive study of climatic conditions makes it possible to establish the energy gains and losses of these systems, then a numerical model is developed to couple thermal diffusion, hydraulic convection and radiative transfers by the finite element method with the possibility of state changes. This model is implemented in a Matlab core and applied to annual meteorological data for different cities to establish and map energy potential. An analysis of the results with regard to climate makes it possible to highlight a link between this potential and the notion of a unified degree day, adapted from the building's thermal energy, thus allowing the engineer to quickly estimate the energy potential based on climatic data. During winter operation, the objective is to prevent from black ice occurring on the roads. A temperature control strategy based on the adjoint state method is implemented. A climate analysis is again carried out to take humidity into account to determine heating needs. Other frost protection solutions, based on electric heating, were also modelled and subjected to these control strategies in order to highlight the possibility of significant energy savings. These control laws have beengeneralized to problems of property reconstruction in a background and an application combining this thermal approach with an electromagnetism-based approach is proposed.

Uso do reagente de Fenton como oxidante secundário em sistemas de destruição de resíduos através de oxidação térmica / Use of Fentons reagent as a secondary oxidant in residue destruction systems based on thermic oxidation

Tooge, Carlos Augusto Blasques 01 November 2002 (has links)
Incineração pode ser considerado um método terminal para a disposição de resíduos. Apesar de toda vantagem que possa apresentar, a oposição a este tipo de tratamento tem sido frequentemente renovada em função de traços de dioxinas cloradas, furanos clorados e outros compostos detectados nos efluentes gasosos de incineradores de resíduos. A eficiência de Incineradores é medida pela remoção e destruição de compostos e pela emissão de produtos de combustão incompleta -PCI (ex. Dioxinas, Furanos, etc). Neste trabalho propomos a utilização do reagente de Fenton como sistema de oxidação auxiliar em um incinerador com forno de camara rotativa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi aumentar a Eficiência de Destruição e Remoção de compostos e diminuir a emissão de PCIs. A reação de Fenton é dada pela equação [1]. Fe2+ + H2O2 &larr;&rarr; Fe3+ + *OH + OH- [1] Em condições ácidas o radical hidroxila apresenta potencial de oxidação Eo = 2,33 v. No processo oxidativo de Fenton normalmente 40 a 60 % do carbono é convertido a CO2 , dependendo da quantidade de Fe2+, peróxido e da temperatura da solução. Durante os testes foram efetuados 12 coletas dos efluentes gasosos, 6 com a utilização do reagente de Fenton e 6 sem o seu uso. Houve redução em 79 % da Taxa de emissão de compostos orgânicos e 97 % na redução da taxa de emissão de Dioxinas e Furanos (PCIs). 12 amostras de efluentes líquidos industriais contendo solventes também foram tratadas a temperatura ambiente com reagente de Fenton. Os resultados obtidos mostraram redução de 100 % a 47 % na concentração dos solventes. / Incineration can be considerate a terminal method for residue disposition. Beside the advantage that it could show the oposition to this kind of treatment has been frequently renovated based on chlorinated dioxines, chlorinated furanes traces and others detectable compounds that apear on the waste gases from incinerators. The efficience of incinerators is measered by the destruction and remotion of feed in compounds (DRE - Destruction and Remotion Efficiency) and emission of products formed by incomplete combustion (ICP), e.g. Dioxinas, Furanos etc. In this work we propose the use of Fenton\'s reagent as an auxiliar oxidation system in a rotatory kiln incinerator. The aim was increase the efficience of destruction and remotion (DRE) and decrease ICP emission. Fenton\'s reaction can be defined in the equation [1]. Fe2+ + H2O2 &larr;&rarr; Fe3+ + *OH + OH- [1] On acidic conditions the hydroxyl radical show oxidation potential Eo = 2,33 v. On the Fenton\'s oxidative process normaly 40 to 60 % of the carbon is converted to CO2 , depending on Fe2+ and peroxide concentration and solution\'s temperature. During the experimental step 12 samples from waste gases were taken, 6 of them using Fenton\'s treatment and other 6 without auxiliary oxidation. There were a reduction of 79 % on the emission of organic compounds and a reduction of 97 % on the emission of Polychlorinated Dioxines e Furanes (ICPs). 12 samples of industrial waste water were also treated with Fenton\'s reagent at room temperature. The results showed solvent concentration reduction from 100 % to 47 %.

Influência da composição da matriz orgânica, conteúdo inorgânico e tratamento térmico sobre diferentes propriedades de compósitos experimentais / Influence of composition of the organic matrix, filler content and thermic treatment on different properties of experimental composites

Esteves, Renata Antunes 18 October 2013 (has links)
Objetivo: Analisar a influência da matriz orgânica, do conteúdo inorgânico e do tratamento térmico (TT) sobre diferentes propriedades de compósitos experimentais, tais como o grau de conversão (GC), tenacidade à fratura (KIC), resistência à flexão (RF) e módulo de elasticidade (ME). Métodos: Para o experimento foram analisadas seis formulações de compósitos experimentais com proporções molares de Bis-GMA:TEGDMA de 5:5 e 7:3, a carga utilizada foi o vidro de bário, nas concentrações de 30, 50 e 70% em peso, e os fotoiniciadores a amina e canforoquinona. O GC foi analisado através da espectroscopia no infra-vermelho (FTIR) (n=5). A KlC foi avaliada pelo método single-edge notched beam (SENB). As imagens das superfícies de fratura foram capturadas por um estereomicroscópio e a KlC calculada (n=10). A análise da RF e ME foi realizada através do teste dos três pontos (n=10). Para todos os fatores de variação estudados, metade dos espécimes imediatamente após à confecção receberam TT em estufa convencional, a 170º C por 10 minutos e a outra metade não. Após 24 horas, as amostras foram destinadas de acordo com os ensaios realizados. Os dados foram analisados utilizando ANOVA/Tukey para o grau de conversão, tenacidade à fratura e resistência à flexão, e, Kruskal-Wallis para o módulo de elasticidade (=5%). Resultados: Na análise do GC (%) foi observada significância estatística para os três fatores de variação analisados individualmente (monômero, carga e TT), como também, para a interação monômero x TT (p<0,001). Para a KIC e RF, as alterações significantes foram observadas apenas nos três fatores de variação (monômero, carga e TT) analisados individualmente (p<0,001). Para o ME, os fatores individuais (monômero, carga e TT), a interação carga x TT apresentaram significância estatística (p<0,001), bem como a interação monômero x carga (p=0,001). Conclusões: A matriz orgânica e o conteúdo inorgânico dos compósitos experimentais influenciaram o GC, a KIC, a RF e ME, e o TT promoveu melhorias nas propriedades estudadas. / Objective: To analyze the influence of organic matrix, the inorganic content and thermic treatment (TT) on different properties of experimental composites, such as the degree of conversion (DC), fracture toughness (KIC), flexural strength (FS) and elastic modulus (EM). Methods: This experiment analyzed six formulations of experimental composites with 5:5 and 7:3 molar proportions of Bis-GMA: TEGDMA. The load used was barium glass at concentrations of 30, 50 and 70% by weight and the photoinitiators, camphorquinone and amine. GC was analyzed by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) (n=5). The KIC was evaluated by a \"single-edge notched beam\" (SENB). The images of the fracture surfaces were captured by a stereomicroscope and KIC calculated (n=10). The analysis FS and EM were performed by testing three points (n=10). For all the variation factors studied, half of the specimens immediately after the preparation received TT in conventional oven at 170º C for 10 minutes and the other half not. After 24 hours, the samples were designed according to the tests. Data were analyzed using ANOVA/Tukey the degree of conversion, fracture toughness and flexural strength, and Kruskal-Wallis test for the elastic modulus (=5%). Results: Analysis of GC (%) statistical significance was observed for the three variation factors analyzed individually (monomer, filler and TT), as well as for the interaction monomer x TT (p <0.001). For KIC and FS, significant changes were observed only in the three variation factors (monomer, filler and TT) analyzed individually (p<0.001). For EM, the individual factors (monomer, filler and TT) TT x filler interaction showed statistical significance (p <0.001), as well as the monomer x filler interaction (p = 0.001). Conclusions: The organic matrix and inorganic content of experimental composites influenced the GC, KIC, FS and EM, and the TT caused improvements in the properties studied.

Efeito da temperatura e chuva sobre a qualidade da fibra e produtividade de algodão no estado de Mato Grosso / Temperature and rainfall effect on fiber quality and yield of cotton in the State of \"Mato Grosso\", Brazil

Soares, Leonardo Cirilo da Silva 23 June 2015 (has links)
Temperatura e chuva exercem grande influência sobre o crescimento, desenvolvimento e produtividade vegetal. Com o objetivo geral de verificar o efeito da variação da temperatura e chuva sobre a qualidade da fibra e a produtividade de algodão no estado de Mato Grosso, este trabalho analisou conjuntamente dados climatológicos (banco de dados contendo os valores diários de temperatura máxima, mínima e média, e chuva) e dados provenientes de um grupo de experimentos de campo de algodão. A caracterização de diversos genótipos (cultivares e linhagens) de algodão foi realizada em 109 ambientes do estado de Mato Grosso, os quais foram formados pela combinação de três causas de variação: (i) seis locais (Itiquira, Serra da Petrovina, Campo Verde, Campo Novo do Parecis, Sapezal e Sorriso); (ii) quatro épocas de semeadura (05 a 21 de dezembro, 22 de dezembro a 10 de janeiro, 11 a 25 de janeiro, 25 de janeiro a 20 de fevereiro); e (iii) oito safras agrícolas (2003/2004 a 2010/2011). Os quatro cultivares mais frequentes foram selecionados: FiberMax 966, FMT 701, FiberMax 993 e DeltaOpal, testados em 75, 68, 63 e 60 ambientes, respectivamente. Os dados climatológicos, de cada ambiente, foram segmentados em três fases de desenvolvimento do algodoeiro: (i) emergência à primeira flor (E-F1); (ii) primeira flor ao primeiro capulho, mais 21 dias (F1-C1+21D); e (iii) emergência ao primeiro capulho, mais 21 dias (F1-C1+21D). Os resultados de cada fase foram correlacionados com os dados dos experimentos de campo de algodão (produtividade de algodão em caroço, rendimento e qualidade de fibra - índice micronaire, resistência, comprimento e maturidade). Os principais resultados obtidos foram: (i) variações de temperatura e chuva ocorridas durante a fase F1-C1+21D promoveram maior influência sobre produtividade e qualidade de fibra; (ii) o aumento da amplitude térmica interferiu negativamente na produtividade de algodão em caroço, índice micronaire e maturidade de fibra, e positivamente na resistência da fibra; (iii) quando comparadas à temperatura máxima, variações de temperatura mínima foram mais limitantes sobre a produtividade e qualidade de fibra; (iv) temperaturas mínimas inferiores a 20°C interferiram negativamente na produtividade de algodão em caroço, rendimento de fibra, índice micronaire e maturidade; (v) a elevação da temperatura máxima média interferiu positivamente na resistência e negativamente no comprimento de fibra; entretanto extremos de temperatura máxima, acima de 35°C, não foram associados às variações de produtividade e qualidade de fibra; e (vi) o aumento de chuva, em quantidade acumulada e frequência de ocorrência, resultou em elevação da produtividade de algodão em caroço, índice micronaire e maturidade. Como conclusão, o aumento da temperatura mínima e da frequência de ocorrência de chuva promovem o incremento da produtividade e da qualidade da fibra de algodão, ao passo que extremos de temperatura máxima não provocam alterações consistentes no estado de Mato Grosso. / Temperature and rain have great influence on the growth, development and yield of plants. In order to verify the effect of temperature and rainfall on fiber quality and yield of cotton in the State of ´Mato Grosso´, Brazil, climatological data (daily database of maximum, minimum and mean temperature and rainfall) were analyzed with data from a group of cotton field experiments. The characterization of various genotypes (cultivars and lines) of cotton was fulfilled in 109 environments of the State of Mato Grosso, which were formed by the combination of three sources of variation: (i) six locations (´Itiquira´, ´Serra da Petrovina´, ´Campo Verde´, ´Campo Novo do Parecis´, ´Sapezal´ and ´Sorriso´); (ii) four sowing times (5 to 21 December, December 22 to January 10, 11 to 25 January, and after January 26); and (iii) eight growing seasons (2003/2004 to 2010/2011). The four most frequent cultivars were selected: ´FiberMax 966´, ´FMT 701´, ´FiberMax 993´ and ´DeltaOpal´, tested in 75, 68, 63 and 60 environments, respectively. The climatological data, from each environment, were segmented into three stages of cotton development: (i) emergence to first flower (E-F1); (ii) first flower to the first boll, plus 21 days (F1-C1+21d); and (iii) emergency to the first boll, plus 21 days (E-C1+21d). The results of each phase were correlated with the experimental field data of cotton (productivity, lint yield and fiber quality (micronaire index, strength, length and maturity). The main results were: (i) variations of temperature and rainfall during the phase (F1-C1+21d) promoted greater influence on yield and fiber quality; (ii) the increasing of thermic amplitude affected negatively on yield, micronaire index and fiber maturity, and positively the fiber strength; (iii) when compared to the maximum temperature, minimum temperature variations were more restrictive on yield and fiber quality; (iv) values of minimum temperature below 20°C were harmful to yield, lint yield, micronaire index and maturity; (v) the maximum temperature had a positive influence in resistance and a negative influence on the fiber length; however, extreme maximum temperature above 35°C wasn\'t associated to variations on yield and fiber quality; and (vi) the increasing of rainfall, in height and occurrence frequency, influenced the rising in cotton productivity, micronaire index and maturity. In conclusion, the increasing of minimum temperature and frequency of rainfall occurrence promote the increment of cotton productivity and fiber quality, while maximum temperature extremes caused no consistent changes in the State of Mato Grosso.

Indução e seleção de linhagens celulares de Eucalyptus urophylla para tolerância aos estresses hídrico e térmico / Induction and selection of Eucalyptus urophylla cell lines resistant to thermic and hydric stresses

Viana, Juliana de Oliveira Fernandes 12 December 2005 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a possível relação entre a temperatura alta e o provável aumento de tolerância à deficiência hídrica, bem como identificar e selecionar as linhagens celulares de Eucalyptus urophylla sob os aspectos fisiológicos e bioquímicos. Para isso, calos oriundos de hipocótilos de Eucalyptus urophylla mantidos em cultura de tecidos em meio de cultura N7 (SIMOLA, 1985) com 5 mg L-1 de Picloram foram utilizados para conduzir os testes. Estes calos foram submetidos a uma pressão de seleção em meio N7 (SIMOLA, 1985) suplementado com 20% de polietilenoglicol (PEG 6000) e em seguida, eles foram tratados em diferentes temperaturas (25, 30, 35, 40 e 45ºC) por duas horas em BOD. Então, esses frascos foram mantidos por vinte dias sob condições constantes de luz (50 µmol m-2 s-1 PAR) e temperatura de 26 + 2 oC com fotoperíodo de 12 horas. Após esse período, parte do material foi avaliada e o restante foi transferido para meio de cultura N7 suplementado com 5 mg L-1 de Picloram. Decorrido quatro meses, parte das linhagens sobreviventes à primeira seleção foram transferidas para o meio N7 líquido, visando avaliar a capacidade de recuperação do material. O restante dos calos selecionados foi novamente submetido aos estresses hídrico e térmico, conforme o tratamento realizado anteriormente, por vinte dias. Para avaliação das três etapas do experimento (primeira seleção, recuperação e segunda seleção), foram feitas determinações do teor de prolina, proteínas totais solúveis e carboidratos não-estruturais solúveis (ácido glucorônico, celobiose, glicose, poliose e arabinose), bem como avaliação do crescimento através da medição do peso seco e peso fresco. Os resultados foram avaliados por análise fatorial utilizando técnicas de componentes principais (PCA) e pela comparação de médias de acordo com a Análise de Variância (ANOVA) e LDS (Least Significant Difference). Assim, verificou-se que em primeira instância, altas temperaturas podem aumentar a tolerância a posterior deficiência hídrica, mas numa segunda exposição essa vantagem não é significativa. Além disso, linhagens tolerantes a condições de estresse podem ser selecionadas utilizando essa metodologia. / This work aimed to assess a possible relation between hight temperature and improvement in drought tolerance, as well as identify and select Eucalyptus urophylla cell lines under physiological and biochemical aspects. Callus obtained from hypocotyl of Eucalyptus urophylla and cultivated in N7 medium (SIMOLA, 1985) with the addition of 5mg.L-1 of Picloram were used to carry out the tests. These callus were transferred to N7 medium (SIMOLA, 1985) suplemented with 20% of PEG 6000 and then, they were treated at different temperatures (25, 30, 35, 40 and 45ºC) for two hours in BOD. Then, they were kept under constant conditions of light (50 µmol m-2 s-1 PAR) and temperature (26 + 2 oC) with photoperiod of 12 hours for 20 days. After that, part of the material was evaluated and the remained callus was transferred to N7 medium supplemented with 5 mg L-1 of Picloram. Passed four mouths, half of the selected cell lines was transferred to N7 liquid medium, aiming to evaluate the capacity of recovery of the material. The other part of the selected callus was submitted to water and thermal stress again, as in the first selection, for 20 days. The evaluation of the callus response was made through the quantification of proline, total soluble proteins, soluble sugars (glucoronic acid, glucose, celobiose, poliose and arabinose). The data were analised through fatorial analises using principal component techinics and through means comparation according to ANOVA and LSD (Least Significance Difference) test. Thus, these results showed a positive relation between hight temperature and improvement in drought tolerance in first instance, but in a second exposition to this stress factor, these advances was not significant. Tolerant cell lines to stress conditions could be selected using this methodology.

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