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Menace(s) du stéréotype et perception de soi : Comment modérer l’impact des réputations négatives sur les membres des groupes stéréotypés ? Le cas des femmes et des Noirs de France / Stereotype-Threat(s) and self-perception : How to moderate negative reputations’ impact on stereotyped group members ? : The case of women and Blacks of France.Ka, Racky 03 June 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la menace du stéréotype (Steele & Aronson, 1995) qui correspond à la crainte qu’un individu, appartenant à un groupe négativement stéréotypé, peut ressentir lorsqu’il risque de confirmer, par sa performance ou son comportement, le stéréotype négatif associé à son groupe. Cette crainte, en retour, le mènerait involontairement à confirmer le stéréotype. Trois objectifs guident ce travail : (1) Nous proposons d’examiner le rôle de la perception de soi (i.e., en tant qu’individu unique ou en tant que membre du groupe) dans la modération (i.e., augmentation ou diminution) des effets négatifs de la menace du stéréotype sur les performances, l’état émotionnel et la perception de la situation. (2) Nous suggérons de tenir compte de la distinction récente entre la menace du stéréotype dirigée vers soi (i.e., peur de confirmer le stéréotype pour soi-même) et la menace du stéréotype dirigée vers le groupe (i.e., peur d’être un mauvais représentant de son groupe) et d’en examiner les impacts sur la performance des individus concernés (Shapiro & Neuberg, 2007 ; Wout, Jackson, Spencer, & Danso, 2008). Ces deux premiers objectifs ont fait l’objet de quatre études expérimentales portant sur les femmes et le stéréotype d’incompétence en mathématiques (présentées dans la Partie 1). Les principaux résultats indiquent que la perception de soi en tant que membre du groupe (i.e., soi interdépendant) a des effets plus délétères sur la performance et l’état émotionnel que la perception de soi en tant qu’individu unique (i.e., soi indépendant). Enfin, (3) notre dernier objectif était d’étendre les recherches sur la menace du stéréotype à un groupe stigmatisé encore non étudié dans le contexte français. Pour cela, nous avons choisi d’examiner le groupe des Noirs de France avec quatre études (présentées dans la Partie 2). Les principaux résultats révèlent l’existence de stéréotypes négatifs associés à ce groupe (e.g., incompétence intellectuelle) ainsi que leur impact non négligeable sur les membres de ce groupe (e.g., performances, comportements au quotidien). / This thesis is about stereotype threat effect (Steele & Aronson, 1995), which is definedas the fear one feels when one risks confirming the negative stereotypes associated with one’sgroup. This fear, in return, may lead one to involuntarily confirm the negative stereotypes byone’s behavior or performance. Three goals have guided this thesis work: (1) we propose toexamine self-construal’s moderator role (i.e., seing oneself as an individual or as a groupmember) on stereotype threat negative effects. (2) We suggest to take into account the recentdistinction between self stereotype-threat (i.e., the fear of confirming the negative stereotype foroneself) and group stereotype-threat (i.e., the fear of being a bad ambassador of one’s group;Shapiro & Neuberg, 2007 ; Wout, Jackson, Spencer, & Danso, 2008) and to examine theireffects on performance. These two objectives were examined in four experiments amongwomen and the stereotype of mathematics incompetence (results are presented in the first partof this manuscript). Main results show that interdependent self-construal activation has moredetrimental effects on performance and emotional state (i.e., anxiety) than independent selfconstrualactivation. The third (3) goal of this thesis is to extend stereotype threat effectsresearch to a stigmatized group which wasn’t studied yet in France. We chose Blacks of Franceand we run four studies among this group (results are presented in the second part of thismanuscript). Main results show that Blacks of France are associated with negative stereotypes(e.g., intellectual incompetence) which have negative effects among members of this group (e.g.,on performance, everyday behavior).
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Contact or threat? : A quantitative study on the effects of refugee reception on electoral support for right-wing populists in Swedish municipalitiesLarsson, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates the connection between refugee reception in Swedish municipalities and support for the Swedish right-wing populist party, the Sweden Democrats. Using panel data of electoral support for the Sweden Democrats in the elections 2006, 2010, 2014, and 2018 and the number of refugees received per municipality in the years since the preceding election, I find a positive and significant association between support for the Sweden Democrats and number of refugees received. This result is consistent across different models, including models utilising municipality-fixed and year-fixed effects. In order to test different theories on the connection between immigration and support for right-wing populists, I also utilise several different interaction effects between refugee intake and urbanity, native unemployment, income, immigrant unemployment and existing immigrant stock. Through this, I find some evidence for a connection between economic circumstance and response to refugee reception, supporting a theory of refugees being perceived as an economic threat, but only very weak support for a connection between political response to refugee reception and cultural fears or native contact with refugees.
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Exploring the Viability of PageRank for Attack Graph Analysis and Defence Prioritization / Undersökning av PageRanks användbarhet för analys av attackgrafer och prioritering av försvarDypbukt Källman, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
In today's digital world, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly critical. Essential services that we rely on every day such as finance, transportation, and healthcare all rely on complex networks and computer systems. As these systems and networks become larger and more complex, it becomes increasingly challenging to identify and protect against potential attacks. This thesis addresses the problem of efficiently analysing large attack graphs and prioritizing defences in the field of cybersecurity. The research question guiding this study is whether PageRank, originally designed for ranking the importance of web pages, can be extended with additional parameters to effectively analyze large vulnerability-based attack graphs. To address this question, a modified version of the PageRank algorithm is proposed, which considers additional parameters present in attack graphs such as Time-To-Compromise values. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on various attack graphs to assess its accuracy, efficiency, and scalability. The evaluation shows that the algorithm exhibits relatively short running times even for larger attack graphs, demonstrating its efficiency and scalability. The algorithm achieves a reasonably high level of accuracy when compared to an optimal defence selection, showcasing its ability to effectively identify vulnerable nodes within the attack graphs. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that PageRank is a viable alternative for the security analysis of attack graphs. The proposed algorithm shows promise in efficiently and accurately analyzing large-scale attack graphs, providing valuable insight for identifying threats and defence prioritization. / I dagens digitala värld blir cybersäkerhet allt viktigare. Viktiga tjänster som vi förlitar oss på varje dag, inom t.ex. finans, transport och hälsovård, är alla beroende av komplexa nätverk och datorsystem. I takt med att dessa system och nätverk blir större och mer komplexa blir det allt svårare att identifiera och skydda sig mot potentiella attacker. Denna uppsats studerar problemet med att effektivt analysera stora attackgrafer och prioritera försvar inom cybersäkerhet. Den forskningsfråga som styr denna studie är om PageRank, ursprungligen utformad för att rangordna webbsidor, kan utökas med ytterligare parametrar för att effektivt analysera stora attackgrafer. För att besvara denna fråga föreslås en modifierad version av PageRank-algoritmen, som beaktar ytterligare parametrar som finns i attackgrafer, såsom ”Time-To-Compromise”-värden. Den föreslagna algoritmen utvärderas på olika attackgrafer för att bedöma dess noggrannhet, effektivitet och skalbarhet. Utvärderingen visar att den föreslagna algoritmen uppvisar relativt korta körtider även för större attackgrafer, vilket visar på hög effektivitet och skalbarhet. Algoritmen uppnår en rimligt hög nivå av noggrannhet jämfört med det optimala valet av försvar, vilket visar på dess förmåga att effektivt identifiera sårbara noder inom attackgraferna. Sammanfattningsvis visar denna studie att PageRank är ett potentiellt alternativ för säkerhetsanalys av attackgrafer. Den föreslagna algoritmen visar lovande resultat när det gäller att effektivt och noggrant analysera storskaliga attackgrafer, samt erbjuda värdefull information för att identifiera hot och prioritera försvar.
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<b>Analyzing the Nexus between Cyberaggression and Cybersecurity Insider Threat Dynamics</b>Anirudh Vempati (16897563) 27 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In the modern, internet-connected world, online actions have a big impact. Organizational information system security is a complex issue, with both external attacks and internal vulnerabilities posing serious risks. Although there is ample evidence linking job discontent and stress in the context of insider threat prediction, the stress caused by a perceived lack of social support is mostly unstudied. This research seeks to address this gap by assessing how aggressive behaviors outside the workplace and the absence of offline social support can predict insider threat behaviors within organizations. Given the prevalence of insider threats, a comprehensive investigation into their motivations and actions is imperative. Understanding these dynamics can provide organizations with crucial insights to effectively manage this persistent risk. The widespread nature of insider threats calls for a thorough study into their roots, motives, and behaviors. By comprehensively analyzing these factors, companies can gain valuable insights into insider threats' dynamics and develop effective risk management strategies.</p><p dir="ltr">The study conducted a survey with 206 participants recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), analyzing data using SPSS. The survey consisted of several questionnaires, including demographic information, insider threat traits, cyberaggressive behaviors, online and offline social support. The correlational analysis revealed significant variables related to insider threat characteristics. The results of the study suggested that Cyberbullying and Deception were significant predictors of Hacking and Identity Theft. Additionally, individuals displaying traits of Unwanted Contact and Online Harassment outside the workplace were more likely to exhibit insider threat behaviors within an organization. Notably, the lack of online social support was not found to be indicative of insider threats. However, the absence of offline social support was associated with an increased probability of individuals engaging in cybercrimes within organizational settings.</p><p dir="ltr">The findings suggest that organizations and information security policymakers should implement strategies to mitigate insider threats effectively. To manage insider threats, organizations should focus on behavioral cues, implement positive interventions and utilize technical monitoring to track online actions of insiders. Understanding the psychological, behavioral, and technical aspects of insider threats is crucial for early detection and prevention. Policymakers at companies should not only focus on traditional background checks related to criminal history but also consider psychological and behavioral factors to prevent insider threats effectively. By integrating these insights into policies and practices, companies can enhance their ability to mitigate potential insider threats effectively.</p><p dir="ltr">The present study augments the existing literature on insider threats and cyber aggression by examining the influence of stressors on employee behavior. Building upon prior research, this investigation delves into the nuanced impact of both offline and online social support systems on stress levels experienced by employees. It explores how the absence of adequate offline and online social support can exacerbate stress levels, consequently increasing the likelihood of insider threats and cyber aggression. In conclusion, the findings of this research contribute significantly to our understanding of the pivotal role of offline social support in mitigating workplace stress. Moreover, it underscores the importance of understanding individual online presence and background verification processes in evaluating potential risks within the workplace.</p>
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Behind the Drug Wars: Determinants and Consequences of State Crack and Powder Cocaine Laws, 1976 – 2011Malone, Chad Allen 13 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Samverkan vid terrorhotbedömning : Om samverkan mellan myndigheter inom Nationellt centrum för terrorhotbedömningSköldekrans, Magnus, Torbrand, Ulrika January 2024 (has links)
The current terrorist threat that Sweden and other countries are facing is far more complex than before. In 2005, the National Centre for Terrorist Threat Assessment (NCT) was established to conduct strategic terrorism threat assessments. Three years later, NCT became a permanent working group staffed with designated employees from three different government authorities; the Swedish Security Service (Säpo), National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA) and the Swedish Armed Forces’ Military Intelligence and Security Directorate (Must). This study aims at understanding how co-operation is conducted between the designated government authorities within the NCT, when developing strategic threat assessments. The study also examines if today’s cooperation and information exchange is working satisfactorily or if it should be developed, and in that case what obstacles and which success it could have. The used methodology is based on a qualitative approach, consisting of information collection from both official documents and semi-structured interviews with past and present employees directly and indirectly affiliated with NCT. The information is then analyzed based on the perspectives of co-operation and governance. The study concludes that the participating authorities, apart from the designated employees, lack full knowledge and understanding of NCTs task, as national coordinating function for strategic terrorism threat assessments. The lack of knowledge and understanding of different government´s tasks lead to work being conducted in silos, which could lead to information is not disseminated to the appropriate recipient. Due to the complex nature of the current threat, there is a need for involvement of more authorities and organization in NCTs work, in order to enhance the knowledge of the threat and minimize the risk of valuable information loss. The study also displays that NCTs capability to produce long-term assessment and hamper the risk of an “information bubble” can be reduced by decentralized command structure. Finally, this study shows that information exchange between authorities and NCT can be facilitated by common IT-systems, continuous staffing, and co-localization. / Sverige och världen står inför en alltmer komplex hotbild när det kommer till terrorism. För att göra strategiska terrorhotbedömningar, som tillsammans med övriga bedömningar, ligger till grund för den hotnivå som beslutas av Säkerhetspolischefen, så bildas 2005 - Nationellt Centrum för Terrorhotbedömning (NCT). NCT blev en permanent grupp 2009 och består av representanter från tre olika myndigheter – Säkerhetspolisen (Säpo), Försvarsmakten (FM) med Militära underrättelse- och säkerhetstjänsten (Must) och Försvarets Radioanstalt (FRA). Syftet med denna studie har varit att få förståelse för hur samverkan mellan myndigheterna inom NCT fungerar vid framtagning av strategiska terrorhotbedömningar. Denna studie har också sökt svar på om samverkan och informationsdelning fungerar fullt ut idag vid NCT eller om samverkan skulle kunna utvecklas framöver, vilka framgångsfaktorer och hinder det finns för en sådan utveckling. Studien har utgått från en kvalitativ metod där officiella dokument och skrivelser har granskats för att ta reda på hur myndighetssamverkan och myndighetsstyrning regleras i dessa, och hur ansvarsfördelningen ser ut mellan respektive myndighet. Vidare har det genomförts semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som har en direkt eller indirekt koppling till NCT. Det empiriska underlag som fåtts fram har sedan analyserats tillsammans med utvalda referenser som har koppling till myndighetsstyrning och samverkan. Studiens slutsatser visar att hemmamyndigheterna saknar full kunskap och förståelse för uppgiften som NCT har, att vara den strategiska samordningsfunktionen för terrorhotbedömningar. Avsaknad av kunskap och förståelse för olika myndigheters uppgifter leder till att arbete sker i stuprör, vilket kan leda till att information inte sprids till de som behöver den. För att kunna hantera den komplexa hotbild som Sverige står inför behöver fler myndigheter och organisationer stödja NCT:s arbete, detta för att bredda kunskapen och minska riskerna att information går förlorad. Vidare visar studien att förmågan vid NCT att göra strategiskt långsiktiga bedömningar och motverka att hamna i en ”informationsbubbla”, där man riskerar att göra för kortsiktiga och snäva bedömningar, sker med stöd av en decentraliserad ledningsstruktur. Slutligen visar studien att det som underlättar för informationsdelning mellan myndigheterna och NCT är gemensam sambands och IT-utrustning, kontinuitet på personal med rätt kunskap och att vara samlokaliserade.
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La violence en cours d’hospitalisation : études de cas de patients présentant une symptomatologie de type menace et atteintes aux mécanismes de contrôleLabarre, Catherine 08 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs travaux suggèrent que les personnes atteintes d’une maladie mentale grave représentent un risque plus élevé de passage à l’acte violent que les personnes de la population en générale. Les raisons pour lesquelles ces personnes seraient plus enclines à commettre des gestes violents restent toutefois souvent contradictoires. En 1994, Link et Stueve suggéraient qu’une personne atteinte de symptômes de type menace/atteintes aux mécanismes de contrôle (TCO), était significativement plus à risque de commettre un geste violent. Les résultats de ces travaux furent par la suite reproduits dans le cadre d’autres études. L’objectif de ce rapport de stage est de mieux comprendre la relation entre les symptômes TCO et le passage à l’acte agressif en cours d’hospitalisation. Pour ce faire, les informations concernant la symptomatologie et les passages à l’acte violents de deux résidents de l’Institut Philippe-Pinel de Montréal (IPPM) sont présentées sous forme d’études de cas. L’analyse du contenu clinique des études de cas suggère qu’une approche nomothétique ne permet de comprendre qu’en partie l’association entre le passage à l’acte agressif et les symptômes TCO. Une telle approche ne permet pas d’intégrer d’autres facteurs cliniques tels les hallucinations ou les idées de violence, à l’étude du passage à l’acte agressif. Une approche phénoménologique où l’on s’intéresse à la compréhension qu’a la personne de son environnement et aux moyens qu’elle envisage afin d’y répondre semble offrir davantage de pistes afin de comprendre le passage à l’acte violent chez la personne atteinte d’une maladie mentale grave. / Studies suggest that people with severe mental illnesses represent a higher risk of acting out violently than the general population. However, evidences as to why these individuals would be more prone to violence remain contradictory. In 1994, Link and Stueve suggested that a person with Threat/Control-Override (TCO) symptoms is at a significantly higher risk to act violently. Those results were subsequently reproduced. The objective of this report is to get a better understanding of the relation between TCO symptoms and violent acting out during hospitalization. Therefore, data concerning symptomatology and violent acting outs by two Institut Philippe-Pinel de Montréal (IPPM) inpatients are presented in two case studies. The analysis of the clinical content in these case studies suggests that a nomothetic approach would only allow us to understand part of the correlation between aggressive behaviors and TCO symptoms. More over, this approach does not integrate other clinical factors such as hallucinations to the comprehension of aggressive acting outs. A phenomenological approach where the person’s understanding of his environment and what he considers as options in responding are investigated, provides additional clues that could lead to the understanding of why someone with a severe mental illness may be at risk of acting out violently.
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The British Threat To The Ottoman Presence In The Persian Gulf During The Era Of Abdulhamid Ii And The Responses Towards ItBiral, Bilal Emre 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes how the Ottomans attempted to survive under the intensified British threat in the Persian Gulf during the period of Abdü / lhamid II (1876-1909). British statesmen at that time and Western sources inspired by these political elites
have argued that there was no British menace that aimed to undermine the Ottoman presence in the Persian Gulf but that the Ottomans could not rule and hold the region. This thesis argues the contrary, that there was a formidable British threatening policy toward the Ottoman presence in the Persian Gulf which aimed at keeping the Ottomans out of the region by various effective means, particularly by using local
autonomous sheikhs who served as proté / gé / s in undermining the Ottoman administration in the Gulf region. Furthermore, this thesis argues that the Ottomans generated policy for the region that has formed in response to the British threat. In
this regard, the Ottoman government generated several responses, which were also reforms for the local people and administration in the Gulf region, to avert the British threat / however the Ottomans faced the serious challenges of Britain and the autonomous sheikhs in the realization of these responses. In all, this study concludes that the Ottoman Empire did not control the region completely and effectively owing not to its incompetence, yet the British policy did not allow for the Ottoman presence in the region.
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La violence en cours d’hospitalisation : études de cas de patients présentant une symptomatologie de type menace et atteintes aux mécanismes de contrôleLabarre, Catherine 08 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs travaux suggèrent que les personnes atteintes d’une maladie mentale grave représentent un risque plus élevé de passage à l’acte violent que les personnes de la population en générale. Les raisons pour lesquelles ces personnes seraient plus enclines à commettre des gestes violents restent toutefois souvent contradictoires. En 1994, Link et Stueve suggéraient qu’une personne atteinte de symptômes de type menace/atteintes aux mécanismes de contrôle (TCO), était significativement plus à risque de commettre un geste violent. Les résultats de ces travaux furent par la suite reproduits dans le cadre d’autres études. L’objectif de ce rapport de stage est de mieux comprendre la relation entre les symptômes TCO et le passage à l’acte agressif en cours d’hospitalisation. Pour ce faire, les informations concernant la symptomatologie et les passages à l’acte violents de deux résidents de l’Institut Philippe-Pinel de Montréal (IPPM) sont présentées sous forme d’études de cas. L’analyse du contenu clinique des études de cas suggère qu’une approche nomothétique ne permet de comprendre qu’en partie l’association entre le passage à l’acte agressif et les symptômes TCO. Une telle approche ne permet pas d’intégrer d’autres facteurs cliniques tels les hallucinations ou les idées de violence, à l’étude du passage à l’acte agressif. Une approche phénoménologique où l’on s’intéresse à la compréhension qu’a la personne de son environnement et aux moyens qu’elle envisage afin d’y répondre semble offrir davantage de pistes afin de comprendre le passage à l’acte violent chez la personne atteinte d’une maladie mentale grave. / Studies suggest that people with severe mental illnesses represent a higher risk of acting out violently than the general population. However, evidences as to why these individuals would be more prone to violence remain contradictory. In 1994, Link and Stueve suggested that a person with Threat/Control-Override (TCO) symptoms is at a significantly higher risk to act violently. Those results were subsequently reproduced. The objective of this report is to get a better understanding of the relation between TCO symptoms and violent acting out during hospitalization. Therefore, data concerning symptomatology and violent acting outs by two Institut Philippe-Pinel de Montréal (IPPM) inpatients are presented in two case studies. The analysis of the clinical content in these case studies suggests that a nomothetic approach would only allow us to understand part of the correlation between aggressive behaviors and TCO symptoms. More over, this approach does not integrate other clinical factors such as hallucinations to the comprehension of aggressive acting outs. A phenomenological approach where the person’s understanding of his environment and what he considers as options in responding are investigated, provides additional clues that could lead to the understanding of why someone with a severe mental illness may be at risk of acting out violently.
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Virtualization Security Threat Forensic and Environment SafeguardingZahedi, Saed January 2014 (has links)
The advent of virtualization technologies has evolved the IT infrastructure and organizations are migrating to virtual platforms. Virtualization is also the foundation for cloud platform services. Virtualization is known to provide more security into the infrastructure apart from agility and flexibility. However security aspects of virtualization are often overlooked. Various attacks to the virtualization hypervisor and its administration component are desirable for adversaries. The threats to virtualization must be rigorously scrutinized to realize common breaches and knowing what is more attractive for attackers. In this thesis a current state of perimeter and operational threats along with taxonomy of virtualization security threats is provided. The common attacks based on vulnerability database are investigated. A distribution of the virtualization software vulnerabilities, mapped to the taxonomy is visualized. The famous industry best practices and standards are introduced and key features of each one are presented for safeguarding the virtualization environments. A discussion of other possible approaches to investigate the severity of threats based on automatic systems is presented.
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