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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Könsstereotyp, ett hinder för kvinnornas framgång? : Hur påverkas kvinnornas karriärambitioner i organisationen av stereotypiska hot inom ledarskap? / Gender stereotyping, a barrier for women's success?

Eriksson, Karin, Olsson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur stereotypiska hotet mot kvinnors karriärambitioner uppfattas påverka deras framgång i organisationen. Metod: I studien används en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en hermeneutisk forskningsansats. I studien genomfördes tio semi-strukturerade intervjuer som analyserats enligt en tematisk analys. Slutsats: Studiens slutsats överensstämmer med tidigare forskning vad gäller de tre huvudkonsekvenserna från stereotypiska hot. Kvinnor upplever låga karriärmöjligheter, separerad identitet och ökad oro. Studien påvisar även stress som en konsekvens av en längre tids upplevelse av separerad identitet, vilket tidigare forskning inte funnit. Konsekvenserna gav oss en djupare förståelse av hur kvinnornas framgång iorganisationen påverkas av stereotypiska hoten. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: För att få en ännu djupare förståelse föreslår vi till fortsatt forskning att undersöka hur stereotypiska hot påverkar en organisation under en längre tid, genom att använda longitudinell metod. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien bidrar till en djupare förståelse hur stereotypiska hotet mot kvinnors karriärambitioner påverkar deras framgång i organisationens. / Aim: The aim of the study is to create a deeper understanding of how stereotypical threats for women's career ambitions perceived influence their success in the organization. To understand the women and the organization we designed research questions for this purpose; How does gender stereotypes in leadership impact women's idea of leadership? How does the stereotypical threat impact women's career aspirations to climb in the organization? How do women experience that their success is influenced by stereotypical threat in leadership? Method: The study used a qualitative research with a hermeneutic research approach. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted, analyzed with a thematic analysis. Conclusions: The study's conclusion is consistent with previous research regarding the three main consequences of stereotypical threat. Women experience low career prospects, separate identity and increased anxiety. The study also found stress as a consequence of a longer experience of separate identity, which previous research has not found. Consequences gave us a deeper understanding of how women's success in the organization is influenced by stereotypical threats. Suggestions for future research: To get an even deeper understanding, we suggest further research to investigate how stereotypical threat affects an organization for a long time, using the longitudinal method. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes to a deeper understanding of how the stereotypical threat to women's career ambitions affect their success in the organization.


Kathy Ann Wierzchowski (6865775) 02 August 2019 (has links)
There is a lack of literature that has investigated the relationships between stereotype threat, impostor phenomenon, and other related constructs on career development, particularly for women in STEM. While various resources (National Science Foundation, 2013; Sax, Kanny, Jacobs, Whang, Weintraub, & Hroch, 2016; US Department of Labor, 2014) have highlighted the gender gap and “leaky pipeline” in STEM, it is important to further investigate and understand why these phenomena occur and continue to persist. In this study, I used a mixed methods approach which used a quantitative SEM analyses and qualitative interview to further examine the paths between chilly climate, impostor phenomenon, stereotype threat, science self-efficacy, fear of failure, fear of success, academic major satisfaction, and persistence in STEM in a sample of undergraduate females. Several hypotheses were formed in order to better understand the mediation effects of these variables upon one another. Stereotype threat was found to be endorsed at a lesser rate than anticipated, while impostor phenomenon was endorsed at a higher rate. Science self-efficacy was also found to play an important role in the predicted relationships among variables, relating to both academic major satisfaction and persistence. These quantitative results were supported by data gathered in qualitative interviews. Implications for research and practice around concerns of impostor phenomenon, stereotype threat, and fears of failure and success are discussed.

Ett yrke där hot och våld är vardag : En kvalitativ studie om polisers upplevelser av hot och våld i arbetet

Wuotila, Julia January 2019 (has links)
I denna studie har polisers utsatthet i form av hot och våld undersökts. Studien baseras på kvalitativ metod och sju kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med poliser som både aktivt arbetar i yttre tjänst samt med poliser som har arbetat i yttre tjänst. Syftet med studien var att skapa djupare förståelse för polisers upplevelser av utsatthet i form av hot och våld i arbetet. För att uppfylla syftet formulerades tre frågeställningar: ”Vilken typ av hot och våld utsätts polispersonal i yttre tjänst för?”, ”Hur upplever polispersonal i yttre tjänst sin utsatthet för hot och våld?” och ”Vilka konsekvenser får utsattheten för hot och våld för polispersonal i yttre tjänst?”. Insamlad empiri från intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån studiens teoretiska ramverk som utgörs av tidigare forskning som undersökt vilka faktorer som innebär risker för poliser att utsättas för hot och våld, normalisering av hot och våld samt teori om krav, kontroll och socialt stöd i arbetet. Studiens resultat visar att definitionen av hot och våld grundar sig i polisernas subjektiva uppfattning av begreppet. Samtliga poliser vittnar om händelser där de varit utsatta för hot, våld eller både och i tjänsten. Det finns olika grader av våld, där våld som uppstår vid tumult i samband med ingripanden anses vara en lägre grad av våld och våldsamma handlingar som görs med uppsåt anses som allvarligare typer av våld. När det gäller hot upplevs det vara beroende av vem som uttalar hotet, huruvida hotet är riktat mot poliserna personligen eller mot deras familj eller anhöriga som främst avgör om det anses som allvarligt eller inte. Poliserna tenderar att normalisera och tona ner hotfulla och aggressiva handlingar baserat på uppfattningen att det till viss del ingår i rollen som polis att utsättas för hot och våld. Däremot anser inte poliserna att det är okej att utsättas för hot och våld i tjänsten oavsett omständigheter. Vidare visar resultatet att det finns krav på prestation i form av att ingripa vid situationer där det finns risk för att utsättas för hot och våld och att poliserna upplever sig ha en hög grad av kontroll i arbetet. Utsattheten för hot och våld i tjänsten hanteras genom att det finns ett bra socialt stöd på arbetet. / In this study, police vulnerability to threats and violence has been examined. The study is based on qualitative method and seven qualitative semi-structured interviews have been conducted with police officers who actively work as police officers in the external service as well as with police officers who have worked in external service. The aim of the study was to create a deeper understanding of police officers’ experiences of vulnerability to threats and violence at work. To fulfill the purpose, three issues were formulated: “What kind of threat and violence are police officers exposed to in the external service?”, “How do police officers in external service experience their vulnerability to threats and violence?” and “What are the consequences of the vulnerability to threat and violence for police officers in external service?”. The collected empirical data has been analyzed based on the study's theoretical framework consisted in previous research which examined which factors entail risks for police officers to be exposed to threats and violence, normalization of threats and violence as well as theory of demand, control and social support at work. The results of the study show that the definition of threat and violence is based on the police officer’s subjective perception of the concept. All police officers testify of events where they were exposed to threats, violence or both at work. There are different types of threat and varying degrees of violence, where violence that arises during commotion in interventions is seen as a lower degree of violence and violent acts made with intent were considered as more serious types of violence. Regarding threats, it was perceived to be dependent on who pronounces the threat, whether the threat is directed against them personally or their family who primarily determine whether it is considered serious or not. The police officers tend to normalize and to tone down threatening and aggressive actions based on the perception that it is to some extent included in the role of working as a police officer to be exposed to threats and violence. However, the police officers do not consider it being okay to be subjected to threats and violence at work regardless of the circumstances. Furthermore, the results show that there are demands for performance to intervene in situations where there is a risk of being exposed to threats and violence and that the police officers feel that they have a high degree of control in the work. The vulnerability to threats and violence at work is handled by good social support at work.

La « création adolescente » sous l’emprise d’une double menace : étude clinique des adolescents vivant au Liban / The “adolescent creation” in the thrall of a double threat : clinical study of adolescents living in Lebanon

Kattar, Antoine 24 October 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le champ des recherches cliniques d’orientation psychanalytique en sciences de l’éducation. Elle est centrée sur la compréhension des processus psychiques de construction identitaire chez les adolescents qui vivent au Liban. L’auteur essaye de montrer que pour ces adolescents, dans le contexte actuel du Liban, la menace externe émanant de l’environnement sociopolitique instable vient redoubler la menace intrapsychique inhérente au processus ordinaire de création adolescente. Ce travail se structure autour de trois parties. La première partie présente le contexte de l’étude et l’évolution du questionnement de recherche. L’auteur fait apparaître l’analyse de ses mouvements contre-transférentiels à l’égard de ses questions de recherche. La deuxième partie de ce travail propose des repères théoriques et méthodologiques en faisant appel essentiellement à des théorisations psychanalytiques et psychosociologiques pour aborder les notions d’identité, d’adolescence, de groupe ainsi que pour évoquer le dispositif d’entretiens cliniques individuels et d’entretiens cliniques en groupe à visée de recherche qu’il a conduits auprès d’adolescents libanais. La troisième partie décrit l’analyse du matériel recueilli. En conclusion, l’auteur essaye de mettre en perspective ses résultats avec des possibles modalités d’accompagnement clinique des professionnels susceptibles de créer des conditions étayantes les plus favorables aux adolescents libanais vis-à-vis des menaces identitaires qui pèsent sur eux. / This thesis lies in the field of psychoanalytically oriented clinical research in science of education. It focuses on understanding the psychical process of identity construction among adolescents living in Lebanon. The author tries to show that for these adolescents, in the current context of Lebanon, the external threat, which emanates from the instable socio-political environment, intensifies the intrapsychic threat inherent in the process of creating regular adolescents. This work is structured around three parts. The first part presents the context of the study and the development of research questions. The author shows the analysis of countertransference movement in relation to its research questions. The second part of this work provides theoretical and methodological reference points using essentially psychoanalytic and psychosocial theories to address notions of identity, adolescence, group, and to discuss the device of clinical interviews in groups and individual clinical interviews referred to research that he conducted with Lebanese adolescents. The third section describes the analysis of the collected material. In conclusion, the author tries to put into perspective his results with possible ways of supporting clinical professionals likely to create favourable conditions to support the Lebanese adolescents in relation to identity threats that weigh on them.

Threatening Measures, at Face Value : Electrophysiology Indicating Confounds of the Facial Width-to-Height Ratio

Lindersson, Carl January 2019 (has links)
Previous studies support that the relative width of the upper face (facial width-to-height ratio; fWHR) has evolved to signal threat, but these studies rely greatly on subjective facial ratings and measurements prone to confounds. The present study objectively quantifies threat perception to the magnitude of the observers’ electrophysiological reaction, specifically the event-related potential (ERP) called the late positive potential (LPP), and investigate if brow height and jaw width could have confounded previous fWHR studies. Swedish and international students (N = 30, females = 11, Mage = 24 years, SDage = 2.9) were shown computer-generated neutral faces created with the underlying skeletal morphology varying in brow ridge height, cheekbone width and jaw width. Participants first rated how threatening each face was and then viewed 12 blocks of 64 faces while their electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded. The results supported that the LPP could be used to index threat perception and showed that only brow height significantly affected both facial ratings (p < .001, ɳp2 = .698) and magnitude of the LPP within the 400 to 800 ms latency (p = .02, d = .542). Hence, brow height, not facial width, could explain previous findings. The results contradict the hypothesis that fWHR is an evolved cue of threat and instead support the overgeneralisation hypothesis in that faces with similar features to anger will be perceived as more threatening.

Implementação e avaliação do sistema de proteção física do reator IEA-R1 / The implementation and evaluation of physical protection system of the IEA-R1 reactor

Vaz, Antonio Carlos Alves 14 March 2016 (has links)
Os ataques terroristas ocorridos nos Estados Unidos em setembro de 2001, o acidente ocorrido na central nuclear de Fukushima em março de 2011 e os recentes ataques em Paris em novembro de 2015 são exemplos de eventos que corroboram a necessidade da Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica em melhorar a segurança nas instalações nucleares. O governo brasileiro vem contribuindo com este projeto e investindo recursos para melhoria do Sistema de Proteção Física, do reator nuclear de pesquisas localizado no Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares São Paulo, sistema que tecnicamente é colocado em prática pelos subsistemas de detecção, retardo e a resposta. O Sistema de Proteção Física é um conjunto integrado de pessoas, equipamentos e procedimentos usados para proteger instalações e fontes nucleares e/ou radioativas, contra ameaça, roubo, sabotagem ou outras ações dolosas causadas pelo homem; buscando sempre evitar, mitigar ou minimizar as consequências causadas por estas ações. Baseado na metodologia desenvolvida por especialistas em segurança do Sandia National Laboratories, AlbuquerqueEUA, o estudo apresenta a avaliação da eficácia do Sistema de Proteção Física do reator IEAR1. Essa metodologia possibilita a mensuração da eficácia do sistema e a identificação das suas vulnerabilidades por meio de análises hipotéticas, probabilísticas e estimativas de valores. Após a aplicação da metodologia obteve-se o valor aproximado de 40% para o indicador PE, o que demonstra a necessidade de implementar melhorias no sistema para minimizar as vulnerabilidades. / The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York, the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant on March 2011and the recent attacks in Paris on November 2015 are examples of events that justify the efforts of the International Agency of Energy AtomicIAEA to improve security at nuclear facility. The Brazilian government has been collaborating with this project and investing resources to improve the Physical Protection SystemPPS of the nuclear research reactor system, technically is associated with the elements of detection, delay and response. The PPS is an integrated system of people, equipment and procedures used to protect nuclear facilities and radioactive sources against threat, theft or sabotage. The PPS works to avoid, to mitigate or to minimize the consequences caused by these actions. This study evaluates the PPS of the reactor, identifying the vulnerabilities and suggesting ways to improve the system effectiveness. The analyses were based on the methodology developed by Sandia National Laboratories´ security experts in AlbuquerqueUSA, allowing the system evaluation through hypothetical and probabilistic analyzes; identifying threats, determining the targets and analyzing the possible adversaries paths. From the methodology adopted was obtained the value around 40% for PE indicator, which shows the need to improve the system to minimizing the vulnerabilities.

Percepção de ameaça terrorista nos jogos olímpicos: um estudo de caso sobre a cidade-sede São Paulo nas Olimpíadas Rio 2016 / Perception of terrorist threat in the Olympic games: a case study on the city of São Paulo in the Rio 2016 Olympics

Sousa, Alexandre Rodrigues de 28 September 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo a percepção de ameaça terrorista em São Paulo, no contexto dos Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram caracterizar a percepção da população de São Paulo em relação à ameaça terrorista e dimensionar a efetividade do programa governamental de sensibilização contra ameaça terrorista concebido em proveito da segurança durante os jogos olímpicos. Ao longo de seis meses, de fevereiro a julho de 2016, o autor integrou a equipe do programa e participou da capacitação de 4.287 (quatro mil duzentos e oitenta e sete) profissionais dos setores de turismo, segurança pública e defesa. A pesquisa adota o método do estudo de caso e a base de dados é composta por 1.109 (um mil cento e nove) formulários de pesquisa. Com base em 13 (treze) características do terrorismo extraídas das obras de Alex Schmid, David Rapoport e Martha Crenshaw, o pesquisador investiga a percepção de ameaça terrorista no grupo amostral, obtendo como resultado os seguintes elementos: fanatismo e/ou extremismo religioso (85,57%); violência física e/ou psicológica (62,23%); intimidação, medo e incerteza (60,90%); objetivos políticos (55,37%); uso das redes sociais (53,22%); planejamento (51,79%); estratégia (50,77%); indivíduos isolados (45,04%); grupos não estatais (37,56%); propaganda (36,34%); vítimas aleatoriamente escolhidas (35,41%); clandestinidade (33,98%); ação tática (17,60%). Quanto ao programa governamental de sensibilização contra ameaça terrorista, os resultados apontam um aumento de 34,31% (trinta e quatro vírgula trinta e um por cento) no índice de percepção dos concludentes do curso, indicando a efetividade do instrumento. / The object of this research is the perception of terrorist threat in São Paulo, in the context of the Olympic Games Rio 2016. The objectives of the research were to characterize the population\'s perception of the terrorist threat and to assess the effectiveness of the government\'s program of sensitization against terrorist threats designed to improve resilience during the Olympic Games. Over the course of six months, from February to July 2016, the author joined the program team and participated in the training of 4,287 ( four thousand two hundred and eighty-seven) professionals in the tourism, public security and defense sectors. The research adopts the case study method and the database is made up of 1,109 (one thousand one hundred and nine) research forms. Based on (13) thirteen characteristics of terrorism extracted from the works of Alex Schmid, David Rapoport and Martha Crenshaw, the researcher investigates the perception of terrorist threat in the sample group, resulting in the following elements: fanaticism and / or religious extremism (85 , 57%); physical and / or psychological violence (62.23%); intimidation, fear and uncertainty (60.90%); political objectives (55.37%); use of social networks (53.22%); planning (51.79%); strategy (50.77%); isolated individuals (45.04%); non-state groups (37.56%); advertising (36.34%); randomly selected victims (35.41%); clandestinely (33.98%); tactical action (17.60%). As for the government\'s program to raise awareness against terrorist threats, the results indicate a 34.31% (thirty-four point thirty-one percent) increase in the perception of the conclusive students of the course, indicating the effectiveness of the instrument.

Quando a discriminação não fala mais alto : os efeitos da ameaça à identidade social nas reações do consumidor após a falha de serviço

Glasenapp, Thiago dos Santos January 2018 (has links)
Baseado na Teoria da Identidade Social, este trabalho investigou os efeitos da ameaça à identidade social (AIS) nas reações do consumidor. Estudos da psicologia e sociologia mostram que o contexto social de um indivíduo implicará em mudanças em aspectos psicológicos e comportamentos individuais. Este trabalho abordou o tipo de estratégia de enfrentamento utilizada por indivíduos com identidades sociais vinculadas a estereótipos negativos, como resposta a situações de falha de serviço; o efeito da identificação do indivíduo para com o grupo social como moderador; o papel das emoções como mecanismo explicativo deste efeito; a relação entre as estratégias de enfrentamento e a intenção de reclamação do consumidor e por fim o papel do tipo de falha neste contexto. Através de dois estudos experimentais feitos com pessoas de baixa renda, os resultados desta pesquisa indicam que em situação de AIS, estratégia de enfrentamento emocional (i.e. distanciamento) será menos utilizada, levando à maior intenção de reclamação do consumidor após a falha de serviço. Este efeito é maior, quanto maior for a identificação do indivíduo com o grupo. Adicionalmente, foi explorado o papel das emoções como mecanismo explicativo e do tipo de falha (interpessoal vs de resultado) nesta relação. 9Continua) Identificou-se que o efeito da AIS na estratégia de enfrentamento emocional será maior quando a falha de serviço for do tipo interpessoal (vs falha de resultado). Baseado nisto, esta dissertação contribui para a literatura de marketing, de identidade social e de falha de serviços ao evidenciar que indivíduos que sofrem de ameaça optam menos por estratégias emocionais e possuem, por consequência, maior intenção de reclamação; que este efeito ocorre devido ao maior sentimento de raiva sentido pelo indivíduo e quando o mesmo se identificar com o grupo social estigmatizado e a falha for interpessoal (i.e. de tratamento). / Based on the theory of Social Identity, this dissertation aims to understand the effects of the Social Identity Threats (SIT) on the consumer’s Coping Strategies, after a service failure. Studies in psychology and sociology show that one’s social context will imply in changes on psychological aspects and individual behavior. This dissertation investigates what kind of coping strategies will be used by individuals with social identities linked to negative stereotypes, in response to situations of service failure with high levels identity threat; the effect of one’s identification with the social group as a moderator; how emotions can explain the effect of SIT in the coping strategies; the relation between the coping strategies used by consumers and theirs’s complaint intention and at last, the role of the kind of failure in this context. To achieve this purpose, two experimental studies were done with low-income population. The results of this work indicate that situations with higher levels of SIT (vs situations with lower levels of SIT) will cause the individual to use less emotional coping (i.e. distancing), after a service failure. This effect will be moderated by one’s identification with the stereotyped social group and will result on a greater complaint intention. Additionally the role of the emotions in the explaining was approached. Furthermore, results also show that the effects of SIT on the increase of the emotional coping will be higher when the type of failure is related to an interpersonal deviation (vs an outcome failure). Based on that, this dissertation contributes to the marketing, service failure and servicescape literature by showing that: individuals who suffers from SIT will cope to service failures more emotionally; this effect will be more powerful when individual’s have a higher identification with the negative stereotyped group and will result on a greater complaint intention; this will happen because of a higher feeling of the angry emotion and will occur more when the type of failure is related to and interpersonal deviation (vs an outcome failure).

Implementação e avaliação do sistema de proteção física do reator IEA-R1 / The implementation and evaluation of physical protection system of the IEA-R1 reactor

Antonio Carlos Alves Vaz 14 March 2016 (has links)
Os ataques terroristas ocorridos nos Estados Unidos em setembro de 2001, o acidente ocorrido na central nuclear de Fukushima em março de 2011 e os recentes ataques em Paris em novembro de 2015 são exemplos de eventos que corroboram a necessidade da Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica em melhorar a segurança nas instalações nucleares. O governo brasileiro vem contribuindo com este projeto e investindo recursos para melhoria do Sistema de Proteção Física, do reator nuclear de pesquisas localizado no Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares São Paulo, sistema que tecnicamente é colocado em prática pelos subsistemas de detecção, retardo e a resposta. O Sistema de Proteção Física é um conjunto integrado de pessoas, equipamentos e procedimentos usados para proteger instalações e fontes nucleares e/ou radioativas, contra ameaça, roubo, sabotagem ou outras ações dolosas causadas pelo homem; buscando sempre evitar, mitigar ou minimizar as consequências causadas por estas ações. Baseado na metodologia desenvolvida por especialistas em segurança do Sandia National Laboratories, AlbuquerqueEUA, o estudo apresenta a avaliação da eficácia do Sistema de Proteção Física do reator IEAR1. Essa metodologia possibilita a mensuração da eficácia do sistema e a identificação das suas vulnerabilidades por meio de análises hipotéticas, probabilísticas e estimativas de valores. Após a aplicação da metodologia obteve-se o valor aproximado de 40% para o indicador PE, o que demonstra a necessidade de implementar melhorias no sistema para minimizar as vulnerabilidades. / The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York, the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant on March 2011and the recent attacks in Paris on November 2015 are examples of events that justify the efforts of the International Agency of Energy AtomicIAEA to improve security at nuclear facility. The Brazilian government has been collaborating with this project and investing resources to improve the Physical Protection SystemPPS of the nuclear research reactor system, technically is associated with the elements of detection, delay and response. The PPS is an integrated system of people, equipment and procedures used to protect nuclear facilities and radioactive sources against threat, theft or sabotage. The PPS works to avoid, to mitigate or to minimize the consequences caused by these actions. This study evaluates the PPS of the reactor, identifying the vulnerabilities and suggesting ways to improve the system effectiveness. The analyses were based on the methodology developed by Sandia National Laboratories´ security experts in AlbuquerqueUSA, allowing the system evaluation through hypothetical and probabilistic analyzes; identifying threats, determining the targets and analyzing the possible adversaries paths. From the methodology adopted was obtained the value around 40% for PE indicator, which shows the need to improve the system to minimizing the vulnerabilities.

Stereotype threat, epistemic agency, and self-identity

Goguen, Stacey 04 December 2016 (has links)
Stereotype threat is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when individuals become aware that their behavior could potentially confirm a negative stereotype. Though stereotype threat is a widely studied phenomenon in social psychology, there has been relatively little scholarship on it in philosophy, despite its relevance to issues such as implicit cognition, epistemic injustice, and diversity in philosophy. However, most psychological research on stereotype threat discusses the phenomenon by using an overly narrow picture of it, which focuses on one of its effects: the ability to hinder performance. As a result, almost all philosophical work on stereotype threat is solely focused on issues of performance too. Social psychologists know that stereotype threat has additional effects, such as negatively impacting individuals’ motivation, interests, long-term health, and even their sense of self, but these other effects are often downplayed, or even forgotten about. Therefore, the “standard picture” of stereotype threat needs to be expanded, in order to better understand the theoretical aspects of the phenomenon, and to develop broader, more effective interventions. This dissertation develops such an “expanded picture” of stereotype threat, which emphasizes how the phenomenon can negatively impact both self-identity and epistemic agency. In doing so, I explore the nature of stereotypes more generally and argue that they undermine groups’ moral status and contribute to what is called “ontic injustice.” I also show how stereotype threat harms members of socially subordinated groups by way of coercing their self-identity and undermining their epistemic agency, which I argue is a form of epistemic injustice. Lastly, I analyze the expanded picture’s implications for addressing the low proportion of women in professional philosophy. I critically engage recent arguments that these low numbers simply reflect different interests women have, which if innate or benign, would require no intervention. My expanded picture shows the mistakes in this sort of reasoning, which is also present in discussions on the underrepresentation of women in science. The expanded picture of stereotype threat that this dissertation develops is not only practically important, but also advances key philosophical debates in social epistemology, applied ethics, and social metaphysics.

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