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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hot och våld mot ambulanspersonal : Skillnader mellan storstad och glesbygd

Ivanoff, Julia, Tofalvi, Andrea January 2009 (has links)
Att den prehospitala personalen utsätts för hot och våld framkommer i ett flertal studier som har gjorts inom detta område. Man ser tydligt att antalet arbetsolyckor till följd av hot och våld har ökat drastiskt. Skillnaden i hot och våld mellan storstad och glesbygd är dock mindre väldokumenterad. Därför vill vi undersöka förekomst av och orsaker till hot och våld i jämförelse mellan glesbygd och storstad. Studien bedrivs som en kvantitativ enkätundersökning. Totalt 112 enkäter samlades in som sedan bearbetades och analyserades. Chi2 test användes för att jämföra resultatet. Eftersom syftet med studien var att belysa förekomsten av hot och våld mot ambulanspersonal i glesbygd och storstad samt att studera skillnaderna mellan dessa kontaktades verksamhetschefen för fyra av Dalarnas 10 ambulansstationer samt verksamhetscheferna för sju ambulansstationer i Västra Götaland. När det gäller hot, hot/våld samt våld inom den prehospitala sjukvården i Sverige har vi genom denna studie påvisat en mängd skillnader mellan storstad och glesbygd. I storstad är det är en högre förekomst av hot och våld, fler män än kvinnor som drabbas samt en större andel våldsverkare som är alkohol- och drogpåverkade. Vidare visar vår studie att majoriteten av respondenterna i storstad har blivit utsatta för både hot och våld mer än en gång i halvåret i motsats till glesbygd där majoriteten var utsatta mer sällan. / Program: Specialistsjuksköterskeutbildning med inriktning mot ambulanssjukvård

Hot och våld i prehospitala vårdsituationer vid intoxikation med GHB-preparat : En kvantitativ analys av ambulansjournaler

Gunnarsson, Linn, Lindh, Niklas January 2010 (has links)
Hot och våld är vanligt förekommande inom prehospital akutsjukvård. Intoxikation med droger utgör en allt vanligare patientgrupp som vårdas av ambulanspersonal. Ambulansuppdrag med patienter som är intoxikerade med GHB, GBL eller 1.4 BD är vanligt förekommande i Västra Götaland. Hot och våldssituationer i samband med omhändertagandet av GHB-intoxikerade patienter är riskfyllt för ambulanspersonalen. Patienten kan snabbt pendla mellan att vara medvetslös till att bli hotfull. Syftet med studien är att kartlägga prehospitala vårdsituationer med patienter som är intoxikerade med GHB-preparat avseende hot, våld samt risk för hot och våld. Studien har en kvantitativ ansats med en deskriptiv och explorativ design. Totalt analyserades 50 ambulansdatajournaler. Dessa utgjorde dokumentation av en konsekutiv patientgrupp under tiden januari 2009 till augusti 2009. I resultatet påvisas en hög förekomst av hot och våld i samband med prehospitalt omhändertagande av patienter intoxikerade med GHB-preparat. Dokumentationen uppfyllde kraven enligt patientdatalagen, men omfattande kvalitetsbrister kunde ses. Avvikelserapporteringen för den studerade perioden visade två avvikelser gällande hot och våld i samband med vård av patienter intoxikerade med narkotika. Detta pekar på en kraftig underrapportering av hot och våld. / Program: Specialistsjuksköterskeutbildning med inriktning mot ambulanssjukvård

Class along the color line

Yancy, Nina M. January 2018 (has links)
This thesis traces the contours of the Black-White color line in modern America by illuminating how Whites' racialized political behavior varies across local geographic contexts. In a critical reinterpretation of the racial threat hypothesis, I argue that local geography conditions the relationship between Whites' racial orientations and their preferences on policies related to race - but not because Whites are passively threatened in proximity to a Black population. Rather, Whites are active, subjective perceivers of their surroundings who have an interest in maintaining their racial privilege. This conceptual shift not only challenges the assumed neutrality of Whites' vision; it also enables me to identify the range of contextual indicators that Whites might construe as threatening, and the range of White attitudes that are activated as a result. My empirical evidence comes from three case studies. The first two use geocoded survey data to analyze White opinion on welfare spending in 2000, and on affirmative action between 2006 and 2010. The third study draws on in-depth interviews conducted in 2016, exploring an issue related to school desegregation in Louisiana. Each study affirms the core findings of the thesis: Whites' policy preferences are polarized according to racial orientations in settings where race is salient; and a shared White perspective is evident even across polarized attitudes. My findings offer hope, showing that a sign of threat to some Whites may activate racially tolerant behavior in others; as well as reason to restrain our optimism, challenging the assumption that affluent Blacks, unlike the 'undeserving' Black poor, will not be perceived as threatening by Whites. Ultimately, only by recognizing the color line's responsiveness to local geography - and its resilience even as White attitudes liberalize and Black class positions improve - can we understand the line's persistence or the possibility of one day dismantling it.

Hot och våld på socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterares fritid- och arbetssituation påverkas av hot och våld i arbetet

Melander, Maria, Malm, Johan January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to answer how social workers conceptualize the risk of violence in their workplace. The data consisted of seven interviews with social workers working in financial aid departments in or around the Stockholm area. Semi structured interviews were used to gather the data which then were processed with a fenomenographic method. The data was analyzed with Lazarus and Folkman theory on coping and Antonovsky’s generalized resistance resources. The findings in this study shows that all respondents have experienced threats or violence in some form in their work. They use strategies to cope with both the situation at hand and the emotions connected to the event. The respondents were affected in their spare time to some extent. It will be argued that there is a form of duality between to not accept violence and at the same time have understanding for client’s vulnerable situation and for the effect social workers decision-making have on the client’s lives.

”Klimatfrågan är vår tids ödesfråga” : En studie om klimatförändringarna och Sveriges politiska agenda

Bergström, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
In recent years climate change has increasingly been considered as a threat to international peace and security. This thesis examines how the framing and agenda setting of climate change as a threat has changed in Sweden after the Cold war. By using an explanatory model and focusing on external factors, such as international events and Swedish international identity, the thesis seeks to develop a greater understanding of how external factors effect national framing and agenda setting of climate change. The thesis concludes that military threats does not prevent climate change for being considered a security threat, and that a greater European identity may cause less focus on military insecurity and more focus on alternative threats.

Optimalizace BCP ve vztahu k systému krizového řízení ČR / Optimalization of BCP in accordance with a system of crisis management in CR

Peštová, Aneta January 2011 (has links)
Companies are during their operation impacted many risks from inside or outside. Business Continuity Management is a managerial discipline that deals with providing resistance against operation company risks and was developed due to the increasing requirement to save against unforseen incidents. The goal of this thesis is to optimize the Business Continuity Plan of particular company in accordance with a system of crisis management in Czech Republic.

Vulnerabilidade das áreas sob ameaça de desastres naturais na cidade de Santa Maria/RS / Vulnerability of the areas under natural disasters threat in Santa Maria city / RS

Avila, Luciele Oliveira de January 2015 (has links)
A presente tese aborda a temática da vulnerabilidade da população frente às situações de ameaça e risco. A pesquisa realizou-se junto ao perímetro urbano da cidade de Santa Maria na região central do Rio Grande do Sul. A vulnerabilidade foi avaliada com relação aos fenômenos desencadeados pelas dinâmicas fluvial e de encosta, mais especificamente, movimentos de massa, inundações e erosão de margens. O objetivo principal do trabalho consiste na análise de variáveis determinantes para os graus de vulnerabilidade da população que reside em áreas sob ameaça de desastres naturais. A metodologia resume-se na análise de imagens DigitalGlobe obtidas via Google Earth Pro (2012) para a determinação das áreas urbanas ocupadas e susceptíveis aos fenômenos causadores de desastre junto às encostas e à rede de drenagem; para a obtenção dos graus de vulnerabilidade foi utilizada a base de informações referente aos Setores Censitários (IBGE, 2010): rendimento mensal, taxa de idosos e crianças, taxa de analfabetismo, à esses dados foram acrescidos o número de residências e o padrão urbano construtivo das moradias por área sob ameaça. A correlação das variáveis determinou quatro graus de vulnerabilidade: Grau I (Baixo), Grau II (Médio), Grau III (Alto) e Grau IV (Muito Alto). Verifica-se áreas sob ameaça nos patamares mais elevados das encostas, no entanto, existem situações perigosas em patamares com memores inclinações, devido, principalmente, às alterações realizadas nos taludes para a edificação das moradias. Quanto aos processos de dinâmica fluvial, a ameaça refere-se às inundações e à erosão de margens. A ocupação expandiu-se ao longo das planícies de inundação de inúmeros cursos fluviais ao longo do perímetro urbano, sendo, portanto, praticamente inevitáveis os episódios desta natureza. A erosão das margens fluviais são sentidas quase que exclusivamente pelos moradores que edificaram suas residências junto aos terrenos marginais, com distância aproximada de 5 metros do leito. A população mais vulnerável é aquela que apresenta situação socioeconômica menos favorecida, com idade superior à 65 e inferior à 15 anos de idade, com taxa elevada de analfabetismo e ausência de serviços urbanos básicos. Apesar da existência de leis e projetos relacionados à problemática dos desastres, o gerenciamento das áreas sob ameaça é ineficiente, favorecendo o surgimento de inúmeras situações perigosas. / This paper is about the risk ok the population in some kind of situations. The research was conduct in the urban perimeter of Santa Maria town, central part of Rio Grande do Sul state. The topic was the analysis of the vulnerability caused by the mass movements and floods in the river and also the deterioration on the banks. The main objective is the analyses of the level of risk areas of natural disasters that population face. To active this objective the study uses Google Earth Pro (2012) Digital Globes pictures to see where was the urban areas near at river banks with higher risk of disasters. To obtain the risk levels was used some parts of Census (IBGE 2010) more specific the how much money the families makes in one mouth also the number of young's and elderly and also the number and material used in construction of houses. Was stabilized four levels of risk in crescent order we have level one (Low risk), level two (Medium risk), level three (High risk) and level four (Very High Risk). Was possible the discover some areas in the higher level of risk in more elevate terrains and also some danger places in lower fields however the highest risk is in areas more flats but changed by manmade activities in special house constructions. The main danger caused by river stream is the floods and erosion of banks. The population occupied flat terrains near the rivers that were naturally flooded and because that is almost impossible to avoid this kind of disaster. The erosion on bank happens in land where houses was built near of 5 meters of rivers. The populations in higher danger is the more lower financial classes with ages up to 65 years and under 15 and high rates of analphabets and no basic state services. Even with laws and projects to prevent disasters situations the management of risk areas is inefficient and cooperate to more possible disasters.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hot och våld på akutmottagningar : En litteraturöversikt / Nurse’s experiences of threats and violence in emergency departments : A literature review

Kidane, Haileab, Pettersson, Leo January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hot och våld är ett växande problem på akutmottagningar. Vad som upplevs som hot och våld är individuellt. Sjuksköterskor utsätts för hot och våld från dels patienter, anhöriga, andra sjuksköterskor och läkare. Patienter som var våldsamma kände sig ofta missförstådda eller kränkta. De sjuksköterskor som inte vårdade med patientperspektiv blev mer utsatta. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av hot och våld på akutmottagningar. Metod: Detta är en litteraturöversikt med kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar som följer. Resultat: litteraturöversikten resulterar i tre huvudteman och nio relaterade subteman. Dessa teman är upplevda känslor, behov av stöd och negativ påverkan. Konklusion: Det skulle behöva vidtas åtgärder mot hot och våld för att förbättra sjuksköterskornas arbetsplats. Denna studie visar att HOV påverkar såväl sjuksköterskor som patienter och hela vårdkulturen. Det har negativa konsekvenser som på sikt leder till att sjuksköterskor inte vill arbeta kvar på arbetsplatsen / Background: Threats and violence are a growing problem in emergency departments. What is perceived as threat and violence is individual. Nurses are exposed to threats and violence coming from patients, relatives, other nurses and doctors and more. Patients who were violent often felt misunderstood or offended. The nurses who did not care with the patient perspective became more vulnerable. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe nurse’s experiences of threats and violence in the emergency departments. Method: This is a literature review with qualitative and quantitative articles that follow Friberg (2017) Results: The literature review results in three main themes and nine related sub-themes. These themes are perceived emotions, need for support and negative impact. Conclusion: Action against threats and violence would have to be taken to improve the nurses' workplace. This study shows that HOV affects both nurses and patients and the entire care culture. This has negative consequences that eventually lead to nurses not wanting to work in the workplace.

Pathways to Support for Integrationist Immigration Policymaking among U.S.-born Whites: Testing the Deprovincialization Hypothesis of the Intergroup Contact Theory and the Role of Latino Immigrant Threat Perception

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Nearly 11 million immigrants in the United States, three-quarters of which are Latino, lack legal authorization to live and work in the country; nonetheless, the majority of these individuals have resided in the U.S. for a decade or more and have profound social, emotional, cultural, and economic ties to the country (Passel & Cohn, 2018). Despite being deeply embedded in their communities, the dominant policy response involves increased immigration enforcement and advancing a hostile socio-political context (Gulasekaram & Ramakishnan, 2015). This policy approach comes at a great cost to immigrant and Latino communities throughout the U.S. and is largely ineffective. Accordingly, many advocates and stakeholders, including the National Association of Social Workers (2017), argue for policies that integrate “unauthorized permanent residents” (Martínez, Slack, & Martínez- Schuldt, 2018). The primary purpose of this study was to understand strategies that can be leveraged to build support for integrationist policymaking. Among a sample of U.S.-born white college students (n=708), intensive, community, and college contact with Latino immigrants and people of color were assessed; the relationships between intergroup contact and support for integrationist policymaking were examined. To better understand the contact-policy attitudes relationship, the deprovincialization hypothesis of the intergroup contact theory (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2011) and the Latino threat narrative (Chavez, 2013) were merged and tested as a serial pathway by which contact and policy attitudes may be related. Findings revealed intensive and community contact with Latino immigrants and people of color related to more support for integrationist legislation. In most cases, these effects were direct as well as indirect through the ethnocentrismthreat attitudes pathway. Ethnocentrism fully accounted for the relationships between intensive and community intergroup contact and threat attitudes. These findings have several implications for intervention. First, in the long-term struggle for immigrant integration, intergroup interaction between whites and people of color should be promoted, and the importance of casual intergroup contact should not be dismissed. Interventions that reduce social segregation are needed, as well as efforts to effectively harness the ethnic-racial diversity that presently exists. Cross-group exposure interventions that aim to overcome ethnocentric tendencies should be implemented. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Social Work 2019

Race, Xenophobia, and Punitiveness Among the American Public

Baker, Joseph O., Canarte, David, Day, Edward 24 August 2018 (has links)
We outline four connections between xenophobia and punitiveness toward criminals in a national sample of Americans. First, among self-identified whites xenophobia is more predictive of punitiveness than specific forms of racial animus. Second, xenophobia and punitiveness are strongly connected among whites, but are only moderately and weakly related among black and Hispanic Americans, respectively. Third, among whites substantial proportions of the variance between sociodemographic, political, and religious predictors of punitiveness are mediated by levels of xenophobia. Finally, xenophobia is the strongest overall predictor of punitiveness among whites. Overall, xenophobia is an essential aspect of understanding public punitiveness, particularly among whites.

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