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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilisation de matériaux bois intelligents pour la gestion durable des infrastructures / Use of smart wood materials for the sustainable management of infrastructures

Li, Hang 29 November 2017 (has links)
Depuis quinze ans, on recommence à construire en bois, et notamment en bois lamellé-collé (LC), pour répondre aux nouveaux challenges imposés par les problématiques de développement durable. Néanmoins, des problèmes de dégradations liés à l'humidité ou aux cycles d'humidification/séchage limitent le développement des ouvrages en bois. De ce fait, le suivi de l'humidité des ouvrages d'art en bois devient un enjeu crucial. Aujourd'hui, certaines solutions existent mais ne permettent pas un suivi local au niveau des lamelles du bois LC. Une telle solution permettrait d'améliorer la prédiction de la durée de vie des ouvrages. Suite à ce constat, nous avons proposé de transformer le bois LC en " structure intelligente " par intégration d'un système du suivi de l'humidité au niveau des lamelles, et ce, en tenant compte des principales contraintes de fabrication de ce matériau (faible épaisseur du joint collé, pression de collage importante, etc.). Pour ce faire, nous avons effectué une recherche bibliographique afin de sélectionner les méthodes de suivi pouvant répondre à ces contraintes. A l'issue de cette recherche, deux technologies se sont révélées intéressantes : les mesures électriques et les mesures ultrasonores. Plusieurs configurations de mesures ont été proposées et testées pendant ce travail de thèse. Par la suite, nous avons effectué des essais préliminaires pour s'assurer du bon fonctionnement de ces configurations de mesures, et ainsi vérifier le comportement des capteurs lors de la fabrication du bois LC. Puis, nous avons humidifié les échantillons en utilisant deux protocoles d'humidification différents afin de vérifier la faisabilité du suivi de l'humidité avec les capteurs intégrés. Les résultats montrent que l'ensemble des configurations de mesures sont opérationnelles pour suivre la variation de l'humidité dans les échantillons LC. De plus, pour les mesures électriques, nos résultats montrent que l'on peut adopter quasiment les mêmes modèles d'étalonnage pour le suivi de l'humidité par mesures résistives, quel que soit le type de capteurs utilisé. Qui plus est, il est possible de récupérer des informations complémentaires par la réalisation simultanée des mesures résistives et des mesures capacitives en utilisant les électrodes surfaciques. Concernant les mesures ultrasonores, nous avons obtenu les courbes de sensibilité en fréquence pour plusieurs familles de capteurs à film piézoélectrique. L'influence de la pression de collage et de la distance entre les capteurs sur les mesures électriques/ultrasonores a aussi été investiguée dans ces travaux. De futures études consisteront à utiliser ces configurations de mesures pour le suivi in situ dans les ouvrages, ainsi qu'à établir un lien entre la durabilité des structures LC et les cycles d'humidification/séchage afin de prédire la durée de vie résiduelle des ouvrages d'art en bois. / For fifteen years, we restart to construct with wood, and particularly with glulam to respond to the new challenges imposed by the issues of sustainable development. However, degradation issues related to moisture content (MC) or wetting/drying cycles limit the development of timber structures. As a result, the MC monitoring in timber structures becomes a critical issue. Today, several solutions exist but they do not allow a local monitoring in the lamellas of glulam. Such a solution would improve the prediction of the service life of timber structures. In the light of this observation, we proposed to transform glulam into "smart material" by embedding a MC monitoring system in the lamellas, and this, considering the major constraints of fabrication of this material (small glue line thickness, important bonding pressure, etc.). To achieve this, we have conducted a bibliographic research, in order to select the monitoring methods which can satisfy these constraints. According to this research, two technologies turn out to be interesting: the electrical measurements and the ultrasonic measurements. Several measurement configurations were proposed and tested in this PhD work. Thereafter, we conducted preliminary tests to make sure of the good functionality of these measurement configurations, and also to verify the behavior of sensors throughout the glulam fabrication process. Afterwards, we moistened the specimens with two different moistening protocols in order to verify the feasibility of MC monitoring with embedded sensors. Results showed that all the measurement configurations are operational for the MC monitoring in glulam specimens. Moreover, for electrical measurements, our results show that we can adopt almost the same calibration models for the MC monitoring by resistive measurements, no matter the type of sensors used. Furthermore, it is possible to obtain complementary information by the realization of the resistive and capacitive measurements at the same time, using surface electrodes. Regarding the ultrasonic measurements, we have obtained the sensibility curves in frequency of several families of piezoelectric film sensors. On the other hand, the influence of bonding pressure and of sensor distance on the electrical/ultrasonic measurements was also investigated in this study. Future studies will consist in using these measurement configurations to perform in situ monitoring in timber structures, and also to establish a link between the durability of glulam structures and the wetting/drying cycles in order to predict the service life of timber structures.

Avaliação dos critérios de dimensionamento para peças comprimidas e flexocomprimidas de madeira / Evaluation of design criteria for timber members in compression and in combined bending and axial compression

José Luiz Miotto 29 May 2003 (has links)
A recente revisão da NBR 7190/97 culminou em avanços inegáveis no projeto das estruturas de madeira. As excentricidades acidentais, amplificação das excentricidades e efeitos da fluência incidem diferentemente no cálculo das peças curtas, medianamente esbeltas ou esbeltas, estabelecendo descontinuidades nos diagramas de esforços de projeto em função da esbeltez das barras comprimidas ou flexocomprimidas. Associando-se a outras particularidades, como a complexidade de algumas de suas expressões, esse modelo tem sido alvo freqüente de críticas. Neste trabalho são avaliados os critérios propostos para a verificação da estabilidade de peças de madeira serrada, nas solicitações de compressão e flexo-compressão, pelos documentos normativos: alemão, australiano, canadense, europeu e norte-americanos. Essas recomendações são confrontadas com as da norma brasileira, comparando-se a objetividade dos métodos e os resultados alcançados. A proposição da AF&PA/ASCE 16-95/96 para o dimensionamento das peças comprimidas demonstra grande praticidade e continuidade nos diagramas Nd x 'lâmbda', evitando as críticas que se conectam aos critérios da norma brasileira. Por outro lado, as prescrições dessa mesma norma para as peças flexocomprimidas – embasadas em argumentos teóricos convincentes – evitam as deficiências constatadas nas propostas da norma brasileira, concordando com os propósitos de sugestão para uma necessária reformulação normativa / The recent revision of NBR 7190/97 culminated in undeniable progresses in the project of the timber structures. The accidental eccentricities, amplification of the eccentricities and the creep effects happen differently in calculation of the short members, the middling slenders or the slenders ones, establishing discontinuities in the diagrams of the design forces in function of slenderness of the members in compression and in combined bending and axial compression. Being associated to other particularities, as the complexity of some of its equations, that model has been often criticized. In this work, the proposed criteria for the verification of the stability of sawed timber members – in compression and in combined bending and axial compression – are appraised for the following normative documents: german, australian, canadian, european and north americans. Those recommendations are confronted with the brazilian code ones, comparing the objectivity of the methods and the gained results. The proposition of AF&PA/ASCE 16-95/96 for the compressed members design demonstrates great practicality and continuity in the diagrams of Nd x 'lâmbda', avoiding the critics that are connected to the criteria of the brazilian code. On the other hand, the prescriptions of that same code for the members in combined bending and axial compression – based in convincing theoretical arguments – avoid the deficiencies verified in the proposal of the brazilian code, agreeing with the purposes for suggestion in a necessary normative reformation

Influência de um corte na borda tracionada de uma viga maciça simulando uma emenda de topo na lâmina inferior de vigas laminadas coladas / The influence of a cut in the tensioned edge of a solid beam simulating a butt joint at the bottom lamination of glued laminated beams

Mônica Duarte Aprilanti 12 February 2010 (has links)
A madeira laminada colada (MLC) é um produto estrutural que permite racionalizar o uso da madeira sólida, pois a partir de pequenas peças selecionadas e preparadas é possível produzir grandes vigas das mais variadas formas. A utilização da madeira de reflorestamento na produção de MLC lhe confere vantagens ambientais sobre outros materiais e o Eucalyptus grandis é uma espécie que oferece grande potencial para o uso estrutural. As emendas longitudinais entre lâminas representam descontinuidades na peça de MLC e, assim como os defeitos em peças maciças, são regiões potencialmente fracas causando grande influência na resistência de vigas laminadas. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de estudar a influência de uma emenda de topo e de sua posição na lâmina inferior de vigas laminadas coladas (VLCs) no momento de inércia, na elástica da viga e consequentemente no módulo de elasticidade na flexão estática (EM0). Foi conduzido um estudo teórico-experimental com corpos-de-prova maciços que receberam um corte na borda tracionada simulando uma emenda de topo na lâmina inferior de VLCs. Em uma 1ª etapa da experimentação, foram realizados ensaios de flexão estática destrutivos com corposde- prova de seção transversal 2,5 x 2,5 cm não classificados com o intuito de explorar a grandeza da variabilidade das propriedades estudadas para diferentes posições da emenda ao longo da borda inferior da viga biapoiada. A 2ª etapa de ensaios consistiu na classificação de um lote de corpos-de-prova de seção transversal de 3,0 x 4,0 cm através de ensaios de flexão estática não destrutivos para minimizar o erro experimental imposto pela variabilidade natural do material. Em uma 3ª etapa, foram realizados ensaios de flexão estática destrutivos de corpos-de-prova de seção transversal 3,0 x 4,0 cm classificados para estudar o efeito de diferentes posições da emenda na borda inferior da viga num lote de menor variabilidade. Em uma 4ª etapa da experimentação foram realizadas simulações através de planilhas de cálculo com base na teoria de Garcia (2008) para a comprovação dos resultados experimentais e elaboração de novas formulações de dimensionamento de VLCs. Verificou-se que o corte não influenciou no EM0 nos ensaios da 1ª etapa quando se tratou de um lote de madeira desuniforme, mas exerceu um efeito significativo nos ensaios da 3ª etapa dentro do lote de peças classificadas. Concluiu-se que o corte influencia na rigidez da viga à flexão (EI), pois provoca uma modificação do fluxo de tensões com consequente alteração da distribuição de tensões ao longo da altura da viga e do momento de inércia. A concentração de tensões na área circundante ao corte provoca uma redução no momento de inércia que deve ser levada em consideração no dimensionamento de VLCs em que se utilizam emendas de topo nas lâminas tracionadas. O corte influencia significantemente na resistência à flexão da viga porque dá origem ao aparecimento de uma fissura paralela à grã que transporta a altura reduzida pelo corte à seção critica. Essa fissura é provocada por cisalhamento oriundo do momento fletor e não do esforço cortante. / Glued laminated timber (GLULAM) is a structural product that allows rationalizing the use of solid wood, as from small selected and prepared pieces it is possible to produce large beams in a variety of shapes. The use wood from planted forests in GLULAM production brings environmental advantages compared to other materials and Eucalyptus grandis is a species that offers great potential for structural use. The end joints that connect pieces to perform the entire laminas represent discontinuities in the GLULAM and as many defects in solid wood are potentially weak areas. The aim of the present paper is to study the influence of a butt joint and its position in the bottom lamination of glued laminated beams, on the moment of inertia, on the elastic of the beam and therefore on the modulus of elasticity in static bending (EM0). A theoretical and experimental study was conducted with solid specimens that were cut on the tensioned edge simulating a butt joint at the bottom lamination of glued laminated beams. At a first phase of testing, destructive static bending tests were performed with specimens sized 2.5 x 2.5 cm as cross-section non classified in order to explore the magnitude of the natural variability of the studied properties for different positions of the joint along the bottom edge of the biconstrainted beam. The second phase of testing consisted in classifying a batch of specimens 3.0 x 4.0 cm cross section by non-destructive static bending tests to minimize experimental error imposed by the natural variability of the material. At a third phase, destructive static bending tests were performed with 3.0 x 4.0 cm cross section classified specimens to study the effect of different positions of the joint on the bottom edge of the beam in a group of low variability. At the fourth phase simulations were performed using spreadsheets on the Garcia´s theory (2008) to verify the experimental results and the development of new formulations of glued laminated beams design. It was verified that the cut did not affect the EM0 on the first step of testing when regarding a non uniform batch of wood, but there was a significant effect on the tests of the third step over the batch of classified wood. It was concluded that the cut influences the stiffness of the bending beam (EI) by changing the flux tensions pattern and consequent change in stress distribution along the beam height and the moment of inertia. The concentration of stresses in the area surrounding the cut causes a reduction in the moment of inertia that must be taken into account for designing glued laminated beams that use butt joints in the tensioned edge. The cut significantly influence the beam bending strength because give way to appear a check in parallel to the grain and transport the reduced height to the critical cross section. Such a check is due shear stresses consequent of the bending moment and not from the shear force.

Mechanical behavior of regularly spaced Cross Laminated Timber panels : Modeling and experimental validation in ambient and fire conditions / Comportement mécanique de panneaux en bois lamellé croisé régulièrement espacés. : Modélisation et validation expérimentale en condition ambiante et exposée au feu

Franzoni, Lorenzo 24 November 2016 (has links)
Les panneaux en bois lamellé croisé (en anglais CLT - Cross Laminated Timber) sont des éléments de structure composés de couches en bois collées entre eleese et empilées de façon croisée. Chaque couche est composée de planches en bois juxtaposées et généralement non collées sur leur chants. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions l'influence sur le comportement mécanique des espacements entre planches des panneaux avec une approche par modélisation et expérimentation. Les panneaux CLT standard sont considérés comme des panneaux avec des espacements de très faible dimension par opposition aux panneaux avec espacements importants que nous appelons panneaux innovants. Nous modélisons dans un premier temps le comportement en flexion de panneaux standard à l'aide d'un modèle de couche homogène équivalente basée sur des hypothèses simplifiées de la mécanique d'une couche avec chants collés ou non collés. Nous observons un bon accord entre les résultats de notre modélisation et des résultats expérimentaux issus de la littérature. Des études paramétriques sont ensuite réalisés portant sur certaines propriétés des panneaux.Nous avons ensuite réalisé des essais de flexion 4-points sur des panneaux CLT standard et innovants pour quantifier l'influence des espacements sur la réponse mécanique des panneaux. Il se trouve que l'influence des effets de cisaillement transverse sur le comportement élastique et à la rupture augmente avec l'augmentation des vides dans le panneau.Afin de prendre correctement en compte les effets du cisaillement, les CLT espacés sont modélisés comme des plaques épaisses périodiques à l'aide d'un modèle de plaque d'ordre supérieur. Ce modèle a été appliqué à la géométrie des panneaux CLT espacés avec un schéma d'homogénéisation périodique. Des méthodes simplifiées existantes ont également été comparées avec les résultats des essais et le modèle de plaque. De plus, des résultats d'essais de cisaillement dans le plan des panneaux CLT standard issus de la littérature ont été comparés avec nos résultats. La raideur de flexion des CLT espacés peut être prédite avec des méthodes simples existantes, alors que seule la modélisation que nous proposons permet de prédire le comportement en cisaillement transverse et dans le plan. Finalement, des formules analytiques ont été obtenues pour prédire le comportement élastique des CLT espacés. Ces formules donnent une bonne approximation u comportement des CLT espacés et peuvent être utilisées dans le cadre d'une démarche pratique de dimensionnement.Enfin, une étude concernant l'analyse du comportement au feu des panneaux CLT standard est présentée. La comparaison entre des résultats d'essais au feu et une modélisations avancée et simplifiée a permis de proposer une possible amélioration de la méthode de dimensionnement au feu standard / Cross Laminated Timber (CLT, or crosslam) panels are engineered timber products composed of layers made of wooden lamellas placed side by side, glued on their upperand lower faces and stacked crosswise. In the present thesis, the influence of lateral spaces between lamellas of each layer on the panel’s mechanical response is investigated with modeling and tests. Both configurations of standard panels having short spaces and innovative CLT panels with large spaces are analyzed.As a first approach, the bending behavior of standard crosslam was modeled by means of an equivalent-layer model based on simplified hypotheses on mechanical properties of laterally glued or unglued layers. The good agreement of the predicted behavior with an experiment of the literature finally allowed an investigation on several CLT properties by means of parameter studies.Then, 4-points bending tests on standard and innovative CLT floors were performed in order to quantify the influence of periodic spaces on the panels' mechanical response. It appears that the influence of transverse shear effects on the elastic and failure behavior of spaced CLT increases with the increasing spaces between boards.In order to take into account transverse shear effects, spaced CLT have been modeled as periodic thick plates by means of a higher-order plate theory for laminated plates. This model has been applied to the geometry of spaced CLT with a periodic homogenization scheme. Existing simplified methods for spaced crosslam were compared as well with refined modeling and test results. Moreover, available in-plane shear tests of the literature have been compared to the modeling results. It appears that the bending behavior of spaced CLT can be predicted with simplified existing approaches, while only the more refined modeling can predict the in-plane and transverse shear behavior. Then, closed-form solutions for predicting spaced CLT elastic behavior were derived in order to encourage the application of spaced CLT panels in modern timber construction.One further study within this thesis concerns the analysis of fire-exposed standard CLT floors. The comparison between test results and both advanced and simplified modeling led to a suggestion for a possible improvement the standard fire design model

Studie chování konstrukcí dřevěných lávek / Behavior studies of the timber footbridges structures

Vitásková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Master’s thesis „Behavioral studies of the timber footbridges structures“ deals with static models of timber footbridges. This thesis mainly consists of the behavioral study of historical timber footbridge in the village of Černvír in Vysočina. Based on the actual design of the bridge a three-dimensional beam model was created. This thesis also includes two contemporary alternatives of timber covered bridges. The individual structural elements were assessed according to the applicable standards. To analyze the model FEM program SCIA Engineer 2012 was used.

A study of potential climate impacts from maintenance and replacements in timber buildings : From a lifecycle perspective

Johansson, Malin January 2016 (has links)
The building sector contributes to a large part of the total emissions of greenhouse gases, which demands for increased sustainability in all phases of a buildings’ lifecycle. Choices of building materials and the respective required maintenance and replacements are becoming more important if further reductions of climate impacts should be obtained. Folkhem is a Swedish construction company who constructs multi-storey buildings made of wood. The company has shown interest in developing knowledge about how the selection of building materials effects the impacts on climate, the extent of necessary maintenance and replacement work as well as economic consequences. The aim of this master thesis was to evaluate the potential climate impacts and costs for different scenarios of maintenance and replacements of selected exterior building components for Folkhem’s planned building in Stadshagen, in Stockholm. The façade, roof, windows and balconies have been in focus. To fulfill the aim of this study, life cycle assessment and a simplified cost analysis have been carried out. With the basis of the results from this study, recommendations of building materials for the chosen building components in Folkhem’s planned building have been stated. A façade made of pine impregnated with boiled linseed oil is recommended as façade cladding, and OrganoWood is recommended for the balcony decking. Folkhem planned to use wooden windows, but it is recommended that these are substituted to aluminum coated wooden windows. No recommendation could be provided for the roof from this study. The following conclusions have been made; More attention should be payed to the phases of maintenance and replacement when carrying out LCAs for timber buildings, since general assumptions could be misleading. The origin of the building materials could have a significant climate impact if several replacements need to be performed, since this includes a large number of transports of materials. Different building materials or building components have different lifespans and needs for maintenance. To reduce costs and potential climate impacts, long lifespans with little need for maintenance are desired. Planning for a specific lifespan of the building and the required maintenance and replacements may contribute to reduce the potential climate impacts. Maintenance is recommended for timber buildings, since this could reduce the need for replacements, which could reduce the potential climate impacts. LCA can be a useful tool for Folkhem to plan for maintenance and replacements of their timber buildings if improvements are performed regarding LCA data quality. LCA can provide guidance for Folkhem to choose sustainable building materials, with regards to maintenance and replacements at an early stage in the design process. A future study could be to perform a more detailed LCA of the materials and products that required assumptions in this study, for instance the surface treatments for maintenance. A more detailed LCA of all maintenance that should be conducted in a building could be of interest as well, and to investigate the impacts from excluded processes in this study. Alternative building materials for the exterior building components could be evaluated as well as different percentages of painting area. More impact categories than climate change could also be evaluated. Impacts from the building lifecycle phases of repair and refurbishment could also be interesting to evaluate in order to receive an overview of the total potential climate impacts and costs from all parts of the lifecycle of a building. Another approach could be to investigate if maintenance and replacement are carried out as described from technical literature and manufacturers in reality. Finally, a more thorough cost analysis could be carried out, evaluating how a housing society would be affected from costs from maintenance and replacement.

Utveckling av ett online verktyg för beräkning av träkonstruktioner / Development of an online tool for the design of timber structures

Balladares, Yandra, Gomez, Matitas, Mehmeti, Melis January 2019 (has links)
I Sverige har byggsektorn en stor påverkan på miljön och nya metoder samt materialen behöver tas fram för att förbättra situationen. Ett online-verktyg kan användas som ett hjälpmedel vid inlärning och även öka kunskapen. Arbetet gick ut på att skapa ett online-verktyg men även att kontrollera hur andra befintliga verktyg fungerar och hur de är utformade.Syftet och målet med arbetet var att skapa ett online-verktyg för träkonstruktioner som kan användas i kursen Stål- och träkonstruktioner samt som kan hjälpa studenter vid inlärning och kontroller av beräkningar.Online-verktyget som tagits fram erbjuder möjligheten att beräkna bärförmågan hos träkonstruktioner i form av balkar, pelare och förband. Online-verktyget befinner sig i ett tidigt stadie och kräver mer utveckling, enkätundersökningar och intervjuer gav inblick till vad som behöver implementeras i framtiden. / The building sector in Sweden has a big impact on the environment and new methods as well as new technology need to be developed in order to improve the situation. An online tool can be used as an aid in learning and to improve the knowledge. The thesis work comprises the development of an online tool and furthermore an investigation of how other online tools work and how they are designed.The goal and the purpose of the thesis was to create an online tool that can be implemented in the course Steel and Timber Structural Engineering at Linnaeus University. In order to help students with learning and to check calculations.The program that has been developed offers the ability to calculate the load bearing capacity of beams, pillars and connections with metal fasteners. The online tool is in an early stage and needs further. The surveys and interviews gave an insight to what functions need to be implemented in the future.

Design for Disassembly and Reuse : Developing an Indicator System for Volumetric Timber Structures Based on Case Studies

Khanalizadehtaromi, Sara January 2023 (has links)
The environmental impacts of the construction industry, and the built environment, as the end product of construction activity, are massive due to the extensive use of energy and resources. Sustainability and circular economy are recognized as the main solution to the existing environmental impacts of this industry and the main approach to the sustainable development of it. The transition of a construction project’s life cycle from a linear one starting with material processing and ending up at demolition stage to a real cyclic life cycle needs defining alternative end-of-life scenarios. Deconstruction as one of the alternative end-of-life scenarios is defined as salvaging material of a dismantled structure for reuse or recycling. Design for deconstruction refers to the importance of considering deconstruction as the end-of-life scenario in the design stage of structures. This thesis aims to define the existing challenges and opportunities in the deconstruction of timber structures by the study of cases in which dis- and re-assembly are done. The study also aims to measure deconstructability by developing an indicator system for design for deconstruction of volumetric timber structures based on design for disassembly principles existing in ISO 20887:2020 and the practical principles of the case studies. This is done by interviewing people at five different companies who were engaged in the dis- and re-assembly of structures. The study of these cases shows the gap between disassembly principles and real-world experience from a learn-from-practice point of view. The developed tool as the indicator system is consisted of 25 indicators under seven principles and is able to measure and provide a deconstructability grade of structures out of 100 for each principle and a total deconstructability grade based on all principles. / Measurable Reusability for Wooden Houses (Mätbar Återbrukbarhet för Trähus)

Caractérisation du comportement des assemblages par goujons collés dans les structures bois

Lartigau, Julie 12 July 2013 (has links)
L’utilisation des goujons collés dans les structures bois répond au souci de conservation du bâti et de discrétion de l’intervention. A ce jour, plusieurs procédés de caractérisation et de dimensionnement sont disponibles, sans pour autant donner un socle commun à l’évaluation de la résistance des assemblages collés. L’utilisation des goujons collés suscite des interrogations concernant leur tenue au feu. Bien que le matériau bois entourant les tiges de renforcement soit isolant, il est nécessaire de fournir de plus amples estimations concernant la tenue mécanique des polymères pour différentes températures que l’on pourrait trouver au sein d’une liaison au cours d’un incendie. La présente étude permet de coupler méthodes expérimentales et simulations numériques, afin d’appréhender les mécanismes gouvernant la rupture de ces assemblages. La caractérisation expérimentale permet d’estimer les propriétés mécaniques locales des assemblages suivant divers paramètres (les longueurs de scellement, l’orientation du fil du bois, l’essence de bois, ou encore la température d’exposition), ainsi que les propriétés intrinsèques aux matériaux constitutifs. Cette base de données expérimentale est indispensable pour l’ajustement du modèle aux éléments finis en élasticité linéaire. L’approche numérique met en évidence une présence importante de contraintes normales en tête de collage, avant l’apparition de contraintes de cisaillement. Les outils de la Mécanique Linéaire Élastique de la Rupture équivalente permettent d’établir des courbes de résistance liées à chaque mode de ruine (mode I et mode II). Enfin, afin de décrire précisément le processus complet de rupture de ces assemblages, un critère de rupture en mode mixte (mode I et mode II) est utilisé. Une formulation analytique permettant d’estimer la charge au pic est proposée et permettra la réalisation d’abaques de dimensionnement des assemblages par goujons collés, utilisables en bureau d’études. / Glued-in-rods lead to overcome the use of traditional bolted connections, preserve a large part of original timber and offer aesthetic benefits (since the repair is hidden in the cross sections of the members). Despite previous research programs in many countries, some design rules, predicting the axial strength of such connections, are available, but a common criterion is still lacking. However, the durability of this process according to fluctuating temperature is not well known. During fire exposure, connections are not directly in contact with flames, since they are isolated by surrounding wood. The current study combines experiments with finite element computations, in order to lead a better to a better knowledge about their mechanical and fracture behaviors. An important experimental campaign is carried out on such connections and provides the influence of various parameters, such as the anchorage length, the rod-to-grain angle, the specie of wood or the temperature exposure, on their mechanical behaviors. Moreover, the inherent mechanical properties of the rod and the adhesives used are also studied. The finite element modeling reproduces the experimental configuration, and reveals significant tensile stresses in comparison with shear stresses. Within the framework of equivalent linear elastic fracture mechanics, R-curves in mode I and mode II can be estimated for each specimen. Finally, a fracture criterion in mixed mode is used to describe the complete fracture process of glued-in rods. An analytical formulation is then proposed and allows the evaluation of peak load of each specimen. This approach leads to realize design tables, usable by design offices.

Incidence de la torsion sur la résistance sismique de bâtiments courants avec diaphragmes horizontaux rigides. Application aux structures en bois / Impact of torsion on the seismic resistance of common buildings with rigid horizontal diaphragms. Application to wooden structures

Vu, Thanh Kien 08 December 2011 (has links)
Les secousses sismiques sont des catastrophes naturelles, affectant la croûte terrestre, qui peuvent avoir des effets destructeurs majeurs dans les zones urbanisées. Même si des méthodes précises de calcul d’ouvrages en situation sismique existent, il est nécessaire de disposer de méthodes adaptées aux ingénieries mises en oeuvre. L’évolution de la réglementation parasismique (Eurocode 8 et annexes nationales) et du zonage sismique en France fait évoluer de manière significative la nécessité de prise en compte de l’action sismique dans la conception des bâtiments. Dans un calcul sismique, il est indispensable de prendre en compte des effets de la torsion qui peuvent conduire à des conséquences graves, en termes de dommages affectant les ouvrages de génie civil. Le présent travail expose une démarche incluant différents niveaux d'approches pour prendre en compte ce phénomène. Les structures particulièrement visées par ce travail sont les ossatures dites souples et plus spécifiquement les constructions en bois. Une étude paramétrique est menée avec une méthode de combinaison multidimensionnelle pour analyser l'influence de différentes configurations de contreventement sur la sensibilité de l'ouvrage aux phénomènes de torsion. Cette étape est basée sur l’adaptation pour des structures en bois, dans le contexte des Eurocodes (torsion structurale et torsion accidentelle), d’une méthode néozélandaise développée par Priestley et Paulay initialement proposée pour des bâtiments en béton armé. L’étude du comportement des bâtiments en bois en situation sismique s’inscrit dans une approche utilisant la méthode de linéarisation équivalente par coefficient de comportement. L’action sismique peut ainsi être modélisée par des forces statiques équivalentes qui sont ensuite transmises aux éléments structuraux verticaux par des diaphragmes horizontaux. Ce travail permet de définir des distributions d’efforts sismiques sur chaque contreventement avec la prise en compte de la torsion à partir d’une cartographie d’implantation des contreventements et des masses. Cette méthode originale de prise en compte de la torsion est mise en application et l’ensemble des résultats obtenus conduit à la réalisation d’une base de données conséquente sur les effets de la torsion, pour une situation sismique, dans le cas d’un dimensionnement en capacité, avec contreventements ductiles à comportement linéarisé par coefficient de comportement et diaphragmes horizontaux rigides. Après mise en application de cette méthode, une approche numérique du comportement de structures génériques est conduite afin d’illustrer les effets de différents niveaux de simplification inhérents à la méthode originale mise en place. Dans cette étape, les calculs utilisent la méthode des éléments finis en s’appuyant sur le logiciel Cast3m. Les calculs dynamiques sont réalisés sur la base de comportements linéaires ou linéarisés afin d’analyser les effets de différentes méthodes de calcul proposées par l’Eurocode 8, partie 1. Les calculs menés dans cette phase permettent notamment de valider des conditions d’application de méthodes simplifiées pour des structures en bois, et d’approcher les effets de la torsion sur ces structures avec différents degrés de précision. / The earthquakes are natural disasters affecting the earth's crust, which can have major destructive effects in urban areas. We have a set of scientific, technical and conception knowledge which allow to « build earthquake-resistant », but these methods must be adapted to simple buildings. The development of earthquake-resistant regulations (Eurocode 8 and national annexes) and seismic zoning of France evolve significantly to the need for taking into account the seismic action in the building design. In seismic design, it is essential to take into account the torsion effects that can lead to serious consequences in terms of damage to civil engineering structures. This research work presents a process including different levels of approach to take into account the effect of the torsion. The structures particularly targeted by this work are the so-called soft frames and more specifically the timber buildings. After a course of bibliographic elements related to the timber structures and the structures of current buildings subjected to seismic situations, a parametric study is taken with a method for multi-dimensional combination in order to analyze the influence of different bracing configurations on the sensitivity of the structure to the torsion phenomena. This first stage is based on the adaptation for timber structures, in the context of Eurocodes (structural torsion and accidental torsion), of a New Zealand method developed by Paulay and Priestley originally proposed for reinforced concrete buildings. The study of the behavior of timber buildings in seismic situation is part of an approach using the equivalent linearization method by a behavior coefficient. So the seismic action can be modeled by equivalent static forces which are then transmitted to the vertical structural elements by horizontal diaphragms. The objective of this work is to define the distribution of seismic forces on each brace with the inclusion of torsion from cartography of bracing and masses implantation. This original method, taking into account the torsion effect, is implemented and all the results lead to the creation of a rich database, for a seismic situation, in the case of design capacity, with ductile bracing and linearized behavior through the behavior factors and rigid horizontal diaphragms. This database can be used to simplify the approach of the torsional effects of the current timber buildings. It can also be used as a reference for the analysis of the influence of the semi rigid diaphragms or the actual non-linearity of bracing. After implementation of this method, a numerical approach considering the behavior of generic structures is conducted to illustrate the effects of different levels of simplification inherent to the implemented original method. In this step, the calculations use the finite element method (software Cast3M). The dynamic analysis is made on the basis of linear or linearized behavior to evaluate the effects of different calculation methods proposed by Eurocode 8, Part 1. The calculations done in this phase allow mainly to validate the applicability of simplified methods for timber structures, and to predict the torsional effects on these structures with different degrees of precision.

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