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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perceived Vs Recorded Quality of Tissue Paper : A Thematic Analysis of Online Customer Reviews

Bin, Bai, Mobolaji, Folorunso January 2019 (has links)
At the moment, the largest amount of tissue paper products are consumed in East Asia (which includes China and Japan), Europe and North America, and between 2010 and 2023, consumption of tissue paper products is expected to grow by 3% with the largest growth rate in China. Meanwhile, toilet paper, kitchen towels and facial tissues, combined make up 85.2% of all tissue paper products consumed in 2018. While different factors can be named as responsible for this growth in consumption, it is quite difficult to isolate the product-related factors that contribute to the growth of consumption of tissue paper in different countries due to the fact that tissue products have limited uniform specifications between different suppliers. This means, tissue suppliers and tissue machine manufacturers, like Valmet, are left with the challenge of understanding customers’ motivations behind demand of different tissue paper products. This is the motivation behind this study, which is to investigate what qualities of toilet paper, facial tissues and kitchen towels, are customers in the US, China and Japan satisfied or dissatisfied with. This is compared with measurements of the qualities of these products, like softness, strength, thickness, to determine the ranges of values of the products’ qualities that customers are satisfied with. Online reviews of 34 different brands of tissue paper products are collected ethically from online retailer websites (Amazon US, Amazon Japan, Walmart, JD.com), and analysed using the thematic analysis methodology to identify the list of qualities of tissue products that customers are satisfied or dissatisfied with. Then, the Pareto rule was used to identify the top 20% most important qualities to customers. These 34 brands were also purchased from these online retailers and their different qualities were measured. The results and conclusion from the study revealed different insights, among which is that softness is a must-be quality for toilet papers in all countries studied, while water absorption is a must-be quality for kitchen towels. The study also revealed ranges of the numerical values of these qualities that are acceptable to end consumers. Valmet intends to use the conclusions from the study in engagements with tissue paper suppliers in the three countries regarding product strategies and choice of technology.

Undersökning av tissue-pappers mekaniska interaktion med en taktil fingersensor

Aziz, Rawen, Aziz, Rami January 2020 (has links)
Tissue-papper eller mjukpapper är material som används för hygienändamål och finns tillgängligt som toalettpapper, hushållspapper och näsdukar. Beroende på vilken typ av tissue-papper som tillverkas anpassas egenskaper genom bland annat val av fibrer och kemikalier. Problemet som finns idag är att vissa mjukpapper brister i kvalitet vilket exemplifieras med att de rivs sönder i längden och inte vid perforeringen. Mjukpapper kan även gå sönder efter toalettbesöket. Detta leder till ökat produktsvinn och miljöbelastning. Som en del i att försöka minska miljöbelastningen och optimera egenskaperna hos papper har en studie genomförts inom ramen för ett mekaniskt forskningsprojekt som drivs av forskargruppen ”Mechanics and materials” på Örebro universitet. I detta arbete har fyra olika typer av mjukpapper studerats. Under arbetet har de olika pappersprodukternas omslutningsförmåga, det vill säga deras kontaktvinkel, vid tryck undersökts och analyserats. Vidare har även nedböjningen vid belastning undersökts teoretiskt. Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka ifall det fanns en koncis metod för att mäta omslutningen med, som en del i det större forskningsprojektet. Som verktyg används en objektiv fingerliknande sensor för att se en möjlig korrelation med mätmetoden. Resultatet visade att metoden var koncis och hade en korrelation med den objektiva fingerliknande sensorns utslag. Till fortsatt arbete rekommenderas ytterligare tester på pappersprodukterna för att utföra en noggrann statistisk analys. Även ytterligare kopplingar till pappersprodukternas egenskaper kan ge en djupare förståelse av hur materialet böjer sig vid belastning. / Tissue paper or soft paper are materials used for hygiene purposes and are available as toilet paper, kitchen paper and handkerchiefs. Depending on the variety that is manufactured, properties are adapted based on, among other things, the choice of fibers and chemicals. The problem that exists today is that some tissues lack quality, which is exemplified by the fact that they are torn in the long run and not during the perforation. Tissue can also break after the toilet visit. This leads to increased product waste and environmental impact. As part of trying to reduce the environmental impact and optimize the properties of paper, this report is written within the constraints of a mechanical science project by the research group called “Mechanics and materials” on Orebro university. In this project, four different types of tissue have been studied. During the work, the enclosing ability of the various paper products, its contact angle, has been examined and analyzed under pressure. Furthermore, the deflection under load has also been investigated theoretically. The purpose of the work was to investigate whether there was a concise method to measure the coverage, as part of the larger research project. An objective finger-like sensor is used as a tool to see a possible correlation with the measurement method. The results showed that the method was consistent and had a correlation with the objective finger-like sensor result. For further work, further tests on the paper products are recommended to perform a thorough statistical analysis. Further connections to the properties of the paper products can also provide a deeper understanding of how the material bends under load.

Framtagning av ett mätkonceptsförslag angående mjukhetsmätningen på tissue-papper / Development of a proposal for a measuring concept regarding the softness of tissue-paper

Kroona, Gustav, Karlsson, Jonatan January 2020 (has links)
Detta är en förstudie som går ut på att utveckla ett mätkonceptsförslag. Förslaget ska kunna fungera som ett potentiellt fundament för fortsatt arbete för att kunna avgöra mjukheten hos tissue-papper, det vill säga hög-absorberande papper som till stor del används för hygienändamål som exempelvis toalettpapper och servetter. Förslaget ska integreras med mätinstrumentet Syntouch BioTac som är en haptisk sensor samt tryck- och dragprovaren Lloyd LR5K. Kravet för att mätkonceptet ska vara acceptabelt är att det ska vara objektivt samt repeterbart.  En litteraturstudie genomfördes tidigt som resulterade i att författarna insåg att en prototyp behövde konstrueras. Prototypen utvecklades med hjälp av nödvändiga teorier som skulle säkerhetsställa att framtagningen av prototypen gjordes på ett objektivt sätt.  Tre olika typer av tissue-papper valdes ut för att genomgå mätmetoden med den konstruerade prototypen. Mätmetoden genererade data som sedan analyserades med lådagram och dessutom åskådliggjordes testresultatet med grafer. Datan analyserades och resulterade i att förstudien gav författarna ett positivt utslag på frågeställning. Det vill säga att mätkonceptsförslaget uppfyllde objektivitet samt repeterbarhet. / This is a pilot study which involves a development of creating a proposal for a concept that can measure tissue-paper. This study should be able to be used as a fundamental thesis for future studies that will determine the softness of tissue-paper, ergo paper that is highly absorbent of liquids which is frequently used for personal hygiene such as toilet paper and napkins etc. The concept must be integrated with the haptic sensor Syntouch BioTac which is mounted on the push-pull tester Lloyd LR5K. The requirement to make this study successful is that the measuring concept will produce data which not only is objectively created but also repeatable.  The study began with research which resulted with the conclusion that a prototype needed to be created that would make it possible to perform tests on the tissue-papers. Creating the prototype was made possible by using a few necessary theories which would ensure that it would be done accordingly with minimal subjective input.  Three different kinds of tissue-paper were chosen to go through the measuring procedure with the constructed prototype. The data that was obtained from the procedure was then analyzed with boxplots and the test results were also depicted into graphs. The conclusion that was made after analyzing the data was that the authors of this study had obtained a positive verdict according to their issued question. Thus, the measuring concept was presenting objectively and repeatable results.


Bracken, Lauren Ann 26 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Development of model to simulate embossing of tissue paper: Effect of embossing on mechanical performance of tissue / Utveckling av simuleringsmodell för prägling av mjukpapper: Präglingens påverkan på den mekaniska prestandan

Khan, Ali January 2021 (has links)
Tissue paper is a type of soft, absorbent, and lightweight paper with several applications for hygiene and kitchen use. Embossing is an operation during the converting stage of the tissue production process which creates relief designs on tissue. Other than producing designs for aesthetic purposes, embossing increases bulk which improves absorbency and softness but reduces mechanical strength and stiffness. A computational model using the finite element method is developed to simulate the embossing of tissue paper. A tool for fitting an appropriate material model for tissue to its experimental test data is implemented. The material model is subjected to a verification test and it works sufficiently well to model the in-plane elastic and plastic anisotropic behavior of tissue. Two validation tests are conducted to check the embossing model against experimental test data where it is observed that the model works well. Firstly, it provides an idea about the amount of pressure required to be applied during loading to reach a certain embossing level. Secondly, it predicts the tensile strength of embossed tissue sheets although it provides a slight underestimate. Potential reasons for the shortcomings in the tensile strength are suggested and recommendations for further improving the model are provided. Lastly, parametric studies are conducted to investigate the influence of embossing pattern geometry on the mechanical performance of embossed tissue.  After passing the verification and validation stages, the model is ready to serve as a convenient, less time-consuming, and cost-effective alternative to experimental testing to study the embossing process. It can also be used as a tool to examine the effect of one or more model parameters on embossing by simply changing them and studying the new results. / Mjukpapper är ett mjukt och absorberande papper med låg ytvikt för hygien- och köksändamål. Prägling är en operation under konverteringsstadiet av produktionsprocessen som skapar reliefmönster på mjukpapperet. Förutom att skapa mönster för estetiska ändamål, ökar präglingen bulken som förbättrar absorptionskapacitet och mjukhet men den minskar mekanisk styrka och styvhet.En beräkningsmodell med finita element-metoden utvecklas för att simulera prägling av mjukpapper och ett verktyg för att koppla en lämplig materialmodell för mjukpapper till dess experimentella testdata implementeras. Materialmodellen genomgår ett verifieringstest och det fungerar tillräckligt bra för att modellera det elastisk-plastiska anisotropiska beteendet hos mjukpapper i planet. Två valideringstester utförs för att kontrollera präglingsmodellen mot experimentella testdata där det observeras att modellen fungerar bra. För det första ger den en uppfattning om mängden tryck som behöver appliceras för att nå en viss präglingsnivå. För det andra förutspår den draghållfastheten hos präglade mjukpappersark även om det ger en liten underskattning. Potentiella orsaker för bristerna i draghållfasthet föreslås och rekommendationer för ytterligare förbättringar av modellen ges. Slutligen genomförs parametriska studier för att undersöka påverkan av präglingsmönstergeometri på den mekaniska prestandan hos präglat mjukpapper. Efter att ha klarat verifierings- och valideringsstegen är modellen redo att fungera som ett lätthanterligt, mindre tidskrävande och mer kostnadseffektivt alternativ till experimentell testning för att studera präglingsprocessen. Det kan också användas som ett verktyg för att undersöka effekten av en eller flera modellparametrar på prägling genom att helt enkelt ändra dem och studera de nya resultaten.

New methods for evaluation of tissue creping and the importance of coating, paper and adhesion

Boudreau, Jonna January 2013 (has links)
The creping process and the conditions on the Yankee cylinder dryer are key factors in a tissue paper mill, and they therefore need to be kept under good control in order to maintain a high and uniform quality. To this end it would be valuable to be able to make on-line measurements of Yankee coating thickness as well as the crepe structure of the tissue paper. The adhesion of paper to the cylinder affects the creping process and more information about the parameters that affect the adhesion is therefore of interest. To perform trials on a full scale or in a pilot plant is very costly and laboratory creping equipment is therefore sought after in order to be able to measure the adhesion force. The coating layer for use on the cylinder was analysed. It contained a large amount of carbohydrates and could not be considered transparent. The thickness of the coating layer was measured on a laboratory cylinder with a method based on fluorescence. An optical brightener was added to the coating chemicals and the coating layer was subjected to UV-radiation. The intensity of the light emitted by the optical brightener was measured and gave an indication of the thickness of the coating layer. The equipment has to be further investigated before it is possible to implement the new sensor on-line. New creping equipment and an adhesion method were developed for use on a laboratory scale. The equipment can operate with different creping angles and the force needed to crepe the paper can be measured. The highest creping force was obtained for papers of high grammage, low dryness at adhesion, high drainability, high fines content and high hemicellulose content. A more direct method is to analyse the structure of the produced paper. Measurements were made on a tissue paper with an optical fibre sensor while the paper was travelling at low speed. The collected signal was mathematically analysed and the characteristic wavelength was calculated for different paper samples. These values were close to the wavelengths measured with an off line method by a commercial crepe analyser. / Baksidestext The creping process is the heart of tissue paper manufacture. To control the process better, on-line measurements of paper structure and coating thickness are sought after. The creping is highly dependent on the adhesion of the paper to the Yankee dryer. To be able to measure the adhesion, laboratory creping equipment was also required. Different pulp parameters affect the adhesion and some of them have been investigated in this work. The coating on the Yankee cylinder consisted mainly of fiber fragments and could not be considered as transparent, which had to be considered when choosing a method to measure coating thickness. A method based on the light emitted from an optical brightener in the coating when subjected to UV-irradiation was used, but has to be further improved before it can be used on-line. A new laboratory creping method was developed to determine the adhesion between paper and metal, and the force needed to scrape off the paper with a doctor blade was measured. The highest creping force was obtained for papers made of pulp with a high drainability, high fines content and high hemicellulose content. An optical method using reflected light to measure crepe wavelength on-line was developed. The paper travelled under a sensor and the light collected was mathematically analyzed to determine the most common wavelength.

Alternativas tecnológicas para melhoria de propriedades mecânicas de papéis tissue e sua aplicação para diferentes polpas kraft de eucalipto / Technologies for mechanical properties improvement and its application for different kraft pulps focused on tissue paper

Ramires, Heloisa Ogushi Romeiro 02 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T14:01:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 2132713 bytes, checksum: a317ded1e6c3864faf9df4b8275106ba (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-02 / The tissue paper industry is consolidating as a good alternative in consumption of eucalyptus pulp fibers. Referred to the high competitive level of pulp and paper industry, it is currently perceived an increase trend in the usage of eucalyptus pulp in tissue furnish, been demanded by the need to created better properties, but also in substitution of more expensive fibers like long fibers. In this context, a barrier for long fiber replacement is normally the resulted mechanical properties, which may impact the final product and runnability of paper machines. This master thesis aims to essay the potential of mechanical strength generation of different eucalyptus market pulps from Eucalyptus urophylla and Eucalyptus grandishybridsaccording to their chemical, physical and morphological characteristics. Also was studied their behavior under the most relevant technologies for strength properties increase such as refining and starch adsorption. In this study, the pulps with higher alkalinity and higher carboxylic acid content, related to its production technology process, showed superior mechanical properties such as tensile strength and elongation, but higher resistance to drainability. They also resulted in smaller fibrillation and relative bonded area (RBA). All samples developed better properties when submitted to the starch absorption with corn amphoteric starch, but under lower refining levels, the sample with higher carboxylic acids developed a higher tensile strength. Thus, it was possible to verify that current evaluated technologies, whether for differentiation in pulp process or for treating fibers in the paper process can increase significantly the mechanical properties of tissue paper. / A indústria de papéis tissue vem se consolidando como uma excelente alternativa para o consumo de fibras celulósicas de eucalipto. Dada agrande competitividade da indústria de celulose e papel, percebe-se atualmente uma tendência de aumento da percentagem de fibras de eucalipto na composição dos papéis tissue, seja para geração de melhores propriedades, seja para redução do custo com a matéria-prima, visto que as fibras longas possuem patamar histórico de preço mais elevado.Neste contexto, o grande entrave para a substituição de fibras longas pelo eucalipto é geralmente a resistência mecânica da folha de papel, que impacta não só o produto final como também o andamento e velocidade da máquina de papel.Assim, este trabalho objetivou verificar o potencial de geração de propriedades mecânicas de diferentes fibras de celulose de eucalipto de híbridosEucalyptus urophyllae Eucalyptus grandis, em função de suas características químicas, físicas e morfológicas, bem como seu comportamento quando submetidas às mais relevantes tecnologias disponíveis para incremento destas propriedades, como o refino e a amidação. Neste estudo, de forma geral, as polpas de maior alcalinidade e maior conteúdo de ácidos carboxílicos mostraram propriedades mecânicas superiores em resistência à tração e alongamento, porém maior resistência à drenabilidade. Apresentaram também menor fibrilação e RBA (relative bonded area). Todas as amostras desenvolveram melhores propriedades quando submetidas ao tratamento de amidação com amido de milho de característica anfótera, porém, em baixos níveis de refino, a amostra com maior conteúdo de ácidos carboxílicos desenvolveumaior incremento de resistência à tração. Todas as medições foram avaliadas do ponto de vista estatístico. Desta maneira, pode-se verificar que as alternativas tecnológicas avaliadas, tanto para a geração de polpas de mercado diferenciadas, quanto para seu tratamento durante o processo de fabricação de papel, podem incrementar significativamente as propriedades mecânicas dos papéis tissue.

Infrared assisted through-air drying of lowgrammage sheets / Genomblåsningstorkning av lågytviktsark med infravärme-support

Wallinder, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Through air drying (TAD) enables production of premium tissue products with increased softness, absorbency and bulk. On the other hand, the energy consumption of the TAD process is considerably higher than for conventional tissue drying alternatives. Previous studies on the TAD process have indicated that the drying rate for low grammage sheets is independent of the flow of air through the sheets.   The objective of this work has been to investigate and quantify how drying times and drying rates for low grammage sheets are affected by the addition of external web heating in a TAD process. Moist Eucalyptus and softwood sheets with grammages ranging from 15 to 60 g/m2 were dried in a laboratory process by an air flow through them and an IR-dryer with a variable power output. During drying, pressure drop and air flow were measured and an IR-camera recorded surface temperatures which enabled calculation of drying times and drying rates.   Using the IR-dryer to dry sheets shortened the drying time with at least 20 % and up to 60 % compared to sheets dried without IR-heating. Both pulp types and all grammages showed a linear relationship between drying times and the amount of evaporated water. Mass specific drying rates however, were very high for low grammage sheets and decreased rapidly with increasing grammage. Especially for low grammage sheets the drying rate had a very strong dependency on the IR-power and increased significantly with every increasing IR-power level. This finding implies that heat transfer could be a limiting factor when drying low grammage sheets in the TAD process. Another interesting phenomenon was observed for all grammages of the Eucalyptus sheets. Through these sheets the air flow rate increased with increasing IR-power, something that was not seen at all for the softwood sheets.   To summarize, adding external web heating to a TAD process resulted in a positive effect on drying times and drying rates, especially for low grammage sheets typical for the TAD process.

Tactile Perception : Role of Friction and Texture

Skedung, Lisa January 2012 (has links)
Tactile perception is considered an important contributor to the overall consumer experience of a product. However, what physical properties that create the specifics of tactile perception, are still not completely understood. This thesis has researched how many dimensions that are required to differentiate the surfaces perceptually, and then tried to explain these dimensions in terms of physical properties, by interconnecting human perception measurements with various physical measurements. The tactile perception was assessed by multidimensional scaling or magnitude estimation, in which methods human participants assign numbers to how similar pairs of surfaces are perceived or to the relative quantity of a specified perceptual attribute, such as softness, smoothness, coarseness and coolness. The role of friction and surface texture in tactile perception was investigated in particular detail, because typically tactile exploration involves moving (at least) one finger over a textured surface. A tactile approach for measuring friction was developed by means of moving a finger over the surfaces, mounted on a force sensor. The contribution of finger friction to tactile perception was investigated for surfaces of printing papers and tissue papers, as well as for model surfaces with controlled topography. The overarching research goal of this thesis was to study, systematically, the role of texture in tactile perception of surfaces. The model surfaces displayed a sinusoidal texture with a characteristic wavelength and amplitude, fabricated by surface wrinkling and replica molding techniques. A library of surfaces was manufactured, ranging in wavelengths from 270 nm up to 100 µm and in amplitudes from 7 nm up to 6 µm. These surfaces were rigid and cleanable and could therefore be reused among the participants. To my knowledge, this is the first time in a psychophysical experiment, that the surface texture has been controlled over several orders of magnitude in length scale, without simultaneously changing other material properties of the stimuli. The finger friction coefficient was found to decrease with increasing aspect ratio (amplitude/wavelength) of the model surfaces and also with increasing average surface roughness of the printing papers. Analytical modeling of the finger’s interaction with the model surfaces shows how the friction coefficient increases with the real contact area, and that the friction mechanism is the same on both the nanoscale and microscale. The same interaction mechanism also explains the friction characteristics of tissue paper. Furthermore, it was found that the perceptions of smoothness, coarseness, coolness and dryness are satisfactorily related to the real contact area at the finger-surface interface.  It is shown that it is possible to discern perceptually among both printing papers and tissue papers, and this differentiation is based on either two or three underlying dimensions. Rough/smooth and thin/thick were the two main dimensions of surface feel found for the printing papers, whereas friction and wavelength were strongly related to the perceptual cues employed in scaling the model surfaces. These experimental results support the duplex theory of texture perception, which holds that both a “spatial sense”; used to discriminate the roughest textures from the others, and a “vibration sense”; used to discriminate among the smoother textures, are involved. The perception of what is considered rough and smooth depends on the experimental stimulus context. It is concluded that friction is important for human differentiation of surface textures below about 10 µm in surface roughness, and for larger surface textures, friction is less important or can even be neglected. The finger friction experiments also allowed the following conclusions to be drawn: (i) The interindividual variation in friction coefficients is too large to allow direct comparison; however, the trends in relative friction coefficients for a group of participants are the same. (ii) Lipids are transferred to the test surface of study, and this lowers the friction. (iii) Many of the studies point to a characteristic frequency during sliding of about 30 Hz, which is both characteristic of the resonance frequency of skin and the expected frequency associated with the fingerprints. (iv) The applied load in surface interrogation is in fact regulated in response to the friction force. The limits in tactile perception were indirectly researched by similarity scaling experiments on the model surfaces. Wrinkle wavelengths of 760 nm and 870 nm could be discriminated from untextured reference surfaces, whereas 270 nm could not. The amplitude of the wrinkles so discriminated was approximately 10 nm, suggesting that nanotechnology may well have a role to play in haptics and tactile perception. / Taktil perception bidrar starkt till den sammantagna upplevelsen av en produkt, men hur materials olika ytegenskaper påverkar och styr perceptionen är ännu inte helt klart. Den här avhandlingen undersöker hur många och vilka egenskaper som är viktiga när känslan mellan två ytor jämförs. Tillvägagångssättet är tvärvetenskapligt där fysikaliska mätningar kopplas ihop med perceptions mätningar där människor används som instrument. Två typer av perceptionsförsök har utförts, multidimensionell skalning där försökspersoner sätter siffror på hur lika två ytor känns, samt magnitud estimation där i stället intensiteten på specifika perceptuella storheter som t.ex. upplevt lenhet, upplevd mjukhet och upplevd strävhet bedömdes. Eftersom taktil perception innebär kontakt samt relativ rörelse mellan hud och ytor, har fokus i avhandlingen varit att undersöka hur friktion och ytans struktur (ytråhet) påverkar och bidrar till den taktila perceptionen. Förutom fysikaliska mätningar på friktion och ytstruktur har värmekonduktivitet, mjukhet samt olika standard mätningar inom pappersindustrin mätts. En metod för att mäta friktion mellan ett finger och olika ytor har utvecklats för att i möjligaste mån återspegla friktionskomponenten i upplevt taktil perception. Friktionskoefficienter beräknades och jämfördes mellan alla ytor. De stimuli som har studerats är tryckpapper och mjukpapper samt modellytor, gjorda för att systematiskt undersöka hur ytstruktur påverkar perceptionen. Tillverkningsmetoden för modellytorna valdes så att ytorna var tåliga och kunde tvättas och därmed återanvändas. Strukturen på ytorna bestod av ett vågformat mönster där våglängden varierade mellan 270 nm och 100 µm och amplituden mellan 7 nm och 6 µm. Enligt vår vetskap är det första gången som strukturer i de här skalorna har gjorts utan att samtidigt ändra andra material egenskaper. Friktionskoefficienten minskade med ökad kvot mellan amplituden och våglängden på modellytorna samt med ytråheten på tryckpappren. En analytisk modell tillämpades på kontakten mellan ett finger och ytorna som visade att friktionskoefficienten beror av den verkliga kontaktarean. För de mycket grövre mjukpappren uppmättes inga stora skillnader i friktion förmodligen för att kontakarean mellan de olika mjukpapprena var lika. Den faktiska kontakarean visade sig också vara viktig för perceptionen av lenhet, strävhet, torrhet och svalhet. Det visade sig vara en stor perceptuell skillnad mellan olika typer av tryckpapper och mjukpapper utifrån hur stimuli placerade sig på en taktil karta. För de tre materialen användes enbart två alternativt tre egenskaper hos materialet för att särskilja mellan alla olika par. För tryckpapper verkade en viktig dimension kunna beskrivas av alla de perceptuella och fysikaliska egenskaper som har med kontaktarean att göra, d.v.s. lenhet, svalhet, torrhet, ytråhet, värmekonduktivitet samt friktion. För att taktilt särskilja mellan olika ytor där bara strukturen är varierade, kunde friktion och våglängden relateras till spridningen i kartan. Båda studierna stödjer duplex theory of texture perception, där ett spatialt sinne används för att särskilja en av de grövre ytorna från en slät, och ett vibrationssinne för att särskilja mellan olika släta strukturer. Friktionen visade sig alltså vara en viktig fysikalisk egenskap för strukturer under åtminstone 10 µm i ytråhet. Från fingerfriktions mätningar kunde även följande slutsatser dras: (i) Stora skillnader i friktionskoefficient mellan olika personer uppmättes, men trenderna mellan olika individer var samma, vilket gör att relativa skillnader i friktion från en individ är representativa. (ii) Lipider (fingerfett) som överförs från fingret till ytan vid kontakt sänker friktionen. (iii) Frekvensinnehållet i friktionskraften varierar mellan olika ytor och den frekvenstopp som ses vid 30 Hz kan möjligtvis bero på fingrets struktur eller resonansfrekvensen på huden. (iv) Den pålagda kraften under en friktionsmätning visar sig omedvetet regleras av den friktionskraft som fingret möter under rörelse.  Hur små strukturer som kan diskrimineras har indirekt undersökts genom likhetsförsöket på modellytorna där försökspersoner skulle bedöma hur lika alla par av ytor kändes. Resultaten visade att ytorna med våglängder på 760 nm och 870 nm upplevdes olika jämfört med referens ytor utan något systematiskt mönster, medan ytan med 270 nm i våglängd inte kunde särskiljas. Amplituden på ytan som kunde diskrimineras var endast ca 10 nm, vilket indikerar att nanoteknologi mycket väl kan bidra inom haptiken och för att i framtiden kontrollera den taktila perceptionen. / <p>QC 20121026</p>

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