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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entrepreneurial attitude of rural secondary school learners in an emerging economy

Maluleke, Fredrick Rhulani 15 July 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this study was to determine the entrepreneurial potential amongst Grade 10 learners in South Africa (Moutse East, Sekhukhune district of Limpopo Province), using the ATE test2 developed at the Kingston University in London. The ATE test2 was tested for validity and reliability; and socio-demographic impacts were tested for statistical significance. A qualitative descriptive design methodology was employed. ATE test2 questionnaires were distributed amongst learners in six public secondary schools, resulting in 836 learners participating in the completion of the questionnaires. Five constructs, namely achievement, personal control, creativity, leadership and intuition, describing the entrepreneurial attitudes of young learners were analysed during exploratory factor analysis. Statistical analysis for reliability, validity and construct correlation showed acceptable results to conclude that the ATE test2 can be used amongst rural learners. A comparison of the mean differences between the constructs for demographic variables produced statistically significant differences in a number of instances, but no practical significance to conclude that these differences can be applied in practice. Practical recommendations were provided for stakeholders to apply in the development of an intervention training programme for a pilot test in entrepreneurship development. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Corruption, Gender and Accountability : A quantitative assessment of gender and attitudes towards corruption in Swedish municipalities

Hallmans, Viktoria January 2020 (has links)
Previous research has shown that there is a negative relationship between female elected officials and corruption in democracies. Especially in high accountability settings where corruption is stigmatized, it makes female elected officials more risk averse as a result of higher probability of being held accountable. Through a quantitative approach, this thesis examines the relationship of gender and corruption on the individual level in Swedish municipalities. To investigate if there are any differences in attitudes towards corruption among female and male local politicians, and what might cause that difference, a survey answered by local politicians from all the 290 municipalities in Sweden was used. The results showed that there is a difference in attitudes towards corruption, female local politicians seem to be more negative than their male counterparts. Female local politicians also seem to become even more negative in their attitudes towards corruption if the accountability is higher. The explanation could be that female local politicians are more risk averse than male local politicians in Swedish local councils, as the same attitude could not be found for them. However, these findings cannot exclude that other explanations can be important for the relationship between gender and attitudes towards corruption. Nevertheless, this thesis gives a starting point for further research of the connection between the individual level of attitudes towards corruption, gender and accountability in Swedish municipalities.

The phenomenological significance of dwelling in architecture. The case of Eastern Beka’a Valley - Lebanon

Elmoussaoui, Mustapha 19 October 2020 (has links)
[EN] Phenomenology in recent years has gained throttle in the philosophical domain; more specifically, the phenomenological methodology had its most significant impact on architectural interpretation and understanding. It is unusual how the phenomenological discourse appeared in the architectural prospect on the decays of structuralism and semiotics. On the other hand, in humanities and philosophy, the growth of structuralism happened only after the decline of phenomenology. These paradoxical conditions are explained due to the translation delay of philosophical ideas and their implementation in architecture. In this research, we dig into the essential question of architectural experience by studying architecture through its phenomenological significance as a dwelling attitude to its inhabitants. The study is on dwellings in the eastern Bekaa region -Lebanon, on houses built between two significant eras, a time frame that shows the essential difference between two construction methods and the transitional phase in-between. Showing case the different typologies that generated in the same area, comparing the area's vernacular architecture and sustainable designs, addressing whether these typologies had any effect on the dweller's socio-cultural and socio-economical dynamics. The area of study is still virgin to different phenomenological interpretation, as the drastic change of typologies occurred in the past 50 years. Dwellers just recently overcame the transitional phase, from applying vernacular construction means, to applying new construction technologies with globalized materials. The area permits us to question the primary existential question of being-in-world, and how citizens coped with their environment in order to sustain their existential being through architectural means. We examine the following phenomenon by learning from dwelling theorists and phenomenologists, focusing on phenomenologists such as Martin Heidegger, Merleau-ponty, and Christian Norberg-Schulz in an attempt to correlate phenomenology with sustainability. Additionally, interpreting architecture hermeneutically through the Arabic parables to comprehend it better in concern with its cultural context. / [ES] El papel de la fenomenología ha sido clave en el terreno filosófico. La metodología fenomenológica ha tenido un impacto significativo en la interpretación y comprensión arquitectónica. Puede parecer absurdo cómo el discurso fenomenológico aterriza en la arquitectura a partir de la desintegración del estructuralismo y la semiótica, mientras que en el campo de las humanidades, y concretamente en el ámbito filosófico, el estructuralismo se desarrolla, precisamente, a partir del declive de la fenomenología. Esta situación paradójica se explica a raíz de la demora en la traducción de las ideas filosóficas y su implementación en la arquitectura. En esta investigación se pretende profundizar en la cuestión esencial de la experiencia arquitectónica a partir de la comprensión de los modos de habitar. El estudio se desarrolla en el conjunto de viviendas de la región oriental de Bekaa (Líbano), a partir de casas construidas en dos periodos significativos, periodos que permiten distinguir entre dos modos de construir contrastados, con una fase de transición intermedia. Se muestran las diferentes tipologías que proliferaron en una misma área, permitiendo comparar las arquitecturas vernáculas y los diseños sostenibles, planteando a su vez si estas tipologías tuvieron algún efecto en la dinámica sociocultural y socioeconómica de sus habitantes. El interés del área de estudio radica en considerarse un terreno virgen para abordar diferentes interpretaciones fenomenológicas, ya que el cambio drástico de tipologías ocurrió en los últimos 50 años. Los habitantes superaron la fase de transición recientemente, partiendo de la aplicación de medios de construcción vernáculos hasta la aplicación de nuevas tecnologías de construcción con materiales globalizados. El área nos permite cuestionar la cuestión existencial primaria del ser-en-el mundo, y cómo los ciudadanos cooperaron con su entorno para mantener su ser existencial a través de medios arquitectónicos. Examinamos el siguiente fenómeno aprendiendo de los teóricos de la vivienda y los fenomenólogos, centrándonos en fenomenólogos como Martin Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty y Christian Norberg-Schulz. Además, interpretando la arquitectura hermenéuticamente a través de las parábolas árabes para comprenderla mejor en relación con su contexto cultural. / [CA] El paper de la fenomenologia ha sigut clau al terreny filosòfic. La metodologia fenomenològica ha tingut un impacte significatiu a la interpretació i comprensió arquitectònica. Pot semblar absurd com el discurs fenomenològic aterra a l'arquitectura arran la desintegració de l'estructuralisme i la semiòtica, mentre que al camp de les humanitats, i concretament a l'àmbit filosòfic, l'estructuralisme es desenvolupa precisament partint del declivi de la fenomenologia. Aquesta situació paradoxal s'explica arran el retard a la traducció de les idees filosòfiques i la seua implementació a l'arquitectura. A aquesta investigació es pretén aprofundir a la qüestió essencial de l'experiència arquitectònica partint de la comprensió de les maneres d'habitar. L'estudi es desenvolupa al conjunt d'habitatges de la regió oriental de Bekaa (Líban), partint de cases construïdes a dos períodes significatius, períodes que permeten distingir entre dos maneres de construir contrastades, amb una fase de transició intermèdia. Es mostren les diferents tipologies que van proliferar a una mateixa àrea, permetent comparar les arquitectures vernacles i els dissenys sostenibles, plantejant a l'hora si aquestes tipologies van tindre cap efecte a la dinàmica sociocultural i socioeconòmica dels seus habitants. L'interès de l'àrea d'estudi radica en considerar-se un terreny verge per enllestir diferents interpretacions fenomenològiques, ja que el canvi dràstic de tipologies va ocórrer als darrers 50 anys. Els habitants van superar la fase de transició recentment, partint de l'aplicació de mitjans de construcció amb materials globalitzats. L'àrea ens permet qüestionar la qüestió essencial primària de l'ésser-al-món i cóm els ciutadans van cooperar amb el seu entorn per mantenir el seu esser existencial per mitjan de mitjans arquitectònics. Examinem el següent fenomen aprenent dels teòrics de l'habitatge i els fenomenòlegs, centrant-nos en fenomenòlegs com Martin Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty y Christian Norberg- Schulz. A més, interpretant l'arquitectura hermenèuticament mitjançant les paràboles àrabs per comprendre-la millor en relació amb el seu context cultural. / Elmoussaoui, M. (2020). The phenomenological significance of dwelling in architecture. The case of Eastern Beka’a Valley - Lebanon [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/152487 / TESIS

The rationality of retirement preservation decisions : towards a scientific model

Reyers, Michelle January 2013 (has links)
There is worldwide concern that individuals are not saving sufficiently for retirement. Low savings rates, coupled with a lack of preservation of retirement funds when individuals move jobs, could have adverse repercussions on the ability to retire with sufficient funds. The traditional response to low preservation levels has been to impose taxes on cash withdrawals and a move is underway in South Africa to potentially mandate preservation. All these interventions assume that individuals are not acting rationally when they take a cash payout, however this assumption of irrationality has not been tested. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the factors that lead to low preservation levels in order to determine whether intervention is required to increase preservation, and if so, what form it should take. The study consisted of two phases. Phase one carried out a critical, multidisciplinary literature review to construct a conceptual model of the factors which potentially lead to low preservation levels. According to this model, these factors could arise from rational decision making in line with consumption smoothing behaviour linked to the life cycle hypothesis or irrational decision making arising from behavioural factors linked to bounded willpower or bounded rationality. The resultant model highlighted the distinct differences in the drivers of rational and irrational behaviour and therefore, the distinctly different interventions required. Phase two of the study focused on the empirical testing of the conceptual model to obtain an understanding of the relative importance of the factors. This phase made use of an analytical survey to test relationships between the predictor variables identified in the conceptual model, and the outcome variable which is whether the individual preserved funds when moving jobs. The data was analysed with logistic regression techniques. The study found that behavioural factors play an important role in explaining the preservation decisions made by individuals. In particular behavioural factors related to bounded rationality as a result of the inherent computational complexity of the decision making environment emerged as important explanatory variables. This appears to indicate that solutions should focus on decision support and guidance to assist individuals in making optimal decisions. This study makes a unique contribution to the field of retirement finance and decision making as it highlights the role that behavioural factors play in retirement preservation decisions. The implications regarding which interventions are best suited to assist in optimal decision iv making are informative for policy makers, providers of retirement products and financial advisors, as well as sponsors and members of retirement funds. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / lk2014 / Financial Management / Unrestricted

Vnímání krásy savců v ZOO Praha: vliv věku a vzdělání respondentů / Perception of beauty of mammals in Prague ZOO: Influence of respondents' age and education

Poláková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
1 Abstract Every year, the number of species considered as endangered increases, especially due to human activities. Nowadays, captive breeding in zoological gardens becomes an option for their survival in refugees. Zoological gardens function as so-called "Noah's Ark", which has the potential to shelter a large amount of individuals from many species. In the future, this opportunity may give us a chance to reintroduce a species that disappeared in the nature. There are many factors influencing which species will be selected to be kept in zoos, e.g., the IUCN status, taxonomical uniqueness, availability, etc., but it was found that especially the size of the animal and the human aesthetic preferences affect the selection. However, every group of animals is evaluated independently in the terms of beauty, and thus, it is necessary to detect these rules and then to apply them to conservation projects. This thesis examines the factors that influence human aesthetic preferences to mammals, both in terms of the characteristics of animals (their colour and morphology), and in terms of human factors (gender, age, education, residence). It was found that especially the pattern, saturation and overall lightness of the animal affect the evaluation of beauty in mammals. On the other hand, dark colours are evaluated...

Pozitivní a negativní vztah ke zvířatům / Positive and negative attitudes towards animals

Peléšková, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
During the entire course of evolution of our species have animals played an important role in human society and culture. They receive considerably more attention over other stimuli and the interest in animals is accompanied by both positive and negative emotions. This work deals with human attitudes towards three classes of vertebrates - amphibians (Amphibia), mammals (Mammalia), and birds (Aves) - and aims to reveal morphological and other perceptional characteristics of these animals (colour, pattern) that are responsible for their ratings of attractiveness, and of fear and disgust induced, and to investigate the relationship of negative emotions and human aesthetic preferences. The testing, underwent by 536 respondents, revealed the general body shape has the most significant impact on the rating of attractiveness and disgust induced by amphibians. Mammals and birds were significantly influenced by their real body size that was impossible to completely filter out by standardising of the photographs. Colours were of merely marginal influence, saturation contributed to the positive rating, whereas dark and dull colours were rated rather negatively. Particular colours were specific for individual groups. The relations between the examined quantities were not uniform among all the investigated...

Designing for a sustainable attitude : The role of informal education in changing students' attitude towards recycling

Radu, Maria Carina January 2020 (has links)
An essential part on the way to a sustainable society is each individual’s perspective on handling consumption. To develop a sustainable attitude towards one step in the consumption process, such as recycling, is a way to prevent environmental problems. This project aims to design through informal education and social innovation a solution for increasing the rate of waste separation among students in Sweden. In order to do so, it focuses on students at Linnaeus University in Växjö as an example and it responds to the local needs. It supposes collaborations with student associations, Linnaeus University, recycling companies and Växjö municipality. The solution proposes an innovative framework formulated to develop the habit of separating waste. Through informal education, it intends to deliver the knowledge and create the social space for practice and connection necessary in developing the proposed habit. The theoretical perspectives include design for learning in the context of waste separation, while gamification and learning by doing are tools for development. Several methods are used throughout the innovation process. Among these, conducting a workshop is the main one for defining the design project.  The project can be considered a social innovation because it responds to the students’ needs of connection and self-worth, addressed through knowledge about recycling, awareness and interaction, and to the needs of the Swedish society of a higher rate of waste reparation.

För ett automatiserat återskapande av inbyggda systems funktionella arkitektur från källkod och produkt data / Towards automated recovery of embedded system functional architecture from source code and product data

Zamouche, Ahmed, Chammam, Oussama January 2013 (has links)
“För ett automatiserat återskapande av inbyggda systems funktionella arkitektur från källkod och produkt data” Den ökade komplexiteten i inbyggda system inom fordonsindustrin tillsammans med de striktare säkerhetsrestriktionerna som infördes av ISO26262 standarden, kräver bättre kunskap och kännedom om produktarkitekturen. Men, för befintliga produkter som inte var utvecklade enligt en väldefinierad arkitekturmodell, så måste en modell återhämtas. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att automatisera återhämtningen av funktionella arkitekturen för fordons inbyggda system, vilket är ett krav för många av ISO26262 aktiviteter. Detta examensarbete föreslår och beskriver två modeller för det inbyggda systemet i ett fordon, och visar dess användning för att bland annat generera användarvänliga vyer. Återhämtningen av modellerna sker genom att tolka den inbyggda C-koden och bearbeta fordonets data såsom inblandade styrenheter, deras adresser och CAN buss detaljerna. Två modeller har föreslagits för att fånga den återskapade informationen om inbyggda systemet i ett fordon: en produktmodell för inbyggda system och en mjukvaruarkitektur modell för den inbyggda mjukvaran. Produktmodellen är en enkel modell på det inbyggda systemet som bara inkluderar nödvändig hårdvaru- och mjukvaru-detaljer för att klara uppgiften att skapa denfunktionella arkitekturen. Den inbyggda mjukvaruarkitektur modellen härleds från produktmodellen. Den modellerar endast högnivå komponentbaserade mjukvarulagret i alla styrenheter tillsammans. Därmed så abstraheras all hårdvaruinformation inklusive mjukvaruallokering och CAN buss information. De föreslagna modellerna har framgångsrikt använts för att generera funktionella arkitekturen för ett par SCANIA lastbilar. Generering och återhämtningen av modellerna utfördes med hjälp av ett verktyg som utvecklades för detta ändamål. Vidare så har en standardiseringsmekanism från de föreslagna modellerna till AUTOSAR också tagits fram och presenterats. Standardiseringsmekanismen är rättfram när styrenhets kring utrustning inte beaktas i modellen. I framtiden bör sensorer och ställdon inkluderas i modellerna. En mer detaljerad studie av den inbyggda programvaruarkitektur modellen, beträffande databeroende, bör också genomföras för att ta itu med problemen rörande felaktiga data-flödesvägar vilka har träffats på i detta arbete. Dessa problem uppkommer vid steget för CAN buss abstraktion. / “Towards automated recovery of embedded system functional architecture from source code and product data” The increased embedded system complexity in the automotive industry together with stricter safety constraints introduced by the ISO26262 standard, require a better knowledge about the product architecture. However, for existing products which were not developed according to a well defined architecture model, the latter need to be recovered. The objective of this thesis work is to automate the recovery of the functional architecture in a vehicle, which is required for many of ISO26262 activities. The work of this thesis proposes and describes two embedded system models for the target system, and shows their usage to generate user friendly views. The recovery of the models is done by parsing embedded C-code and fetching vehicle's data such as involved ECUs, their addresses and CAN bus details. This work has proposed two models for capturing the recreated information about an automotive embedded system: a product model for the embedded system and an architecture model for the embedded software. The product model is a simple embedded system model that only includes needed hardware and software details for the task of generating the functional architecture. The embedded software architecture model is derived from the product model and abstracts all hardware information. The embedded software architecture model covers only the high-level component based software in all ECUs together abstracting away allocation and CAN bus information. The proposed models have been successfully used to generate functional architecture for a couple of SCANIA trucks. The generation and recovery of the models was performed by a software tool that has been developed for this purpose. In addition, a mapping from the embedded software model to AUTOSAR standard has been proposed as a way to standardise the representation. The mapping to AUTOSAR showed that it is quite straight forward when not taking in consideration any possible ECU peripherals. In the future, representation of sensors and actuators should be included in the models. A more detailed study of the architecture model for the embedded software, with regards to data-flow, should also be conducted to tackle issues related to wrong data-flow paths which have been found in this thesis. The issues arise in the step of CAN bus abstraction. / الموجز"نحو أتمتة استخلص  البنية الوظيفية للنظم المضمنة من مصدر وبيانات المنتَج"،ISO إن الزيادة في تعقيد النظام المضمن في السيارات بالضافة إلى شروط السلمة الكثثر صرامة والتي أدخلها معيار 26262تتطلب معرفة أفضل ببنية المنتَج. ولذلك، فبالنسبة للسيارات التي تم إنتاجها بدون تتبع نموذج معماري واضح المعففالم، ف ففإن هففذاالخير يجب أن يتم استخلصه ل حقا.كثان الهدف من هذه الطروحة إثبات إمكثانية أتمتة استعادة البنية الوظيفية للنظام المضمن في السيارة، وهو المر المطلوب للعديدهذه الطروحة تقترح وتصف نموذجين للنظام المضمن، وتُظظهر إمكثاني ففة اسففتخدامهما لخل ففق .ISO من أنشطة المعيار 26262وبيانات السيارة المختلف ففة م ففن C عروض حاسوبية سهلة الفهم والستعمال. يتم استخلص  النماذج عبر تحليل مصدر لغة البرمجة.(CAN) مثل أجهزة التحكثم الموجودة، عناوينها وتفاصيل شبكثة الكثانيقترح هذا العمل نموذجين جزئييْنن للنظم المضمنة في السيارات: نموذجَ المنتَج للنظام المضمن ونموذجففا لبرمجي ففات النظففامالمضمن فقط. نموذج المنتَج هو نموذج مبسط للنظام المضمن يحتوي فقط على الحد الدنى من التفاصيل اللزمففة عففن الجهففزةوالبرمجيات الذي يخوله للقيام بمهمة استخلص  البنية وظيفية. أما نموذج برمجيات النظام المضمن فيُستمد من نموذج المنتج. هففذاالنموذج يغطي فقط البرمجيات المتواجدة في الشرائح العليا من برامج أنظمة التحكثم كثلها في آن واحد. بهذا الشكثل، فإن هذا النموذج.(CAN) ل يحتوي أي معلومات عن الجهزة بما في ذلك معلومات تموقع البرامج في أجهزة التحكثم ومعلومات شبكثة الكثانوقد تم استخلص  ه ففذه النم ففاذج ،SCANIA تم استخدام النماذج المقترحة بنجاح لتوليد بنية وظيفية لبضع شاحنات تابعة لشركثةباستخدام برنامج حاسوبي تم تطويره لهذا الغرض. إضافة إلى ذلك، فقد تم تحديد طريقة ترجمة لنموذج برمجيات النظام المضففمنوالتي أظهرت أن الترجمة عملية سهلة ومباشِررة إذا لم يُؤخخذ في العتب ففار ،AUTOSAR المقترح حتي يصير متوافقا مع معيار الفأي أجهزة طرفية قد تكثون مربوطة بأجهزة التحكثم.مستقبل، ينبغي إضافة دعم لجهزة الستشعار والمشغلت الميكثانيكثية إلى النماذج المقترحة. كثما ينبغي إجففراء دراسففة أكثففثرتفصيل لنموذج برمجيات النظام المضمن فيما يتعلق بتدفق البيانات، وذلك لمعالجة بعض الشكثالت المتعلقة بمسارات تدفق خاطئ ففة.(CAN) للبيانات والتي تم العثور عليها في هذه الطروحة. هذه الخطاء تنشأ في خطوة تجريد معلومات شبكثة الكثان

Compassionate Goals Towards the Poor Predict Support for Redistributive Policies

Ospina Arboleda, Juan Pablo January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Personlighetsfaktorer och attityder gentemot klienter bland kriminalvårdspersonal : En kvantitativ enkätstudie / Personality Traits and Attitudes Towards Clients Among Correctional Staff : A Quantitative Survey Study

Andersson, Per, Strömberg, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate correctional employees’ attitudes towards prisoners and correctional clients in relation to the employees’ own personality, as well as other factors, such as gender, age and years of employment. Using the big-five-inventory-10 and attitudes towards prisoners-scale to study 83 Swedish correctional employees, a correlation(r = 0.352, p = 0.001) was found between the personality trait agreeableness and a more positive attitude towards prisoners. It was also found that female correctional employees in general had a more positive attitude than males (Cohen’s d = 0.755, p < 0.001), and preliminary findings suggested that younger correctional employees might be more likely to hold either extremely positive or extremely negative views of prisoners, compared to older correctional employees.

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