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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"You don't always like your sisters, but you always love them" : Trans feminine accounts of misogyny, sisterhood and difference in New York City

Chamberland, Alexander Alvina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines six trans feminine informants in New York City's experiences of oppression, trans-misogyny, femi-negativity, racism, and classism, as well as their experiences of community support, conflicts and resistance practices through the lens of the term sisterhood and the practice of sisterhooding. Focus has also been placed on the informant's views on allyship and coalition, and their relationship to other communities, such as the trans masculine community. The research has been conducted through in-depth, semi-structured, qualitative interviews with six trans feminine activists in New York City. The informant group was heterogenous in regards to age, race/ethnicity, as well as in regards to where in the city they resided and which parts of the movement they were engaged in. My findings follow Jenny Gunnarsson Payne's (2006) theory on sisterhood as an empty signifier, as my informants had different definition's of the term and concept of sisterhood, and while all of them expressed ambivalences towards the term and concept, they also all used the term to varying degrees. Several saw advantages in using the term to describe kinship and solidarity between trans feminine people. The participating informants in the study listed several different conflicts within trans feminine movements. Many of them were generally skeptical to conflicts, especially to those related to cattiness, competition, language and terminology – sentiment's which I agree with, albeit with the addition, which some of my informant's also stressed, that certain conflict's regarding differences in oppressions related to intersectional hierarchies, may be necessary. In the concluding chapter I argue for an understanding of trans-sisterhood based both on an understanding of similarities and difference's in experience and an understanding of solidarity that prioritizes the voices, perspectives and leadership of the most marginalized. My informant's described grave street harassment, employment discrimination and experiences of desexualization from gay/queer men and hypersexualization from so-called tranny chasers. Because of the lack of previous research on trans femininities from the perspective of an understanding of the specific oppressions of trans-misogyny and femi-negativity, this thesis has had a broad, rather then detailed, perspective and following in the foot steps of Julia Serano (2007) argues for an analysis on the position of trans women and other trans femininities beyond the gender neutral category of transgender. A majority of my informants sharp statements on the subordination of trans femininity to trans masculinity supports my argument for the need of more research in the field of trans femininity studies with perspectives from both transgender studies and critical femininity studies. / Genom djupintervjuer undersöker uppsatsen sex olika transfeminina informanter i New Yorks erfarenheter av förtryck, trans-misogyni, femi-negativitet, rasism och klassism, såväl som deras erfarenheter av stöd, konflikter och motståndspraktiker, vilket sker genom ett undersökande av deras inställning till termen systerskap och den systerskapande praktiken. Fokus har också legat på informanternas syn på allierade, koalitioner och deras relation till andra grupper, som till exempel transmaskulina personer. För att fånga in en intersektionell bredd av erfarenheter var informantgruppen heterogen i förhållande till ålder, “ras”/etnicitet, samt i förhållande till var de bodde i staden och vilka delar av rörelsen de var engagerade i. Informanterna beskrev grova erfarenheter av trakasserier på gatorna och diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden, samt erfarenheter av hypersexualisering från så kallade tranny chaser's och avsexualisering från homosexuella och queera män. I linje med Jenny Gunnarsson Payne's (2006) teori om systerskap som tom signifikant, hade mina informanter många olika definitioner av begreppet systerskap, och medan många av dem uttryckte ambivalenser i förhållande till termen, använde sig alla av begreppet i varierande grad. Flera av dem såg stora fördelar i att använda termen för att beskriva samhörighet och solidaritet mellan transfeminina. Mina informanter listade flera olika konflikter inom de transfeminina rörelsen och var allmänt skeptiska till konflikter, framförallt till de som handlade om elaka attityder, tävlande, språk och terminologi – vilket jag håller med dem om, med tillägget, som en del informanter också tydliggjorde, att visa konflikter gällande intersektionella hierarkier kan vara nödvändiga. Jag argumenterar  för en förståelse av trans-systerskap som baseras både i en förståelse av likheter och skillnader i erfarenheter sam i en förståelse av solidaritet som prioriterar perspektiven och ledarskapet av de mest marginaliserade rösterna. Uppsatsen har ett brett perspektiv eftersom det tidigare gjorts väldigt lite forskning om transfemininiter utifrån den specifika förståelsen av trans-misogyni och femi-negativitet. I likhet med Julia Serano (2007) argumenterar jag för ett analyserande av transkvinnors och andra transfemininas situation bortanför trans som könsneutral kategori och får stöd i majoriteten av mina informanters skarpa uttalanden om den hierarkiska underordningen av transfemininitet gentemot transmaskulinitet. Slutligen menar jag att det behövs mer forskning inom fältet transfemininitetsstudier med perspektiv både från kritiska femininitetsstudier och transstudier.

Quaternary faulting in Salt Basin graben, West Texas

Goetz, Lisa Karen 27 June 2011 (has links)
Fault scarps cutting alluvial deposits define the present-day eastern boundary of Basin and Range faulting in Trans-Pecos Texas. These faults are found in the Salt Basin graben north of Van Horn, Texas, and its southerly extensions along Lobo Valley and Michigan Draw. Discontinuous and en echelon Quaternary fault scarps quickly die out to the south on the eastern side of the graben but become more continuous and develop larger displacements (up to 6 meters) along the west side of Salt Basin at the base of Sierra Diablo. The orientation of the more than one hundred Quaternary down-to-the-basin fault scarps and photolineaments appears to be controlled by pre-existing structural zones of weakness. The preferential alignment of Quaternary (Holocene?) fault scarps along the western side of the graben, the westward shifting of playa lakes and the preferred orientation of giant desiccation polygons show that the graben floor is subsiding more rapidly along the western margin. These faults also separate fresh from saline ground water. Four transverse structural lineaments crossing the northern portion of Salt Basin graben were mapped by P.B. King (1948, 1965) and M. Wiley (1970). A fifth zone, trending east-west between the Babb flexure and Bitterwell Mountain is proposed in this thesis. A tectonic origin is suggested by the orientation of the scarps and the proximity of the Mayfield fault scarps to the estimated epicenters of the 1931 Valentine earthquake. The frequency of small earth tremors felt by the residents of the basin and recorded by temporary seismograph stations indicate tectonic adjustments are presently occurring. / text

"Det finns även personer som..." : En transitivitetsanalys av trans*personer i text / "There are also people who..." : A transitivity analysis of trans* people in text

Ohlson, Jack January 2020 (has links)
I “Det finns även personer som...”: En transitivitetsanalys av trans*personer i text undersöks tre olika texter. Texterna är från riksdagen, Regeringen och Socialstyrelsen och alla handlar om eller riktar sig till trans*personer i olika utsträckning. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur trans*personer skrivs om eller till i texter som kommer från inflytelserika myndigheter och samhällsinstanser. Med utgångspunkt ur den systemisk-funktionella grammatiken samt intersektionella perspektiv på diskriminering görs en transitivitetsanalys som kombineras med den analytiska modellen genderism. Resultaten visar att det grundläggande verkar vara svårt att alls skriva om eller till trans*personer, men att texterna utvecklar ett antal olika metoder för att ändå försöka göra detta. Det sker ofta genom att antingen abstrahera med långa komplicerade omskrivningar, eller försöka hålla ett direkt ’du’-tilltal. Det är tydligt att författarna försöker undvika problematiska kategoriseringar, men det visar sig riskera att leda till bortnämningar istället. Det visade sig också finnas en intressant tendens att både gå emot och samtidigt bekräfta och cementera en cisnormativitet. Den här kandidatuppsatsen skrevs vårterminen 2020 av Jack Ohlson. Handledare var Ulf Larsson.

Rhetoric of trans* identities: public reactions to private confessions

Abele, Kelsey T. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Communication Studies / Charles Griffin / The year 2015 provided a hotbed of discussion about trans* identities. Caitlyn Jenner’s public announcement of her identity as transgender shortly followed by Rachel Dolezal unveiling as a woman with Caucasian heritage. Using publically accessible interviews such as the Diane Sawyer interview with Bruce Jenner, both of Matt Lauer’s conversations with Dolezal and Jenner, Melissa Harris-Perry’s interview with Dolezal, as well as two Vanity Fair stories provide a space for a closer examination of how trans* identities are negotiated in a conversational setting. Using Hecht’s (1993) communication theory of identity to investigate how the four proposed frames (personal, enactment, relationship, and communal) operate under the lens of trans* identities in flux. This thesis aims to explore the kinds of linguist framing motifs used by both an exemplar of the transgender community and an individual treading the barrier between Caucasian and black identities, ultimately leading to a discussion about how language confines personal and socially structure identity and identification. The implications of this identity work tangles with the reliance on personal experience as an expression of identity and its persuasive power to impact discourse. The linguistic tropes that confine identity expression inherently impact a community of individuals struggling to navigate trans* identity acceptance in a larger sphere.

Evaluation de trois approches de thérapie génique pour le traitement des dysferlinopathies : miniprotéine, compensation et trans-épissage / Evaluation of three approaches of gene therapy for the treatment of dysferlinopathies : miniprotein, compensation and trans-splicing

Monjaret, François 11 December 2012 (has links)
Les dysferlinopathies sont des maladies musculaires dues à une déficience en protéine dysferline, codée par le gène DYSF. Dans ce travail de thèse, trois approches thérapeutiques ont été évaluées pour ces pathologies, sur des modèles cellulaires et murins. Un variant transcriptionnel court de la dysferline a été vectorisé dans un AAV8r et injecté dans le modèle murin Bla/J, déficient en dysferline. L’analyse des muscles des animaux traités montre une augmentation de la résistance des fibres musculaires au stress mécanique, mais n’apporte pas de correction histologique. Cette étude souligne également la toxicité de cette miniprotéine. L’anoctamine 5, impliquée dans des pathologies et des activités similaires à la dysferline, a été testée en tant que protéine compensatrice. L’anoctamine 5 surexprimée dans le modèle Bla/J ne permet pas la restauration d’un phénotype normal. La compensation de DYSF par ANO5 n’est donc pas une voie thérapeutique à exploiter pour les dysferlinopathies. Enfin, une thérapie génique par chirurgie de l’ARN dysferline a été évaluée en utilisant le trans-épissage médié par le splicéosome (SMaRT). La preuve de principe de la reprogrammation d’un minigène dysferline a été faite (ARN et protéine trans-épissée obtenus in vitro). L’efficacité du SMaRT dans un contexte endogène s’est en revanche révélée faible, et n’a pas permis la restauration d’une protéine dysferline fonctionnelle dans des myoblastes humains. De plus, l’observation de l’expression de protéines directement à partir du RTM (RNA-trans-splicing molecule) a fait apparaître des limites à l’utilisation du SMaRT pour la thérapie génique, et en particulier pour les dysferlinopathies. / Dysferlinopathies are muscular diseases due to mutations in DYSF gene, inducing dysferlin protein deficiency. In this thesis, three therapeutic approaches have been investigated for these pathologies, on cell or mice models. A short transcriptional dysferlin variant has been injected into Bla/J dysferlin deficient mouse model, using AAV8r vector. Muscle fibers of treated animals displayed an increased resistance to mechanical stress without therapeutic benefit. These experiments also pointed out the toxicity of this strategy. A protein compensation approach has been tested using anoctamin 5, known to be involved in pathologies and activities similar to dysferlin’s ones. AAVr mediated Anoctamin 5 overexpression in Bla/J model does not rescue their muscle phenotype. Overexpression of ANO5 does not seem to be a valuable therapeutic strategy for dysferlin deficiency. Dysferlin RNA surgery was evaluated as a possible genetic therapy using Spliceosome-Mediated RNA Trans-splicing (SMaRT). On a Minigene target, SMaRT is able to induce RNA reprogramming by trans-splicing, and produce the corresponding protein. But efficiency is by far decreased in endogenous context and not good enough to restore functional dysferlin in human myoblasts. Moreover, we described proteins resulting from RNA-trans-splicing molecule (RTM) self-expression, limiting the value of SMaRT as therapeutic strategy, especially for dysferlinopathies.

Medication Treatment and Neuropsychological Functioning in Perinatal HIV

Bocanegra, Monica Elizabeth 20 April 2008 (has links)
This study confirmed whether children on the current treatment of choice for HIV infection, Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment (HAART), exhibit better immune functioning than children on earlier forms of treatment, including sole exposure to Monotherapy/Combination Therapy (Mono-Combo) and "upgrading" from Mono-Combo to HAART (Conversion). It explored whether HAART protects areas of neuropsychological functioning previously found to be compromised in children perinatally infected with HIV more effectively than these earlier treatments. This study includes a unique population (i.e., predominantly minority, low SES status, and largely bilingual), and controls for a number of treatment variables that have not been previously considered. Using the Neurodevelopmental Model and the literature, it was hypothesized that more global functions (i.e., IQ indices besides processing speed) and functions developing earlier in life (i.e., language) would be less affected than more specific functions developing later in life (i.e., visual-motor integration and processing speed). Treatment groups included Mono-Combo, Converters, and HAART. Participants (N=161, 3 to 20 years) were assessed in language, visual-motor integration, processing speed, and IQ using standardized measures and procedures. Three MANCOVAS and an ANCOVA compared groups on immune and neuropsychological measures using age antiretroviral medications were started and years on antiretroviral medications as covariates. Results showed children on HAART have significantly better immune functioning than the Mono-Combo and Converter groups. Consistent with other studies that have controlled for demographic factors, language functioning was not affected by treatment type. Contrary to expectations, visual-motor integration was also not affected by treatment type. Interestingly, Converters were found to perform worse on processing speed than children only exposed to Mono-Combo or HAART. Consistent with expectations, the other IQ indices (i.e., VCI, POI, and FDI) were not affected by treatment type. Findings support the use of HAART globally to improve immune functioning. However, they also provide evidence that HAART does not more effectively protect areas of neuropsychological functioning previously found to be compromised than these former treatments, even when controlling for agents that cross the blood brain barrier, age medications were started, and years on medications. They also bring into question the possible effect of frequency and timing of regimen changes.

Electro, Creamfields och La Bomba : En Studie av Unga Människors Sökande Efter Det Spirituella

Blomqvist, Anette January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Intake of trans fatty acid and risk of cardiovascular disease in Asian population : a systematic review

Wang, Zherun, 王浙潤.王浙润 January 2014 (has links)
Background Many studies in western countries have suggested a positive association between intake of trans fatty acid (TFA) and risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). In Asia, although intake of TFA was relatively low, it evidenced an increasing trend which was accompanied with an increasing prevalence of CVDs among the population. There was currently no systematic review on the relationship between intake of TFA and CVDs in Asian population. This systematic review was aimed to synthesize the association between intake of TFA and the risk of CVDs in Asian population from published literature. Methods Both English and Chinese literature published before 1st January 2014were retrieved from PubMed, Medline, Google scholaand CNKI with a combination of keywords. Studies that reported the associations between intake of TFA and CVD-related risks and those conducted among Asian population were included. The quality of eligible literature included in the review was assessed based on STROBE. Findings regarding the associations between intake of TFA and risk of CVDs were extracted and synthesized through comparing and evaluating the quality of findings across the included studies. Results Of the 378 articles retrieved from the datasets, nine studies were eligible to be included in this systematic review. The nine studies covered six Asian countries including Iran, China, Korea, Japan, Israel and India. Seven of nine studies indicated a positive association between intake of TFA and risk of CVDs while the other two reported no significant association. However, none of the included studies were interventional studies and only one was prospective cohort study. Conclusion The findings that more intake of TFA was associated with increased risk of CVDs in Asian population were consistent with that in the western population. Specific regulations to restrict the use of TFA and interventions to promote public awareness of the health effects of TFA are recommended in Asian countries. Due to limited eligible studies that covered only six Asian countries, there remains cautious to generalize the findings to other Asian countries. / published_or_final_version / Public Health / Master / Master of Public Health

Impact of hydrogenated fat consumption on in vivo lipid metabolism in moderately hypercholesterolemic women

Matthan, Nirupa Rachel. January 2000 (has links)
The negative health effects of trans fatty acids from hydrogenated fats on plasma lipid profile have been well documented. However, the mechanisms responsible for these changes remain to be elucidated. Hence the overall objective of the thesis was to examine the effect of consuming different forms of hydrogenated fats on cholesterol and triglyceride metabolism, specifically fractional and absolute synthesis rates of free (FSR-FC and ASR-FC) and esterified (FSR-CE, AER and ER) cholesterol, and the functioning of the ASP pathway. In addition, validation of the newer deuterium incorporation (DI) method for measurement of endogenous cholesterol biosynthesis against the cholesterol precursor assessment approach was also performed. Fourteen moderately hypercholesterolemic (LDL-C ≥ 130 mg.dl-1) postmenopausal women (65--71yrs) participated in this study. Subjects consumed, in random order, each of 6 diets for 5 week periods, separated by washout periods ranging from 2 to 4 weeks in duration. The experimental diets included a baseline (BL) diet (39% kcal fat) and 5 reduced fat diets (30% kcal) where 2/3rd of the fat was either soybean oil (SO), low trans squeeze (SQM), medium trans tub (TM), high trans stick (SM) margarines, or butter (BT). Results obtained from the series of analyses performed demonstrate that: (i) the DI method and levels of some cholesterol precursors correspond as methods for the study of in vivo cholesterol biosynthesis in humans; (ii) elevations in endogenous cholesterol synthesis (FSR-FC and ASR-FC) are not responsible for the increase in circulating cholesterol levels seen after consumption of the high trans SM, and high SFA rich BT and BL diets; (iii) suppression of cholesterol esterification rates on the SM diet may account for the decreased HDL-C levels observed on this diet and finally; (iv) dysfunction of the ASP pathway, with lower ASP and higher FFA levels could be responsible for the higher secretion of hepatic B 100 particles. In conc

The effects of consuming fatty acids from different sources on atherosclerotic development

Dupasquier, Chantal Marie Christine 02 September 2009 (has links)
It is becoming increasingly evident that the development of atherosclerotic coronary heart disease (CHD) can largely be regulated by lifestyle and dietary choices. The type of fatty acids regularly consumed may promote or prevent atherogenesis. Flaxseed, the richest plant source of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is thought to protect against atherosclerotic disease. However, the mechanism(s) by which flaxseed exerts these anti-atherogenic effects requires further investigation. Alternatively, there are dietary fatty acids that are thought to induce significant deleterious effects upon our cardiovascular health. Epidemiological evidence associates dietary trans fatty acids (TFAs) with atherosclerotic CHD. This evidence has largely focused on the main source of TFAs in the North American diet, industrially hydrogenated vegetable shortening (iTFAs). It is assumed that TFAs stimulate atherosclerosis but the only studies to date have shown no effect of TFAs on atherosclerosis. Even less is known of the impact of naturally occurring TFAs from dairy and meat products of ruminant animals (rTFAs) on atherosclerotic disease. We investigated the effects of flaxseed supplementation on atherosclerosis and vascular function in two animal models, the hypercholesterolemic rabbit and the cholesterol fed, low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr-/-) deficient mouse. New Zealand White rabbits and LDLr-/- mice were fed a diet containing flaxseed in the absence or presence of dietary cholesterol for a period of 6 to 24 weeks. We found that dietary flaxseed inhibits the atherogenic effects of a high cholesterol diet in both animal models. The anti-atherogenic effect was achieved in the mouse model through a capacity to lower circulating cholesterol levels and at a cellular level by inhibiting cell proliferation and inflammation. This reduction is also associated with an improved vascular relaxation response as demonstrated in the rabbit model. We also investigated the effects of consuming TFAs from two sources, industrially hydrogenated iTFAs rich in elaidic TFA (C18:1t-9) or naturally-occurring ruminant rTFAs rich in vaccenic TFA (C18:1t-11), on atherosclerotic development in the LDLr-/- mouse in the presence or absence of elevated dietary cholesterol. Our results demonstrate that consuming iTFAs dose dependently initiates atherosclerotic development but not beyond the effects of dietary cholesterol alone. However, consuming rTFAs rich in vaccenic acid protects against hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis in the presence or absence of dietary cholesterol. The effects of combining dietary flaxseed and iTFAs in the diet were also examined in this model. Adding whole ground flaxseed or flaxseed oil (ALA) to diets containing low and high doses of iTFAs completely prevented atherosclerotic development in the absence of dietary cholesterol. Flaxseed was also able to partially prevent atherosclerosis caused by iTFAs and cholesterol. Our results suggest that the omega-3 ALA fatty acid rich content of flaxseed is mainly responsible for the anti-atherogenic effects of flaxseed. Our results highlight potential mechanisms for the beneficial effects of dietary flaxseed and the mixed effects of TFAs on cardiovascular health and underscore the need for further basic and clinical investigations.

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