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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Jonathan M Shilling (11813957) 18 December 2021 (has links)
<p>A wireless revolution has occurred resulting in the formation of a proverbial backbone of wireless devices that our everyday functionality, productivity, and general way of life have become dependent. Consequently, victimizing an already constrained and finite wireless spectrum with further demands for increased bandwidths, greater channel capacities, and an insatiable plea for faster access rates. In-band full-duplexing (IBFD) is an innovative and encouraging technology that aims to answer this tacit mitigation call by bolstering spectral efficiency through simultaneous same frequency band transmission and reception. Conventionally, transceiver-based systems have their respective transmission and reception dictated by occurring in either disparate time slots (half-duplex) or distinct frequencies (out-of-band full-duplex). By achieving simultaneous same band communication, a theoretical doubling in spectral efficiency is rendered feasible. However, transmitter to receiver leakage, or self-interference (SI), remains the most barring frustration to IBFD realization. Being locally generated, SI is considerably stronger (often 50-100dB) than the desired signal-of-interest (SOI). Left unresolved, this unwanted energy saturates the receiver’s amplifiers and desensitizes its analog-to-digital converters. Thus, rendering the SOI unintelligible. Therefore, a means of self-interference cancellation (SIC) is necessitated to suppress any polluting SI to levels that of or below the receiver’s noise floor.</p><p></p>In this thesis an in-depth history of in-band full duplex technology is first presented, followed by a condensed examination of the SIC domains. Pertinent theory is presented pertaining to noise analysis and estimation relevant to a proposed IBFD transceiver architecture. Finally, a modelled simulation of this transceiver, developed in MATLAB, is presented. Subsequent results detailing an investigative study done on a fully adaptive tapped-branch analog self-interference canceller are shown. Said canceller’s variable phase and amplitude weights are set via real-time training using gradient descent algorithms. Evaluation of the results reveal marginal effect on the SIC efficacy due to transmission path nonlinearity and noise distortions alone. However, expansion of model consideration for conceivable cancellation hardware nonlinearities reveals an indirectly proportional degradation of SIC performance by up to 35dB as distortion levels vary from -80 dBm to -10 dBm. These results indicate consideration of such non-idealities should be an integral part of cancellation hardware design for the preclusion of any intrinsic cancellation impediments.

Bezklíčový přístup do vozidla pomocí technologie Bluetooth Low Energy / Bluetooth® Low Energy Vehicle Keyless Entry

Šterc, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá návrhem demonstračního kitu bezlíčového přístupu pro vozidla s využitím nejnovějších integrovaných obvodů Bluetooth Low Energy a budičů automobilové sběrnice od společnosti ON Semiconductor. Aplikace umožňuje ruční i automatické odemykání dveří vozidla ze vzdáleného klíče realizovaného chytrým telefonem. Řešení se zabývá detekcí vzdálenosti vzdáleného klíče, bezpečností BLE spojení a komunikací přes automobilovou sběrnici LIN mezi moduly demonstračního kitu.

Výkonový zesilovač pro pásmo krátkých vln / HF band power amplifier

Korvas, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The theme of my diploma thesis is a realization of the high frequency amplifier with possibility to change its class between class A, B and C with output low pass and band pass filters. The output power is supposed to be at about 10 W in frequency range 3,5 MHz to 14 MHz. The thesis contains theory of amplifier respectively transceiver and filters. In next parts I will design, simulate, realize and measure created amplifier and filters.

Softwarově definovaný transceiver pro radioamatérský provoz / Software defined transceiver for radio amateur use

Paus, Anton January 2012 (has links)
This project deals with possibilities of using the software defined radio conception for radio amateur use in a short wave band and its subsequent implementation into properly designed hardware. The aim of this work is to design a transceiver that would be capable of working in AM, FM, SSB, and CW modes. Within a theoretical part of the project the architectures of software defined radios and their components are discussed. This part was focused mainly on analog parts of the chain, such as amplifiers, filters and converters. Signal processing algorithms for both receiver and transmitter working in desired modes are studied subsequently and their computer models are built. Designed algorithms are implemented into FPGA structure (Virtex -5).

Difrakční jevy ve vysílaném optickém svazku / Diffraction Effects in Transmitted Optical Beam

Poliak, Juraj January 2014 (has links)
Dizertačná práca pojednáva o vlnových a elektromagnetických javoch, ku ktorým dochádza pri zatienení eliptického Gausovského zväzku kruhovou apretúrou. Najprv boli z Huygensovho-Fresnelovho princípu odvodené dva modely Fresnelovej difrakcie. Tieto modely poskytli nástroj pre zavedenie kontrastu difrakčného obrazca ako veličiny, ktorá kvantifikuje vplyv difrakčných javov na prevádzkové parametre optického spoja. Následne, pomocou nástrojov elektromagnetickej teórie svetla, boli odvodené štyri výrazy (dva presné a dva aproximatívne) popisujúce geometrický útlm optického spoja. Zároveň boli skúmané tri rôzne prípady odsmerovania zväzku - priečne posunutie a uhlové odsmerovanie vysielača, resp. prijímača. Bol odvodený výraz, ktorý tieto prípady kvantifikuje ako útlm elipticky symetrického Gausovského zväzku. Všetky vyššie uvedené modely boli overené v laboratórnych podmienkach, aby sa vylúčil vplyv iných javov. Nakoniec práca pojednáva o návrhu plne fotonického optického terminálu. Najprv bol ukázaný návrh optického vysielača nasledovaný vývojom optomechanickej sústavy prijímača. Pomocou nástrojov geometrickej a maticovej optiky boli vypočítané parametre spoja a odhad tolerancie pri zamierení spoja.

Circuits photoniques intégrés incluant des lasers hybrides III-V sur silicium pour applications en télécommunication très haut débit / Photonic Integrated Circuits including hybrid III-V on Silicon lasers for very high-speed telecommunication applications

Levaufre, Guillaume 03 October 2016 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse portent sur le développement des Circuits Photoniques Intégrés issus de la plateforme d’intégration hétérogène de matériaux III-V sur silicium. Les avantages proposés par cette approche, dans laquelle le gain optique des matériaux III-V se marie aux faibles pertes de propagation des guides d’onde silicium, sont notamment les coûts réduits de fabrication, un haut degré de compacité, et une grande flexibilité dans les fonctionnalités réalisables. Dès lors, notre approche est basée sur l’exploitation de cette technologie pour la réalisation de dispositifs hybrides d’émission laser adressant les objectifs de performance à débits élevés des nouveaux réseaux de télécommunication à fibres optiques. Nous rappelons tout d’abord les transformations récentes amorcées dans les réseaux de télécommunication en vue de répondre à l’accroissement du trafic mondial de données, et présentons alors deux solutions techniques étudiées durant cette thèse. En premier lieu, nous détaillons l’architecture et les éléments de conception d’un émetteur à multiplexage en longueur d’onde (WDM) à 4 longueurs d’onde DFB et 4 Modulateurs à Electro-absorption intégrés dans un circuit photonique hybride III-V sur silicium. Ce circuit est destiné aux transmissions courtes distances (<2km) à 100Gb/s au sein des centres de données (datacenter). Nous avons plus particulièrement étudié l’optimisation de la transition modale entre la section de gain III-V de la cavité laser et le circuit passif de propagation en silicium, que ce soit pour des structures à base de puits ou de boîtes quantiques. L’emploi de ces architectures pour la conception de dispositif à N sources DFB, directement modulées, et à gestion du chirp intégrée, a également été abordé. Nous présentons alors les résultats des caractérisations statiques et dynamiques de ces sources lasers à 1,3µm ainsi que des modulateurs à électro-absorption (MEA) modulés jusqu’à 32Gb /s, et discutons des améliorations structurales que nous avons apportées en vue de renforcer les performances globales du dispositif. La seconde solution approfondie durant cette thèse porte sur les sources lasers accordables intégrant des résonateurs en anneaux, centrées à 1,55µm et directement modulables, en vue d’un déploiement au sein de la nouvelle génération de réseaux optiques passifs d’accès (NG-PON2). Après l’étude de la structure de ces composants, nos travaux sur les problématiques du comportement thermique, ainsi que sur la caractérisation des fonctionnalités d’accord en longueur d’onde et du comportement dynamique de ces cavités hybrides, sont développés. Ainsi, nous rapportons les performances d’un dispositif en boitier de démonstration que ces travaux ont permis de réaliser, pour des transmissions à 10Gbit/s en modulation directe jusqu’à 40km. Enfin, cette thèse s’achève par une conclusion générale et propose un aperçu des possibilités, à court et moyen termes, ouvertes par ces recherches. / The work conducted in this thesis focuses on the development of Photonic Integrated Circuits based on the technological platform of heterogeneous integration of III-V materials on silicon. The benefits brought by this approach, in which the optical gain from III-V materials is coupled with the low propagation losses of silicon waveguide, are in particular a low manufacturing cost, high compacity and scalabity, and a wide range of achievable functionalities. In this way, we aim to exploit this technology to develop hybrid laser devices which meet the performance objectives of high-bit-rate optical fiber transmission networks. From the recent transformations initiated in transmission networks to face the data global traffic increase, two technical solutions have been investigated during this thesis. First, we detail the architecture and the design elements of a WDM emitter with 4 DFB lasers and 4 Electro-Absorption Modulators integrated in a III-V on silicon hybrid Photonic Circuit. This circuit addresses short-distances 100Gb/s transmissions challenges (<2km) in datacenters applications. We specifically studied the optimization of modal transition from the III-V on silicon optical gain section of the laser cavity to the passive silicon circuit, for both quantum wells and quantum dots structure. The use of this architecture for the design of devices including N directly modulated DFB sources with integrated chirp management is also introduced. Static and dynamic characterization results of this laser source emitting at 1,3µm as well as the electro-absorption behavior at modulation rate up to 32Gb/s is reported . The improvement routes of the structure are also discussed to enhance device global performances. The second solution studied in this thesis is a directly modulated tunable laser source, emitting around 1.55µm with integrated ring resonators, for the deployment in the Next-Generation Passive Optical access Networks (NG-PON2). After the description of the structure, thermal problematic, wavelength tunability, and dynamic behavior of these hybrid cavities are presented. Finally, we report the performances of a packaged device for direct modulation transmissions at 10Gb/s over 40km. The thesis ends up with general conclusions, and provides an overview of the short and medium terms possibilities offered by this research.

Nova konfiguracija širokopojasnog nisko-šumnog pojačavača u CMOS tehnologiji / А new design of ultra-wideband low noise amplifier in CMOS technology

Đugova Alena 27 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Nisko-šumni pojačavač (NŠP) nalazi se u prijemnom delu bežičnog<br />primopredajnika neposredno nakon antene. NJegova uloga je da ulazni<br />signal određene frekvencije i male snage izdvoji i pojača iznad nivoa<br />šuma prijemnika. U okviru doktorske disertacije prikazane su i<br />opisane metode za projektovanje širokopojasnih (UWB) NŠP u CMOS<br />tehnologiji. Ukupno je predloženo devet novih konfiguracija NŠP. Na<br />osnovu dobijenih rezultata, u 0,18 &mu;m UMC CMOS tehnologiji<br />realizovan je i fabrikovan NŠP jednostavne topologije, koja<br />predstavlja zbir dva pristupa, pojačavačkog stepena kaskodne<br />strukture sa povratnom spregom i stepena sa višestrukim<br />iskorišćenjem struje. NŠP je projektovan za frekvencijski opseg od<br />3,1 do 5 GHz. Takođe, opisana je metoda za merenje parametara NŠP, a<br />zatim je i izvršena njegova karakterizacija.</p> / <p>In the transceiver chain the low noise amplifier (LNA) is placed in the frontend<br />of the receiver after the antenna. The LNA needs to isolate and amplify<br />received weak signal at a specific frequency above the noise level of the<br />receiver. In the scope of this doctoral dissertation methods for designing<br />ultra-wideband (UWB) LNA in CMOS technology are presented and<br />described. Nine new LNA configurations were proposed. Based on the<br />obtained results, simple LNA configuration, obtained by merging casode<br />feedback topology and current-reuse technique, was realized and fabricated<br />in 0.18 &mu;m UMC CMOS technology. The LNA is designed for the frequency<br />band from 3.1 to 5 GHz. In addition, the method for measurement LNA<br />parameters is described and the proposed LNA was characterized.</p>

Razvoj hibridnog modela za ocenjivanje životnog ciklusa proizvoda i procesa / Development of the hybrid model for life cycle assessment of products and processes

Milanović Branislav 11 July 2016 (has links)
<p>U okviru doktorske disertacije predstavljen je<br />razvoj hibridnog modela za ocenjivanje životnog ciklusa<br />proizvoda i procesa. Razvoj hibridnog modela se ogleda<br />kroz unapređenje postojećeg metodskog okvira LCA, te je<br />stoga uključio razvoj svih faza LCA, a koje obuhvataju<br />definisanje cilja i predmeta, inventar životnog ciklusa,<br />ocenjivanje uticaja životnog ciklusa i interpretaciju<br />rezultata. Najznačajnija unapređenja su sprovedena u<br />okviru faza inventara životnog ciklusa i ocenjivanja uticaja<br />životnog ciklusa. Izmene koje se odnose na način<br />prikupljanja podataka, su razvijene zbog uključivanja<br />parametara potrebnih za izračunavanje vrednosti sadržaja<br />eksergije tokova. Unapređenje faze ocenjivanja uticaja<br />životnog ciklusa se ogleda kroz razvoj originalnog pristupa<br />za izračunavanje ukupne potro&scaron;nje eksergije, kroz<br />uključivanje dodatne kategorije uticaja, razvijanje<br />indikatora kategorije uticaja i razvijanje pristupa za<br />izračunavanje karakterizacionih faktora. Sprovedena je i<br />analiza postojećih LCIA metoda, radi izbora adekvatnog<br />metoda u koji će biti uključena dodatna kategorija uticaja,<br />kao i indikator kategorije uticaja, koji zajedno opisuju<br />ukupnu potro&scaron;nju eksergije tokom čitavog životnog<br />ciklusa. Takođe, prilikom razvoja kategorije uticaja su<br />po&scaron;tovani određeni kriterijumi, koje ona mora da zadovolji<br />da bi mogla biti adekvatno uključena u odabrani LCIA<br />metod. Pored toga, bitan deo unapređenja ocenjivanja<br />uticaja životnog ciklusa, leži u razvoju proračuna<br />karakterizacionih faktora. Razvijena dodatna kategorija<br />uticaja nazvana je Ukupna potro&scaron;nja eksergije - UPE, a<br />izražava se preko indikatora MJex. LCIA metod koji je<br />odabran na osnovu SWOT analize u koji je ova dodatna<br />kategorija uticaja uključena je CML metod. Postavljeni<br />hibridni metodski okvir posmatra kompletan životni ciklus,<br />ali i svaki od jediničnih procesa koji uključuju elementarne<br />tokove, odnosno tokove uzete iz prirodnog sistema bez<br />dodatne obrade, kao i tokove proizvoda, odnosno tokovekoji su na neki način izmenjeni od strane pojedinih<br />antropogenih sistema. Izračunavanje sadržaja eksergije i<br />karakterizacionih faktora je sprovedeno kako za<br />elementarne tokove tako i za tokove proizvoda.<br />Funkcionalnost i praktična primenljivost razvijenog<br />hibridnog modela je verifikovana na dva primera, koji su<br />obuvatili proizvodnju laminatnog parketa i međusobnu<br />komparaciju hibridnih baznih predajničkih stanica i<br />konvencionalnih baznih predajničkih stanica. Dobijeni<br />rezultati daju jednu zaista detaljniju i &scaron;iru sliku mehanizma<br />nastanka i izvora negativnih uticaja tokom životnog ciklusa<br />posmatranih industrijskih sistema. Time je potvrđena<br />njegovu praktična primenljivost, kao i ukupni cilj<br />istraživanja. Rezultati istraživanja realizovani u okviru<br />doktorske disertacije, u op&scaron;tem smislu, daju doprinos<br />stvaranju osnove za izdradnju puta ka razvoju i proizvodnji<br />održivih proizvoda i procesa. Razvijeni hibridni model za<br />ocenjivanje životnog ciklusa proizvoda i procesa pruža<br />dodatne informacije, koje mogu biti korisne u procesu<br />dono&scaron;enja odluka na svim nivoima, kako u industriji tako i<br />u državnim institucijama.</p> / <p>This PhD thesis presented the development of a<br />hybrid model for life cycle assessment of products and<br />processes. The development of a hybrid model includes the<br />improvement of the existing methodological LCA<br />framework, and therefore of all phases of the LCA:<br />definition of goal and scope, inventory analysis, life cycle<br />impact assessment and interpretation. The most significant<br />improvements have been made within the inventory<br />analysis and life cycle impact assessment phases.<br />Improvement have been made in relation to the method of<br />data collection, due to the inclusion of parameters for<br />calculation of the exergy content of in- and output flows.<br />Improvement of the life cycle impact assessment phase is<br />reflected through the development of original approach for<br />calculating the total consumption of exergy, through the<br />inclusion of additional impact category, development of<br />indicator for impact category and development of method<br />for calculation of characterization factors. The analysis of<br />existing LCIA methods was performed, in order to choose<br />the appropriate method that will incorporate this additional<br />impact category, as well as an impact category indicator,<br />which together should describe the total consumption of<br />exergy throughout the entire life cycle. Further,<br />development of this impact category have been complied<br />with certain criteria which it must meet in order to be<br />properly incorporated in the chosen LCIA method. Besides<br />this, an important part of improvement of the life cycle<br />impact assessment is the development of method for<br />calculation of characterization factors. Developed<br />additional impact category is named Total exergy<br />consumption, and it&#39;s expressed through indicator of MJex.<br />LCIA method that is chosen based on the performed<br />SWOT analysis and which incorporated this additional<br />impact category is CML method. Developed hybrid<br />methodological framework takes into account the entire life<br />cycle, and each of the unit processes that involves<br />elementary flows (flows taken from the natural system<br />without any further processing), as well as product flows(flows that are in some way altered by certain<br />anthropogenic system). Calculation of exergy and<br />characterization factors was performed for both elementary<br />and product flows.<br />Functionality and practical applicability of the<br />developed hybrid model was verified through two case<br />studies, which are the production of laminate parquet<br />flooring and comparison of hybrid base transceiver stations<br />and conventional base transceiver stations. The obtained<br />results provided more detailed and more broader insight of<br />the mechanism of the generation and source of negative<br />impacts throughout the life cycle of observed industrial<br />systems. Thus, the practical applicability of the developed<br />hybrid model and goal of the research have been<br />confirmed. The results of the research contribute to<br />creation of the foundation for designing a path towards<br />development and manufacturing of sustainable products<br />and processes. The developed hybrid model for the life<br />cycle assessment of products and processes provides<br />additional information that may be useful in decisionmaking<br />process at all levels, within both industry and<br />government institutions.</p>

Automatický anténní tuner / Automatic Antenna Tuner

Šváb, Jaroslav Unknown Date (has links)
This degree work deals with the design and implementation of an automatic antenna tuner for short-wave transmitters. The device works within the short-wave range in (1.5 MHz - 30 MHz) band according to the selection of the given frequency. Its principle is that the tuner has a small range of adapted impedances, but it is usually sufficient for fine tuning of most deviations in the system of antenna 50 - feeder 50 - transceiver outlet 50 . It is also equipped with memories which the settings for the individual bands or frequency segments are stored into. Then the transition from one band to another is quick, easy and, first of all, safe, which is a great advantage. In automatic mode, a SWR limit from which the tuner should start to tune can be set. Interconnection with a TRX is not necessary in a fully automatic mode, the device tunes automatically after keying if the set limit of SWR has been exceeded. The automatic tuning is very quick with this device, if the antenna being tuned is not stored in the memory the tuning lasts ca 0.5 - 6 s, if the tuner uses the memory. It could be said that the work with the tuner is without problems, it is possible to learn to control it in a short time. The tuner is small and light. The result of the whole project is a compact device controlled by the user by means of push buttons.

Fiber optic USB 3.2 link with backwards compatibility : A pre-study / Fiberoptisk USB 3.2 länk med bakåtkompabilitet : En förstudie

Blomqvist, Olle January 2024 (has links)
This thesis is a pre-study for the design of a fiber optic transceiver system capable of transmitting Universal Serial Bus (USB) 3.2 and 2.0 signals over an optic medium. The added benefit of such a system is that transmission can potentially be achieved over longer distances than what is allowed by the Universal Serial Bus standards. Beneficial scenarios are industrial applications, media production applications or in electromagnetically noisy environments. Currently there exists transceiver systems capable of transmitting Universal Serial Bus 2.0 and the slowest of Universal Serial Bus 3.2 operating modes, but not the higher speed Universal Serial Bus 3.2 modes. The transmission of these higher speed modes with retained capability of transmitting the slower modes is the subject of investigation for this thesis. This project was kept at a theoretical level and takes into account electronics, fiber optics, data structures, networking and system design. General considerations and challenges with designing a transceiver system in question are put forward. Challenges such as the half-duplex to full-duplex conversion necessary for transceiving Universal Serial Bus 2.0 over fiber, propagation delay, single ended zeroes and low speed signaling carried out by Universal Serial Bus 3.2. Then, two architectures for fiber transceivers and their basic respective structures are proposed: parallel and serial. They are then discussed with regards to their challenges, strengths and weaknesses. It is concluded that since there are no technological limitations, both architectures are plausible to implement. The parallel architecture being the easier to implement because it features a more complex optical module. Therefore reducing the complexity of the interfacing and packeting to the optical module when compared to the serial architecture. / Detta examensarbete är en förstudie för design utav ett fiberoptiskt mediakonverterarsystem kapabelt att konvertera signaler från Universal Serial Bus (USB) 3.2 och 2.0 mellan elektriska och optiska medium. Nyttan av ett sådant system kan materialiseras i till exempel en utökning av avstånden Universal Serial Bus kan användas. Scenarion som kan gagnas av en sådan utökning av avstånd är till exempel industritillämpningar, mediaproduktion eller elektromagnetiskt brusiga miljöer. För närvarande existerar det fiberoptiska mediakonverterarsystem som är kapabla att konvertera Universal Serial Bus 2.0 samt det långsammaste läget av Universal Serial Bus 3.2 men inte de snabbare lägena av Universal Serial Bus 3.2. Konverteringen och sändandet av dessa lägen med högre datahastigheter med bibehållen kapacitet för det långsamma läget samt Universal Serial Bus 2.0, är vad detta examensarbete undersökt. Arbetet behölls på en teoretisk nivå och tar hänsyn till elektronik, fiberoptik, datastrukturer, nätverksteknik samt systemdesign. Denna rapport presenterar allmänna beaktanden och utmaningar med att designa och konstruera ett fiberoptiskt mediakonverterarsystem i fråga. Utmaningar såsom konvertering av halv-duplex till full-duplex för att kunna skicka och mottaga Universal Serial Bus 2.0 över ett optiskt medium, propagationfördröjningar, transmission av enkeländade nollor samt det låghastighetsprotokoll som används av Universal Serial Bus 3.2. Efter att allmänna beaktanden samt utmaningar har presenterats, läggs två olika förslag fram på arkitekturer för mediakonverterare. De två arkitekturerna är parallell samt seriell. Deras respektive grundläggande struktur redogörs för och de diskuteras sedan med hänsyn till deras specifika utmaningar, styrkor och svagheter. Slutsatsen är att eftersom det inte finns några grundläggande tekniska hinder, är det rimligt att kunna implementera båda arkitekturerna. Slutsatsen är också att den parallella arkitekturen är den enklare att implementera. Detta på grund utav en mer kapabel och komplex optisk modul som därmed reducerar implementationsinsatsen för den parallella arkitekturen, då den kräver mindre komplexa konverteringar än vad den seriella arkitekturen kräver.

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