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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transposon Tagging in Strawberry and Potato and Characterization of Representative Strawberry Mutants

Lu, Nan 25 September 2013 (has links)
Strawberry and potato are both important crop species in the world providing various nutritional values. The cultivated strawberry, Fragaria ananassa, is a fruit crop with a complex genome (2n=8x=56) whereas the diploid woodland strawberry, Fragaria vesca, has a smaller genome (2n=2x=14, 240 Mb) and lots of other qualities that make it a good model for genetic and genomic study, such as high yield of seeds and efficient transformation. Potato (Solanum tuberosum, 2n=4x=48) is an important vegetable crop in the world and is highly heterozygous. The successful sequencing of the homozygous doubled monoploid clone of potato provides good insight into the study of important genes in this species in improving the pest resistance and improving yield. One approach to characterize gene function in a model system is having large populations of T-DNA insertional or transposon tagged mutants. The idea of using AcDs construct to create transposon tagged mutant populations has also been applied in many species. Here we transformed two species, Fragaria vesca and a monoploid potato, Solanum phureja 1-3-516, which is the progenitor of the sequenced doubled monoploid clone, with the same AcDs construct, Ac-DsATag-Bar_gosGFP, to generate mutant collection, compare the marker gene performance and transposition efficiency, as well as characterizing phenotypic mutants with genes of interest. Transposants were found to reinsert to unlinked sites from the launch pad site in the strawberry genome, whereas in potato transposants tended to locate locally from the launch pad position when using the same construct. One transposon based activation tagging strawberry mutant, with its insertion in the promoter region of gene of interest in strawberry from the Ac-DsATag-Bar_gosGFP population was studied. In a segregating T2 population, expression level of the candidate gene, epidermis-specific secreted glycoprotein EP1 precursor, was 670 fold higher in petioles of homozygotes than in wild type plants, suggesting the function of this gene involved in maintaining mechanical strength of petioles. Since the often-used transposase gene was cloned from the monocot species maize, the efficiency of obtaining germinal transposants was many times lower than expected in order to saturate the genome for diploid species. In order to improve the chance of getting unique transposants, we attempted to codon optimize the transposase gene, as well as switching to microspore specific promoters that had been well characterized to control timing of expression of the transposase gene. Transposants were found in both T0 primary regenerates and anther culture derived potatoes using both the pAcDs-AtSCP and pAcDs-AmDEFH125 constructs. Sequencing of the empty donor site revealed that excision occurred in different cells during anther culture. A strawberry mutant with sugar transport deficiency due to T-DNA insertion near a sucrose transporter-2 gene showing stunted phenotype with increased level of anthocyanin was also characterized. The concentrations of sucrose, glucose, and fructose were significantly greater in source leaves of the mutant than wild type plants, suggesting these compounds might be substrates of this gene in transporting to sink leaves and roots. / Ph. D.

Étude du réarrangement de Claisen catalysé par les sels de bismuth(III)

Mwene-Mbeja, Topwe Milongwe 12 April 2018 (has links)
Les acides de Lewis tels que Bi(OTf)3»4H20, BiCl3 et Bi(OCOCF3)3 ont été utilisés comme catalyseurs dans les réactions de réarrangement de Claisen que nous avons effectuées dans le cadre de ce travail. Le triflate de bismuth(III) hydraté a été largement utilisé parce qu'il s'est avéré plus efficace que les deux autres acides de Lewis. L'efficacité du triflate de bismuth (III) hydraté a été notée dans le réarrangement de Claisen des aryl allyl éthers, des acétates des adduits de Baylis-Hilman, des 2- alkoxycarbonyl-allyl vinyl éthers substitués et dans le réarrangement 1,3 des aryl prényl éthers. L'efficacité du triflate de bismuth(III) hydraté a été aussi observée dans le double réarrangement de Claisen aryl des allyl éthers. Nous avons démontré que le triflate de bismuth(III) hydraté [Bi(OTf)3-4H20] est un catalyseur efficace pour le réarrangement [3,3] et 1,3 des allyl aryl éthers. En fonction des conditions choisies, le triflate de bismuth(III) hydraté peut catalyser sélectivement soit le réarrangement [3,3] (réarrangement de Claisen), soit le réarrangement 1,3. Par ailleurs, nos conditions ont été appliquées avec succès dans le réarrangement des acétates des adduits de Baylis-Hilman. Les résultats obtenus ont démontré que le réarrangement de ces substrats est stéréosélectif. Le réarrangement de Claisen des 2-alkoxycarbonyl allyl vinyl éthers substitués a été catalysé par le triflate de bismuth(III) hydraté. La réactivité et la stéréosélectivité de la réaction dépendent de la structure du substrat de départ. Les allyl vinyl éthers 2,Z conduisent aux produits a-cétoesters p, y-alkyl-substitués syn, alors que les allyl vinyl éthers E,Z conduisent aux produits a-cétoesters p, y-alkyl-substitués anti.

Jean Giono et la musique / Jean Giono and Music

Parsi, Frédérique 17 June 2019 (has links)
« Je ne mets rien au-dessus de la musique », écrit Giono. Pourtant, l’écrivain n’est guère musicien et refuse l’apprentissage du solfège, même si sa sensibilité musicale deviendra au fil du temps passion éclairée. La présence de la musique dans l’œuvre suit logiquement un parcours parallèle à celui qu’elle occupe dans la vie de Giono. Au-delà de sa simple présence thématique, aisément repérable dès les premiers écrits, outre les fonctions argumentatives, narratives et poétiques qu’elle offre aussi à l’écrivain, la musique s’impose progressivement comme une source d’inspiration et même un modèle esthétique pour l’homme de lettres. De manière inattendue, c’est lorsque la thématique musicale tend à disparaître que le roman devient ou tente de devenir véritablement musical chez Giono. La musique offre de plus l’occasion de s’interroger sur des tensions essentielles de l’œuvre, entre aspiration pour un certain naturel et nécessité de la culture, entre goûts musicaux très personnels et découverte de la musique via des mentors littéraires, entre modernité romanesque et prédilection pour des modèles souvent anciens, entre quête de structures musicales définies et transposition subjective de celles-ci. Giono aura proposé une réponse singulière à la question de l’impossible traduction du langage musical en mots qui taraude nombre d’écrivains. Paradoxalement, le rapport libre de Giono à la musique a une incidence sensible sur son écriture et, partant, intéresse de plein droit les études musico-littéraires et l’histoire de la littérature du xxe siècle et de ses mutations. / « For me nothing is more important than music », Giono wrote. However, the writer was no musician and refused to learn music theory, even though his musical sensitivity became an enlightened passion as time went by. The presence of music in his work logically follows a parallel path to that of music in Giono’s life. Beyond its mere presence as a theme, easily perceptible in his early writings, and apart from its argumentative, narrative and poetic roles that are presented to the writer, music progressively becomes essential as a source of inspiration and even a model of aesthetics for the writer. Against all odds, when the theme of music tends to disappear, the novel becomes or seeks to become truly musical in Giono’s work. Besides, music is an opportunity to ponder over the paramount tensions in his work : between an aspiration to nature and the necessity of culture, between very personal musical tastes and the discovery of music through literary mentors, between fictional modernity and a predilection for past models, between a quest for defined musical structures and their biased transposition. Giono offered a singular answer to the question of the impossible translation of the language of music in words, and this question has tormented countless writers. Paradoxically, Giono’s independence from music had a conspicuous effect on his style and is therefore relevant to music and literary studies as well as the history of 20th century literature and its transformations.

Etude de la transposition à la classe de pratiques de chercheurs en modélisation mathématique dans les sciences du vivant. Analyse des conditions de la dévolution de la mathématisation horizontale aux élèves. / Study of transposition to the classroom of practices of researchers using mathematical modelling, in the life sciences. Analysis of the conditions of the devolution of horizontal mathematization to students.

Prébiski, Sonia 19 November 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse en didactique des mathématiques, nous étudions une possible transposition à la classe de pratiques de chercheurs utilisant la modélisation mathématique en nous intéressant à la dévolution aux élèves du secondaire (11 ans à 18 ans) du travail de mathématisation horizontale nécessaire pour envisager un traitement mathématique d’une situation ancrée dans le réel. Nous inscrivons notre travail dans la méthodologie de l'ingénierie didactique, en y intégrant, en outre, des problématiques liées aux pratiques enseignantes, présentant, en cela, certaines similitudes avec la démarche de l’ingénierie didactique de deuxième génération.Nous avons conduit une étude d’épistémologie contemporaine visant à identifier des éléments invariants dans les pratiques de chercheurs relevant de la mathématisation horizontale, en sciences du vivant. En appui sur ces résultats, nous avons caractérisé un énoncé de type fiction réaliste relevant d’une adaptation d’une problématique professionnelle de modélisation et avons élaboré un tel énoncé pour la classe autour de la prévision de la croissance dans un arbre. Nous avons mené des expérimentations dans des classes du secondaire, au sein d'un dispositif de formation continue de résolution collaborative de problèmes comportant une phase initiale de questions-réponses. Nous soutenons l’hypothèse que, les caractéristiques d’une fiction réaliste conçue comme une adaptation d’une problématique professionnelle de modélisation, et sa mise en œuvre dans les classes avec une phase de questions-réponses entre pairs pour débuter sa résolution, favorisent la dévolution de la mathématisation horizontale aux élèves. Les analyses didactiques des données recueillies ont été conduites en appui sur les résultats issus de l’étude épistémologique. Elles ont mis en évidence la dévolution aux élèves de la mathématisation horizontale et des traces de transposition des pratiques invariantes identifiées dans l'étude épistémologique. En appui sur le choix du cadre de la double approche didactique et ergonomique et sur une étude des obstacles à l’enseignement de la modélisation mathématique à travers la littérature en éducation mathématique, nous avons émis des hypothèses de travail sur les obstacles et les conditions à propos des pratiques enseignantes relevant de l’enseignement de la mathématisation horizontale. Nous avons utilisé l'effet de loupe potentiel offert par le dispositif de formation continue pour émettre et mettre à l’épreuve des hypothèses portant sur des leviers potentiels internes à la logique de ce dispositif, répondant, dans une certaine mesure, aux hypothèses concernant les obstacles et les conditions. L'étude de la portée générale de nos résultats à propos des pratiques ordinaires reste à faire. / In this thesis in didactics of mathematics, we study a possible transposition to the classroom of practices of researchers using mathematical modelling. We are focusing on the devolution to secondary pupils (11 years to 18 years) of the work of horizontal mathematization necessary to make a situation rooted in reality accessible to a mathematical treatment.We frame our work in the methodology of didactic engineering. We also include issues related to teaching practices and also we have some similarities with the approach of second-generation didactic engineering.Our epistemological analyses allowed us to identify invariant practices of researchers in life sciences concerning horizontal mathematization. We then relied on these analyses to characterize, develop and analyse a realistic fiction designed as an adaptation of a professional problem of modelling on the prediction of growth of a tree. We conducted our experiments in a training device of collaborative problem solving with an initial phase of questions and answers. We support the hypothesis that the characteristics of a realistic fiction designed as an adaptation of a professional problem of modelling with an initial phase of questions-answers between peers are likely to favour the devolution of horizontal mathematization to pupils.The didactic analyses of the collected data were conducted based on the results of the epistemological study. They highlighted the devolution to students of horizontal mathematization. In addition, some traces of transposition of the invariant practices identified in the epistemological study were attested. Relying on the framework of the didactic and ergonomic double approach and on a study of literature in mathematics education on possible obstacles to the teaching of mathematical modelling, we have made hypotheses on the obstacles and conditions about teaching practices related to the teaching of horizontal mathematization. We used the potential magnifying effect offered by the in-service teachers’ training device to emit and test hypotheses about potential internal levers within this device, in respect to a certain extent, to possible obstacles and conditions. The study of the general scope of our results concerning ordinary teaching practices is still to be done.

A transposição museográfica da biodiversidade no aquário de Ubatuba: estudo através de mapas conceituais / Museographic transposition of the biodiversity concept in the Ubatuba Aquarium: a study through the usage of concept maps

Salgado, Maurício de Mattos 15 April 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a transposição museográfica do conceito de biodiversidade em uma exposição do Aquário de Ubatuba, em Ubatuba, SP. O conceito de biodiversidade é bastante complexo, surgindo na ecologia e rapidamente sendo incorporado por diversos campos, muitas vezes com significados e intenções diferentes. A importância da biodiversidade para a sociedade se torna cada vez mais difundida e com isto a necessidade de compreender os processos educativos que a envolvem. Este trabalho objetiva analisar as transformações que o conceito passa ao percorrer o caminho entre os manuais acadêmicos de ecologia e os corredores da exposição de ecossistemas do Aquário de Ubatuba. A delimitação do saber de referência nos manuais acadêmicos é baseada na noção de que os mesmos refletem as teorias e conceitos estabelecidos da comunidade acadêmica em questão, da ecologia. Para permitir o estudo dos saberes em formatos tão diversos como os textos acadêmicos, os textos da exposição e os objetos expositivos presentes, os tanques, mapas conceituais foram utilizados. Para conhecer o saber sábio foram utilizados três manuais, pesquisados junto a diferentes universidades como os mais utilizados no ensino de ecologia. Para compreender o saber no aquário foi realizada uma entrevista com o diretor fundador e responsável pela exposição, assim como analisados todos os textos e tanques. Os textos da exposição de ecossistemas foram todos transcritos, assim como um método de descrição dos tanques, em 3 níveis de profundidade, foi desenvolvido. Os mapas conceituais produzidos a partir destas duas unidades de análise (livros e exposição) apontaram para uma biodiversidade majoritariamente focada no conceito de diversidade específica nos textos acadêmicos. Este enfoque não se mostrou tão presente na exposição, que possuía na diversidade comportamental os principais elementos da exposição. O papel do homem também se mostrou bastante reduzido no saber exposto, enquanto sua figura era presente, ligada a diversos impactos e também ações de conservação no saber sábio. A análise cuidadosa dos mapas da exposição permite também diferenciar entre as características expositivas de cada objeto, com os tanques sendo claramente adequados à apresentação da diversidade comportamental e pouco adequados para a diversidade genética, ausente na exposição. A determinação dos saberes presentes na exposição pelos mapas conceituais é uma ferramenta útil para o processo de elaboração de exposições, assim como permite perceber as adequações dos objetos aos papeis a eles determinados pela exposição. Esta pesquisa, além de apontar as adequações dos tanques de aquários para ensinar aspectos da biodiversidade pouco apresentados pelos livros acadêmicos, mostra também uma metodologia para mapear objetos complexos presentes em exposições, podendo contribuir para futuras pesquisas. / The present work analyses the museographic transposition of the biodiversity concept in an exhibit of Aquario de Ubatuba, Ubatuba, SP. Biodiversity is a complex concept. Originally developed in ecology and the natural sciences, it was quickly integrated in a variety of fields and, often, with different and new meanings and interests. The importance of biodiversity for our society grows, and thus the need to better understand the educational processes that involve it. This research\"s objective is to understand the transformations that biodiversity goes through while being transposed from graduation textbooks to the marine ecosystems aquarium exhibit. The decision to use textbooks to represent reference knowledge is based on the notion that textbooks represent established theories and concepts of the academic community in question, the biology, ecology one. To allow comparison of knowledges in such different states as textbooks, exhibit texts and aquarium tanks, concept maps were used as an analysis tool. In order to study the academic knowledge, 3 graduation textbooks were used, selected by questioning major universities which were the most used ecology textbooks by their teachers. To study the aquarium, an interview with the Director and founder, as well as fully transcribing exhibit texts that belonged to the ecosystem exhibit. A method for describing the aquarium tanks, by using three depth levels, was developed and used in the tanks present in the marine ecosystems exhibit. The concept maps produced by these two units of analysis (books and exhibits) pointed to a much more species diversity focused biodiversity in the textbooks. This emphasis was not found in the exhibit that was preeminently focused around behavioral diversity. Man\"s role and relation with biodiversity while well present and explained in textbooks, connected with environmental threats but also with conservation, had little to show in the exhibit. Careful analysis of the maps allows differentiating the museographic characteristics of each exhibit object. While tanks were clearly adapted to communicating behavioral diversity, they were not good at showing genetic diversity, absent at the exhibit, but present in the academic knowledge as part of the definition of biodiversity. Determining knowledges present in the exhibit through the usage of concept maps is a useful tool in exhibit planning, as well as understanding the different roles that each object can play in communicating the concepts present in the exhibit. This research not only shows how each object in the studied exhibit is suited for teaching an aspect of biodiversity not really explained in depth by textbooks, the behavioral diversity, but also presents a method to produce concept maps of complex exhibit objects, contributing for future research.

Biodiversidade e museus de ciências: um estudo sobre transposição museográfica nos dioramas / Biodiversity and science museums: a study on the transposition museographic dioramas

Oliveira, Adriano Dias de 07 May 2010 (has links)
O estudo em questão teve como principal objetivo analisar como o tema biodiversidade, no que diz respeito à forma em como é conceituado e a valores a ele atribuído, aparece nos dioramas de exposições de museus de ciências. Para tal, a pesquisa visou à compreensão dos processos de transformação do discurso científico para o discurso expositivo, tendo como referencial teórico o conceito de transposição didática, aqui entendida como transposição museográfica. O foco em biodiversidade deve-se as proporções que o termo ganhou nas últimas décadas, em que o mesmo sobrepujou os limites científicos, sendo incorporados novos significados a ele, e que por sua vez vem exigindo estratégias educacionais diferenciadas dos locais que objetivam utilizá-lo como instrumento de articulação em educação para ciência. Os motivos que nos conduziram a delinear este trabalho encontram-se nos questionamentos sobre o tema biodiversidade e de como um espaço educativo, em especial os museus, abordam-no fazendo uso de um dos seus objetos expositivos mais tradicionais, os dioramas. Foram selecionados para esta pesquisa dois museus nacionais - Museu de História Natural Capão da Imbuia e Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUC/RS - onde foram analisados dois dioramas de cada um. Por se configurar como uma pesquisa qualitativa a coleta de dados se deu por meio de entrevistas a cientistas que investigam a biodiversidade e a um responsável de cada museu estudado, observação dos dioramas e análise documental. Para a fundamentação da análise foram criadas, a partir do referencial teórico sobre biodiversidade e transposição museográfica, as seguintes categorias divididas em dois grupos: níveis de biodiversidade: genética, de espécies e de ecossistemas; valores de biodiversidade: econômico, ecológico e de conservação. Em termos gerais identificamos que os dioramas e seus textos apresentam similaridades ao abordar a biodiversidade. As categorias de níveis de espécies e de ecossistemas predominam nessas montagens, provavelmente decorrente da histórica relação dos dioramas com a ecologia. Contudo, é importante destacar que os textos centralizam suas informações apenas nos animais, e que nenhuma espécie de planta é mencionada neles. Em um dos dioramas foi identificado elementos referentes as categorias de valores de biodiversidade. A partir da fala dos entrevistados dos museus e do que foi observado nos dioramas, verificamos que os fatores que implicam para que algumas de nossas categorias não tenham sido encontradas esteja relacionado a questões museológicas e museográficas. Dados como esses revelam a existência de diferentes campos de conhecimentos, na noosfera museal, presentes no processo de elaboração dos dioramas. Por fim, entendemos que este trabalho reforça a eficiência dos dioramas em retratar a biodiversidade ao público dos museus de ciências, além de contribuir com um método de descrição desses objetos expositivos para futuras pesquisas. / This study had as main objective to analyze how the theme of biodiversity, as regards the way in which it is worthy and the values assigned to it, appears in dioramas of exhibitions at science museums. To this end, the research aimed to understand the processes of transformation of scientific discourse to the expository speech, and the theoretical concept of didactic transposition, understood here as museographic transposition. The focus on biodiversity due to the proportions that the term has in recent decades, in which it surpassed the limits scientific, and incorporated into new meanings to it, and that in turn has required different educational strategies of the sites that aim to use it as an instrument of coordination in science education. The reasons that led us to delineate this work are the questions on the topic of biodiversity and as an educational area, in particular museums, deal-making in the use of one of its objects more traditional exhibition, the dioramas. Were selected for this research two national museums - Museu de História Natural do Capão da Imbuia and Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUC/RG Museum of Natural History Capon of Imbuia and Museum of Science and Technology of the PUC / RS - where analyzed two dioramas of each. Up becoming configured as a qualitative data collection occurred through interviews with scientists investigating biodiversity and one charge of each museum studied, dioramas of observation and document analysis. For reasons of analysis were created from the theoretical about biodiversity and museographic transposition the following categories divided into two groups: levels of biodiversity: genetic, species and ecosystems, biodiversity values: economic, ecological and conservation. Overall we found that the dioramas and their texts have similarities to address biodiversity. The categories of levels of species and ecosystems dominated these assemblies, probably due to the historical relationship of dioramas with ecology. However, it is important to note that the texts centralize your information only in animals, and that no species of plant is mentioned in them. In one of the dioramas was identified information concerning the categories of biodiversity values. From their statements of interviewed museums and what was observed in the dioramas, we found that the factors that imply that some of our categories have not been found to be related to museum issues and frequently overlap. Such data reveal the existence of different fields of knowledge, the noosphere museum, present in the drafting of dioramas. Finally, we believe that this work reinforces the efficiency of dioramas to portray the diversity of the public science museums, which also provides a method of expository description of these objects for future research.

Biodiversidade e museus de ciências: um estudo sobre transposição museográfica nos dioramas / Biodiversity and science museums: a study on the transposition museographic dioramas

Adriano Dias de Oliveira 07 May 2010 (has links)
O estudo em questão teve como principal objetivo analisar como o tema biodiversidade, no que diz respeito à forma em como é conceituado e a valores a ele atribuído, aparece nos dioramas de exposições de museus de ciências. Para tal, a pesquisa visou à compreensão dos processos de transformação do discurso científico para o discurso expositivo, tendo como referencial teórico o conceito de transposição didática, aqui entendida como transposição museográfica. O foco em biodiversidade deve-se as proporções que o termo ganhou nas últimas décadas, em que o mesmo sobrepujou os limites científicos, sendo incorporados novos significados a ele, e que por sua vez vem exigindo estratégias educacionais diferenciadas dos locais que objetivam utilizá-lo como instrumento de articulação em educação para ciência. Os motivos que nos conduziram a delinear este trabalho encontram-se nos questionamentos sobre o tema biodiversidade e de como um espaço educativo, em especial os museus, abordam-no fazendo uso de um dos seus objetos expositivos mais tradicionais, os dioramas. Foram selecionados para esta pesquisa dois museus nacionais - Museu de História Natural Capão da Imbuia e Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUC/RS - onde foram analisados dois dioramas de cada um. Por se configurar como uma pesquisa qualitativa a coleta de dados se deu por meio de entrevistas a cientistas que investigam a biodiversidade e a um responsável de cada museu estudado, observação dos dioramas e análise documental. Para a fundamentação da análise foram criadas, a partir do referencial teórico sobre biodiversidade e transposição museográfica, as seguintes categorias divididas em dois grupos: níveis de biodiversidade: genética, de espécies e de ecossistemas; valores de biodiversidade: econômico, ecológico e de conservação. Em termos gerais identificamos que os dioramas e seus textos apresentam similaridades ao abordar a biodiversidade. As categorias de níveis de espécies e de ecossistemas predominam nessas montagens, provavelmente decorrente da histórica relação dos dioramas com a ecologia. Contudo, é importante destacar que os textos centralizam suas informações apenas nos animais, e que nenhuma espécie de planta é mencionada neles. Em um dos dioramas foi identificado elementos referentes as categorias de valores de biodiversidade. A partir da fala dos entrevistados dos museus e do que foi observado nos dioramas, verificamos que os fatores que implicam para que algumas de nossas categorias não tenham sido encontradas esteja relacionado a questões museológicas e museográficas. Dados como esses revelam a existência de diferentes campos de conhecimentos, na noosfera museal, presentes no processo de elaboração dos dioramas. Por fim, entendemos que este trabalho reforça a eficiência dos dioramas em retratar a biodiversidade ao público dos museus de ciências, além de contribuir com um método de descrição desses objetos expositivos para futuras pesquisas. / This study had as main objective to analyze how the theme of biodiversity, as regards the way in which it is worthy and the values assigned to it, appears in dioramas of exhibitions at science museums. To this end, the research aimed to understand the processes of transformation of scientific discourse to the expository speech, and the theoretical concept of didactic transposition, understood here as museographic transposition. The focus on biodiversity due to the proportions that the term has in recent decades, in which it surpassed the limits scientific, and incorporated into new meanings to it, and that in turn has required different educational strategies of the sites that aim to use it as an instrument of coordination in science education. The reasons that led us to delineate this work are the questions on the topic of biodiversity and as an educational area, in particular museums, deal-making in the use of one of its objects more traditional exhibition, the dioramas. Were selected for this research two national museums - Museu de História Natural do Capão da Imbuia and Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUC/RG Museum of Natural History Capon of Imbuia and Museum of Science and Technology of the PUC / RS - where analyzed two dioramas of each. Up becoming configured as a qualitative data collection occurred through interviews with scientists investigating biodiversity and one charge of each museum studied, dioramas of observation and document analysis. For reasons of analysis were created from the theoretical about biodiversity and museographic transposition the following categories divided into two groups: levels of biodiversity: genetic, species and ecosystems, biodiversity values: economic, ecological and conservation. Overall we found that the dioramas and their texts have similarities to address biodiversity. The categories of levels of species and ecosystems dominated these assemblies, probably due to the historical relationship of dioramas with ecology. However, it is important to note that the texts centralize your information only in animals, and that no species of plant is mentioned in them. In one of the dioramas was identified information concerning the categories of biodiversity values. From their statements of interviewed museums and what was observed in the dioramas, we found that the factors that imply that some of our categories have not been found to be related to museum issues and frequently overlap. Such data reveal the existence of different fields of knowledge, the noosphere museum, present in the drafting of dioramas. Finally, we believe that this work reinforces the efficiency of dioramas to portray the diversity of the public science museums, which also provides a method of expository description of these objects for future research.

Panneaux composites bio-sourcés destinés à l'isolation des bâtiments : caractérisation des ressources et procédé de production / Bio-based composite panels for building insulation : Characterization of resources and production process

Colson, Valentin 02 May 2019 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer de nouveaux composites isolants biosourcés à partir de coproduits de l'agriculture exploitables dans le secteur du bâtiment. Les travaux s'organisent en trois principales étapes : La première, au travers d'un travail de formulation et de caractérisation, vise à évaluer les propriétés mécaniques, thermiques et hygriques de composites biosourcés obtenus par agglomération de granulats végétaux avec différents types de liants biosourcés et minéraux. Plusieurs agro-ressources sont envisagées (paille de blé, colza, anas, chènevotte et rafles de maïs). Une solution associant des granulats de chènevotte avec un liant biosourcé thermodurcissable est sélectionnée. La suite des travaux se focalise sur la recherche d'un procédé de mise en forme adapté à la fabrication de panneaux rigides isolants réalisés à partir de la formulation du composite de chènevotte. La fabrication de panneaux composites est testée sur différents outillages disponibles en laboratoire ainsi que sur des outils industriels permettant de tester les différentes technologies existantes. La possibilité de fabriquer le panneau rigide isolant de chènevotte sur une ligne de production industrielle entièrement automatisée est démontrée. Enfin, de nouvelles solutions permettant d'améliorer la réaction au feu des panneaux composites sont testées ce qui permet d'identifier des solutions adaptées au composite étudié. / The objective of this thesis is to develop new insulation composites from agricultural by-products for building applications. The research work is divided in three main steps : The first one focuses on the formulation of bio-based composites obtained by agglomeration of vegetal aggregates with different types of binders (bio-based or mineral binders), and on the characterization of their mechanical, thermal and hygric properties. Several bio-aggregates are envisaged (wheat straw, rape straw, flax shiv, hemp shiv and corn cob). A solution combining hemp shiv aggregates bonded with a bio-based thermosetting adhesive is selected. The next step aims to identify a suitable manufacturing process to produce rigid insulation panels using the previously determined composite formulation. Several manufacturing trials are conducted on different laboratory and industrial tools which allow to experiment existing manufacturing technologies. The possibility to produce the rigid insulation panel from hemp shiv at the industrial scale on a fully automatized production line is demonstrated. Finally, new solutions to improve the fire reaction of the insulation panels are tested which allows to identify suitable solutions for the developed composites.

Enseigner l'algorithmique, pourquoi ? Quels apports pour l'apprentissage de la preuve ? Quelles nouvelles questions pour les mathématiques ? / Teaching algorithm, what for? Some new questions for mathematics and issues for proof learning.

Modeste, Simon 05 December 2012 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, l'algorithme fait son entrée dans l'enseignement secondaire en France et à l'étranger. L'enseignement de ce concept fortement lié aux mathématiques et à la preuve soulève de nombreuses questions didactiques. Cette thèse propose une analyse épistémologique du concept afin de permettre l'étude de sa transposition didactique et la construction de situations didactiques. Dans un premier temps, nous présentons une analyse épistémologique détaillée du concept en mettant en avant ses aspects fondamentaux. Cela permet de proposer un modèle de conceptions (au sens de ckc) pour l'algorithme du point de vue du savoir savant et tenant compte l'ensemble des formes que peut prendre l'algorithme. Ces résultats, validés expérimentalement par les analyses d'entretiens avec des chercheurs, permettent de mener une étude de la transposition en jeu dans l'enseignement secondaire français (lycée). Au travers de l'étude des instructions officielles, de manuels scolaires et de ressources en ligne, nous mettons en évidence une transposition partielle du concept principalement orientée vers la programmation et l'usage de l'algorithme comme un outil. Enfin, la dernière partie propose une caractérisation de problèmes fondamentaux pour l'algorithme et des perspectives pour la construction et l'étude de situations didactiques en algorithmique. / For few years, the notion of an algorithm has been introduced in secondary school curricula in France and abroad. Teaching this concept, strongly linked with mathematics and proof raises many didactic questions. This thesis proposes an epistemological analysis of the concept of an algorithm in order to allow the study of its transposition and the building of didactic situations. First, we introduce a detailed epistemological analysis of the concept, highlighting its fundamental aspects. It allows us to propose a model of conceptions (in the meaning of ckc) for algorithm viewed from the academical knowledge and taking into account the different forms an algorithm can take. Those results, experimentally validated by the analysis of interviews of researchers, permit to study the didactic transposition involved in the French secondary school (lycée). Through the study of the official curricula and some textbooks and online resources, we emphasize a partial transposition of the concept, mainly tool-oriented and based on programming. Finally, the last part proposes a characterization of fundamental problems for algorithm and perspectives for designing an studying didactic situations in algorithmics.

A transposição museográfica da biodiversidade no aquário de Ubatuba: estudo através de mapas conceituais / Museographic transposition of the biodiversity concept in the Ubatuba Aquarium: a study through the usage of concept maps

Maurício de Mattos Salgado 15 April 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a transposição museográfica do conceito de biodiversidade em uma exposição do Aquário de Ubatuba, em Ubatuba, SP. O conceito de biodiversidade é bastante complexo, surgindo na ecologia e rapidamente sendo incorporado por diversos campos, muitas vezes com significados e intenções diferentes. A importância da biodiversidade para a sociedade se torna cada vez mais difundida e com isto a necessidade de compreender os processos educativos que a envolvem. Este trabalho objetiva analisar as transformações que o conceito passa ao percorrer o caminho entre os manuais acadêmicos de ecologia e os corredores da exposição de ecossistemas do Aquário de Ubatuba. A delimitação do saber de referência nos manuais acadêmicos é baseada na noção de que os mesmos refletem as teorias e conceitos estabelecidos da comunidade acadêmica em questão, da ecologia. Para permitir o estudo dos saberes em formatos tão diversos como os textos acadêmicos, os textos da exposição e os objetos expositivos presentes, os tanques, mapas conceituais foram utilizados. Para conhecer o saber sábio foram utilizados três manuais, pesquisados junto a diferentes universidades como os mais utilizados no ensino de ecologia. Para compreender o saber no aquário foi realizada uma entrevista com o diretor fundador e responsável pela exposição, assim como analisados todos os textos e tanques. Os textos da exposição de ecossistemas foram todos transcritos, assim como um método de descrição dos tanques, em 3 níveis de profundidade, foi desenvolvido. Os mapas conceituais produzidos a partir destas duas unidades de análise (livros e exposição) apontaram para uma biodiversidade majoritariamente focada no conceito de diversidade específica nos textos acadêmicos. Este enfoque não se mostrou tão presente na exposição, que possuía na diversidade comportamental os principais elementos da exposição. O papel do homem também se mostrou bastante reduzido no saber exposto, enquanto sua figura era presente, ligada a diversos impactos e também ações de conservação no saber sábio. A análise cuidadosa dos mapas da exposição permite também diferenciar entre as características expositivas de cada objeto, com os tanques sendo claramente adequados à apresentação da diversidade comportamental e pouco adequados para a diversidade genética, ausente na exposição. A determinação dos saberes presentes na exposição pelos mapas conceituais é uma ferramenta útil para o processo de elaboração de exposições, assim como permite perceber as adequações dos objetos aos papeis a eles determinados pela exposição. Esta pesquisa, além de apontar as adequações dos tanques de aquários para ensinar aspectos da biodiversidade pouco apresentados pelos livros acadêmicos, mostra também uma metodologia para mapear objetos complexos presentes em exposições, podendo contribuir para futuras pesquisas. / The present work analyses the museographic transposition of the biodiversity concept in an exhibit of Aquario de Ubatuba, Ubatuba, SP. Biodiversity is a complex concept. Originally developed in ecology and the natural sciences, it was quickly integrated in a variety of fields and, often, with different and new meanings and interests. The importance of biodiversity for our society grows, and thus the need to better understand the educational processes that involve it. This research\"s objective is to understand the transformations that biodiversity goes through while being transposed from graduation textbooks to the marine ecosystems aquarium exhibit. The decision to use textbooks to represent reference knowledge is based on the notion that textbooks represent established theories and concepts of the academic community in question, the biology, ecology one. To allow comparison of knowledges in such different states as textbooks, exhibit texts and aquarium tanks, concept maps were used as an analysis tool. In order to study the academic knowledge, 3 graduation textbooks were used, selected by questioning major universities which were the most used ecology textbooks by their teachers. To study the aquarium, an interview with the Director and founder, as well as fully transcribing exhibit texts that belonged to the ecosystem exhibit. A method for describing the aquarium tanks, by using three depth levels, was developed and used in the tanks present in the marine ecosystems exhibit. The concept maps produced by these two units of analysis (books and exhibits) pointed to a much more species diversity focused biodiversity in the textbooks. This emphasis was not found in the exhibit that was preeminently focused around behavioral diversity. Man\"s role and relation with biodiversity while well present and explained in textbooks, connected with environmental threats but also with conservation, had little to show in the exhibit. Careful analysis of the maps allows differentiating the museographic characteristics of each exhibit object. While tanks were clearly adapted to communicating behavioral diversity, they were not good at showing genetic diversity, absent at the exhibit, but present in the academic knowledge as part of the definition of biodiversity. Determining knowledges present in the exhibit through the usage of concept maps is a useful tool in exhibit planning, as well as understanding the different roles that each object can play in communicating the concepts present in the exhibit. This research not only shows how each object in the studied exhibit is suited for teaching an aspect of biodiversity not really explained in depth by textbooks, the behavioral diversity, but also presents a method to produce concept maps of complex exhibit objects, contributing for future research.

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