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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Surf the roads? : An interview study aiming to investigate truck driver’s needs for a web browser in the truck cab

Johansson, Regina January 2011 (has links)
Long haul drivers spend a lot of time in their trucks which consequently serves as both a work place and a second home. The Internet, and communication and information technology can be used for both personal uses by the drivers, and lead to major savings for the haulage firms and provide high level service to the customers. This study investigates what needs long haul drivers have for using the Internet in their trucks, and which devise that best would suit their needs. A questionnaire study was held including 35 drivers, and an interview study including 30 drivers. The results show that almost all drivers want to perform work related tasks through the Internet, and several of them also want to use personal applications online. Work tasks online needs to be performed during the day, whereas private use of the Internet mostly would take place at nights. Several drivers are positive to an integrated system for using the Internet in the truck, and the study presents a possible concept for such a system, and discusses the results related to present research and applicable theories.

Den mobila arbetsplatsens måltid : lastbilschaufförers upplevelser av mat, måltider och stress under arbetstid / The meal of the mobile workplace : truck drivers' experiences of food, meals and stress during working hours

Andersson, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka lastbilschaufförers syn på mat och måltider. Vad de värderar i val av mat och måltidssituation och vad som påverkar hur måltiden genomförs i det mobila arbetet. Vidare studeras hur mat- och måltidsvanor påverkas av den upplevda stressen och tidspressen i arbetet, samt strategier att hantera denna. Ett ytterligare syfte är att belysa arbetsledningens och fackets syn på och arbete med mat- och måltidsfrågor. Studien är kvalitativ, och semi-strukturerade intervjuer har genomförts, med fyra lastbilsförare och en transportledare/personalansvarig på ett åkeri i nordöstra Skåne, samt ett fackligt skyddsombud. De nyanställda och oerfarna förarna uppfattades vara mest utsatta för stressens negativa sidor. Med erfarenhet byggdes förmågan upp att hitta på sina körturer, och även strategier för att hantera och motverka stress på. Förarna i studien beskrev sig alla vara erfarna av yrket och tyckte inte att stress utgjorde ett problem för dem. I arbetets måltid värderade förarna tre faktorer; det sociala, den nyttiga maten och måltiden som tillfälle till återhämtning. Det sociala i måltiden - att umgås med kollegor och samtala under tiden man åt ansågs vara den viktigaste beståndsdelen i en trivsam måltid. I studien intervjuades även transportledare/personalansvarig från åkeriet och ett fackligt skyddsombud. Frågor gällande mat och måltid var vid tidpunkten knappt berörda. Dessa frågor bedömdes ändå vara viktiga. Vem som ansvarade för ett eventuellt upptagande av mat- och måltidsfrågorna i arbetet var inte klarlagt. / The aim of the study is to examine truck drivers’ view on food and meals. What they value in food choices and meal situation and what affects how the meal is implemented in the mobile work. How food and eating habits are influenced by the perceived stress and time pressure at work is also studied, as well as strategies to deal with this. A further aim is to highlight the management’s and the union’s view on and their work with food and meal issues. This is a qualitative study, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with four truck drivers and a transport leader/personnel manager from a haulage company in southeast Sweden, and with a union safety representative. The newly hired and inexperienced drivers seemed to be most vulnerable to the negative aspects of stress. The ability to find the way in their routes came with experience and along came new strategies to manage and prevent stress. All participating drivers described themselves to be experienced by their profession and did not think that stress was a problem for them. Three aspects of the work meal were especially valued by the drivers; the social element, the healthy food and the meal as a time for recovery. The social element of the meal - to socialize with colleagues while eating, was considered the most important element in a pleasant meal. A transport leader/personnel manager from the haulage company and a union safety representative were also interviewed. Questions about food and meal were barely worked with at the time. These questions were still seen as important. Although, it was not clear who was responsible for the work related food and meal issues.

Caractérisation vibro-acoustique d'une cascade de distribution poids lourd

Carbonelli, Alexandre 08 November 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est la compréhension et la modélisation des phénomènes physiques qui gouvernent la réponse vibro-acoustique d’une cascade de distribution de poids lourd. On s’intéresse en particulier au bruit de sirènement d’une cascade de six engrenages, qui correspond à la réponse aux excitations internes générées par le processus d’engrènement et au bruit de claquement, qui correspond à la réponse aux vibro-impacts entre dentures sous charge induits par les fluctuations des efforts extérieurs couplées aux excitations internes. Dans un premier temps, les corrections de denture sont optimisées par une méthode méta-heuristique (essaims particulaires), afin de minimiser les fluctuations des erreurs statiques de transmission en prenant en compte la large plage de couples de fonctionnement et les dispersions géométriques induites par les tolérances de fabrication des engrenages. Le bruit de sirènement est alors modélisé à partir d’une méthode spectrale qui prend en compte le couplage entre les différentes excitations internes de la cascade de dentures. Le gain apporté par l’optimisation des corrections sur le bruit de sirènement de la cascade de dentures a pu être estimé. Dans un second temps, le bruit de claquement est analysé à partir de modèles non linéaires prenant en compte les jeux entre dentures. Une méthode de continuation couplée à une discrétisation par la méthode des différences centrées et une méthode d’intégration temporelle directe sont mises en oeuvre. Le comportement dynamique de la cascade induit par la fluctuation des efforts extérieurs couplée aux excitations internes est complexe : les réponses des différents pignons peuvent être périodiques, pseudo-périodiques ou chaotiques avec possibilité d’observer des pertes de contact multiples, et notamment des chocs entre les flancs rétros des dentures si l’acyclisme moteur est élevé. Les régimes de type vibro-impacts peuvent être établis sur une large plage de vitesses de fonctionnement. / The aim of this work is to characterize the vibro-acoustic response of a truck timing gear cascade, and especially the whining noise induced by internal excitations generated by the meshing process and the hammering noise induced by vibro-impacts between gears under fluctuations of external forces coupled with internal excitations. The tooth corrections are optimized with a meta-heuristic method (particle swarm)in order to minimize the fluctuations of static transmission errors. A robustness analysis is performed taking into account the wide range of operating torque and the geometric dispersions induced by gear manufacturing tolerances. The whining noise is then modelled using a spectral method considering the coupling between the different internal excitations. The gain provided by the optimization of tooth corrections on the whining noise of the timing gear cascade can thus be estimated. In a second step, the hammering noise is analyzed using nonlinear models which include the gears’ backlashes. A continuation method coupled with centered finite differences method is implemented, as well as a direct time integration method. The dynamic behaviour of the cascade induced by fluctuating external forces coupled with internal excitations is complex : the gear responses can be periodic, pseudoperiodic,or chaotic, with possibility of multiple contact losses, including collisions between reverse flanks when the engine torque fluctuation is high. Vibro-impact regimes can be observed over a wide range of operating conditions.

Optimalizace uložení ložisek převodovky domíchávače / Optimization of mixer truck gearbox bearing arrangements

Górnisiewicz, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a design and optimization of mixer truck gearbox bearing arrangements. The gearbox is an important part of mixer truck. Major emphasis is put on design of main bearing which is a key component of the gearbox because of high load applied on it. Two basic criterions were considered in main bearing design – dynamic radial load capacity and contact stress in contact of roller and raceways. Developed two-stage optimizing algorithm is based on standard bearing and allows to design new bearing which is specialized for carrying output shaft of mixer truck gearbox.

Energiflöden i fläktkoppling

Johansson, Josefine January 2017 (has links)
Energiflöden i fläkt och fläktkoppling har undersökts för att öka förståelsen om hur fläktvarvtalet varierar med fordonshastigheten. Problemet har studerats på en lastbil vid olika fordonshastigheter och fläktvarvtal. Undersökningen har genomförts genom att studera olika förluster, geometri på fläktblad, data från tidigare prover och genom CFD-simulering. De förlusterna som undersökts är lagerförluster och viskoförluster. Utifrån den befintliga geometrin på fläkten och från simulering har inloppshastigheterna mot fläkten jämförts. Simuleringarna är gjorda på en befintlig provbil där fläkten är simulerad med hjälp av MRF-modellering. Studien visar att fläktkopplingsmodell, fläkttyp och fläktens diameter inte är av så stor betydelse för att förklara problemet, däremot kan det ses att bilens modul är av vikt. Detta tros vara av vikt på grund av vad modulen får för tryckuppbyggnad. Luftens hastighet in mot fläkten kan vara en parameter som är av betydelse utifrån analys av tidigare provning och från simulering. Utifrån det kan det funderas på om fläkten bör dimensioneras om, att den bör dimensioneras efter låga fläktvarvtal istället för höga. Detta på grund av att fläkten endast är aktiv, och då har höga varvtal, cirka X % av bilens drifttid för typisk långtradartrafik, det vill säga inte så lång tid av bilens drifttid. Resultatet från den här undersökningen bör ses som en vägvisare hur man ska gå vidare för att förklara problemet och om man utifrån det kan minska bränsleförbrukningen. / Energy flows in fan and fan-clutch has been investigated to increase the understanding of how fan speed varies with the vehicle speed. The problem has been studied on a truck at different vehicle speeds and fan speeds. The thesis has been conducted by studying various losses, the fan geometry, data from previous tests and by CFD-simulation. The losses noted are bearing losses and visco losses. Based on the existing fan geometry and from simulation, the inlet velocities against the fan has been compared. The simulation are made from an existing test vehicle where the fan is simulated using MRF modeling. The study shows that the model of the fan clutch, the fan type and fan diameter are not so important to explain the problem, however, it can be seen that the truck’s module is of importance. This is thought to be important because of the modules pressure build-up. It can also be seen that the air velocity towards the fan can be a parameter that is important based on analysis of previous testing and from simulation. However, on this basis we should be reconsidering if the fan should be dimensioned the way it is today, at high fan speeds, or if it should be dimensioned at low fan speeds. This because the fan is only active, and then has high speeds, about X % of the car’s operating time for a typical long haulage truck, i.e. not that long of the truck’s operating time. The result of this study should be interpreted as a guide on how to proceed to explain the problem and if it can be used to reduce the fuel consumption.

Improving communication in a transportation company by using a Web page

Logofatu, Cristina 01 January 2004 (has links)
The Internet has become a very powerful tool in improving communication, making it easier, more convenient, and faster to access or exchange information. This project takes advantage of the strengths the Internet provides by improving communication by developing a web site for a transportation company.

Mejora de los tiempos de espera de camiones y reducción de movimientos improductivos en el despacho de contenedores mediante la metodología TAS + UEPS y gestión visual dentro de un terminal portuario del Callao / Improvement of waiting times and reduction of unproductive container movements in a Port Terminal using “TAS + UEPS” methodology and Visual Management

Orellana Gamarra, Jimmy Alfredo, Sermeño Santana, Luis Alonso 20 November 2020 (has links)
En la gestión de terminales portuarias se ha evidenciado un problema común, alto tráfico de camiones y largos tiempos de espera dada la variabilidad en la llegada de camiones. Este es un desafío importante para los puertos no solo en los países emergentes, sino también en los más desarrollados. Esta situación ha dado la oportunidad de investigar en esta materia y hacer uso de un Sistema de Citas para Camiones (TAS, por sus siglas en inglés) junto con otras herramientas correspondientes a la ingeniería industrial para la optimización de los procesos de atención de camiones dentro de una terminal portuaria en Perú. Para ello, se realiza un diagnóstico de la empresa objeto de estudio y mediante una simulación de sistemas discretos se valida la viabilidad técnica de la propuesta. Se demostró que un procedimiento de atención basado en citas, gestión Último en Entrar, Primero en Salir (UEPS) para contenedores y desarrollo de la gestión visual dentro del patio de contenedores; es una opción altamente viable para reducir tiempos de espera y movimientos improductivos de contenedores. / In the management of port terminals a common problem has been evidenced, high traffic of trucks and long waiting times given the variability of trucks arrival. This is a significant challenge for ports not only in emerging countries, but also in the more developed ones. This situation has given the opportunity to investigate in this matter and make use of a Truck Appointment System (TAS) together with other tools corresponding to industrial engineering for the optimization of truck service processes within a port terminal in Peru. To do this, a diagnosis is made of the company object of study and through a simulation of discrete systems, the technical viability of the proposal is validated. It was demonstrated that a procedure of attention based on appointments, Last in, First Out (LIFO) management for containers and development of visual management within the container yard; it is a highly viable option to shorten waiting times and unproductive movements of containers. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Využití controllingu pro porovnání plánované a skutečné výkonnosti podniku a budoucí plánování / Application of Management Control System for Comparison of Planned and Actual Performance of the Company and for Future Planning

Koubek, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with application of Management Control System methods, described in theoretical part of the thesis. In analytical part, those methods are used for comparison of planned performance of individual trucks in the transport company with real performance of those trucks in year 2017. Detected deviations from the plan are further analysed, in order to identify their sources and to formulate corrective measures to eliminate them. This knowledge is put to use in the proposal part, in order to create plan for year 2018, which takes into account established facts and corrective measures from previous year. Finally, part of the plan for year 2018 is compared with real data collected by the company in that period, in order to assess the plan’s accuracy, identify deviations from the plan and their sources.

Charakteristiky nehod profesionálních řidičů / Professional Drivers´Accident Characteristic

Lukáčová, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis discusses characteristics of accidents of professional lorry drivers in relations to their personalities, work, health and mental conditions. The thesis is composed of three sections: theoretical, analytical, and a section on recommendations. Theoretical section introduces theory of the given line of work and presents both outer and inner influences in this respect. Theoretical section is followed by the analytical section, with both quantitative and qualitative research discussing the most common accidents of professional lorry drivers. Based on the first two sections of the thesis, innovative solutions have been offered in the last section, with the aim of contributing to lowering the number of traffic accidents of drivers maneuvering vehicles over 7.5 tons. In order to gather necessary information, analysis of literature has been conducted, with statistical measures introduced in the thesis and structured interviews and polls having been done also. This has provided results towards arguing the knowledge on the given issue so far and has additionally allowed for innovative solutions leading to elimination of traffic accidents caused by professional lorry drivers.

Návrh speciálního manipulátoru / Project of special manipulator

Martinů, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes the design of a special manipulator, driven by a special mechanism with a pushed chain. The chain is conducted from the bottom branch of a horizontal guide slot via a chain wheel to the upper branch of a guide slot. To the end of the chain there is connected a frame manipulator via a tap connection. In this work there are described and suggested the most important component units of a manipulator, including a drive.

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