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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Localised states in organic semiconductors and their detection

Imperia, Paolo January 2002 (has links)
In den letzten Jahren ist eine Vielzahl neuer organischer Polymere und niedermolekularer Verbindungen synthetisiert worden, die sich als aktive Komponente für Elektrolumineszenz-Bauelemente und andere elektronische Anwendungen eignen. Trotz der großen technologischen Bedeutung und des erheblichen Fortschrittes, der bei der Herstellung solcher Materialien erzielt worden ist, sind grundlegende physikalische Eigenschaften dieser Materialklassen noch nicht ausreichend erforscht. Insbesondere das Auftreten lokalisierter Zustände innerhalb der Bandlücke hat besondere Bedeutung für ihre elektronischen Eigenschaften. Sowohl die Präsenz dieser flachen traps (Fallen, Löcher) als auch der Einfluß der Herstellungsbedingungen auf die tiefen und flachen lokalisierten Zustände wurden bisher nicht systematisch untersucht.<br /> Thermische Techniken sind wichtige Methoden, um lokalisierte Niveaus in organischen und anorganischen Materialien zu erforschen. Themisch-Stimulierte Lumineszenz (TSL), Thermisch-Stimulierte Ströme (TSC) und Thermisch-Stimulierte Depolarisierte Ströme (TSDC) ermöglichen die Untersuchung flacher und tiefer traps; in Verbindung mit DiElektrischer Spektroskopie (DES) können außerdem Polarisations- und Depolarisationseffekte studiert werden.<br /> Mit Hilfe numerischer Simulationen haben wir die kinetischen Gleichungen erster und zweiter Ordnung untersucht, die sich durch schwaches bzw. starkes Wieder-Fangen beschreiben lassen. In diesen Gleichungen haben wir Gaussian-, exponentielle und quasi-kontinuierliche Verteilungen von lokalisierten Zustände berücksichtigt. Durch Veränderung der beiden wichtigsten Parameter (Tiefe der traps E und Häufigkeit) konnte die Form der thermischen Maxima untersucht werden. Auch die die Gaussian-Verteilung bestimmenden Faktoren wurden verändert. <br /> Diese theoretischen Ergebnisse wurden auf die experimentellen Glow-Kurven angewandt. Dünne Filme aus polymeren und niedermolekularen Verbindungen (Polyphenylquinoxaline, Trisphenylquinoxaline und Oxadiazole), die wegen ihrer technologischen Bedeutung ausgewählt wurden, zeigen komplexes thermisches Verhalten.<br /> Insbesondere hoch geordnete Filme eines amphiphil substituierten 2-(p-nitrophenyl)-5-(p-undecylamidophenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazols (NADPO) zeichnen sich durch komplexe TSL-Diagramme aus. Im Bereich von Em = 4 meV wurde eine Region flacher traps gefunden. Zwei weitere TSL-Maxima treten bei Tm = 221.5 K bzw. Tm = 254.2 K auf. Sie besitzen Aktivierungsenergien von Em= 0.63 eV bzw. Em = 0.66 eV, ihre Frequenzfaktoren betragen s = 2.4x1012 s-1 bzw. s = 1.85x1011 s-1, sie zeigen Breiten der Verteilung von s = 0.045 eV bzw. s = 0.088 eV. <br /> Des weiteren zeigt diese Arbeit, daß die Form der Glow-Kurven stark von der Anregungstemperatur und vom thermischen Kreislauf beeinflußt wird. / New polymers and low molecular compounds, suitable for organic light emitting devices and organic electronic applications, have been synthesised in this years in order to obtain electron transport characteristics compatible with requirements for applications in real plastic devices. However, despite of the technological importance and of the relevant progress in devices manufacture, fundamental physical properties of such class of materials are still not enough studied. In particular extensive presence of distributions of localised states inside the band gap has a deep impact on their electronic properties. Such presence of shallow traps as well as the influence of the sample preparation conditions on deep and shallow localised states have not been, until now, systematically explored.<br /> The thermal techniques are powerful tools in order to study localised levels in inorganic and organic materials. Thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL), thermally stimulated currents (TSC) and thermally stimulated depolarisation currents (TSDC) allow to deeply look to shallow and deep trap levels as well as they permit to study, in synergy with dielectric spectroscopy (DES), polarisation and depolarisation effects. <br /> We studied, by means of numerical simulations, the first and the second order kinetic equations characterised by negligible and strong re-trapping respectively. We included in the equations Gaussian, exponential and quasi-continuous distributions of localised states. The shapes of the theoretical peaks have been investigated by means of systematic variation of the two main parameters of the equations, i. e. the energy trap depth E and the frequency factor a and of the parameters regulating the distributions, in particular for a Gaussian distribution the distribution width s and the integration limits. <br /> The theoretical findings have been applied to experimental glow curves. Thin films of polymers and low molecular compounds. Polyphenylquinoxalines, trisphenylquinoxalines and oxadiazoles, studied because of their technological relevance, show complex thermograms, having several levels of localised states and depolarisation peaks. <br /> In particular well ordered films of an amphiphilic substituted 2-(p-nitrophenyl)-5-(p-undecylamidophenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole (NADPO) are characterised by rich TSL thermograms. A wide region of shallow traps, localised at Em = 4 meV, has been successfully fit by means of a first order kinetic equation having a Gaussian distribution of localised states. <br /> Two further peaks, having a different origin, have been characterised. The peaks at Tm = 221.5 K and Tm = 254.2 have activation energy of Em= 0.63 eV and Em = 0.66 eV, frequency factor s = 2.4x1012 s-1 and s = 1.85x1011 s-1, distribution width s = 0.045 eV and s = 0.088 eV respectively. <br /> Increasing the number of thermal cycle, a peak, probably connected with structural defects, appears at Tm = 197.7 K. The numerical analysis of this peak was performed by means of a first order equation containing a Gaussian distribution of traps. The activation energy of the trap level is centred at Em = 0.55 eV. The distribution is perfectly symmetric with a quite small width s = 0.028 eV. The frequency factor is s = 1.15 x 1012 s-1, resulting of the same order of magnitude of its neighbour peak at Tm = 221.5 K, having both, probably, the same origin.<br /> Furthermore the work demonstrates that the shape of the glow curves is strongly influenced by the excitation temperature and by the thermal cycles. For that reason Gaussian distributions of localised states can be confused with exponential distributions if the previous thermal history of the samples is not adequately considered.

The role of digital video media in second language listening comprehension

Gruba, Paul Andrew January 1999 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this investigation was to examine the role of visual elements in second language listening comprehension when digital video was used as a mode of presentation. Despite the widespread use of video in listening instruction, little is known at present about how learners attend to dual-coded media and, in particular, how visual elements may influence comprehension processes. (For complete abstract open document)

Mätning av radioaktivitet med fokus på ytkontamination

Bagher Nori, Mohammad, Husseini, Majid, Jafari, Taqi January 2018 (has links)
This project is a part of the radiological characterization of the Gamma hall and the Radiochemistry laboratory (RKL) at The Svedberg laboratory. Measurements of surface contamination in both premises have been done by taking wipe-test samples from the floors and walls in the two rooms. A 3D model of both premises has been designed in MATLAB. The model shows the distribution of the measurement points and their contamination values on the floors and walls in these premises. Measurements of the surface contamination were done with two different methods. The results of the measurements do not indicate any contamination in the Gamma hall. In the Radiochemistry laboratory small amount of the contamination has been detected mostly on the floor.

Elaboration d'un modèle d'identité numérique adapté à la convergence / Development of a convergence-oriented digital identity framework

Kiennert, Christophe 10 July 2012 (has links)
L’évolution des réseaux informatiques, et notamment d’Internet, s’ancre dans l’émergence de paradigmes prépondérants tels que la mobilité et les réseaux sociaux. Cette évolution amène à considérer une réorganisation de la gestion des données circulant au cœur des réseaux. L’accès à des services offrant de la vidéo ou de la voix à la demande depuis des appareils aussi bien fixes que mobiles, tels que les Smartphones, ou encore la perméabilité des informations fournies à des réseaux sociaux conduisent à s’interroger sur la notion d’identité numérique et, de manière sous-jacente, à reconsidérer les concepts de sécurité et de confiance. La contribution réalisée dans ce travail de thèse consiste, dans une première partie, à analyser les différents modèles d’identité numérique existants ainsi que les architectures de fédération d’identité, mais également les protocoles déployés pour l’authentification et les problèmes de confiance engendrés par l’absence d’élément sécurisé tel qu’une carte à puce. Dans une deuxième partie, nous proposons, en réponse aux éléments dégagés dans la partie précédente, un modèle d’identité fortement attaché au protocole d’authentification TLS embarqué dans un composant sécurisé, permettant ainsi de fournir les avantages sécuritaires exigibles au cœur des réseaux actuels tout en s’insérant naturellement dans les différents terminaux, qu’ils soient fixes ou mobiles. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, nous expliciterons plusieurs applications concrètes, testées et validées, de ce modèle d’identité, afin d’en souligner la pertinence dans des cadres d’utilisation pratique extrêmement variés. / IT networks evolution, chiefly Internet, roots within the emergence of preeminent paradigms such as mobility and social networks. This development naturally triggers the impulse to reorganize the control of data spreading throughout the whole network. Taking into account access to services such as video or voice on demand coming from terminals which can be fixed or mobile such as smartphones, or also permeability of sensitive information provided to social networks, these factors compel a necessary interrogation about digital identity as a concept. It also intrinsically raises a full-fledged reconsideration of security and trust concepts. The contribution of this thesis project is in line, in a first part, with the analysis of the existing manifold digital identity frameworks as well as the study of current authentication protocols and trust issues raised by the lack of trusted environment such as smartcards. In a second part, as an answer to the concerns suggested in the first part, we will advocate an identity framework strongly bounded to the TLS authentication protocol which needs to be embedded in a secure component, thus providing the mandatory security assets for today’s networks while naturally fitting with a varied scope of terminals, be it fixed or mobile. In a last part, we will finally exhibit a few practical applications of this identity framework, which have been thoroughly tested and validated, this, in order to emphasize its relevance throughout multifarious use cases.

Technology supported learning within art and design : the acquisition of practical skills, with specific reference to undergraduate introductory sound recording and interview techniques

Davis, James A. January 2008 (has links)
While many Higher Education subject areas have embraced technology-supportedlearning (TSL), its uptake has been noticeably slower in the practicum of the art and design subject area. As such our understanding of the use of TSL in this practicum is under-developed. This multi- and inter-disciplinary practice-based research project is a case study, within this under-developed area, based around the question: “Can TSL aid the acquisition and development of practical skills associated with sound recording a location-based interview, introduced (as part of studio-based practice) during a three-hour class to level 1 undergraduate art and design students?” In addressing this research question I argue that the design and evaluation of TSL requires a holistic approach, grounded in an understanding of the audience, subject matter and learning context / environment, requiring a comprehensive consideration of user experience design (UXD), where theory informs rather than leads pedagogy/practice. Taking a grounded approach, an analysis of existing needs was first undertaken within the learning environment; practitioners, and other UK providers of SRIT skills were consulted; a number of pre-existing technology-based practical skillsfocused artefacts were reviewed and theories, models and principles were drawn upon across a number of associated cognate fields. Adopting a post-theoretical perspective and action research principles, an artefact called “RecordingCoach” was designed, realised, utilised and evaluated. RecordingCoach enables its users to observe sound recording equipment being setup; set up a virtual sound kit themselves as well as undertake both assisted and independent interviews with two virtual interviewees. RecordingCoach records the independent virtual interviews in real time and saves them to the host computer hard drive, capturing microphone handling, responses to situational/ environmental sound and verbal audio exchanges. The evaluation of RecordingCoach took place over a one-year period with the participation of 108 students. Attitudes towards the artefact, patterns of learning activity, behaviour and assignment performance were scrutinised and nonassessed performance indicators were referred to. The resulting findings are very positive suggesting that TSL can be effective within the practicum of the art and design subject area.

L'acquisition du français L2 chez l'enfant : développement typique versus atypique / Development of child L2 French : what is typical ?

Scheidnes, Maureen 06 February 2012 (has links)
La comparaison des enfants qui acquièrent une langue seconde (L2) à des enfants avec trouble spécifique du langage (TSL) a montré des similarités entre les performances morphosyntaxiques des deux groupes. Cette étude vise à mieux comprendre l’acquisition L2 enfantine typique afin de permettre l’identification d’un TSL chez les enfants L2. Une étude longitudinale de taux de propositions enchâssées et d’erreurs ont été a été faite à partir d’échantillons de langage spontané en français de 22 enfants anglophones âgés de 6;9-12;7 et de 19 enfants monolingues francophones avec TSL âgés de 6;5 à 12;11. Les résultats révèlent que les L2 font plus d’enchâssées que les enfants avec SLI, mais les deux groupes ont eu des taux d’erreurs comparables. La discussion porte sur l’implication de ces résultats sur l’identification des TSL chez les enfants L2. / Research on children acquiring a second language (L2 children) and children with SLI has revealed similarities in their morphosyntactic performance. This study seeks to better understand how children acquire an L2 in order to distinguish typical from atypical L2 acquisition. A longitudinal study of clausal embedding and error rates was made based on spontaneous language samples of 22 English-speaking children (aged 6;9-12;7) acquiring French as an L2 and 19 monolingual French-speaking children with SLI (aged 6;5-12;11). The results revealed that L2 children used clausal embedding more often than the children with SLI, but the SLI and L2 had similar error rates. Analyses of the frequency of embedding and errors revealed correlations that were positive in the L2 group and negative in the SLI. The discussion focuses on the implications of these findings for the identification of SLI in L2 children.

Autoignition chemistry of liquid and gaseous fuels in non-premixed systems

Alfazazi, Adamu 08 1900 (has links)
Heat-release in CI engines occurs in the presence of concentration and temperature gradients. Recognizing the need for a validation of chemical kinetic models in transport-affected systems, this study employs non-premixed systems to better understand complex couplings between low/high temperature oxidation kinetics and diffusive transport. This dissertation is divided into two sections. In the first section, a two-stage Lagrangian model compares model prediction of ignition delay time and experimental data from the KAUST ignition quality tester, and ignition data for liquid sprays in constant volume combustion chambers. The TSL employed in this study utilizes detailed chemical kinetics while also simulating basic mixing processes. The TSL model was found to be efficient in simulating IQT in long ignition delay time fuels; it was also effective in CVCC experiments with high injection pressures, where physical processes contributed little to ignition delay time. In section two, an atmospheric pressure counterflow burner was developed and fully validated. The counterflow burner was employed to examine the effects of molecular structure on low/high temperature reactivity of various fuels in transport-affected systems. These effects were investigated through measurement of conditions of extinction and ignition of various fuel/oxidizer mixtures. Data generated were used to validate various chemical kinetic models in diffusion flames. Where necessary, suggestions were made for improving these models. For hot flames studies, tested fuels included C3-C4 alcohols and six FACE gasoline fuels. Results for alcohols indicated that the substituted alcohols were less reactive than the normal alcohols. The ignition temperature of FACE gasoline was found to be nearly identical, while there was a slight difference in their extinction limits. Predictions by Sarathy et al. (2014) alcohol combustion model, and by the gasoline surrogate model (Sarathy et al., 2015), agreed with the experimental data. For cool diffusion flames studies, tested fuels included butane isomers, naphtha, gasolines and their surrogates. Results revealed that the addition of ozone successfully established cool flames in the fuels at low and moderate strain rates. Numerical simulations were performed to replicate the extinction limits of the cool flames of butane isomers. The model captured experimental trends for both fuels; but over-predicted their extinction limits.

Design and characterization of a printed spacecraft cold gas thruster for attitude control

Imken, Travis Kimble 05 September 2014 (has links)
A three-rotational degree of freedom attitude control system has been developed for the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s INSPIRE Project by the Texas Spacecraft Laboratory at The University of Texas at Austin. Using 3D plastic printing manufacturing techniques, a cold gas thruster system was created in order to detumble and maintain the attitude of two 3U CubeSats traveling through interplanetary space. A total of four thruster units were produced, including two engineering designs and two flight units. The units feature embedded sensors and millisecond level thrust control while using an inert, commercially-available refrigerant as a propellant. The thrust, minimum impulse bit, and specific impulse performance of the cold gas units was characterized using a ballistic pendulum test stand within a microtorr vacuum chamber. A heating element was used to change the temperature conditions of the propellant and determine the relationship between temperature and performance. The flight units were delivered in January of 2014 and the INSPIRE satellites are expected to launch in the upcoming year. / text

Interprétation des pronoms clitiques objets chez les enfants avec TSA et chez les enfants avec TSL. : étude comparative en suivi du regard / Object clitic pronouns interpretation by children with ASD and by children with SLI : an eye-tracking comparative study

Léger, Elodie 10 November 2017 (has links)
Bien que les troubles du langage formel affectent une grande partie des enfants avec Trouble du Spectre Autistique (TSA), leur nature reste encore incertaine. Certaines études postulent que le trouble observable chez ces enfants est de même nature que celui dont souffrent les enfants avec trouble spécifique du langage (TSL), tandis que d’autres argumentent en faveur de deux troubles qui diffèrent dans leur étiologie. Au centre de ce débat réside la complexité à recueillir des données sur le langage chez les enfants avec TSA, notamment quand il s’agit de participer de manière active. Dans cette étude, nous explorons l’interprétation en temps réel des indices grammaticaux chez des enfants avec TSA monolingues francophones, en nous intéressant aux pronoms clitiques objets, dont la faible production en contexte obligatoire a été proposée comme marqueur du TSL pour le français. / It is well-known that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often have language impairment. However, the nature of this impairment is still largely unknown. Some studies hold that language impairment in children with ASD is of the same nature as impairment found in children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI), whereas others argue that SLI and language impairment in ASD may be different both in their structure and their etiology. At the heart of this debate lies the difficulty of assessing language abilities of children with ASD, especially when active participation is required. Moreover, to date, few studies have investigated formal aspects of language in children with ASD in languages other than English. In this study, we explore real-time interpretation of grammatical cues in French-speaking children with ASD, with a focus on object clitics.

L'action du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies au Proche-Orient (2004-2014) : la souveraineté libanaise à l'épreuve de la paix et de la sécurité internationales

Beauchard, Jean-Baptiste 19 March 2015 (has links)
Depuis 2004 et la résolution 1559 appelant au retrait syrien, le Liban est l’objet d’une action internationale extrêmement intense. En effet, le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies (CSNU), face à la nouvelle configuration libanaise et levantine, a déployé des mécanismes issus de la sécurité collective afin de renforcer les attributs régaliens de l’État libanais. Le maintien de la paix, à travers le renforcement de la Force intérimaire des Nations unies au Liban (Finul), et la justice internationale, à travers la création du Tribunal spécial pour le Liban (TSL), sont les deux principaux outils visant à maintenir la paix et la sécurité internationales par le prisme libanais. Dans les deux cas, la France, que ce soit militairement ou diplomatiquement, a été singulièrement active.Partant de ce constat, notre thèse vise, dans un premier temps, à déconstruire les mécanismes onusiens mis en oeuvre dans le cas libanais. Il s’agira, plus précisément,d’appréhender les différentes logiques qui sont constitutives de l’action du CSNU au Liban.Que ce soit en matière de maintien de la paix ou de justice internationale, les résolutions onusiennes et les organes qui en découlent font face à la souveraineté nationale et reflètent ainsi l’éternelle opposition entre les chapitres VI et VII de la Charte des Nations unies. Or,nous verrons que dans le cas libanais, le CSNU met en oeuvre une action hybride oscillant entre une logique coercitive et une logique consensuelle.Dans un second temps, notre thèse analysera la tension permanente de l’État libanais,qualifié de quasi-État, entre des dynamiques supra-étatiques traduites par les résolutions onusiennes et des dynamiques infra-étatiques incarnées par des acteurs communautaires et confessionnels, parfois transfrontaliers, et propres au système consociatif libanais. Nous tenterons alors de mesurer le degré de consolidation de deux des attributs régaliens du quasi-État libanais : la défense et la justice. Plus largement, il s’agira de s’interroger sur la possibilité pour l’action internationale, héritière du système westphalien, de remplir ses objectifs dans un environnement national et régional qui questionne plus que jamais la possibilité de maintenir et de conforter des États-nations.À l’aune de la régionalisation des conflits depuis 2004, et particulièrement depuis2011 au Levant, nous conclurons à la difficulté pour le CSNU de faire face à des États déliquescents ainsi qu’à des conflictualités d’interface qui non seulement sont en plein essor,mais qui sont par ailleurs de plus en plus liées les unes aux autres. / Since 2004 and Resolution 1559 demanding Syrian withdrawal, Lebanon has been subjected to an exceptionally intense international action. Facing a new configuration both in Lebanon and the Levant, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has indeed implemented mechanisms of collective security aimed at strengthening national sovereignty.Peace-keeping through United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (Unifil) enhancement and international justice through the creation of the Special tribunal for Lebanon (STL) are the main tools for maintaining international peace and security in a Lebanese perspective. In both cases, France has been particularly active, be it militarily or diplomatically. Setting out from this premise, our thesis, to begin with, will aim at deconstructing the UN mechanisms implemented in the Lebanese case. More precisely, we shall try to apprehend the constitutive logics of the Security Council’s action in Lebanon. Whether in peace-keeping or in international justice, UN resolutions and the bodies created by them are faced with national sovereignty and, therefore, reflect the eternal opposition between chapters VI andVII of the United Nations Charter. Nevertheless, it will be shown that, in the Lebanese case,the UNSC has developed a hybrid action, fluctuating between coercion and consensus.Then, our thesis will show how the Lebanese State, which we will describe as a “quasi-State”, has to face an ongoing tension between supra-State dynamics expressed by UN resolutions and sub-State dynamics embodied by communitarian and religious representatives, sometimes cross-border, which are specific to the Lebanese consociationalist system. We shall later determine the extent to which two of the Lebanese quasi-State’s attributes, defense and security, have been consolidated by international action. More broadly, we will wonder whether international action, as an heir to the Westphalian system,can achieve its goal in a national and regional environment that challenges, today more than ever, the possibility to maintain and support nation-States. In a context of regionalization of conflicts since 2004, and especially since 2011 in the Levant, we shall come to the conclusion that the Security Council still has problems indealing with deliquescent States and with what we will call “interface conflicts”, which not only are booming, but also are more and more inextricably connected to one another.

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