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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of language development among children with hearing disabilities in pre-school

Fröberg, Linn, Ravn-Holm, Josefin January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att få en förståelse för hur pedagoger arbetar med hörselskadade barns språkutveckling och att synliggöra pedagogernas tankar kring ämnet. En intressant aspekt är att se hur de arbetar och förhåller sig för att alla barn ska utvecklas i språket, både enskilt och i grupp. En annan betydande fråga är hur de gör och förhåller sig för att barnen ska bli trygga i det svenska språket när många av barnen har olika hörselskador på sina öron, samt olika modersmål. Studien har utgått ifrån frågeställningarna – hur förhåller sig pedagogerna till de tvåspråkiga hörselskadade barnen? Hur ser kommunikationen ut mellan hörselskadade barn? Vilka arbetsmetoder använder pedagogerna för att främja hörselskadade barns talade och tecknade språk?. För att få svar på frågeställningarna har observationer och intervjuer gjorts och detta i en form av en kvalitativ metod. För att sedan kunna analysera resultatet har relevant forskning studeras och används. Mycket tyder på att hörselskadade barn utvecklas likadant som hörande barn men att det tar längre tid och att barnen behöver tydlighet, upprepningar och olika arbetssätt för att utveckla språket. Slutsatsen visar på att pedagogernas förhållningssätt har en stor inverkan på hur barnen väljer att försöka utrycka sig, men också hur mycket tålamod, tydlighet och upprepningar som en pedagog måste ha för att kunna främja barnens språk. Kommunikationen barnen emellan visar att det kan behövas en vuxen närvarande för att barnen ska förstå istället för att missförstå.

Molecular mechanisms of porcine circovirus 2 replication and pathogenesis

Juhan, Nicole McKeown 07 May 2007 (has links)
The non-pathogenic porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV1) was originally isolated as a persistent contaminant of the porcine kidney cell line PK-15. Whereas, porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) causes postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) in pigs, which is devastating to the swine industry. My objectives were to determine the effect of maternally derived antibodies on PCV2 infection, assess the role of 2 amino acid substitutions in the PCV2 capsid protein in PCV2 attenuation, evaluate the effect of Rep gene exchange between PCV1 and PCV2 on growth characteristics of a chimeric PCV2, and evaluate the role of open reading frame (ORF) 3 of PCV2 in virus replication and pathogenesis in pigs. Under field conditions, PCV2 infection is widespread and most breeding pigs are seropositive. Assessment of the role of PCV2 maternal antibodies in preventing PCV2 infection in piglets provided evidence that higher levels of maternal antibody provide more protection to piglets. Two amino acid substitutions in the PCV2 capsid protein that enhanced virus replication in vitro and attenuated the virus in vivo were evaluated for their pathogenicity in pigs. The results indicated that P110A and R191S are collectively responsible for virus attenuation. PCV1 replicates better in PK-15 cells and grows at least 1-log titer higher than PCV2. A chimeric PCV with the rep gene of PCV1 replacing that of PCV2 in the genomic backbone of PCV2 replicated more rapidly than PCV1 and PCV2, and more efficiently than PCV2, although to a titer similar to PCV1. The ORF3 of PCV2 is believed to encode a protein involved in apoptosis. The ORF3 start codon was mutated from ATG to GTG and the resulting mutant muPCV2 was infectious in vitro and in pigs; therefore ORF3 is dispensable for virus replication. The pathogenicity of muPCV2 was compared with PCV2 in vivo. Delayed viremia and seroconversion, decreased viral loads, lower level of IgG antibodies, and lower amounts of PCV2 antigen in mesenteric lymph nodes suggested attenuation of muPCV2. However, there was no significant difference in histological or gross lesions in tissues between PCV2- and muPCV2-inoculated groups. The role of ORF3 in attenuation needs to be further elucidated. / Ph. D.

Strategiskt ägarskap : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan verkställande direktörers ägarandel och bolagens finansiella prestation

Kevari, Tobias, Zinovjevs, Vadims January 2024 (has links)
En klassisk praxis för svenska börsnoterade bolag är att verkställande direktörer eller andra ledande befattningshavare skall äga aktier i bolag de leder. Denna praxis kallas för pilotskolan och är en liknelse mellan piloter och personer i ledande ställning. Likt piloter, tycks det att ledande befattningshavare bör bära likvärdiga risker som aktieägarna genom att äga aktier i bolaget. Ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv skulle en sådan åtgärd leda till sammanlänkning av ledningens och aktieägarnas intressen. Uppsatsens syfte är att ta reda på huruvida det existerar ett samband mellan bolagsprestation och verkställande direktörers aktieinnehav. För att uppfylla syftet har vi testat och analyserat förhållandet mellan bolagsprestation och verkställande direktörers ägarandel mellan åren 2020 och 2022. Urvalet består av 172 bolag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen OMXS. För bolagsprestation har vi i denna uppsats valt att använda oss av både måttet EBITDA/TT samt Tobin’s Q. Verkställande direktörers ägande har delats in i olika storleksgrupper, men testas även som en kontinuerlig variabel.  Tre centrala teorier som används för att beskriva relationen mellan verkställande direktörers ägande och aktieägare är agentteorin, stewardshipteorin samt förankringsteorin. Agentteorin förespråkar ökat ägande bland verkställande direktörer som ett av verktygen för hantering av agentproblem. Däremot får inte ägandet bli för stort, då riskerna för ledningens förankring och maximering av egenintresse tenderar att öka. Alternativ tankesätt gentemot dessa två teorier presenteras inom stewardshipteorin. Denna teori förklarar att vissa verkställande direktörer vill agera som bra ledare och tenderar att möta aktieägarnas intressen oberoende av dess egna aktieinnehav i bolaget.   Uppsatsen har genomförts i linje med positivistiskt paradigm och ett deduktivt angreppssätt. Med hjälp av kvantitativ forskningsmetod visar det empiriska resultatet ett positivt samband mellan bolagsprestation och ägande. Däremot har signifikanta resultat identifierats enbart under vissa nivåer av ägande. Relationen mellan ägande och det finansiella måttet Tobin’s Q tyder på en positivt stigande trend, medan relationen mellan EBITDA/TT och ägande är mer komplex. Uppsatsens empiriska resultat är i linje med tidigare vetenskaplig forskning och det signifikanta fenomenet har en tydlig koppling till agentteorin. Därav har vi konstaterat att bolag vars verkställande direktörer innehar en högre ägarandel även tenderar att ha både en bättre marknads- och finansiell prestation.

Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) na modulação da imunidade do tipo 2. / Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and modulation of Th2 immunity.

Bortolatto, Juliana 16 October 2008 (has links)
Lipopolissacarídeos (LPS), pode tanto proteger quanto exacerbar o desenvolvimento da asma. LPS inicia a ativação da resposta imune via ligação da molécula Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) que sinaliza por duas vias distintas, as moléculas adaptadoras MyD88 e TRIF. LPS é um adjuvante que induz resposta do tipo Th1, enquanto que o hidróxido de alumínio (Alum) desperta respostas Th2, porém, a mistura de ambos adjuvantes na indução da resposta alérgica pulmonar ainda não foi investigada. No presente estudo, nós determinamos o efeito de dois agonistas de TLR4, um natural (LPS) e outro sintético (ER-803022) adsorvidos ao Alum sobre o desenvolvimento de doença alérgica pulmonar. Os animais foram sensibilizados pela via subcutânea com os antígenos, Ovoalbumina (OVA) ou Toxóide Tetânico (TT) na presença ou ausência de agonistas de TLR4 co-adsorvidos ao Alum e desafiados com os respectivos antígenos pela via intranasal. Nossos resultados mostraram que a sensibilização com OVA ou TT e LPS coadsorvidos ao Alum, impede o estabelecimento da resposta alérgica mediada por linfócitos Th2, tais como, influxo de eosinófilos, produção de citocinas do tipo 2, hiperreatividade brônquica, secreção de muco, e produção de IgE ou IgG1 anafilática. Apesar dos níveis de IgG2a, isotipo associado com as respostas Th1 estarem aumentados, análise da histopatologia pulmonar não revelou um desvio para o padrão Th1 de inflamação. Verificamos que a presença das moléculas TLR4, MyD88, IL-12/IFN-g mas não TRIF foram necessários para LPS exercer seu efeito inibitório. O agonista sintético de TLR4, menos tóxico que LPS, também protegeu contra o desenvolvimento de inflamação alérgica pulmonar. Em conclusão, nosso trabalho esclarece o efeito da sinalização do TLR4 na sensibilização alérgica e indica que agonista sintético de TLR4 com baixa toxicidade, pode ser utilizado para modular a capacidade adjuvante do Alum e conseqüentemente diminuir a indução de alergias. / Epidemiological and experimental data suggest that bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) can either protect from or exacerbate allergic asthma. LPS triggers immune responses through Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 that in turn activates two major signaling pathways via either MyD88 or TRIF adaptor proteins. LPS is a pro-Th1 adjuvant while aluminum hydroxide (Alum) is a strong Th2 adjuvant, but the effect of mixing both adjuvants on development of lung allergy has not been investigated. We determined whether natural (LPS) or synthetic (ER-803022) TLR4 agonists adsorbed onto alum adjuvant affect allergen sensitization and development of airway allergic disease. To dissect LPS-induced molecular pathways we used TLR4, MyD88, TRIF, or IL-12/IFN-g deficient mice. Mice were sensitized subcutaneously to allergens such as ovalbumin (OVA) or tetanus toxoid (TT) with or without TLR4 agonists coadsorbed onto Alum and challenged twice via intranasal route with the same allergens. The development of type 2 immunity was evaluated 24 h after last allergen challenge. We found that sensitization with OVA or TT plus LPS co-adsorbed onto Alum impaired allergeninduced Th2-mediated responses such as airway eosinophilia, type 2 cytokines secretion, airway hyperreactivity, mucus hyper production and serum levels of IgE or IgG1 anaphylactic antibodies. Although the levels of IgG2a, a Th1 affiliated isotype increased, investigation into the lung-specific effects revealed that LPS did not induce a Th1 pattern of inflammation. LPS impaired the development of Th2 immunity, signaling via TLR4 and MyD88 molecules via the IL-12/IFN-g axis, but not through TRIF pathway. Moreover, the synthetic TLR4 agonists that proved to have a less systemic inflammatory response than LPS also protected against allergic asthma development. TLR4 agonists co-adsorbed with allergen onto Alum down modulate Th2 immunity and prevent the development of polarized T cell-mediated airway inflammation. Thus, our work clarifies the effect of TLR4 signaling in allergic sensitization and indicates that TLR4 agonists with low toxicity might be useful for down regulating the pro-Th2 adjuvant activity of alum and consequently decrease the induction of allergy.

Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) na modulação da imunidade do tipo 2. / Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and modulation of Th2 immunity.

Juliana Bortolatto 16 October 2008 (has links)
Lipopolissacarídeos (LPS), pode tanto proteger quanto exacerbar o desenvolvimento da asma. LPS inicia a ativação da resposta imune via ligação da molécula Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) que sinaliza por duas vias distintas, as moléculas adaptadoras MyD88 e TRIF. LPS é um adjuvante que induz resposta do tipo Th1, enquanto que o hidróxido de alumínio (Alum) desperta respostas Th2, porém, a mistura de ambos adjuvantes na indução da resposta alérgica pulmonar ainda não foi investigada. No presente estudo, nós determinamos o efeito de dois agonistas de TLR4, um natural (LPS) e outro sintético (ER-803022) adsorvidos ao Alum sobre o desenvolvimento de doença alérgica pulmonar. Os animais foram sensibilizados pela via subcutânea com os antígenos, Ovoalbumina (OVA) ou Toxóide Tetânico (TT) na presença ou ausência de agonistas de TLR4 co-adsorvidos ao Alum e desafiados com os respectivos antígenos pela via intranasal. Nossos resultados mostraram que a sensibilização com OVA ou TT e LPS coadsorvidos ao Alum, impede o estabelecimento da resposta alérgica mediada por linfócitos Th2, tais como, influxo de eosinófilos, produção de citocinas do tipo 2, hiperreatividade brônquica, secreção de muco, e produção de IgE ou IgG1 anafilática. Apesar dos níveis de IgG2a, isotipo associado com as respostas Th1 estarem aumentados, análise da histopatologia pulmonar não revelou um desvio para o padrão Th1 de inflamação. Verificamos que a presença das moléculas TLR4, MyD88, IL-12/IFN-g mas não TRIF foram necessários para LPS exercer seu efeito inibitório. O agonista sintético de TLR4, menos tóxico que LPS, também protegeu contra o desenvolvimento de inflamação alérgica pulmonar. Em conclusão, nosso trabalho esclarece o efeito da sinalização do TLR4 na sensibilização alérgica e indica que agonista sintético de TLR4 com baixa toxicidade, pode ser utilizado para modular a capacidade adjuvante do Alum e conseqüentemente diminuir a indução de alergias. / Epidemiological and experimental data suggest that bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) can either protect from or exacerbate allergic asthma. LPS triggers immune responses through Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 that in turn activates two major signaling pathways via either MyD88 or TRIF adaptor proteins. LPS is a pro-Th1 adjuvant while aluminum hydroxide (Alum) is a strong Th2 adjuvant, but the effect of mixing both adjuvants on development of lung allergy has not been investigated. We determined whether natural (LPS) or synthetic (ER-803022) TLR4 agonists adsorbed onto alum adjuvant affect allergen sensitization and development of airway allergic disease. To dissect LPS-induced molecular pathways we used TLR4, MyD88, TRIF, or IL-12/IFN-g deficient mice. Mice were sensitized subcutaneously to allergens such as ovalbumin (OVA) or tetanus toxoid (TT) with or without TLR4 agonists coadsorbed onto Alum and challenged twice via intranasal route with the same allergens. The development of type 2 immunity was evaluated 24 h after last allergen challenge. We found that sensitization with OVA or TT plus LPS co-adsorbed onto Alum impaired allergeninduced Th2-mediated responses such as airway eosinophilia, type 2 cytokines secretion, airway hyperreactivity, mucus hyper production and serum levels of IgE or IgG1 anaphylactic antibodies. Although the levels of IgG2a, a Th1 affiliated isotype increased, investigation into the lung-specific effects revealed that LPS did not induce a Th1 pattern of inflammation. LPS impaired the development of Th2 immunity, signaling via TLR4 and MyD88 molecules via the IL-12/IFN-g axis, but not through TRIF pathway. Moreover, the synthetic TLR4 agonists that proved to have a less systemic inflammatory response than LPS also protected against allergic asthma development. TLR4 agonists co-adsorbed with allergen onto Alum down modulate Th2 immunity and prevent the development of polarized T cell-mediated airway inflammation. Thus, our work clarifies the effect of TLR4 signaling in allergic sensitization and indicates that TLR4 agonists with low toxicity might be useful for down regulating the pro-Th2 adjuvant activity of alum and consequently decrease the induction of allergy.

Recherche de physique au-delà du Modèle Standard dans le secteur du quark top et calibration de l’échelle en énergie des jets avec l’expérience CMS du LHC / Searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model and jet energy scale corrections for the CMS experiment at the LHC

Brochet, Sébastien 30 June 2014 (has links)
La première partie de cette thèse est dédiée à l’extraction des corrections de l’échelle en énergie des jets dans l’expérience CMS du LHC. Les diverses méthodes d’extraction sont détaillées, en insistant tout particulièrement sur l’utilisation des événements photon + jets. Les corrections ainsi extraites sont primordiales pour les analyses de physique utilisant des jets, et sont d’ores et déjà utilisées par toute la collaboration.La deuxième partie présente la recherche de physique au-delà du Modèle Standard dans le secteur du quark top. De nombreux modèles de nouvelle physique prédisent en effet de nouvelles particules, pouvant se manifester comme des résonances dans le spectre de masse top-antitop. Deux analyses sont présentées dans cette thèse, une dédiée à la recherche des résonances de spin 1 et une dédiée à la recherche de résonances de spin 0, où les phénomènes d’interférences avec le Modèle Standard sont pris en compte / The first part of this thesis is dedicated to the extraction of jet energy scale corrections for the CMS experiment at the LHC. Various extraction methods are described, with a particular interest on corrections extraction using photon + jets events. These corrections are necessary for all analyses using jets and are already used by the whole collaboration. The second part presents the searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model. Many models of new physics predict new particles with enhanced coupling to the top quark, which can show up as resonances in the top-antitop invariant mass spectrum. Two separate analyses are described in this thesis, one dedicated to the search of spin 1 resonances and one dedicated to the search of spin 0 resonances, where interference effects with the Standard Model production are taken into account

面膜產業之策略行銷分析-以TT面膜為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis for the mask industry – A case study of Timeless Truth Mask

劉郁玟 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣有不少自創化妝品牌逐漸做出口碑,不但在本土市場廣受消費者的青睞,在海外市場也擁有眾多粉絲,還成為出口亮眼的隱形冠軍,尤其是面膜,更與鳳梨酥、茶葉等產品並列觀光客來台灣必買的伴手禮。 台灣一直以來都擁有扎實的製造能力,但卻常常淪為價值鏈最低的代工階段,然而,在眾多崛起本土保養品牌當中,卻有一個品牌能在法國的美妝通路上架,並且成為法國市佔率第一名面膜品牌,便是來自臺灣的TT面膜。 藉由探討TT面膜可以得知,品牌歷經了電視購物台時期的興衰、品牌轉型的陣痛期、貴人相助的轉捩點以及最後由國外紅回台灣以後的通路操作選擇,在每個時期都碰到不同的問題,透過每一個挫折的成長才有今日的成就,TT面膜靠著不落入價格戰的拓展決心走出台灣、接軌國際,透過提昇產品效益來降低外顯成本,爾後陸續增設的國際優良規範 ISO22716規格廠房、無塵室以及頂尖實驗室的有效性數據報告和產品資訊檔案等獨特能力削弱了原本很高的道德危機成本,在努力多年後,成功打敗眾多品牌取得法國上架的機會,更是一舉打開了品牌知名度,將資訊搜尋成本降到最低,最後靠著有趣、有靈魂的社群行銷能力緊緊抓住消費者的心,打造和粉絲間的專屬陷入成本,成功建立行銷4C架構,成為在全球40幾個國家上架的MIT面膜領導品牌。

The Principle and Performance Analysis of Spread Spectrum Microwave Unified TT&C System

Jian, Zhang, Futang, Zhang 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 28-31, 1996 / Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / Several different kinds of signal are transmitted through only one carrier in microwave unified telemetry tracking & control system(MUTTCS), which has replaced separate system to accomplish all TT&C functions, and has been widely used now. This paper analyses the advantages and disadvantages of general subcarrier frequency-division MUTTCS, then the principle and performances of advanced spread spectrum MUTTCS(SS-MUTTCS) are discussed in detail. The inherent ranging ability of PN code and the speciality of spread spectrum modulation realize the complete unification including measurement of range, velocity and angle as well as telemetry, telecontrol and communication functions. At the same time, the contradiction between range and velocity measurement in precision, resolution and measuring range can be solved. With CDMA technology, the signal and equipment of multi-target or multi-station TT&C can be unified easily. SS-MUTTCS operates under low S/N, low threshold, low power spectrum density and wide spectrum range, so it meet the requirements of electronic warfare and ECM, with high performance of safety, security, anti-intercept and anti-interference. Therefore, SSMUTTCS is becoming an important trend of modern vehicle TT&C system.

Putting animals on display : geographies of taxidermy practice

Patchett, Merle Marshall January 2010 (has links)
Taxidermy specimens and displays have become increasingly liminal features in contemporary society. Viewed variously as historical curios, obsolete relics or more malignantly as ‘monstrosities’, they can be a source of discomfort for many. Taxidermy objects have become uncomfortable reminders of past scientific and colonial practices which have sought to capture, order and control animated life and as such have become increasingly problematic items for their owners. As a result many taxidermy displays have been dismantled and mounts relegated to ‘backstores’ to gather dust. The paradox is that taxidermy as a practice is a quest for ‘liveness’, to impute life back into the dead. Much like the taxidermist, my goal in this thesis is to revive and restore: to renew interest in and reassert the value of taxidermy collections by recovering what I shall term as the ‘biogeographies’ of their making and continued maintenance. Considerable academic attention has been paid to the ‘finished’ form and display of taxidermy specimens inside cabinets, behind glass – in other words, to their representation. By way of contrast, this thesis recovers the relationships, practices and geographies that brought specimens to their state of enclosure, inertness and seeming fixity. These efforts are aligned with work in cultural geography seeking to counteract ‘deadening effects’ in an active world through a prioritisation of practice (Dewsbury and Thrift 2000), and elsewhere draw on research arguments and approaches originating in historical geography, and the history of science. The thesis firstly investigates historical developments in the scientific and craft practice of taxidermy through the close study of period manuals, combined with ethnographic observations of a practicing taxidermist. Critical attention to practice then facilitates the recovery of the lifeworlds of past taxidermy workshops and the globally sited biogeographies behind the making of individual specimens and collections. The thesis required the purposeful assemblage and rehabilitation of diffuse zoological and historical remains to form unconventional archives, enabling a series of critical reflections on the scientific, creative and political potentials of taxidermy.

"Don't Leave the Pad Without It": Using Deployable Assets to Conduct Pre-Launch and On-Orbit Testing

Morimoto, Todd, Sargent, Cliff 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1993 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / When hundreds of millions of dollars are invested in building, launching, and command/control of modern military space systems, the developers and operators need assurance that when their system achieves orbit, it will be able to "talk" with the ground network, exchanging commands, telemetry and ranging signals. Furthermore, prior to launch they need proof of compatibility with the ground data systems, showing that operational ground-based crypto keys, database parameters, and processing software are in-fact compatible with the spacecraft. This paper describes Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), Space & Missile Center (SMC) Detachment 2's four classes of deployable test assets, emphasizing deployable's contribution to successful on-orbit performance. With not only the huge dollar investment, but even more important, the ability to execute a vital test or operational mission riding on compatibility, and launch vehicle and on-orbit test and evaluation operations the watchwords are "Don't leave the pad without it."

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