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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Géométrie tt* et applications pluriharmoniques

Schaefer, Lars 12 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse nous introduisons la notion de fibré tt* (E,D,S), de fibré tt* métrique (E,D,S,g) et de fibré tt* symplectique (E,D,S,w) sur un fibré vectoriel E au-dessus d'une variété complexe, dans le langage de la géométrie différentielle réelle. Grâce à cette notion on obtient une correspondance entre des fibrés tt* métriques et des applications pluriharmoniques admissibles de (M,J) dans l'espace symétrique pseudo-Riemannien GL(r,R)/O(p,q), avec (p,q) la signature de la métrique g. En utilisant ce résultat on obtient dans le cas où M est compact Kählérienne, un résultat de rigidité, puis un cas particulier du théorème de Lu. <br />De plus nous étudions des fibrés tt* sur le fibré tangent TM et caractérisons une classe spéciale qui contient les variétés spéciales complexes et les variétés nearly Kählériennes plates, et la sous-classe qui admet un fibré tt* métrique ou symplectique. En outre on analyse les fibrés tt* qui proviennent de variations de structures de Hodge (VHS) et de fibrés harmoniques. Pour les fibrés harmoniques, la correspondance permet de généraliser un résultat de Simpson. L'application pluriharmonique associée à une variété spécialement Kählérienne reliée à l'application de Gauß duale, et celle associée à une VHS de poids impair est l'application de périodes. Si la structure complexe n'est pas intégrable, on doit généraliser la notion de pluriharmonicité. <br />Hors la rigidité ces résultats sont généralisés au cas para-complexe.

Presentation av pedagogiska texter på webben

Johansson, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att fastställa hur man presenterar en pedagogisk text på webben så att den blir tillgänglig, läsbar och användbar för målgruppen. Undersökningen gjordes med en inledande</p><p>forskningsöversikt och därpå följande litteraturstudier. Speciellt värdefull visade sig WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) vara som dessutom ligger till grund för såväl litteratur inom området som för framtagna riktlinjer för svenska myndigheter. Metoder för att mäta graden av tillgänglighet, läsbarhet och användbarhet utvärderas i teoridelen, bland vilka Lix kan nämnas. Därefter skapades en enkel webbsida i enighet med de riktlinjer som</p><p>tagits fram med enkäter, intervjuer och litteraturstudier. Denna webbsida utvärderas med enkäter, intervjuer och tidigare framtagna mätmetoder. Resultatet av studien mynnar ut i en kravlista med punkter som en pedagogisk text för webben bör uppfylla. Denna lista delas in i fyra delar: strävansmål, mål för tillgänglighet, mål för läsbarhet samt mål för användbarhet. Exempel på punkter från kravlistan är: Texten ska vara enkel och lättläst,</p><p>erbjud uppläsning av texten, radavståndet ska vara minst 150% samt information om när dokumentet skapades/ändrades och av vem ska finnas med på webbsidan.</p>

Presentation av pedagogiska texter på webben

Johansson, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att fastställa hur man presenterar en pedagogisk text på webben så att den blir tillgänglig, läsbar och användbar för målgruppen. Undersökningen gjordes med en inledande forskningsöversikt och därpå följande litteraturstudier. Speciellt värdefull visade sig WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) vara som dessutom ligger till grund för såväl litteratur inom området som för framtagna riktlinjer för svenska myndigheter. Metoder för att mäta graden av tillgänglighet, läsbarhet och användbarhet utvärderas i teoridelen, bland vilka Lix kan nämnas. Därefter skapades en enkel webbsida i enighet med de riktlinjer som tagits fram med enkäter, intervjuer och litteraturstudier. Denna webbsida utvärderas med enkäter, intervjuer och tidigare framtagna mätmetoder. Resultatet av studien mynnar ut i en kravlista med punkter som en pedagogisk text för webben bör uppfylla. Denna lista delas in i fyra delar: strävansmål, mål för tillgänglighet, mål för läsbarhet samt mål för användbarhet. Exempel på punkter från kravlistan är: Texten ska vara enkel och lättläst, erbjud uppläsning av texten, radavståndet ska vara minst 150% samt information om när dokumentet skapades/ändrades och av vem ska finnas med på webbsidan.

A study of productivity measurement and modeling of inhaler production at AstraZeneca / Produktivitetsmätning och modellering av inhalatorproduktion på AstraZeneca

Björk Öhhrfelt, Vilma, Österman, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
Production planning and evaluation can be performed using various tools. This study encompasses two main topics: productivity measurement and production simulation. The study was conducted at AstraZeneca, a pharmaceutical company, where their production of inhalers was examined. One challenge mentioned both in the literature and by the project client is how productivity should be measured in a production setting, as well as how to enable comparisons between production lines with different conditions and required resources. Specific requests from the project client also included the need for the proposed productivity measure to complement the currently used measure, OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency). The aim of the study was thus to define such a productivity measure with generic parameters. Several potential productivity measures were investigated through literature review and presented to the project client, including OPE, OFE, TEEP, Conversion Factor, ATPA, and ATPAT. Additionally, seven interviews were conducted with relevant individuals at AstraZeneca to enhance the understanding of the production process, identify factors that made OEE insufficient as a standalone productivity measure, and determine desired parameters to include in a complementary productivity measure. Together with the project client, it was decided that the ATPAT productivity measure was the most suitable for the situation. ATPAT was verified through calculations, which indicated that the integrated production was estimated to be 35,7% more productive compared to the separated production. This finding was presented to and confirmed as plausible by the project client.   Simulation of the inhaler production at AstraZeneca involved data collection, development of a simulation model, and experimentation with different scenarios in the model. Specific model objectives were designed based on one of the study's research questions. These objectives aimed to enable investigation of capacity changes in terms of rate changes and shift changes in production, as well as the impact of these changes on system throughput. Furthermore, the objectives included examining the impact of planning decisions on system throughput. The model is not intended for decision support but rather to provide initial insights into various scenarios for production planning.   The simulation model was developed and evaluated in accordance with methodology theory. Furthermore, the model was validated and verified to assess its reliability and how well it represented the real system. Validation was performed using sensitivity analysis, where two parameters, failures, and rejection rate, were examined. The validation of the simulation model revealed that the rejection rate was not a sensitive parameter, while failures contributed to the model being less reliable. Experiments were conducted with several different capacity change scenarios. The parameters that were varied during the experiments were production rate, number of shifts for each production line, and the decision point determining which order is manufactured on which type of production line. The results showed that the packaging lines were significantly less affected by capacity changes compared to bulking lines and integrated production lines. Furthermore, the results from the experiments demonstrated that an increased number of shifts per day had the greatest impact on system throughput for the integrated production lines compared to the separated production lines. Finally, the results showed that the threshold value for the number of products in each order, currently used to decide the production line, was not optimal. The system throughput was maximized when the threshold value was reduced by 15 %. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

Chronische Hepatitis C

Berg, Thomas 23 April 2002 (has links)
Die vorliegende Habilitationsschrift befasst sich schwerpunktmäßig vor allem mit der Klinik und Therapie der Hepatitis C. Evaluiert wurden: 1. verschiedene therapeutische Strategien, 2. die Ursachen der "Non-Response" auf eine anti-virale Therapie sowie 3. die klinische Relevanz der neu entdeckten Hepatitis-assoziierten Viren und 4. ihre Bedeutung bei Patienten mit akuter bzw. chronischer Lebererkrankung unklarer Ätiologie sowie bei Patienten vor und nach Lebertransplantation. Ad 1. Aus dem Vergleich verschiedener Therapie-Konzepte wie der Kurzzeit- Kombinationstherapie, Triple-Therapie, Hochdosis-Interferon?-Therapie und der Anwendung antiviraler Substanzen wie Ribavirin und Amantadin ergaben sich neue Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich relevanter prognostischer Parameter für die Therapieresponse. Ad 2. Analysiert wurden die möglichen molekularen Mechanismen der Therapieresponse bzw. Non-Response sowie der Stellenwert von Interaktionen bestimmter HCV-Proteine (NS5A, E2, sogenannte PKR-eIF2a Phosphorylisations-Homologie-Domäne [PePHD]) mit den Interferon? induzierten Effektorproteinen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Anzahl der Mutationen innerhalb des NS5A Proteins einen prognostischen Parameter darstellen hinsichtlich der Response auf eine Interferon?-Therapie. Dagegen spielen Mutationen innerhalb der PePHD-Region keine Rolle. Ad 3. Aus den Untersuchungen zur klinischen Relevanz der neu entdeckten Hepatitis-assoziierten Viren GB Virus-C/Hepatitis G Virus (GBV-C/HGV) und TT-Virus (TTV) ergaben sich keine Hinweise bzgl. eines Einflusses von GBV-C/HGV bzw. TTV-Infektionen auf den Verlauf der chronischen Hepatitis C. Die durchgeführten Verlaufsuntersuchungen bei koinfizierten Patienten sprechen dafür, daß es sich um Interferon-sensitive Viren handelt; jedenfalls beeinflussen sie nicht die IFN?-induzierte Response. Ad 4. Untersucht wurden ferner die Prävalenz, Transmission und Relevanz der GBV-C/HGV und TTV-Infektion im Hinblick auf ihre Hepatitis-induzierenden Eigenschaften. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass beide Viren parenteral übertragen werden, und dass sie eine hohe Prävalenz bei Patienten mit parenteralen Risikofaktoren besitzen. Eine Hepatitis-induzierende Potenz dieser Viren konnten wir nicht beobachten; bei der Mehrzahl aller chronisch infizierter Personen ließen sich keine Zeichen einer chronischen Hepatitis finden. / The major goal of this thesis is the analysis of the clinical outcome of patients with Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and the response to therapy. Analysed were 1. different types of therapeutic strategies 2. causes responsible for ineffective antiviral therapy (non-response) 3. clinical relevance of the newly discovered hepatitis-associated viruses and 4. the role of these viruses in patients with acute or chronic hepatitis of unknown causes and in those receiving liver grafts. Ad 1. Compared were different therapeutic concepts such as short-term combination therapy, triple-therapy, high dose IFN?-therapy and the use of antiviral substances such as ribavirin and amantadine. It emerged that relevant prognostic parameters can be deduced with respect to the therapeutic response rate. Ad 2. Analysed were possible molecular mechanisms, which may interfere with response or non-response to antiviral therapy. In this respect, we focussed on the interaction of certain HCV-proteins as NS5A, E2, so-called PKR-eIF2a phosphorylisation-homology-domain (PePHD). with the interferon-?-induced effector proteins. There is evidence, that number of mutations within the NS5A proteins are of prognostic relevance with respect to the response to interferon?-therapy. In contrast, mutations within the PePHD-region do not play any role in this respect. Ad 3. We also studied the clinical relevance of the newly discovered viruses GBV-C/HGV and TTV, and found, that they have no impact concerning the course of chronic hepatitis C. These viruses are interferon-sensitive and do not influence the IFNa-response as it could be documented by following the course of co-infected patients. Ad 4. Our studies also focused on the prevalence, transmission and relevance of GBV-C/HGV and TTV infections with respect to their role as hepatitis-inducing agents. We can show that both virus types are parenterally transmitted. There is a high prevalence for both types in patients confronted with risk factors for parenteral factors. From analysis of many patients being chronically infected with these viruses it became quite clear that they lack any important potency to provoke chronic liver disease.

Prediction Models for TV Case Resolution Times with Machine Learning / Förutsägelsemodeller för TV-fall Upplösningstid med maskininlärning

Javierre I Moyano, Borja January 2023 (has links)
TV distribution and stream content delivery of video over the Internet, since is made up of complex networks including Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), cables and end-point user devices, that is very prone to issues appearing in different levels of the network ending up affecting the final customer’s TV services. When a problem affects the customer, and this prevents from having a proper TV delivery service in devices used for stream purposes, the issue is reported through a call, a TV case is opened and the company’s customer handling agents start supervising it to solve the problem as soon as possible. The goal of this research work is to present an ML-based solution that predicts the Resolution Times (RTs) of the TV cases in each TV delivery service type, therefore how long the cases will take to be solved. The approach taken to provide meaningful results consisted in utilizing four Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to create 480 models for each of the two scenarios. The results revealed that Random Forest (RF) and, specially, Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) performed exceptionally well. Surprisingly, hyperparameter tuning didn’t significantly improve the RT as expected. Some challenges included the initial data preprocessing and some uncertainty in hyperparameter tuning approaches. Thanks to these predicted times, the company is now able to better inform their costumers on how long the problem is expected to last until is resolved. This real case scenario also considers how the company processes the available data and manages the problem. The research work consists in, first, a literature review on the prediction of RT of Trouble Ticket (TT) and customer churn in telecommunication companies, as well as the study of the company’s available data for the problem. Later, the research focuses in analysing the provided dataset for the experimentation, the preprocessing of the this data according to the industry standards and, finally, the predictions and analysis of the obtained performance metrics. The proposed solution is designed to offer an improved resolution for the company’s specified task. Future work could involve increasing the number of TV cases per service for improving the results and exploring the link between resolution times and customer churn decisions. / TV-distribution och leverans av strömningsinnehåll via internet består av komplexa nätverk, inklusive CDNs, kablar och slutanvändarutrustning. Detta gör det känsligt för problem på olika nätverksnivåer som kan påverka slutkundens TV-tjänster. När ett problem påverkar kunden och hindrar en korrekt TV-leveranstjänst rapporteras det genom ett samtal. Ett ärende öppnas, och företagets kundhanteringsagenter övervakar det för att lösa problemet så snabbt som möjligt. Målet med detta forskningsarbete är att presentera en maskininlärningsbaserad lösning som förutsäger löstiderna (RTs) för TV-ärenden inom varje TV-leveranstjänsttyp, det vill säga hur lång tid ärendena kommer att ta att lösa. För att få meningsfulla resultat användes fyra maskininlärningsalgoritmer för att skapa 480 modeller för var och en av de två scenarierna. Resultaten visade att Random Forest (RF) och framför allt Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) presterade exceptionellt bra. Överraskande nog förbättrade inte finjusteringen av hyperparametrar RT som förväntat. Vissa utmaningar inkluderade den initiala dataförbehandlingen och osäkerhet i metoder för hyperparametertuning. Tack vare dessa förutsagda tider kan företaget nu bättre informera sina kunder om hur länge problemet förväntas vara olöst. Denna verkliga fallstudie tar också hänsyn till hur företaget hanterar tillgängliga data och problemet. Forskningsarbetet börjar med en litteraturgenomgång om förutsägelse av RT för Trouble Ticket (TT) och kundavhopp inom telekommunikationsföretag samt studier av företagets tillgängliga data för problemet. Därefter fokuserar forskningen på att analysera den tillhandahållna datamängden för experiment, förbehandling av datan enligt branschstandarder och till sist förutsägelser och analys av de erhållna prestandamätvärdena. Den föreslagna lösningen är utformad för att erbjuda en förbättrad lösning för företagets angivna uppgift. Framtida arbete kan innebära att öka antalet TV-ärenden per tjänst för att förbättra resultaten och utforska sambandet mellan löstider och kundavhoppbeslut.

Taxonomie, Paläoökologie und Paläobiodiversitätsdynamik benthischer Mollusken an der Kreide-Paläogen-Grenze von Patagonien

Weidemeyer, Sven 14 December 2009 (has links)
Aus Patagonien lagen bisher wenige Daten zu paläoökologischen Veränderungen und zur Paläobiodiversität an der Kreide-Paläogen (K/Pg)-Grenze vor. Um diese Lücke zu schließen, wurden in den argentinischen Provinzen Neuquén und Chubut zahlreiche Profile im Bereich der K/Pg-Grenze detailliert beprobt. Während einer Planktonkrise, wie sie für die K/Pg-Grenze angenommen wird, werden für benthische Mollusken folgende Entwicklungen erwartet: 1. eine Abnahme der Individuenzahlen der Benthosorganismen, 2. eine Abnahme der vom Plankton als Nahrungsquelle direkt abhängigen Organismen, 3. eine Abnahme der Benthonten mit planktotrophen Larvalstadien, 4. eine Abnahme der mittleren Körpergröße der Individuen benthischer Faunengemeinschaften und 5. eine Abnahme der Organismen mit hoher Stoffwechselrate bzw. aktiver, mobiler Lebensweise. Tatsächlich waren die hungerresistenten Gruppen der Nuculoida (flach-infaunale Depositfresser) und der Lucinidae (Chemosymbionten) im Danium signifikant häufiger als im Maastrichtium, während der Faunenanteil der Suspensionsfresser im Danium im Vergleich zum Maastrichtium signifikant niedriger ist. In den Faunengemeinschaften des Daniums von Bajo de Añelo konnten Abnahmen der Individuenzahlen, der mittleren Mobilität und der mittleren Größe festgestellt werden. Die beobachteten paläoökologischen Veränderungen zeigen somit eine Selektivität, die sich auch in der Paläobiodiversitätsdynamik widerspiegelt. Auch hier sind Suspensionsfresser, die direkt vom Planktonangebot abhängig sind, stärker betroffen als Chemosymbionten und flach-infaunale Depositfresser. Die Aussterberaten für Bivalven sind mit 28% moderat. Insgesamt sind die festgestellten Selektivitätsmuster konsistent mit den zu erwartenden Folgen einer Planktonkrise. Trotz einiger regionaler Unterschiede handelte es sich um ein globales Ereignis an der K/Pg-Grenze, das Nord- und Südhalbkugel gleichermaßen betroffen hat. / From Patagonia only a few data on palaeoecological changes and on palaeobiodiversity at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg)-boundary are available so far. Therefore detailed samples in different K/Pg-sections in the Argentinian provinces of Neuquén and Chubut were taken to increase the data set for this region. The following trends are expected from a crisis of primary productivity in the aftermath of the K/Pg-boundary: 1. a reduction in the number of individuals of benthic organisms, 2. a decrease in the relative abundance of organisms which rely directly on photosynthesis, 3. a lower proportion of individuals with planktotrophic larval stages, 4. a reduction in the average body size of individuals within palaeocommunities and 5. an increased abundance of organisms with low metabolic rates or inactive lifestyles. In fact the proportion of the starvation-resistant groups of the Nuculoida (shallow-infaunal deposit feeders) and Lucinidae (chemosymbionts) were significantly higher in the Danian compared to the Maastrichtian. In contrast to this, the proportion of suspension feeders in the palaeocommunities was significantly lower in the Danian in comparison with the Maastrichtian. In the Danian benthic assemblages of the Bajo de Añelo area, a decrease in number of individuals, mean mobility and mean size was recognised after the K/Pg-boundary. Thus the palaeoecological changes display a selectivity, which is also reflected in the palaeobiodiversity. Suspension feeders, which depend directly on plankton particles from the water column, show higher extinction rates than chemosymbionts and shallow-infaunal deposit feeders. The extinction rates of Patagonian bivalves are moderate (28%). Overall, the recognized selectivity patterns are consistent with the expected aftermath of a crisis in primary productivity. Despite some local differences, the results argue for a global event at the K/Pg-boundary during which the northern and southern hemispheres were similarly affected.

A case study on building NPS into production line

Lai, Yung-jin 30 July 2006 (has links)
The customer's taste is with the transition with constant time ¡A space¡A as the order pours into constantly¡A what an attitude the manufacturing plant is!¡A the flexible company quick in response turn into the existence ways of enterprises in the future¡A and under facing and producing state that must be expanded¡A how to set up production line and efficient duplicating the productive attitude fast fast¡A is it reach quantity produce quality that customer want fast ¡A must is it is it waste carry on procedure transformation to reduce to come through NPS (New Production Skill ) to come. This research is mainly to visit the arrangement which refers to the theory of relevant documents to review and study through the executive inside the company¡A to understand the company understand the themes studied from the doing in the test amount factor of expanding the factory¡A set up NPS to be flat to take production line while being accurate ¡A utilize relevant step in accordance with follow ¡A make similar industry to establish NPS production line have one procedure way in accordance with following fast future.

1.TT(教官チーム)による授業(「国際理解・人権・平和」の取り組み : 「TT (教官チーム)による授業」と「ディベートによる沖縄学習)(高校二年必修総合人間科)(<特集>総合人間科(第2報))

加藤, 容子, 山田, 孝, 斉藤, 真子, 仲田, 恵子, 鈴木, 一悠, 川合, 勇治 15 October 1996 (has links)

RISO - TT - Extração de expressões temporais em textos. / RISO - TT - Extraction of temporal expressions in texts.

SANTOS, Adriano Araújo. 26 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-07-26T15:09:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ADRIANO ARAÚJO SANTOS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCC 2013..pdf: 7720673 bytes, checksum: fdba828ba2c20b709ed7c3efbc93f751 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-26T15:09:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ADRIANO ARAÚJO SANTOS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCC 2013..pdf: 7720673 bytes, checksum: fdba828ba2c20b709ed7c3efbc93f751 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-22 / A necessidade de gerenciar a grande quantidade de documentos digitais existentes na atualidade, associada à incapacidade humana de analisar todas essas informações em tempo hábil, fez com que as pesquisas e o desenvolvimento de sistemas na área de automatização de processos para a gestão de informação crescessem, no entanto, essa atividade não é trivial. A maioria dos documentos disponíveis não tem estrutura bem definida (padronizada), o que torna difícil a criação de mecanismos computacionais que automatizem a análise das informações e gera a necessidade de se promoverem atividades intermediárias de conversão de informações em linguagem natural em informações estruturadas. Para isso, são necessárias atividades de reconhecimento de padrões nominais, temporais e espaciais. No tocante a essa pesquisa, o objetivo principal foi criar um mecanismo de reconhecimento de padrões temporais. Heuristicamente, foi criado um dicionário de regras baseadas em associações de padrões temporais e desenvolvido um módulo de marcação e recuperação de padrões temporais em uma arquitetura extensível e flexível, chamado RISO-TT, que implementa esse mecanismo de reconhecimento de padrões temporais. Esse módulo faz parte do projeto de pesquisa RISO (Recuperação da Informação Semântica de Objetos Textuais). Foram realizados dois experimentos para avaliar a eficiência do RISO-TT. O primeiro, com o intuito de verificar a extensibilidade e a flexibilidade do módulo RISO-TT, e o segundo, para analisar a eficiência da abordagem proposta com base em uma comparação com duas ferramentas consolidadas no meio académico (HeidelTime e SuTime). O RISO-TT obteve resultados superiores aos concorrentes no processo de marcação de expressões temporais, comprovados por meio de testes estatísticos. / The necessity of managing the large amount of digital existing documents nowadays, associated to the human inability to analyze ali this information in a fast manner, led to a growth of research in the area of system development for automation of the information management process. Nevertheless, this is not a trivial task. Most of the available documents do not have a standardized structure, hindering the development of computational schemes that can automate the analysis of information, thus requiring jobs of information conversion from natural language to structured information. For such, syntactic, temporal and spatial pattern recognition tasks are needed. Concerning the present study, the main objective is to create an advanced temporal pattern recognition mechanism. We created, heurístically, a rules dictionary of temporal patterns, developing a module in an extendable and flexible architecture for retrieval and marking. This module, called RISO-TT, implements this pattern recognition mechanism and is part of the RISO project (Retrieval of Semantic Information from Textual Objects). Two experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the efficiency of this approach. The first one was intended to verify the extendability and flexibility of the RISO-TT architecture and the second one to analyze the efficiency of the proposed approach, based on a comparison between the developed module and two Consolidated tools in the academic community (Heideltime and SuTime). RISO-TT outperformed the rivais in the temporal expression marking process, which was proved through statistical tests.

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