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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Calibration and Baseline Flow Surveys of a Reconstructed Boundary-Layer Wind Tunnel

Mazur, Zachary Thomas Lyn 17 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Experimental characterisation of the coolant film generated by various gas turbine combustor liner geometries

Chua, Khim Heng January 2005 (has links)
In modern, low emission, gas turbine combustion systems the amount of air available for cooling of the flame tube liner is limited. This has led to the development of more complex cooling systems such as cooling tiles i.e. a double skin system, as opposed to the use of more conventional cooling slots i.e. a single skin system. An isothennal experimental facility has been constructed which can incorporate 10 times full size single and double skin (cooling tile) test specimens. The specimens can be tested with or without effusion cooling and measurements have been made to characterise the flow through each cooling system along with the velocity field and cooling effectiveness distributions that subsequently develop along the length of each test section. The velocity field of the coolant film has been defined using pneumatic probes, hot-wire anemometry and PIV instrumentation, whilst gas tracing technique is used to indicate (i) the adiabatic film cooling effectiveness and (ii) mixing of the coolant film with the mainstream flow. Tests have been undertaken both with a datum low turbulence mainstream flow passing over the test section, along with various configurations in which large magnitudes and scales of turbulence were present in the mainstream flow. These high turbulence test cases simulate some of the flow conditions found within a gas turbine combustor. Results are presented relating to a variety of operating conditions for both types of cooling system. The nominal operating condition for the double skin system was at a coolant to mainstream blowing ratio of approximately 1.0. At this condition, mixing of the mainstream and coolant film was relatively small with low mainstream turbulence. However, at high mainstream turbulence levels there was rapid penetration of the mainstream flow into the coolant film. This break up of the coolant film leads to a significant reduction in the cooling effectiveness. In addition to the time-averaged characteristics, the time dependent behaviour of the .:coolantfilm was. also investigated. In particular, unsteadiness associated with large scale structures in the mainstream flow was observed within the coolant film and adjacent to the tile surface. Relative to a double skin system the single skin geometry requires a higher coolant flow rate that, along with other geometrical changes, results in typically higher coolant to mainstream velocity ratios. At low mainstream turbulence levels this difference in velocity between the coolant and mainstream promotes the generation of turbulence and mixing between the streams so leading to some reduction in cooling effectiveness. However, this higher momentum coolant fluid is more resistant to high mainstream turbulence levels and scales so that the coolant film break up is not as significant under these conditions as that observed for the double skin system. For all the configurations tested the use of effusion cooling helped restore the coolant film along the rear of the test section. For the same total coolant flow, the minimum value of cooling effectiveness observed along the test section was increased relative to the no effusion case. In addition the effectiveness of the effusion patch depends on the amount of coolant injected and the axial location of the patch. The overall experimental data suggested the importance of the initial cooling film conditions together with better understanding of the possible mechanisms that results in the rapid cooling film break-up, such as high turbulence mainstream flow and scales, and this will lead to a more effective cooling system design. This experimental data is also thought to be ideal for the validation of numerical predictions.

Noise, eigenfrequencies and turbulence behavior of a 200 kW H-rotor vertical axis wind turbine

Möllerström, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) have with time been outrivaled by the today more common and economically feasible horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs). However, VAWTs have several advantages which still make them interesting, for example, the VAWTs can have the drive train at ground level and it has been argued that they have lower noise emission. Other proposed advantages are suitability for both up-scaling and floating offshore platforms. The work within this thesis is made in collaboration between Halmstad University and Uppsala University. A 200-kW semi-guy-wired VAWT H-rotor, owned by Uppsala University but situated in Falkenberg close to Halmstad, has been the main subject of the research although most results can be generalized to suit a typical H-rotor. This thesis has three main topics regarding VAWTs: (1) how the wind energy extraction is influenced by turbulence, (2) aerodynamical noise generation and (3) eigenfrequencies of the semi-guy-wired tower. The influence from turbulence on the wind energy extraction is studied by evaluating logged operational data and examining how the power curve and the tip-speed ratio for maximum Cp is impacted by turbulence. The work has showed that the T1-turbine has a good ability to extract wind energy at turbulent conditions, indicating an advantage in energy extraction at turbulent sites for VAWTs compared to HAWTs.The noise characteristics are studied experimentally, and models of the two most likely aerodynamic noise mechanisms are applied. Here, inflow-turbulence noise is deemed as the prevailing noise source rather than turbulent-boundary-layer trailing-edge noise (TBL-TE) which is the most important noise mechanism for HAWTs. The overall noise emission has also been measured and proven low compared to similar sized HAWTs. The eigenfrequencies of a semi-guy-wired tower are also studied. Analytical expressions describing the first-mode eigenfrequency of both tower and guy wire has been derived and verified by experiments and simulations.

Extending MRI to the Quantification of Turbulence Intensity

Dyverfeldt, Petter January 2010 (has links)
In cardiovascular medicine, the assessment of blood flow is fundamental to the understanding and detection of disease. Many pharmaceutical, interventional, and surgical treatments impact the flow. The primary purpose of the cardiovascular system is to drive, control and maintain blood flow to all parts of the body. In the normal cardiovascular system, fluid transport is maintained at high efficiency and the blood flow is essentially laminar. Disturbed and turbulent blood flow, on the other hand, appears to be present in many cardiovascular diseases and may contribute to their initiation and progression. Despite strong indications of an important interrelationship between flow and cardiovascular disease, medical imaging has lacked a non-invasive tool for the in vivo assessment of disturbed and turbulent flow. As a result, the extent and role of turbulence in the blood flow of humans have not yet been fully investigated. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a versatile tool for the non-invasive assessment of flow and has several important clinical and research applications, but might not yet have reached its full potential. Conventional MRI techniques for the assessment of flow are based on measurements of the mean velocity within an image voxel. The mean velocity corresponds to the first raw moment of the distribution of velocities within a voxel. An MRI framework for the quantification of any moment (mean, standard deviation, skew, etc.) of arbitrary velocity distributions is presented in this thesis. Disturbed and turbulent flows are characterized by velocity fluctuations that are superimposed on the mean velocity. The intensity of these velocity fluctuations can be quantified by their standard deviation, which is a commonly used measure of turbulence intensity. This thesis focuses on the development of a novel MRI method for the quantification of turbulence intensity. This method is mathematically derived and experimentally validated. Limitations and sources of error are investigated and guidelines for adequate application of MRI measurements of turbulence intensity are outlined. Furthermore, the method is adapted to the quantification of turbulence intensity in the pulsatile blood flow of humans and applied to a wide range of cardiovascular diseases. In these applications, elevated turbulence intensity was consistently detected in regions where highly disturbed flow was anticipated, and the effects of potential sources of errors were small. Diseased heart valves are often replaced with prosthetic heart valves, which, in spite of improved benefits and durability, continue to fall short of matching native flow patterns. In an in vitro setting, MRI was used to visualize and quantify turbulence intensity in the flow downstream from four common designs of prosthetic heart valves. Marked differences in the extent and degree of turbulence intensity were detected between the different valves. Mitral valve regurgitation is a common valve lesion associated with progressive left atrial and left ventricular remodelling, which may often require surgical correction to avoid irreversible ventricular dysfunction. The spatiotemporal dynamics of flow disturbances in mitral regurgitation were assessed based on measurements of flow patterns and turbulence intensity in a group of patients with significant regurgitation arising from similar valve lesions. Peak turbulence intensity occurred at the same time in all patients and the total turbulence intensity in the left atrium appeared closely related to the severity of regurgitation. MRI quantification of turbulence intensity has the potential to become a valuable tool in investigating the extent, timing and role of disturbed blood flow in the human cardiovascular system, as well as in the assessment of the effects of different therapeutic options in patients with vascular or valvular disorders.

Turbulence Intensity in Complex Environments and its Influence on Small Wind Turbines / Turbulensintensitet i komplex miljö och dess påverkan på små vindkraftverk

Carpman, Nicole January 2011 (has links)
The market of wind power as a sustainable energy source is growing, both on large and small scale. Conventional large scale wind turbines normally operate in uniform areas where expected wind speeds and turbulence characteristics are well investigated and the constructional design of the wind turbines is regulated by standard classes for different external conditions. Small scale wind turbines (SWT), on the other hand, are sometimes placed in more complex environments where the turbulence conditions are rougher. A larger amount of turbulence will generate a larger amount of fatigue loadings on the construction, increasing the risk of breakdown. It is therefore of major concern to perform more measurements and further investigate the turbulence characteristics in complex environments and the effect that these will have on small wind turbine construction. Thus, turbulence is measured with sonic anemometers at two sites with complex environments; at an urban site above a rooftop in a medium sized city (Uppsala, Sweden) and above a forest in Norunda (outside Uppsala) at two heights, near the treetops (z = 33 m) defined as complex and further up (z = 97 m) defined as more uniform. The turbulence data is analyzed and the results are compared to the normal turbulence model (NTM) as it is defined for the standard SWT classes by the International Electrotechnical Commission in the International standard 61400-2: Design requirements for small wind turbines (IEC, 2006). Measurements of  minute standard deviations of longitudinal wind speed (σu) and turbulence intensity (TIu) are reported, as well as the distributions of TIu and of 10  minute mean wind speeds (um) for the different sites and stabilities. The results show that the NTM represents the turbulence at 97 m height above the forest only for light wind speeds, smaller than 10 m/s, but underestimates the turbulence for higher wind speeds.  It should also be noted that the data is scattered and contain a number of occasions with extreme values of σu and TIu. For wind speeds higher than 10 m/s the number of observations is limited but the majority of the observations are more extreme than the NTM. At the complex sites (near the treetops and the rooftop) the NTM clearly underestimates both the magnitude and rate of change of σu with increasing wind speed, although the observed wind speeds close to these rough surfaces are low so the conclusions are limited. Average TIu at 97 m height is 19 %, compared to 41 % close above forest and 43 % above rooftop. Mean values of TIu above forest are generally 10 % lower during stable conditions (z/L > 0.05) while above rooftop, the wind material is sparse and 95 % of the observations had stable stratification so no dependence on stability can be seen. From these results it can be concluded that the turbulence characteristics close above treetops is similar to those above rooftop, but that the NTM, as it is defined for the standard SWT classes, is not valid in these complex and urban terrains and need to be modified to correctly estimate the turbulence intensities, and consequently also the loadings, affecting small wind turbines located at these kinds of sites. / Marknaden för vindkraft som en förnyelsebar energikälla växer snabbt, både stor- och småskaligt. Traditionella storskaliga vindkraftverk placeras normalt på homogena platser där vindklimatet och turbulensens karaktär är ganska väl kartlagda och konstruktionsstandarden regleras av standardklasser utifrån olika externa förhållanden. Små vindkraftverk (SWT) å andra sidan placeras ofta i mer komplex eller urban miljö där turbulensen är mer intensiv. En större andel turbulens genererar större utmattningslaster på konstruktionen vilket ökar risken att vindturbinen går sönder. Det är därför av stor vikt att utföra fler mätningar och ytterligare undersöka turbulensen i komplexa miljöer och vilken effekt den kommer ha på de små vindkraftverkens konstruktion. Med anledning av detta så har turbulensdata analyserats från mätningar med sonicanemometrar. Dels på en urban plats, ovanför ett hustak i en medelstor stad (Uppsala, Sverige). Dels vanför en skog i Norunda (utanför Uppsala) på två höjder, nära trädtopparna (33 m) som anses komplex och högre upp (97 m) som anes mer homogen. Resultaten är jämförda med den normala turbulensmodellen (NTM) så som den definieras för standard SWT klasserna av International Electrotechnical Commission i International standard 61400-2: Design requirements for small wind turbines (IEC, 2006). Mätningar av 10  minuters standardavvikelse av den longitudinella vindhastigheten (σu) och turbulensintensiteten (TIu) redovisas, liksom fördelningen av TIu och 10 minuters medelvinden (um) för olika stabilitet för de olika mätplatserna. Resultaten visar att NTM är representativ på 97 m höjd endast för låga vindhastigheter, under 10 m/s, medan modellen underskattar turbulensen för högre vindhastigheter. Det bör också noteras att spridningen är stor i data och att extrema värden av σu och TIu uppmätts vid flertalet tillfällen. För vindhastigheter över 10 m/s så är antalet mätvärden begränsade, men majoriteten av mätvärdena är högre än NTM. På de komplexa mätplatserna (nära trädtopparna och ovan hustaket) så underskattar NTM avsevärt både storleken av σu och dess förändring med ökad vindhastighet på de komplexa platserna (nära trädtopparna och ovan hustaket). Dock är de observerade vindhastigheterna låga såhär nära de skrovliga ytorna så slutsatserna är begränsade. På 97 m höjd är medelvärdet av TIu 19 %, jämfört med 41 % nära trädtopparna och 43 % ovan hustak. De är generellt 10 % lägre under stabila förhållanden (z/L > 0.05)  över skog, medan ovan hustak där vindmaterialet är begränsat och 95 % av observationerna var stabilt skiktade så ses inte något stabilitetsberoende. Från dessa resultat kan slutsatserna dras att turbulensens karaktär nära trädtoppar liknar den ovan hustak, men att NTM, så som den definieras för standard SWT klasserna, inte gäller vid dessa komplexa och urbana platser och behöver modifieras för att korrekt uppskatta turbulensintensiteterna och därmed också de laster som påverkar små vindkraftverk placerade på den här typen av platser.

Turbulence Intensity During Low-Level Jets in the Baltic Sea / Turbulensintensitet i samband med Low-Level Jets över Östersjön

August, Thomasson January 2021 (has links)
Low-level jets (LLJs) are local wind speed maximums in the atmospheric boundary layer. In the Baltic Sea, LLJs are frequently occurring in spring and summer. It is an important phenomena to consider for wind energy parks, and changes in turbulence during the jets can effect the efficiency of said parks. In this study, the effect that offshore LLJs have on turbulence intensity (TI) is analysed and the goal is tounderstand if TI significantly changes as the jets form, and if the changes aredifferent above and below the core. The theory of shear sheltering predicts that turbulence decreases below the core of a LLJ, and it has been experimentally tested previously with various results. However, turbulence characteristics above the core ofa LLJ has not been studied before. LiDAR measurements of wind speed and TI profiles, up to 300 m, from the island of Östergarnsholm in the Baltic Sea are used. The measurements are from the period 2016-2020 and are limited to a sector with unobstructed line-of-sight to the ocean. Complete LLJ-events, which includes non-LLJ profiles before and after the actual jets, are analysed. The LLJs are found to appear in low TI conditions related to stable stratification. Mean TI increases with 38 - 47% above the core as the jets appear, and then returns to approximately the initial values after the jets disappear. Below the core, mean TI instead decreases with 14 - 19% during the jets, which is compatible with the theory of shear sheltering. For future studies it is recommend to choose a location with larger unobstructed line-of-sight to the ocean, further optimise the LLJ-finding algorithm and also analyse other turbulent quantities. / Vindmaxima på låg höj (LLJ, för eng. Low-level jets) är lokala vindhastighetsmaximum i det atmosfäriska gränsskiktet. I Östersjön är LLJs vanliga, framförallt på våren och sommaren. Det är ett viktigt fenomen att beakta för vindkraftsparker, och turbulensförändringar i samband med LLJs kan påverka effektiviteten av vindkraftverk. I denna studie analyseras effekten som LLJs över havet har på turbulensintensiteten (TI) och målet är att förstå om TI förändras närströmmarna bildas, och om förändringarna är olika ovan och under kärnan. En teori förutspår att turbulens minskar under kärnan i en LLJ, s.k. skjuvningsblockering (eng. Shear sheltering), och den har testats tidigare med varierande resultat. Turbulens ovanför kärnan i en LLJ har dock inte studerats tidigare. LiDAR-mätningar av vindhastighets och TI-profiler, upp till 300 m, vid ön Östergarnsholm i Östersjön används. Mätningarna är från perioden 2016-2020 och är begränsade till en sektor med fri siktlinje mot havet. Kompletta LLJ-event, vilket inkluderar icke-LLJ-profiler före och efter själva strömmen, analyseras. Resultatet visar att LLJs förekommer vid låga TI-förhållanden relaterade till stabil skiktning. Medel TI ökar med 38 - 47% överkärnan när strömmarna dyker upp och återgår sedan till ungefär de ursprungligavärdena efter att strömmarna försvunnit. Under kärnan minskar medel TI istället med 14 - 19% i samband med strömmarna, vilket är förenligt med skjuvningsblockerings-teorin. För framtida studier är det rekommenderat att välja en plats med större fri siktlinje till havet, ytterligare optimera identifikationen av kompletta LLJ-event och även analysera andra variabler för att karakterisera turbulensen.

A Study of Constant Voltage Anemometry Frequency Response

Powers, Alex D 01 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The development of the constant voltage anemometer (CVA) for the boundary layer data system (BLDS) has been motivated by a need for the explicit autonomous measurement of velocity fluctuations in the boundary layer. The frequency response of a sensor operated by CVA has been studied analytically and experimentally. The thermal lag of the sensor is quantified by a time constant, MCVA. When the time constant is decreased, the half-amplitude cut-off frequency, fCVA, is increased, thereby decreasing the amount of attenuation during measurements. In this thesis, three main approaches have been outlined in theory and tested experimentally to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing them with CVA to limit attenuation: operation at higher Vw, implementation of software compensation, and utilization of smaller diameter sensors. Operation of CVA at higher voltage results in little improvement in frequency response but is accompanied by increased danger of wire burnout. However, sensors do need to be operated at high wire voltages to be more sensitive to velocity fluctuations and less sensitive to temperature fluctuations, without reaching a temperature high enough for wire burnout. Software compensation of the CVA output has been shown not to be useful for measurements with BLDS. The electrical noise present in the CVA measurement system is amplified by the correction algorithm and creates measurements that are not representative of the fluctuations being measured. Decreasing sensor diameter leads to a significant decrease of MCVA and therefore increase of fCVA. Under similar operating conditions, a 2.5 micron diameter sensor showed less roll off in the frequency spectra (measured higher turbulence intensities) than a 3.8 micron diameter sensor for tests in both a turbulent jet and in a turbulent boundary layer. Smaller sensors are more fragile and have been shown to have a decrease in sensitivity as compared to larger sensors; however, for some applications, the increase in frequency response may be worth the trade-off with fragility and sensitivity.

Impact of Free-Stream Turbulence Intensity on the Endwall Region of Low Pressure Turbine Blades

Donovan, Molly Hope 15 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Velocity distribution and 3D turbulence characteristic analysis for flow over water-worked rough bed

Pu, Jaan H., Wei, J., Huang, Y. 08 September 2017 (has links)
Yes / To reproduce the natural flow topography in a laboratory environment, it is crucial to recapture its bed condition in order to ensure the accurate representation. Water-worked bed represents a state-of-the-art experimentally formed bed to imitate the natural-formed channel in most rivers or natural streams. Recently, this technique has been intensively studied through experimental and computational approaches; however, its actual influence towards the near-bed flow as compared to experimentally prepared rough bed in well-packed bedform order are still yet to be investigated deeply. This experimental study systematically investigated and compared the differences in velocity distribution and three-dimensional (3D) turbulence characteristics, including turbulence intensities and Reynolds stresses, between uniform smooth bed, laboratory-prepared rough bed and water-worked bed open channel flows. The flow comparisons were concentrated at near-bed region where clear flow behaviour change can be observed. Through these comparisons, the study inspected the characteristics of water-worked bedform thoroughly, in order to inform future experimental research that tries to reproduce natural stream behaviours. / the Major State Basic Research Development Grant No. 2013CB036402 from Tsinghua University. The support from the Major State Basic Research Development Program (973 program) of China is also greatly appreciated. We also acknowledge the National Key Research and Development Project from the Ministry of Science and Technology during the Thirteenth Five-year Plan Period (Grant No. 2017YFC0403600) and the Science and Technology Projects State Grid Corporation of China (Grant No. 52283014000T).

Fractal grid-turbulence and its effects on a performance of a model of a hydrokinetic turbine

Mahfouth, Altayeb 04 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on generating real world turbulence levels in a water tunnel rotor test using fractal grids and characterizing the effect of the fractal grid generated-turbulence on the performance of hydrokinetic turbines. The research of this thesis is divided into three studies: one field study and two laboratory studies. The field study was conducted at the Canadian Hydro Kinetic Turbine Test Centre (CHTTC) on the Winnipeg River. An Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) was used in the field study to collect flow measurements in the river. The laboratory studies were conducted at the University of Victoria (UVic) fluids research lab and the Sustainable Systems Design Lab (SSDL). In addition, the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique was used in the experiential studies to obtain quantitative information about the vector flow field along the test section, both upstream and downstream of the rotor’s plane. The first study is a field study aiming to provide real flow characteristics and turbulence properties at different depths from the free-surface to boundary layer region of a fast river current by conducting a field study in the Winnipeg River using ADV. A novel technique to deploy and control an ADV from free-surface to boundary layer in a fast-current channel is introduced in this work. Flow characteristics in the river, including mean flow velocities and turbulence intensity profiles are analyzed. The obtained results indicate that the maximum mean velocity occurs below the free-surface, suggesting that the mean velocity is independent of the channel depth. From the free-surface to half depth, it was found that changes in both the mean velocity and turbulence intensity are gradual. From mid-depth to the river bed, the mean velocity drops rapidly while the turbulence intensity increases at a fast rate. The turbulent intensity varied from 9% at the free-surface to around 17.5% near the river bed. The results of this study were used in the second lab study to help designing a fractal grid for a recirculating water flume tank. The goal was to modify the turbulence intensity in the water tunnel such that the generated turbulence was similar to that in the river at a location typical of a hydrokinetic device. The properties of fractal-generated turbulence were experimentally investigated by means of 2D Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The streamwise turbulent intensity profiles for different grids along the channel are presented. Additionally, visualization of the average and fluctuating flow fields are also presented. The results are in good agreement with results in literature. The third and final study investigated the power coefficient of a scale hydrokinetic turbine rotor in controlled turbulent flow (7.4 % TI), as well as in the low-turbulence smooth flow (0.5% TI) typical of lab scale testing. PIV was employed for capturing the velocity field. The results show that using realistic TI levels in the water tunnel significantly decrease the turbine’s power coefficient compared to smooth flow, highlighting the importance of considering this effect in future experimental campaigns. / Graduate

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