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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôle des protéines de choc thermique dans la régulation du facteur de transcription HIF / Role of heat shock proteins in the regulation of transcription factor HIF

Maurel, Sébastien 15 December 2011 (has links)
HIF1α et HIF2α sont des protéines largement impliquées dans le développement de pathologies posant des problèmes majeurs de santé publique, comme le cancer. Leur activité, qui est régulée prioritairement par leur stabilité via le système ubiquitine-protéasome, coordonne de nombreux processus cellulaires susceptibles de favoriser le développement de ces maladies. Un enjeu récent de la recherche thérapeutique est d’identifier des partenaires protéiques pouvant réguler les protéines HIFα, afin de mettre au point des thérapies ciblées. Les protéines de choc thermique (HSPs) sont une classe de protéines dont une des fonctions essentielles est de réguler l’homéostasie protéique dans la cellule, en interagissant avec le protéasome. Certaines d’entre elles, HSP27 et HSP90, ont la faculté de pouvoir réguler spécifiquement la stabilité de nombreuses protéines souvent elles-mêmes impliquées dans l’apparition de ces pathologies. L’objectif de ce travail était de savoir si ces deux HSPs peuvent contrôler la stabilité de la protéine HIF2α. Nos résultats suggèrent qu’HSP27 pourrait stimuler la dégradation de HIF2α en favorisant son ubiquitination. Ce résultat est surprenant, en raison du rôle connu d’HSP27 dans la progression tumorale. Il est donc nécessaire de le confirmer et d’en préciser les processus biologiques sous-jacents. D’autre part, nos autres résultats semblent confirmer qu’HIF2α est une protéine cliente d’HSP90. De plus, nous montrons pour la première fois que l’inhibition d’HSP90 par le 17-DMAG diminue la production de VEGF dépendante de HIF2α. Des travaux récents suggèrent qu’HIF2α a un rôle prédominant dans la progression tumorale, et peut constituer une cible globale de choix dans plusieurs types de cancer. Il conviendrait d’évaluer la capacité des inhibiteurs d’HSP90 à supprimer des fonctions de HIF2α nouvellement décrites, comme son rôle dans la maintenance des cellules souches cancéreuses. / Both HIF1α and HIF2α proteins are highly involved in the development of pathologies, such as cancers, which are prime public health issues. These proteins are primarily controlled at the protein level by ubiquitin-dependant degradation, and regulate numerous cellular processes which are likely to favor the development of these diseases. A recent issue in therapeutic research is to identify partners that might regulate the expression and the activity of the HIFα proteins, with the aim to elaborate targeted therapies. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) form a family of proteins whose main function is to regulate protein homeostasis in cells, which they achieve through interaction with the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. HSP27 and HSP90 are able to specifically control the stability of certain client proteins involved in those pathologies. In the present work, we sought to determine whether these HSPs could regulate the expression of the HIF2α protein. Our results suggest that HSP27 may induce ubiquitin and proteasome-dependant degradation of HIF2α, which is quite intriguing given the well-known role of HSP27 in tumor promotion. This needs to be confirmed and the underlying biological significance of such a regulation remains to be defined. Our results also may confirm that HIF2α is an HSP90 client protein. Moreover, we show for the first time that inhibition of HSP90 by 17-DMAG decreases the HIF2α-dependant VEGF production. Recent studies emphasize HIF2α as a major promoter of tumor progression, and suggest that HIF2α may constitute an attractive global target in several cancer types. Therefore, the ability of HSP90 inhibitors to disrupt newly described HIF2α functions, such as cancer stem cell maintenance, should be evaluated.

Estudo da expressão de Arkadia, proteína E3 de ubiquitinação, em tumores de tiróide e sua relação com a via de sinalização de TGF-Beta. / Study of Arkadia expression, ubiquitination E-3 protein, in thyroid tumors and its relation to the TGF-beta signaling pathway.

Eloiza de Rezende 12 May 2009 (has links)
Arkadia participa do processo de amplificação da sinalização de TGF-b mediada por Smads, via degradação do I-Smad. O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar e investigar a influência de Arkadia em linhagens celulares de cânceres de tiróide. A expressão gênica de Arkadia em linhagens celulares de carcinomas papílifero (NPA), folicular (WRO) e anaplásico (ARO), foi avaliada por PCR quantitativo. Em ARO, que apresenta a maior expressão de Arkadia, foram identificados subclones (ARO_1 e ARO_2) com expressão diferencial de Arkadia, ARO_2>ARO_1. A expressão gênica de SMAD2, 3, 4, 7 e de genes do ciclo celular modulados por TGF-b, foi maior em ARO_2. Os subclones respondem ao tratamento com peptídeo de TGF-b1 e activina A. O crescimento in vivo (xenotransplante) mostra que ARO_2 desenvolve um tumor de menor volume. Recentemente a origem de ARO foi questionada e comprovamos sua origem por análises de expressão gênica e morfologias. Desta maneira, observamos que a expressão diferencial de Arkadia indica que ela está envolvida na modulação inibitória da via de TGF-b. / Arkadia is involved in the process of amplification of the TGF-b signaling mediated by Smads, by degradation of I-Smad. The aim of this study was to characterize and investigate the influence of Arkadia in thyroid cancers cell lines. Arkadia gene expression in the papillary (NPA), follicular (WRO) and anaplastic carcinoma cell lines (ARO) was evaluated by quantitative PCR. In ARO, which presents the highest Arkadia expression, we identified subclones (ARO_1 and ARO_2) with differential Arkadia expression ARO_2> ARO_1. The expression of SMAD2, 3, 4, 7 and the cell cycle genes modulated by TGF-b, was also higher in ARO_2. However both the subclones responded to treatment with peptide of TGF-b1 and activin A. The in vivo growth (evaluated by xenotransplant), showed that ARO_2 developed tumors of lower volume. Recently the ARO origin was questioned and we proved its origin by gene expression and morphological analysis. This way, the differential Arkadia expression indicates that it is involved in modulation of the inhibitory TGF-b pathway.

Caracterização do repertório peptídico intracelular de células expressando o proteassomo imune. / Characterization of intracellular peptide repertoire of cells expressing the immune proteasome.

Elisabete Rodrigues do Monte Silva 18 March 2014 (has links)
Células eucarióticas contêm vários tipos de proteassomo que regulam o processo de degradação de proteína. Proteassomos são proteases multicatalíticas que são responsáveis pela maior parte de degradação não-lisossomal de proteínas em células eucarióticas. As três subunidades catalíticas do proteassomo são &beta;1, &beta;2 e &beta;5. Em condições de stress e resposta imune essas três subunidades são substituídas por &beta;1i, &beta;2i and &beta;5i, respectivamente, para formar o proteassomo imune. Estas três subunidades induzíveis, parecem alterar as especificidades de peptidase do proteassoma imune em células tratadas com IFN-<font face=\"symbol\">g. Nosso objetivo no presente trabalho foi caracterizar um modelo celular para a indução do proteassomo imune, e ainda investigar o repertório peptídeo intracelular produzido por esta forma particular do proteassoma, através da técnica de espectrometria de massas. Em resumo, os nossos dados mostraram um aumento de 3 vezes do peptídeo EL28 derivado da proteína RPT2 em células HeLa tratadas com o IFN-<font face=\"symbol\">g. O peptídeo EL28 pode ser de relevância clínica para o tratamento de distúrbios relacionados com a apresentação de antígenos, visto que ele parece ativar a atividade quimotripsina-like quando incubado com o extrato celular de células HeLa. / Eukaryotic cells contain several types of proteasome regulating the process of protein degradation. The proteasome are responsible for most non - lysosomal protein degradation in eukaryotic cells. The three catalytic subunits of the proteasome are &beta;1, &beta;2 and &beta;5. Under conditions of stress and immune response these three subunits are replaced by &beta;1i, &beta;2i and &beta;5i, respectively, to form the immune proteasome . These three inducible subunits, appear to alter the specificity of the immune proteasome peptidase in cells treated with IFN-<font face=\"symbol\">g. Our aim in this study was to characterize a cellular model for the induction of the immune proteasome, and even investigate the intracellular peptide repertoire produced by this particular form of the proteasome, through the technique of mass spectrometry. In summary, our data showed an increase of 3 times the peptide derived from RPT2 EL28 protein in HeLa cells treated with IFN-<font face=\"symbol\">g. The EL28 peptide may be of clinical relevance for the treatment of disorders related to antigen presentation, since it seems to activate the chymotrypsin-like activity when incubated with the cell extract of HeLa cells.

Caracterização de putativo receptor serpentino e estudos sobre a implicação do sistema de ubiquitina/proteossomo na modulação do ciclo celular de Plasmodium falciparum. / Caracterization of serpentine receptor putative and studies about the implication of ubiquitin/proteasome system in Plasmodium falciparum cell cycle.

Fernanda Christtanini Koyama 28 May 2012 (has links)
É proposto que vias de sinalização controlem a sobrevivência e adaptação do Plasmodium, nos diferentes hospedeiros. No presente trabalho buscamos por diferentes abordagens estudar a via de sinalização de melatonina em P. falciparum. Para isso, avaliamos os níveis de RNA mensageiro de genes do sistema-ubiquitina proteossomo (UPS) bem como o perfil de ubiquitinação resultante do tratamento de parasitas com melatonina. Mostramos que a proteína quinase 7 de P. falciparum (PfPK7) atua na modulação dos genes do UPS em resposta a melatonina. Avaliamos também se o parasita é responsivo ao ácido indol-3-acético (AIA). Sabendo-se da importância de receptores de membrana na regulação de diversas funções celulares incluindo a percepção do meio externo, buscamos caracterizar um receptor serpentino putativo identificado previamente pelo grupo. Pudemos concluir que a via de sinalização por melatonina em P. falciparum envolve a participação da PfPK7, uma vez que em parasitas nocautes para pfpk7 são irresponsivos à melatonina quando comparados ao parental. / It is proposed that signaling pathways can control the parasite survival and adaptation into the hosts. In the present work we inquire about to study the melatonin signaling pathway trhough different metodologies. For this purpose we have analized post-translational modification of melatonin signaling, through ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) mRNA levels as well as the profile of ubiquitination resulted of melatonin treatment when compared with control. Moreover, we have found here that the P. falciparum protein kinase 7 (PfPK7) plays a major role in ubiquitin-proteasome system mRNA modulation in response to melatonin since parasites knockout to pfpk7 gene do not upregulate the UPS genes in response to melatonin. As for melatonin we have evaluated if P. falciparum parasites were responsive to indoleacetic acid. Last but not least, we made an effort to characterize a putative serpentine receptor previously identified by our group. We conclude that melatonin signaling pathway involves PK7 participation since pfpk- parasites are irresponsives to melatonin.

Rôles fonctionnels de la ligase de l’ubiquitine ITCH dans l’endocytose dépendante de la clathrine du récepteur du facteur de croissance épidermique

Ayoubi, Riham 10 1900 (has links)
ITCH est une ligase de l’ubiquitine impliquée dans différents processus cellulaires. Elle contient une région riche en prolines (PRR, proline rich region) qui lui permet de lier le domaine SH3 (Src homology 3) d’Endophiline et d’autres protéines à domaine SH3. Plusieurs de ces protéines sont impliquées dans l’endocytose clathrine-dépendante de récepteurs tel le récepteur du facteur de croissance épidermique (EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor). Après activation, l’EGFR est internalisé dans des vésicules enrobées de Clathrine et un complexe protéique formé par CBL, CIN85 et Endophiline participe à cet évènement. ITCH lie l’ubiquitine à CBL et à Endophiline pour vraisemblablement modifier leurs fonctions, ce qui suggère un lien direct entre cette ligase et l’endocytose de l’EGFR. Afin de déterminer le rôle d’ITCH dans ce processus, plusieurs expériences furent réalisées. Premièrement, la modalité de liaison entre la ligase ITCH et les protéines à domaine SH3 a été étudiée en détails. Une série de mutations dans la région PRR d’ITCH nous a aidé à identifier trois résidus arginines (R252, R255, R258) nécessaires pour son interaction avec Endophiline et d’autres protéines à domaine SH3. Deuxièmement, des lignées cellulaires HeLa et Cos7 furent modifiées génétiquement par CRISPR pour empêcher l’expression d’ITCH. Ces lignées cellulaires knockout furent caractérisées et utilisées dans un essai d’endocytose de l’EGFR, puis examinées par spectrométrie de masse. L’internalisation d’EGFR fut suivie en microscopie confocale à l’aide d’un ligand EGF fluorescent -/- dans les deux types de cellules ITCH . En absence d’ITCH, nous observons une diminution significative du niveau d’EGF internalisé par rapport aux cellules parentales. La surexpression d’ITCH dans les cellules ITCH-/- rétablit l’internalisation normale de l’EGF, confirmant l’implication d’ITCH dans le processus, mais la surexpression des formes mutantes de ITCH incapable de lier Endophiline ou catalytiquement inactive ne rétablit pas l’internalisation de l’EGF. Ces résultats nous permettent de conclure que l’interaction ITCH-Endophiline et la fonction catalytique de ITCH sont nécessaires pour l’endocytose de l’EGFR. Ensemble, ces deux fonctions de ITCH régulent le trafic endocytique de l’EGFR. De plus, les cellules ITCH-/- montrent un délai de dégradation de l’EGFR phosphorylé ainsi qu’une prolongation du temps d’activation de la kinase MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase). Finalement, pour explorer l’influence de l’absence d’ITCH sur ses substrats et partenaires moléculaires nous avons effectué une comparaison protéomique des partenaires d’interaction et des protéines ubiquitylées à partir des lysats cellulaires ITCH-/- et WT. Les résultats ont montré que le manque d’expression de la ligase ITCH altère la présence peptidique des protéines liées à la signalisation de l’EGFR, à la voie protéolytique dépendante de l'ubiquitine et à l’adhésion cellulaire. Cette étude révèle pour une première fois que la protéine ITCH est requise pour l’endocytose dépendante de la Clathrine de l’EGFR. / ITCH is a ubiquitin ligase involved in various cellular processes including endocytosis. It contains a proline rich region (PRR) which allows it to bind the SH3 domain of endophilin and other SH3 domain-containing proteins involved in Clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME). CME is an important regulatory mechanism for growth factor receptor activity. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is actively internalized in Clathrin-coated vesicles after activation. This endocytosis is facilitated by a protein complex formed by CBL, CIN85 and Endophilin. ITCH is known to ubiquitinate both CBL and endophilin, providing a potential functional link between the ligase and receptor internalization. In order to determine the role of ITCH in this process, several experiments were performed. First, the mapping of molecular binding sites between the ligase ITCH and SH3 domain proteins has been studied in detail. A series of mutations in the PRR region of ITCH helped us identify three arginine residues (R252, R255, R258) as necessary for its interaction with endophilin and all the tested SH3-domain containing proteins. Secondly, HeLa and Cos7 cell lines were genetically modified by CRISPR to prevent ITCH expression. These knockout cell lines were characterized for use in an EGFR endocytosis assay and for mass spectrometry analysis. EGFR internalization was monitored by confocal microscopy using fluorescent EGF ligand in both ITCH-/- cell types. In the absence of ITCH, a significant decrease in the level of internalized EGF compared to parental cells is visible. Overexpression of WT ITCH in the knockout cells restores normal internalization of EGF, confirming the involvement of ITCH in the process. Overexpression of Endophilin-binding defective or catalytically inactive ITCH does not restore the internalization of EGF in ITCH-/- cells. These results show that the ITCH- Endophilin interaction as well as the catalytic function of ITCH are necessary for the endocytosis of EGFR. In addition, ITCH-/- cells show a delay in the degradation of phosphorylated EGFR accompanied with an extended period of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation. In a last set of experiments, we explored the influence of the absence of ITCH on its substrates and molecular partners. We performed a proteomic comparison of ITCH-binding partners and potential substrates using the ITCH-/- and WT cell lysates. The results showed that the lack of ITCH expression alters the peptide count of proteins mainly related to EGFR signaling, theubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway and cell adhesion. This study shows for the first time that the protein ITCH is required for the clathrin-dependent endocytosis of EGFR.

Úloha Trim15 a UCHL3 v regulaci buněčného cyklu pomocí ubikvitin signalizace. / The roles of Trim15 and UCHL3 in the ubiquitin-mediated cell cycle regulation.

Jeřábková, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
(ENGLISH) Ubiquitin signaling is a key regulatory mechanism for many important cellular processes such as transcription, differentiation and cell division. Cell division requires duplication of all genetic material during S-phase followed by its precise partitioning between two daughter cells during mitosis. Misregulation of the complex mitotic machinery may lead to aneuploidy and genomic instability, known drivers of tumorigenesis. Indeed, systematic genetic analysis of many cancer tissues over the last decades, indicates the presence of severe chromosome abnormalities in thousands of cancer tissue samples. In this work, I investigated the function of two components of ubiquitin signaling, the deubiquitinating enzyme UCHL3 and the E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIM15. The hypothesized role of E3 ligase TRIM15 in the cell cycle regulation could not be confirmed by our experiments, but I observed an effect on cell adhesion and motility instead. UCHL3 was identified using high-content visual siRNA screen, as a critical factor controlling genome segregation and integrity. Interestingly, it has been previously reported that UCHL3 levels are altered in various cancer types, especially colon cancer. My data demonstrate that UCHL3 drives proper alignment of chromosomes at the metaphase plate by facilitating...

Vliv ubiquitinace spermií v rámci časného embryonálního vývoje u prasete / Effect of the sperm ubiquitination in the early embryonic development in pig

Petelák, Aleš January 2011 (has links)
The intracellular sperm injection (ICSI) technique is a very effective tool for the fertilization research. In the newly established laboratory at the Faculty of Science of the Charles University it was necessary to introduce this method and define the early developmental potential of fertilized oocytes. After fertilization oocytes were incubated to the blastocyst stage with a success comparable with other laboratories (17%). The ubiquitin-proteasome system which plays a major role in a protein degradation within cells is involved in a regulatory mechanism of sperm maturation. It is also responsible for a penetration of a vitelline membrane. In these processes ubiquitin residues are localized extracellulary. High level of sperm ubiquitination correlates with their low quality. Hypotetically it can be expected that the ubiqutination of impaired sperm cells can be used as a negative marker for their recognition and degradation by 26S proteasome complex localized. Experiments in this diploma thesis were designed based on the hypothesis that the executive part of the selective mechanism is the 26S proteasome. Therefore the effect of MG132 peptide inhibition of the 20S proteasome on the pronuclei formation and subsequent early embryonic development after ICSI was studied. Inhibition of 20S proteasome...

TAK1-Mediated Post-Translational Modifications Modulate Immune Response: A Dissertation

Chen, Li 15 May 2015 (has links)
Innate immunity is the first line of defense against invading pathogens. It provides immediate protection by initiating both cellular and humoral immune reactions in response to a wide range of infections. It is also important to the development of long-lasting and pathogen-specific adaptive immunity. Thus, studying of the innate immunity, especially the pathogen recognition and signaling modulation, is crucial for understanding the intrinsic mechanisms underlying the host defense, as well as contributing the development of the fight against infectious diseases. Drosophila is an ideal model organism for study of innate immunity. Comparing to mammals, Drosophila immunity is relative conserved and less redundant. A variety of molecular and genetic tools available add further convenience to the research in this system. My work is focused on the signaling modulation by post-translational modification after activation. In these studies I demonstrated in the center of Imd pathway, the Imd protein undergoes proteolytic cleavage, K63-polyubiquitination, phosphorylation, K63-deubiquitination and K48-polyubiquitination/degradation in a stimulation-dependent manner. These modifications of Imd play a crucial role in regulating signaling in response to infection. The characterization of ubiquitin-editing event provides a new insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying the activation and termination of insect immune signaling pathway.

Antagonistic Pleiotropy: The Role of Smurf2 in Cancer and Aging: A Dissertation

Ramkumar, Charusheila 01 June 2012 (has links)
In response to telomere shortening, oxidative stress, DNA damage or aberrant activation of oncogenes, normal somatic cells exit the cell cycle and enter an irreversible growth arrest termed senescence. The limited proliferative capacity imposed by senescence on cells impedes the accumulation of mutations necessary for tumorigenesis and prevents proliferation of cells at risk of neoplastic transformation. Opposite to the tumor suppressor function, accumulation of senescent cells in adult organisms is thought to contribute to aging by depleting the renewal capacity of tissues and stem/progenitor cells, and by interfering with tissue homeostasis and functions. The Antagonistic Pleiotropy Theory of senescence proposes that senescence is beneficial early in life by acting as a tumor suppressor, but harmful late in life by contributing to aging. Recent studies have provided evidence strongly supporting the tumor suppressor function of senescence, however, direct evidence supporting the role of senescence in aging remains largely elusive. In this thesis, I describe studies to test the Antagonistic Pleiotropy Theory of senescence in tumorigenesis and aging. The approach that I have taken is to alter the senescence response in vivo by changing the expression of a senescence regulator in mice. The consequence of altered senescence response on tumorigenesis and stem cell self-renewal was investigated. The senescence regulator I studied is Smurf2, which has been shown previously to activate senescence in culture. I hypothesized that the senescence response will be impaired by Smurf2 deficiency in vivo. Consequently, Smurf2-deficient mice will develop tumors at an increased frequency, but also gain enhanced self-renewal capacity of stem/progenitor cells with age. I generated a Smurf2-deficient mouse model, and found that Smurf2 deficiency attenuated p16 expression and impaired the senescence response in primary cells and tissues. Smurf2-deficient mice exhibited an increased susceptibility to spontaneous tumorigenesis, indicating that Smurf2 is a tumor suppressor. At the premalignant stage of tumorigenesis, a defective senescence response was documented in the Smurf2-deficient mice, providing a mechanistic link between impaired senescence response and increased tumorigenesis. The majority of tumors developed in Smurf2-deficent mice were B-cell lymphomas with an origin in germinal centers of the spleen and a phenotype resembling human diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). I discovered that Smurf2 mediated ubiquitination of YY1, a master regulator of germinal centers. Stabilization of YY1 in the absence of Smurf2 was responsible for increased cell proliferation and drove lymphomagenesis in Smurf2-deficient mice. Consistently, a significant decrease of Smurf2 expression was observed in human primary DLBCL samples, and more importantly, a low level of Smurf2 expression in DLBCL correlated with poor survival prognosis. Moreover, I found that hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in Smurf2-deficient mice had enhanced function compared to wild-type controls. This enhanced stem cell function was associated with increased cell proliferation and decreased p16 expression, suggesting that defective senescence response in Smurf2-deficient mice leads to increased self-renewal capacity of HSCs. My study, for the first time, offers direct genetic evidence of an important tumor suppressor function for Smurf2 as well as its function in contributing to stem cell aging. Collectively, these findings provide strong evidence supporting the Antagonistic Pleiotropy Theory of senescence in tumorigenesis and aging.

Analyses of All Possible Point Mutations within a Protein Reveals Relationships between Function and Experimental Fitness: A Dissertation

Roscoe, Benjamin P. 25 March 2014 (has links)
The primary amino acid sequence of a protein governs its specific cellular functions. Since the cracking of the genetic code in the late 1950’s, it has been possible to predict the amino acid sequence of a given protein from the DNA sequence of a gene. Nevertheless, the ability to predict a protein’s function from its primary sequence remains a great challenge in biology. In order to address this problem, we combined recent advances in next generation sequencing technologies with systematic mutagenesis strategies to assess the function of thousands of protein variants in a single experiment. Using this strategy, my dissertation describes the effects of most possible single point mutants in the multifunctional Ubiquitin protein in yeast. The effects of these mutants on the essential activation of ubiquitin by the ubiquitin activating protein (E1, Uba1p) as well as their effects on overall yeast growth were measured. Ubiquitin mutants defective for E1 activation were found to correlate with growth defects, although in a non-linear fashion. Further examination of select point mutants indicated that E1 activation deficiencies predict downstream defects in Ubiquitin function, resulting in the observed growth phenotypes. These results indicate that there may be selective pressure for the activity of the E1enzyme to selectively activate ubiquitin protein variants that do not result in functional downstream defects. Additionally, I will describe the use of similar techniques to discover drug resistant mutants of the oncogenic protein BRAFV600E in human melanoma cell lines as an example of the widespread applicability of our strategy for addressing the relationship between protein function and biological fitness.

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