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Impulsivity, irresponsibility, alcohol and substance use differ between “unsuccessful” and “successful” individuals with high levels of psychopathic personality traits / Impulsivitet, ansvarslöshet, alkohol- och droganvändning skiljer mellan "misslyckade" och "lyckade" individer med höga nivåer av psykopatiska personlighetsdragHansson, Matilda, Rosengren, Sara January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate what distinguishes psychopaths who commit crimes ("unsuccessful"), and psychopaths who do not commit crimes ("successful"). Most previous research has focused on neurobiological risk factors, while social and psychosocial factors have been studied to a lesser extent. Participants were drawn from the Swedish population-based RESUMÉ-study (Retrospective Study of Young People's Experiences). In total, 2500 individuals between the ages 20-24 (mean age=22.15, SD=1.38, 52.6% female and 47.4% male) participated in the study. Results showed that the “unsuccessful” psychopathy group was consuming larger amounts of alcohol and substances as well as scoring higher on the psychopathy dimension behavior (irresponsible/impulsive) than the "successful" group. In conclusion, these differences might partly explain why “unsuccessful” psychopaths commit crimes while “successful” psychopaths do not. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vad som skiljer mellan psykopater som begår brott ("misslyckade"), och psykopater som inte begår brott ("lyckade"). Större delen av den tidigare forskningen har fokuserat på neurobiologiska riskfaktorer, medan sociala och psykosociala faktorer har studerats i mindre utsträckning. Deltagarna kom från den svenska populationsbaserade RESUMÉ-studien (REtrospektiv Studie av Unga Människors Erfarenheter). Totalt deltog 2500 individer i åldrarna 20-24 år (medelålder=22.15, SD=1.38, 52.6% kvinnor och 47.4% män) i studien. Resultaten visade att den "misslyckade" psykopatigruppen konsumerar större mängder alkohol och substanser samt uppvisar högre nivåer av psykopatidimensionen beteende (oansvarig/impulsiv) än den "lyckade" psykopatigruppen. Sammanfattningsvis kan dessa skillnader delvis förklara varför "misslyckade" psykopater begår brott medan "lyckade" psykopater inte gör det.
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Heidegger's Hermeneutic Phenomenology and the Application to Ghanaian Women's Experiences of Unsuccessful Invitro Fertilisation (IVF) TreatmentAmoah, Vida Maame Kissiwaa 09 September 2020 (has links)
Ghanaian women experiencing infertility problem, have been seeking invitro fertilisation treatment in the quest for motherhood, however there is a dearth in the nursing studies researching this phenomenon. It appears that the concept and meanings of infertility is inadequately explored from the perspective of women experiences following unsuccessful invitro fertilisation treatment. In particular, it is vital to be knowledgeable about the challenges women encounter when undergoing IVF treatment and following unsuccessful procedure. The study sought to gain a deeper knowledge and to understand the meanings women struggling with infertility and its treatment experience and how invitro fertilisation treatment failure affects women in their everyday life. To unearth the women perception and meaning attributed to their experiences of unsuccessful infertility treatment, Heidegger's philosophy of phenomenology underpinned this study. A semistructured opening question and further probing questions were used to gather information which was reduced to sub-themes and main themes which captured the participant's lived experiences of unsuccessful invitro fertilisation treatment. I adopted van Manen's (1990) six steps of research activities as a structure to unravel the participants' phenomenological conversations. Applying Heidegger's concept of the three modes of existence (Existenze): authenticity, inauthenticity and undifferentiatedness, four major themes were identified: 1. Seeking wholistic and authentic care- authenticity 2. Facing up to the Angst- inauthenticity 3. The vulnerable self - inauthenticity 4. Living with infertility (being-in-the-world-of-motherless) - undifferentiatedness The participants' phenomenological conversations and their stories have revealed a range of challenges Ghanaian women who seek invitro fertilisation treatment go through. The study contribute significantly by giving insight to the painful experiences Ghanaian women go through when seeking invitro fertilisation treatment and has given a voice to how assisted reproductive technologies are currently experienced in the Ghanaian context. From the women's narrative, it appeared that their emotional and informational needs were not being met and were not being cared for as expected. The findings provide some direction regarding the needs of women experiencing infertility for information, support and advocacy in their pursuit of assisted reproductive technology services in Ghana. There is a critical need to simplify invitro fertilisation treatment and provision of safe, affordable procedure so that the average Ghanaian women can access it.
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A Comparison on Certain Rorschach Indices between Successful and Unsuccessful StudentsKendrick, Sherrill Robertson 06 1900 (has links)
It was the purpose of this study to determine the relationship between a subject's performance as revealed by intellectual indices of the Rorschach, his intellectual ability as revealed by the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, and academic success or failure in the form of promotion or nonpromotion.
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Mood Disorders, Personality and Grief in Women and Men undergoing in vitro Fertilization TreatmentVolgsten, Helena January 2009 (has links)
Psychological problems are common in infertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. The aim of this thesis was to determine the prevalence of psychiatric disorders, such as mood and anxiety disorders, and related risk factors and personality traits in women and men undergoing IVF. Participants were 1090 consecutive women and men, 545 couples, attending a fertility clinic in Sweden during a two-year period. The Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD), based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), was used for evaluating mood and anxiety disorders. The participation rate was 862 (79 %) subjects. Any psychiatric disorder was present in 31 % of females and in 10 % of males. Major depression was prevalent in 11 % of females and 5 % of males. Only 21 % of the subjects with a psychiatric disorder had some form of treatment. A negative pregnancy test and obesity (BMI ≥ 30) were risk factors for mood disorders in women and the only risk factor for depression in men was unexplained infertility. Anxiety disorders were less common than in the general population and no IVF-related risk factors were identified. The Swedish universities Scales of Personality (SSP), a self-rating questionnaire, was used for evaluation of personality traits. High scores of personality traits related to neuroticism were associated with mood and/or anxiety disorders among both women and men. Another objective was to explore the experience of childlessness three years after unsuccessful IVF by a qualitative-approach, assessing data by interviews. Failure after IVF was experienced by women in terms of grief, whereas men took upon themselves a supportive role not expressing grief. A need for professional support and counselling in how to handle grief was described. An unstructured end after IVF treatment left unanswered questions. Three years after the end of treatment, men and women were still processing and had not adapted to childlessness, indicating the grieving process was unresolved.
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Nesėkmingo priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdymo šeimoje ypatumai / Specific features of pre-school age childrens's unsuccessful upbringingVariakojytė, Lina 05 June 2004 (has links)
The object of this master research – social and psychopedagogical peculiarities of pre-school age children’s unsuccessful upbringing. The basis of research is Vilnius kindergarten “Pasakaitė”. The scientific problem is based on conditions and motion of pre-school age children’s unsuccessful upbringing. There were applied these methods of research: analytical generalization of social, psychological and pedagogical literature on the chosen theme; individual, selected conversations with parents and educators; inter-psychological method; pedagogical consultation – the method “Reevihiation Counsaling” by Harvey Jekins; observation of children’s behavior; mathematical and graphic edition of collected material. Analysing the object of research there was made analytic review of Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature, close to the subject of this master work. There were exposed concrete conditions of children’s upbringing in family and disclosed such capacities and specific features of upbringing as: parents from reserched families don’t have a discussion solving the problems of children’s upbringing; they often don’t come to the common conclusions on children’s behavior, don’t reconcile and don’t change consecutive actions of their children; reproach them for their characteristic features; seeking the right behavior of children, punish them too often and don’t chose the methods, applying which it could be possible to change their behavior; there is such an attitude in these... [to full text]
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Mood Disorders, Personality and Grief in Women and Men undergoing in vitro Fertilization TreatmentVolgsten, Helena January 2009 (has links)
Psychological problems are common in infertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. The aim of this thesis was to determine the prevalence of psychiatric disorders, such as mood and anxiety disorders, and related risk factors and personality traits in women and men undergoing IVF. Participants were 1090 consecutive women and men, 545 couples, attending a fertility clinic in Sweden during a two-year period. The Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD), based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), was used for evaluating mood and anxiety disorders. The participation rate was 862 (79 %) subjects. Any psychiatric disorder was present in 31 % of females and in 10 % of males. Major depression was prevalent in 11 % of females and 5 % of males. Only 21 % of the subjects with a psychiatric disorder had some form of treatment. A negative pregnancy test and obesity (BMI ≥ 30) were risk factors for mood disorders in women and the only risk factor for depression in men was unexplained infertility. Anxiety disorders were less common than in the general population and no IVF-related risk factors were identified. The Swedish universities Scales of Personality (SSP), a self-rating questionnaire, was used for evaluation of personality traits. High scores of personality traits related to neuroticism were associated with mood and/or anxiety disorders among both women and men. Another objective was to explore the experience of childlessness three years after unsuccessful IVF by a qualitative-approach, assessing data by interviews. Failure after IVF was experienced by women in terms of grief, whereas men took upon themselves a supportive role not expressing grief. A need for professional support and counselling in how to handle grief was described. An unstructured end after IVF treatment left unanswered questions. Three years after the end of treatment, men and women were still processing and had not adapted to childlessness, indicating the grieving process was unresolved.
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Life after infertility : a grounded theory of moving on from unsuccessful fertility treatmentHesselvik, Louise January 2017 (has links)
Despite the many advances of medical technology to help treat infertility, approximately half of women seeking fertility treatment will never give birth to a child. Women coping with treatment failure face many challenges, including deciding when to abandon treatment and how to let go of their dreams of having a baby to focus on other pursuits. In order to better understand how women cope with these challenges, in depth interviews and a focus group were carried out with 12 women for whom fertility treatment had not been successful. Data was gathered and analysed using Grounded Theory, and a model of the process of adjustment from pursuing treatment to coming to terms with involuntary childlessness was co-constructed from the data. The model conceptualizes women's journey as moving through three main phases; 'living in limbo' in which women are still undergoing treatment, 'leaving treatment' in which women decide to terminate treatment and abandon the search for a resolution to their infertility, and finally 'learning to live with involuntary childlessness' in which women start the 'work' of grappling with the questions that childlessness seems to raise about the meaning of their lives, their identity and self image, and their sense of social belonging. The model goes on to highlight the factors which seem to aid women in resolving these challenges. The findings of this study suggest that the emotional challenges of coping with unsuccessful fertility treatment extend well beyond the end of treatment, highlighting the need for good access to therapeutic support for women coping with involuntary childlessness longer term. Results also point to certain sources and types of support which may be particularly helpful, including peer support from other childless women, and therapeutic interventions which help women develop more positive perspectives on childlessness and to identify alternative sources of fulfillment. The results of this study also point to the need for social action which works to challenge the misconceptions and stigma surrounding infertility and childlessness which add a further challenge to the lives of women who are involuntarily childless.
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Misslyckad finansiell rådgivning : hur stort är problemet, egentligen? / Unsuccessful financial advice : how big is the problem, actually?Jansson, Lina, Tenic, Medina January 2012 (has links)
Finansiell rådgivning har blivit en allt viktigare del av värdepappersmarknaden och samhället i stort. Nya lagar och riktlinjer har kommit till för att skydda konsumenten och öka kompetenskraven hos rådgivarna. Trots detta har Finansinspektionen hittat och belyst ett flertal risker som konsumenten kan utsättas för och årligen inkommer ett stort antal anmälningar till Allmänna reklamationsnämnden från konsumenter som är missnöjda med den rådgivning de fått. Om antalet anmälningar som inkommit till ARN under åren 2008-2011 ställs i perspektiv till antalet rådgivningsmöten som hålls per år utgör denna siffra ca 0,02 % av antalet möten. Det är därför intressant titta på hur stort problemet kring misslyckad finansiell rådgivning egentligen är samt att undersöka hur bankerna säkerställer kvalitén på rådgivningen. Syfte: Studiens syfte består i att kartlägga och analysera de fall som skett avseende misslyckad finansiell rådgivning gentemot privatpersoner, samt att granska och analysera hur bankerna säkerställer kvalitén på den finansiella rådgivning de erbjuder. Genomförande: Genomförandet av studiens datainsamling har skett genom en kombination av intervjuer, granskning av dokument, empirisk forskning samt finansiell teori och rådande lagstiftning. För att besvara studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod använts och studiens primära källor har inhämtats genom intervjuer med olika företag samt genom granskning av Allmänna reklamationsnämndens beslut mellan åren 2008-2011. Slutsats: Bankerna utgör en liten del av ARNs ärenden och majoriteten berör istället de mindre aktörerna, som till exempel försäkringsförmedlare och kapitalförsäkringsbolag. Bankernas kvalitetssäkring har både för och nackdelar och det är svårt att skapa en bra balans mellan att förebygga för mycket och för lite. Kartläggningen av problematiken kring misslyckad finansiell rådgivning visar att bankerna har vissa brister avseende finansiell rådgivning men att de gör ett bra jobb överlag och följer rådanade lagar och riktlinjer. Detta tyder på att misslyckad finansiell rådgivning är ett litet problem bland de svenska bankerna. / Financial advice has become an important part of the securities market and the social society. New laws and guidelines have been introduced to protect customers and to increase the skills required for financial advisers. Despite this the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority has found a number of risks to which the customer can be exposed for. Meanwhile The National Board of Consumer Disputes annually receives a numerous of complaints from customers who are dissatisfied with the financial advice they have received. If we put the complaints received by the board in perspective to the number of counseling meetings held every year we will see that this number represent approximately 0,02 % of the number of counseling meetings. Therefore, it’s interesting to look at how big the problem regarding unsuccessful financial advice actually is and to investigate how the banks ensure the quality of financial advice. Aim: Purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the cases that have occurred regarding unsuccessful financial advice and to examine and analyze how banks ensure the quality of the financial advice they offer. Completion: This study was completed through a combination of document reviews, empirical research and review of financial theory and current legislation. To answer the purpose of the study a qualitative method have been used and the empirical data were obtained through interviews with various institutions and banks and through examination of the decisions taken by the Board of Consumer Disputes during the years 2008-2011. Conclusion: The banks represent a small portion of the Board of Consumer Disputes cases during 2008-2011. The banks ways of quality assure their financial advice has both advantages and disadvantages and it’s difficult to find a balance between preventing too much and too little. The examination of unsuccessful financial advice shows that the banks have some shortcomings regarding financial advice but in general they are doing a good job and applies laws and guidelines. This shows that unsuccessful financial advice is a small problem among the Swedish banks.
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Mokinių nesėkmingo mokymosi profesinėse mokyklose priežastys / Raesons for unsuccessful learning of students in vocational schoolsAugutytė, Julija 24 September 2008 (has links)
Lietuva vis labiau įsitraukia į daugiamatę pasaulio raidą: pasinaudodama integracijos pranašumais ji siekia ilgalaikio konkurencingumo pasaulio ir Europos erdvėje. Šalyje nėra gausių gamtinių išteklių, ji nepasižymi išskirtine geografine padėtimi, todėl žmogiškieji ištekliai tampa pagrindine valstybės vertybe. Sparčiai didėjantis žmogiškųjų išteklių poreikis – vienas dabartinio laikmečio iššūkių, kurį sukelia besiplečiančios rinkos ekonominiai dėsniai, gamybos dinamiškumas, jos struktūriniai pokyčiai, naujos technologijos, stiprėjanti konkurencija ir aukštos kvalifikacijos specialistų stoka. Šiandieninis darbo pasaulis kelia iš esmės naujus reikalavimus žmogui jo karjeros kelyje. Šiuolaikiniam individui būtina karjeros kompetencija, kurią laiduoja aukšti specialieji profesiniai bei bendrieji: bendradarbiavimo bei veikimo socialinėje aplinkoje, darbo pasaulio pažinimo, sprendimų priėmimo, veiklos planavimo ir kiti gebėjimai. Dabartinėje, sparčiai besikeičiančioje, aplinkoje kiekvienam visuomenės nariui vis svarbesnė tampa galimybė mokytis ir tęsti savo žinių ir įgūdžių lavinimą visą gyvenimą. Nuošalėje atsiduria asmenys pradžioje, dažniausiai nenorintys, o vėliau ir nesugebantys prisitaikyti prie nuolat kintančių ir sudėtingėjančių gyvenimo sąlygų. Visuomenė vis labiau skirstosi į tuos, kurie turi rinkos poreikius atitinkančius įgūdžius ir kvalifikaciją, ir tuos, kurie jos neturi. Tikėtina, kad jauni žmonės, įgiję tik pagrindinį išsilavinimą, tačiau neįgiję darbinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The greatest treasure of every country in the world is its scholastic frame quality and youth education. The efficiency of educational system is expressed through the number of inceptives in proportion to the number of students who have achieved a certain education degree. It is essential for a student to undergo success in each part of an educational chain and develop correspondent competence.
There is an objective in our country to warrant compulsory primary education and apprenticeship up to 16 years of age. Recently, persons from 18 to 24 years without secondary education and who do not proceed to study are being taken into particular consideration.
The weak link in Lithuanian educational system is vocational training schools. Each year approximately 7 thousand apprentices of these schools terminate their learning agreements before acquiring vocation.
Therefore the aim of this investigation is to discover the reasons which prevent students from acquiring their chosen profession.
The first part covers theoretical aspects of ineffectual learning, taking scientists’ researches into consideration, the extent of an unsuccessful learning and prime reasons for an early retreat from the educational system.
The second section renders the reasons and assumptions for leaving vocational schools on the grounds of a particular vocational school activity analysis and unsuccessful students’ questionnaire information.
The results identify difficulties of psychological, educational... [to full text]
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Análise do processo licitatório da prefeitura municipal de Passo Fundo / Bidding process analisys in the city hall Passo FundoDuca, Fábio Vidal Pinheiro Del 30 March 2015 (has links)
The purchasing function is inserted in any business activity, whether in the public or in the private area. In public organizations there is a general rule, for the acquisition of goods and services, the requirement of bidding. However, the bidding processes are not always completed successfully, bringing numerous losses, not only for the public organization, as exceedingly to the dependent citizens of its activities. So, analyze the causes that resulted in completed bidding unsuccessfully, in the City Hall Passo Fundo, was the objective of the work. For this, a research was performed, classified as descriptive, as the goal, and qualitative on the approach. Once defined categories of analysis, the data collection through bibliographic research, documentary research and interview. The results indicated that all 329 unsuccessful biddings, corresponding to 19.1% of the total, came on external stage and that approximately 84% were finalized by revocation and the remaining 16% for annulment. In detail, were found twenty-three reasons for the unsuccessful biddings were found, with eight factors accounted for 90% of unsuccessful bidding. For these reasons, twenty-eight proposals for improvements were suggested to reconfigure the acquisition and contracting process, avoiding that the bidding processes are finalized without success. Based on these evidences, the propositions indicate that by increasing the importance and dedication on the internal phase of the bidding stage (planning), more precise will be the descriptions and details of the object, thus making smaller uncertainties in estimates of quantities, deadlines and costs. This would cause public organizations would have increased efficiency in public spending and security in their contracts. Additionally, the possibility of inversion of the phases of bidding, especially in the modalities concorrência and tomada de preços, become real needs for the evolution that the public administration needs. / A função de compras está inserida em qualquer ramo de atividade, seja da área pública ou da área privada. Nas organizações públicas tem-se como regra geral, para a aquisição de bens e serviços, a exigência de licitação. Porém, nem sempre os processos licitatórios são concluídos com êxito, trazendo inúmeros prejuízos, não só para a organização pública como, sobremaneira, aos cidadãos dependentes de suas atividades. Por isso, analisar as causas que resultaram em licitações concluídas sem êxito, na Prefeitura Municipal de Passo Fundo, consistiu no objetivo do trabalho. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa classificada como descritiva, quanto ao objetivo, e qualitativa, quanto à abordagem. Após definidas as categorias de análise, a coleta de dados ocorreu por meio da pesquisa bibliográfica, da pesquisa documental e da entrevista. Os resultados indicaram que todos os 329 desfazimentos de licitações, correspondentes a 19,1% do total, deram-se na fase externa e que aproximadamente 84% foram finalizados por revogação e os 16% restantes por anulação. De forma detalhada, foram constatados vinte e três motivos para o desfazimento das licitações, sendo que oito fatores representaram 90% das licitações sem êxito. Por essas razões, foram sugeridas vinte e oito propostas de melhorias para reconfigurar o processo de aquisição e contratação, evitando-se que as licitações sejam finalizadas sem êxito. Com base nessas evidências, as proposições indicam que, ao aumentar a importância e a dedicação na fase interna da licitação (planejamento), mais precisas serão as descrições e os detalhes do objeto, tornando, assim, menores as incertezas nas estimativas de quantidades, de prazos e de custos. Isso faria com que as organizações públicas viessem a ter maior eficiência no gasto público e segurança nas suas contratações. Adicionalmente, a possibilidade de inversão das fases da licitação, principalmente nas modalidades concorrência e tomada de preços, tornam-se necessidades reais para a evolução de que a Administração Pública tanto necessita.
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