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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo teórico para controle da capacidade de carga à tração de estacas metálicas helicoidais em solo arenoso / Theoretical model to control on site the uplift capacity of helical screw piles embedded in sandy soil

Tsuha, Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti 26 November 2007 (has links)
O monitoramento em campo de fundações em estacas metálicas helicoidais é baseado em correlações empíricas entre a capacidade de carga à tração e o torque medido durante a instalação. Nesta pesquisa é proposto um modelo teórico da relação entre o torque de instalação e a capacidade de carga à tração deste tipo de estaca em areias para ser utilizado como procedimento de controle durante a execução deste tipo de fundação. Para validar esta relação teórica e para avaliar o desempenho desta fundação em solos arenosos, foi realizado um programa experimental dividido em dois grupos: ensaios de campo e ensaios de laboratório. Em campo foram realizadas provas de carga à tração na Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC) e em Contagem (Minas Gerais). Os ensaios de laboratório foram divididos em três grupos. O primeiro corresponde aos ensaios de modelagem física em centrífuga realizados no Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC) em Nantes, França. O segundo engloba ensaios de cisalhamento direto de interface entre o aço da hélice da estaca e diferentes areias, parte executada no LCPC e parte na EESC. O terceiro grupo refere-se a ensaios de torção de tubos de estacas metálicas helicoidais efetuados na EESC. A partir dos resultados dos ensaios, o modelo teórico proposto nesta tese foi verificado e mostrou-se adequado para estacas metálicas helicoidais profundas com diferentes dimensões e número de hélices instaladas em solos arenosos. Os resultados das provas de carga realizadas em centrífuga e em campo foram examinados por meio dos métodos existentes na literatura para estimativa de capacidade de carga à tração desenvolvidos para este tipo de fundação. Por meio dos resultados obtidos nos ensaios em centrífuga, constatou-se que nas estacas multi-hélices a porcentagem de capacidade de carga relativa à hélice da ponta aumenta de acordo com o diâmetro da hélice e com a densidade da areia. Nos ensaios de torção de fustes de estacas helicoidais observou-se que, para tubos de mesmo diâmetro e espessura, a ruptura se inicia a partir do mesmo valor de momento torçor aplicado, independentemente de conter ou não emenda. / Empirical correlations between installation torque and uplift capacity of helical screw piles are routinely used as a procedure for quality control on site of this type of foundation. In this work, a theoretical model of the relationship between uplift capacity and installation torque of deep helical screw piles in sand was presented to be used as a quality control method for this type of foundation. An experimental program of laboratory and field investigations was carried out in order to validate this theoretical relationship. The field study included uplift tests of full-scale piles installed at the Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC) and in Contagem (Minas Gerais). The laboratory tests were performed in the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC/ Nantes) and at the EESC. In the LCPC a program of centrifuge and direct shear interface tests was completed. A set of torsion tests on pile shafts and of direct shear interface tests were carried out at the EESC. The results showed that the theoretical model presented is applicable to different pile dimensions, number of helices, and sand relative density. The methods existing in the literature for estimating uplift capacity of helical screw piles were used to verify the results of uplift capacities measured in field and in centrifuge studies. The results of centrifuge modelling tests demonstrated that the fraction of uplift capacity corresponding to the bottom helix increases with helix diameter and sand density. The torsion tests showed that the failure of the pile shaft begins at the same torque magnitude in experiments on shafts with and without connections.

Development of a One-Way Coupled Diffraction/Trapped Air Model for Predicting Wave Loading on Bridge Superstructure Under Water Wave Attack

Matemu, Christian Hillary 01 January 2018 (has links)
In recent years, a number of researchers have applied various computational methods to study wind wave and tsunami forcing on bridge superstructure problems. Usually, these computational analyses rely upon application of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) codes. While CFD models may provide reasonable results, their disadvantage is that they tend to be computationally expensive. During this study, an alternative computational method was explored in which a previously-developed diffraction model was combined with a previously-developed trapped air model under worst-case wave loading conditions (i.e. when the water surface was at the same elevation as the bottom bridge chord elevation). The governing equations were solved using a finite difference algorithm in MATLAB for the case where the bridge was impacted by a single wave in two dimensions. Resultant inertial and drag water forces were computed by integrating water pressure contacting the bridge superstructure in the horizontal and vertical directions, while resultant trapped air forces (high-frequency oscillatory forces or sometimes called “slamming forces” in the literature) were computed by integrating air pressure along the bottom of the bridge deck in the vertical direction. The trapped air model was also used to compute the buoyancy force on the bridge due to trapped air. Results were compared with data from experiments that were conducted at the University of Florida in 2009. Results were in good agreement when a length-scale coefficient associated with the trapped air model was properly calibrated. The computational time associated with the model was only approximately one hour per bridge configuration, which would appear to be a significant improvement when compared with other computational technique

Die neogene Hebungsgeschichte der Patagonischen Anden im Kontext der Subduktion eines aktiven Spreizungszentrums

Warkus, Frank January 2002 (has links)
Das Phänomen der Subduktion eines aktiven Spreizungszentrums an der Südspitze Südamerikas ist seit langem bekannt. Eine Vielzahl von geologischen Beobachtungen wurden mit diesem Phänomen in Verbindung gebracht, trotzdem ist der genaue Mechanismus der Beeinflussung des aktiven Kontinentalrandes weitgehend unbekannt. <br /> <br /> Die Zusammenhänge zwischen den Subduktionsprozessen und der Entwicklung der patagonischen Anden zwischen 47&#176;S und 48&#176;S stehen im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen. Um eine detaillierte zeitliche Auflösung der zugrunde liegenden Prozesse untersuchen zu können, wurde die Entwicklung der Vorlandsedimentation, die thermische Entwicklung und die Heraushebung der Oberkruste des andinen Orogens untersucht und diese in Bezug zur Subduktion des Chile-Rückens gesetzt. <br /> <br /> Im Bereich von 47&#176;30&prime;S wurden die synorogenen Vorlandsedimente der Santa Cruz Formation sedimentologisch untersucht. Diese fluviatilen Sedimente wurden in einem reliefarmen Vorlandgebiet durch häufige Rinnenverlagerung und dem Aufbau von Rinnenumlagerungsgürteln in Kombination mit assoziierten großräumigen Überflutungsablagerungen akkumuliert. Sie stehen in einem engen Zusammenhang mit der orogenen Entwicklung im andinen Liefergebiet. Dies spiegelt sich in dem nach oben gröber werdenden Zyklus der Santa Cruz Formation wider. Die magnetostratigraphischen Untersuchungen einer 270 m mächtigen Sequenz aus der Basis der Santa Cruz Formation, die mit 329 Einzelproben aus 96 Probenpunkten beprobt wurde, ergab 7 Umkehrungen der geomagnetischen Feldrichtung. Mit Hilfe der geomagnetischen Polaritätszeitskala (CANDE AND KENT, 1995) konnte der untersuchte Abschnitt der Santa Cruz Formation zwischen 16.2 und 18.5 Ma datiert werden. Als Träger der Sedimentations-Remanenz konnten überwiegend Pseudoeinbereichs-Magentitpartikel und untergeordnet Hämatitpartikel identifiziert werden. <br /> <br /> An drei Profilen der Santa Cruz Formation wurden aus Sandsteinlagen unterschiedlicher stratigraphischer Position detritische Apatite mit Hilfe der thermochronologischen Spaltspurmethode untersucht. Die thermisch nicht rückgesetzten, detritischen Apatite spiegeln das Auftreten unterschiedlicher Altersdomänen im Liefergebiet der Sedimente wider. In der Kombination mit den geochemischen Gesamtgesteinsuntersuchungen der Sedimente und den petrographischen Untersuchungen der Sandsteine, die ein überwiegend andesitisch-vulkanisch geprägtes Liefergebiet widerspiegeln, kann nachgewiesen werden, dass die Erosion im Liefergebiet um 16.5 Ma in tiefere, deformierte Krustensegmente einschneidet. Dies bedeutet, dass aufgrund der Denudation im andinen Orogen erste Sockelgesteinseinheiten in den Bereich der Abtragung gelangen und dass dieser Eintrag um 12 bis 10 Ma ein Volumen einnimmt, das zu signifikanten Änderungen der Gesamtgesteinsgeochemie der Vorlandsedimente führt. <br /> <br /> Die thermochronologische Untersuchung von Apatiten aus rezenten topographischen Höhenprofilen aus der Kernzone der patagonischen Anden im Bereich von 47&#176;30&prime;S zeigen den Beginn einer beschleunigten Heraushebung des Orogens um 7.5 Ma. Aus diesen Untersuchungen kann eine Denudationsrate im Zeitraum der letzen 7 bis 8 Ma von 600 bis 650 m/Ma abgeschätzt werden. Die Modellierung der Apatit-Spaltspurergebnisse zeigt eine signifikante Temperaturerhöhung im Zeitraum zwischen 12 und 8 Ma um 20 bis 30&#176;C für diesen Krustenbereich, die mit der Subduktion des aktiven Chile-Rückens in diesem Bereich der Anden in Verbindung gebracht wird. <br /> <br /> Aus den gewonnen Daten kann ein Modell für die Entwicklung der patagonischen Anden seit dem frühen Miozän abgeleitet werden. In diesem Modell wird die orogene Entwicklung in den patagonischen Anden auf eine erhöhte Konvergenzrate zwischen der Nazca Platte und der Südamerikanischen Platte zurückgeführt, die für die Heraushebung und Denudation der Anden sowie für die damit verbundene Entwicklung im Vorlandbereich verantwortlich ist. Diese orogene Entwicklung wird in einer späten Phase durch die nordwärts wandernde Subduktion des aktiven Spreizungszentrums des Chile Rückens überprägt und beeinflusst. Das auf der Integration von geologischen, chronologischen sowie thermochronologischen Daten beruhende Modell kann zahlreiche geologische und geophysikalische Beobachtungen in diesem Bereich der südlichen Anden konsistent erklären. / The phenomenon of active ridge subduction to the continental margin of southern South America has been well known for a long time. A diversity of geological observations are related to this phenomenon, however, the exact mechanism of the influence of ridge subduction to the active continental margin is unknown.<br /> <br /> The aim of the present investigations is to determine connections between the subduction processes and the development of the Patagonian Andes between 47&#176;S and 48&#176;S. In order to reach that objective, the development of the foreland basin settings, the uplift of the upper crust of the Andean Orogeny, and the relation with the subduction of the Chile Ridge were investigated to obtain a detailed temporal resolution of the basic geological processes.<br /> <br /> Within the area of 47&#176;30'S the style and sedimentological pattern of the synorogenic foreland deposits of the Santa Cruz Formation were investigated. These fluvial sediments were accumulated in a foreland basin of small scale topography by frequent progradational avulsions, which were accompanied by deposition of avulsion-belt sediments associated with thick overbank deposits. <br /> <br /> The upward-coarsening is best explained by progradation of fan deposits during an eastwards advancement of the deformation in the western Andes at that time. <br /> <br /> Magnetostratigraphic investigations of a total of 329 drill cores, which were collected at 96 sites, show seven major reversals in a thick stratigraphic section of 270 m from the base of the Santa Cruz Formation. A comparison with the geomagnetic polarity timescale of Cande and Kent (1995) gives a sedimentation age between 16.2 and 18.5 Ma for the investigated section of the Santa Cruz Formation. The investigation of rock-magnetism predominantly indicates magnetite and subordinated haematite as the dominant carrier of remanence. All results from hysteresis data determination cluster in the coarse pseudo-single (PSD) to multi-domain (MD) grain size range of the Day Diagram (DAY ET AL. 1977)<br /> <br /> Fission track analysis was applied to detrital apatite of sandstone samples at different stratigraphic positions within three sections of the Santa Cruz Formation. The fission track ages of the not reseted detrital apatite are assumed to be related to the age of the sediment provenance area. In combination with sandstone petrographic investigations, which indicate a dominant andesitic volcanic source for the sediment and geochemical whole rock investigations can be shown, that the erosion cuts into the basement of the source area at 16.5 Ma. This means, that due to the denudation in the Andean Orogen first deformed basement units arrive into the sedimentation cycle. In the range of 12 to 10 Ma this sediment input attained such a volume, that the whole-rock geochemistry of the sediments was changed .<br /> <br /> The thermochronological investigations of apatites from vertical profiles covering the largest elevation range of the central zone of the Patagonian Andes within the range of 47&#176;30'S show the beginning of an accelerated cooling and related uplift phase of the orogen at approximately 7.5 Ma. The calculated denudation rate in the period of the last 7 to 8 Ma ranges from 600 to 650 m/Ma. The modelling of apatite fission-track data shows a significant reheating in the range of 20 to 30&#176;C between 12 and 8 Ma for the upper crust. This is interpreted as an influence of the active Chile rise mid-oceanic spreading center on the overriding plate.<br /> <br /> The modelling of the apatite fission-track results shows a significant rise in temperature between 12 and 8 Ma around 20 to 30&#176;C for this crust area, which is associated with the subduction of the active Chile back in this area of the Andes. <br /> <br /> A model has been derived from the obtained data to explain the evolution of the Patagonian Andes since the early Miocene. In this model, orogeny is attributed to the increasing convergence rate between the Nazca plate and South America and its response due to uplift and denudation of the Patagonian Andes and the development of the adjacent foreland basin. In a late phase, orogeny is influenced and overprinted by the northward migration of the Chile ridge subduction. The model consistently explains many of the geological and geophysical observations.

Modelo teórico para controle da capacidade de carga à tração de estacas metálicas helicoidais em solo arenoso / Theoretical model to control on site the uplift capacity of helical screw piles embedded in sandy soil

Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha 26 November 2007 (has links)
O monitoramento em campo de fundações em estacas metálicas helicoidais é baseado em correlações empíricas entre a capacidade de carga à tração e o torque medido durante a instalação. Nesta pesquisa é proposto um modelo teórico da relação entre o torque de instalação e a capacidade de carga à tração deste tipo de estaca em areias para ser utilizado como procedimento de controle durante a execução deste tipo de fundação. Para validar esta relação teórica e para avaliar o desempenho desta fundação em solos arenosos, foi realizado um programa experimental dividido em dois grupos: ensaios de campo e ensaios de laboratório. Em campo foram realizadas provas de carga à tração na Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC) e em Contagem (Minas Gerais). Os ensaios de laboratório foram divididos em três grupos. O primeiro corresponde aos ensaios de modelagem física em centrífuga realizados no Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC) em Nantes, França. O segundo engloba ensaios de cisalhamento direto de interface entre o aço da hélice da estaca e diferentes areias, parte executada no LCPC e parte na EESC. O terceiro grupo refere-se a ensaios de torção de tubos de estacas metálicas helicoidais efetuados na EESC. A partir dos resultados dos ensaios, o modelo teórico proposto nesta tese foi verificado e mostrou-se adequado para estacas metálicas helicoidais profundas com diferentes dimensões e número de hélices instaladas em solos arenosos. Os resultados das provas de carga realizadas em centrífuga e em campo foram examinados por meio dos métodos existentes na literatura para estimativa de capacidade de carga à tração desenvolvidos para este tipo de fundação. Por meio dos resultados obtidos nos ensaios em centrífuga, constatou-se que nas estacas multi-hélices a porcentagem de capacidade de carga relativa à hélice da ponta aumenta de acordo com o diâmetro da hélice e com a densidade da areia. Nos ensaios de torção de fustes de estacas helicoidais observou-se que, para tubos de mesmo diâmetro e espessura, a ruptura se inicia a partir do mesmo valor de momento torçor aplicado, independentemente de conter ou não emenda. / Empirical correlations between installation torque and uplift capacity of helical screw piles are routinely used as a procedure for quality control on site of this type of foundation. In this work, a theoretical model of the relationship between uplift capacity and installation torque of deep helical screw piles in sand was presented to be used as a quality control method for this type of foundation. An experimental program of laboratory and field investigations was carried out in order to validate this theoretical relationship. The field study included uplift tests of full-scale piles installed at the Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC) and in Contagem (Minas Gerais). The laboratory tests were performed in the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC/ Nantes) and at the EESC. In the LCPC a program of centrifuge and direct shear interface tests was completed. A set of torsion tests on pile shafts and of direct shear interface tests were carried out at the EESC. The results showed that the theoretical model presented is applicable to different pile dimensions, number of helices, and sand relative density. The methods existing in the literature for estimating uplift capacity of helical screw piles were used to verify the results of uplift capacities measured in field and in centrifuge studies. The results of centrifuge modelling tests demonstrated that the fraction of uplift capacity corresponding to the bottom helix increases with helix diameter and sand density. The torsion tests showed that the failure of the pile shaft begins at the same torque magnitude in experiments on shafts with and without connections.

Behaviour of helical anchors subjected to cyclic loadings / Comportamento de ancoragens helicoidais submetidas a carregamentos cíclicos

José Antonio Schiavon 30 September 2016 (has links)
Helical anchors, used widely to resist uplift loading for a variety of applications, including in transmission towers, pipelines, offshore structures, etc., are subjected to environmental cyclic loads that influence the anchor performance and may induce fatigue failure. However, the influence of cyclic loading on helical anchor behaviour is unknown. A comprehensive evaluation of the effect of cyclic loading on the load-displacement response of single-helix anchors in sandy soils is presented here, including an interaction diagram to help designers evaluate the impact of different conditions in cyclic loadings. The experimental work of this thesis includes geotechnical centrifuge modelling and field load tests. The centrifuge model tests were carried out with reduced scale models of helical anchors in sand, at IFSTTAR (Nantes, France). The field load tests were performed on helical anchors installed in a tropical residual soil of the Experimental Site of the University of São Paulo (São Carlos, Brazil). In addition, numerical modelling was used to predict the pre- and postcyclic responses of the single-helix anchors tested in a centrifuge. The main findings of this research are: (a) helical anchor behaviour is governed by helix bearing resistance, and no loss of helix bearing capacity was observed in the range of cyclic loadings tested, (b) the degradation of shaft resistance was noticed mainly during the first 100 cycles, when the accumulation of permanent displacements is more significant, (c) an interaction diagram showing the different conditions of cyclic stability is proposed from the results of the experimental data, (d) modified values of the bearing capacity factor in tension (Nq) are suggested for the estimation of post-cyclic uplift capacity of single-helix anchors in sand, (e) the installation effect of the anchor should be taken into account in the numerical model in order to obtain reliable predictions of the helical anchor performance. / As estacas helicoidais são largamente utilizadas para resistir a carregamentos de tração em uma variedade de aplicações como torres de linhas de transmissão de energia, dutos enterrados, estruturas offshore, etc. Estes tipos de estruturas são normalmente submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos que influenciam o desempenho de fundações por estacas helicoidais submetidas a esforços de tração, e podem induzir ruptura por degradação da capacidade de carga. Contudo, a influência do carregamento cíclico no comportamento das estacas helicoidais (ou ancoragens helicoidais, quando submetidas apenas a esforços de tração) é pouco conhecida. Uma avaliação abrangente do efeito de carregamentos cíclicos sobre o comportamento das ancoragens helicoidais é apresentada nesta tese, incluindo um diagrama de interação para auxiliar na avaliação do impacto de diferentes condições de carregamento cíclico. O trabalho experimental desta tese inclui modelagem em centrífuga geotécnica e ensaios de carregamento cíclico em estacas na grandeza real em campo. Os ensaios em centrífuga foram realizados com modelos reduzidos de estacas helicoidais em areia, no IFSTTAR (Nantes, França). Os ensaios de campo foram realizados em ancoragens helicoidais instaladas no solo residual tropical do Campo Experimental de Fundações da Universidade de São Paulo (São Carlos, Brasil). Além disso, modelos numéricos foram utilizados para simular os resultados do comportamento das ancoragens helicoidais ensaiadas em centrífuga nas condições pré- e pós-ciclos. Os principais resultados desta pesquisa são: (a) a capacidade de carga à tração da ancoragem helicoidal é controlada pela capacidade de carga da hélice, (b) a degradação da resistência por atrito lateral foi observada principalmente durante os primeiros 100 ciclos, período em que a acumulação dos deslocamentos permanentes é mais significante, (c) um diagrama de interação mostrando as diferentes condições de estabilidade cíclica é proposto a partir dos resultados experimentais em centrífuga, (d) valores modificados do fator de capacidade de carga em tração (Nq) são sugeridos para estimativa da capacidade pós-ciclos de ancoragens helicoidais com uma hélice em areia, (e) o efeito da instalação da ancoragem deve ser levado em consideração no modelo numérico para que se obtenha previsões confiáveis do desempenho de ancoragens helicoidais.

Análise numérica do efeito de instalação de ancoragens helicoidais em areia / Numerical analysis of the installation effect on helical anchors in sand

Zorany Agudelo Pérez 03 April 2017 (has links)
O uso de fundações por estacas helicoidais tem aumentado consideravelmente nos últimos anos, devido às suas vantagens comparadas a outros tipos de fundação, como a sua rápida instalação e sua capacidade de resistir simultaneamente a esforços de tração e de compressão. No entanto, os métodos de previsão do comportamento deste tipo de fundação submetida a esforços de tração (denominadas ancoragens helicoidais neste caso), ainda são insatisfatórios, e normalmente são observadas discrepâncias entre os resultados estimados por métodos teóricos e medidos em provas de carga. Entre outras razões, estas diferenças ocorrem principalmente pelo fato dos efeitos da instalação destas ancoragens no solo não serem considerados nos métodos de previsão disponíveis. No momento da instalação, os parâmetros do solo atravessado são modificados, e como é o volume de solo alterado que deve resistir ao carregamento da ancoragem sob tração, é essencial entender e quantificar este efeito de instalação para uma previsão adequada da capacidade de carga deste tipo de ancoragem. Para contribuir com o entendimento deste efeito, no presente trabalho foram realizadas simulações numéricas com o software FLAC3D, para se conhecer as modificações ocorridas no solo devido à instalação de uma ancoragem helicoidal em areia compacta. Para este fim, na simulação do solo penetrado pela hélice, foram reduzidos os valores de ângulo de atrito e do módulo de elasticidade da areia. O modelo foi validado por meio da comparação com a curva carga-deslocamento obtida experimentalmente em ensaios realizados em centrifuga. Após o ajuste do modelo numérico, foi realizada uma análise paramétrica com o objetivo de investigar o efeito da instalação no fator de capacidade de carga (Nq). Por meio da análise paramétrica também foram avaliados o deslocamento da ancoragem sob carga máxima e as tensões horizontais atuantes na superfície de ruptura. Os resultados estimados de Nq foram comparados com estudos anteriores, e mostraram um bom ajuste com resultados de provas de carga in situ e em centrifuga. Além disso, o estudo paramétrico indicou que as tensões horizontais atuantes na zona de ruptura são distribuídas em forma de tronco de cone, e variam de acordo com o diâmetro da hélice. / The use of helical foundations has increased considerably in recent years due to its advantages compared to other types of foundations, such as rapid installation and the capacity of resisting tensile and compressive loads. However, the methods normally used to predict the behavior of this type of foundation under tensile loads (called helical anchors in this case), are still unsatisfactory, and discrepancies are usually observed between the results estimated by theoretical methods and measured in load tests. Among other reasons, these differences occur mainly because the effects of helical anchor installation in the soil are not considered in the available predicting methods. During installation, the parameters of the soil penetrated are modified, and since it is this disturbed soil volume that must support the loading of the anchor under tension, it is essential to understand and quantify this installation effect for an adequate prediction of the uplift capacity of this type anchor. In order to contribute to the understanding of this effect, in the present work numerical simulations with the software FLAC3D were performed to evaluate the modifications occurred in the soil due to the installation of a helical anchor in dense sand. For this purpose, in the simulation of the soil penetrated by the helices, the values of friction angle and modulus of elasticity of the sand were reduced. The model was validated by means of the comparison with a load-displacement curve obtained experimentally in centrifuge model tests. After adjusting the numerical model, a parametric analysis was carried out to investigate the effect of the installation on the breakout factor (Nq). The parametric analyses were also used to investigate the anchor displacement at the peak load and the horizontal stresses acting on the failure surface. The estimated Nq values were compared with previous studies, and showed a good agreement with experimental results obtained by field and centrifuge tests. Additionally, the parametric study indicated that the horizontal stresses acting on the failure zone are distributed in the shape of a truncated cone, and vary with the helix diameter.

Upptryck : En jämförelse mellan RIDAS och internationella riktlinjer

Lingell, Simon January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Modélisation de la source des séismes par inversion des données sismologiques et géodésiques : application aux séismes du Nord de l’Algérie / Seismic source modeling by inverting seismologic and geodetic data : application to Algerian earthquakes

Beldjoudi, Hamoud 11 July 2017 (has links)
La caractérisation de la source d’un séisme se fait à partir de l’analyse des mesures des déplacements transitoires et statiques du sol, et dépend de la quantité et de la qualité de ces mesures. Nous avons travaillé sur la détermination des mécanismes au foyer des séismes modérés de Tadjena (Mw 5.0, 2006), Béni-Ilmane (Mw 5.5, 2010), Hammam Melouane (Mw 5.0, 2013), Bordj-Ménaïel (Mw 4.1, 2014), Alger (Mw 5.7, 2014) et M’ziraa (Mw 5.1, 2016). Pour cela, nous avons inversés les formes d’ondes en champ proche et régional des stations large bandes et accélérométriques du réseau sismologique algérien (ADSN). Nous avons déterminé la distribution spatio-temporelle du glissement cosismique du séisme de Boumerdes-Zemmouri (Mw 6.8, 2003) en inversant conjointement l’ensemble des données disponibles, sismologiques (télésismiques, accélérometriques) et géodésiques (GPS, InSAR, soulèvement côtier). Nous avons travaillé sur la relation qui peut exister entre le séisme de Boumerdes-Zemmouri et les séismes de Hammam Melouane, Bordj Ménaïel et Alger (Mw 5.7, 2014) en termes de transfert de contrainte (CFF). Nous avons calculé le champ de contrainte dans différentes régions de l’Algérie par inversion des mécanismes aux foyers disponibles dans chaque région. / Studies of the earthquake source are based on observations of seismic and static ground motions, which depend on the quality and the density of measurements. In this thesis, we present studies of the determination of the focal mechanism of the Tadjena (Mw 5.0, 2006), Béni-Ilmane (Mw 5.5, 2010), Hammam Melouane (Mw 5.0, 2013), Bordj-Ménaïel (Mw 4.1, 2014), Alger (Mw 5.7, 2014) and M’ziraa (Mw 5.1, 2016) earthquakes, by modeling waveforms in the near and regional field with broadband and strong motion stations of the Algerian Digital Seismic Netwok (ADSN). In addition, we determined the coseismic slip distribution of the Boumerdes-Zemmouri earthquake (Mw 6.8, 2003) by inverting a most comprehensive set of data (teleseismic, strong motion, GPS, InSAR, coastal uplift). We calculated the Coulomb Failure Function between the Boumerdes-Zemmouri earthquake (source fault) and the Hammam Melouane, Bordj Ménaïel and Algiers (Mw 5.7, 2014) events (receiver faults). We computed the stress tensor in different regions of Algeria obtained from the inversion of the available focal mechanisms.

Successional changes in vegetation and carbon dynamics during boreal mire development

Leppälä, M. (Mirva) 05 June 2011 (has links)
Abstract Succession is a compositional change of species and other ecosystem characteristics over time. Mire development, i.e., long-term mire succession is basically driven by an increase in peat layer height, promoting changes in hydrology, vegetation and nutrient status of a particular mire. Due to this, ecosystem processes, such as production and loss of carbon due to decomposition (i.e. carbon gas functions), change with increasing successional mire stage. An adequate method for studying the changes in ecosystem C functions is to measure CO2 and CH4 fluxes between the ecosystem and atmosphere. Succession and carbon dynamics of boreal pristine mires have been much studied. However the link between these phenomena is largely unknown. Further, if and how the C gas functions of mires change during mire succession it is rather poorly understood. The main objective of this thesis was to study how ecosystem functions, measured as CO2 and CH4 exchange, change during mire development. The study also aims to explore the drivers of succession in mire development, i.e., mire succession. Successional mire C dynamics were studied along an eight-kilometer-long successional sequence of primary paludified mires located in the land uplift coast of the Bothnian Bay. Due to the short distance between sites, they all have been under the same climatic control for most of their development. The gradual replacement of plant species with different photosynthetic potential, phenology and assimilating green area resulted in lower-level and temporal variation of CO2 exchange patterns at the later successional stages. Similar to this, CH4 also had the lowest interannual variation in the later stages. In general, CH4 emissions increased with mire age even though this trend did not emerge during the rainy season. Further, this study showed that the wintertime C function pattern was related to the C pattern during the previous summer confirming the important effect of growing season patterns on wintertime C dynamics. In addition to the fundamental effect of vegetation as a driver of succession which was also confirmed in this study, the role of hydrological conditions appeared to be equally important. More constant hydrological conditions at later successional stages resulted in lower temporal variation in CH4 and CO2 fluxes. The present results suggest that the stability of ecosystem C gas functions increases during mire development due to increasing autogenic control. / Tiivistelmä Sukkessio on ekosysteemin lajistossa ja sen muissa ominaisuuksissa ajan kuluessa tapahtuva muutos. Suon kehitystä eli pitkäaikaista suosukkessiota vie eteenpäin turpeen paksuuskasvu, joka saa aikaan muutoksia suoekosysteemin hydrologiassa, kasvillisuudessa ja ravinnetilassa. Tästä johtuen myös suoekosysteemin erilaiset prosessit, kuten tuotanto sekä hajoamisen kautta tapahtuva hiilen vapautuminen eli hiilikaasutoiminta muuttuu suon ikääntyessä. Ekosysteemin hiilikaasutoiminnassa tapahtuvia muutoksia voidaan tutkia muun muassa mittaamalla ekosysteemin ja ilmakehän välisiä hiilidioksidi- ja metaanivirtoja. Boreaalisten luonnontilaisten soiden sukkessiota ja hiilidynamiikkaa on tutkittu runsaasti, mutta niiden välistä yhteyttä ei sen sijaan juuri tunneta. Tämän vuoksi ei tiedetä kuinka soiden hiilikaasutoiminta mahdollisesti muuttuu suon kehityksen aikana eli suosukkession edetessä. Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli tutkia kuinka hiilidioksidin ja metaanin vaihdolla mitattu ekosysteemitoiminta muuttuu suon kehityksen aikana. Tutkimus pyrki myös selvittämään suosukkessiota kontrolloivat tekijät. Eri-ikäisten soiden hiilikaasudynamiikkaa tutkittiin mittaamalla hiilikaasuja Perämeren maankohoamisrannikolla kahdeksan kilometrin pituisella sukkessiogradientilla, joka koostuu primaarisoistumisen kautta syntyneistä soista. Soiden lyhyestä keskinäisestä etäisyydestä johtuen ne ovat olleet saman ilmastollisen kontrollin alaisena suurimman osan kehityksestään. Vaiheittainen kasvilajien muutos sukkessiogradientilla yhdessä kasvilajien erilaisen yhteyttämispotentiaalin, fenologian ja yhteyttävän lehtipinta-alan kanssa johti hiilidioksidivaihdon alhaisempaan tasoon sekä pienempään ajalliseen vaihteluun vanhemmilla sukkessiovaiheilla. Myös metaanin vaihdolla oli alhaisimmat vuosien väliset vaihtelut vanhemmilla vaiheilla. Yleisesti ottaen metaanipäästöt kasvoivat suon iän myötä, vaikkakaan tätä trendiä ei havaittu sateisena kasvukautena. Lisäksi tutkimus osoitti, että talviaikaiset hiilivirrat (CO2, CH4) seurasivat kesäaikaisen hiilidynamiikan vaihtelua. Kasvillisuuden keskeinen rooli ekosysteemin sukkessiossa havaittiin myös tässä tutkimuksessa. Kasvillisuuden ohella merkittäväksi suosukkessiota sääteleväksi tekijäksi osoittautui hydrologisten olojen vaikutus. Tasaisemmat hydrologiset olot vanhemmilla sukkessiovaiheilla johtivat vähäisempään ajalliseen vaihteluun metaani- ja hiilidioksidivirroissa. Tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että ekosysteemin hiilidynamiikka stabilisoituu suon kehityksen aikana lisääntyvän autogeenisen kontrollin kautta.

Experimental and Analytical Methodologies for Predicting Peak Loads on Building Envelopes and Roofing Systems

Asghari Mooneghi, Maryam 09 December 2014 (has links)
The performance of building envelopes and roofing systems significantly depends on accurate knowledge of wind loads and the response of envelope components under realistic wind conditions. Wind tunnel testing is a well-established practice to determine wind loads on structures. For small structures much larger model scales are needed than for large structures, to maintain modeling accuracy and minimize Reynolds number effects. In these circumstances the ability to obtain a large enough turbulence integral scale is usually compromised by the limited dimensions of the wind tunnel meaning that it is not possible to simulate the low frequency end of the turbulence spectrum. Such flows are called flows with Partial Turbulence Simulation. In this dissertation, the test procedure and scaling requirements for tests in partial turbulence simulation are discussed. A theoretical method is proposed for including the effects of low-frequency turbulences in the post-test analysis. In this theory the turbulence spectrum is divided into two distinct statistical processes, one at high frequencies which can be simulated in the wind tunnel, and one at low frequencies which can be treated in a quasi-steady manner. The joint probability of load resulting from the two processes is derived from which full-scale equivalent peak pressure coefficients can be obtained. The efficacy of the method is proved by comparing predicted data derived from tests on large-scale models of the Silsoe Cube and Texas-Tech University buildings in Wall of Wind facility at Florida International University with the available full-scale data. For multi-layer building envelopes such as rain-screen walls, roof pavers, and vented energy efficient walls not only peak wind loads but also their spatial gradients are important. Wind permeable roof claddings like roof pavers are not well dealt with in many existing building codes and standards. Large-scale experiments were carried out to investigate the wind loading on concrete pavers including wind blow-off tests and pressure measurements. Simplified guidelines were developed for design of loose-laid roof pavers against wind uplift. The guidelines are formatted so that use can be made of the existing information in codes and standards such as ASCE 7-10 on pressure coefficients on components and cladding.

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