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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spolehlivost zemních hrází ohrožených filtračními deformacemi / Reliability analysis of embankment dams endangered by filtration deformations

Čejda, Marek January 2016 (has links)
Subject of the dissertation is a probability analysis on creation of embankment subsoil filtration deformations. Out of the broad topic of filtration deformations, the dissertation is focused at initiation of the process. At this phase, the overlying layers downstream of levee get uplifted, and eventually get breached. The process of downstream subsoil failure probability estimation is formulated using mathematical and statistical modelling. Within the scope of parametrical study the suggested method is applied onto a test environment. Results of the probability estimation are compared with results obtained using Limit state design method. The results of stochastic modelling can be used for improvement of Limit state design method precision.

Formation of geomorphic features as a response to sea-level change at Ritidian Point, Guam, Mariana Islands

Miklavic, Blaz 30 April 2011 (has links)
Geomorphic features have been one of the major tools for sea-level change studies. The present work shows an example of sea-level change study on karst terrain in the tropics. Sea-level notches as well as flank margin caves were identified in the research area and their elevation measured. The time of formation of the sea-level indicators was constrained by lithology study and dating methods such as facies comparison and U-Th dating. Denudation and uplift were also studied for the same purpose. From this study it can be concluded that sea-level stands within the glacial cycle can cause the formation of flank margin caves and that the position of these sea-level stands can be determined. The research area was estimated to have cumulatively uplifted ~22 m in the past 125 ka years (~0.18 mm/yr) while the surface has been denuded some 8 m in the same span of time (~0.064 mm/yr).

An alarm system for pore pressure measurements in the foundation ofconcrete dams : a case study of Storfinnforsen buttress dam

Falcão de Queiroz, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Concrete buttress dams are relatively light structures and less demandingon foundations; because of that, they may have problems with upliftforces and horizontal joints in the area of the dam´s foundation maypresent a failure mode through sliding. The Storfinnforsen dam, thelargest concrete dam in Sweden, had its foundation studied recently andthe discovery of sub-horizontal joints in the bedrock led to the necessityof having the safety of the dam foundation to sliding assessed.The safety is dependent on the pore pressure, which can vary throughtime. The implementation of an alarm system to monitor and assess thevalues of the pore pressure is necessary to improve the dam´s operation.In this thesis, a new system on how to define alarm limits for measuredpore pressures is suggested.The proposed alarm system will monitor the pore pressure of the joint,calculate the safety factor against sliding, compare it to the alarm limits ofthe system (adopted from RIDAS) and present countermeasures to theproblem.The analysis and implementation of the alarm system on monolith 42 ofStorfinnforsen showed that it does not comply with the Swedishguidelines with respect to sliding stability, but the measured porepressures are low enough to allow the creation of an alarm system thatwill monitor the pore pressure continuously. Furthermore, thecharacteristics of the local geology exclude any quick development of porepressure allowing countermeasures to be applied.However, further research on the definition of alarm limits for this kindof problem is needed. / Lamelldammar av betong är relativt lätta konstruktioner med mindrepåkänningar på grunden jämfört med konventionellagravitationsdammar. Till följd av detta är de också känsliga för upptryck.I kombination med förekomsten av sub-horisontella sprickplan iberggrunden kan detta utgöra en risk för glidning. Vid Storfinnforsensbetongdamm, vilken är Sveriges största lamelldamm, har undersökningarav berggrunden genomförts. I samband med dessa undersökningaridentifierades sub-horisontella sprickplan i berggrunden ochmonoliternas glidstabilitet har därför analyserats med avseende påglidning. Dränage har även borrats och portrycksmätare installerats föratt övervaka portrycket i berggrunden.Portrycket, och därmed dammens säkerhet mot glidning, kan emellertidvariera över tid. Det är därför nödvändigt att utveckla och implementeraett alarmsystem för att övervaka portrycket och säkerställa dammenssäkerhet. I följande examensarbete har ett nytt system utvecklats för attdefiniera alarmgränser för uppmätta portryck. I det föreslagnaalarmsystemet övervakas portrycket över sprickplanen, säkerhetsfaktornmot glidning beräknas och jämförs mot gränser baserade på acceptablasäkerhetsfaktorer från RIDAS. Om uppmätta portryck överstigeralarmgränserna implementeras fördefinierade åtgärder.I detta arbete implementerades alarmsystemet på monolit 42 iStorfinnforsens lamelldamm. Resultaten från en inledandestabilitetsanalys visade att säkerhetsfaktorn mot glidning inte uppfyllerställda krav enligt RIDAS riktlinjer. De uppmätta portrycken äremellertid tillräckligt låga för att möjliggöra användningen av ettalarmsystem som övervakar portrycken kontinuerligt och därmedsäkerställer att säkerheten mot glidning uppfylls. Om portrycken skulleöverstigas ges förslag på möjliga åtgärder som kan genomföras för attsänka portrycken. Vidare indikerar de lokala geologiska förhållandena attVsnabba höjningar av portrycken till följd av exempelvis urspolning avfyllnadsmaterial från sprickplan är osannolika, vilket möjliggörimplementering av de fördefinierade åtgärderna om portrycket skullestiga. Vidare forskning rekommenderas emellertid på hur snabbtportrycken kan stiga till följd av olika scenarier såsom nedbrytning avinjekteringsridåer.

Fluvial Architecture and Reservoir Modeling Along the Strike Direction of the Trail Member of the Ericson Sandstone, Mesaverde Group in Southwest Wyoming

Trevino, April Anahi 01 July 2019 (has links)
The Trail Member of the upper Cretaceous Ericson Sandstone, part of the Mesaverde Group, is exposed along hundreds of square kilometers through Wyoming along the flanks of several Laramide structural uplifts. This presents a unique opportunity to study the detailed architecture based on bed-scale heterogeneity and better assess the reservoir potential of these strata in outcrop exposure on a regional-scale, and to then relate these observations to producing fields nearby. The fluvial-dominated Trail Member formed as sediments traveled from the active Sevier thrust belt to the Cretaceous Interior Seaway, forming a basinward progradational clastic wedge along a relatively high gradient. The high energy, tectonically active setting led to preservation of sand-rich, often compositionally immature fluvial strata. Though there is an abundance of sand-rich strata in the Trail Member, production from this interval has been unpredictable in current and past fields such as the Trail Unit of southwestern Wyoming.Twelve detailed stratigraphic columns were described at three sites along the eastern flank of the Rock Springs Uplift to show facies heterogeneity beyond what is often available through wells, 69 hand samples were collected for determination of porosity and permeability, and photogrammetric characterization was performed at the three sites. Average porosity decreases along strike from north to south along with net-to-gross. The vertical changes in fluvial architecture within the Trail Member reflect changes in available accommodation. While thickness of the Trail Member is highly variable, ranging between 79 to 108 meters across the study area, there is an overall trend of thickening to the south. Although the character of the Trail strata changes appreciably along strike direction, this interval is consistently rich in sand, and grain size does not change drastically along the length of observed outcrops. This study demonstrated that spatial variability in the thickness, local accommodation, porosity, and net-to-gross of the Trail Member, as well as temporal variability in the amount and character of reservoir sands and channel stacking patterns play an important role in the unpredictability of this reservoir. This study will enable reservoir modeling and aid in future exploration projects within the Trail Member and other comparable systems with similar fluvial architecture and internal heterogeneity.

“Save the Young People”: The Generational Politics of Racial Solidarity in Black Cleveland, 1906–1911

Metsner, Michael 07 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Geology of the Phil Pico Mountain Quadrangle, Daggett County, Utah, and Sweetwater County, Wyoming

Anderson, Alvin D. 25 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Geologic mapping in the Phil Pico Mountain quadrangle and analysis of the Carter Oil Company Carson Peak Unit 1 well have provided additional constraints on the erosional and uplift history of this section of the north flank of the Uinta Mountains. Phil Pico Mountain is largely composed of the conglomeratic facies of the early Eocene Wasatch and middle to late Eocene Bridger Formations. These formations are separated by the Henrys Fork fault which has thrust Wasatch Formation next to Bridger Formation. The Wasatch Formation is clearly synorogenic and contains an unroofing succession from the adjacent Uinta Mountains. On Phil Pico Mountain, the Wasatch Formation contains clasts eroded sequentially from the Permian Park City Formation, Permian Pennsylvanian Weber Sandstone, Pennsylvanian Morgan Formation, and the Pennsylvanian Round Valley and Mississippian Madison Limestones. Renewed uplift in the middle and late Eocene led to the erosion of Wasatch Formation and its redeposition as Bridger Formation on the down-thrown footwall of the Henrys Fork fault. Field observations and analysis of the cuttings and lithology log from Carson Peak Unit 1 well suggest that initial uplift along the Henrys Fork Fault occurred in the late early or early middle Eocene with the most active periods of uplift in the middle and late Eocene (Figure 8, Figure 24, Appendix 1). The approximate post-Paleocene throw of the Henrys Fork fault at Phil Pico Mountain is 2070 m (6800 ft). The Carson Peak Unit 1 well also reveals that just north of the Henrys Fork fault at Phil Pico Mountain the Bridger Formation (middle to late Eocene) is 520 m (1710 ft) thick; an additional 460 m (1500 ft) of Bridger Formation lies above the well on Phil Pico Mountain. Beneath the Bridger Formation are 400 m (1180 ft) of Green River Formation (early to middle Eocene), 1520 m (5010 ft) of Wasatch Formation (early Eocene), and 850 m (2800 ft) of the Fort Union Formation (Paleocene). Stratigraphic data from three sections located east to west across the Phil Pico Mountain quadrangle show that the Protero-zoic Red Pine Shale has substantially more sandstone and less shale in the eastern section of the quadrangle. Field observations suggest that the Red Pine Shale undergoes a facies change across the quadrangle. However, due to the lack of continuous stratigraphic exposures, the cause of this change is not known.

Panoptikální tropologie a svár mezi uměním a politikou v povídkách Charlese Johnsona / Panoptical tropes and negotiations between art and politics in Charles Johnson's short fiction

Ženíšek, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
Doctoral dissertation: Panoptical tropes and negotiations between art and politics in Charles Johnson's short fiction Abstract The dissertation traces the uneasy marriage between ideology and aesthetics in African American literature, and its reflections in Charles Johnson's short fiction. The historical introduction is an attempt to reevaluate the tradition of ideological self-policing in African American literature. Its central thesis resides in the claim that African American literature and its critical reception has still retained some of this ideological template, in a manner and degree that throws it out of sync with the mainstream trajectory of American literature. This lingering anachronism cannot be legitimately attributed to a single causative circumstance, yet one of the more obvious explanations for this residual trend is the living memory of overt discriminatory practices in many parts of the United States, which is why the centrifugal literary discourses of assimilationism and protest fiction are still very vibrant. This simple argument alone provides a sufficient basis for contextualizing and understanding the thesis that ideological writing still inadvertently manages to find its way into African American fictional pursuits. This is also underscored by the observable fact that even the...

Mapping Middle Paleozoic Erosional and Karstic Patterns with 3-D Seismic Attributes and Well Data in the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma

Brinkerhoff, Alonzo R. 05 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Newly available industry well data and seismic attribute analysis reveal that late Ordovician-early Devonian Hunton Group strata are more widespread (i.e., not removed by mid-Devonian erosion) in the central and southern portions of the Arkoma Basin in eastern Oklahoma than previously thought. This study demonstrates the value of applying seismic attribute analysis to problems of quantifying and mapping stratigraphic features caused by erosions and/or karstification. Well and seismic isochron data in the Red Oak petroleum field for the Viola-Woodford interval (the units that lie stratigraphically beneath and above, respectively, the Huton Group) show isolated ~40-m thick lenses of Hunton rocks, on average measuring 3 km in diameter, with a surrounding halo of karsted rock. This distribution can be explained in two different ways: 1) Hunton occurrences could represent isolated erosional remnants reflecting incomplete removal of the Hunton Group during Middle Devonian time (pre-Woodford unconformity) or 2) due to karsting and collapse of stratigraphically lower units (Viola or Bromide carbonates), lenses of Hunton rocks would have sagged into sinkholes where they were preserved beneath regional base level. Using formation tops from a well data set correlated with attribute and structure maps from a proprietary 3-D seismic data set, we identify three seismic characteristics in the middle Paleozoic interval that correlate well with: 1) absent Hunton seismic markers, indicating that Hunton rocks were completely removed, 2) the Hunton contacts, indicating where a seismically visible section of Hunton rocks remains, 3) absent Hunton but with a thin horizon included within lower carbonate strata that is interpreted to be an incipient karst zone, which is consistently adjacent to areas containing Hunton rocks. The base of the Sylvan Shale and the top of the Woodford Shale, the respective lower and upper adjoining units, form significant chronostratigraphic surfaces. As such, anomalous thicknesses of these units are depositionally related; thick Woodford sections often correlate to thin or absent Hunton rocks, possibly indicating back-filled pre-Woodford channels eroded into or through the Hunton Group. Conversely, when there is little or no Woodford thickening over Hunton lenses and when adjacent areas show thinning and partially karsted Viola rocks, we propose that karstic collapse of Viola strata was responsible for the Hunton rocks preservation. A combination of these models may be necessary to account for areas where we see thinning both in the Woodford and Viola, suggesting that a Hunton lens is structurally lowered due to karsting, but due to its erosionally resistive nature, the lens forms a depositional high, causing the Woodford to thin over it. The 3-D approach is absolutely necessary to reveal the subtle waveform details that illustrate the karstic and erosional processes involved in the preservation of the Hunton wedges. These findings were interpolated, constrained by well data, over the entire Oklahoma portion of the Arkoma basin in order to produce a new Hunton isopach map and 20 separate cross-sections (two shown herein). These show a broad linear region of absent Hunton. Eustatic sea levels rose throughout the middle and late Devonian, so this large area of eroded Hunton is interpreted as a post-Hunton, pre-Woodford structural uplift. Other Hunton wedges, similar in size and extant to that seismically imaged in this study, were also found in the well data. The karstic collapse of the Viola and subsequent preservation of Hunton rocks occurred on both limbs of the arch.

Chicago Renaissance Women: Black Feminism in the Careers and Songs of Florence Price and Margaret Bonds

Durrant, Elizabeth 08 1900 (has links)
In this thesis, I explore the careers and songs of Florence Price and Margaret Bonds—two African American female composers who were part of the Chicago Renaissance. Price and Bonds were members of extensive, often informal, networks of Black women that fostered creativity and forged paths to success for Black female musicians during this era. Building on the work of Black feminist scholar Patricia Hill Collins, I contend that these efforts reflect Black feminist principles of Black women working together to create supportive environments, uplift one another, and foster resistance. I further argue that Black women's agency enabled the careers of Price and Bonds and that elements of Black feminism are not only present in their professional relationships, but also in their songs. Initially, I discuss how the background of the Harlem and Chicago Renaissances and racial uplift ideology shaped these women's artistic environment. I then examine how Bonds and Price incorporated, updated, and expanded versions of these ideals in their music and careers. Drawing on the scholarship of Rae Linda Brown, Angela Davis, and Tammy L. Kernodle, I analyze Price's "Song to the Dark Virgin," "Sympathy," and "Don't You Tell Me No" and Bonds's "Dream Variation," "Note on Commercial Theater," and "No Good Man" through a Black feminist lens. I contend that although Price and Bonds depicted harsh realities of Black women's experiences, they also celebrated Black women's resistance in spite of intersectional oppression. Ultimately, analyzing Black feminism in these composer's careers and songs opens a path for further exploration of how Black women's agency can facilitate activism through art.

Surface movement due to coal mining and abandoned mine flooding

Zhao, Jian 12 July 2022 (has links)
To better understand the issues about the surface movements in the coal mining region Lugau-Oelsnitz, Germany, small-scale numerical models are firstly utilized for verifications via analytical solutions, to explore the simulation schemes, and for parameter sensitivity analysis. 1D rock column numerical models shows that simulated surface movements are consistent with analytical solutions. The investigations via 2.5D profile numerical models also show that uplift is linear related to water level rise under confined mine water conditions, while a quadratic function is valid for unconfined mine water. Geodetic survey in the Lugau-Oelsnitz district shows that at the end of the active mining period (1844 to 1971), general subsidence is about 5 - 10 m, with a maximum of 17 m in the southern mining area. General uplift velocity after abandoned mine flooding between 1972 and 2014 is about 0.5 - 2.0 mm/year. Based on numerical simulation results, predicted general uplift velocity vary between 0.5 - 3.0 mm/year, while maximum uplift position is moving toward south.:1 Introduction 2 State of the art 2.1 Overview 2.1.1 Coal mining induced settlements 2.1.2 Flooding induced uplift 2.2 Approaches to predict subsidence 2.2.1 Empirical approaches 2.2.2 Influence function methods 2.2.3 Physical models 2.2.4 Numerical simulation methods 2.3 Approaches to predict uplift 2.3.1 Empirical approaches 2.3.2 Numerical simulation methods 2.4 Comparison and conclusions 2.4.1 Comparison of research methods 2.4.2 Conclusions 3 Numerical simulation approaches 3.1 Continuum mechanical simulations with FLAC3D 3.1.1 Mining induced subsidence 3.1.2 Flooding induced uplift 3.2 Discontinuum mechanical simulations with 3DEC 3.2.1 Self-weight induced settlement in jointed rock column model 3.2.2 Uplift for jointed and fully saturated rock column 3.3 Parameter sensitivity study 3.3.1 Parameter effect on subsidence 3.3.2 Parameter effect on uplift 3.4 Interface and volume element representation of faults 3.4.1 Simulation schemes 3.4.2 Parameter sensitivity analysis of fault 3.4.3 Discussion 3.5 Conclusions 4 Case study: Coal mining region Lugau-Oelsnitz 4.1 Background information 4.1.1 Mining background 4.1.2 Geological and hydrogeological situation 4.2 In-situ monitoring data 4.2.1 Groundwater level data 4.2.2 Surface movement data 4.2.3 Discussion of data analysis 4.3 Continuum based numerical modelling 4.3.1 Introduction 4.3.2 Model set-up 4.3.3 Calculation results 4.3.4 Surface movement predictions 4.4 Discontinuum based numerical modelling 4.4.1 Model set-up 4.4.2 Calibration results 4.4.3 Surface movement prediction 4.5 Conclusions 5 Conclusions and prospects 5.1 Conclusions 5.2 Main contributions of thesis 5.3 Inadequacies and prospects

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