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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Future of the Race: Black Americans' Debates Over Interracial Marriage

Vinas-Nelson, Jessica 09 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Basinward Trends in Fluvial Architecture, Connectivity, and Reservoir Characterization of the Trail Member, Ericson Sandstone, Mesaverde Group in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado, USA

Jolley, Chelsea Anne 01 June 2019 (has links)
The Late Cretaceous Trail Member of the Ericson Sandstone represents a regionally extensive fluvial system that transported sediments from the Sevier fold and thrust belt and Uinta Mountain uplift to the Western Interior Seaway. The Trail Member is a petroleum reservoir target that has unpredictable production rates due to the unknown behavior and connectivity of channel sandstones. The abundant outcrop, wellbore, and core data available allows for a comprehensive analysis of how the fluvial architecture, connectivity, and reservoir quality change along 65 km of depositional dip. Observations made at Flaming Gorge and Clay Basin (most landward field locations) suggest a highly mobile fluvial system that was influenced by both autogenic channel clustering and allogenic forcing. Evidence is seen for movement along the Sevier fold and thrust belt and early Laramide uplift of the Uinta Mountains. Specifically, three zones identify temporal tectonic changes throughout deposition of the Trail Member. The Upper and Lower Trail zones represent times of low accommodation as the fluvial system must avulse and move laterally to find available space. The Middle Trail zone represents a higher accommodation setting with internal autogenic channel clustering. This shows that on a finer timescale, autogenic processes control sediment distribution, while on a longer timescale, external drivers, specifically tectonics, control the distribution of sediment in the Trail fluvial system. Significant changes were observed within the Trail Member towards the basin. At Northern Colorado, lenticular, fluvial-dominated sands are still common, preserved organic and woody material, mud cracks, and increased bioturbation are observed that are not present elsewhere. The sandstone channels are slightly wider, have more common occurrences of low flow-regime sedimentary structures such as ripples and mud cracks, and appear to be more individually isolated with thin fine-grained material surrounding the channels. On a larger scale, photogrammetric analysis shows a rapid lateral change (0.3 km) from a sand-rich, channel-dominated expression to a mud-rich, channel-poor character. These observations suggest a lower energy fluvial system focused within a possible incised valley showing that the fluvial system is being influenced primarily by eustatic forces, rather than tectonics. Subsurface data from twelve wells located north of the Northern Colorado locality show a rapid (15 km) increase in thickness (97 m to 182 m) and decrease in net-to-gross (89.3% to 65.3%). Early subsidence of the Washakie sub-basin just east of the wells could account for the rapid increase in accommodation. Another possible explanation for the rapid thickness increase to the northeast could be the presence of an incised valley. These possibilities show the complexity of the environment within which the Trail Member fluvial system deposited sediments.

The "Dangerous Chance of Being a Flapper:" The Black Flapper's Challenge to Respectability in the <i>Chicago Defender</i>, 1920-1929

Sparks, Emily 04 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Hebungen der Tagesoberfläche als Folge des Grundwasserwiederanstiegs stillgelegter Braunkohlentagebaue

Lieske, Katharina, Schade, Marco 29 July 2016 (has links)
Die Grundwasserstände unterliegen in den Gebieten des Braunkohlenbergbaus permanenter, bergbaulich bedingter Veränderung. Im Einflussbereich der aktiven Braunkohlentagebaue überwiegen sinkende - im Bereich der ehemaligen Tagebaubereiche nach Einstellung der Wasserhaltungsmaßnahmen dagegen steigende Grundwasserstände. Der Grundwasserwiederanstieg im Verantwortungsbereich der LMBV mbH ist schon weit vorangeschritten aber noch nicht überall abgeschlossen. Im Zuge der Auswertung von regelmäßig durchgeführten Präzisionsnivellements wurden in den gewachsenen Randbereichen der in Flutung befindlichen Tagebauseen Hebungen festgestellt, die in ihrer räumlichen Ausdehnung und dem Betrag mit den Ergebnissen der Beobachtungen der Grundwasserstände korrelieren. Rückblickend werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen Grundwasserwiederanstieg und Hebungen des gewachsenen Bodens anhand von Beispielen von bereits gefluteten Tagebauseen aus dem Mitteldeutschen Braunkohlenrevier betrachtet. Die festgestellten Hebungen vollziehen sich längerfristig über mehrere Jahre. Die Hebungsbeträge erreichen maximale Werte von einigen Zentimetern - erreichen aber nicht die Beträge der früheren sümpfungsbedingten Senkungen. Schädliche Auswirkungen auf Bauwerke durch grundwasserwiederanstiegsbedingte Hebungen waren nicht zu erwarten und sind auch nicht eingetreten. / Water tables in lignite mining areas are characterized by a permanent mining-related variation. In the sphere of influence of the active lignite mines preponderates decreasing – in reach of the abandoned lignite mining areas in contrast increasing water tables. The groundwater resurgence within the areas of responsibility of LMBV mbH is widely pro-ceeded but yet not completed in all areas. In the course of the evaluation of regularly conducted precision levellings uplifts were detected in the natural boundary areas of post-mining lakes still in flooding progress. These uplifts correlate in their regional/areal dimension and magnitude with the results of the water tables. The coherence between groundwater resurgence and the uplifts will be examined retrospectively based on examples of flooded post-mining lakes from the mining area around the cities of Leipzig and Halle. The observed elevation take place over some years. The elevation amount reaches maximum values of a few centimeters, but doesn’t reach the amount of the former drainage caused subsidence. Adverse effects on buildings by groundwater resurgence caused elevation were not expected and didn’t occur so far.

Modélisation incrémentale par méthode bayésienne

Rosamont Prombo, Kevin 03 1900 (has links)
Les modèles incrémentaux sont des modèles statistiques qui ont été développés initialement dans le domaine du marketing. Ils sont composés de deux groupes, un groupe contrôle et un groupe traitement, tous deux comparés par rapport à une variable réponse binaire (le choix de réponses est « oui » ou « non »). Ces modèles ont pour but de détecter l’effet du traitement sur les individus à l’étude. Ces individus n’étant pas tous des clients, nous les appellerons : « prospects ». Cet effet peut être négatif, nul ou positif selon les caractéristiques des individus composants les différents groupes. Ce mémoire a pour objectif de comparer des modèles incrémentaux d’un point de vue bayésien et d’un point de vue fréquentiste. Les modèles incrémentaux utilisés en pratique sont ceux de Lo (2002) et de Lai (2004). Ils sont initialement réalisés d’un point de vue fréquentiste. Ainsi, dans ce mémoire, l’approche bayésienne est utilisée et comparée à l’approche fréquentiste. Les simulations sont e ectuées sur des données générées avec des régressions logistiques. Puis, les paramètres de ces régressions sont estimés avec des simulations Monte-Carlo dans l’approche bayésienne et comparés à ceux obtenus dans l’approche fréquentiste. L’estimation des paramètres a une influence directe sur la capacité du modèle à bien prédire l’effet du traitement sur les individus. Nous considérons l’utilisation de trois lois a priori pour l’estimation des paramètres de façon bayésienne. Elles sont choisies de manière à ce que les lois a priori soient non informatives. Les trois lois utilisées sont les suivantes : la loi bêta transformée, la loi Cauchy et la loi normale. Au cours de l’étude, nous remarquerons que les méthodes bayésiennes ont un réel impact positif sur le ciblage des individus composant les échantillons de petite taille. / Uplift modelling is a statistical method initially developed in marketing. It has two groups (a control group and a treatment group) that are compared using a binary response variable (the response can be « yes » or « no »). The goal of this model is to detect the treatment e ect on prospects. This e ect can be either negative, null or positive. It depends on characteristics of each individual in each group. The purpose of this master thesis is to compare the Bayesian point of view with the frequentist one on uplift modelling. The uplift models used in this thesis are Lo model (2002) and Lai model (2004). Both of them are originally modeled using the frequentist point of view. Therefore, the Bayesian approach is modeled and compared to the frequentist one. Simulations are done on generated data from logistic regressions. Then regression parameters are estimated with Monte- Carlo simulations for Bayesian approach. They are then compared to parameter estimations from the frequentist approach. Parameter estimations have direct influences on the ability of the modelling to predict treatment e ect on individual. Three priors are considered for the Bayesian estimation of the parameters. These densities are chosen such that they are non-informative. They are the following : transformed beta, Cauchy and normal. In the course of the study, we will notice the Bayesian method has a real positive impact on targeting individual from the small size sample.

Aspekt motivační autobiografie ve vyprávění uprchlých otroků (tzv. slave narratives) / Slave Narratives as a variation on motivational self-help books

Klimt, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine the representative of classic Enlightenment self-help text, Benjamin Franklin's Way to Wealth, and two representatives of the slave narrative genre, Frederick Douglass's and Olaudah Equiano's works, in terms of their possible affinity. The thesis compares and contrasts the individual texts and seeks to find analogies in structure and content which would indicate the influence of the self-help genre in American literature on the narratives and demonstrate the presence of the self-improvement element in the reading of slave narratives. The thesis consists of two key parts, the theoretical introduction onto the issues and practical part which analyses the texts themselves. KEY WORDS Frederick Douglass, Olaudah Equiano, Benjamin Franklin, slave narratives, self-help books, self-improvement, US history, uplift, autobiography, slavery, Enlightenment, 18th Century, 19th Century

Behaviour of helical anchors subjected to cyclic loadings / Comportement des ancrages hélicoïdaux soumises à des chargements cycliques

Schiavon, José Antonio 30 September 2016 (has links)
Les ancrages hélicoïdaux, largement utilisés pour résister à des efforts de traction pour une variété d’applications comme les pylônes électriques, les pipelines, les structures offshore, etc., sont soumis à des chargements cycliques qui influent sur la performance d’encrage et peuvent induire une rupture par fatigue. Cependant, l’influence des sollicitations cycliques sur le comportement d’encrage hélicoïdal est mal connue. Une évaluation approfondie de l’effet des charges cycliques sur la réponse effort – déplacement des ancrages avec une seule hélice dans les sols sableux est présentée, incluant un diagramme d’interaction pour aider à évaluer l’impact des différentes conditions de chargement cyclique. La partie expérimentale de cette thèse comprend des essais en centrifugeuse géotechnique et des essais de chargement in situ. Les essais en centrifugeuse ont été effectués sur des modèles réduits d’encrages hélicoïdaux dans du sable à l’IFSTTAR (Nantes, France). Les essais de chargement in situ ont été réalisés sur des ancrages hélicoïdaux installés dans le sol tropical résiduel du site expérimental de l’Université de Sao Paulo (Sao Carlos, Brésil). De plus la modélisation numérique a été utilisée pour prédire les réponses pré et post cycliques des ancrages d’une hélice testée en centrifugeuse. Les principales conclusions de cette recherche sont : (a) le comportement d’un ancrage hélicoïdal est régi par la capacité portante de l’hélice, et aucune perte de capacité portante d’hélice n’a été observée pour la gamme de charges cycliques testée, (b) la dégradation de la résistance par frottement latéral sur le fut a été remarquée principalement pendant les 100 premiers cycles, lorsque l’accumulation des déplacements permanents est plus importante, (c) un diagramme d’interaction montrant les différentes conditions de stabilité cyclique est proposé à partir des résultats des données expérimentales, (d) des valeurs modifiées du facteur de capacité portante (Nq) sont proposées pour l’estimation de la capacité et post-cyclique des ancrages avec une hélice dans du sable, (e) l’effet de l’installation de l’ancrage doit être pris en compte dans le modèle numérique afin d’obtenir des prédictions fiables de la performance de l’ancrage hélicoïdal. / Helical anchors, used widely to resist uplift loading for a variety of applications, including in transmission towers, pipelines, offshore structures, etc., are subjected to environmental cyclic loads that influence the anchor performance and may induce fatigue failure. However, the influence of cyclic loading on helical anchor behaviour is unknown. A comprehensive evaluation of the effect of cyclic loading on the load-displacement response of single-helix anchors in sandy soils is presented here, including an interaction diagram to help designers evaluate the impact of different conditions in cyclic loadings. The experimental work of this thesis includes geotechnical centrifuge modelling and field load tests. The centrifuge model tests were carried out with reduced scale models of helical anchors in sand, at IFSTTAR (Nantes, France). The field load tests were performed on hekical anchors installed in a tropical residual soil of the Experimental Site of the University of Sao Paulo (Sao Carlos, Brazil). In addition, numerical modelling was used to predict the pre- and post-cyclic responses of the single-helix anchors tested in a centrifuge. The main findings of this research are : (a) helical anchor behaviour is governed by helix bearing resistance and no loss of helix bearing capacity was observed in the range of cyclic loadings tested, (b) the degardation of shaft resistance was noticed mainly during the first 100 cycles, when the accumulation of permanent displacements is more significant, (c) an interaction diagramshowing the different conditions of cyclic stability is proposed from the results of the experimental data, (d) modified values of the bearing capacity factor in tension (Nq) are suggested for the estimation of post-cyclic uplift capacity of single-helix anchors in sand, (e) the installation effect of the anchor should be taken into account in the numerical model in order to obtain reliable predictions of the helical anchor performance.

Structure et propagation d'un rift magmatique en bordure de craton : approche intégrée de la divergence Nord-Tanzanienne par analyse des populations de failles et du réseau de drainage / Structure and propagation of a magmatic rift at the edge of a craton : integrated approach of the structure of the North Tanzanian divergence, East Africa : analysis of fault populations and drainage network

Gama, Remigius 21 September 2018 (has links)
Tout modèle cinématique appliqué à la propagation du rift sud kenyan (RSK) et à sa divergence vers l’ouest au nord de la Tanzanie (DNT) doit nécessairement intégrer la vallée axiale Magadi-Natron (études antérieures), mais aussi le bloc soulevé Oldoinyo Ogol (OOB) à l’ouest (ce travail). Notre étude, basée pour l'essentiel sur l'interprétation d'imagerie satellitale SRTM 30 m, nous permet (1) de préciser l'organisation morphostructurale de l'ensemble du RSK, (2) d'identifier 2 systèmes successifs de failles bordières, (3) d'affirmer le rôle majeur de celle d'Oldoinyo Ogol, (4) d'élaborer un modèle de rifting en 2 étapes (7-3 Ma et <3 Ma) et (5) d'attribuer le « shift » latéral du domaine rifté (OOB), puis sa divergence le long de la branche d'Eyasi (DNT) à la présence d'une discontinuité transverse protérozoïque, à laquelle on rapporte aussi le développement précoce et 'hors axe' du segment magmatique des « Crater Highlands », démontrant ainsi l'importance de l'héritage structural sur la cinématique du rifting. L’analyse quantitative des populations de failles démontre le caractère « restricted » des failles intrarift et aboutit aussi à préciser l'évolution, dans l'espace et le temps, du taux d'extension, depuis un stade précoce à déformation localisée jusqu'à un stade récent à déformation diffuse (<3 Ma). L’analyse des réseaux de drainage identifiés sur le compartiment de socle bordant à l'ouest le dispositif RSK-NTD démontre (1) leur contrôle étroit par le dispositif lithologique et tectonique du socle, (2) la nature polyphasée du soulèvement lié aux failles bordières, et (3) le caractère déséquilibré du réseau actuel en cours de soulèvement. / Any kinematic model applied to the southerly-propagating and diverging South Kenya rift (SKR) should necessarily integrate the structure of the Magadi-Natron axial trough (previous studies), but also those of the Oldoinyo Ogol (OOB) offset block to the west. Our work is chiefly based on SRTM 30 m satellite imagery analysis, and allows us (1) to precise the morphostructural arrangement of the entire SKR,(2) to identify 2 successive border faults systems, (3) to emphasize the role of the Ol Doinyo Ogol master fault, (4) to elaborate a 2-stage rift model (7-3 Ma et <3 Ma), and (5) to attribute a key-role to a transverse Proterozoic discontinuity on the lateral shift of the OOB, as well as on the split of the rift into the Eyasi rift arm and on the off-axis location of the early Crater Highlands magmatic segment, hence demonstrating the importance of basement structural inheritance on rift kinematics.The quantitative analysis of fault populations shows the restricted nature of most intra-rift faults, and leads us to precise the spatiotemporal evolution of extension from a stage of localized strain (border faults) to a stage of diffuse extension (<3 Ma).From the analysis of the river drainage extracted from the basement uplifted block bounding the rift system to the west, it is assumed that (1) lithological and tectonic basement features exerted a strong control on the river network, (2) fault-related basement uplift is polyphased, and (3) the unsteady nature of the present-day river drainage is due to still active rift-flank uplift in the southern portion of the rift system.

Behaviour of helical anchors subjected to cyclic loadings / Comportamento de ancoragens helicoidais submetidas a carregamentos cíclicos

Schiavon, José Antonio 30 September 2016 (has links)
Helical anchors, used widely to resist uplift loading for a variety of applications, including in transmission towers, pipelines, offshore structures, etc., are subjected to environmental cyclic loads that influence the anchor performance and may induce fatigue failure. However, the influence of cyclic loading on helical anchor behaviour is unknown. A comprehensive evaluation of the effect of cyclic loading on the load-displacement response of single-helix anchors in sandy soils is presented here, including an interaction diagram to help designers evaluate the impact of different conditions in cyclic loadings. The experimental work of this thesis includes geotechnical centrifuge modelling and field load tests. The centrifuge model tests were carried out with reduced scale models of helical anchors in sand, at IFSTTAR (Nantes, France). The field load tests were performed on helical anchors installed in a tropical residual soil of the Experimental Site of the University of São Paulo (São Carlos, Brazil). In addition, numerical modelling was used to predict the pre- and postcyclic responses of the single-helix anchors tested in a centrifuge. The main findings of this research are: (a) helical anchor behaviour is governed by helix bearing resistance, and no loss of helix bearing capacity was observed in the range of cyclic loadings tested, (b) the degradation of shaft resistance was noticed mainly during the first 100 cycles, when the accumulation of permanent displacements is more significant, (c) an interaction diagram showing the different conditions of cyclic stability is proposed from the results of the experimental data, (d) modified values of the bearing capacity factor in tension (Nq) are suggested for the estimation of post-cyclic uplift capacity of single-helix anchors in sand, (e) the installation effect of the anchor should be taken into account in the numerical model in order to obtain reliable predictions of the helical anchor performance. / As estacas helicoidais são largamente utilizadas para resistir a carregamentos de tração em uma variedade de aplicações como torres de linhas de transmissão de energia, dutos enterrados, estruturas offshore, etc. Estes tipos de estruturas são normalmente submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos que influenciam o desempenho de fundações por estacas helicoidais submetidas a esforços de tração, e podem induzir ruptura por degradação da capacidade de carga. Contudo, a influência do carregamento cíclico no comportamento das estacas helicoidais (ou ancoragens helicoidais, quando submetidas apenas a esforços de tração) é pouco conhecida. Uma avaliação abrangente do efeito de carregamentos cíclicos sobre o comportamento das ancoragens helicoidais é apresentada nesta tese, incluindo um diagrama de interação para auxiliar na avaliação do impacto de diferentes condições de carregamento cíclico. O trabalho experimental desta tese inclui modelagem em centrífuga geotécnica e ensaios de carregamento cíclico em estacas na grandeza real em campo. Os ensaios em centrífuga foram realizados com modelos reduzidos de estacas helicoidais em areia, no IFSTTAR (Nantes, França). Os ensaios de campo foram realizados em ancoragens helicoidais instaladas no solo residual tropical do Campo Experimental de Fundações da Universidade de São Paulo (São Carlos, Brasil). Além disso, modelos numéricos foram utilizados para simular os resultados do comportamento das ancoragens helicoidais ensaiadas em centrífuga nas condições pré- e pós-ciclos. Os principais resultados desta pesquisa são: (a) a capacidade de carga à tração da ancoragem helicoidal é controlada pela capacidade de carga da hélice, (b) a degradação da resistência por atrito lateral foi observada principalmente durante os primeiros 100 ciclos, período em que a acumulação dos deslocamentos permanentes é mais significante, (c) um diagrama de interação mostrando as diferentes condições de estabilidade cíclica é proposto a partir dos resultados experimentais em centrífuga, (d) valores modificados do fator de capacidade de carga em tração (Nq) são sugeridos para estimativa da capacidade pós-ciclos de ancoragens helicoidais com uma hélice em areia, (e) o efeito da instalação da ancoragem deve ser levado em consideração no modelo numérico para que se obtenha previsões confiáveis do desempenho de ancoragens helicoidais.

Análise numérica do efeito de instalação de ancoragens helicoidais em areia / Numerical analysis of the installation effect on helical anchors in sand

Agudelo Pérez, Zorany 03 April 2017 (has links)
O uso de fundações por estacas helicoidais tem aumentado consideravelmente nos últimos anos, devido às suas vantagens comparadas a outros tipos de fundação, como a sua rápida instalação e sua capacidade de resistir simultaneamente a esforços de tração e de compressão. No entanto, os métodos de previsão do comportamento deste tipo de fundação submetida a esforços de tração (denominadas ancoragens helicoidais neste caso), ainda são insatisfatórios, e normalmente são observadas discrepâncias entre os resultados estimados por métodos teóricos e medidos em provas de carga. Entre outras razões, estas diferenças ocorrem principalmente pelo fato dos efeitos da instalação destas ancoragens no solo não serem considerados nos métodos de previsão disponíveis. No momento da instalação, os parâmetros do solo atravessado são modificados, e como é o volume de solo alterado que deve resistir ao carregamento da ancoragem sob tração, é essencial entender e quantificar este efeito de instalação para uma previsão adequada da capacidade de carga deste tipo de ancoragem. Para contribuir com o entendimento deste efeito, no presente trabalho foram realizadas simulações numéricas com o software FLAC3D, para se conhecer as modificações ocorridas no solo devido à instalação de uma ancoragem helicoidal em areia compacta. Para este fim, na simulação do solo penetrado pela hélice, foram reduzidos os valores de ângulo de atrito e do módulo de elasticidade da areia. O modelo foi validado por meio da comparação com a curva carga-deslocamento obtida experimentalmente em ensaios realizados em centrifuga. Após o ajuste do modelo numérico, foi realizada uma análise paramétrica com o objetivo de investigar o efeito da instalação no fator de capacidade de carga (Nq). Por meio da análise paramétrica também foram avaliados o deslocamento da ancoragem sob carga máxima e as tensões horizontais atuantes na superfície de ruptura. Os resultados estimados de Nq foram comparados com estudos anteriores, e mostraram um bom ajuste com resultados de provas de carga in situ e em centrifuga. Além disso, o estudo paramétrico indicou que as tensões horizontais atuantes na zona de ruptura são distribuídas em forma de tronco de cone, e variam de acordo com o diâmetro da hélice. / The use of helical foundations has increased considerably in recent years due to its advantages compared to other types of foundations, such as rapid installation and the capacity of resisting tensile and compressive loads. However, the methods normally used to predict the behavior of this type of foundation under tensile loads (called helical anchors in this case), are still unsatisfactory, and discrepancies are usually observed between the results estimated by theoretical methods and measured in load tests. Among other reasons, these differences occur mainly because the effects of helical anchor installation in the soil are not considered in the available predicting methods. During installation, the parameters of the soil penetrated are modified, and since it is this disturbed soil volume that must support the loading of the anchor under tension, it is essential to understand and quantify this installation effect for an adequate prediction of the uplift capacity of this type anchor. In order to contribute to the understanding of this effect, in the present work numerical simulations with the software FLAC3D were performed to evaluate the modifications occurred in the soil due to the installation of a helical anchor in dense sand. For this purpose, in the simulation of the soil penetrated by the helices, the values of friction angle and modulus of elasticity of the sand were reduced. The model was validated by means of the comparison with a load-displacement curve obtained experimentally in centrifuge model tests. After adjusting the numerical model, a parametric analysis was carried out to investigate the effect of the installation on the breakout factor (Nq). The parametric analyses were also used to investigate the anchor displacement at the peak load and the horizontal stresses acting on the failure surface. The estimated Nq values were compared with previous studies, and showed a good agreement with experimental results obtained by field and centrifuge tests. Additionally, the parametric study indicated that the horizontal stresses acting on the failure zone are distributed in the shape of a truncated cone, and vary with the helix diameter.

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