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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência de lagos artificiais no clima local e no clima urbano: estudo de caso em Presidente Epitácio (SP) / Influence of artificial lakes in local climate and urban climate: a case study in Presidente Epitácio (SP)

Souza, Marcos Barros de 02 September 2010 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas tem sido temática de estudos as alterações realizadas no meio ambiente urbano e as variabilidades climáticas que ocorrem a partir das intervenções, principalmente no que se refere à formação de lagos artificiais para construção de usinas hidrelétricas. As transformações antrópicas de um determinado espaço físico podem ocasionar variações nos atributos climáticos, como a umidade relativa do ar e a temperatura do ar, dentre outros. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi verificar as possíveis alterações no clima local e do clima urbano da cidade de Presidente Epitácio, localizada no extremo oeste do Estado de São Paulo, devido à formação do lago artificial para a construção da Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Sérgio Motta (Porto Primavera), utilizando registros da temperatura do ar e da umidade relativa do ar em um transecto da margem do lago passando pela área urbana até o ambiente rural circunvizinho, analisando as variáveis temporal, espacial e horária em diferentes períodos do ano (primavera, verão, outono e inverno), bem como a análise dos desvios da temperatura do ar e da umidade relativa do ar, entre os postos localizados próximos ao lago, na área intra-urbana e na área rural. A área de estudo constitui o município de Presidente Epitácio (SP) e o lago artificial foi formado pelo represamento das áreas do rio Paraná, na divisa entre os Estados de São Paulo e de Mato Grosso do Sul. A região possui clima tropical com verão úmido e inverno seco, registrando temperaturas máximas de 40°C e mínimas de 10°C, tendo os meses chuvosos de novembro a março com pluviosidade média anual de 1.200mm a 1.400mm e umidade relativa do ar de cerca de 80%. Para a coleta de dados realizada entre setembro de 2008 e setembro de 2009, sendo trinta dias em cada estação (primavera, verão, outono e inverno), foram utilizados sensores digitais de temperatura do ar e de umidade relativa do ar da marca StowAway, instalados em sete postos. Na variação da temperatura do ar entre os postos da área intra-urbana, da área de influência do lago e da área rural foi possível verificar que nos horários de maior produção de energia, ou seja, durante o período diurno as diferenças das amplitudes diminuem e no período noturno aumentam, devido ao volume de energia produzida no período diurno e dissipação desta energia no período noturno. Na variação da umidade relativa do ar entre os postos da área intra-urbana, da área de influência do lago e da área rural verificou-se que as amplitudes são maiores durante o período noturno, sendo menores durante o período diurno, ou seja, as amplitudes higrométricas são menores na área de influência do lago e na área rural do que na área intra-urbana. Conclui-se que, apesar de não haver valores significativos entre os postos, a presença do lago não contribui para o aumento da temperatura do ar e da umidade relativa do ar, porém funciona como um maior equilíbrio térmico e higrométrico. / In the last decades it has been subject of studies the changes urban environment and the climate variability that occur from interventions, especially as regards the formation of artificial lakes for hydroelectric plants. The anthropogenic transformation of a given physical space can cause variations in climatic attributes such as relative humidity and air temperature, among others. The objective of this research was to investigate the possible changes in local weather and climate in the city of Presidente Epitácio, located in the extreme west of São Paulo, due to the formation of an artificial lake to build the hydroelectric plant Engenheiro Sérgio Motta (Porto Primavera), using records of air temperature and relative humidity in a transect from the shore through the urban area to the surrounding rural environment, analyzing the temporal, spatial and hourly variables at different times of year (spring, summer, autumn and winter), as well as analysis of the deviations of air temperature and relative humidity between stations located near the lake in the intra-urban and rural areas. The study area is the city of Presidente Epitácio (SP) and the artificial lake was formed by damming the areas of the Paraná river on the border between the states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul. The region has tropical climate with wet summer and dry winter, recording maximum temperatures of 40°C and minimum 10°C in the rainy months from November to March with average annual rainfall of 1,200mm to 1,400mm and relative humidity of about 80%. For data collection conducted between September 2008 and September 2009, with thirty days in each season (spring, summer, autumn and winter), digital sensors for air temperature and relative humidity of the StowAway brand were used and installed in seven stations. The variation of air temperature between the positions of intra-urban area, of near de lake area and of the rural area it was verified that at times of increased energy production. During daytime differences of amplitudes decrease and increase at night due to the volume of energy produced during the day and dissipation of energy at night. Regarding the variation of relative humidity between the positions of intra-urban area, of near the lake and the rural area it was found that the amplitudes are larger during the night, being low during daytime. The the amplitudes are smaller hygrometric in the influence area of the lake and the rural area than in intra-urban area. We conclude that, although no significant values among the sites, the presence of the lake does not contribute to the increase of air temperature and relative humidity, but contributes to a better thermal and hygrometric balance.

Percepção sonora e térmica e avaliação de conforto em espaços urbanos abertos do município de Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil / Sound and thermal perception and evaluation of comfort in open urban spaces in the city of Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil

Simone Queiróz da Silveira Hirashima 17 December 2014 (has links)
Em espaços urbanos abertos, particularmente nas grandes cidades de climas tropicais, os pedestres estão expostos não somente a níveis sonoros elevados como também a elevadas cargas térmicas, situação que pode gerar tanto o desconforto acústico quanto o térmico. Entretanto, na maioria das vezes, a relação entre a exposição a condições acústicas e térmicas adversas e a percepção humana dessas condições são estudadas separadamente. Neste trabalho propõe-se, portanto, uma abordagem integrada para a avaliação do conforto acústico e térmico urbano e para o estudo de seus prováveis efeitos combinados. Esta pesquisa foi realizada em Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil, cidade localizada em região de clima tropical de altitude, com verões quentes e úmidos e invernos frios e secos. Utilizou-se o método indutivo experimental na condução dos trabalhos. Dados acústicos e climáticos foram medidos simultaneamente à aplicação de formulários em dois dias representativos do verão (março/2013) e do inverno (agosto/2013), e em duas praças contrastantes em relação ao seu ambiente acústico e térmico bem como aos seus parâmetros morfológicos como o fator de visão do céu, o altura dos edifícios, o tipo de pavimento, a presença de fontes de água e vegetação. Os índices Nível de Pressão Sonora Equivalente Contínuo, ponderado na curva A (LAeq) e Temperatura Equivalente Fisiológica (PET) foram usados para representar, respectivamente, as condições acústicas e microclimáticas. Foram coletados por meio dos formulários variáveis subjetivas (percepção do volume do ambiente sonoro, avaliação de incômodo relacionado ao ambiente sonoro, avaliação de conforto acústico, percepção de sensações térmicas, preferência de sensações térmicas e avaliação de conforto térmico), variáveis individuais (vestimenta, atividade física, idade, peso, altura, sexo) e dadoscontrole, relacionados aos aspectos psicológicos, sociais e culturais que podem interferir na percepção acústica e térmica do ambiente. A amostra compreendeu aproximadamente 1.700 entrevistados. O tratamento estatístico dos dados coletados abarcou análise descritiva, correlações e regressões. Modelos de regressão logística ordinal foram utilizados para predizer as faixas de percepção acústica e térmica; e modelos de regressão logística, para predizer as faixas de conforto e desconforto acústico e térmico. Os resultados do estudo incluem, dentre outros: 1) a calibração do índice LAeq para percepção do volume sonoro - faixas: \"Baixo\", <35dB(A), \"Normal\", de 36 a 67dB(A), e \"Alto\", >68dB(A); e para avaliação de conforto acústico - faixas: \"Confortável\", <67dB(A), e \"Desconfortável\", >68dB(A); 2) a calibração do índice PET para percepção de sensações térmicas - faixas: \"Frio\", <18,9°C, \"Bem\", de 19 a 27°C, e \"Calor\", >27,1; e para avaliação de conforto térmico - faixas: \"Confortável\", de 23 a 31°C, e \"Desconfortável\", <22,9 e >31,1°C; 3) a definição das temperaturas neutra e preferida para verão (27,7 e 14,9°C) e inverno (15,9°C e 20,9°C), respectivamente, demonstrando a influência da expectativa na avaliação das condições térmicas; e 4) a comprovação de que o aumento do desconforto acústico pode acarretar (ainda que em pequena escala) o aumento do desconforto térmico e vice-versa. Estes resultados podem nortear o esclarecimento de questões referentes à percepção e ao conforto acústico e térmico em espaços urbanos, orientando as políticas públicas em projetos urbanísticos relacionados a esses temas. / In urban open public spaces, particularly in big cities of tropical climate, city-users are often exposed not only to high sound levels but also to high thermal loads, a situation that can cause both acoustic and thermal discomfort. Nevertheless, in most cases, the relationship between the exposure to each of these adverse conditions and human perceptions towards each of them are studied separately. In order to address the lack of a combined analysis of these conditions, this research has adopted an integrated approach to evaluate urban acoustic and thermal comfort and their likely combined effects. This study was carried out in in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte, in the state of Minas Gerais, a city located in a region of tropical of altitude climate, with hot wet summers and cold dry winters. Acoustic and climatic data were measured simultaneously with the administration of questionnaires in two representative days of summer (March/2013) and winter (August/2013), in two squares that noticeably differ in relation to their acoustic and thermal environment and their morphological parameters such as the sky view factor, the height of the buildings, the type of pavement, the presence of water sources and the vegetation. The LAeq,T and the PET index were used to represent acoustic and microclimatic conditions respectively. Subjective variables (perceived volume of the environmental sound, assessment of annoyance caused by environmental sound, acoustic comfort evaluation, perception of thermal sensation, thermal sensation preference and evaluation of thermal comfort), personal variables (clothing, physical activity, age, weight, height, gender) and control data related to psychological, social and cultural issues that might interfere with acoustic and thermal perception of the environment were collected through the questionnaires. The sample consisted of approximately 1,700 respondents. The statistical treatment of the data collected was comprised of descriptive analysis as well as analysis using correlations and regressions. Ordinal logistic regression models were used to predict the ranges of acoustic and thermal perception and logistic regression models were used to predict the ranges of acoustic and thermal comfort and discomfort. Some of the results of this study are: 1) the calibration of the LAeq index for perceived loudness - ranges: \"Low\", <35dB(A), \"Normal\", between 36 and 67dB(A), and \"High\", >68dB(A); and for evaluation of acoustic comfort - ranges: \"Comfortable\" <67dB(A), and \"Uncomfortable\", >68dB(A); 2) the calibration of the PET index for perceived thermal sensations - ranges, \"Cold\", <18.9°C, \"Well\", 19-27°C, and \"Hot\", >27.1°C; and for evaluation of thermal comfort - ranges: \"Comfortable\", 23-31°C, and \"Uncomfortable\", <22.9 and >31.1°C; 3) the definition of neutral and preferred temperatures for Summer (27.7 and 14.9°C) and Winter (15.9°C and 20.9°C), respectively, showing the influence of expectation on evaluation of thermal conditions; and 4) the confirmation that an increase of the acoustic discomfort may cause (albeit on a small scale) an increase in the thermal discomfort and vice versa. These results might shed light on the issues of acoustic and thermal perception and comfort in urban spaces, helping to guide public policies on urban projects related to these topics.

Ilhas de calor urbanas em São Carlos, SP e os impactos da permeabilidade dos revestimentos urbanos horizontais / Urban heat island in São Carlos, SP and the impact of permeability of horizontal urban coatings

Galusic, Bojana 31 May 2019 (has links)
O fenômeno de ilhas de calor urbanas ocorre principalmente nos centros urbanos caracterizados pela grande concentração de edificações, ausência de vegetação e uso de materiais impermeáveis com grande capacidade de armazenar calor. As temperaturas elevadas causam desconforto térmico, problemas de saúde e maior consumo de energia para resfriamento de edificações. O objetivo da pesquisa presente é investigar o impacto da permeabilidade dos revestimentos urbanos horizontais na variação da temperatura do ar e na formação de ilhas de calor urbanas na cidade de São Carlos, SP. Embora São Carlos seja uma cidade de porte médio, o processo da urbanização criou áreas densamente construídas e sem muita vegetação, o que favorece o aquecimento do ar e das superfícies. Para avaliar a variação da temperatura do ar em relação às características urbanas, foram realizadas medições fixas da temperatura e umidade relativa do ar em 37 pontos que representam diferentes tipos de ocupação urbana em quatro estações do ano, durante 15 dias em cada estação. Nos entornos dos pontos de medição foi feito o mapeamento da permeabilidade dos revestimentos horizontais das superfícies. A correlação entre as variáveis climáticas e urbanísticas foi analisada para cada estação separadamente e a seguir fez-se a análise comparativa de todas as estações através da normalização dos dados climáticos obtidos por monitoramento. A partir dos dados normalizados foram elaborados mapas térmicos. Os resultados confirmam o aumento da temperatura e diminuição da umidade em locais onde predominam revestimentos impermeáveis. Desse modo, este estudo fornece subsídios importantes para o planejamento urbano, a fim de criar espaços urbanos termicamente confortáveis na cidade de São Carlos. / The phenomenon of urban heat island occurs principally in urban centers characterized by big concentration of buildings, absence of vegetation and use of impermeable materials with high capacity to store heat. Elevated temperatures cause thermal discomfort, health problems and higher energy consumption for cooling of the buildings. The objective of the present research is to investigate the impact of permeability of horizontal urban coatings on the variation of air temperature and formation of urban heat islands in the city of São Carlos, SP. Although São Carlos is a medium sized city, the process of urbanization created densely built up areas without a lot of vegetation, which benefits the heating of air and surfaces. In order to evaluate the temperature variation in relation to urban characteristics, fixed measurements of air temperature and humidity were be performed in 37 points which represent different types of urban occupation in four season of the year, during 15 days in each season with interval of 30 minutes. In the surroundings of each point of measurement was performed a mapping of permeability of horizontal coatings. The correlation between climatic and urbanistic variables was analyzed for each season separately and following was done a comparative analysis of all the seasons by the use of normalization and extrapolation of climatic data. Based on the normalized data were elaborated temperature maps. The results confirm the increase in temperature and the decrease in humidity in the locations where impermeable coatings dominate. Thus, this study provides important supplies for urban planning, in order to create thermally comfortable urban spaces in the city of São Carlos.

Development of a multi-scale meteorological system to improve urban climate modeling

Mauree, Dasaraden 19 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This study consisted in the development of a canopy model (CIM), which could be use as an interface between meso-scale models used to simulate urban climate and micro-scale models used to evaluate building energy use. The development is based on previously proposed theories and is presented in different atmospheric conditions, with and without obstable. It has been shown, for example, that to be in coherence with the Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory, that a correction term has to be added to the buoyancy term of the T.K.E. CIM has also been coupled with the meteorological meso-scale model WRF. A methodology was proposed to take advantage of both models (one being more resolved, the other one integrating horizontal transport terms) and to ensure a coherence of the results. Besides being more precise than the WRF model at the same resolution, this system allows, through CIM, to provide high resolved vertical profiles near the surface.

Observational and modelling approaches to study urban climate : application on Pakistan

Sajjad, Sajjad Hussain 16 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this work is to study the urban climate, mainly by focusing on urban temperature trends. The specific focus is to understand the reasons of increase in minimum temperature through observational and modelling techniques. For this purpose, the temperatures data from 1950 to 2004 measured on several meteorological stations of Pakistan is studied and analyzed. Daily averaged annual and seasonal minimum (Tmin) and maximum (Tmax) temperature data of 37 meteorological observatories of Pakistan (17 urban, 7 town and 13 rural) from 1950 to 2004 is first homogenized and then analyzed. The results show that after 1980s Tmin and Tmax increase faster than the period before 1980s at urban areas. During 1980-2004, the increase in Tmin at major urban stations is observed higher than the smaller towns and rural stations. To understand, the effect of the size of the city, changing land use and the building height on the evolution of minimum and maximum temperatures in urban areas has been studied by using the FVM (Finite Volume Model) model and the simulations are run for three days starting at 00:00 (GMT) on 19th day of each month and ending at 00:00 (GMT) on 22nd day of each month. For each month, 48 possible combinations of simulation scenarios are run (4*4*3) and in total, 576 simulations (48*12) are run for a year. The main results show that Tmin and Tmax increase when urban fraction u, city size r and building height h increase. But it is noticed that Tmax increases more than the Tmin when u increases, Tmin increases more than the Tmax when r increases and Tmin increases more than the Tmax when h increases. Among all urban factors (urban fraction u, city size r and building's height h), city size is the major factor that mainly contributes to increase the minimum temperature more than the maximum temperature in urban areas.

Human-urban radiation exchange simulation model

Park, Sookuk 28 April 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to develop an improved human radiation exchange model for use by planners and researchers. Although applicable for all environments, emphasis will be on urban areas. All processes of radiation exchange between the human body surface and surrounding environments were investigated through human body area factors (effective radiation area factor, feff, and projected area factor, fp), existing human thermal exchange models and three-dimensional (3D) computer simulation models with collected microclimatic data. For new body area factors, a sample of standing contemporary Canadian adults in normal-weight (male: 31 persons, female: 40) and over-weight (male: 48, female: 20) body mass index (BMI) categories were analyzed. A 3D mean body model was created for each category. Only very small differences in feff and fp were found between genders and BMI categories. Differences in feff and fp values between this study and previous studies were very large, up to 0.101 and 0.173, respectively. Another common body posture, walking, was also studied for the normal-weight male and female BMI categories. 3D computer walking body models at four stride positions were created. The directionless fp values for walking posture had minor differences between genders and positions in a stride. However, the differences of mean directional fp values between azimuth angles were great enough (up to 0.072) to create important differences in modeled radiation receipt. When both standing and walking postures are considered, the mean feff value of standing (0.826) and walking (0.846), 0.836, could be used. However, fp values should be selected carefully because differences between directional and directionless fp values were large enough that they could influence the estimated level of human thermal sensation. A new human radiation exchange model was developed using the new body area factors and compared with five existing models and one method (Burt, COMFA, MENEX, OUT_SET* and RayMan models and the six-directional method) using collected microclimatic data observed in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Most differences between models came from absorbed solar radiation, especially absorbed direct beam solar radiation because of differences in fp* (=fp×feff) and feff or some missing components (feff or view factors). The lowest differences between the new model and the RayMan model alter the net all-wave radiation estimate up to 29 Wm-2, which can be significant in the human thermal exchange model. For 3D computer estimation, a new human-urban radiation exchange simulation model was developed combining the new human radiation exchange model and improved urban area factors (i.e., albedos and view factors of sunny and shaded building, ground and vegetation surfaces). The results of the new computer model were compared with microclimatic data collected in Nanaimo, B.C., Canada and Changwon, Republic of Korea as well as with two other 3D computer simulation programs, RayMan Pro and ENVI-met 3.1. The differences between the collected data and the new model were very small. Their correlation was very strong, over 0.99 for total radiation. RayMan Pro and ENVI-met 3.1 programs had larger differences, and their correlations with measured data were weaker than the new model’s. Accurate meteorological and urban setting data should be obtained for better results. The new model will give planners and researchers a simple tool to estimate accurate radiation effects in complex urban areas. / Graduate

Urban climate change adaptation pathways for short to long term decision-making

Kingsborough, Ashley January 2016 (has links)
Climate resilience is increasingly an attribute of competitive global cities. Cities that are most responsive to change will continue to prosper. To achieve this, governance structures and decision-making approaches that promote flexible and/or robust adaptation action are required. This thesis introduces a framework for urban adaptation planning that links medium-term risk management with the development and appraisal of long-term adaptation pathways. A long-term plan informed by the appraisal of a range of plausible pathways provides the opportunity to retain the flexibility to respond to future uncertainties, whilst also demonstrating how a city could manage future climate risk. This provides stakeholders with confidence that long-term risk is adequately considered, even if there is not a need to act immediately. To demonstrate how adaptation pathways can support adaptation decision-making in an urban system, the approach and methods developed as part of this thesis are applied in London. Adaptation pathways in response to water scarcity, surface water flood and heat risk were developed, and their appraisal presented as pathways diagrams. These diagrams provide a visual representation of the sequencing of decision points and plausible adaptation actions that may be implemented in the future. Pathways diagrams present climate risk and adaptation information for decision-makers in a salient and actionable manner. The pathways responding to individual risks in London are then brought together to demonstrate how an integrated assessment framework may be used to appraise city-scale adaptation pathways that respond to multiple climate risks. The growing emphasis within adaptation planning on approaches that can react flexibly to change increases the need to better understand the dynamics of climate risk and embed learning about the effectiveness of adaptation actions. To complement the pathways and adaptation decision-making research presented in this thesis, a framework that links adaptation monitoring and evaluation (M&E), risk assessment and decision-making is presented and explored to highlight the potential benefits of, and mechanisms for, adaptation M&E to inform and strengthen iterative risk-based adaptation planning. Demonstrated for the Thames Estuary, where concepts of adaptation planning have been pioneered but the opportunities of linking to monitoring and evaluation have not been extensively explored, we show how the framework can highlight actions and factors that are contributing to improving adaptation outcomes and those that require strengthening. This thesis contributes to the literature on urban climate change adaptation planning under conditions of uncertainty. This thesis also contributes to the evidence base needed to justify long-term planning and realise the benefits of climate risk reduction through the implementation of flexible, long-term integrated urban adaptation plans.

Hur påverkas det lokala klimatet av en expanderande urban miljö under framtida klimatförhållanden : Exempel Norrköping stad

Salmijärvi, Robert January 2017 (has links)
Urbana miljöer växer globalt och en allt större andel av jordens befolkning är bosatta i urbana miljöer. Samtidigt lever vi idag i en tid där pågående klimatförändringar har förändrat och kommer fortsätta att förändra temperaturförhållanden globalt, framförallt i världens städer. En urban värmeö är ett område i en stad i vilken temperaturen är högre än omkringliggande landsbygd. Temperaturskillnaden mellan urbana områden i staden och rurala områden utanför staden är generellt som störst efter solnedgången då landsbygdsmiljön kyls av med en hastighet som överstiger den i stadsmiljön. Störst avvikelse iakttas således generellt nattetid under moln- och vindfria förhållanden. Fenomenet karaktäriseras av att staden som struktur inverkar på klimatet lokalt. Med staden som struktur menas bland annat stadens och byggnaders geometri, men även förändringar av vindens rörelsemönster och verkan i staden.  Vidare påverkar även en ökad absorption av solstrålning, till följd av multireflektion eller en hög andel hårdgjorda ytor, temperaturen i staden. Dessutom leder stadens struktur ofta till en minskning av sensibel värmeöverföring ut ur staden på grund av att byggnader, framförallt i en tät bebyggelse eller byggnadsstruktur, hindrar den långvågiga strålningen att fritt kunna stiga upp i atmosfären. Strålningen bibehålls på så sätt i staden. Valet av byggnadsmaterial i staden, som generellt innehar låga albedo, bidrar också till att energi från solstrålning lagras i staden under dagen och avges under natten, något som i sin tur bidrar till en uppvärmning i staden. I tillägg bidrar antropogena verksamheter i staden, såsom exempelvis uppvärmning av byggnader, spillvärme från desamma samt förbränning av fossila bränslen, till en uppvärmning av luften i staden. Allt högre temperaturer i världens städer är av intresse att studera då det kan påverka människorna som lever i städerna negativt. Då studier om framtidens klimat pekar på att värmeböljor kommer att bli mer intensiva och utdragna men också förekomma med en ökad frekvens, kommer också risken för att människor drabbas av värmerelaterade åkommor att öka, detta då antalet dödsfall kopplat till värmeslag, värmestress eller likartade hälsobesvär ökar i takt med temperaturen. Åtgärder för att kyla luften i urbana miljöer och minska intensiteten av den urbana värmeön kan bland annat vara att implementera fler grön- och blåstrukturer i stadsmiljön, men också överväga vilka typer av byggnadsmaterial och färgval som används i staden, för att försöka höja albedovärdet i staden och på så sätt öka reflektionen av inkommande solstrålning. Då temperaturen i staden Norrköping, enligt rådande klimatforskning, förväntas bli högre i framtiden är det av relevans, inte minst ur ett hälsoperspektiv, att uppmärksamma och beakta frågan. Idag finns det dock en brist på studier om urbana värmeöar i mellanstora svenska städer, som är lokaliserade i en region som kan komma att drabbas av betydligt fler värmeböljor i framtiden, och en stadsstorlek där en stor andel av den svenska befolkningen bor. Med ovanstående som bakgrund har fältmätningar och analyser i GIS utförts för att undersöka den urbana värmeön i Norrköping utifrån dagens klimat men också utifrån olika framtida klimat- och stadssutvecklingsscenarier. Det finns idag en tydlig urban värmeö i Norrköping, utifrån fältmätningar under fem veckor under våren 2017, med en temperaturskillnad på mellan 3,44 och 5,64 °C i de urbana miljöerna gentemot referenslokalen i en rural miljö. Den urbana värmeön kan dessutom komma att öka dels i utbredning, dels i intensitet om staden utvecklas och förtätas på ett sätt där olika byggnadsstrukturers inverkan på temperaturen inte tas i beaktning. / Urban environments grow globally, and an increasing proportion of the world's population resides in urbanized areas. At the same time, the ongoing climate change has changed and will continue to change global temperature conditions, especially in the world's cities.  An urban heat island is an area in a city in which the temperature is higher than the surrounding countryside. The temperature difference between urban and rural areas is generally greatest after sunset when the rural areas are cooled at a higher speed than the urban environment. The biggest deviation is thus generally observed at night during clear and calm weather conditions. The phenomenon is characterized by how structures in the city, inter alia, the geometry of the city and buildings, but also changes in the wind patterns affect the climate locally.  Higher temperatures in the cities globally are of interest to study as it may adversely affect the growing number of people living in cities. As studies of the climate of the future indicate that heat waves will become more intense and elongated but also occur with an increased frequency, the risk of people suffering from heat related disorders will also increase, as the number of deaths associated with heat stress or similar health concerns correlates with an increase in temperature. Measures to cool the air in urban environments and reduce the intensity of urban warming can include implementing more green and blue structures in the urban environment, but also considering the types of building materials and color choices used in the city in order to try increasing the albedo value, and thus increase the reflection of incoming solar radiation. As the temperature in the city of Norrköping, according to prevailing climate research, is expected to be higher in the future, it is of relevance, especially from a health perspective, to pay attention to and consider the issue of urban heat islands. Today, however, there is a lack of studies on urban heat islands in medium-sized Swedish cities, which are located in a region that may be affected by significantly more heat waves in the future, and a city size in which a large proportion of the Swedish population lives. On that basis, field measurements and analyzes in GIS have been conducted to try and visualize the urban heat island in Norrköping based on today's climate, but also from different future climate and urban development scenarios. There is today a visible urban heat island in Norrköping, based on field measurements during five weeks in the spring of 2017. In addition, the urban heat island may increase in both size and intensity if the city develops and densifies in a manner that does not take into account the influence that different types of building structures have on the temperature.


Costa, Tarcísio Oliveira da 24 November 2014 (has links)
The study of urban climate has a great importance in regard to the understanding of the human-nature relationship and the interaction between the local climate and the city. This expectation motivated this study on the Urban Climate in the city of Bragança, Pará State, a city that has undergone urban impacts from the rains that cause floods and flooding that hit several areas of the city, especially along the course from the Cereja stream, that is cutting the urban mesh. The Floods are one of the most serious problems which affects the cities when there is an occurrence of extreme precipitation events, generating impacts that affect the daily routine of the people. In this way, the choice for the study of meteoric impact of the channel, the third channel among the subsystems of the Urban Climate System (SCU), it is justified by the study of floods and flooding that happened in the city and the need to understanding the environmental conditions that originate. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the urban climate and extreme expectation events associated with the occurrence of floods and flooding in the urban area of Bragança. Therewith, we analyzed the occurrence of floods in Cereja stream and flooding in Bragança in 2004-2013 period; It was analyzed the variability of precipitation in urban areas from January to May, in 2014; we identified the atmospheric systems linked to extreme expectation events in the urban area of the city; however, the balance of participation of climate systems during the Amazon winter 2014 and it was made a map of climate risk in areas of extreme rainfall situations with sight to urban land use planning in the city. Therefore, the research was based on the SCU theory developed by Monteiro (1976). In the historic flood (2004-2013) were found 32 extreme events, that only 07 were classified as episodes of relevance for this study due to the impact of records in the urban area. The weather data analyzed was collected of the Weather Station Conventional of Tracuateua city (EMT) and Automatic Weather Station of Bragança (EMB) that belongs to INMET and a network of 07 rain gauges installed in the urban area of the city in 2014 which allowed a development of variability maps precipitation during the Amazon winter. Were also it was developed participation swing charts of atmospheric systems with satellite images from GOES 13 aid provided by INPE and Letters daily Synoptic of 00h and 12h provided by the Navy of Brazil. With the results, it was observed that the ZCIT has increased the participation in the occurrence of extreme events and urban impacts, and it was noted that there is a great variability of expectation in the study of the area, up to 161 mm between the northnortheast sector (Rainier) and the South-southwest sector (less rain). Finally we prepared a risk map as a tool for urban land in use planning, considering the local climate variable. / O estudo do clima urbano é de grande importância no que se refere à compreensão da relação homem-natureza e da interação entre o clima local e a cidade. Essa perspectiva motivou este estudo sobre o Clima Urbano de Bragança/PA, cidade que tem sofrido impactos urbanos oriundos das chuvas que provocam inundações e alagamentos que atingem diversas áreas da cidade, principalmente, ao longo do curso do Igarapé Cereja, que corta a malha urbana. As inundações são um dos graves problemas que afetam as cidades quando há ocorrência de eventos de precipitação extrema, gerando impactos que influenciam no cotidiano das populações. Nesse sentido, a escolha pelo estudo do canal do Impacto Meteórico, terceiro canal dentre os subsistemas do Sistema Clima Urbano (SCU), justifica-se pelo estudo das inundações e alagamentos que tem ocorrido em Bragança e pela necessidade de entendimento das condições climáticas que as originam. Nesse contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo geral analisar o clima urbano e os eventos de precipitação extrema associados à ocorrência de inundações e alagamentos na área urbana de Bragança-PA. Com isso, analisou-se a ocorrência de inundações no Igarapé Cereja e alagamentos em Bragança no período de 2004-2013; analisou-se a variabilidade da precipitação na área urbana no período de janeiro à maio do ano de 2014; identificou-se os sistemas atmosféricos ligados aos eventos de precipitação extrema na área urbana de Bragança-PA; realizou-se o balanço de participação dos sistemas atmosféricos durante o inverno amazônico de 2014 e elaborou-se um mapa de áreas de risco climático em situações de extrema precipitação com vistas ao ordenamento territorial urbano do município. Para tanto, a pesquisa baseou-se na teoria do SCU elaborada por Monteiro (1976). No histórico de inundações (2004-2013) foram encontrados 32 eventos extremos, dos quais apenas 07 foram classificados como episódios de relevância para este estudo, devido aos registros de repercussão na área urbana. Os dados meteorológicos analisados foram coletados da Estação Meteorológica Convencional de Tracuateua (EMT) e Estação Meteorológica Automática de Bragança (EMB), pertencente ao INMET e por uma rede de 07 pluviômetros instalados na área urbana de Bragança/PA em 2014, que possibilitou elaboração de mapas da variabilidade da precipitação durante o inverno amazônico. Foram também elaborados gráficos de balanço de participação mensal dos sistemas atmosféricos, com auxílio de imagens do satélite GOES 13 disponibilizadas pelo INPE e Cartas Sinóticas diárias das 00h e 12h disponibilizadas pela Marinha do Brasil. Com os resultados, observou-se que a ZCIT tem maior participação na ocorrência de eventos extremos e impactos urbanos, além de observar-se que há uma grande variabilidade da precipitação na área de estudo, de até 161 mm entre o setor norte-nordeste (mais chuvoso) e o setor Sul-sudoeste (menos chuvoso). Por fim foi elaborado um mapa de riscos como instrumento para o ordenamento territorial urbano, considerando a variável climática local.


Kegler, Jonathan Júlio 15 April 2016 (has links)
The urban climate study has a great importance in regard to the understanding of man's relationship with nature and climate-city relationship, especially from the changes promoted with urbanization. This perspective has motivated this study on the Urban Climate of Agudo/RS, especially in raising the thermodynamic channel, according to the SCU proposed by Monteiro (1976), in four different climatic situations, two in winter and two in summer. For this research, it became relevant theoretical background to the topic, as well as field survey for recognition of information relevant to the search. In the urban and rural environment near Agudo, mobile transects were made to collect temperature and relative humidity at three times: at 6AM, 3PM and 9PM in four different dates, two in winter and two in summer with the aid of datalogger and GPS. After data collection, they were tabulated and spatialized with GIS support for further analysis with the geoecological and geourban data of Agudo, in order to understand if there was or not manifestation of urban climate in this city. There was training in two moments of freshness island phenomenon, one in the winter, under the control of the "Anticyclonic Polar Sea Weather", associated with the Polar Atlantic anticyclone with maritime trip, and the other in summer, in the area of "Low pressure Continental weather" associated with the field of Tropical and Continental air Mass. Both registered freshness islands were weak magnitude, with 1°C difference less than its near surroundings. In this sense, the different weather systems involved do not provide different magnitudes, which can be explained by Agudo s urbanization not be very pronounced if the same phenomenon was recorded in a larger urban area, in the town of Agudo does not favor the formation an island of coolness medium or strong magnitude, regardless of atmospheric ruling system, given its degree of urbanization. Since the formation of heat islands in Agudo was restricted to the summer period, and both associated with tropical atmospheric domains, with Tropical Atlantic air mass, forming the "anticyclonic TropicalSea weather" and Tropical Continental air Mass, forming the "Low pressure Continental weather". However, the magnitude of the heat island was stronger when the presence of tropical masses with formation inside the south- American continent, which brings more heat than the tropical oceanic ones. / O estudo do clima urbano é de grande importância no que se refere à compreensão da relação do homem com a natureza e da relação clima-cidade, sobretudo, a partir das modificações promovidas com a urbanização. Essa perspectiva motivou este estudo sobre o Clima Urbano de Agudo/RS, especialmente no levantamento do canal termodinâmico, segundo o SCU proposto por Monteiro (1976), em quatro situações climáticas distintas, sendo duas no inverno e duas no verão. Para a realização desta pesquisa, fez-se fundamentação teórica pertinente ao tema, bem como, o levantamento de campo para reconhecimento de informações relevantes para a pesquisa. No ambiente urbano e rural próximo de Agudo, foram feitos transectos móveis para coleta de dados de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar em três horários distintos: às 6h, 15h e 21h, em quatro datas diferentes, sendo duas na estação de inverno e duas no verão, com o auxílio de datalogger e GPS. Após coleta dos dados, os mesmos foram tabulados e espacializados com auxílio de GIS para posterior análise com os dados geoecológicos e geourbanos de Agudo, com a finalidade de entender se houve, ou não, manifestação do clima urbano nesta cidade. Houve formação em dois momentos de fenômeno de ilha de frescor, sendo um no inverno, sob domínio do Tempo Anticiclônico Polar Marítimo , associado ao Anticiclone Polar Atlântico com trajetória marítima, e outro no verão, sob domínio do Tempo Depressionário Continental , associado ao domínio da Massa Tropical Continental. Ambas ilhas de frescor registradas foram de fraca magnitude, com 1°C de diferença a menos do que em seu entorno próximo.Nesse sentido, os diferentes sistemas atmosféricos envolvidos não propiciam diferentes magnitudes, o que pode ser explicado pela urbanização de Agudo não ser muito pronunciada, caso o mesmo fenômeno fosse registrado em uma área urbana maior, ou seja, a cidade de Agudo não favorece a formação de uma ilha de frescor de média ou forte magnitude, independente do sistema atmosférico reinante, dado ao seu grau de urbanização.Já a formação das ilhas de calor em Agudo esteve restrita ao período do verão, e ambas associadas aos domínios atmosféricos tropicais, com a Massa Tropical Atlântica, formando o Tempo Anticiclônico Tropical Marítimo e Massa Tropical Continental, formando o Tempo Depressionário Continental . No entanto, a magnitude a ilha de calor foi mais forte quando da presença das massas tropicais continentalizadas, que trazem mais calor do que as tropicais oceânicas.

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