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O paradigma da fluidez do automóvel: burocracias estatais e mobilidade em São Paulo / The automobile flow paradigm: state bureaucracies and mobility in São PauloCarolina Requena 03 February 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa busca compreender se e como a trajetória das burocracias municipais ligadas à circulação viária teve e tem efeito sobre o destino das políticas públicas de mobilidade urbana em São Paulo. Os achados permitem argumentar que o insulamento e a capacitação da Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego (CET) quando de sua fundação nos anos 1970 lhe possibilitaram estabelecer e manter um paradigma de política o paradigma da fluidez do automóvel. Esse paradigma, por sua vez, impacta negativamente o desempenho do transporte coletivo viário, administrado por uma burocracia historicamente menos capacitada (SPTrans). Programas recentes que enfrentaram o paradigma da fluidez do automóvel são compreendidos como resultado do sucesso do poder executivo municipal em ativar, no sentido da mudança, o trabalho de ambas burocracias (CET e SPTrans). Além de procurar avolumar a agenda de pesquisas sobre Estado e políticas públicas, a presente dissertação pretende ampliar as explicações oferecidas para o crítico status quo da mobilidade urbana em São Paulo, propondo a incorporação da análise de políticas de circulação viária à esparsa investigação sobre mobilidade urbana feita pelas ciências sociais. / This research attempts to understand if and how the trajectory of municipal bureaucracies linked to road circulation impact the destiny of urban mobility policies in São Paulo. Evidence leads us to argue that the insulation and empowerment of the Traffic Engineering Company (CET in Portuguese) at the time of its foundation in the 1970s allowed it to establish and maintain a policy paradigm the paradigm of automobile flow. This paradigm impacts negatively the performance of road collective transport, run by a historically less empowered bureaucracy (SPTrans). Recent programs confronting the paradigm of automobile flow are understood to be the result of the success of the municipal executive power in inducing the work of both bureaucracies toward change. Besides intending to add to the research agenda on the State and public policy, this dissertation aims to broaden the explanations regarding the critical status of urban mobility in São Paulo, suggesting the inclusion of the analysis of road-circulation policies in the sparse investigation of urban mobility done by the social sciences.
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Transformações espaciais nas paisagens de ambientes construídos: suas dinâmicas e formas de representação / Spatial transformations in the landscapes of the built environmentsCarlos Alberto Rizzi 08 March 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa propõe o mapeamento de áreas envoltórias para grandes concentrações de zonas especiais de proteção cultural, via critérios de mobilidade urbana. Objetiva-se estabelecer parâmetros de modo que áreas assim definidas se transformem em instrumentos de articulação entre políticas públicas de salvaguarda, planejamento de transporte e ordenamento territorial. Os estudos de caso se situam na metrópole de São Paulo: antigas fábricas e galpões abandonados na zona leste da cidade e um eixo de teatros, cinemas e parques na região central, respectivamente, chamados de Galpões da Moóca e Corredor Cultural. Foi aplicado o método de bordas múltiplas por faixas de qualidade em microacessibilidade, resultando em duas zonas-tampão às referidas concentrações. Esse esforço visou superar a fragmentação espacial que dificulta a proteção das zonas culturais. / The purpose of this article is the mapping of surrounding areas to large concentrations of special cultural protection zones through urban mobility criteria. The objective is to establish parameters in such a way that the areas as so defined transform in instruments of articulation between public policy of safekeeping urban transportation and territorial arrangement. The case studies are situated in the metropolis of São Paulo: old factories and old sheds on the east side of town and axis of theaters, cinemas and parks in the central region, respectively called of Galpões da Moóca and Corredor Cultural. The method of multiple borders by quality in microaccessibility has been applied resulting in two buffer-zones as to the referred concentration. That effort intended to overcome the space fragmentation that complicates the protection of cultural zones.
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Evaluation environnementale des besoins de mobilité des grandes aires urbaines en France - Approche par Analyse de Cycle de Vie / Environmental assessment of urban area trip purposes in France with Life Cycle AnalysisLe Feon, Samuel 17 January 2014 (has links)
Les déplacements de personnes et de marchandises sont responsables d’une part importante des impacts environnementaux à l’échelle de la ville. Cette thèse part des hypothèses que, les impacts environnementaux des phases situées en amont ou en aval de la phase d’usage ne sont pas négligeables et que l’étude différenciée des besoins de mobilité peut apporter un éclairage nouveau aux méthodes traditionnelles d’évaluation. La façon de répondre à chaque besoin induit, a priori, des impacts environnementaux différents. Ces derniers sont calculés à l’aide de la méthode d’Analyse de Cycle de Vie. La méthodologie a été développée sur un cas d’application : les émissions de GES de l’Agglomération de Saint-Etienne afin de se confronter à la réalité du terrain et de se procurer des données spécifiques. Ce cas d’application a donné une première série de résultats, confirmant à la fois la part non négligeable d’impacts hors phase d’usage et la disparité des émissions pour une personne.kilomètre selon le besoin de déplacement. Ensuite, une proposition de typologies urbaines a été faite en réalisant une Analyse en Composantes Principales, couplée à une Classification Ascendante Hiérarchique, sur les grandes aires urbaines de France, sur des variables influentes pour la mobilité. Trois classes d’aires urbaines ont été étudiées. La méthodologie a été appliquée aux données des Enquêtes Ménages Déplacements de Bordeaux, Toulon et Valenciennes. Des disparités sont observées pour certains motifs et il est possible de calculer des marges de progression pour chaque agglomération. Enfin, l’utilisation de l’ACV, multicritère a également révélé la nécessité de travailler avec plusieurs indicateurs. / Transportation of goods and people is known as a key environmental impact contributor in a city. However, traditional impact assessment methodologies don’t consider environmental issues all over the life cycle. The cause of a trip is also rarely taken into account in an environmental assessment. This thesis aims at proposing a new impact assessment methodology that considers the influence of indirect emissions (using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology) and causes of trips on the environmental footprint. Two main hypotheses are settled at the beginning: the environmental impacts of mobility do not only occur during the use phase (the trip by itself) but all over its life cycle. Also the trip purposes may change the choice of way to travel and consequently affect environmental impacts. The global Functional Unit (FU) is “transport people and good in a French urban area during a year” and is divided in intermediate FU referring to each trip purposes, such as “allow commuter trips in a French urban area during a year”. The methodology was developed, tested and validated through a real case: the agglomeration of Saint-Etienne (France). During this phase, mobility territorial actors were met and real data provided that allows facing methodology to possible field limitations. This application case shows first results. First, it confirms importance to consider impacts all over the life cycle (17% of GHG emissions occur out of the use phase). Second, it shows significant differences of emissions by person.kilometer between trip purposes categories. Then a typology of urban area was proposed based on literature about travel determinants. Principal Component Analysis used on French big urban areas (more than 250 000 inhabitants) identified 5 classes. The methodology was applied to three of them (Bordeaux, Toulon and Valenciennes) using data from a standardized survey on households and mobility in order to compare them. It shows disparities on global results partly due to total annual travel distances. The trip purposes differentiation also shows important differences between urban areas. For each cause trip category and emission reduction potentials were calculated for each urban area by extrapolating differences for a pkm to the total annual distance for the trip. This can provide helpful information to deciders. Finally, the need to provide a multicriteria evaluation that is provided by LCA was committed. However methodological improvement would be necessary to better reflect local and regional impacts in LCA.
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Intermodalité et coûts des déplacements urbains dans les mégapoles. Les cas de Paris, Shanghai et Taipei / Intermodality and urban trip costs in the metropolises. The case studies of Paris, Shanghai and TaipeiYeh, Chao-Fu 02 October 2009 (has links)
La recherche d’une mobilité plus durable constitue aujourd’hui un souci partagé chez les responsables des grandes villes du monde, qui doivent alléger la pression des transports sur l’espace (congestion), la qualité de vie (nuisances, accidents), l’environnement (émissions de CO2) en maintenant leur capacité de développement et en préservant ou améliorant leur cohésion sociale. C’est le cas sur nos terrains d’étude, qui sont l’Île-de-France, Shanghai et Taipei. Cette recherche de durabilité s’inscrit dans un contexte historique, géographique et culturel, qui prédétermine l’état de la mobilité et de ses évolutions sur les territoires. Notre première partie est consacrée à l’analyse de la mobilité et de ses dynamiques sur ces trois terrains. Les moyens d’aller vers cette durabilité peuvent reposer sur le progrès technologique, la planification urbaine, la tarification des systèmes et les évolutions d’usage des modes. Des transferts des modes individuels vers le transport public sont généralement considérés comme souhaitables, et le développement de transport intermodal est une des conditions de ce développement. Notre travail distingue fortement le bus et le rail dans les modes collectifs, et le vélo, les deux-roues motorisés et la voiture dans les modes individuels. Il porte sur les perspectives de transfert modal et le rôle potentiel de l’intermodalité. Ces perspectives dépendent de trois types de coûts : les coûts qualifiés d’« externes », qui motivent le besoin de plus de durabilité ; les coûts pour l’usager, qui déterminent largement ses comportements ; les coûts d’investissement et d’exploitation des systèmes, dont une part souvent importante est financée par les pouvoirs publics et les impôts. La caractérisation théorique, la modélisation et l’évaluation empirique de ces coûts pour les trois terrains d’étude sont l’objet de la partie II. La comparaison des coûts par voyageur-km entre modes individuels et modes collectifs fait apparaître qu’aucun ne peut être meilleur que les autres sur les trois postes de coûts, et que les différences dépendent de plus des types de déplacements (longueurs, origines-destinations, etc.). La partie III est de nature plus prospective. Elle présente d’une part les schémas de développement des territoires et des transports adoptés par les responsables de ces territoires. Elle explore d’autre part les capacités à aller vers une mobilité plus durable à partir des comparaisons issues de nos territoires et des évaluations de coûts menées dans la partie II. Deux politiques importantes sont explorées : les politiques de stationnement et les politiques de tarification des transport publics ; Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire de thèse ont pour but de contribuer au développement de ce modèle d’évaluation des coûts de déplacement et d’une méthode de diagnostic permettant de proposer des visions des transports dans le cadre de développement durable et d’orienter les politiques de déplacement vers plus de durabilité et d’intermodalité. / The research of a more sustainable mobility today constitutes a concern shared for persons in charge of the metropolises in the world, which must reduce the pressure of road space (congestion), the quality of life (harmful effects, accidents), the environment (CO2 emissions) and maintain their capacity of development and preserve or improve their social cohesion. There are three case studies in our research, the greater Paris region, Shanghai and Taipei. This search for sustainability falls within a historical, geographical and cultural context, which predetermines the state of mobility and its evolutions on the metropolis. Thus, our first part of research work is devoted to the analysis of mobility and its dynamics on these three metropolises. The means for realizing this sustainability can rest on technological progress, the urban planning, the systems of prices and the evolutions of transport use. The transfer of the individual modes by the public transport is generally regarded as desirable, and the development of intermodal transport is one of the conditions of this development. Our work strongly distinguishes the bus and the rail which belong to the collective modes, and the bicycle, the two-wheel motorized vehicles and car which belong to the individual modes. It focuses on the prospects for modal transfer and the potential role of the intermodality. In fact, these prospects depend on three types of costs: the costs described as "external", which justify the need of sustainability; the costs for the user, which largely determine their trip behaviours; the costs of investment and exploitation of systems, whose are often financed by the authorities and the taxes. The theoretical characterization, the modelling and the empirical evaluation of these costs for the three case studies are the object of second part in our research. The comparison of the costs brought by passenger-km between individual modes and collective modes reveals that none can be better than the others on the three types of costs, and the differences depend on the types of trips (lengths, origin-destinations, etc). The third part in our research is more prospective nature. On the one hand, it presents the diagrams of development for territories and transport adopted by the persons in charge for these metropolises. On the other hand, it explores the capacities for going towards a more sustainable mobility from the comparisons through the case study and the evaluation of trip costs carried out in second part. Two significant policies are explored: parking policies and price policies of public transport. The purpose of the work presented in this dissertation aims at contributing to the development of this model of evaluation for trip costs and a method of diagnosis making it possible to propose visions of transport within the framework of sustainable development and to turn the policies of urban mobility towards more sustainability and intermodality.
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Mobilités urbaines et planification : le cas de N'Djamena / Urban mobilities and planning : the case of N’DjamenaMahamat Hemchi, Hassane 23 June 2015 (has links)
Le rapport de l’individu à son environnement urbain, déjà complexe, se complexifie aujourd’hui davantage du fait de la prolifération de nouvelles pratiques de mobilité. De nouveaux espaces urbains sont créés, appuyés par des politiques, des cultures et des moyens. Pour s'en persuader, il suffit de rappeler que l'aptitude à se mouvoir est une faculté essentielle de tout individu, une condition de survie de toutes les sociétés qui détermine le degré de développement du territoire. Notre étude s'attache à montrer comment chaque type d'acteur concerné conçoit et organise les rapports entre mobilité et territoire. Nous étudions comment les différentes stratégies s'inscrivent dans l'espace urbain et nous aident à mieux appréhender ses atouts et ses limites et comment se pratiquent les mobilités urbaines. Nous proposons des grilles de lecture de ces dernières à partir du cas de la ville de N’Djamena, la capitale tchadienne. Cette étude traite de la mobilité urbaine à partir de l’analyse du fonctionnement actuel du système de transport ainsi que des stratégies de gestion urbaine et d’adaptation aux mobilités par la population de N’Djamena. Différentes stratégies sont mises en œuvre aussi bien par la population que par les opérateurs de transports qui sont souvent des particuliers travaillant en collaboration avec les différents syndicats. Pour prendre en considération les différents aspects et enjeux socio-spatiaux des pratiques des mobilités urbaines à travers la ville de N’Djamena, il s’est révélé pertinent et heuristique de croiser les différents outils et disciplines que constituent l’urbanisme, la sociologie, la géographie et l’ingénierie des transports. L'espace n'est jamais donné, il est toujours construit. Ce travail tente ainsi de définir dans un premier temps les différents concepts en lien avec les mobilités urbaines tantôt confondus, souvent antagonistes, leurs origines et leurs interprétations. Nous démontrons que la mobilité se présente comme un concept soulevant des enjeux d’ordre social, urbanistique, économique, géographique, etc. Dans un second temps, ce travail analyse les modalités d’adaptation de la population face aux offres de transports que propose le secteur dans des conditions d’insuffisance accrue à travers toute la ville de N’Djamena en termes de planification, de gestion et de moyen de transport. C’est ainsi que cette étude aborde les dysfonctionnements du système des transports de la capitale tchadienne ainsi que les stratégies d’adaptation de la population, en particulier celles de la périphérie que représentent le 1er, le 8e et le 9e arrondissement. Cette étude analyse ainsi les origines et les causes de la prolifération du système des transports que sont les mototaxis. Ces derniers, apparus dans les années soixante-dix, constituent aujourd’hui une pratique qui évolue entre acceptation citoyenne et refus politique. / The relation of the individual to his urban environment, already complex, is more complex today because of the proliferation of new mobility practices. New urban spaces are created, supported by policies, cultures and resources.To be convinced of it, we need to remember that the ability to move is an essential right of any individual, a condition of survival of all societies which determines the degree of development of the territory. Our study attempts to show how each type of actor concerned designs and organizes the link between mobility and territory. We study how different strategies are part of the urban space and help us to better understand its strengths and limitations, and how to practice urban mobility. We offer reading grids of the latterbased on the case of the city of N'Djamena, the capital of Chad.This study deals with urban mobility from the analysis of the current transport system functioning, as well as urban management and adaptation strategies tomobilities by the population of N'Djamena. Different strategies are implemented both by the population and by transport operators who are often individuals working in collaboration with various unions. To consider the various socio-spatial aspects and issues of urban mobility practices through the city of N'Djamena, it has been relevant and heuristic to cross the different tools and disciplines of urban planning, sociology, geography and transportation engineering. Space is never given, it is always built. This work thus attempts to define at first the various concepts related to urban mobility – sometimes confused, often antagonistic –, their origins and their interpretations. We demonstrate that mobility is as a concept rising social, urban planning, economic and geographical issues, amongst others. Secondly, this work analyzes the modalities of adaptation of the population to transport offers, in a context of increasing deficiencyconditions in planning, management and conveyancethroughout the city of N'Djamena. Thus, this study addresses the shortcomings of Chadian capital transport system as well as the adaptation strategies of the population, particularly within the periphery that is the 1st, 8th and 9th districts.This study analyzes the origins and causes of the proliferation of bikecabs within the transport system. The latter, appeared in the seventies, is today a practice that evolves between citizen acceptance and political refusal.
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Mobilidade urbana sustentável: uma análise sobre o plano de mobilidade urbana da cidade de São PauloSchmal, Dominic 29 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Dominic Schmal (d_schmal@hotmail.com) on 2018-10-25T12:50:27Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-09-29 / As cidades e os seus formuladores de políticas enfrentam grandes pressões para buscar atender os atuais desafios de mobilidade urbana. A urbanização acelerada, o crescimento populacional, as mudanças demográficas e a escassez de recursos naturais e mudanças climáticas continuarão a desafiar as cidades pelo mundo. O desenvolvimento urbano sustentável é uma prioridade global e se faz necessário. No entanto, a maioria das cidades carece da capacidade e de recursos para garantir o desenvolvimento de maneira sustentável. Mobilidade é um dos tópicos mais difíceis de serem solucionados nas grandes áreas urbanas, envolvendo questões de políticas públicas econômicas e socioambientais e dependendo da tecnologia e comportamento da população. Aquelas cidades que decidiram realizar movimentos ousados no avanço e na diversificação nos sistemas de transporte urbano por meio de um plano de mobilidade sustentável poderão aprimorar a atratividade, a produtividade a e qualidade de vida dos cidadãos. As grandes metrópoles brasileiras devem se atentar às iniciativas de mobilidade urbana sustentáveis a fim e atender as tendências de urbanização acelerada e das mudanças demográficas que ocorrerão no Brasil nas próximas décadas e de maneira exponencial. Nesse contexto, este trabalho busca responder à seguinte questão: de que forma o plano de mobilidade de São Paulo incorpora princípios de mobilidade urbana sustentável? Tal análise é realizada tomando-se como base (i) a proposta de Subirats et al. (2008) para elementos constitutivos de uma política pública e (ii) no modelo de Machado e Piccinini (2018) relacionado aos princípios dos planos de mobilidade urbana sustentável, comparando a incorporação de tais princípios nos planos de mobilidade urbana de Barcelona e Londres. Como resultados dessa análise, o Plano de Mobilidade de São Paulo é considerado avançado e equiparado na sua qualidade na estrutura de princípios e elementos de mobilidade urbana sustentável, quando comparamos com planos de mobilidade urbana de referência internacional. Entretanto, os resultados também apontam a necessidade de evoluir em temas ainda não contemplados no referido plano e que vêm ganhando notoriedade em outros países. / Cities and their policy makers face great pressure to address the current challenges of urban mobility. Rapid urbanization, population growth, demographic shifts and the scarcity of natural resources and climate change will continue to challenge cities around the world. Sustainable urban development is a global priority and is necessary. However most cities lack the capacity and resources to ensure development in a sustainable manner. Mobility is one of the most difficult issues to solve in large urban areas, involving public economic and socioenvironmental policy issues and depending on the technology and behavior of the population. Those cities that have decided to make daring moves to advance and diversify urban transport systems through a sustainable mobility plan can improve the attractiveness, productivity and quality of life of citizens. The great Brazilian metropolises must pay attention to the sustainable urban mobility initiatives in order to meet the trends of accelerated urbanization and the demographic changes that will occur in Brazil in the coming decades an in an exponential way. In this context, this paper seeks to answer the following question: How does São Paulo's mobility plan incorporate sustainable urban mobility principles? his analysis is carried out based on (i) the proposal of Subirats et al. (2008) for the constituent elements of a public policy and (ii) the Machado and Piccinini model (2018) related to the principles of sustainable urban mobility plans, comparing incorporation of such principles into the urban mobility plans of Barcelona and London. As a result of this analysis, the São Paulo Mobility Plan is considered to be advanced and equated in its quality in the structure of principles and elements of Sustainable Urban Mobility, when compared as urban mobility plans of international reference. However, the results also point to the need to evolve in themes not yet contemplated in the aforementioned plan and that have been gaining notoriety in other countries.
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Design městského jednostopého vozidla na elektrický pohon / Design of an Urban Two-Wheeled Electric VehicleHrubý, Václav January 2020 (has links)
The work deals with the design of an urban two-wheeled electric vehicle. The final product excels in simple shaping, a unique design solution and the possibility of tilting the saddle. Another interesting element is the possibility of extending the range using an additional battery or connecting to a mobile phone. With its features, the concept stands on the border of electric motorbikes, scooters and bicycles.
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European-wide study on big data for supporting road transport policyPaffumi, Elena, De Gennaro, Michele, Martini, Giorgio 21 December 2020 (has links)
This paper presents the latest achievements of TEMA (Transport Technology and Mobility Assessment) platform, designed to harness the potential of big data to support road transport policies in Europe. The platform relies on datasets of real world driving and mobility patterns collected by means of navigation systems and it is developed by the EC Joint Research Centre since 2012. Previous studies have demonstrated the potential of the platform in assessing real world emissions from conventional fuel vehicles and exploring the impact of the deployment of electrified vehicles in terms of usability, technology potential, energy requirements and infrastructural design. These last studies have been carried out on two pilot regions, i.e. the Italian provinces of Modena and Florence, whilst this article presents the earliest results achieved enlarging the study to a European-wide scale. To this purpose, results from additional fourteen new regions are presented, i.e. Amsterdam (NL), Brussels (BE), Luxembourg (LU), Paris (FR), Lisbon (PT), Krefeld (DE), Warsaw (PL), Bratislava (SK), Vienna (AT), Ljubljana (SI), Zagreb (HR), Budapest (HU), Sofia (BG), Athens (GR). The complete dataset accounts for approximately 2.57 billion records, 139 million driven kilometres and 632,186 monitored vehicles, being one among the most extensive driving datasets ever processed for policy support studies. This work constitutes the first attempt for initiating a continental scale study of driving behaviour in Europe, with the aim of showing how the proposed approach allows for unprecedented opportunities to shape the future of road transport.
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[pt] A cidade do Rio de Janeiro é protagonista de discussões jornalísticas e acadêmicas acerca de sua condição de centro turístico e cultural do Brasil. Ganham destaque temas relacionados às condições de mobilidade urbana existentes na metrópole. Sobre esse tema há desafios estruturais a superar: superlotação e difícil acesso a estações de ônibus, metrô e trens; congestionamento no trânsito de veículos no qual predomina o uso do veículo individual e precário sistema de sinalização de trânsito. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as ações que o governo municipal promove para a melhoria do transporte urbano. Como e por quais motivos uma cidade que tem investido maciçamente em vários modais de transporte apresenta ainda tantos problemas nesses serviços? O problema é analisado sob dois pontos de vista: todo o arcabouço legal de que os governantes dispõem para o desenvolvimento do transporte público e a utilização de um Índice de Mobilidade Sustentável (IMS), construído a partir de conceitos que estruturam o referencial teórico apresentado, o qual seria capaz de medir a qualidade do transporte público e também orientar decisões futuras. O recorte do estudo trata da Região Administrativa São Cristóvão (VII Região Administrativa do Rio de Janeiro), área escolhida em virtude da multiplicidade de sua ocupação (moradia, educação, esporte, lazer, saúde, comércio, indústria, passagem entre bairros) e de sua privilegiada localização junto ao Centro da cidade, contando com diversas vias de acesso conferindo-lhe grande potencial logístico intermodal. O aproveitamento de tais características depende de decisões e investimentos públicos. No entanto, o planejamento falho do sistema de transporte carioca é evidenciado pelo resultado do cálculo do IMS específico para São Cristóvão. A baixa qualidade nos meios de transporte disponibilizados é discutida a partir da constatação de fatos como a preferência pelo transporte motorizado individual; engarrafamentos crescentes na região; superlotação dos meios de transporte nos horários de pico; precariedade na acessibilidade aos meios de transporte; e pouca integração entre os modais de transporte na região. / [en] Rio de Janeiro city has a wide range of urban transportation. Subway, trains, buses, bike paths, cable cars and also water transportation. Recently, these modes have been awarded with public investments: expansion of the subway, modernization of railways, construction of dedicated lanes for buses and bicycle paths, and the number of boats on the water transport has increased. However, the improvement in the quality of urban mobility at the city is not perceived. Traffic jams, crashes in urban facilities, overcrowding of public transport and poor conditions of services are part of the public transport problems in the city. This research analyzes the VII Administrative Region São Cristóvão (VII RA-SC), comprising the following neighborhoods: São Cristóvão, Benfica, Mangueira and Vasco da Gama. These places have great passenger capacity of transport modes (train and subway) and also features several bus lines that make the interconnection with the rest of the city and also with nearby cities. The region also has several urban equipment, such as public parks, shopping and leisure centers, hospitals, museums, educational institutions and is also home to large companies in the telecommunications segments, engineering and oil industry. The overall objective of the research is to evaluate the VII RA-SC from the perspective of sustainable urban mobility from an index that incorporates the social, environmental and economic dimensions. The specific objectives for the development of analysis are reviewing the literature on sustainable urban mobility, the existing legal framework, characterization of the existing transport system in the VII RA-SC, modeling and calculation of Urban Mobility Index – São Cristóvão (IMS-SC). The calculation of IMS-SC has limitations due to the unavailability of recent data. Initially, the reporting period was the years 2012 to 2014. However, certain data only have surveys until 2012, therefore, researched period is between the years 2010 and 2012.
The subject Urban Mobility can be subdivided into four sub-items: definition the concepts of Urban Mobility and Sustainable Urban Mobility, establish the connection between land use and planning of transport, defining the macroaccessbility and microaccesbility concepts and presentation of the legal framework in planning public transport in Brazil. Thus, draws up a panel of concepts on the subject and how the public planning has been organized according to the new concepts that have been introduced in the thematic discussion.
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Simulating Autonomous Vehicles in a Microscopic Traffic Simulator to Investigate the Effects of Autonomous Vehicles on Roadway MobilityLackey, Nathan 27 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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