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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proteomic Analysis of Urinary Bladder Cancer : Aiming for Novel Biomarkers

Lindén, Mårten January 2013 (has links)
Urinary bladder cancer is a heterogeneous disease appearing in different forms, e.g. non-muscle invasive and muscle invasive. For all variants, the expression of proteins is interesting to analyze for diagnostic, predictive, prognostic and drug targeting purposes, since it reflects the altered gene expression causing the cancer. Since urothelial cells of the bladder are in direct contact with urine it is likely that this body fluid contains cancer-related proteins. In Paper I, unbiased analysis of proteins in urine from urinary bladder cancer patients and controls, using label-free quantification by mass spectrometry, was applied and four interesting proteins APOE, FGB, LRG and SERPINA1 were selected and further analyzed with western and dot blot. In Paper II, two more proteins, POLR1E and TOP2A, were validated as relevant proteins in bladder cancer urine. In Paper III and IV, the proteins GAL1 and STMN1 were investigated for their prognostic and therapeutic target potential in bladder cancer. In Paper II, III and IV, the expression of seven of the proteins were analyzed on tissue microarrays representing tumour tissue from 360 patients with different tumour stages. For the proteins identified by the urine screening approach, their protein expressions were confirmed in bladder cancer tissue. The expression level in tissue of five of the proteins, APOE, FGB, POLR1E (Paper II), GAL1 (Paper III) and STMN1 (Paper IV), increased with tumour stage, showing diagnostic relevance and three of the proteins, SERPINA1 (Paper II), STMN1 (Paper IV) and GAL1 (Paper III) had prognostic potential in urinary bladder cancer. In addition, GAL1 and STMN1 were demonstrated to be highly expressed in metastatic disease and inhibition of STMN1 reduced cell growth (Paper III and IV), indicating that these proteins are promising drug targets in urinary bladder cancer. In conclusion, the approach of this thesis has generated several candidate protein biomarkers in urine and tissue, validated with independent methods, which have the potential to improve the care for bladder cancer patients.

Μορφολογική εκτίμηση της έκφρασης του μεταγραφικού παράγοντα PPARγ και της συνομιλίας του (cross-talk) με το μεταγραφικό παράγοντα AP-1 κατά τη διαδικασία της καρκινογένεσης στα νεοπλάσματα εκ μεταβατικού επιθηλίου της ουροδόχου κύστης / Μorphological assessment of the expression of the transcriptional factor PPARγ and its cross-talk with the transcriptional factor AP-1 during the process of carcinogenesis in urothelial carcinomas

Πέττα, Ευρυδίκη 04 May 2011 (has links)
Ο καρκίνος της ουροδόχου κύστης είναι η τέταρτη συχνότερη κακοήθεια στους άνδρες και η δέκατη στις γυναίκες και η ετήσια επίπτωσή του αυξάνει συνεχώς στις ανεπτυγμένες χώρες. Oι προγνωστικοί παράγοντες που χρησιμοποιούνται σήμερα δεν μπορούν να προβλέψουν με βεβαιότητα την μακροπρόθεσμη έκβαση του ουροθηλιακού καρκίνου και έτσι προκύπτει η ανάγκη αναγνώρισης δεικτών με δυνατότητα πρόγνωσης της συμπεριφοράς των καρκινωμάτων. Επιπλέον, δεδομένων των περιορισμένων δυνατοτήτων των σημερινών θεραπευτικών επιλογών (χειρουργική αντιμετώπιση, χημειοθεραπεία ή ανοσοθεραπεία και ακτινοθεραπεία), απαιτούνται νέες θεραπευτικές στρατηγικές. Μία τέτοια στρατηγική είναι η στόχευση σε μεταγραφικούς παράγοντες όπως οι πυρηνικοί υποδοχείς και οι upstream ενεργοποιητές τους. Η διαταραχή αυτών των μεταγραφικών παραγόντων είναι κομβικό σημείο της έναρξης και διατήρησης του κακοήθους φαινοτύπου. O πυρηνικός υποδοχέας PPARγ εμπλέκεται στον έλεγχο του μεταβολισμού, την κυτταρική ανάπτυξη, την αγγειογένεση και την ανοσολογική και φλεγμονώδη απάντηση. Επιπρόσθετα, υπάρχουν ενδείξεις ότι ρυθμίζει τους μηχανισμούς καταστολής αλλά και προαγωγής της καρκινογένεσης. Ο RXRα είναι επίσης μέλος της υπεροικογένειας των πυρηνικών υποδοχέων και ετεροδιμερίζεται με τον PPARγ προς σχηματισμό του συμπλόκου που αλληλεπιδρά με το DNA. Οι προσδέτες των RXR υποδοχέων έχουν ήδη χρησιμοποιηθεί στη χημειοπρόληψη διαφόρων μορφών καρκίνου. Ο μεταγραφικός παράγoντας AP-1, απαρτίζεται από διμερή των Fos και Jun πρωτεϊνών και η δράση του σχετίζεται με την πρόοδο της καρκινογένεσης. Υπάρχουν πάντως και ενδείξεις για προ-αποπτωτική δράση του. Η CBP είναι ένας απ’ τους σημαντικότερους ολοκληρωτές σημάτων της μεταγραφής. Ο ανταγωνισμός μεταξύ των PPARγ και AP-1 για τη CBP είναι ένας απ’ τους μηχανισμούς που εξηγούν την αρνητική «συνομιλία» (cross-talk) μεταξύ των PPARγ και AP-1. Στην παρούσα μελέτη εξετάσαμε τόσο ξεχωριστά όσο και σε συνδυασμό μεταξύ τους, την έκφραση των πέντε μοριακών παραγόντων (PPARγ, RXRα, p-c-Jun, c-Fos, CBP) στο φυσιολογικό ουροθήλιο, τις προκαρκινικές αλλοιώσεις και τα ουροθηλιακά καρκινώματα (ΟΚ). Τα ιστικά δείγματα προήλθαν από 88 ασθενείς οι οποίοι υπέστησαν διαγνωστική βιοψία ή θεραπευτική κυστεκτομή, νεφρεκτομή ή ουρητηρεκτομή. Εφαρμόστηκε η ανοσοϊστοχημική μέθοδος σε τομές παραφίνης και εκτιμήθηκε η σχετική έκφραση των μελετώμενων παραγόντων στα ενδοκυττάρια διαμερίσματα, τις ενδοεπιθηλιακές στιβάδες και τις φυσιολογικές ή παθολογικές ιστολογικές βαθμίδες. Όλοι οι παράγοντες παρουσίασαν κυρίως πυρηνική εντόπιση. Η έκφραση του p-c-Jun ελαττώνεται στους ασθενείς άνω των 70 ετών σε σχέση με τους νεώτερους, ενώ κανένα άλλο απ’ τα μελετώμενα μόρια δε φαίνεται να επηρεάζεται από την ηλικία. Η έκφραση των PPARγ, CBP, p-c-Jun και c-Fos σημειώνει αύξηση κατά την πορεία προς τον καρκίνο. Όσο αφορά στα ΟΚ, οι PPARγ και CBP παρουσιάζουν αρνητική συσχέτιση με την αποδιαφοροποίηση. Επιπλέον ο PPARγ συσχετίζεται αρνητικά με την απόκτηση χαρακτήρων διήθησης στα ΟΚ. Αντιθέτως, η έκφραση του RXRα δεν διακυμαίνεται στατιστικώς σημαντικά σε όλη την πορεία της καρκινογένεσης. Η ανάλυση της συνδυασμένης έκφρασης των πέντε παραγόντων έγινε με σκοπό την αποκάλυψη ενδεχόμενων αλληλεπιδράσεων μεταξύ τους. Η προστατευτική δράση του PPARγ στο ουροθήλιο συνοδεύεται από ταυτόχρονη μέτρια ή ισχυρή έκφραση των RXRα, p-c-Jun και c-Fos. Αναλυτικά, η αυξανόμενη έκφραση του p-c-Jun συμπίπτει με ενίσχυση της θετικής συσχέτισης του PPARγ με καλύτερα διαφοροποιημένους, λιγότερο διηθητικούς όγκους, ενώ ο c-Fos φαίνεται να εξασθενίζει ήπια την ευνοϊκή δράση του PPARγ στη διαφοροποίηση του ουροθηλίου. Η αυξανόμενη έκφραση της CBP έδειξε να εξασθενίζει και τελικά να εκμηδενίζει τη στατιστικά σημαντική αύξηση του PPARγ στην πορεία προς τον καρκίνο και την επαγωγή του στους μη διηθητικούς όγκους σε σύγκριση με τους διηθητικούς. Ταυτόχρονα, η αρνητική σχέση της CBP με την αποδιαφοροποίηση και την αύξηση της κακοήθειας των ΟΚ επηρεάζεται από την παρουσία των PPARγ και AP-1, επιβεβαιώνοντας την υπόθεση της συνομιλίας αυτών των μοριακών παραγόντων. Ενδιαφέρουσα είναι η παρατήρηση ότι οι περισσότερες από τις αναφερθείσες πιο πάνω συσχτίσεις μεταξύ των μοριακών παραγόντων ίσχυαν για μεγαλύτερους των 70 ετών αλλά όχι πάντα για τους νεώτερους ασθενείς. Τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας μελέτης μπορούν πιθανόν να οδηγήσουν σε συμπεράσματα με εφαρμογή σε χημειοπροληπτικές και θεραπευτικές στρατηγικές για τον ουροθηλιακό καρκίνο. / Bladder cancer is the fourth and tenth most common malignancy in men and women, respectively, and its incidence is increasing annually in the developed countries. Current prognostic parameters cannot predict with certainty the long-term outcome of bladder cancer and as a result there is a need to identify markers that may predict tumor behavior. Furthermore, given the limitations of current therapeutic options (surgery, chemotherapy or immunotherapy and radiotherapy), novel treatment strategies are very much needed. One such strategy targets transcription factors such as nuclear receptors and their upstream activators. Disruption of these transcription factors is a key element in the initiation and maintenance of a malignant phenotype. The nuclear receptor PPARγ is involved in controlling metabolism, cell growth, angiogenesis, and immune and inflammatory responses. In addition, it has also been suggested that it regulates tumor suppression as well as tumor promotion. RXRα is another member of the nuclear receptor superfamily, that partners PPARγ to form the DNA-binding complex. RXR ligands are already being used as chemopreventive agents in various types of cancer. The transcription factor AP-1 is formed by dimerization of Jun and Fos proteins and its activity is often associated with tumor progression. On the other hand, there is also evidence that AP-1 may enhance apoptosis. CBP is one of the most important transcriptional integrators. The competition of PPARγ and AP-1 for CBP is one of the multiple mechanisms that explain the negative PPARγ/AP-1 cross-talk. In the present study, we assessed separate and concurrent expression of the five factors (PPARγ, RXRα, p-c-Jun, c-Fos, CBP) in normal urothelium, precancerous lesions and urothelial carcinomas (UC). Clinical samples were derived from 88 patients who had undergone diagnostic biopsy or therapeutic excision of the bladder, the kidney or the ureter. Parafin section immunohistochemistry was utilized and relative expression was estimated in intracellular compartments, intraepithelial layers and histologic categories of urothelium. All five factors had mainly nuclear pattern of expression. P-c-jun was downregulated in patients older than 70 years old compared to younger ones, whereas age did not affect the expression of the rest four factors. PPARγ, CBP, p-c-Jun and c-Fos were upregulated towards tumorigenesis. PPARγ and CBP showed an inverse relationship with carcinoma level of differentiation. Moreover, PPARγ expression downregulated significantly in invasive tumors compared to non-invasive ones. On the contrary, RXRα expression did not vary significantly along the carcinogenesis course. The following correlations were based on coexpression analysis to reveal molecular interactions between the five factors. The established protective effect of PPARγ on urothelium was accompanied by concomitant RXRα, p-c-Jun and c-Fos moderate or strong expression. In detail, p-c-Jun’s increasing expression strengthened the positive relation of PPARγ with better differentiated, less invasive tumors, whereas c-Fos seemed to mildly lessen PPARγ’s favourable effect in urothelium differentiation. Statistically significant PPARγ upregulation in malignant tissues compared to normal urothelium and in non-invasive tumors compared to invasive ones is suppressed and finally cancelled by CBP’s increasing expression. PPARγ and AP-1 seemed to influence the negative relation of CBP with loss of differentiation and increase of malignant potential in UC, an observation that denotes a cross-talk between these molecular factors. Interestingly, most of the aforementioned correlations were noticed in patients older than 70 years old, but not all of them were plausible in younger patients. The results from the present study could lead to conclusions possibly applicable in chemoprevention and therapy strategies for urothelial carcinomas.

Systematic evaluation of oligodeoxynucleotide binding and hybridization to modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes

Kaufmann, Anika, Hampel, Silke, Rieger, Christiane, Kunhardt, David, Schendel, Darja, Füssel, Susanne, Schwenzer, Bernd, Erdmann, Kati 09 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Background: In addition to conventional chemotherapeutics, nucleic acid-based therapeutics like antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (AS-ODN) represent a novel approach for the treatment of bladder cancer (BCa). An efcient delivery of AS-ODN to the urothelium and then into cancer cells might be achieved by the local application of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). In the present study, pristine MWCNT and MWCNT functionalized with hydrophilic moieties were synthesized and then investigated regarding their physicochemical characteristics, dispersibility, biocompatibility, cellular uptake and mucoadhesive properties. Finally, their binding capacity for AS-ODN via hybridization to carrier strand oligodeoxynucleotides (CS-ODN), which were either non-covalently adsorbed or covalently bound to the diferent MWCNT types, was evaluated. Results: Pristine MWCNT were successfully functionalized with hydrophilic moieties (MWCNT-OH, -COOH, -NH2, -SH), which led to an improved dispersibility and an enhanced dispersion stability. A viability assay revealed that MWCNTOH, MWCNT-NH2 and MWCNT-SH were most biocompatible. All MWCNT were internalized by BCa cells, whereupon the highest uptake was observed for MWCNT-OH with 40% of the cells showing an engulfment. Furthermore, all types of MWCNT could adhere to the urothelium of explanted mouse bladders, but the amount of the covered urothelial area was with 2–7% rather low. As indicated by fuorescence measurements, it was possible to attach CS-ODN by adsorption and covalent binding to functionalized MWCNT. Adsorption of CS-ODN to pristine MWCNT, MWCNT-COOH and MWCNT-NH2 as well as covalent coupling to MWCNT-NH2 and MWCNT-SH resulted in the best binding capacity and stability. Subsequently, therapeutic AS-ODN could be hybridized to and reversibly released from the CS-ODN coupled via both strategies to the functionalized MWCNT. The release of AS-ODN at experimental conditions (80 °C, bufer) was most efective from CS-ODN adsorbed to MWCNT-OH and MWCNT-NH2 as well as from CS-ODN covalently attached to MWCNT-COOH, MWCNT-NH2 and MWCNT-SH. Furthermore, we could exemplarily demonstrate that AS-ODN could be released following hybridization to CS-ODN adsorbed to MWCNT-OH at physiological settings (37 °C, urine). Conclusions: In conclusion, functionalized MWCNT might be used as nanotransporters in antisense therapy for the local treatment of BCa.

Systematic evaluation of oligodeoxynucleotide binding and hybridization to modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes

Kaufmann, Anika, Hampel, Silke, Rieger, Christiane, Kunhardt, David, Schendel, Darja, Füssel, Susanne, Schwenzer, Bernd, Erdmann, Kati 09 November 2017 (has links)
Background: In addition to conventional chemotherapeutics, nucleic acid-based therapeutics like antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (AS-ODN) represent a novel approach for the treatment of bladder cancer (BCa). An efcient delivery of AS-ODN to the urothelium and then into cancer cells might be achieved by the local application of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). In the present study, pristine MWCNT and MWCNT functionalized with hydrophilic moieties were synthesized and then investigated regarding their physicochemical characteristics, dispersibility, biocompatibility, cellular uptake and mucoadhesive properties. Finally, their binding capacity for AS-ODN via hybridization to carrier strand oligodeoxynucleotides (CS-ODN), which were either non-covalently adsorbed or covalently bound to the diferent MWCNT types, was evaluated. Results: Pristine MWCNT were successfully functionalized with hydrophilic moieties (MWCNT-OH, -COOH, -NH2, -SH), which led to an improved dispersibility and an enhanced dispersion stability. A viability assay revealed that MWCNTOH, MWCNT-NH2 and MWCNT-SH were most biocompatible. All MWCNT were internalized by BCa cells, whereupon the highest uptake was observed for MWCNT-OH with 40% of the cells showing an engulfment. Furthermore, all types of MWCNT could adhere to the urothelium of explanted mouse bladders, but the amount of the covered urothelial area was with 2–7% rather low. As indicated by fuorescence measurements, it was possible to attach CS-ODN by adsorption and covalent binding to functionalized MWCNT. Adsorption of CS-ODN to pristine MWCNT, MWCNT-COOH and MWCNT-NH2 as well as covalent coupling to MWCNT-NH2 and MWCNT-SH resulted in the best binding capacity and stability. Subsequently, therapeutic AS-ODN could be hybridized to and reversibly released from the CS-ODN coupled via both strategies to the functionalized MWCNT. The release of AS-ODN at experimental conditions (80 °C, bufer) was most efective from CS-ODN adsorbed to MWCNT-OH and MWCNT-NH2 as well as from CS-ODN covalently attached to MWCNT-COOH, MWCNT-NH2 and MWCNT-SH. Furthermore, we could exemplarily demonstrate that AS-ODN could be released following hybridization to CS-ODN adsorbed to MWCNT-OH at physiological settings (37 °C, urine). Conclusions: In conclusion, functionalized MWCNT might be used as nanotransporters in antisense therapy for the local treatment of BCa.

Small molecule FGF receptor inhibitors block FGFR-dependent urothelial carcinoma growth in vitro and in vivo

Lamont, F.R., Tomlinson, D.C., Cooper, Patricia A., Shnyder, Steven, Chester, J.D., Knowles, M.A. January 2011 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Activating mutations of FGFR3 are frequently identified in superficial urothelial carcinoma (UC) and increased expression of FGFR1 and FGFR3 are common in both superficial and invasive UC. METHODS: The effects of inhibition of receptor activity by three small molecule inhibitors (PD173074, TKI-258 and SU5402) were investigated in a panel of bladder tumour cell lines with known FGFR expression levels and FGFR3 mutation status. RESULTS: All inhibitors prevented activation of FGFR3, and inhibited downstream MAPK pathway signalling. Response was related to FGFR3 and/or FGFR1 expression levels. Cell lines with the highest levels of FGFR expression showed the greatest response and little or no effect was measured in normal human urothelial cells or in UC cell lines with activating RAS gene mutations. In sensitive cell lines, the drugs induced cell cycle arrest and/or apoptosis. IC(50) values for PD173074 and TKI-258 were in the nanomolar concentration range compared with micromolar concentrations for SU5402. PD173074 showed the greatest effects in vitro and in vivo significantly delayed the growth of subcutaneous bladder tumour xenografts. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that inhibition of FGFR1 and wild-type or mutant FGFR3 may represent a useful therapeutic approach in patients with both non-muscle invasive and muscle invasive UC.

Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 promotes proliferation and survival via activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in bladder cancer

Tomlinson, D.C., Lamont, F.R., Shnyder, Steven, Knowles, M.A. January 2009 (has links)
Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) play key roles in proliferation, differentiation, and tumorigenesis. Many urothelial carcinomas contain activating point mutations or increased expression of FGFR3. However, little is known about the role of other FGFRs. We examined FGFR expression in telomerase-immortalized normal human urothelial cells, urothelial carcinoma cell lines, and tumor samples and showed that FGFR1 expression is increased in a high proportion of cell lines and tumors independent of stage and grade. To determine the role of FGFR1 in low-stage bladder cancer, we overexpressed FGFR1 in telomerase-immortalized normal human urothelial cells and examined changes in proliferation and cell survival in response to FGF2. FGFR1 stimulation increased proliferation and reduced apoptosis. To elucidate the mechanistic basis for these alterations, we examined the signaling cascades activated by FGFR1. FRS2alpha and PLCgamma were activated in response to FGF2, leading to activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. The level of mitogen-activated protein kinase activation correlated with the level of cyclin D1, MCL1, and phospho-BAD, which also correlated with FGFR-induced proliferation and survival. Knockdown of FGFR1 in urothelial carcinoma cell lines revealed differential FGFR1 dependence. JMSU1 cells were dependent on FGFR1 expression for survival but three other cell lines were not. Two cell lines (JMSU1 and UMUC3) were dependent on FGFR1 for growth in soft agar. Only one of the cell lines tested (UMUC3) was frankly tumorigenic; here, FGFR1 knockdown inhibited tumor growth. Our results indicate that FGFR1 has significant effects on urothelial cell phenotype and may represent a useful therapeutic target in some cases of urothelial carcinoma.

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