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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vartotojo sąsajos kūrimas su Omnis Studio / User Interface Development with Omni Studio Software

Vaivada, Gražvydas 03 September 2010 (has links)
Tikslas: Išanalizuoti Omnis Studio programinę įrangą ir sukurti eksperimentinę vartotojo sąsaja. Taikymo eksperimento objektas: Omnis Sudio 4.2 development versija. Omnis Sudio 4.2 server versija. Omnis Sudio 4.2 runtime versija. Problema: Šiuo metu, kai verslo apimtys yra labai išaugusios, programavimo specialistai pastoviai ieško naujų programų kūrimo technologijų, kurios geriau prisitaikytų prie esamų verslo poreikių. Siekiama, kad programinių sistemų kūrimo kaštai būtų kuo mažesni: programa būtų sukurta per ko trumpesnį laikotarpį, atitiktų aukščiausią kokybę ir svarbiausia butų pagaminta už mažiausią kainą. Taip atsirado, greito programinių sistemų kūrimo technologija RAD (Rapid Application Development – greitas programinių sistemų kūrimas). Vienas iš šių įrankių yra ir Omnis Sudio. Tai viena jauniausia ir perspektyviausia, šiuo metu rinkoje esanti programinę įranga, su kuria galima greitai ir patogiai kurti įvairiausio dydžio programines sistemas. Taikymo eksperimento metodologija: Bus siekiama sukurti vartotojo sąsają, su kuria būtų galima lengvai atlikti duomenų bazės valdymą (duomenų įtraukimą, redagavimą, šalinimą, navigaciją tarp įrašų). Naudotos priemonės Omnis Sudio 4.2 development versija. Omnis Sudio 4.2 server versija. Omnis Sudio 4.2 runtime versija. Taikymo eksperimento apimtis: Taikymo eksperimentas apima šiuos realizacijos atvejus: duomenų įtraukimas, redagavimas, šalinimas, navigacija, paieška ir filtravimas. Taikymo eksperimento rezultatų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / All the time programmers are trying to find new technologies with which they could create faster and with minimal expenses. In our days there are a lot of Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools, which allow us to create business and mission-critical applications for enterprise. Each of them has certain merits and demerits, but today one of the most powerful RAD tools is Omnis Studio. This is a new technology in Lithuania and not known very much in the world, but in the future I think that it will become very popular and used. Using Omnis Studio you can create any type of application and deploy it to the internet using unique Omnis web client technology. The Omnis web client lets you embed application into a standard web page and allows anyone to access application using a web browser such IE, Netscape, Mozilla or Safari. With Omnis Studio you can write application much faster, cheaper and higher quality. The main purpose of the project is to analyze Omnis Studio, find how to create user interfaces, witch can control data base (for example: insert data, update, delete, find or filter data). Analyze graphical components, the features of the programming and the characteristics of the data bases. I wrote the features and characteristics of the Omnis Studio. I wrote how to create user interface. I described all the graphical components, classes and variables used in Omnis. I created two different user interfaces, one is web user interface and the other is simple client Omnis... [to full text]

Delninių kompiuterių programinės įrangos projektavimo metodų tyrimas / Pocket PC software analysis of designing methods

Černiauskas, Nerijus 26 May 2006 (has links)
While there has been much successful work in developing rules to guide the design and implementation of interfaces for desktop machines and their applications, the design of mobile device interfaces is still relatively unexplored and unproven. This paper discusses the characteristics and limitations of current mobile device interfaces. Using existing interface guidelines as a starting point, a set of practical design guidelines for mobile device interfaces is proposed. An experimental interface was created that ran on a Pocket PC 2002 mobile computer and used a simple events registration style interface to enter data of basketball’s competition. The buttons of the registration system were changed in size between 12x12, 16x16 and 20x20 pixels and used a sound. Results showed that sounds significantly improved usability for both standard and small buttons.

Vartotojo sąsajos modeliavimas duomenų srautų specifikacijos pagrindu / User Interface Design Based on the Data Flow Specification

Eidukynaitė, Vilma 29 May 2006 (has links)
The user interface is the direct mediator between the user and the system. It is one of main factors which influences how fluently and with what time resources system could be integrated into business process and how fast systems deployment could be performed. User interface is one of the most important points in software design, because it determines quality and rate of project implementation. Software design methodologies, based on Unified Modeling Language (UML), Oracle CASE, introduced by C. Finkelstein, D. J. Anderson, V. Balasubramanian, A. Granlund, D. Lafreniere, D. Carr are analyzed in this paper. The user interface modeling method based on data flow specification is presented in this work; the software prototype of modeling user interface based on this method is implemented.

Tvarkaraščių analizės ir sudarymo sistema / Shedule analysis and development system

Ūselis, Linas 04 March 2009 (has links)
Anotacija Baigiamajame magistro darbe aptartas mokyklinių tvarkaraščių generavimas ir optimizavimas. Taip pat buvo išsiaiškinti keliami reikalavimai mokykliniams tvarkaraščiams. Šio darbo tikslas yra sukurti programinę įrangą, kurį sugeneruotų mokinių ir mokytojų tvarkaraščius. Sukurta vartotojų sąsaja tenkina visus jai keltus reikalavimus. Siekiant tikslo yra keliami šie uždaviniai: išanalizuoti mokyklinių tvarkaraščių generavimą, išsiaiškinti keliamus reikalavimus mokykliniams tvarkaraščiams, susipažinti su esama tvarkaraščių generavimo programine įranga, sugalvoti naują generavimo algoritmą, sukurti draugišką vartotojo sąsają. Darbo apimtis – 48 p. , 25 pav., 2 lentelės, bibliografinis šaltinis. / Summary In this final work school schedule and optimization is described. Also analyzed requirements for school scheduling. Main purpose of the work was to develop user interface which create school schedule for teachers and schoolboys Developed user interface serves all requirements. There are several tasks to be achieved: to analyze schools scheduling; to find out raised requirements for school scheduling; to analyze software of school scheduling, to create new algorithm, to create friendly user interface. Work’s size: 48 pages, 25 fig., 2 tables, bibliographical sources.

Vektorinė grafika žiniatinklyje / Vector graphics in the world wide web

Gerasim, Stanislav 25 November 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamos vieno vektorinės grafikos formato – SVG – taikymo galimybės kuriant žiniatinklio aplikacijas, svetaines. Darbe pateikti keturi SVG taikymo variantai – „SVG panaudojimas su JavaScript ir CSS“, „SVG paslėpimas po JavaScript objektais“, „SVG paslėpimas po XBL elementais“, „SVG ir elementai symbol/use“. Kiekvienu atveju nurodoma, kaip galima realizuoti naudotojo sąsajos elementus, išvardinti metodo privalumai, trūkumai. Taip pat visais keturiais metodais realizuotas veikiantis pavyzdys – vektorinės grafikos redaktorius, kuris parodo, kad jau šiandien SVG galima taikyti savo projektuose. Darbe aprašomi bendri SVG integravimo į žiniatinklio turinį principai, trumpai palyginama SVG ir Flash technologija, susipažinama su minėtais realizavimo variantais, naudotojo sąsajos elementais, pagal tam tikrus kriterijus pateikiamos rekomendacijos, kada koks SVG taikymo variantas yra parankesnis. / This work covers applications of one of the vector graphics format – SVG in internet applications, sites. The work presents four SVG usage variants – “SVG with JavaScript and CSS”, “SVG behind JavaScript objects”, “SVG behind XBL elements”, “SVG and symbol/use elements”. In every case examples of implementing user interface elements are given. Also advantages and disadvantages are listed for mentioned methods. As an example vector graphics redactor was implemented in four different ways, which shows that SVG can be used for today’s applications. The work describes common SVG integration principles in the web, briefly compares SVG and Flash, introduces four SVG usage variants, user graphics interface elements, gives recommendations which method is better according to chosen criteria.

Saityno svetainių vartotojo sąsajos panaudojamumo vertinimo metodo sudarymas ir tyrimas / Development and analysis of the Web site user interface usability evaluation method

Daunoravičius, Arūnas 13 August 2012 (has links)
Pagrindinis šio darbo uždavinys yra parengti metodą, kuris leistų įvertinti saityno svetainių vartotojo sąsajos panaudojamumą. Sprendimas remiasi egzistuojančiais panaudojamumo vertinimo būdais, teorijoje apibrėžtomis gairėmis bei panaudojamumo srities ekspertų nusakytomis idėjomis. Metodas realizuotas sukūrus internetinę sistemą, kuria gali naudotis bet kuris vartotojas, turintis interneto prieigą. Sistema suteikia galimybę įvertinti pasirinktos svetainės vartotojo sąsajos panaudojamumą. Atsakius į vertinimo klausimus pateikiamos nustatytos problemos bei pasiūlomos rekomendacijos. Metodas yra baigtinis, o jo duomenys gali būti nuolat plečiami bei tobulinami, naudojant administravimo zoną, kuri suteikia galimybę srities ekspertui nustatyti naujus vertinimo kriterijus, rekomendacijas bei klausimus. Sukurtas metodas yra panaudojamas pasiūlius konkretų duomenų (klausimai, problemos, rekomendacijos ir kt.) rinkinį, kuris leidžia įvertinti elektroninės prekybos sistemų vartotojo sąsajos panaudojamumą. Pasiūlyti duomenys nėra baigtiniai, tačiau leidžia kokybiškai įvertinti patį metodą. Sukurtas sprendimas galėtų būti naudingas tiek sistemų kūrėjams, tiek savininkams. / The main purpose of this work is to develop a method that could help to evaluate web site user interface usability. The solution is based on existing usability evaluation methods, theory-defined guidelines and outlined ideas of usability experts. The method is implemented by creating an online system that can be used by any user with internet access. System allows evaluating user interface usability of a chosen web site. After answering evaluation questions user can view and analyze identified problems and offered recommendations. The method is final, and its data can be continuously increased and improved through the administration zone which allows experts to create new evaluation criteria, recommendations and questions. Created method is used by proposing a specific set of data (questions, problems, recommendations, etc.), which allows to evaluate user interface usability of e-commerce systems. Suggested data is not final, but it helps to evaluate the quality of the method. Developed solution could be useful for both system developers and owners.

Förflyttad till en annan värld : en litteraturstudie om immersion och användargränssnitt i digitala spel / Displaced to an alternative world : a literature study in immerstion and the user interface in video games

Andreasson, Mikael January 2013 (has links)
Jag har med denna litteraturstudie närmare undersökt begreppet immersion och dess koppling tillgränssnitt i digitala spel inom FPS-genren (First-Person Shooter). I studien presenteras först tidigare forskning som skett inom områdena för immersion, användargränssnitt samt digitala spel. Utifrån detta lyfts det sedan upp tre saker i problemformuleringen: att immersion kan påverka människor, att gränssnitt är en viktig länk mellan spelet och spelaren samt att genren även har en betydelse vid utformandet av gränssnitt. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka aktuell teori vilket har ökat min förståelse för immersion, användargränssnitt samt digitala spel. En kvalitativ inriktad forskning med hermeneutiken som metod har använts vid utförandet avstudien. Jag presenterar i resultatkapitlet exempel på tre stycken spel i FPS-genren där det framkommer att två av dessa spelen har gränssnitt som stödjer immersion varav det tredje spelet har ett gränssnitt som bryter immersionen. Från resultatet har sedan fyra stycken riktlinjer extraherats med syftet att ge gränssnittsdesigners tydliga instruktioner om vad som gäller vid utvecklingen av gränssnitt som stödjer immersion i FPS-genren. Slutsatsen har med studien blivit att gränssnitt kan påverka immersion i både en positiv och negativ mening. / I have with this literature study closer studied the term immersion and it's connection to user interfaces within video games in the FPS-genre (First-Person Shooter). The study first presents previous research that has occurred in the fields of immersion, user interfaces and video games. Three things are then, from this, later lifted up in the problem specification, those three are, that immersion can affect people, that user interfaces are critical links between the gamer and the game and that the genre is significant in the development of a user interface. The purpose of the study has been to a research current theory which has expanded my knowledge in the fields of immersion, user interfaces and video games. A qualitative oriented research with hermeneutics as the methodology has been applied in the execution of the study. I then present, in the results chapter, three examples of games in the FPS-genre where it is found that two of these games have a user interface that supports immersion with the third game having a user interface that breaks immersion. The results have then been extracted into four guidelines with the purpose to give user interface designers clear instructions about what applies in the development of user interfaces that supports immersion in the FPS-genre. The conclusion of the study has then been that user interfaces can affect immersion in both a positive and in a negative way.


ZHAO, XULIN 31 January 2011 (has links)
Business processes describe a set of tasks for accomplishing business objectives of an organization. Business applications automate business processes to improve the productivity of business users. Nowadays, the business environment changes fast due to rapid market growth and technological innovations. Business processes are continuously updated to reflect new business initiatives. Business applications are frequently evolved to add features to meet new requirements and fix defects. Quite often, business processes and business applications evolve independently without direct reference to each other. Over time, it becomes more and more challenging to maintain the consistency between a business application and the corresponding business processes. Moreover, the existing development approaches rely on software developers’ craftsmanship to design and implement business applications. Such a development paradigm is inefficient and leads to inconsistency between business processes and business applications. To facilitate the alignment between business applications and business processes, we present an approach that automatically generates software architecture and code skeletons of business applications from business processes. We identify architectural components from business processes by analyzing dependencies among tasks. To verify the achievement of quality requirements, we extend a set of existing product metrics to automatically evaluate the quality of the generated software architecture designs. Eventually, we apply refactoring strategies, such as software architectural styles or design patterns, to optimize the generated software architecture designs and resolve identified quality problems. Moreover, we also present an approach to automatically refine software architecture to design models and code skeletons of business applications. The effectiveness of our proposed approach is illustrated through case studies. / Thesis (Ph.D, Electrical & Computer Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2011-01-30 00:06:34.77

Bag-and-Dump: Design and Evaluation of a User Interface for manipulating items across multiple contexts.

Winkler, Dominic January 2011 (has links)
The copy-and-paste paradigm is a fundamental operation in graphical user interfaces. However, existing copy-and-paste techniques have limitations, in particular in terms of efficiency and robustness against interruptions. This thesis is focusing on improving the user interface used to copy-and-paste objects across different contexts, such as a series folders. To improve this fundamental operation, a new copy-and-paste technique, called Bag-and-Dump, is proposed, implemented and evaluated. Bag-and-Dump aims to substantially reduce mouse movement by allowing the user to gather up (‘bag’) source data across different folders before ‘dumping’ the whole load at the destination. Additionally, Bag-and-Dump provides constant visual feedback in the form of a bag-like semantic cursor to increase robustness against interruptions. Bag-and-Dump was eval- uated against two standard copy-and-paste techniques (Keyboard Shortcuts and Drag-and-Drop) under a different number of contexts (folders) and with and without inter- ruptions. Results from the experiment not only showed that Bag-and-Dump indeed significantly reduces mouse movement, it also confirmed that Bag-and-Dump was 9% faster than Keyboard Shortcuts, one of the most popular copy-paste techniques among “expert users”.

Natural User Interface Design using Multiple Displays for Courier Dispatch Operations.

Clifford, Rory January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores how Natural User Interface (NUI) interaction and Multiple Display Technology (MDT) can be applied to an existing Freight Management System (FMS), to improve the command and control interface of the dispatch operators. Situational Awareness (SA) and Task Efficiency (TE) are identified as being the main requirements for dispatchers. Based on studies that have been performed on SA and TE in other time critical occupations such as Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) and Air Traffic Control (ATC), a substitute dispatch display system was designed with focus on courier driver and freight management systems and monitoring. This system aims to alleviate cognitive overheads without disrupting the flow of the existing CFMS by providing extended screen area matched with a natural input mechanism for command and control functionality. This Master’s thesis investigates which of commercial state-of-the-art interface tools is best to use in a wide Field-of-View (FOV) multiple screen display and to dicern if there is any practical impact that a proposed NUI system will have to courier dispatching. To assess the efficacy of such a hypothetical system the author has developed an experimental prototype that combines a set of three monitors in a Multi-Monitor System to create the overall display system, accompanied with two traditional and two advanced NUI direct and indirect interaction techniques (mouse, trackpad, touch screen and gesture controller). Experiments using the prototype were conducted to determine the optimum configuration for control/display interface based upon task effectiveness, bandwidth and overall user desirability of these methods in supporting behavioural requirements of dispatch workstation task handling. The author use the well-studied and robust Fitts' Law for measuring and analysing user behaviour with NUIs. Evaluation of the prototype system finds that the multi-touch system paired with the multi-monitor system was the most responsive of the interaction techniques, direct or indirect. Based on these findings, employing such an interaction system is a viable option for deployment in FMS's. However for optimal efficiency, the firmware that supports the interactivity dynamics should be re-designed so it is optimized to touch interaction. This will allow the multi-touch system to be used effectively as an affordance technology. Although the gesture interaction approach has a lot of potential as an alternative NUI device, the performance of gesture input in this experimental setting had the worst performance of all conditions. This finding was largely a result of the interface device limitation within the wide FOV display range of the multi-monitor system. Further design improvements and experimentation are proposed to alleviate this problem for the gesture tracking and for the touchscreen modalities of interaction.

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